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English prepositions of place. Remembering prepositions of place in English Why are they needed?

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1 Lesson 25: Prepositions of Place (in, at, on, under, over, near, into, in front of) Lesson 25: Prepositions of place and how to use them Reading He lives in Hong Kong. (He lives in Hong Kong.) I watch TV in the living room. (I'm watching TV in the living room.) I arrived at the coffee shop. (I came to the coffee shop.) He is waiting for you at the bus stop. (He is waiting for you at the bus stop.) 1

2 He put his letter on the desk. (He put his letter on the desk.) Look at the picture on the wall. (Look at the picture on the wall.) Your cat is under the chair. (Your cat is under the table.) I found your shoes under my bed. (I found/found your shoes under my bed.) There is a bridge over the river. (There is a bridge over the river.) I jumped over the gate. (I jumped over the fence.) I live near my parents house. (I live close to my parents' house.) I left your bag near the door. (I left / left your bag near the door.) 2

3 She came into the room. (She entered my room.) He jumped into the pool. (He jumped into the pool.) She is standing in front of the classroom. (She is standing in front of the class.) The dog is waiting in front of the station. (The dog is waiting in front of the station.) 3

4 Grammar focus (Pay attention to grammar) Prepositions of place: in, at, on, under, over, near, in front of, etc. Study the table below. preposition meaning explanation in in inside something at in/on denotes the exact position, arrangement, place; used with the words table (table), computer (computer), desk (desk), as well as with various events on covering or touching the surface of something under under Below something or under something, covered with something over above Above something or opposite something, covering something near close at a short distance from something into in from inside to outside in front of in front of something 4

5 Speaking (Oral task) 1) I m in the car now. (I'm in the car now.) 2) You left your watch in the bathroom. (You left/left your watch in the bathroom.) 3) Were you at the party too? (Were you also at the party?) 4) I stayed at home all weekend. (I was/was at home all weekend.) 5) The cat is sleeping on the carpet. (The cat is sleeping on the carpet.) 6) I put your favorite books on the desk. (I put/put your favorite books on the table.) 7) She is hiding under the table. (She hides under the table.) 8) I sat with him under the tree. (I was sitting with him under a tree.) 9) I jumped over the fence. (I jumped over the fence.) 10) Please step over those things, they are for a school project. (Please step over these things, this is a school project.) 5

6 11) I won't go near the fire. (I will not go near the fire.) 12) The station is near my house. (The station is near my house.) 13) She went into the building. (She entered the building.) 14) She threw the letter into the fire. (She threw the letter into the fire.) 15) I parked in front of his house. (I parked in front of his house.) 16) Can you wait for me in front of the office? (Can you wait for me in front of the office?) 6

7 Gap Filling Fill in the missing words. Ami: Rory, I will stay the doctor's office for another hour. I'll be late, I'm sorry. Ami: Rory, I'll be at the doctor's office in another hour. I'll be late, sorry. Rory: No worries Ami. I will go to the coffee shop then. It is too cold to wait it. Rory: Don't worry Ami. I'll go to the cafe then. It's too cold to wait in front of him. Ami: Aren't you wearing an overcoat your suit? Ami: Didn't you put a coat on your suit? Rory: I am, but it s freezing outside and I have nothing the shirt. Rory: I put it on, but it's freezing outside and I don't have anything under my shirt. Ami: Oh, OK Wait! Are you the coffee shop already? Ami: Oh, okay Wait! Are you already at the cafe? Rory Rory: Not yet. I'll be there in a minute. Why? : Not yet. I'll be there in a minute. And what? Ami: Maybe you could come to the one that is the office. I think I will be done in half an hour after all. 7

8 Ami: Maybe you could go to the one near the office. It seems to me that we will finish in half an hour. Rory: OK, but I expect you to have a huge smile on your face for the rest of the day! Rory: Okay, but I'm going to count on you to have a huge smile on your face for the rest of the day! Ami Ami: You are the best! : You are the best! 8

9 Translating Translate these sentences into English. 1) He is very famous in the world. (famous/known = famous) 2) The children are playing in the garden. 3) I saw Alex at the bus stop a couple of days ago. 4) I'll meet you at the airport, Jenny. 5) He found her earrings on the floor. (earrings = earrings) 6) The clock on the wall doesn't work. 7) She carries her laptop under her arm. (carry = carry, armpit = under one's arm) 8) The river flows under the bridge. 9) They went into the yard. (yard = yard) 10) My apartment is close to a shopping center. 11) Chair near the fireplace. 12) Please put this bowl in the sink. (wash = sink; bowl = bowl) 13) Can I park in front of your house? (park a car = park (a car)) 9

10 14) My school is close to the station. 15) Greg dived into the lake. (dive = dive) 16) We arranged ourselves in front of our school. (take a picture/be photographed = take a picture) 10

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The most ancient and popular prepositions in the English language are in at on. Over the course of many centuries, due to repeated use, these functional parts of speech have acquired various functions and semantic meanings. There are many nuances in the use of these words, so they should be taken very seriously, since their incorrect use, both in speech and in writing, can create an awkward situation or call into question the speaker’s literacy.

The preposition IN is used with months, with names of seasons, with years, with long periods of time (in the 16th century). Examples:

  • I’m going on holiday in August.— I'm going on vacation in August.
  • Kate left school in 1998.— Katya graduated from school in 1998
  • The garden is magic in winter.— The garden is magical in winter.
  • This castle was built in the 13th century.— The fortress was built in the 13th century.

Remember! If a date is indicated, the preposition on is used, not in.

The preposition AT is used to indicate time when talking about the clock (at 2 o'clock, at 6 o'clock), certain moments of the day (at lunch, at midnight, at noon, at night), weekends/holidays (Easter, Christmas). Examples:

  • We will meet at 9 o'clock.- We will meet at nine o'clock.
  • I'll come back at midday.— I'll be back at noon.
  • People gives presents to each other at the New Year.— People give each other gifts on New Year's Day.
  • It rains at night.— It rains at night.

Remember! If you mean a specific night, you can also use the preposition of time in:

  • Christmas is coming. All the dreams come true in the night.- Christmas is coming. On this night all dreams come true.

Remember! In American English they say on the weekend, not at the weekend.

Also, the preposition AT in English is used in set expressions that need to be memorized:

  • at the moment - at the moment
  • at present - currently
  • at the same time - at the same time
  • at that/the time - at that/certain time
  • at the age of - at the age of ... years

Example: He is sleeping at the moment. At the moment he is sleeping.

The preposition ON is used before dates (September 5, May 16), days of the week (Wednesday, Saturday, Friday), as well as special dates (birthday, wedding, etc.). Example:

  • He was born on March 10.— Born on March 10.
  • Call me on Saturday.- Call me on Saturday.
  • Who will come on your birthday?- Who will come to your birthday?

All of the above can be summarized in one table, which you can (at first) look into when performing strengthening exercises.

In addition, you need to remember the following rules:

Prepositions of time are never used with the words all, this, one, some, that, each, any, last, next, every!

  • He is coming back next Monday.— He'll be back next Monday.
  • I went to Greece last year.— I went to Greece last year.

Prepositions of time are never used with the words tomorrow, yesterday, tonight, today.

  • Ann saw them yesterday morning.
  • Anna saw them yesterday morning.

The use of prepositions IN, AT, ON in the meaning of place

The preposition IN is used in speech to denote the position of an object inside something: a larger object, a building, a territory - in a word, a closed space.

  • We will go for a walk in the park. — We'll take a walk in the park.
  • My coins are in my purse.— My coins are in my wallet.

The preposition IN is also used to indicate a place of work, but with one amendment.

  • He works at Tate. — He works at Tate.
  • He works in a shop— He works in a store.

Although the sentences refer to one place, the first case refers to the company itself, while the second case specifically refers to the place of work.

Remember! These phrases need to be memorized:

  • work on a farm- work on a farm, BUT work in a factory- work in a factory.

The preposition IN should be used when indicating the location of an object inside a building:

  • It was raining, so I decided to shelter in the cafe.— It was raining, so I decided to take refuge in a cafe.

Both the prepositions in and on are used before road names.

  • The Petrol Station is on/in Wood Road.— The gas station is on Wood Road.

The preposition IN is used before the names of cities and countries: in Greece, in Russia, in London.

The preposition ON in the meaning of place must be used when denoting an object that is on a flat surface or in contact with it (on the celling - on the ceiling; on the wall - on the wall; on the floor - on the floor, etc.)

  • John built the cottage on the lake.— John built a cottage on the lake.
  • I saw a big stone on the road.— I saw a big stone on the road.

As for travel by transport, both the preposition in and on are used here, depending on the meaning. Let's look at examples:

  • He is going to come on a train.— He's going to come by train.
  • Alice was in the train when I've come to meet her.— Alice was on the train when I came to meet her.

In the first case, it means the use of a certain type of transport, and in the second, the fact of being inside the vehicle itself. An exception is the phrase “in a car”. The preposition in is always used here.

The preposition AT is usually used when one means a specific place or point, rather than an area or an unlimited abstract territory.

  • There were a lot of directors at a festival.— There were many directors at the festival.
  • I met her at Mary's Birthday.— I met her at Mary’s birthday party.

As you can see, in the phrases at a festival and at Mary’s Birthday the preposition indicates a specific place.

The preposition AT is also used before the names of cities, implying institutions located there or large-scale events and activities taking place there.

  • There were a lot of well-known people at London Theater Festival.— Many famous people were present at the festival in London.
  • Many well-known people live in London. — Many famous people live in London.

The difference is clear even to those who do not yet have a deep knowledge of English or those who know little about the theatrical life of London. London in the first case is part of the name of the event (London Theater Festival), and in the second case the city itself is meant.

The preposition AT is used before the names of educational institutions, abbreviating and hiding their full name.

  • I study at Moscow (The University of Moscow).— I study at the University of Moscow.


  • I study in Moscow.— I study in Moscow (meaning the city itself).

You can use the preposition AT when talking about various organizations:

  • She works at L'Oréal.— She works at L'Oreal.

The preposition AT is used before the names of buildings and structures when they act as specific points or landmarks: at school, at the dentist’s, at the supermarket, at the shop etc.

  • Tom was at the planetarium yesterday.— Tom was at the planetarium yesterday.
  • Robbie eats at McD on Friday.— Robie eats at McDonald's on Fridays.

The preposition AT precedes numbers when indicating an address.

  • Their house is at 36 Park Avenue.— Their house is located on 36th Park Avenue.

The preposition AT is placed before the name of the street when any institution located on it is indicated.

  • The presidents were meeting today at Downing Street.— Today the presidents met at Downing Street.

In this case, we mean the residence of the Prime Minister of Great Britain, located at this address, and not the street itself.

However, when referring to a financial institution on Wall Street, they say on Wall Street.

And one more nuance when using the preposition AT: according to the general rule, it always follows the verb “arrive” (to arrive).

  • We arrived at the station in time.— We arrived at the station on time.

But if we are talking about arriving in a large city/metropolis, then the preposition IN is used.

  • The airplane arrives in Chicago at 14.20.— The plane arrived in Chicago at 14.20.

Prepositions IN, AT, ON in fixed expressions

Word combinations and phrases that were formed during a certain period of history and did not change for a long time are called stable expressions. There are no clear rules for the use of prepositions in such constructions, so they need to be learned by heart. Here are the most common ones:

  • in somebody’s opinion - in someone’s opinion;
  • in fact - essentially, in fact, in fact;
  • in case - in case;
  • on the radio/television - on radio/television;
  • on holiday/business/a trip/an cruise, etc. - on vacation/on a business trip/on a trip/on an excursion/on a cruise, etc.;
  • at last - finally.
  • Cafe is closed. The stuff is on holiday.— The cafe is closed. The staff is on vacation.
  • In my opinion he is very clever boy.- In my opinion, he is a very smart boy.
  • The sky was cloudy and I took my umbrella just in case.— The sky was cloudy, and I decided to take my umbrella just in case.
  • I’ll hear her speech on the radio tomorrow.— I'll listen to her speech on the radio tomorrow.
  • At last, I read this book till the end.— Finally, I read this book to the end.

Strengthening exercises

Insert suitable prepositions of time.

  1. I'm busy... the moment. 2. He will come back ... an hour. 3. We will go to New York... next week. 4. They got married… June. 5. Do you work... Saturdays. 6. Let’s meet… 7 pm tomorrow. 7. I call parents... every Sunday. 8. The bus leaves... ten minutes. 9. I’ll get my money… the end of the month. 10. I go to the gym… Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Answers: 1. at, 2. in 3. sentence is complete 4. in 5. on 6. at 7. sentence is complete 8. in 9. at 10. On Translate the following sentences into English.

Prepositions belong to the auxiliary parts of speech, the main functions of which are to formulate connections between different words in a sentence. The English language is characterized by the use of prepositions with such parts of speech as nouns, adjectives, gerunds and pronouns. Words following prepositions are called their complements, for example:

  • There is a great difference between her wishes and his possibilities. - There is a huge difference between her desires and his capabilities.

There are different types of prepositions. They can express temporary connections, or they can indicate spatial relationships between objects and phenomena. It should be emphasized that among English prepositions, it is the prepositions of place that are the most diverse and numerous.

English preposition

The meaning conveyed by the preposition

An example of using a preposition in speech

Inside, within, within the framework of any object, space or subject

In the bathroom (in the bathroom)
- in Berlin (in Berlin)
- in the letter (in a letter)
- in the train (on the train)
- in the air (in the air)

Location (at, near, near, next to, at, on, in, behind, etc.)

At the railway station (at the railway station)
- at the blackboard (at the blackboard)
- at the birthday party (at the birthday party)
- at the theater (in the theater)

Proximity, closeness of an object (next to, near, nearby, not far from, not far from, etc.)

At her door (at her door, near her door)

On the surface of something, on something

The knife is on the kitchen table (the knife is on the kitchen table)
- St.Petersburg is located on the Neva (St. Petersburg is located on the Neva River)
- on the plate (on the plate)

On the right or left side

On the right side (on the right side, on the right, on the right side)

Location on any floor

On the sixth floor (on the sixth floor)

In combination with the words “television”, “radio”

On TV = on television (on TV)
- on the radio (on the radio)

next to, beside, by

A location directly next to or very close to something or someone

John is sitting by / next to / beside the gate. John sits next to the registration desk.

Location below or below something

My basket is under that big tree. - My basket is under that big tree.

Location below any level

Nick was looking at the clouds below his plan. - Nick looked at the clouds under his plane.

Placement on top (on the surface) of something

Her mummy told her to put on a warm jacket over her dress. - Her mother told her to put on a warm jacket over her dress.

Moving over something

It was her dream to fly over the Pacific Ocean. - It was her dream to fly over the Pacific Ocean.

Overcoming something over the top

Our cat wanted to climb over this wall. - Our cat wanted to climb over this wall.

Position above something (above)

The children of their neighbors above are very loud. - The children of their upstairs neighbors are very loud (they behave very loudly).

The location is on the other side; going to the other side of something

John ran across the Plank-Street. - John ran across Plank Street.

passing through, moving through something

The letter was pushed through the gap. - The letter was slipped through the slot.

Movement towards someone or something

To the museum (to the museum)
- to Oslo (in Oslo)

Set expression “go to bed, sleep”

To go to bed (go to bed, go to sleep)

Movement, movement into something

Into the room (into the room, into the room)

Movement towards something or someone, approaching without the need to achieve the goal

Mary walked two steps towards the house of John. - Mary took two steps (walked two steps) towards John’s house).

Movement, moving up

Your dog jumped onto the sofa! - Your dog jumped on the sofa!

Movement from somewhere, from some starting point; indication of origin

This man came from Gagra. - This man came from Gagra.