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Reinforcement of walls and partitions made of aerated concrete. Purpose and methods of reinforcing walls made of aerated concrete blocks

Laying aerated concrete walls

Often developers perceive reinforcement and creation of a reinforcing belt for aerated concrete walls, as an attempt by foremen and designers to earn more money. How will everything actually be arranged?

Aerated concrete ranks second in Russia in popularity among building materials. The only thing ahead of him is wood - timber and logs. Increased interest in building blocks made of aerated concrete caused by a number of characteristics attractive to consumers. First of all, this is the price: building a house from aerated concrete blocks costs 30-40% less than brick. Savings are achieved due to the cost of material, a lighter foundation, less loading and unloading work and a reduction in laying time. Secondly, durability. Housing made of aerated concrete can withstand at least 100 years. In addition, cellular concrete blocks are light and at the same time very dense (up to 1200 kg/m3), frost-resistant, moisture-resistant, able to withstand biological effects, that is, fungi, mold or bacteria do not accumulate inside the material, and are fire-resistant.

To build a house in the Moscow region, it is enough to erect walls in one layer of blocks 300-375 mm thick with a density of up to 500 kg/m3. Such walls will provide a comfortable microclimate inside the house, even without additional insulation.

The main disadvantages of aerated concrete blocks- this is porosity, which over time causes decompression of the material and leads to destruction of the entire structure, and susceptibility to cracking. The first disadvantage can be dealt with by organizing good waterproofing of the house, and the second - by following construction technologies and wall reinforcement.

And here doubts often arise whether it is worth strengthening a building made of aerated concrete or not, since this entails additional costs. Opinions are divided: some argue that it is possible to proceed from each specific situation and in some cases get by with reinforcing only the openings and lower rows of aerated concrete, others believe that it is necessary to strengthen every fourth row of the wall and create reinforcing belts for all floors. One way or another, you can’t do without strengthening, but why is it needed if aerated concrete meets all the strength characteristics?

Preparation for reinforcement of the first row of aerated concrete masonry

Why is it necessary to reinforce walls made of aerated concrete blocks?

Despite the fact that reinforcement does not increase the load-bearing capacity of the masonry, it is an indispensable condition during construction houses made of aerated concrete. The fact is that blocks, along with high compressive strength, are practically devoid of the ability to work in tension. As a result, during future use of the house there is a risk of hairline cracks forming. These cracks do not affect the load-bearing capacity of the masonry, but they greatly damage appearance walls, which he can’t even cope with gypsum plaster. In the worst case scenario, deep cracks may appear in the seams, and then the whole house will be blown through.

The reasons for the appearance of cracks are uneven shrinkage of the house, especially in the spring after the soil thaws, temperature changes, wind pressure, soil sedimentation, or the occurrence of local collapse, in which the local load on the block exceeds its strength. Even incorrectly prepared sand can cause a defect. cement mortar, on which the masonry was made, therefore experts recommend using a special glue for laying aerated concrete: it also produces thinner seams (1.5-2 mm versus 8-10 mm for regular sand-cement mortar), which reduces the size of cold bridges by 10-30%, and laying aerated concrete blocks using glue is easier, which ultimately saves time, money and nerves.

To lay aerated concrete you need to use a special glue: it’s easier and cheaper

Thus, the house design must take into account all the factors that affect the integrity of the structure, and measures must be taken to strengthen, first of all, the “weak” points. For example, a long wall that will be constantly exposed to wind loads. At the same time, the first row of aerated concrete blocks lying on the foundation, the support areas of the lintels, elements experiencing increased load, blocks under window openings, as well as every fourth row of the building if the wall section is more than six meters long, must be reinforced. Opponents of this technique argue that the reinforcement violates the thickness of the seams and leads to the formation of cold bridges, however, this problem is being solved correct installation and the use of reinforcement bars of small cross-section.

If wall reinforcement is almost never in doubt, many try to abandon the reinforcing belt in order to save money. However, you shouldn't do this. The point is that it distributes the load of the overlying slabs onto the walls, ensures the geometric immutability of the entire structure, taking on tensile forces, and does not allow the house to be affected by wind loads. Externally, it is a frame made of reinforcement, filled with concrete, similar to a foundation, about ten to twelve centimeters thick along the entire perimeter of the building, and some developers are trying to replace it brickwork. However, experts assure that such a device will not meet everyone’s needs. technical requirements reinforcing belts, so sooner or later the building will deform.

How to properly reinforce aerated concrete walls

For reinforcing aerated concrete walls grooves are cut into the surface of the masonry on both sides of the block at a distance of at least 60 mm from the edge. They are performed using a manual or electric wall chaser. Before placing the rods into the finished grooves, dust must be removed from them. The fastest way to do this is to use construction hair dryer. If it is not there or there is no electricity in the area, you can use a regular sweep.

Clean grooves are filled with glue, then reinforcement, mainly with a profile of up to 8 mm, is placed in them. The adhesive solution is designed to protect the rods from corrosion and also ensure their adhesion to the masonry.

Selecting grooves in aerated concrete manually. Manual wall chaser

For thin seams, you can use special reinforcement cages - paired strips of galvanized steel with a cross-section of 8 × 1.5 mm. For them, there is no need to cut blocks; the frame is laid on a layer of glue, pressed down and coated with glue on top again. Please note that when reinforcing windows and lintels, it is necessary to lay rods across the entire width of the opening plus 900 mm on each side of it.

Grooves for reinforcement in aerated concrete

Reinforcing belt it is created almost in the same way as the foundation of a house: a reinforced concrete box with a height of 15 to 30 cm, welded from reinforcement, is installed on the masonry. It should be a single structure along the entire perimeter of the building. For the box, reinforcement of at least 6 mm thick is used, although, if the budget allows, you can take thicker rods - 10-12 mm. For better connection of the reinforced belt with the masonry, “hedgehog” or wire rod nails are driven into the upper blocks of aerated concrete. After this, formwork is erected around the perimeter, and the entire structure is filled with concrete. Please note that filling is carried out only at one time - this will ensure the solidity of the belt. Otherwise, the concrete pour will set in separate sections, which actually means wasted money.

Grooves from reinforcement in aerated concrete

To eliminate cold bridges in the area of ​​the reinforcing belt, when installing the formwork, it is recommended to retreat approximately 3 cm inward. The resulting niche is subsequently filled with some thermal insulation material, for example, extruded polystyrene foam. Thus, it is possible to reduce heat loss and maintain a comfortable microclimate in the house.

Thus, reinforcement of aerated concrete walls allows you to avoid deformation of the structure, which is almost impossible to correct during operation. At the same time, it is believed that a reinforcing belt is not needed in all cases and depends on many factors: the quality of the soil, the design of the house and other phenomena. At the same time, the invariability of the geometry of the building depends on it, so it’s better to play it safe once than to live in a house with cracks later.

Having low resistance to bending deformations, the reinforcement absorbs the tension that occurs when the building deforms, protecting the walls from cracking and providing protection for aerated concrete blocks. It does not have any effect on the load-bearing capacity of aerated concrete masonry. With proper design and construction, cracking can be avoided. To do this, the masonry is divided into fragments by expansion joints or reinforced. As additional protection aerated concrete can be used to prevent cracks by reinforcing the finishing layers with fiberglass mesh - this measure will prevent cracks from reaching the surface.
The aerated concrete reinforcement project is drawn up taking into account general requirements, the characteristics of the building and the specific conditions in which it will operate. For example, it will require additional reinforcement long wall subject to constant wind loads.
The reinforcement is placed in specially created armored belts. Inter-row reinforcement during installation aerated concrete structures not used, as it disrupts the thickness of the seams and makes it difficult to lay subsequent rows. The exception is reinforcement using stainless branded fittings of small cross-section. It is necessary to reinforce the first row of aerated concrete blocks lying on the foundation, every fourth row of masonry, lintel support areas, a row of blocks under window openings, and structural elements experiencing increased load.
When laying reinforcement in the area of ​​lintels and areas under window openings, the reinforcement should be extended 900 mm in each direction from the edge of the opening. In addition, a reinforced ring beam is laid under rafter system and at the level of each floor. To lay reinforcement in the upper edge of the blocks, grooves are cut using a manual or electric wall chaser. After the dust has been removed from the grooves, the cavities are filled with an adhesive solution. Then the reinforcement is placed in the glue, and the excess mortar is removed. For reinforcement aerated concrete wall with a thickness of 200 mm or less, one reinforcement bar with a diameter of 8 mm is sufficient. If the wall thickness exceeds 200 mm, two rods are used for reinforcement. Expansion joints do not provide reinforcement.
Designer's opinion: The distances between temperature-shrinkage seams should be established by calculation.
6.79. Maximum distances between temperature-shrinkable seams, which are allowed to be used for unreinforced external walls without calculation:
a) for above-ground stone and large-block walls of heated buildings with a length of reinforced concrete and steel inclusions (lintels, beams, etc.) of no more than 3.5 m and a width of the partitions of at least 0.8 m - according table 32; when the length of inclusions is more than 3.5 m, the masonry sections at the ends of the inclusions must be checked by calculation for strength and crack opening;
b) the same for walls made of rubble concrete - according to table. 32 as for masonry made of concrete stones using mortar grade 50 with a coefficient of 0.5;
c) the same, for multi-layer walls - according to table. 32 for the material of the main structural layer of the walls;
d) for walls of unheated stone buildings and structures for the conditions specified in
item “a” - according to table. 32 with multiplication by coefficients:
for closed buildings and structures - 0.7;
For open structures - 0,6;
e) for stone and large-block walls of underground structures and foundations of buildings located in the zone of seasonal soil freezing - according to table. 32, doubled; for walls located below the limit of seasonal soil freezing, as well as in the permafrost zone - without length limitation.
Table 32

Average outside temperature of the coldest
five-day week

Distance between expansion joints, m, when laying

From clay bricks, ceramic and natural stones, large blocks of concrete or clay bricks from sand-lime brick, concrete stones, large blocks of silicate concrete and sand-lime brick

On brand solutions
50 and
more than 25 and
less than 50 and
more than 25 and
Minus 40 °C and below 50 60 35 40
Minus 30 °C 70 90 50 60
Minus 20 °C and above 100 120 70 80
Notes: 1. For intermediate values ​​of design temperatures, the distances between expansion joints can be determined by interpolation.
2. The distances between the temperature-shrinkage seams of large-panel buildings made of brick panels are assigned in accordance with the instructions for designing the structure of large-panel buildings residential buildings.

Who is right?

During the construction of residential buildings and industrial buildings Such a high-tech product as aerated concrete requires mandatory wall reinforcement. This need is explained possible occurrence cracks, the appearance of which depends on different stresses, as well as changes in air temperature, moisture and various precipitation. Due to such natural processes, independent of anyone, constant swelling and expansion of blocks occurs in the walls of aerated concrete houses, followed by their shrinkage, and all this ultimately causes deformation of the masonry itself.

Scheme of reinforcement of aerated concrete masonry: 1 – wall masonry, 2 – floor slabs, 3 – strapping belt, 4 – Mauerlat, 5 – truss roof elements.

Places such as corners of rooms, window and door openings are especially exposed to this effect. In addition, gas blocks are like construction material are known for their low tensile strength, and such deformation loads cause cracks in the walls, which only increase over time. Therefore, when constructing houses, specialists use reinforcement of specific rows of walls, which effectively helps to avoid deformation of the house and even its possible destruction in the future.

Execution of reinforced masonry

Reinforcement scheme aerated concrete masonry along the height of the walls: 1 - strapping belt, 2 - reinforcement of the masonry of the window sill area, 3 - reinforcement of the masonry within the height of the pier, 4 - reinforcement of the masonry at a distance of no more than 3 m, 5 - at a distance of more than 3 m.

All work on masonry reinforcement must be provided for in the design and calculation documentation of each house if it is being built from aerated concrete blocks. But if this condition is not met, then the location of the reinforcing belt in the masonry can be determined on your own. To do this, you need to know how to correctly perform such a calculation.

Where should the fittings be installed:

  • first row of masonry;
  • every fourth row of masonry;
  • jumper locations;
  • under window and door openings;
  • in blank walls;
  • install a reinforced belt along all floor levels.

Typically, reinforcement from class A III - 0.75 cm² is used to reinforce aerated concrete, with two rods laid parallel to each other. But if such laying of two rods is impossible, then it is permissible to use a reinforcing rod, the size of which will be D - 10AIII. When laying rods in door or window openings, the recommended distance from the edge is 60 cm.

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Technology for laying reinforcement in aerated concrete blocks

Laying of aerated concrete blocks with reinforcement during the construction of buildings or houses is carried out only using specially prepared grooves or, as they are also called, “grooves”. The grooves are made according to the size of the reinforcement used with a small margin. And in order not to damage the aerated concrete when making grooves, they retreat approximately 6 cm from the edge of each block. The reinforcing bars are fixed with glue specially designed for this. And for high-quality sealing of the material, a solution of sand and cement is used.

  1. First, a thermal insulation layer is laid on the foundation.
  2. The initial masonry line is placed as evenly as possible, because the entire construction of the house depends on this.
  3. To control the height of the corners of the building, install wooden slats. And for correct definition To ensure uniform masonry, experts recommend pulling the cord directly along the height of the aerated concrete block.
  4. Using a wall chaser, “grooves” are cut. If, according to the calculation and design documentation, the thickness of the walls is more than 40 cm, then two “grooves” are made parallel to each other.
  5. The grooves are cleaned of debris and dust with a stiff brush and half filled with fixing glue.
  6. Reinforcing bars are placed in grooves with glue.
  7. The top is sealed with a solution of cement and sand.
  8. The entire surface is leveled using a spatula.
  9. Check the evenness of the masonry using building level. If necessary, use a rubber mallet to adjust the masonry. If the final block turns out to be large, then the unnecessary part is sawed off hand saw, and check the evenness of the corners with a square.

Upon completion of all work related to the creation of the reinforcing belt, the outside of the building is faced with brick or other material specified in the design documentation. If the house is planned to be faced with brick, then between the aerated concrete block and facing material leave a gap. Fastening siding sheets, lining or plastering the surface is based on the use of wooden sheathing.

Tools and materials:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • fixing glue;
  • thermal insulation material;
  • anti-corrosion agent;
  • wall chaser;
  • putty knife;
  • a stiff brush to remove debris and dust;
  • slats;
  • building level;
  • rope;
  • square;
  • saw;
  • mallet.

You should know that aerated concrete blocks intended for reinforcement are brought to the construction site covered with film and laid on wooden pallets.

Experts do not recommend releasing all the blocks from packaging at the same time, because humidity can quickly ruin all the building material. It is more expedient to unpack the building material as the aerated concrete is reinforced. That is, exactly the amount of material that is planned to be worked during the working day.

Aerated concrete blocks are widely used in both private and commercial construction. Their popularity is due not only to the low cost and lightness of the material, but also to its relative strength, ease of molding and processing, environmental friendliness and safety for human health.

However, often structures made from aerated blocks turn out to be short-lived, cracking and deforming. The reason for such phenomena lies solely in the design error of buildings, because the reinforcement of a wall made of aerated concrete is one of the most important stages construction, which is often ignored. We will tell you whether it is necessary to reinforce walls made of aerated concrete, and we will introduce you to all the nuances and subtleties of this process.

In what cases is reinforcement necessary?

First of all, you should analyze project documentation buildings and find areas of load-bearing walls in which the masonry is most susceptible to deforming loads. As a rule, the following sections of walls need reinforcement:

  • lower tiers of masonry - the load is distributed over them, which is subsequently transferred to the foundation;
  • lower floors in multi-storey buildings - carry longitudinal loads from upper floors;
  • window and doorways, arches and niches - any architectural elements located in block masonry, significantly weaken the strength of the structure;
  • areas between floors - perceive strong point loads, especially in spans more than 3 meters wide;
  • walls exposed to external influences - in regions with strong winds walls large area due to the windage, they can be “pressed” inward.

For all of these areas, it is important to develop reliable reinforcement. Internal walls usually not reinforced; in addition, for walls three blocks thick, in a number of special cases it is possible to do without reinforcing structures. So how to reinforce aerated concrete walls in each specific case?

Reinforcement of tiers with reinforced concrete belt

One of the most reliable and, at the same time, most labor-intensive ways to strengthen the lower tiers and floors is a reinforced concrete reinforcing belt for load-bearing walls made of gas silicate. The technology for its manufacture is in many ways similar to pouring a foundation and includes the following steps:

  1. Installation of formwork. Installation pins are fixed on the lower tier blocks, on which formwork boards are placed along the masonry.
  2. Laying of reinforcement. Reinforcement bars with a thickness of at least 10 mm are fixed in the formwork. In the areas where they join each other, the rods are welded or connected with wire.
  3. Pouring concrete. A pre-prepared concrete solution is placed into the formwork and distributed evenly throughout the entire usable volume. Excess is removed and the surface is carefully leveled.
  4. Final works. After the concrete has hardened, the formwork is removed, all protruding excess is removed, and, if necessary, the surface of the belt is treated.

Especially for making lintels over window and door openings, as well as as part of an armored belt, U-blocks are produced - they fit reinforcement cage, after which the filling is performed.

In addition, industrial semi-finished products are popular - reinforced concrete blocks for reinforcing belts. Their main advantage is simplicity and ease of installation, but the cost of products and transportation costs can be quite high.

Reinforcement in grooves

In most cases, in order to properly reinforce walls made of gas silicate blocks, it is enough to insert long grooves into pre-prepared grooves. reinforcing bars. The process is characterized by relatively low labor intensity and ensures high strength and durability of structures. Such reinforcement of a wall made of aerated concrete involves the following sequence of actions:

    1. Grooving grooves in the lower tier of the block. At a distance of at least 6 cm from the edge of the blocks, a groove is made using a manual or electric tool, the width of which must correspond to the diameter of the reinforcement. The flexibility of aerated concrete ensures fast and efficient gating.
    2. Filling the grooves. At the bottom of each groove is placed a small amount masonry mortar or special adhesive composition.
    3. Laying of reinforcement. The rods are placed in grooves using a special binder or masonry mortar; all excess is immediately removed from the surface of the blocks.
    4. Creation of the next tier. Laying blocks on a reinforced row is possible immediately after the compounds fixing the reinforcement have hardened.

Reinforcement in grooves provides an optimal balance between ease of installation and wall resistance to deforming loads.

Reinforcement in a binder solution

The simplest, but not the most reliable method wall reinforcement - laying metal structures between tiers, that is, directly in the binding solution (the so-called hidden laying). Of course, a full-fledged reinforced belt load-bearing walls It won’t be possible to create one from gas silicate, but a hidden method is quite suitable for strengthening window and door openings. The most widespread are three types of reinforcement in a binder solution:

  • laying steel rods - placing longitudinal rods about 5 mm thick along the entire length of the tier;
  • use of masonry mesh - a cellular structure with a rod thickness of at least 4 mm provides both longitudinal and transverse reinforcement;
  • the use of perforated strips (perforated strips) - laying a wide and thin (from 1 mm) steel strip with holes for better fixation in the solution.

More effective are masonry nets and perforated strips. These materials, tailored to standard size aerated block, can be found in almost any construction supermarket.

The installation process includes the following steps:

  1. Applying the solution to the lower tier. Aerated concrete blocks covered with a thin, uniform layer of binding solution.
  2. Laying structures. A masonry mesh or perforated strip is placed on the mortar, maintaining an equal distance to the outer and inner edges of the block.
  3. Filling structures. The gaps in the structure of the reinforcing structure, as well as the surfaces around it, are filled with mortar. A thin layer of solution is also placed on top.
  4. Creation of the next tier. New blocks are laid immediately, before the mortar hardens.

Hidden reinforcement of an aerated block wall allows you to save a lot of time, effort and money. Therefore, every year the demand for reinforcing metal structures is growing, their the lineup, new, more effective ways strengthening the masonry.

Safety precautions

Reinforcement of walls made of aerated concrete refers to construction work with increased level danger. To avoid injury and other unpleasant consequences, observe following rules:

  • during cutting metal products When chipping blocks, preparing binding solutions, be sure to use personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, respirator, helmet);
  • exercise extreme caution when working with industrial reinforcing blocks - if they are not securely fixed, they can be dangerous during transportation and laying on the desired tier of the wall;
  • when working with wooden formwork, electric tools, as well as synthetic adhesive solutions follow the rules fire safety;
  • don't allow direct contact binders to the skin, if they come into contact with the skin, rinse immediately with water.

Reinforcement of aerated concrete masonry, like others construction works, should be performed carefully and carefully, avoiding accidental mistakes and errors.

We hope that we were able to give a comprehensive answer to the question “Is it necessary to reinforce walls made of aerated concrete?”, and also describe exactly how a reinforcing belt for aerated concrete is created in each specific situation. We wish you good luck in your construction!

Aerated concrete blocks allow you to build multi-storey buildings, and private houses quite quickly and inexpensively. To obtain high-quality and reliable design attention should be paid to calculations and selection optimal material. But even if these recommendations are followed, the walls will settle and crack over time. Reinforcement of aerated concrete blocks at the construction stage will help to avoid such defects.

Pros and cons of using aerated concrete

Reinforcement will be much more effective when comprehensively strengthening the walls of a house.

Aerated concrete, being modern material, has a number of positive qualities.

  • Acceptable price. The construction of such a house will cost 40% less than one built from brick.
  • Durability of use. At correct use a building made of aerated concrete will not change even in a hundred years.
  • Impeccable composition. The blocks are made from cement, gas-forming agents, quartz sand with the addition of lime, ash, gypsum and slag. Taken together, all of these components make the material resistant to low temperatures, fire, moisture, while keeping it light and environmentally friendly.
  • The main advantage is ease of processing. Aerated concrete is easy to saw, drill, and plan. For example, if necessary, you can drive nails into the partitions and install staples.

The weak point of the material is high level deformation (appearance of cracks), which indicates the need for reinforcement of masonry rows.

Types of reinforcement, their characteristics

Depending on the nature of the strengthening of the masonry and the characteristics of the protection, there are two main and one additional types of reinforcement, however, none of them helps to increase the load-bearing capacity, but only prevents the appearance of cracks during movements and deformation of the base.

  1. Structural horizontal reinforcement of the first type, which helps prevent the appearance of cracks in openings (windows, doors) and partitions made of aerated concrete. This type of strengthening is effectively used for buildings made of small blocks of aerated concrete.
  1. Structural reinforcement of the second type is advisable if it is necessary to prevent the appearance of cracks in masonry subject to frequent temperature fluctuations, wind loads, and also when predicted deformation is beyond the permissible limits.
  1. Vertical reinforcement of masonry is widely practiced abroad and is not yet used in Russian construction. In this case, the foundation is connected to the upper binding monolithic belt of aerated concrete partitions. This technology is applicable when houses are subject to significant horizontal loads - they are built on slopes, in avalanche zones, or exposed to hurricanes.

Foreign manufacturers of gas blocks recommend performing vertical reinforcement in places where walls join, as well as lateral loads (fences, separately standing walls, jumpers underground garages). Thanks to internal vertical reinforcement, the load-bearing characteristics of aerated concrete walls are improved, while minimally increasing the overall thermal conductivity. In the foreign market, the choice of vertical type armored belt is carried out if large-format wall panels are used in the work.

Which areas of the structure require reinforcement?

To strengthen the structure, it is enough to carry out reinforcement separate zones, and not the entire structure made of gas blocks.

The following is subject to reinforcement:

  1. First floor. Special attention should be given to the first row above the foundation.
  2. Window openings, lintels, ceilings.
  3. The walls are reinforced in at least two places with gaps between tiles of 3 m or more.
  4. At a distance of up to 3 meters, it is advisable to reinforce only the window sill opening, and with a solid base, the reinforcement is performed in the center.
  5. Structures that are subject to strong wind and work loads (walls, gables, etc.).

Aerated concrete blocks are reinforced with both reinforcement and masonry mesh, the wire diameter of which is 4 mm or more. In the second case, the process will be labor-intensive. Installation with such a mesh requires the use of high-quality mortar, its quantity is determined based on how many meters are reinforced. In this case, in the armored belt it is important to maintain the thickness of the joint seam - from 1 cm. Experts recommend using A-III material with a diameter of more than 6 mm, then the work will become easier, and laying the blocks with glue-cement will be possible.

In addition to the market steel reinforcement Fiberglass is also offered, but it is suitable only if the structure is not subject to significant bending or tensile loads. The fiberglass rod has a smaller gripping surface, so adhesion to concrete is much worse.

What tools will you need for the job?

Reinforcement of aerated concrete is carried out using special tools:

  • manual or electric wall chaser;
  • brushes or hair dryer;
  • level and square for measurements;
  • hacksaws, grinders;
  • construction mixer for mixing glue.

Glue or cement mortar is used as a binder and corrosion-protective substance for the armored belt. You can replace the reinforcing mesh with a galvanized steel frame.

Description of reinforcement technology

Since the reinforcement of aerated concrete walls affects the quality of the masonry and operational characteristics home in general, then such a procedure should be approached carefully.

Stages of work:

  1. Grooving blocks in two places the size of the diameter of the reinforcement with a distance of 6 cm from the edges on each side. The main tool for work is a wall chaser. Preparation of seams can be done manually or using electrical equipment, as shown in the video.
  2. Filling the grooves with glue or special mixture followed by installation of fittings. If the thickness of the gas block does not exceed 20 cm, then one central rod will be sufficient, as, for example, in the case of vertical reinforcement. At this stage, replacement of steel elements is allowed fiberglass reinforcement or galvanized perforated strip with a size of 15×1 mm. It should be remembered that reinforcement of masonry does not guarantee the absence of cracks in the future, so it is better to carry out the installation immediately expansion joints and armored belts. The location of the seams depends on the characteristics of the house; as a rule, this is: the intersection load-bearing structures; places where the thickness of the walls changes; the gap from cold to warm construction; places of contact between blocks and materials.
  3. Installation of the armored belt is possible in two ways: pouring it onto the base or installing a ready-made structure.

The second version of the armored belt involves the installation metal frame(4 rods of reinforcement connected by a mesh) between the gas blocks and the edges of the walls, followed by pouring the masonry mortar. To compact the cement, a portable vibrator is used - this tool is available in any hardware store.

How to properly reinforce window and door lintels

The work is performed using a U-shaped block. The aerated concrete elements that will support the lintel are reinforced 90 cm on each side of the opening, which can be seen in the video.

  • Initially produced wooden frame into the window opening, which will serve as support for the U-shaped blocks.
  • Installing the blocks so that the wide part faces outwards. It is recommended to insulate the groove with polystyrene foam, after which the reinforcement should be laid and concrete poured. This creates a jumper.
  • As soon as the cement hardens, the rough structure can be disassembled, which even a novice master can easily handle if he has the the right tool. In order to speed up home improvement, experts recommend installing U-shaped blocks together with ordinary ones, followed by reinforcement and concreting of the resulting recesses.
  • In a similar way, the armored belt is installed under the ceiling using the same tools. Performance external masonry allowed in the form of a partition, insulated from the outside with exposed internal formwork.

It is not recommended to fill the armored belt, as well as individual elements such as pediments across the entire width of the object. This is explained by the fact that concrete, being colder than gas blocks, acts as a heat exchanger, due to which all investments in the arrangement warm home will be in vain. In the worst case, mold will constantly form in the room.