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Swamp sphagnum moss: use in medicine. White moss, or sphagnum

Sphagnum, peat moss (Sphagnum L.) from the Sphagnaceae family. Sphagnum mosses (see photo) are widespread throughout the swamp areas of the entire north of Russia.

They usually form dense or loose different colors(greenish-yellow to purple) tufts over mossy hummocky swamps and swampy forests. Ledum and blueberries (gonobobel), cranberries and cloudberries, cotton grass and princelings, and stunted birch and pine trees are common plants in such sphagnum bogs. There are several dozen different types of sphagium growing here; in the European part of Russia alone there are more than 40 of them.

These mosses, thanks to their biological features(unlimited growth due to the lack of a root system, high suction capacity and aseptic properties, often create huge deposits of peat, which has a large economic importance. Well decomposed sphagnum peat, in various types its processing (lumpy peat, milled peat chips, peat briquettes, peat gases) is a high-quality fuel material.

Sphagnum application.

Slightly decomposed sphagnum peat is used in a number of sectors of our economy and industry, for example: agriculture like bedding for livestock, peat fertilizer, peat and chalk feed for livestock, packaging and preservative material for transportation and storage food products sh fruits (peat powder); in construction as an insulating building material (peat, phagnite, isoplytes, peat plywood) for laying voids in walls or for filling them; in sanitation as a disinfectant and odor-destroying agent for filling in powder form Wastewater and cesspools; in medicine (in surgery) - when dressing wounds in the form of gauze bags made of compressed or dry sphagnum instead of cotton wool or lignin: in paper production as a raw material for the production of coarse grades of paper (newspaper, wrapping paper, wallpaper, cardboard); finally in chemical industry- for the preparation of paints, tannins, alcohol, etc.

During the Great Patriotic War received great importance the use of sphagnum in surgery as a good suction dressing material for purulent wounds The question of sphagnum as a dressing material is very old, already in the 11th century. The British began to use sphagnum for this purpose, then later it spread widely throughout Western Europe.

In the 19th century this was already a well-known remedy: during the Napoleonic wars, sphagnum served as a dressing material in the navy; in the Franco-German war of 1870-1871. sphagnum was used as a standard dressing material; during Russo-Japanese War The Japanese used sphagnum dressings to provide first aid to the wounded, and many wounds dressed with sphagnum remained in quite satisfactory condition without any dressing for 10 days while the wounded were being transported from Manchuria to Japan. During the imperialist war of 1914-1918. sphagnum became widely used by the British, and then it quickly spread in France, Belgium, Egypt, Canada, the USA and other countries.

After the 80s of the XIX century. Russian surgeons also began to use sphagnum; during the imperialist and civil war some of our doctors also used sphagnum and spoke well of it. IN Lately the preparation of sphagnum for surgical purposes and its use in hospitals became very widespread and universally recognized. The practice of using sphagnum for dressings has shown that it is much better than many other dressings, especially in the treatment of purulent wounds.

In its unsterilized form, the suitability of peat moss is 12.5 times higher than cotton gray wool, 4 times higher than absorbent cotton wool and even exceeds the suitability of a Greek sponge; sphagnum sterilized at 115° has 9.5 times greater suitability than cotton gray wool, more than 3 times than absorbent cotton wool, and only slightly less suitability than Greek sponge.

Collection and drying of sphagnum.

It is best to collect sphagnum in dry and summer months. autumn time, from May to September, but if absolutely necessary, it can be collected at any other time of the year, even in winter, by removing moss from under the ice and snow. Essentially all species are suitable for collection. sphagnum moss; you just need to choose long-bearded, long-stemmed moss, at least 7 cm in length, since short-stemmed moss produces a low-quality product. Therefore, it is necessary to take the thick carpet of sphagnum cushions as deep as possible, capturing in any case the entire living, green part of the turf before it turns into a reddish-felt layer.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the dying lower layers of sphagnum with fallen leaves are of little use for dressing purposes, and therefore the reddish, dying parts of mosses should not end up in the collected material. The actual collection of sphagnum moss involves simply pulling out the moss with your hands or a rake with curved teeth. Immediately after removing the moss, squeeze out the water in it. Then the squeezed moss is placed in baskets, with the heads in one direction, and cleaned of any accidentally introduced impurities (needles, twigs, leaves, stems of marsh plants, etc.).

Collected and cleaned moss is dried in the sun, in the wind or in a Russian oven at a temperature of 50-60°. The degree of drying is determined by eye by the whitening of the green parts of the sphagnum; Harvesting practice has shown that from 9-11 parts of fresh, damp moss, 1 part of dry moss is obtained. The humidity of dried moss should be about 25-30%. Further overdrying entails brittleness of the moss and the formation of dust, which is not allowed, and at a humidity above 40%, the moss becomes moldy during long-term storage and freezes in frost.

After drying, sphagnum is best prepared into bales similar to peat bedding bales, with light pressing to a size of 100 x 60 x 50 cm and a weight of 70-80 kg. The bale is tied along the long sides with slats tied with wire. This type of boiling is very convenient for transport and prevents heavy contamination of moss on the road.

It is best to store piles of sphagnum moss in a shed or under a shed to prevent it from becoming saturated with water from rain and snow*, which can cause the moss to rot and mold. Under such conditions, the presence winter cold ensures the preservation of slightly undried moss until spring. Unused sphagnum during the year must be replaced. next summer new, which is easily feasible due to the completely unlimited reserves of sphagnum in Russia.

Sphagnum photo.

Plants growing in swamps differ from others in their structure and properties. Sphagnum moss is one of those grasses that, having adapted to terrestrial life, have retained some features of aquatic crops. A representative of bryophytes firmly takes its place in nature, sharing its beneficial properties with humans.

Many people are familiar with peat moss - sphagnum, having encountered it while walking through the forest. When walking on a beautiful carpet of moss, your feet gently sink into it. With every step, a person feels humidity, as climbing shoots absorb moisture from the soil and air, retaining it in their cells. But moss is the material from which peat masses and brown coal are formed over thousands of years. Sphagnum thickets play an important role in regulating the hydrological regime of territories.

Sphagnum moss is distributed throughout the globe, but unevenly. In the tropics, it prefers mountainous terrain, and in the northern regions, damp areas of pine and spruce forests. Sphagnum is less common in the steppes. The diversity of plant species, the colonization of vast territories by it - everything speaks of its great role in natural groups. It is sphagnum and other bryophytes that play important role in regulating the processes of moisture evaporation from the ground.

The unusualness of sphagnum is not only in its structure, but also useful composition which a person skillfully uses.

Moss development occurs through a simultaneous process of growth and decomposition. While the upper part of the stems develops, stretching 1-3 centimeters, the lower part, located under the liquid layer of soil, dies, sinking over time to the bottom of the swamp.

Hence the variety of structure and color of moss bunches:

  • The top layer of the plant has many shades from light green, yellowish to red.
  • At a depth of five centimeters there are empty cells without chlorophyll, hence the presence of a pale yellow color.
  • Below the water level, the moss stalks have a light brown tint.
  • Dying parts of sphagnum move to the bottom of the swamp.

Interesting abundantly branching stem perennial plant. Small leaves consist of thin plates covering the stem in the form of scales. Between living cells there are transparent membranes of dead ones. They act as a reservoir for retaining moisture by drawing in evaporation from the environment.

Useful properties and use in medicine

Medicine has long appreciated the property of moss as hygroscopicity. After all, it absorbs twenty times more moisture than ordinary cotton wool. This makes the wet piece of cotton ball impermeable to air. And sphagnum breathes well even when wet. It is not for nothing that moss was used during the war years as a dressing. And surgeons at field hospitals used it to clean wounds from blood and pus.

An important property of the plant is the disinfection of wounds.

Sphagnum actively fights pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The role of antibiotics is performed by the humic acids contained in it, substances from the coumarin class. Their pronounced bactericidal effect is destructive against staphylococci and streptococci.

There are many ways to use sphagnum in medical practice:

  1. To heal wounds and burns, moss is wrapped in gauze and applied to the affected areas.
  2. For arthrosis and arthritis, take baths to which an infusion of the plant is added. To prepare it, one hundred grams of dry grass is poured with three liters of hot water. After infusion for twenty to thirty minutes, the solution is filtered and poured into the bath. Such procedures are carried out twice a week for twenty minutes. In addition to treatment, water therapy sessions increase sweating, cleansing the body of waste and toxins.
  3. To prevent fungal diseases of the nails and feet, place a layer of sphagnum moss in shoes.

The plant from the Bryophyte family was known for its beneficial properties from a medical point of view ten centuries ago. And doctors still use it in the treatment and prevention of certain pathologies.

The benefits of sphagnum moss are also appreciated by those who grow flowers. The material is used in different ways:

  • Plant seed germination works well in damp peat moss.
  • The plant is used to improve soil composition when growing indoor flowers. It makes the soil loose, nutritious, and moist. In addition, you can be calm about the occurrence of diseases in planted crops. They will not be afraid of either fungi or bacteria. Moss will save plants from infection if you wrap the roots with it.
  • For those flowers that require high humidity for full growth, wet moss is placed in a tray or placed between the walls of pots inserted into each other.
  • Bulbs and tubers of garden flowers are simply preserved by placing them in sphagnum moss.
  • Rooting of cuttings will be more successful if crushed moss stalks are added to the substrate.
  • Dried stems are good as a covering material for those plants that are afraid of frost.
  • Based on peat best fertilizer for garden and vegetable crops, sphagnum moss is used. And for quality cultivation orchids require a substrate in which, in addition to fern leaves, pine bark, charcoal there is white moss.

The climbing stems of the plant are great for weaving baskets for hanging flowers. They serve as a support for cultures with aerial roots. The indispensability of sphagnum in growing garden, indoor plants appreciated by all flower growers.

Moss can be harvested at any time of the year. Take only the top living branches, carefully cutting them with scissors or a knife. You can also remove the grass completely by hand. The best place for collecting sphagnum there will be what is located next to the trees. After collection, the moss is squeezed out, removing browned parts from it, clearing it of debris and needles. Store the plant in a damp state, placing it in plastic bags and leaving it in the cold.

Dry the stems by hanging them on hangers or spreading them on fabric.

After this, the material is placed in paper bags, keeping at room temperature air. Raw materials must be used within a year. You can harvest sphagnum even in winter by digging it out from under the snow. It does not lose its beneficial properties due to frost.

More information can be found in the video:

Sphagnum moss is well known to flower lovers and not only. It is also used in medicine, animal husbandry, and construction. Other names for sphagnum are white moss, peat moss, sphagnum. This plant is involved in maintaining the balance of the forest ecosystem. It is from this that peat reserves are formed. Moss has a specific place in the food chain.

Where does sphagnum grow and what does it look like?

White moss lives in swampy forest areas. It can be found in different parts of the globe, but is more common in the northern territories. Translated from Greek, sphagnum sounds like “ natural sponge" This name is no coincidence; it is caused by the hygroscopic properties of the plant. Compared to other mosses, sphagnum has a much lighter color.

This moss has no roots. As sphagnum dies over time, it turns into peat. Rotting processes do not affect it due to the antibacterial properties inherent in this plant. Some people don’t know why sphagnum is called white moss, but the whole point is that when the plant dries, it turns white. During the growth of moss, low, erect shoots are formed, which form a dense cushion not exceeding 5 cm. The plant in the description is represented by several varieties. For example, protruding sphagnum forms taller and looser clumps.

Sphagnum does not have a single stem, but consists of phyllidia and caulidia, which absorb mineral salts and water, thus receiving nutrition. The role of rhizoids is performed by young sections of the stem and leaves. Over time, their suction function is lost, and they only help the marsh moss to stay in the substrate. Spores ripen in special boxes that form at the ends of the upper branches.

If you look at the structure of sphagnum under a microscope, its leaves consist of 2 types of cells. Green and living ones contain chloroplasts, which are involved in photosynthesis. Dead cells are large and colorless formations. Their role is to retain large volumes of moisture. The shoots of the plant have an openwork pattern and give the sphagnum an airy appearance. During the rainy season, moss absorbs water and then gradually releases it to environment, thus maintaining the water balance of the ecosystem.

Reproduction of "natural sponge"

Scientists have long established how sphagnum reproduces. Reproduction occurs through spores and vegetatively. The rate of reproduction of bog sphagnum largely depends on the composition of the soil. The “sponge” spreads most quickly in damp grassy areas with low soil acidity, near trees, and near swamps. The most productive way is propagation by spores:

Mechanism vegetative propagation effective only over short distances. In this case, the moss reproduces in sections of the stem.

Areas of use

“Natural sponge” is widely used in various economic fields. In some places, sphagnum moss is collected on an industrial scale. However, it is often prepared for personal needs. It is interesting to know where sphagnum moss can be useful and what it is used for:

To collect raw materials yourself, you can go to the nearest forest with wetlands, where it will not be difficult to find white moss. The process of collecting and subsequent storage of “natural sponge” is also not particularly difficult.

How to collect and store

Soft forest moss does not require the use of any special devices during the collection process. It is collected with bare hands or wearing gloves. An adult can easily pull moss out of the soil. After collection, the sphagnum must be squeezed out to remove excess moisture and laid out in the sun to dry. If you plan to use the plant in decorative purposes, it is not wrung out and dried for a shorter period of time.

When collecting, it is better not to tear out the plant completely, but to cut it with scissors top part pillows. Then the remaining moss in the soil will continue to grow, producing new branches, and it will gradually recover. If the plant is intended to be used as a substrate, it must be doused with boiling water to kill the insects living in it.

It is better not to dry sphagnum moss in special household dryers, as in this case it will dry unevenly. The collected raw materials can be stored in the freezer.

In wetlands and areas where there are many bodies of water, you can find an abundance of specific vegetation that has useful and unique qualities. A very common representative of such areas is sphagnum moss, known as peat moss.

Description of the plant

Sphagnum is swamp moss, belonging to the Sphagnum family, which has excellent tolerance unfavorable conditions swampy area. You can meet him almost everywhere: on tree trunks, stones, metal and even glass. Peat moss is a rootless perennial. The lower part of the branched stem gradually dies off, and the branches are covered with small leaves growing in a spiral.

The development cycle of sphagnum is almost similar to other species. The formation of germ cells occurs on the gametophyte plant. The place of the egg after the fusion of gametes is occupied by a sporogon, in the capsule of which spores develop, which, after maturation, give rise to new gametophyte. Only its upper part develops, moving all the time towards the light, while the lower one constantly dies. The top is baptized green, and the area immersed in water is whitish.

During the periods from high humidity sphagnum can absorb 20 times more moisture own weight. It owes its name to this ability: translated from Greek, the meaning of the word sphagnum is a sponge. The habitat is considered to be the temperate zone and the Northern Hemisphere, sometimes also found in the subtropics.

Beneficial features

According to medical experts, sphagnum moss contains very important elements, endowing the plant medicinal properties. Peat moss consists of the following components:

  • triterpene compounds;
  • phenol-like substances;
  • Sahara;
  • resins;
  • pectin elements;
  • mineral salts;
  • cellulose;
  • coumarins.

The above components enable sphagnum to have the following effect:

  1. accelerate the healing of cut, open and purulent wounds;
  2. act as an antiseptic material for dressing, which does not require sterilization;
  3. have antibacterial properties, allowing the use of sphagnum to combat skin and nail fungus;
  4. cope with increased sweating, fungal diseases of the skin and nail plates, using baths with a decoction of the plant;
  5. help eliminate staphylococcal lesions of wounds using water after squeezing out the moss;
  6. heal skin diseases and irritations, including psoriasis.

Use of sphagnum moss

Despite his obvious healing abilities, the plant has found wide application in various fields.

In folk medicine

There are a number of recipes for obtaining successful results from sphagnum treatment:

  • Powder. Used to treat both open and purulent wounds. For cooking similar means dried moss is ground well to obtain a powdery mass. Directions for use: sprinkle the wound with powder, and after 5 minutes, rinse well with water and bandage.
  • Tincture. Used to heal skin and nail plates from fungus. To prepare, 100 g of moss are placed in a glass with 70% alcohol. The mixture is infused for several hours, after which sphagnum is applied to the affected areas and fixed with a bandage.
  • Collection. The purpose of its use is to treat such dermatological diseases like eczema, dermatitis. To prepare the collection, dry sphagnum, verbena, cudweed, river gravel, clover, primrose, rose petals, galangal rhizomes and sedge are mixed in equal parts. 10 g of the mixture are placed in a glass container, where they are mixed again, and poured with half a liter of boiling water. After several hours of infusion, the decoction is ready for use. The infusion is applied externally by adding to warm bath for bathing or moistening a cloth towel applied to the affected areas.
  • Ointment. It is able to quickly heal wounds and skin inflammations. The preparation method is to mix dry moss with Vaseline in equal parts. The finished ointment can also be applied to the nail plates to kill fungus.
  • Sphagnum decoction for baths. The main diagnosis for use is joint pain. To prepare, place half a kilogram of moss in a bucket of cool water. The container is placed on low heat, where it is brought to a boil. 10 minutes after boiling, the stove turns off. After waiting for complete cooling, the broth is poured into a warm bath, which should be taken for about half an hour.

In construction

Sphagnum, which has unique qualities, has also been used in construction. It is a well-known truth that when they build wooden house, requires laying insulation between the logs. Currently, there is no shortage of insulation materials: construction hypermarkets and markets offer a huge range of synthetic insulation materials, depending on financial capabilities.

However, if the future owner wants to get a durable building - be it a house or a bathhouse, it is better to use moss. The bactericidal properties of moss will extend lifetime log house and not start to rot. In the case of a bath, the main importance is given to the hygroscopic qualities of sphagnum, which will make it possible to smooth out changes in humidity. Accordingly, the bathhouse will please its owners much longer.

In floriculture and horticulture

Dacha owners are familiar with it as a fertilizer or covering material for plants in winter period. It is also often used to fill cups for forcing seedlings. Moss is widely used in floriculture:

  1. Possessing bactericidal properties, it is used for cultivating young specimens and saving diseased plants.
  2. Due to its hygroscopicity, which allows it to retain moisture, it is popular as a component of various substrates.
  3. Widely used in caring for orchids.

Method of using sphagnum moss when breeding orchids:

Moss prepared in this way is still used orchid roots not reached 7 cm: the plant is transplanted into freshly made sphagnum at intervals of 2 months. After the root system reaches the required size, the orchid is transplanted into a special substrate.

In beekeeping and animal husbandry

Moss with its unique qualities may also be of interest to beekeepers. For example, pressed dry sphagnum makes an excellent insulation material both for a human home and for bees. To prevent the bees from freezing when frost sets in, the hives are insulated with sphagnum. And to maintain a constant level of humidity inside the bee house, moss is placed under the hive, where it absorbs excess moisture and, thanks to its antibacterial properties, disinfects the space, allowing the occurrence of various diseases in bees. As the dryness of the air masses increases, it will begin to return moisture, allowing the honey in the combs not to become sugary.

Sphagnum moss is good for furnishing homes for pets. For example, it can be found in cages inhabited by rats, hamsters, and guinea pigs. It is often used for bedding for agricultural animals. In such a situation, spent sphagnum moss in combination with animal droppings will turn into great view organic fertilizers. Its ability to perfectly absorb various odors has made it popular in the pet litter market.

Collection and storage of sphagnum

To collect this plant, special devices no need:

  1. Since it is not poisonous, the collection can be carried out with unprotected hands, but it is better not to give up gloves.
  2. Plant without special effort is pulled out of the ground, so there is no need for a shovel either.

When the collection is completed, the plant is wrung out and laid out in the sun to dry completely. If the purpose of collecting it is to use moss as decorative element, then it is not completely wrung out and is not subjected to prolonged drying.

Experienced people who collect sphagnum share the following tips:

  • You should not pull out the entire moss: cut off the upper part with scissors, leaving the lower part untouched. After some time, the appearance of new shoots will allow the plant to fully recover.
  • It is worth dousing the collected moss with boiling water to destroy it. small insects living on it.
  • You should not resort to the use of artificial dryers: the plant may dry out in patches.
  • If possible, store the collection in the freezer.

Thus, having become more closely acquainted with this unique plant, it becomes really clear what sphagnum moss is.

Not every person knows that the nature of our country is rich plant materials who have a large number of beneficial properties and are widely used in various fields human activity. Sphagnum is one of the unique plants ecology, which has found its application in medicine, crop production, animal husbandry, etc. Thanks to the beneficial properties of moss, our ancestors fought against diseases, and even today they actively use sphagnum perennial to treat a number of diseases.

What is sphagnum

A variety of perennial spore plant from the family Sphagnaceae belongs to the class of deciduous mosses. Sphagnum mosses grow in a dense, soft carpet, mainly on turf, in forest areas and swamps of the Northern Hemisphere. In the South they mainly grow in the mountains. Distinctive feature sphagnum - lack of a root system.

The appearance of sphagnum moss resembles fluffy grass. Moss grows with the upper part, and the lower part, dying, forms peat. Plants are located on the stem and lateral branches small leaves, they grow in a spiral. Sphag has a variety of colors; in nature, brown, red, white and pink moss are most often found.

Plant structure

Sphagnum is a large plant, on average it can reach a height of 10-20 cm. At the top of the branch, boxes are formed, in which spores are later formed. Sphagnum are the only mosses that do not have rhizoids, so they absorb moisture through their stems and leaves. The stem includes three types of branches: protruding, pendulous and apical. A plant leaf consists of two cells: green (living) and dead. The former are responsible for photosynthesis, and the latter serve as a reservoir of moisture and air.

Inside, the body is made up of plant tissues with cells, the structure is formed by connecting green cells to each other. Due to its structure, this type of sphagnum moss has the ability to absorb large amounts of water. When saturated with moisture, the peat perennial acquires light green shade, and when completely dry it turns white.

Properties of sphagnum

Sphagnum plants grow in places with high humidity and contribute to waterlogging of the area. The body of the plant contains carbolic acid, so sphag helps the formation of peat and almost does not rot. Hygroscopicity allows moss to absorb large amounts of moisture, so it plays the role of a soil loosening agent, and thanks to sphagnol, it prevents root rot, which is why it is used in gardening. With the help of plants of this group, sphagnum bogs are formed.


Distinguish the following types moss:

  • dry;
  • swamp;
  • white.

How does sphagnum propagate?

Reproduction is facilitated by spores matured in the sporophyte and offspring. Fertilization occurs only with the participation of water, a zygote is formed and division occurs. The haustorium develops from the lower cell, which consumes nutrients from the gametophyte and promotes the development of the sporophyte. Next, a capsule is formed at the top of the stem and spores are formed; ripe spores fall to the ground and contribute to the development of a new plant.

Application of sphagnum

For many years beneficial features sphagnum made life easier for people and saved lives. Sphagnum perennial moss began to be actively used during military operations, since there was a shortage of dressing materials. Residents North America still used today dry plant instead of lining in baby bassinets, because Thanks to its qualities, it helps to avoid diaper rash.

For medicinal purposes

Sphagnum is used in medicine and is known for its bactericidal and aseptic properties; it is used for disinfection and other purposes:

  1. It resists infection of wounds and cuts.
  2. Due to the content of phenolic substances, coumarin, sugar and resin compounds, sphagnum moss is an antiseptic.
  3. Using the plant for a fracture as a dressing or bandage, you do not have to resort to additional sterilization.
  4. Moss fights bacteria, fungus of the skin and nails, is useful for psoriasis and skin irritations, and fights suppuration of wounds.
  5. Perennial sphagnum can be used as a raw material for the production of medicinal and other types of alcohol, and feed yeast. In addition, moss is useful for burns and frostbite. To do this, grind dry moss and pour boiling water until it becomes a paste, then apply the slightly cooled moss to the sore spot.
  6. To combat bedsores in bedridden patients, sphagnum bedding is used: they absorb sweat and eliminate unpleasant odors.
  7. This type The perennial plant is also used as an additional splint for bone fractures.
  8. Chewing sphagnum moss is known to dull labor pains and speed up the birth process.
  9. For excessive sweating of the feet, insoles made of sphag are used; to do this, it must be crushed and filled with a linen bag that follows the contour of the foot.

  1. A decoction of sphagnum moss has long been used in Chinese medicine for sore throat, flu, as disinfectant for stomatitis and infections in the nasopharynx. The decoction is used to actively treat insect bites and ulcers.
  2. Based on the extract of a perennial plant, medicines have been created to treat the prostate and inflammation in bladder.
  3. Sphag can be used as cotton wool or a bandage; it absorbs much more moisture than cotton wool.
  4. For colitis, crushed sphagnum moss is used: a teaspoon is eaten half an hour before meals.
  5. Considering its dermatological properties, the perennial is used for skin diseases- make a special compress.
  6. To combat staphylococcus, sphagnum perennials are collected from swampy areas, the peat water is squeezed out, then the infected areas are washed with it or wet sphagnum is applied to the infected area.

Several recipes that help with various diseases:

  • Powder that promotes the healing of open wounds and ulcers. Dried pieces of sphagnum must be thoroughly ground, then sprinkled on the cut and wait a few minutes. After this, you need to wash the wound and apply a bandage.
  • Infusion against nail fungus Pour one hundred grams of dry plant with a glass of medical alcohol, leave for four minutes, then drain the alcohol, apply the moss to the infected nail and leave for several hours.
  • A decoction for the treatment of joint diseases. One hundred grams of sphagnum must be poured with ten liters of water, brought to a boil and allowed to brew for several minutes. After the broth has cooled completely, you need to fill the bath warm water and add it there. Accept medicinal bath should last from half an hour to forty minutes.

Use on the farm

Our nature is rich in resources that play a big role in everyday life, and their beneficial properties are often not known to everyone. For economic purposes, the use of sphagnum has become widespread. Hundreds of gardeners and builders, flower growers and herbalists use moss as an assistant in Everyday life.

Sphagnum perennial often plays a role ornamental plant, it is used in the design of flower beds or gardens. This perennial is often used by flower growers: lovers of orchids and indoor plants use it to insulate root system. For the garden, peat moss acts as a fertilizer; it is suitable for aeration and improving soil quality, for storing root vegetables and onions, and germinating seeds.

Before adding sphagnum to the soil, it must be finely chopped. Due to its water-storing effect, sphagnum moss is used for indoor plants located in rooms with low humidity as an additional source of moisture and nutrients if it is not possible to care for the flowers daily.

Beekeepers use sphagnum moss as insulation for hives, to collect excess moisture during winter cold snaps, and livestock breeders - as bedding for livestock or pets, because it has the property of absorbing unpleasant odors, and the material used is used as a fertilizer for weakened soil.

The plant is suitable for sealing cracks or insulating walls in log houses or bathhouses: for this, wet moss is placed between the beams. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, sphagnum prevents the appearance of pests that can damage the wood layer, mold, and also provides ventilation. In addition, the plant has a natural smell, unlike other thermal insulation materials, and is not inferior to them in quality.

The plant is widely used as decorative material, it can be used to create florariums, decorative floral compositions and panels. It will not only revive the appearance, but also prolong the life of neighboring plants. It can be used as an organic substrate, instead of a floral sponge.

Harvesting the plant

Sphagnum sprouts should be collected in places with minimal humidity, for example, near trees, avoiding swamps. When harvesting, the top is cut off with a knife. Collection must be done selectively to allow the moss to recover in the collected area. Harvesting moss for medicinal purposes is carried out from May to September in dry weather. To dry the material, make a simple wooden structure– hangers that look like an open shelving unit. Install them in a dry place, protected from rain and sun.

After the collection has been made, the perennial is poured with warm water for 35 minutes to get rid of insects, then squeezed out and dried. Store prepared natural material should be in a dark place, in a paper or fabric bag. In winter, sphagnum moss can be stored on the balcony, but it must be thawed before use. If desired, sphagnum sprouts can be propagated at home. You need to choose a comfortable one plastic container, supply her ventilation hole, add water and lay the bottom of the moss on the water.

Contraindications for use

The only reason why you should not resort to treatment with sphagnum is an allergic reaction to its chemical components.
