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Watermelon - growing in the Urals is possible! Growing watermelons in the Urals in open ground and greenhouses.

Watermelon is a capricious, heat-loving crop with a long growing season, imported from Africa, and grows well in regions with long and warm summers. However, Ural farmers can also grow this berry on their plots. To do this, they will not need much effort - just choose the right planting time, decide on the varieties of watermelons and follow simple rules for caring for the beds.

Growing watermelons in the Urals in open ground

Growing watermelons independently in the conditions of the Ural realities is fraught with some difficulties, because summer residents have to withstand rather harsh climatic conditions. This region also has very specific soil, so success in cultivating this crop can only be achieved by A complex approach and fulfilling a number of conditions:

— compliance with agricultural technology;

— choice in favor of regionalized promising varieties;

— attention to the rules of caring for crops planted in open ground.

Caring for watermelons in the Urals

Watermelons grow well in the Urals, which are grown in sunny, illuminated beds. The soil on them should have an acidity of 6.5-7 pH. Before planting, the beds with melons need to be fertilized with special compounds. A mixture of superphosphate with the addition of ammonium sulfate and potassium salt is suitable.

Since the Ural soil is quite heavy, sand and rotted manure are added to lighten its structure, and only then they begin to dig and prepare a place for holes with watermelons.

Care also involves other actions. So, a summer resident will need to mulch the beds with watermelons to improve their survival rate and level the difference between day and night temperatures, which negatively affects the development of the root system, and shade the crops in case of excessively sunny weather.

But proper care of watermelons in the Urals is not a guarantee that the berries will grow large, tasty, juicy and sweet. Farmers also need to worry about choosing a variety, because the usual varieties of watermelons grown in the south will not survive in the conditions of the Urals. Therefore, you need to pay attention to zoned varieties that are less demanding on heat and light.

Name Varietal description Varietal features Sustainability
"Crimson-Sweet" A round or rounded-oblong fruit with a smooth dark green surface and light green longitudinal stripes. The pulp is dark red, crisp and sweet, without veins High sugar content in the pulp, the ability to transport crops over long distances, good shelf life of fruits French variety with relative resistance and tolerance to Fusarium lesions
"Suga Baby" A round fruit with a smooth dark green surface. The pulp is red and juicy, with few small seeds Hybrid form with excellent taste and commercial qualities of fruits, suitable for harvest transportation Low risk of damage by anthracnose and fusarium
"Honey" The fruit is broadly elliptical in shape with a smooth light green surface and spiny green stripes. The pulp is red, medium in density The variety is suitable for long-term transportation; the fruits are able to retain marketability and taste for a month after harvest. Average level of resistance, preventive treatments of melons are required
"Producer" The fruit is oval in shape with a smooth light green surface and relatively pronounced dark green stripes. The pulp is sweet, red The harvested crop is well preserved and can be transported over long distances. Fruits with high sugar content of pulp American variety resistant to fusarium, false powdery mildew and stem rot
"Ultra-precocious" The fruit is round in shape with a smooth light green surface and spiky dark green stripes. The pulp is dark red, granular and tender Belongs to the category of the earliest, unpretentious and incredibly cold-resistant varieties Practically not affected by anthracnose and powdery mildew

The listed varieties are zoned. That is, they are different high yield, early ripening and excellent taste characteristics. Their main feature– this is a short growing season, which is about two to two and a half months. This specificity of varieties makes it possible for Ural farmers to reap a good harvest without the use of harmful chemicals and nitrates in the beds.

Landing Features

The choice of planting date is very important. In the Urals, experts advise summer residents to plant watermelons as seedlings in April, and transfer them to open ground when the weather gets warmer. It should be taken into account that the growing season of the crop is about 65-70 days.

To increase the germination percentage of purchased seeds, they can be subjected to a number of procedures. Among them:

— scarification;

— soaking in a weak manganese solution for the purpose of disinfection;

— pre-sowing hardening.

Planting material treated in this way will sprout well and will not hurt. Therefore, the farmer will free himself from a number of hassles in advance.

It is very important to promptly carry out independent pollination of plants at temperatures below 18-20 degrees

Prepared seedlings are planted in the garden at intervals of 90-100 cm, leaving row spacing of at least 50-60 cm. After planting, the soil can be covered with black plastic film so that it warms up better.

Video: growing watermelons in central Russia

Subtleties of crop rotation

In the conditions of the Urals, it is also necessary to comply with crop rotation requirements. So, open beds with melons, farmers need to place them in the places where beans previously grew, different kinds cabbage or potatoes. Crops such as garlic, strawberries, carrots, pumpkin, etc. are not suitable as predecessor plants.

Actinidia, blackberries and grapes have practically taken root in the Urals. It’s the watermelons’ turn to get used to harsh living conditions. Dmitry Telezhinsky, senior, will act as an assistant and mentor in this Researcher breeding station. He knows exactly what the secret is successful cultivation watermelons in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg.

Watermelon is a heat-loving crop. When growing in the Urals, the weakest point is the roots. Normally, the root system needs the earth to warm up above plus 20°C and have little moisture. When the soil temperature is lower, the root system hardly works, it is quickly affected by root rot, and the plant dies. This happens even in tropical climates where the soil is always warm.

For the sake of prevention, watermelon is vaccinated against root system lagenaria (bottle gourd) or specially bred rootstocks. The roots of lagenaria are not so capricious, they are less likely to be affected root rot. In addition, the compatibility of watermelon and bottle gourd is excellent - you don’t even need to leave the watermelon leaves.

This year I grew grafted watermelons in open ground on compost heaps measuring 1.5 x 1.5 meters, 40 cm high. The heaps consisted of plant residues from last year with the addition cow dung. To better warm the soil, I covered everything from above with transparent plastic film.

I planted watermelons in holes filled with a peat-humus mixture with the addition of ash. Four watermelons fit on one ridge, and there were three piles in total. It is not advisable to water the plant directly at the base of the stem. Therefore, I dug an inverted plastic 5-liter bottle without a bottom into the center of the ridge and poured water into it.


At the time of planting, watermelon seedlings should be approximately one month old. We add another 10 days for the grafting to grow together, plus about a week for seed germination. It turns out that you need to sow watermelons for seedlings 45-47 days before planting the seedlings themselves.

Lagenaria germinates and grows faster, so it is sown on the rootstock for a week later than watermelon. Before sowing, it is better to check the germination of seeds. This year I sowed six bags of lagenaria. Three varieties from different manufacturers, only about 60 seeds, and only 11 plants germinated, quite late, which indicates low germination energy and low quality.

Lagenaria seeds have a very durable shell, so you may find advice to lightly crack it to increase germination. I carefully opened some of the seeds, but did not get a noticeable effect.


I grafted watermelons onto pumpkins in two ways: by approaching the tongue and by copulation type. The first method is good because the survival rate tends to 100% and you don’t need any cups or jars to create high humidity and reducing evaporation.

Cups and jars will be required with the second method, and for 5-8 days. But in this case, after grafting, much less labor is spent cleaning up the growing rootstock. The incision was made with half a safety razor blade, and the grafting components were secured with small clothespins purchased from an online store. Transparent clips with a large grip width turned out to be the most convenient, red ones are in second place, and white polyethylene clips are designed for a rootstock with a thinner diameter. Before that I tried to fix the vaccinations with foil and cling film, but all this is much less convenient than clips.


First, we sow a watermelon seed in a pot with a volume of 0.5-1 liter, and after it sprouts, side by side, at a distance of 2-3 cm, we plant a lagenaria seed, preferably pre-sprouted. We vaccinate when the lagenaria sprout is 3–7 days old. The main thing is that the subcotyledon knee lengthens.

The lagenaria sprout above the cotyledon leaves is removed, the cotyledon leaves are not touched. I connect the stems of watermelon and lagenaria below the cotyledon leaves and mark with a marker, the boundaries of the future grafting - I carry out two horizontal lines at a distance of approximately 1 cm on the stems. Then I use a blade to scrape off the top layer of skin between the marks so that they grow together more tightly and make a cut 1 cm long and half the stem deep. The cut on lagenaria should be from top to bottom, and on watermelon, on the contrary, from bottom to top. I carefully place the tabs behind each other and secure them with a clip. On the Internet you can find many videos with this vaccination.

If the rootstock and scion were grown in different boxes, then before grafting they are dug up, and after grafting they are planted with obligatory shading and so that the humidity is higher.

After 4-5 days, you need to lightly squeeze the watermelon stem below the grafting site. This way we damage some of the conducting vessels from the watermelon root, and the plant switches to nutrition from the lagenaria root. After 10 days, the watermelon root can be completely cut off.

If you leave the plant on two roots, there is a possibility that the watermelon root will be affected by rot, the disease will spread upward and this will destroy the entire plant. With this grafting method, dormant lagenaria buds periodically wake up and need to be removed. The clips are removed after about 10-12 days, you can remove them later, but you need to make sure that there are no constrictions.


With this method, watermelons are planted separately from lagenaria, usually in a box rather than in pots, so they occupy less space. We sow lagenaria 7-10 days later in pots with a volume of 0.5 - 1.0 liters. After its cotyledon leaves unfold, you can begin grafting.

An oblique cut about 1 cm long is made on the lagenaria so that one cotyledon leaf remains, and the growth point and the second cotyledon leaf are cut off. On the subcotyledon of the watermelon, an oblique cut of the same length is also made, the sections of the rootstock and scion are combined and secured with a clip.

The plants are covered with a plastic transparent cup or glass jar to create high humidity and create partial shade. Pumpkin and watermelon grow together in 4-5 days. Then the plants need to be gradually accustomed to normal humidity and lighting by lifting a glass or jar.

Grafted seedlings need to be planted very, very carefully and only after frost has passed. It costs less watering than other pumpkins.

In 2018, June was very cold here; plants hardly developed during this month. However, even in this summer I managed to collect 30 watermelons. On the root, only 4 fruits managed to ripen before freezing (a watermelon is ripe if the tendril in the node to which the stalk is attached has shrunk), they were sweet and aromatic. A frost at the end of August killed the foliage, but did not damage the fruits; they had to be removed. Half of them also became sweet after 1-2 weeks. The rest turned red and acquired an aroma, but did not become sweet.

In 2018, I grew the following varieties of watermelon:

« Gift to the sun" - an early yellow-skinned variety that produced the very first fruit. The largest one weighed about 3 kg, the rest weighed 1.5-1.0 kg. The taste is good.

« Solntsedar» – similar to the previous variety, also yellow-skinned.

« Ataman"- this is a foreign hybrid, it produced only one fruit, but the largest one - about 4.5 kg. The taste is good.

« Skorik» – fruits weigh 1.5-2.0 kg, taste good, seeds are large compared to previous varieties.

« Yarilo- gave only one fruit weighing about 2 kg of good taste. The seeds are large.

« SRD-2“- was not grafted, gave three fruits of 1-1.5 kg each, which did not have time to gain taste. The seeds are large.

« Ultra early ripening“- was not grafted, gave 4 fruits approximately 0.8-1.0 kg each, two of them were ripe on the vine, the taste was good.

In a warm summer, you can get a much larger harvest of ripe watermelons, but most importantly, you should see with what interest and impatience children watch the growth of these fruits.

Despite the fact that watermelon is traditionally considered a very finicky representative of melon crops, preferring the warm sun and mild climate, many residents of the Northern regions of Russia are happy to grow this fruit crop in their areas. The main thing in growing watermelons is knowledge of certain subtleties and the ability to use them correctly. Today you will learn about all the features of growing watermelon in the Urals (in a greenhouse), and you will also be able to get acquainted with the best varieties for this region (video instructions are attached).

Features of growing watermelons in the Urals

The Urals are generally considered a region quite difficult for growing any crops, not just melons, but if you approach this process correctly and strictly follow the cultivation techniques, you can achieve a positive result.

Planting seedlings in closed ground

To prevent the process of growing watermelon from ending in failure, remember that the presence of closed soil (greenhouse) - important condition. This is due, first of all, to the climate characteristics of the region in question, the small amount of sun and heat (even in summer).

Advice. Since the “garden” season in such a harsh climatic region as the Urals is about 60-70 days, growing watermelon with seeds is a rather risky process. For this reason experienced gardeners recommended in Northern regions The cultivation of melons is carried out exclusively by the seedling method.

Sowing seeds in containers with prepared soil is carried out approximately in the second half of April. The seeds must be carefully sorted, leaving only the best and extremely healthy specimens. Then disinfect it by holding it for about 15-20 minutes in a weak manganese solution. After potassium permanganate, the seeds are thoroughly washed and dried.

It’s also a good idea to carry out the process of scarification and hardening seed material in the refrigerator (remember, the temperature must be above zero). Then the seeds need to be germinated a little, wrapped in a layer of damp gauze. You can simplify your life by purchasing ready-made seedlings in specialized stores.

The soil in the greenhouse should be properly prepared, and in advance. Approximately a couple of weeks before sowing seedlings in the greenhouse, a layer of soil about 20 cm thick is removed. Nutrient “biofuel” is laid out on top of the exposed soil: a mixture of hay and humus with the addition of nutrients(it is better to give preference to nitrogen ones).

The laid out layer is watered generously with water (very hot) and covered with the previously removed layer of soil. It is advisable to cover the damp soil with a dark film on top (this way you can long term conserve heat and moisture in the soil). During the daytime, be sure to open the greenhouse at least temporarily so that condensation does not form under the film.

Planting seedlings in the ground should not be done before the first few leaves (at least 4 pieces) form on the young sprouts. The distance between seedlings should be at least 0.8 m.

Caring for a young plant

Caring for a young growing crop is quite simple, and novice gardeners may even find it very interesting. In order to get a rich and tasty harvest of juicy watermelons at the end of summer, remember a few simple rules for growing this melon culture:

  1. Watering young plant It is best to do this no more than 2-3 times a week, and the water for irrigation should be used exclusively warm. The simplest option is to place a barrel with warm water in the greenhouse: stable heat in a closed greenhouse will make it possible to keep the water at a level comfortable temperature. And one more thing: how much high temperatures were not observed in summer season, under no circumstances should you increase watering frequency.
  2. Feeding should be moderate and not too frequent: for the entire growing season For plants, it is enough to add nutritional components to the soil about 3 times (when the sprouts reach a height of 25 cm, during flowering and when the first fruits appear). When choosing a suitable fertilizer, preference should be given to organic matter.
  3. Pollination will have to be done on your own, since summer in the Urals is as harsh as the region itself (maximum rain, minimum heat). First, you need to correctly determine which of the flowers are female and which are male. Then pick a few male ones and lean them against the female ones: the pollen will immediately fall on the stamens. To attract bees, it is advisable to spray the plant with sweet water, or even better, with honey.
  4. Pinching is extremely scrupulous and very important point in the process of growing watermelons. Remember a simple point: watermelon fruits grow on the main stem, which means that only side shoots need to be removed. The number of leaves on each shoot should also be controlled (you shouldn’t leave too many, 4-5 pieces are enough). Upper part Be sure to pinch each vine so that the last fruit is covered by at least a couple of leaves.

For cultivation in the Urals, choose special varieties

The best varieties of watermelon for growing in the Urals

Before we talk about varieties that are optimally suited for growing in the Urals, it is important to remember a couple simple moments, which should guide every gardener when choosing a watermelon variety for growing in cold climates. First, pay attention to the growing season of the variety: it should be as short as possible. Secondly, when choosing suitable variety It is better to give preference exclusively to early ripening varieties.

  • Gift to the North F1. Exclusively early variety: the first “strikes” will appear in the greenhouse only 70 days after sowing the seeds (!). The harvest is quite generous, the fruits are different large size, have a round shape and glossy surface. They tolerate transportation well and are not afraid of most diseases.
  • Creamstar F1. Incredibly early ripening watermelon: the first fruits please the owners of their garden plots just 60 days after planting the young shoots in the ground. The variety is very productive, the fruits are quite large (in some cases, the weight of one fruit can reach 8-9 kg). The pulp of watermelon is tender, moderately juicy and very sweet.
  • Striped whale. thin-barked early ripening variety, the fruits of which have juicy, tender pulp (the highlight of the variety is the light green surface of the fruit with thin dark green stripes and pale pink flesh). The variety ripens quite quickly. The fruits grow of medium size: the weight of one usually does not exceed 5 kg.

To get a good harvest, it is important to follow agricultural cultivation techniques
  • Honey. Excellent variety, suitable for long-term storage: the fruits fully retain their original appearance for 30 days from the date of harvest. The fruits are round, slightly flattened on top. The peel has a light green color. The pulp of the fruit is deep red, juicy, very sweet.
Advice. The variety cannot be called sufficiently resistant to some diseases, so agricultural practices for its cultivation should be observed very strictly. It is also advisable to periodically preventative treatment plants.
  • Ultra early ripening. A unique incredibly early ripening, as well as exceptionally “tenacious” variety, which is not at all afraid of harsh climatic conditions and various diseases. For this reason, it is very popular among gardeners in cold regions of Russia. The fruits grow medium in size, round in shape. The peel is light, the flesh is dark, quite sweet and grainy.

This, perhaps, is where the consideration of the peculiarities of growing watermelons in the Urals comes to an end. You learned about all the intricacies of growing this melon crop, as well as which varieties are best used for growing in the Urals. Good luck!

Watermelons in the Urals: video

The best varieties of watermelons for the Moscow region, the Urals and Siberia and their advantages

Who would refuse to enjoy a juicy sweet watermelon at the end of summer - beginning of autumn? But when you buy a handsome striped dog brought from somewhere warm, you involuntarily think about its maintenance. After all, today it is no secret to anyone what means and methods are used to “improve” the conditions for growing and storing this juicy berry. And watermelon, as you know, has the property of accumulating nitrates in its fruits. It is for this reason that its use sometimes causes nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhea. Children bear such consequences especially hard.

But! Nothing scares our gourmets. Therefore, everything repeats itself from year to year. But you can grow watermelons yourself. Almost in any part of Russia. On your own summer cottage. And at the same time get tremendous pleasure from the taste of an environmentally friendly product.

A little history

There is an opinion that watermelons can only grow in hot climates. This is understandable, because the birthplace of this melon crop is Africa. Even today there are some types of watermelons that have not been touched by human hands. But their cultural species spread throughout the world. Modern breeders are developing more and more new varieties of watermelons (red and yellow), changing the size, shape, color and even taste of the fruits of such a familiar crop.

The Astrakhan watermelon is still considered the most famous in the post-Soviet space. Its yield, disease resistance, shelf life and good transportability have been appreciated by many manufacturers.

But now the fashion is to surprise. A Krasnodar melon grower was able to grow a watermelon weighing 61 kg! Big? But this is half the world record, since the most big watermelon Carolina Cross varieties were plucked from his garden in 2005 by American Lloyd Bright from Arizona.

But the Sokolov family of breeders creates watermelons with new flavors. The eldest - father, Sergei Sokolov, created the world famous Lunar with an unusual yellow pulp and a hint of lemon. His son Artem is the Vector variety - a watermelon with a nutmeg flavor.

In general, there are a lot of varieties of watermelon, more than a thousand. But it is worth remembering that most of them were developed for specific climatic conditions. And for those living, for example, in the Urals or Siberia, exotic representatives of sugar berries most likely will not sprout at their dachas.

To get a good harvest, experienced gardeners choose varieties that are more suitable for their region.

Watermelons are growing in the middle zone!

When choosing seeds for melons, you should understand: even the best varieties Watermelons will not give positive results without proper care and certain conditions. And yet, the choice of watermelon variety for the middle zone is important. In addition, it is important to know what area the seeds are from, since seeds brought from the south may not adapt well to northern latitudes.

In outskirts of Moscow

There are many types of melons adapted to a relatively harsh climate, but the best varieties of watermelons for the Moscow region are Ogonyok, Skorik, Crimson Sweet. They are early ripening, which is an indispensable condition for the specified area.

In the Urals

The climates of the Moscow region and the Urals are similar, so the same varieties of watermelons are sometimes chosen. But there is even more suitable watermelons for the Urals - varieties Krimstar, Pink Champagne, Gift to the North.

In Siberia

Practice shows that melon varieties in Siberia are suitable not only for greenhouses. The same Ogonyok and Crimson Sweet are suitable for this. There are also varieties of watermelons for Siberia in open ground: Sugar Baby, Astrakhan, Ultra Early, Sibiryak.

Above are the best varieties of watermelons for Siberia, including Dutch ones, which have been tested more than once. But the list doesn't end there. If desired, you can find other varieties and hybrids suitable for a particular area.

IN middle lane Watermelons are grown mainly from seedlings.

In the second half of April, the seeds are soaked for a couple of days (you can first warm them up for several days near the radiator), after which 1 seed is planted in pots in a mixture of peat and sand. The pot is covered with polyethylene or glass and placed on sunny place. If there is a lack of light, they are artificially illuminated. The seedlings will be ready for planting in three weeks.

When germination, special attention should be paid to humidity. There should not be too much moisture. Otherwise, the seeds may rot. But they will not germinate in dry soil either.

You can sow the seeds directly into open ground, but be sure to cover the crops with film. Remove the film after the first shoots.

The place for planting watermelons should be well lit, because watermelon is a light-loving plant. Due to lack sunlight the fruits will not be very sweet.

You should care for plants in the same way as for cucumbers or pumpkins; be sure to loosen the soil.

In order for the fruits in the middle zone to ripen well and quickly, it is better to leave fewer fruits on each vine, then they will be larger.

How to grow watermelons in the Urals

Surely few people have heard of such a concept as Ural sugar watermelon. This is not surprising, because growing watermelon in open ground conditions, unlike growing ground cucumbers or zucchini, is not typical for the Urals. But imported watermelons on the market do not inspire confidence. Therefore, a private gardener who has his own treasured acres, no, no, will even think about getting this melon crop from his plot. Of course, we are not talking about industrial cultivation of a heat-loving plant, but for personal consumption, yes.

Is it possible to grow watermelons in the Urals?

It is quite possible to grow watermelons not only in the southern latitudes of our country, but also in the Urals. The main thing is to take into account the peculiarities of planting crops in a given area and follow them in practice. It is important to understand that it is not possible to obtain large watermelons weighing 10 kg or more in the Urals, since they simply do not have time to ripen in a short period of summer. The maximum they will be capable of is the formation of thick and strong lashes with peduncles. When temperature indicators begin to decline, melon plantations will stop their growth and development and begin to slowly die.

For the Urals, it is better to choose early-ripening watermelons with excellent cold resistance and the ability to produce crops not only early, but also at large volume. An early ripening variety can be determined by the ripening period indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer - this is 75–80 days from the date of planting. Whereas the ripening period for mid-ripening watermelons is 85–90 days, and for late ripening ones it is 95 days or more.

For cultivation in the temperate climate of Russia and Siberia, varieties characterized by an accelerated fruiting period and small in size fruits: Ogonyok, Gift to the North, Sugar Baby and others. With this choice, there is a possibility that the crop will be able to fully ripen during the short warm summer.

To grow watermelons in the Urals you need to choose early ripening varieties with small fruits

How to grow watermelons in the Urals

Watermelon is considered annual plant, which is grown from seeds. In the Central zone and northern regions of the country, it is advisable to use the seedling method of cultivation, since planting seeds directly into the ground in these areas is a very risky activity.

Preparing seeds for planting

Seed treatment procedures begin in mid-April. Before planting, watermelon seeds are sorted and subjected to pre-sowing treatment, which consists of a number of procedures:

  • heating is carried out to rid the seeds of the fungus. The seeds are laid out in close proximity to heating devices and kept there for one week. The main thing is that the temperature is comfortable and varies between +25–30 °C for wet seeds or +50–60 °C for dry ones. After this procedure, the seeds will germinate and sprout faster;
  • soak. The result of this manipulation is the saturation of dry seeds with moisture. The material is immersed in a saline or ammonia (3%) solution, or simply in warm water for 3 days, stirring constantly. Throughout the entire procedure, the water temperature should be maintained at +23–25 °C. By soaking, seeds that cannot be planted are identified: due to their lightness and the presence of emptiness inside, they do not sink either in the solution or in water. They are discarded, leaving only viable ones;
  • disinfection - keeping the seeds in a manganese (1%) solution for about half an hour.

Activities for the preparation of watermelon seeds are aimed at improving their germination and germination

Disinfected seeds must be dried under natural conditions, after which germination can begin.

Growing seedlings

The gardener must put maximum effort and vigilance into growing watermelon seedlings. To increase the germination of seeds, they can be pre-germinated by wrapping them in a damp cloth or gauze and placing them near a heater. In this case, temperatures up to +40 °C are allowed. You need to ensure that the fabric remains damp.

To increase the germination of seeds, they can be pre-germinated by wrapping them in a damp cloth and placing them close to the heater.

After germination, the seeds are planted in disposable containers that can be easily cut, which can later be thrown away without regret. This requirement is due to the fact that the root system is very sensitive and can die at the slightest injury.

Planting into the container is done in pairs, deepening the seeds by 3 cm. The volume of the total container should be selected based on at least 15 cm between neighboring bushes, as well as a depth of 12–15 cm. Subsequently, the stronger sprout should be left and the weaker one should be pinched.

Watermelon seedlings are grown in disposable plastic dishes, placing no more than two seeds in one container

The type of soil for watermelon must have the drainage properties that sandy loams have. If the soil is chernozem or with a predominance of clay components, it will have to be diluted with a small amount of sand. The soil for seedlings can be a nutrient mixture made up of several components.

Table: soil composition for watermelon seedlings

If the seeds have been properly prepared, the first sprouts can be expected to hatch within 5 days or a week. When the first true leaves form, feed the young bushes with dissolved bird droppings(1:20), watering at the root moderately and carefully.

Since daylight hours are short in the Urals, plants need organization artificial lighting. For normal development, seedlings require a 12-hour daylight hours, otherwise they may stretch out or even stop growing.

Seedlings should be watered moderately, exclusively at the roots, without getting on the leaves. The water should be at room temperature.

Seedlings that are at least a month old are planted in the garden beds, but they must first be hardened off: periodically ventilate the room or take the pots outside. The hardening process begins a week before planting in the ground. For the first time, the plants are taken outside for 20 minutes and left in a shaded place. In this case, the air temperature should not be lower than 18 °C. Later, the time of each session is slightly increased, and the place for the seedlings to stay is chosen to be sunny.

Landing in the ground

When the seedlings have five full-fledged leaves, they are planted on a plot or in a greenhouse, trying not to damage the root system. The plant is removed from the pot along with a lump of earth. The vegetable grower chooses the planting depth independently, focusing on the size planting pot. According to the rules for planting watermelons, you should leave the root collar free, without covering it with soil when planting. The holes must first be well watered.

Watermelon seedlings removed from the pot along with a lump of earth so as not to damage the root of the plant

Features of planting watermelons in the Ural region

The temperature regime for watermelon plantings is: during the day - 25–30 °C, at night - 18–20 °C.

Watermelons in the Urals are grown both in greenhouses and in beds on fresh air. In both cases, the agricultural technology for growing melons is largely identical. The difference is only in maintaining temperature and humidity conditions and in carrying out the pollination procedure.

How to grow watermelons in the Urals in open ground

A plot for melons is selected on sunny side where there are no drafts. Before planting seedlings, the soil for the beds is carefully prepared: weed out weeds, dig up, add fertilizers - humus (3 buckets per m2), complex minerals (1 tablespoon), ash (3 tablespoons). The beds are made high so that they can follow the planting pattern with a step of 0.5–1 m between plants. High ridges are especially necessary on heavy soils, where they would facilitate the drainage of excess water and ventilation.

The best predecessors for watermelon are cabbage, potatoes, onions. The width of the ridges should be within one and a half meters. After planting the seedlings, the surface of the ridges is covered with mulch. A layer of organic matter on top will prevent the leakage of heat and moisture from the soil and minimize labor costs for weeding.

The bed with watermelons should be high and 1.5 meters wide

In the Urals, it is recommended to plant watermelons in open ground after the threat of return frosts has disappeared - from the second half of June. When temperatures drop, it is necessary to be able to protect plants using covering material.

At strong wind Watermelon lashes are advised to be buried in light soil, without covering the fourth part of the plant.

How to grow greenhouse watermelons in the Urals

To grow watermelons in a greenhouse you need to build trellises

Often practiced in the Urals greenhouse cultivation watermelons together with cucumbers. However, having decided to combine cucumbers and watermelons in one greenhouse, it is important to understand that these crops have different needs for air humidity: watermelon needs dry air, and cucumber needs moist air. Therefore, when planting crops together, it is advisable to place watermelons at the ends of the greenhouse.

It's not for nothing that watermelon is considered heat-loving plant, for its seeds to germinate, a temperature of 30–32 °C is required. Higher temperatures (over +40 °C) in the greenhouse reduce the likelihood of pollination, but they are necessary for fruit formation. To stimulate the formation of ovaries in greenhouses, artificial pollination is often used. For this male flower with ripened pollen they touch the stamens on the female.

When growing watermelons in a greenhouse, they must be pollinated by hand.

During the period of fruit ripening, watermelons need to be provided with the following mode of existence: temperature in the range of 35–50 ° C, air humidity - 50–55%.

Watermelon needs sufficient sunlight in the greenhouse. Uncomfortable growth conditions are shading and thickening of plantings, prolonged cloudy weather, during which almost no sugar is formed in the fruits. In particular, the crop is highly sensitive to shading in the first growth phase and in the flowering phase. Therefore, the cleanliness of the transparent surfaces of the greenhouse must be monitored with special care.

Video: growing watermelons in the Urals in a greenhouse

How to care for watermelons in the Urals

Growing seedlings are watered regularly. The bush is formed, keeping up to 3 lashes on it.

They care for watermelons in the Urals exactly as they do everywhere else - they weed, loosen the soil, water the beds and feed the plants.

Watering plants

Watermelons have a long root system. The latter has the ability to intensively elongate and can grow more than a meter in depth. In case of severe drought, this feature is a definite advantage, but in the Ural territory, where rain is not uncommon, it can have the opposite effect, causing rotting of the roots. Therefore, watering plants must be taken seriously special attention.

Until the ovaries appear, the number of waterings is insignificant, less than for a cucumber. During the phase of fruit mass gain, water consumption during irrigation is increased. When the time comes to harvest, watering is again limited in volume (in this case, irrigation is carried out after harvesting the fruits). If this is not done, the watermelons will be too watery and lack sweetness in taste.

Watering of young plants is carried out warm water with a temperature of at least 25 °C. When watering, make sure that the root neck remains dry. Otherwise, the appearance of a characteristic disease - black leg - cannot be ruled out. For irrigation, grooves are arranged in the center of the row spacing. Water is poured out as much as it would be enough to fill the entire arable layer.

Watermelons need to be watered at the root with warm water.

After watering, the furrows are loosened or leveled. Some gardeners practice primitive watering homemade devices, which are dug in on both sides of the plant plastic bottles with the bottom cut off. It is into them that water is poured when watering is carried out.

Top dressing

Plants are fertilized every two weeks. For the first feeding, prepare a solution: add 1 tablespoon of ash and 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska to a bucket of water. For the second feeding in this composition, only the ash rate is increased, which will already be 2–3 tbsp. spoons. 6 days before the fruits ripen, the plants stop feeding.

Excessive content of nitrogenous substances in the soil inhibits the appearance of fruits on watermelon, while phosphorus additives accelerate this process.

In the first phase of growth, seedlings are hilled, raising the soil to the cotyledon leaves. By creating a favorable air-soil regime during hilling, the plants begin to grow additional roots better.

Formation of lashes

It is important to form growing watermelon tops in a timely manner, since its excess can take away part of the nutrition from the fruit. For this purpose, 2–3 barren shoots are cut off from the bottom of the main stem. The higher-lying lateral fruit-bearing stems of the first order are shortened after 2–3 leaves from the ovary, which has reached the size of a plum. If there are barren shoots of the first order, they are cut off above the first leaf, which provokes the regrowth of shoots of the second order, but already capable of bearing fruit.

In some cases, to provide the fruit with a significant assimilation surface, additional leaves are retained on the sides of the shoots. When the main lash reaches the top wire of the trellis, it is pinched and lowered down. When 3–5 fruits are formed on the plant (depending on the varietal of the plant and the power of its development), the entire number of growth points on the main branch and its branches is eliminated.

No more than 3–5 fruits are left on the watermelon bush

When the fruits reach the size of a large apple, they are lowered into nets attached to the trellis, taking care not to break the stems. In this case, the top of the watermelon should take a lower or lateral position in the grid.

Watermelon fruits are fixed on the net in a lateral or straight position

When forming a plant, experienced vegetable growers do not preserve the ovaries at the base of the bush, since they only undermine its strength. In addition, they advise getting rid of vines on the far periphery, since the percentage of their yield is negligible.


Watermelons are harvested immediately after they reach ripeness. Fruits cannot ripen separately from the mother's vine.

Signs of watermelon ripeness:

  • characteristic echo when lightly tapping or squeezing;
  • shiny (non-matte) surface;
  • dried stalk.

If planting dates and agricultural techniques were followed exactly, then the watermelon harvest in the Urals can begin to be harvested in the second half of August.

A dried stalk is one of the signs ripe watermelon

Watermelon varieties for breeding in the Urals with descriptions and characteristics

When choosing a watermelon variety before planting, you should pay attention to the weight of the fruit - it should not exceed 5 kg, otherwise the watermelons simply will not have time to grow to their true size, not to mention acquiring taste characteristics. To grow in the conditions of the short Ural summer, watermelon varieties should be selected that are zoned with short and super-short ripening periods. Under normal weather in the Urals, these varieties will be able to produce a harvest after 65–80 days.

It is better to buy planting material and do it at specialized points. Self-harvested seeds can be obtained from an unknown hybrid variety; it will not be possible to obtain watermelons with the supposed parental characteristics from it.

There are several specially bred watermelon varieties for cultivation in the Urals.


This watermelon ripens in 75–85 days, which allows it to be classified as an early one. Thirty-day-old seedlings of the Ogonyok variety in the Urals are planted in open ground in June, which allows harvesting at the end of August. The Ogonyok fruits themselves have a spherical shape, black-green color, thin crust, and bright red flesh. Ball fruits can grow up to 2 kg in weight. True, the weight of the fruit largely depends on the summer Ural weather - the colder it is, the less watermelons will weigh. The variety can be grown in a greenhouse and in an open street garden. Ogonyok's plants are not afraid of occasional drops in temperature.

The watermelon variety Ogonyok has small (2 kg) spherical fruits of black-green color.

Gift to the North

Early hybrid variety can form fruits weighing up to 10 kg. They are smooth-barked, green in color, with a broken dark pattern of lines. Their soft core is crispy and juicy, with high content sugars, has a reddish tint. The variety is characterized by good transportability, disease resistance, and the ability of the crop to bear fruit even during periods of severe drought.

The watermelon variety Gift to the North produces fruits weighing up to 10 kg


The name of this variety eloquently indicates the main advantage - accelerated ripening of fruits. The fruits of Skorik are small, spherical, thick-walled, with a dark green rind and small seeds. They are distinguished by excellent keeping quality.

The Skorik variety is characterized by rapid ripening of fruits, which are well stored and transported


The ripening of the fruits of this watermelon in the open Ural soil occurs 2 months after planting. The variety is noted as high-yielding. Its fruits are large (about 9 kg), with a strong concentration of sugars.

Krimstar is a high-yielding variety that produces large (up to 9 kg) sweet fruits

Sugar baby

An early watermelon variety, the plants of which are distinguished by their unpretentiousness to cultivation conditions. For this reason, the variety is loved by many experienced summer residents. At the same time, the taste of its fruits is known and appreciated throughout the world. Despite small size(1.5 or 2 kg), they have very sugary, bright red flesh. The fruits of this variety are ideal for pickling.

Sugar baby is easy to care for and produces small (up to 2 kg) sugary fruits

Ultra early

An early ripening watermelon variety with limited development of lateral stems. Therefore, the varieties of vines are compact and save land space. Which is very convenient when there is a shortage of it on the site. Round fruits with a dark green rind and dark stripes can gain weight up to 4–6 kg. The soft part is juicy, sweet, red.

The ultra-early variety is distinguished by the compact formation of vines on the plants; the fruits weigh 4–6 kg


This variety was created by scientists at the Ural Laboratory and was intended for the climate of Siberia. He is characterized by early dates fruit ripening. Plants of the variety are adapted to short-term temperature fluctuations, as well as to a decrease in temperature to 4–6 °C at the time of germination and leaf regrowth. The fruits reach a weight of 5 kg, have a sweet and crumbly pulp with a small amount of seeds.

Watermelons of the Sibiryak variety are resistant to short-term temperature changes

Crimson Sweet

According to some gardeners, this variety of melon plant is considered the best for growing in the Urals for several reasons. Firstly, it is early, and secondly, the characteristics of the fruit are quite suitable for obtaining them in this climate. They can grow up to 10 kg. Are different rounded shape, smooth surface, very sugary pulp. Thus, the name of the variety translated into Russian means Raspberry sugar.

The Crimson Sweet watermelon variety is excellent for the Ural climate; the round fruits grow up to 10 kg

I can't wait to start planting watermelons again! And in anticipation of this joy, I want to talk a little about them. About how to plant watermelons, because there are several ways to grow them and, having learned more about them, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Growing watermelons is no more difficult! And if you are still wondering whether to plant or not, then make up your mind. There is still time to buy seeds, since the time to plant watermelons in the Urals has not yet come, it’s too early, but soon...

So, let’s look at the last questions in order to discard all ambiguities and doubts in order to plant and grow the most delicious watermelons without problems, after trying which you will definitely refuse store-bought ones!!!...

It all starts with choosing seeds!

Despite the fact that our Ural summer is too fleeting, it still allows us to grow at least 5 kg. Of course, you need to choose early-ripening varieties, since late-ripening ones may not have time to ripen in our country. This can ripen while lying down, but watermelons must ripen in the garden.

This year I purchased seeds of the following varieties: Sweet Diamond- it is early ripening and high-yielding variety, its ripening period is 60-75 days! Fruits from 3-6 kg. The pulp is very sweet, with a high sugar content, and is distinguished by increased resistance to fusarium, excellent keeping quality and unsurpassed yield in all weather conditions.

I would also like to note a proven variety - Atamansky! This is generally a good variety that has not failed in any year, the ripening period is 68-88 days. Fruits weigh up to 3-6 kg, very tasty, the pulp is granular and sugary. The variety is very drought-resistant and slightly susceptible to fusoriosis and anthracnose.

Variety Honey cake- I really like it, it also has time to ripen here, although the ripening period is 78-90 days. Very easy to store, the fruits are stored until the New Year (maybe they would have been preserved longer, but we eat them, traditionally on New Year!)

Variety Early ripening Miracle berry- with yellow pulp, sweet and aromatic, like honey! The fruits are small, 2-4 kg, they don’t lie, we eat them immediately on the spot, we invite our friends to ripen them and try the unusual yellow watermelon! And the candied fruits made from it are simply amazing! To taste - watermelon honey! The variety is completely unpretentious, the yield is fast and friendly!

Variety Photon- also early ripening (82-105 days), but manages to grow 4 kg at most, although it is considered large-fruited. But they also last a long time - we eat them until the New Year!

And I took a new variety, I haven’t tried it yet, we’ll see... Barrel of honey, ripening period 90-95 days - mid-season variety, large-fruited... I don’t know what to expect from it yet, but I hope you like it too!

In a word, when choosing a variety, look at early maturity, resistance to disease and drought, and the possibility of growing in open ground.

Three methods of growing watermelons that I use!

Second way direct sowing into the ground in a greenhouse!

Here I do this: at the beginning of May (the weather doesn’t cooperate earlier) we close the greenhouse, and on the 12th, I soak the watermelon seeds. I pour boiling water (70 degrees) into a plastic lid and put the seeds in there, in a cloth, until they cool.

Then I make a hole, mixing it with clean river sand. I'm spilling these holes too hot water and lower the seeds 5-6 cm deep. I cover the hole with either glass or a water bottle without a bottom, and it turns out to be a mini-greenhouse.

Seeds with the blunt end up. When the shoots appear, I begin to open them gradually. At this time, everything is around the hole (using an earthen thermometer, I see that the soil has warmed up to 20 - 23 degrees. From year to year!).

That’s it, then, as usual, I tie them in a net to the trellis, and shape them as usual.

Third way - seedless in open ground!

Everything is the same here, but you need to take into account that I also make arches from willow branches as protection, and for the first month the watermelons live under the covering material. Then, when the air temperature more or less stabilizes, although nothing is stable in the Urals, I cover them, only at night.

Well, the landing time is moving to the end of May! A warm bed is laid and it takes two weeks for it to catch fire. Therefore, depending on which one (late or early) the landing time also varies.

In general, weather changes happen all the time here, so you need to be prepared for anything. Summer doesn't coincide with summer. Sometimes the heat is incredible, and sometimes it snows at the end of June!

Therefore, since spring we have been preparing for all weather surprises at once.

Surely few people have heard of such a thing as the Ural sugar watermelon. This is not surprising, because growing watermelon in open ground conditions, unlike growing ground cucumbers or zucchini, is not typical for the Urals. But imported watermelons on the market do not inspire confidence. Therefore, a private gardener who has his own treasured acres, no, no, will even think about getting this melon crop from his plot. Of course, we are not talking about industrial cultivation of a heat-loving plant, but for personal consumption, yes.

Is it possible to grow watermelons in the Urals?

It is quite possible to grow watermelons not only in the southern latitudes of our country, but also in the Urals. The main thing is to take into account the peculiarities of planting crops in a given area and follow them in practice. It is important to understand that it is not possible to obtain large watermelons weighing 10 kg or more in the Urals, since they simply do not have time to ripen in a short period of summer. The maximum they will be capable of is the formation of thick and strong lashes with peduncles. When temperature indicators begin to decline, melon plantations will stop their growth and development and begin to slowly die.

For the Urals, it is better to choose early-ripening watermelons with excellent cold resistance and the ability to produce crops not only early, but also in large quantities. An early ripening variety can be determined by the ripening period indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer - this is 75–80 days from the date of planting. Whereas the ripening period for mid-ripening watermelons is 85–90 days, and for late ripening ones it is 95 days or more.

For cultivation in the temperate climate of Russia and Siberia, varieties characterized by an accelerated fruiting period and small fruit size are suitable: Ogonyok, Gift to the North, Sugar Baby and others. With this choice, there is a possibility that the crop will be able to fully ripen during the short warm summer.

To grow watermelons in the Urals, you need to choose early-ripening varieties with small fruits

How to grow watermelons in the Urals

Watermelon is considered an annual plant that is grown from seeds. In the Central zone and northern regions of the country, it is advisable to use the seedling method of cultivation, since planting seeds directly into the ground in these areas is a very risky activity.

Preparing seeds for planting

Seed treatment procedures begin in mid-April. Before planting, watermelon seeds are sorted and subjected to pre-sowing treatment, which consists of a number of procedures:

  • heating is carried out to rid the seeds of the fungus. The seeds are laid out in close proximity to heating devices and kept there for one week. The main thing is that the temperature is comfortable and varies between +25–30 °C for wet seeds or +50–60 °C for dry ones. After this procedure, the seeds will germinate and sprout faster;
  • soak. The result of this manipulation is the saturation of dry seeds with moisture. The material is immersed in a saline or ammonia (3%) solution or simply in warm water for 3 days, stirring constantly. Throughout the entire procedure, the water temperature should be maintained at +23–25 °C. By soaking, seeds that cannot be planted are identified: due to their lightness and the presence of emptiness inside, they do not sink either in the solution or in water. They are discarded, leaving only viable ones;
  • disinfection - keeping the seeds in a manganese (1%) solution for about half an hour.

Activities for the preparation of watermelon seeds are aimed at improving their germination and germination

Disinfected seeds must be dried under natural conditions, after which germination can begin.

Growing seedlings

The gardener must put maximum effort and vigilance into growing watermelon seedlings. To increase the germination of seeds, they can be pre-germinated by wrapping them in a damp cloth or gauze and placing them near a heater. In this case, temperatures up to +40 °C are allowed. You need to ensure that the fabric remains damp.

To increase the germination of seeds, they can be pre-germinated by wrapping them in a damp cloth and placing them close to the heater.

After germination, the seeds are planted in disposable containers that can be easily cut, which can later be thrown away without regret. This requirement is due to the fact that the root system is very sensitive and can die at the slightest injury.

Planting into the container is done in pairs, deepening the seeds by 3 cm. The volume of the total container should be selected based on at least 15 cm between neighboring bushes, as well as a depth of 12–15 cm. Subsequently, the stronger sprout should be left and the weaker one should be pinched.

Watermelon seedlings are grown in disposable plastic containers, placing no more than two seeds in one container

The type of soil for watermelon must have the drainage properties that sandy loams have. If the soil is chernozem or with a predominance of clay components, it will have to be diluted with a small amount of sand. The soil for seedlings can be a nutrient mixture made up of several components.

Table: soil composition for watermelon seedlings

If the seeds have been properly prepared, the first sprouts can be expected to hatch within 5 days or a week. When the first true leaves form, feed the young bushes with dissolved bird droppings (1:20), watering moderately and carefully at the root.

Since daylight hours are short in the Urals, plants need artificial lighting. For normal development, seedlings require a 12-hour daylight hours, otherwise they may stretch out or even stop growing.

Seedlings should be watered moderately, exclusively at the roots, without getting on the leaves. The water should be at room temperature.

Seedlings that are at least a month old are planted in the garden beds, but they must first be hardened off: periodically ventilate the room or take the pots outside. The hardening process begins a week before planting in the ground. For the first time, the plants are taken outside for 20 minutes and left in a shaded place. In this case, the air temperature should not be lower than 18 °C. Later, the time of each session is slightly increased, and the place for the seedlings to stay is chosen to be sunny.

Landing in the ground

When the seedlings have five full-fledged leaves, they are planted on a plot or in a greenhouse, trying not to damage the root system. The plant is removed from the pot along with a lump of earth. The vegetable grower chooses the planting depth independently, focusing on the size of the planting pot. According to the rules for planting watermelons, you should leave the root collar free, without covering it with soil when planting. The holes must first be well watered.

Watermelon seedlings are removed from the pot along with a lump of earth so as not to damage the root of the plant

Features of planting watermelons in the Ural region

The temperature regime for watermelon plantings is: during the day - 25–30 °C, at night - 18–20 °C.

Watermelons in the Urals are grown both in greenhouses and in beds in the fresh air. In both cases, the agricultural technology for growing melons is largely identical. The difference is only in maintaining temperature and humidity conditions and in carrying out the pollination procedure.

How to grow watermelons in the Urals in open ground

The site for melons is selected on the sunny side, where there are no drafts. Before planting seedlings, the soil for the beds is carefully prepared: weeds are pulled out, dug up, fertilizers are added - humus (3 buckets per m2), complex minerals (1 tablespoon), ash (3 tablespoons). The beds are made high so that they can follow the planting pattern with a step of 0.5–1 m between plants. High ridges are especially necessary on heavy soils, where they would facilitate the drainage of excess water and ventilation.

The best predecessors for watermelon are cabbage, potatoes, and onions. The width of the ridges should be within one and a half meters. After planting the seedlings, the surface of the ridges is covered with mulch. A layer of organic matter on top will prevent the leakage of heat and moisture from the soil and minimize labor costs for weeding.

The bed with watermelons should be high and 1.5 meters wide

In the Urals, it is recommended to plant watermelons in open ground after the threat of return frosts has disappeared - from the second half of June. When temperatures drop, it is necessary to be able to protect plants using covering material.

In case of strong wind, it is recommended to dig in watermelon vines with light soil, without covering the fourth part of the plant.

How to grow greenhouse watermelons in the Urals

To grow watermelons in a greenhouse you need to build trellises

Greenhouse cultivation of watermelons together with cucumbers is often practiced in the Urals. However, having decided to combine cucumbers and watermelons in one greenhouse, it is important to understand that these crops have different needs for air humidity: watermelon needs dry air, and cucumber needs moist air. Therefore, when planting crops together, it is advisable to place watermelons at the ends of the greenhouse.

It is not for nothing that watermelon is considered a heat-loving plant; for its seeds to germinate, a temperature of 30–32 °C is required. Higher temperatures (over +40 °C) in the greenhouse reduce the likelihood of pollination, but they are necessary for fruit formation. To stimulate the formation of ovaries in greenhouses, artificial pollination is often used. To do this, the male flower with ripened pollen touches the stamens on the female flower.

When growing watermelons in a greenhouse, they must be pollinated by hand.

During the period of fruit ripening, watermelons need to be provided with the following mode of existence: temperature in the range of 35–50 ° C, air humidity - 50–55%.

Watermelon needs sufficient sunlight in the greenhouse. Uncomfortable growth conditions are shading and thickening of plantings, prolonged cloudy weather, during which almost no sugar is formed in the fruits. In particular, the crop is highly sensitive to shading in the first growth phase and in the flowering phase. Therefore, the cleanliness of the transparent surfaces of the greenhouse must be monitored with special care.

Video: growing watermelons in the Urals in a greenhouse

How to care for watermelons in the Urals

Growing seedlings are watered regularly. The bush is formed, keeping up to 3 lashes on it.

They care for watermelons in the Urals exactly as they do everywhere else - they weed, loosen the soil, water the beds and feed the plants.

Watering plants

Watermelons have a long root system. The latter has the ability to intensively elongate and can grow more than a meter in depth. In case of severe drought, this feature is a definite advantage, but in the Ural territory, where rain is not uncommon, it can have the opposite effect, causing rotting of the roots. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to watering plants.

Until the ovaries appear, the number of waterings is insignificant, less than for a cucumber. During the phase of fruit mass gain, water consumption during irrigation is increased. When the time comes to harvest, watering is again limited in volume (in this case, irrigation is carried out after harvesting the fruits). If this is not done, the watermelons will be too watery and lack sweetness in taste.

Watering young plants is carried out with warm water with a temperature of at least 25 ° C. When watering, make sure that the root neck remains dry. Otherwise, the appearance of a characteristic disease - black leg - cannot be ruled out. For irrigation, grooves are arranged in the center of the row spacing. Water is poured out as much as it would be enough to fill the entire arable layer.

Watermelons need to be watered at the root with warm water.

After watering, the furrows are loosened or leveled. Some gardeners use primitive homemade devices for watering, which are plastic bottles with the bottom cut off, dug in on both sides of the plant. It is into them that water is poured when watering is carried out.

Top dressing

Plants are fertilized every two weeks. For the first feeding, prepare a solution: add 1 tablespoon of ash and 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska to a bucket of water. For the second feeding in this composition, only the ash rate is increased, which will already be 2–3 tbsp. spoons. 6 days before the fruits ripen, the plants stop feeding.

Excessive content of nitrogenous substances in the soil inhibits the appearance of fruits on watermelon, while phosphorus additives accelerate this process.

In the first phase of growth, seedlings are hilled, raising the soil to the cotyledon leaves. By creating a favorable air-soil regime during hilling, the plants begin to grow additional roots better.

Formation of lashes

It is important to form growing watermelon tops in a timely manner, since its excess can take away part of the nutrition from the fruit. For this purpose, 2–3 barren shoots are cut off from the bottom of the main stem. The higher-lying lateral fruit-bearing stems of the first order are shortened after 2–3 leaves from the ovary, which has reached the size of a plum. If there are barren shoots of the first order, they are cut off above the first leaf, which provokes the regrowth of shoots of the second order, but already capable of bearing fruit.

In some cases, to provide the fruit with a significant assimilation surface, additional leaves are retained on the sides of the shoots. When the main lash reaches the top wire of the trellis, it is pinched and lowered down. When 3–5 fruits are formed on the plant (depending on the varietal of the plant and the power of its development), the entire number of growth points on the main branch and its branches is eliminated.

No more than 3–5 fruits are left on the watermelon bush

When the fruits reach the size of a large apple, they are lowered into nets attached to the trellis, taking care not to break the stems. In this case, the top of the watermelon should take a lower or lateral position in the grid.

Watermelon fruits are fixed on the net in a lateral or straight position

When forming a plant, experienced vegetable growers do not preserve the ovaries at the base of the bush, since they only undermine its strength. In addition, they advise getting rid of vines on the far periphery, since the percentage of their yield is negligible.


Watermelons are harvested immediately after they reach ripeness. Fruits cannot ripen separately from the mother's vine.

Signs of watermelon ripeness:

  • characteristic echo when lightly tapping or squeezing;
  • shiny (non-matte) surface;
  • dried stalk.

If planting dates and agricultural techniques were followed exactly, then the watermelon harvest in the Urals can begin to be harvested in the second half of August.

A dried stalk is one of the signs of a ripe watermelon

Watermelon varieties for breeding in the Urals with descriptions and characteristics

When choosing a watermelon variety before planting, you should pay attention to the weight of the fruit - it should not exceed 5 kg, otherwise the watermelons simply will not have time to grow to their true size, not to mention acquiring taste characteristics. To grow in the conditions of the short Ural summer, watermelon varieties should be selected that are zoned with short and super-short ripening periods. Under normal weather in the Urals, these varieties will be able to produce a harvest after 65–80 days.

It is better to buy planting material and do it at specialized points. Self-harvested seeds can be obtained from an unknown hybrid variety; it will not be possible to obtain watermelons with the supposed parental characteristics from it.

There are several specially bred watermelon varieties for cultivation in the Urals.


This watermelon ripens in 75–85 days, which allows it to be classified as an early one. Thirty-day-old seedlings of the Ogonyok variety in the Urals are planted in open ground in June, which allows harvesting at the end of August. The Ogonyok fruits themselves have a spherical shape, black-green color, thin crust, and bright red flesh. Ball fruits can grow up to 2 kg in weight. True, the weight of the fruit largely depends on the summer Ural weather - the colder it is, the less watermelons will weigh. The variety can be grown in a greenhouse and in an open street garden. Ogonyok's plants are not afraid of occasional drops in temperature.

The watermelon variety Ogonyok has small (2 kg) spherical fruits of black-green color.

Gift to the North

An early hybrid variety can produce fruits weighing up to 10 kg. They are smooth-barked, green in color, with a broken dark pattern of lines. Their soft core is crispy and juicy, high in sugars, and has a reddish tint. The variety is characterized by good transportability, disease resistance, and the ability of the crop to bear fruit even during periods of severe drought.

The watermelon variety Gift to the North produces fruits weighing up to 10 kg


The name of this variety eloquently indicates the main advantage - accelerated ripening of fruits. The fruits of Skorik are small, spherical, thick-walled, with a dark green rind and small seeds. They are distinguished by excellent keeping quality.

The Skorik variety is characterized by rapid ripening of fruits, which are well stored and transported


The ripening of the fruits of this watermelon in the open Ural soil occurs 2 months after planting. The variety is noted as high-yielding. Its fruits are large (about 9 kg), with a strong concentration of sugars.

Krimstar is a high-yielding variety that produces large (up to 9 kg) sweet fruits

Sugar baby

An early watermelon variety, the plants of which are distinguished by their unpretentiousness to cultivation conditions. For this reason, the variety is loved by many experienced summer residents. At the same time, the taste of its fruits is known and appreciated throughout the world. Despite their small size (1.5 or 2 kg), they have very sugary, bright red flesh. The fruits of this variety are ideal for pickling.

Sugar baby is easy to care for and produces small (up to 2 kg) sugary fruits

Ultra early

An early ripening watermelon variety with limited development of lateral stems. Therefore, the varieties of vines are compact and save land space. Which is very convenient when there is a shortage of it on the site. Round fruits with a dark green rind and dark stripes can gain weight up to 4–6 kg. The soft part is juicy, sweet, red.

The ultra-early variety is distinguished by the compact formation of vines on the plants; the fruits weigh 4–6 kg


This variety was created by scientists at the Ural Laboratory and was intended for the climate of Siberia. It is characterized by early fruit ripening. Plants of the variety are adapted to short-term temperature fluctuations, as well as to a decrease in temperature to 4–6 °C at the time of germination and leaf regrowth. The fruits reach a weight of 5 kg, have a sweet and crumbly pulp with a small amount of seeds.

Watermelons of the Sibiryak variety are resistant to short-term temperature changes

Crimson Sweet

According to some gardeners, this variety of melon plant is considered the best for growing in the Urals for several reasons. Firstly, it is early, and secondly, the characteristics of the fruit are quite suitable for obtaining them in this climate. They can grow up to 10 kg. They are distinguished by their round shape, smooth surface, and very sugary pulp. Thus, the name of the variety translated into Russian means Raspberry Sugar.

The Crimson Sweet watermelon variety is excellent for the Ural climate; the round fruits grow up to 10 kg