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Whitefly on indoor plants, let's fight? Whitefly on indoor flowers.

Whitefly - photo of an adult

Description of the pest

The whitefly can be identified even with the naked eye. Usually, it lays quite a large number of eggs (about 20 pieces, 0.25 mm in size at a time) on the underside of the sheet, away from sun rays. Behind life cycle Every 25 days, one individual lays about 300 eggs. Characterized by incomplete transformation. Larvae hatch in the same color as the leaves, measuring 04 -0.9 mm. There are several stages of development. The maturation time of one population is up to 40 days. Whitefly on indoor plants feeds on their juice, spreads across leaves, stems, and flowers. Traces of insect activity remain in the form of characteristic, sugary-like secretions. Males are larger than females, reaching 2 mm. Females are smaller, measuring only 1.3 mm.

Attention! Over 200 species of insects have been identified in nature. In a house or apartment on home flower garden, located on the windowsill, the fight against tobacco, citrus and greenhouse whiteflies is underway.

Where does it come from and the reasons for its appearance?

At a temperature of +21 + 26°C and a humidity level of 75%, the insect can produce offspring all year round. Such microclimate conditions exist in greenhouses. The whitefly also feels comfortable on apartment windows. Dense planting of flowers and insufficient ventilation of the room helps to increase the population. It is very important to organize natural air exchange in the apartment.

Whitefly colony - urgent action needs to be taken

You can introduce the pest along with the soil or purchase an already infected plant. Species resistance to unfavorable conditions, its survivability can also be explained by how the whitefly overwinters. If butterflies die when the air temperature drops below +10 degrees, the larvae stop developing at this temperature, then the laid eggs remain active and tolerate the cold well. Flowers should be planted only in prepared, treated with a special composition, soil mixture. Finally, a flying midge can simply fly into a window or window and settle on flowers.

How to recognize it?

Usually, the leaves of the plant are covered with indistinct spots of yellowish or pale white. These are wings small insect tint the plant. Over time, the crown becomes deformed and turns yellow. As a result, the plant loses its green cover and fades. It may dry out or, conversely, rot.

If we analyze which plants the whitefly infects, we can distinguish:

  • indoor pomegranate;
  • fuchsia;
  • hibiscus;
  • kala;
  • balsam;
  • gloxinia;
  • geranium;
  • myrtle, etc.

Conditions for the effectiveness of control methods

  • Separate diseased houseplants from sick ones. Create the lowest possible temperature and humidity parameters for the affected crops (do not spray during treatment).
  • Knowing at what temperature the whitefly dies (this is 10°C and below), you can move flowers that are unpretentious to heat (for example, fuchsia, which can easily tolerate even +10°C) on the windowsill and keep it with the window open for a week.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to collect adult butterflies and aphid larvae from the leaves and stems of the plant as much as possible, preventing them from scattering and spreading.
  • If possible, wash off any remaining infection with water.
  • It is best to change the soil mixture in the pot.
  • Severely damaged parts of the plant are mercilessly removed, because... they create the preconditions for the formation of putrefactive cells.

Notice! Cardinal control methods (insecticides) are usually used when they do not know how to get rid of whiteflies on indoor flowers with an extensive, advanced stage of the lesion. They are used in the treatment of heat-loving flowers that cannot be exposed to cold.

Systemic drugs Actellik, Fufanon, Bona Forte, Confidor, and others are effective, but require multiple (2-3 times) treatment. Whiteflies need to be poisoned once a week. More specifically, the treatment interval is indicated in the instructions for the drugs. Fitoverm has a combined effect (destruction of aphids upon contact with the drug and through poisoned plant sap). It also blocks the productive function of the insect: females feeding on the destructive sap die after 2 or 3 days, without having time to lay eggs.

All means are good in the fight

Important! The greatest effect is achieved by alternating chemicals with biologically active agents.

It is worth mentioning natural “healers”. Many generations of gardeners have noticed that laundry soap dissolved in water in a ratio of 1/6 is a strong antiseptic. Large leaves of plants are wiped with this solution, constantly changing the cotton wool and without removing the soapy layer. Yarrow growing on roadsides, if its dried flowers (80g) are scalded with boiling water, can be used for spraying. You then need to add 1 liter of water to the grass and let it sit for 24 hours.

Naturals used prophylactic drugs from whiteflies on cucumbers they destroy the pest without damaging the integrity of the plant structure and without changing it chemical composition. By growing a vegetable on a windowsill, you can eat it without fear. Dead moths and larvae, decomposing in the soil of a flowerpot or pot, do not infect it with harmful chemical decomposition products.

It is effective to spray the fruits, leaves, and flowers of domestic plants with tincture of shag or tobacco. It is enough to leave the contents of a pack of the most “vigorous” cigarettes without a filter in a dark place for 4-5 days. This aqueous solution every three days, treat the plants using a spray bottle in a finely dispersed manner until complete disappearance whiteflies.

As a rule, alternation gives a good effect various methods struggle, their combined use, depending on each specific case. In order to prevent the use of extreme measures, which are difficult for the plants themselves to tolerate, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of the disease and carry out competent preventive measures.

Whitefly(lat. Aleyrodidae) is a very common insect that harms indoor and greenhouse plants.

Despite its small size, it is capable of causing great harm, up to plant death, which she chose as her victim.

Description of the insect

The whitefly is a sucking insect, reaching sizes maximum 2 mm. Outwardly similar to a tiny butterfly or mole.

It has a yellow body and two pairs of white wings covered with a coating reminiscent of flour. She very mobile and flying, so it moves perfectly from one plant to another.

Only sedentary yellow-green larvae– they stick to any part of the plant and become covered with a waxy coating, through which insecticides do not penetrate well. Because of this, the larvae are difficult to exterminate.

See what a whitefly looks like in the video below:

Plants affected by whitefly

External signs
appear as cloudy yellow spots covering the stem and leaves of the plant, and curling of the leaf blades.

On inside leaves visible white discharge insect (honeydew or honeydew).

In the affected plant growth and development are inhibited. If you don't react in time, it will die.

More often whitefly attacks for ferns, geraniums, impatiens, fuchsias, abutilon, poinsettias, begonias, lantana, passionflower. If her favorite flowers are not available, she attacks the existing ones.

Preventive actions

In order for the reproduction and development of larvae to begin, a moist and very warm air(greenhouse conditions), therefore priority preventative measure is regular ventilation of the rooms in which the plants are located.

It is best to place indoor flowers at some distance from each other. In any case, they should not touch each other.

Newly acquired plant quarantined for 1-2 weeks to observe it - there is a high probability of bringing the insect home with it.

At the first sign If whiteflies are present, the plant must be placed in a cool place - these pests cannot tolerate cold at all.

Ways to fight

There are several ways to combat whiteflies using:

  • mechanical means;
  • folk remedies;
  • chemicals.

Mechanical means

Manual collection. During the daytime, butterflies scatter in different directions at any attempt to touch, so you can collect them at night or early in the morning, until pests are inactive. You can use a vacuum cleaner.

Duct tape. Use any Velcro - for example, against flies. It needs to be hung near the plant.

Soap solutions. Prepare a solution from green potassium or regular laundry soap and wash the leaves of the attacked flowers with it (2-4 g per liter of water). The solution must be washed off immediately clean water. For the greatest efficiency use this method regularly until complete destruction insects

Master class on killing whiteflies mechanically look at the video:

Folk remedies

Yarrow infusion
. 100 g of crushed parts of the herb (flowers, leaves) are poured with boiling water, the volume is adjusted to a liter and left to infuse for a day. Treatment (spraying or washing the plant) carried out regularly until the insect completely disappears.

Garlic infusion. Enough effective remedy, especially for small lesions. Unpeeled garlic cloves are crushed and left for 5 days in a dark place in a tightly sealed container.

To prepare this concentrate, take 150-180 g of garlic per liter of water. To treat the flower, 5-7 g of concentrated infusion is diluted in a liter of water, after which spray the affected plant.

Glue traps. Pieces of hardboard, cardboard or plywood are painted bright bright hues(yellow, white, beige), then spread with castor oil, Vaseline, rosin, honey.

Pests attracts bright color, to which they fly up and stick. Can be used repeatedly by washing off the contaminated layer and applying a new one.


. Refers to insecticides with enteric contact action. For spraying, dilute 0.8 g per liter of water, for watering at the root - 0.8 g/l.

Vertimek. Biological insectoacaricide of intestinal contact action. Dilute 5 mg in a liter of water, after spraying the plant is covered plastic film for 24 hours

Tanrek. Extensively active contact-intestinal insecticide. Dilution 0.5 ml per liter of water for spraying plants.

Admiral. Hormonal insecticide for contact and intestinal damage. 0.3 mg of the drug is diluted in a small amount of water, stirred thoroughly until it is completely dissolved, then the volume is adjusted to 1 liter.

Mospilan. Systemic contact insecticide that affects nervous system. For treatment by spraying, dilute 0.4 mg per liter of water. Used once.

Aktellik. A highly toxic insectoacaricide, it belongs to organophosphorus compounds. Spray the plant with a solution of 2 mg per liter of water. Use very carefully due to its high toxicity!! Can be used up to 4 times with a break of 3 days.

Verticillin. Microbiological insecticide. Dilute 25 ml of the product per liter of water and spray the plant. Can be used twice with a break of a week.

Fufanon. Organophosphate insecticide of contact action. Diluted in a liter of water - 1.5-1.7 mg. Use once.

All insecticides described are used very carefully in compliance with necessary security measures– work is carried out wearing gloves and a mask. At the end of treatment, the room should be well ventilated.

Many gardeners have to deal with the damage to their “pets” by pests. Whitefly is one of the most dangerous insects on indoor plants: it can cause serious damage and even destroy the flower.

Therefore, it is so important to promptly determine the presence of whiteflies on indoor plants and know how to deal with them.

Tiny but dangerous

A whitefly is a small, up to 2-3 mm, insect with wings covered powdery coating. It is a type of aphid.

This insect has its advantages: most often you can find whiteflies on fuchsia, geranium, calla, nightshade, pomegranate, eucalyptus, glosinia and myrtle. The adult itself does not cause damage to the flower.

But the larvae that it lays suck the juices out of the plant - during the transformation period they can damage more than half of it! In addition, these insects are carriers of phytopathogenic viruses.

Ways to combat whitefly

Pest butterflies are destroyed with almost 100% probability by both insecticides and folk remedies struggle. However, you will have to get rid of the eggs manually by cleaning the leaf plates, since the above methods do not have any effect on them. The cycle of hatching and transformation into a butterfly lasts 7 days, so after a week the spraying procedure should be repeated. chemicals

  • "Aktelik" is a fairly effective chemical, but it has a strong bad smell, which makes its use not very suitable for indoor environments.
  • The drug "Iskra" comes in the form of tablets, liquids, and sticks. Used for watering. It has the ability to penetrate the tissues and roots of the flower and remains there for almost a month. Completely removes the pest population in one treatment.


When fighting adult whiteflies, you can use special traps for winged insects. Usually this is a small cardboard or plastic plate on which non-drying glue is applied. Such traps are hung near infected plants or placed on some kind of holder in a pot. The bright yellow color they are painted in additionally attracts pests.

Advantage this method The fact is that this simple remedy is absolutely safe and non-toxic for people and animals. Over time, all insects will be caught in the trap, and all “invaders” will be destroyed.
Instead of such traps, you can purchase sticky tapes for flies or even make them yourself. To do this, you need to paint a piece of cardboard or plastic with yellow paint and apply any sticky mixture to it. Usually it is rosin and honey or castor oil, Vaseline.

Traditional methods of fighting whiteflies

  1. Mechanical removal of insects. This treatment is effective if one or more small plants. For greenhouses and greenhouses this is a very labor-intensive method.
  2. Reduce temperature. The whitefly does not tolerate low temperatures: adult insects die already at + 10 ° C. But the larvae cannot be destroyed in this way, since they hibernate and wake up when the temperature rises. Moreover, many heat-loving plants may also not survive such conditions. Usually the first and second methods are used in combination, that is, they kill low temperature butterflies, and the larvae are removed from the plant manually.
  3. A fairly effective method is treatment with a soap solution. One procedure is usually enough to get rid of pests. To prepare such a solution, you need to grind or grate tar or laundry soap, mix it with water in a ratio of 1:6 and spray it on a sick green pet.
  4. Infusion of garlic or onion. Chop half a medium onion or 2 cloves of garlic, add a liter of water and leave for a day in a dark place. Then spray the plant. The procedure should be repeated 3 times with a break of a week. Many gardeners claim that simply putting a few cloves of garlic in a pot is enough - the pungent smell repels insects, and they will leave the plant.
  5. Tobacco infusion. Crush a pack of cigarettes and add a liter of water. Leave for 5 days, then spray the plant 3-5 times at weekly intervals.

Preventing the appearance of unwanted guests
This pest loves humidity and heat. Most often, the insect appears in the summer in apartments, greenhouses, greenhouses, where plants are planted very close to each other. This situation can be prevented if:

  • provide the flowers with enough space and the necessary moisture temperature regime;
  • thin out plants that have grown too densely;
  • frequently ventilate the room;
  • promptly remove dry and dead parts of the plant and examine them for the presence of powdery plaque;
  • sprinkle the soil with a thin layer of ash;
  • Wipe the leaves regularly;
  • do not forget to feed the flowers with special strengthening preparations. Even if pest infestation cannot be avoided, a healthy, strong plant will survive it with minimal losses.

Such an insect reproduces incredibly quickly, and the larvae and their feces can cause irreparable harm to flowers. Therefore, whitefly on indoor plants is serious problem. But at the same time, how to fight it? chemicals, and with the help of popular experience - it’s quite easy if you notice the pest in time.


It should be noted that the main damage to plants is caused not by adult individuals, similar to moths, but by whitefly larvae, which feed on plant juices and. Translucent flat larvae (nymphs) of pale green color are oval in shape, reach a length of 0.3-0.4 mm and are covered with short hairs. The abdomen of the larva with waxy secretions ends in two thin outgrowths.


In warm weather summer days pests can be carried into the room by the wind through open window. In addition, adult insects fly well and can easily enter a room on the 1st-4th floor of a building;

Both adult insects and their larvae move quite quickly from one plant to another. Therefore, be sure to isolate the new potted flower from the rest, wash it under warm water. running water, replant in new soil and a clean pot. During 2-3 weeks of quarantine, carefully examine the “newbie” - especially bottom side leaf blades;

A bouquet of greenhouse or garden flowers is a wonderful and always welcome gift... but place the vase with flowers as far away from your flower collection as possible.

- whiteflies and their larvae: photo


◉ a tiny moth flies from leaf to leaf or from one plant to another. This should definitely alert you - carefully examine the entire plant;

◉ whiteflies multiply quite quickly on indoor plants. Literally a week after infection, you can find small clusters of “moths” on the underside of the leaf, which begin to fly away in all directions if you touch the flower;

◉ the surface of the leaves becomes quite sticky, as the larvae secrete so-called honeydew and other waste products. Upon careful examination of the lower part of the leaf, you can find colonies of pest larvae, which look like translucent yellowish scales;

◉ over time, shapeless forms appear on the surface of the leaves yellow spots and shine from sticky honeydew. The leaves turn yellow very quickly, lose their shape, curl and fall off.

- leaves damaged by whitefly larvae: photo


❂ By sucking the juices of the plant, the whitefly larvae deplete it. A weak flower becomes vulnerable to various diseases, withers away literally before our eyes;

❂ suffer decorative qualities indoor plant affected by pests. Leaf turgor decreases, unsightly spots and yellowness appear. potted flower deforms and dries;

❂ sticky honeydew - perfect nutrient medium for dangerous black sooty fungus, which causes rotting of plant tissue;

❂ By piercing the skin of a leaf or shoot, whitefly larvae introduce various infectious diseases that lead to the death of the plant. For example - leaf curl, jaundice, yellow mosaic, chlorosis, fusarium.


❀ air circulation in the room. Regularly ventilate the room where the ornamental plants;

❀ regular warm showers for indoor plants (especially on hot summer days). Wash the leaves and stems of the flowers thoroughly, wipe with a soft sponge, removing dust and dirt;

❀ periodically inspect all parts of the plant and especially the underside of the leaves;

❀ can be poured onto the surface of the potting substrate wood ash thin layer;

❀ for new potted flowers - quarantine for 2-3 weeks, keep flower bouquets away from the collection indoor species;

❀ on warm summer days, you can hang special glue traps over your house flowers, the yellowish color and smell of which attracts whiteflies and other pests that fly into the room.


❶ temperature decrease to 10°C. This effective method, but is not suitable for delicate plants that cannot stay in a room with a low temperature for a long time. Adult insects die at this temperature within a few days. But some larvae, nevertheless, can hibernate and survive, and with an increase in temperature to 15°C and above they will again continue to destroy the plant;

❷ at the initial stage of infection, you can control pests using a soap solution. IN clean water add laundry soap, grated on a fine grater in a ratio of 1:5. Shake the contents vigorously until a thick foam appears. Using a spray bottle, spray the entire plant and carefully spray the top layer of soil. Repeat the procedure after 5 days;

❸ an effective folk remedy is tobacco infusion. We extract tobacco from cheap strong cigarettes, grind it and fill it with water (1 liter). Leave in a dark place for 4-5 days. Then strain through cheesecloth and spray the plant at least 3 times with an interval of 3 days;

❹ another folk remedy is garlic infusion. Pour two crushed cloves of garlic into 1 liter of water, leave for 24 hours in a dark place, strain through cheesecloth. Spray with a spray bottle 3-4 times with an interval of 5 days;

❺ if a houseplant is severely affected by whitefly, then treatment with modern insecticides is indispensable. It is important to consider that adult insects will be present on the affected plant at the same time, different stages larvae, as well as laid eggs. So choose complex remedy, containing components against all stages of whitefly. To such effective means may include "Aktara", "Agravertin", "Confidor", "Aktellik", "Fitoverm". These complex insecticides have proven themselves in the fight against whiteflies and many others. dangerous pests indoor flowers.

A small white insect up to 3 mm long. The wings are covered with white powdery pollen.

It nourishes plants with juice, which sometimes causes irreparable harm, even death. On the surface of the leaves, the whitefly lays many eggs Brown, from which the larvae emerge. The larvae barely reach 0.3 mm in length.

In small numbers, whiteflies can go undetected long time, feeding on juice from the stem. The plant becomes dull, the leaves lose color, and soon dries out and dies.

If detected in a timely manner, it is quite easy to get rid of pests by using special means and creating the right climatic conditions, which will be discussed in the article.

How to detect whitefly?

In the first hours, the larvae move around the plant until they find their place. Subsequently, they remain in place until fully ripe, feeding on juice. Adult insects fly and reproduce well.

Often the pests are found on the underside of the leaf blade.

Any flying white moth indicates the presence of a whitefly nearby. She is thermophilic and prefers warm greenhouses and home comfort.

Exists a large number of varieties of the pest, some of them are able to survive on open areas in mid-latitudes with a temperate climate.

During a season, the whitefly produces up to 15 generations, where the number is measured in the thousands.

From time to time, inspect the leaves (especially the underside), if necessary, you can lightly shake the bush. A cloud with white pests must appear above the flower.

Like aphids, whiteflies leave a shiny coating on the leaves - honeydew. This is waste from life.

Honeydew provokes the appearance of sooty fungus, in the form of gray or black spots.

External signs of the plant: growth stops, fades, loses its decorative effect, leaves turn yellow and curl.

Plants at risk

More than 300 species of shrubs and herbaceous plants are attacked by whiteflies.

Most often covered: aster, balsam, begonia, cornflowers, pear, melon, St. John's wort, eggplant, heliotrope, gardenia, willow, St. John's wort, strawberry, gooseberry, alfalfa, cabbage, potato, lemon, orchid, mint, ferns, petunia, parsley, sunflower, celery, rose, soybean, bean, ficus, fuchsia, chicory, sage, apple tree.

Conditions for the appearance of whiteflies

The appearance of any pests or diseases is accompanied by improper and disturbed care, creating favorable conditions for their appearance and further reproduction.

Let's consider under what conditions the probability of whitefly damage to a flower increases.

Pests usually appear in hot weather summer period. Favorable conditions for whiteflies - a warm and constantly humid climate. At temperatures below 10 degrees, they cease to exist, but the eggs are able to withstand even minor frosts and wait for warmth to continue their vital functions.

IN winter period, choose warm rooms, greenhouses, greenhouses. They are able to move from one plant to another, infecting the entire garden.

To prevent the appearance of whiteflies, you must follow several rules:

  • The room should be regularly and well ventilated
  • Flowers are planted at a certain distance from each other
  • Maintain moderate humidity
  • Do not spray when low temperatures With high humidity
  • Regularly treat the plant with growth stimulants (epin, houseflower, etc.) and apply fertilizers.

Ways to combat whitefly

There are several recipes and methods for preventing and exterminating pests. They can be divided into 2 main groups: purchased funds and with the help traditional methods. In addition, there are various traps and fumigators.

It is difficult to say which method is best, it all depends on the degree of damage and the plant itself.

Purchased chemical substances, are capable of destroying whiteflies in a few hours. The poison infects the sap of the flower, and the insatiable pest, unaware, drinks it from the stems and leaves, but the patient himself is also affected to some extent.

Folk remedies are less toxic and destroy whiteflies when they fall on its surface. But they are safe for pets and children, who often touch the flower, after which the substance gets on the mucous membrane.

Traps for whiteflies - principle of operation

Traps are designed to catch only adults. Often these are adhesive or sticky films. Use store-bought ones or make them yourself.

The trap consists of a sheet of cardboard on which glue is applied in a liquid state, which for a long time does not dry out. They are hung from above the plant. The components are selected without odor and toxins.

Traps are painted in bright colors to attract pests. They are widely used for any purpose, from mosquitoes, flies, aphids, thrips and other insects.

Cooking at home is not such a difficult job. You will need a piece of cardboard or plastic that is painted yellow or Orange color, apply a thin layer of Vaseline, honey with rosin, or castor oil on top with a brush. A hole is first made on one side and hung on a thin wire or strong thread. Can be installed in a pot on a rigid support. Regularly, as flies stick, traps must be cleaned or replaced with new ones.

Stores also sell adhesive tapes from flies, which are also suitable as a trap.

What is a fumigator?

This electrical appliance, into which either a special plate with harmful substances from insects, or a container with liquid.

When heated, the plate heats up (or the liquid evaporates) and releases an odor into the air that mosquitoes, including whiteflies, cannot tolerate.

The windows and doors in the room are first closed. Staying on your own, in the room is not recommended. The fumigator is turned on for a short time of 30-60 minutes.

Whitefly control agents

It is much easier to cope with a pest if it is detected in a timely manner. initial stage lesions until the whitefly occupied the entire flower.

At later stages, it is necessary to use purchased strong chemicals.

Preventive measures against whitefly

The larvae located on the bottom of the leaf spend 1 week before hatching.

To reduce the number of larvae, once a week, wipe the leaves with a rag or sponge soaked in water. You can use a soap solution. But this method is effective with a small number of plants and at the initial stage of pest appearance. In greenhouses and greenhouses, it is less effective and labor-intensive.

Another way to reduce the temperature to 10 degrees, but you should take into account the temperature regime of the plants; perhaps some are not adapted to exist at low temperatures. With such indicators, the whitefly dies, but the eggs still need to be removed mechanically or using other means. When the temperature rises above 15 degrees, the larvae will begin their active growth.

Kill weeds if we're talking about about an area with open ground.

Folk remedies for whitefly

Soap solution. Use laundry or tar soap. First, the soap is crushed and diluted in water in a ratio of 1:6.

Beat the soap solution until foam forms and apply it to the leaves with a sponge. You can use a spray bottle, but without first whipping it into foam. The pot with soil is covered with polyethylene.

Be careful not to get the solution into the lower layers of the earth. If necessary, after 5 days, the procedure is repeated.

Garlic. Downtime effective method rinsing with garlic tincture. 2-3 cloves of garlic are crushed and poured into 1 liter. water. Then close tightly and leave for at least 1-2 days in a dark place at a temperature of 20 degrees.

The resulting solution is sprayed onto the plants 1-3 times with an interval of 1 week.

Yarrow. 100 grams of crushed leaves are poured into 1 liter of water, covered and left for 2-3 days. The resulting infusion is sprayed on the affected leaves. Usually 1-3 times with an interval of 5 days is enough.

Sugar tincture. Dissolve 2 tbsp in 200 grams. spoons of sugar. Spray the affected flowers with the resulting solution. The procedure is repeated again after 5-7 days. If the whitefly has disappeared, after a week, the leaves are wiped from sugar coating with a sponge and warm water.

Dandelion. To prepare the infusion, the above-ground and underground parts of the dandelion are used. The root and leaves, taken 50 grams each in crushed form, are poured into 1 liter of water. Cover and let sit for 2 days, then spray 2-3 times with an interval of 6-7 days.

Alcohol extract of pyrethrum. 25 grams of pyrethrum pour 100 grams. alcohol, close tightly and leave for 12 hours. Then add 5 grams of laundry soap to 20 grams of infused extract and add 1 liter of water. Spray with prepared infusion once a week.

Repeat until the pests disappear completely. Instead of pyrethrum, you can use crushed hot peppers, or millennial.

Using commercial whitefly chemicals

If folk remedies are powerless, and there are more and more pests, chemical agents come to the rescue that will quickly destroy insects.

Aktara. The remedy for whiteflies can quickly destroy and protect for a month and a half. Actara contains thiamethoxam, which acts as a poison. The solution is poured root system. The substance, together with water, enters the juice, which is contained in the stems and leaves. Very rarely, in case of severe damage, the leaves are sprayed with the solution once a week. Just 2-3 repetitions. Actara is diluted according to the instructions. The first time you can increase your concentration a little.

Akarin. A universal substance against all pests. Use as a spray according to the instructions indicated on the package. It enters the body through food during the absorption of juice.

Confidor. This preparation can be either sprayed or watered at the root.
The interval between repetitions is one week. The substance contained in the confidor is imidacloprid. Usually one time is enough and after 2-3 hours the whitefly dies. There are several analogues to the confidor: kopfidor, admir, commander.

Spark. A product in solid form (tablets) that dissolves in water. May be found in powder or ampoules. Water the soil with a diluted solution in water according to the instructions. One dose is enough. Retains in soil for 30 days.

Actellik. A popular remedy for all insects and pests, including whiteflies. But using Actellik is dangerous for pets and children living in the house. Limit access to plants as much as possible during the procedure.

Usually one or two sprays are enough.

With any of the above methods, it is necessary to protect yourself and the children in the house or on personal plot. Do not touch or be near the flowers during and after spraying until the chemical is completely washed off the leaves.