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Marriage in the women's horoscope. Fifth house Uranus on the cusp of the 5th house in natal

Donetsk Business Lyceum

student 11MIP

Bien B class

teacher Alfimov D.V.

Donetsk 2010

Definition of uranium

Uranium (obsolete version - uranium) is a chemical element with atomic number 92 in the periodic table, atomic mass 238.029; denoted by the symbol U (lat. Uranium), belongs to the actinide family.

History of uranium

Even in ancient times (1st century BC), natural uranium oxide was used to make yellow glaze for ceramics. Research on uranium developed like a chain reaction generated by it. At first, information about its properties, like the first impulses of a chain reaction, arrived with long interruptions, from case to case. The first important date in the history of uranium is 1789, when the German natural philosopher and chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth restored the golden-yellow “earth” extracted from Saxon tar ore to a black metal-like substance. In honor of the most distant planet known at that time (discovered by Herschel eight years earlier), Klaproth, considering the new substance an element, named it uranium (with this he wanted to support Johann Bode’s proposal to name the new planet “Uranus” instead of “George’s Star,” as Herschel proposed). For fifty years, Klaproth's uranium was considered a metal. Only in 1841, the French chemist Eugene Melchior Péligot (1811-1890) proved that, despite the characteristic metallic luster, Klaproth's uranium is not an element, but an oxide UO 2. In 1840, Peligo managed to obtain real uranium - a heavy metal of a steel-gray color - and determine its atomic weight. The next important step in the study of uranium was made in 1874 by D. I. Mendeleev. Based on the periodic system he developed, he placed uranium in the farthest cell of his table. Previously, the atomic weight of uranium was considered to be 120. The great chemist doubled this value. 12 years later, Mendeleev’s prediction was confirmed by the experiments of the German chemist Zimmermann. The study of uranium began in 1896: the French chemist Antoine Henri Becquerel accidentally discovered Becquerel's rays, which Marie Curie later renamed radioactivity. At the same time, the French chemist Henri Moissan managed to develop a method for producing pure uranium metal. In 1899, Rutherford discovered that the radiation of uranium preparations is inhomogeneous, that there are two types of radiation - alpha and beta rays. They carry different electrical charges; Their range in matter and ionizing ability are far from the same. A little later, in May 1900, Paul Villar discovered a third type of radiation - gamma rays. Ernest Rutherford conducted the first experiments in 1907 to determine the age of minerals in the study of radioactive uranium and thorium based on the theory of radioactivity he created together with Frederick Soddy (Soddy, Frederick, 1877-1956; Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1921). In 1913, F. Soddy introduced the concept of isotopes (from ancient Greek ἴσος - “equal”, “identical”, and τόπος - “place”), and in 1920 predicted that isotopes could be used to determine the geological age of rocks. In 1928, Niggot implemented, and in 1939, A. O. K. Nier (Nier, Alfred Otto Carl, 1911 - 1994) created the first equations for calculating age and used a mass spectrometer to separate isotopes. In 1938, German physicists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann discovered an unexpected phenomenon that occurs with a uranium nucleus when it is irradiated with neutrons. Capturing a free neutron, the nucleus of the uranium isotope 235 U is divided, and quite a lot of energy is released (per one uranium nucleus), mainly due to the kinetic energy of fragments and radiation. Later, the theory of this phenomenon was substantiated by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch. This discovery was the source of both peaceful and military use of intra-atomic energy. In 1939-1940 Yu. B. Khariton and Ya. B. Zeldovich were the first to theoretically show that with a small enrichment of natural uranium with uranium-235, it is possible to create conditions for the continuous fission of atomic nuclei, that is, to give the process a chain character.

Isotopes of uranium

Isotopes of uranium are varieties of atoms (and nuclei) of the chemical element uranium, having different contents of neutrons in the nucleus. At the moment, 26 isotopes of uranium and another 6 excited isomeric states of some of its nuclides are known. Three isotopes of uranium are found in nature: 234 U (isotopic abundance 0.0055%), 235 U (0.7200%), 238 U (99.2745%). Nuclides 235 U and 238 U are the ancestors of radioactive series - the actinium series and the radium series, respectively. The 235 U nuclide is used as fuel in nuclear reactors, as well as in nuclear weapons (due to the fact that a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction is possible in it). The nuclide 238U is used to produce plutonium239, which is also extremely important both as a fuel for nuclear reactors and in the production of nuclear weapons.

Physical properties

Uranium is a very heavy, silvery-white, shiny metal. In its pure form, it is slightly softer than steel, malleable, flexible, and has slight paramagnetic properties. Uranium has three allotropic forms: alpha (prismatic, stable up to 667.7 °C), beta (tetragonal, stable from 667.7 °C to 774.8 °C), gamma (with a body-centered cubic structure, existing from 774. 8 °C to melting point).

Chemical properties

Chemically, uranium is a very active metal. Quickly oxidizing in air, it becomes covered with a rainbow film of oxide. Fine uranium powder spontaneously ignites in air; it ignites at a temperature of 150-175 °C, forming U3O8. At 1000 °C, uranium combines with nitrogen to form yellow uranium nitride. Water can corrode metal, slowly at low temperatures and quickly at high temperatures, as well as when uranium powder is finely ground. Uranium dissolves in hydrochloric, nitric and other acids, forming tetravalent salts, but does not interact with alkalis. Uranium displaces hydrogen from inorganic acids and salt solutions of metals such as mercury, silver, copper, tin, platinum and gold. When shaken vigorously, the metal particles of uranium begin to glow.


Nuclear fuel. The most widely used isotope of uranium is 235U, in which a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction is possible. Therefore, this isotope is used as fuel in nuclear reactors, as well as in nuclear weapons. Isolation of the U235 isotope from natural uranium is a complex technological problem. The U238 isotope is capable of fission under the influence of bombardment by high-energy neutrons; this feature is used to increase the power of thermonuclear weapons (neutrons generated by a thermonuclear reaction are used).

Uranium-233, artificially produced in reactors from thorium (thorium-232 captures a neutron and turns into thorium-233, which decays into protactinium-233 and then into uranium-233), may in the future become a common nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants (already now there are reactors that use this nuclide as fuel, for example KAMINI in India) and the production of atomic bombs (critical mass of about 16 kg). Uranium-233 is also the most promising fuel for gas-phase nuclear rocket engines.

Geology. The main use of uranium in Geology is determining the age of minerals and rocks in order to determine the sequence of geological processes. This is what Geochronology does.

Solving the problem of mixing and sources of matter is also essential. Due to the fact that rocks contain different concentrations of uranium, they have different radioactivity. This property is used when identifying rocks using geophysical methods. This method is most widely used in petroleum geology during geophysical surveys of wells; this complex includes, in particular, γ - logging or neutron gamma logging, gamma-gamma logging, etc. With their help, reservoirs and seals are identified.

Other Applications

    A small addition of uranium gives the glass a beautiful yellow-green fluorescence (see Uranium glass).

    Sodium uranate Na 2 U 2 O 7 was used as a yellow pigment in painting.

    Uranium compounds were used as paints for painting on porcelain and for ceramic glazes and enamels (painted in colors: yellow, brown, green and black, depending on the degree of oxidation).

    Some uranium compounds are photosensitive.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, uranyl nitrate was widely used to enhance negatives and color (tint) positives (photographic prints) brown.

    Uranium-235 carbide alloyed with niobium carbide and zirconium carbide is used as fuel for nuclear jet engines (working fluid - hydrogen + hexane). Alloys of iron and depleted uranium (uranium-238) are used as powerful magnetostrictive materials.

In appearance or clothing, something that makes you stand out from the crowd or demonstrates that you belong to a group. Uranus imparts independence, instability, originality to the character. The man has a lively enterprising spirit, prone to adventure, ... about himself in a strange, from the point of view of decency, way. He can be daring and harsh. Harmoniously aspected Uranus creates conditions that are conducive to improvisation, experimentation, and the development of new ideas. Patronizes inventors and pioneers. Square...

A decisive influence on his fate, but influencing the fate of entire teams or social groups. Uranus V houses Horoscope First house. Uranus In the first home- messenger of chaos. Although the constellation Aries suppresses the influence of Uranus, the planet will still incite... with abilities. Sometimes serious relationship problems arise due to an unwillingness to accept responsibility. Eighth house. Uranus be in the Sign of your exaltation - Scorpio. In this position the planet enhances creativity...

Family, the desire to arrange a comfortable life on a grand scale, in accordance with the principle of the planet. Through the exaltation of Jupiter in home a person is highly motivated to educate his family and family life. Goodwill and support reign in this family... of a serious nature. Uranus at 4 home The family atmosphere is filled with power-hungry relationships, family members conflict due to the dissimilarity of characters. Quarrels in home dangerous due to sudden and unexpected breaks with parents, escapes from native Houses. The family can be shocked...

There may be elderly people, people in authority, representatives of the law. Such enemies are difficult to get around. Uranus in the seventh home Human external activity is uneven and difficult to plan and predict the course of development. It can... be compromised in a trial, create a noisy bad reputation, the nature of which can be corruption. Interpretation of planets in the seventh home largely depends on the status of the planet in the sign, that is, on its potential energy, on the aspects connecting it...

A person needs to retreat, to leave. If you resist this desire, the fall can be fatal. Uranus at 10 home A career is connected with the latest modern professions, is possible through personal accumulation of experience in this field, or... can provoke scandalous situations. The decisive phase of development occurs at the age of 42. Neptune at 10 home Intuitive movement in the structure, an indefinite, intricate, mysterious path to the top, associated with half-understood, half-spoken circumstances...

The house is sleeping, sighing slightly, slightly in its sleep.
And somewhere the floorboards are creaking.
He probably remembers in his sleep,
How long has it been standing on earth?

Already the second hundred years, in how many destinies...
Hopes, falls, ups and victories.
Kept it warm, and again, again it will be

They can last more than a month, and recur several times a year due to the retrograde movement of this planet. Uranus transit Uranus occurs only once in a human life and occurs in 83-84 years. If the native experiences this transit painlessly, then this... this transit can manifest itself in the form of incurable diseases that must occur according to karmic laws. Uranus according to Neptune Transit is literally interpreted as a loss of restrictions, which can affect personal growth and expansion...

  • If Saturn afflicts the marriage planet (lord of Dsc), it gives a delay to marriage.

  • Saturn on the cusp of 5th, 7th houses in barren signs - marriage may not happen. (Fertile signs - Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio; barren signs - Virgo, Gemini, Leo, (Capricorn))

  • If the Sun or Moon is at 5 - early hobbies.

  • If Jupiter or Venus is in the 7th house - a happy married life, comfort and profit from marriage.

  • To indicate marriage, the square of Uranus, Saturn, Mars - there may be an accident or operation with the spouse. Saturn square - also delayed marriage, grief, disappointments, Mars - suspicions, irritability, scandals. Neptune square - deception in marriage.
  • Planets in the 7th house.

    In the male horoscope - a proud, worthy partner, success from marriage. In the female horoscope - marriage in middle age and a happy family life.

    The partner is unreliable, especially in the female horoscope. Romance on the side. Often early marriage.

    The partner is smart and resourceful. Marriage after correspondence, communication, travel. The partner is younger, maybe a relative.

    Happy marriage with a beautiful, lucky partner. If Venus is afflicted, then each subsequent partner will be better than the previous one.

    Quarrels, danger of violent death of a spouse. In the female horoscope - energy and devotion (her).

    A faithful partner, success from marriage, wealth and independence. Jupiter is afflicted - courts and litigation.

    A reliable partner, older in age, cold, dry in relationships.

    Divorce, infidelity, early marriage. If with harmonious aspects, then the spouse is a friend.

    An unusual husband who goes to extremes in relationships. Platonic union, or, conversely, a strong emphasis on the physical side of marriage. A person gets married only if Neptune has harmonious aspects, otherwise there are difficulties. Neptune without harmonious aspects - there may be a marriage with a cripple, an inferior person.

    Dominance in marriage, the desire to remake a partner in your own way. But if the 1st house is weak, then these indicators are softened.

    Marriage in the women's horoscope.

  • Good indicators of marriage stability are the Sun in conjunction with the Moon with harmonious aspects to the 1st and 7th houses (with their lords or planets);
  • A good aspect of Venus to Mars speeds up marriage.
  • If the Sun has any aspect with Saturn or Uranus, and Saturn and Uranus themselves are in harmonious aspect with each other, the marriage is late, unsuccessful or early widowhood. If Saturn and Uranus are in a tense aspect - celibacy.
  • The Sun in conjunction with Jupiter, or in trine to Saturn - remarriage.
  • Sun in double signs and almuten of the 7th house in double signs (Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra) - remarriage.
  • The Sun is in harmonious aspect to Mars, and Mars is well placed - a good marriage.
  • If the Sun has no aspects to Mars, but has bad aspects to Saturn, it is difficult to get married.
  • A tense aspect of Venus with Saturn means difficulties in family life.
  • Almuten 1st and 7th houses in good aspect to each other - a favorable marriage.
  • Venus has an aspect with Jupiter or Mercury - the attitude towards sex is cultural. If Venus has an aspect only with Mars (without Jupiter, Mercury) - laziness, love of sexual pleasures. If Venus is in conjunction with the Sun, but not combusted, she is often the mistress of a superior person.
  • Saturn in a feminine sign, having negative aspects, tends towards sinfulness. If he is in the East in a male sign - base love, base passions. If there is a Mercury aspect to him, it is made public. If there is a positive aspect to Jupiter or Venus, the situation is smoothed out.

    Marriage in the men's horoscope.

  • If the Moon is in the East and in phase 1 or 3, he will marry early, or to a younger woman. The Moon in the West is in phase 2 or 4 - he will marry late, or older.
  • It is more difficult for a man to get married if his Moon is in Aries, Virgo, Capricorn, Leo, Gemini.
  • Mars characterizes a man's sex drive. If Mars does not have aspects with Venus and Saturn, but has any aspect with Jupiter, the person is honest and faithful in marriage. If Mars is connected only with Saturn, the man is phlegmatic and cold. If Mars has an aspect with both Venus and Jupiter, he is ready to love himself and has a need for love, but at the same time observes moderation. If Mars and Venus are in the West, he strives for women. If at the same time both planets are in female signs, he is easily enslaved by women. If both planets are in the East, there is a tendency towards homosexuality.
  • Mars, Saturn, Venus have positive aspects with the luminaries - marriage is legalized, and its fate depends on the aspects between the planets.
  • If Venus is in good aspect with Saturn - constancy, fullness of love. If Mercury is added to this, happiness increases. And if Mars is added, there is jealousy and quarrels in the marriage. If at the same time Venus and Saturn are in signs related to them, there is a connection with relatives by blood.

    Marriage in any horoscope (for both men and women).

  • If the Sun is in the place of the Moon in another horoscope, or Mars is in the place of Venus, there is good physical compatibility.
  • Marriage is favorable when it occurs during the passage of Jupiter through the angles of the horoscope (house cusps).
  • The Moon, passing through the 7th house, usually arouses love feelings.
  • Venus in conjunction with Saturn is an obstacle to marriage, sometimes lonely life. It is especially dangerous for a person with a weak will.
  • Venus conjunct Jupiter - happiness in family life.
  • Venus in conjunction with Mars in the 7th house in the male horoscope - passion, immorality, danger from women. And in the female horoscope there is a lack of principles.
  • The Sun is conjunct the Moon, if Venus is in the 6th house and the Moon is in the 7th, the bride and groom will separate before the wedding.
  • Mars in opposition to Venus is unhappiness in love, especially for women.
  • Venus in conjunction with the Moon in a man born at night means a secondary marriage.
  • The Sun is in conjunction, square, or opposition with Mars in a woman’s horoscope - an unhappy marriage, if added to this is the defeat of Saturn or Uranus - the sudden death of the husband.
  • If the Sun and Jupiter are in a tense aspect, and one of these planets is at 7, a difficult family life.
  • If the Sun or Saturn in the 8th house is afflicted by Mars, there will be quarrels over the division of inheritance, even to the point of violent death.
  • If, in addition to the Moon in opposition to the sun, there is also a tense aspect with Mars - the marriage is unhappy, and if Mercury is added to this - publicity.
  • Saturn at 8 - the husband or wife will be poor, and the marriage will bring material troubles.
  • Saturn at 12 - spouse is sickly, weak in health.
  • Venus square Saturn and one of them at 7 - unhappy love, marriage, for men - misfortune from women.
  • Jupiter at 11 - usually early marriage.
  • Mars is no further than 5 degrees from the cusp of the 7th house, in Aries, Cancer, or Scorpio - life will be shortened by excesses, and in the 6th, 18th, 30th and 42nd years of life there will be danger from fire and enemies.
  • Mars in the 11th house in a woman's horoscope - the husband is wasteful and quarrelsome. In the male horoscope - poor health, quarrels in the family, dangerous birth of a wife, deception of friends, attack by criminals.
  • Venus in the 2nd house means a good financial situation in marriage, but the marriage is not always happy, and in the male horoscope there is also extravagance.
  • Venus in the 3rd house in the women's horoscope - marriage with a foreigner is possible.
  • Venus at 8 with bad aspects to Saturn and Mars - loss of fortune, early widowhood, divorce, loss of children, instant death, but long life.
  • Venus in the 9th house - marriage with a foreigner.
  • Venus in the 4th house - the marriage was arranged by the parents.
  • Venus in the 5th house - marriage for love.
  • Venus in the 11th house - a happy marriage, good financial situation. If the 11th house is in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Pisces - a secondary marriage.
  • If Saturn strikes Almuten 7 - the death of a spouse, or the cooling of relationships.
  • If the Sun and Moon are weak, and Saturn is strong, and there are barren signs on the cusps of the 5th and 7th, marriage is unlikely.
  • If the almuten of the 7th house is in Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, and has more than one aspect - the likelihood of remarriages.
  • In the male horoscope, the Moon in any aspect with Uranus is a connection with a married woman, and Venus with Uranus is with an unmarried woman.
  • If Saturn, Neptune and Uranus are in the 1st, 5th, or 7th houses, there is a tendency towards infidelity.
  • The Sun conjunct the Moon at 7 - honor and respect in society after marriage.
  • The Sun at 7 is afflicted by Uranus - adultery.
  • Moon at 7 in Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius - change of residence due to marriage.
  • Moon at 7 in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius in the male horoscope - the wife will be the real head of the family, enemies among women.
  • Moon at 7 in air signs in a woman's horoscope is an unfaithful husband.
  • Mercury afflicted at 7 - a marriage of convenience, possibly with a relative. Marital infidelity.
  • Venus at 7 in Aquarius in the women's horoscope - late marriage, in Virgo - celibacy.
  • Mars at 7 in the female horoscope, with a tense aspect with Mars - widowhood is possible.
  • Mercury at 7 - in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces - more than one marriage, marriage with an older partner occupying a prominent social position.
  • Saturn in 7 - obstacles to marriage, if at the same time he has good aspects to the Sun, or Uranus - marriage to a widower with children. And if there are tense aspects to Venus, the moon - a barren marriage.
  • Uranus in 7 - often cohabitation without registration. If he has harmonious aspects with Jupiter - a rich dowry, and if he has tense aspects with the Moon - a love affair with a married woman, if he has a tense aspect with Venus - then a relationship with minors.
  • Neptune at 7 - spiritual marriage, strives to get married in a church. In case of defeat - a fictitious marriage or marriage with unworthy people.
  • Pluto at 7 - marriage with a famous person, in case of defeat - collapse, bankruptcy of the partner and loss of property through the court.
  • The Sun at 8 is a generous partner, but in the female horoscope - widowhood.
  • Jupiter at 8, in good aspect with the Moon - financial situation improves after marriage.
  • Saturn at 8 in Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, in good aspect with Jupiter - a rich inheritance from a spouse.
  • When transit Uranus is in your 5th house, radical changes are possible in certain areas, including romantic interests. For example, you may break up with one partner, start a new romance unexpectedly, or feel romantically attracted to someone you never imagined in that role. Unusual or unconventional romantic situations or partners are possible. Circumstances beyond your control may have a significant impact on your views and activities related to the pursuit of pleasure, risky adventures and speculation. Your current attitude towards children, as well as your ideas, perceptions and relationships with children, may change significantly (including a possible break with your children). Your social life is also subject to unpredictable changes. There are likely to be unexpected periods of increased social activity and interest in it, as well as periods when circumstances will prevent you from going out into the world and threaten the complete cessation of such activities. In addition, unpredictable circumstances will come to the fore regarding your imagination, artistic and creative talents, using them and developing them in a completely new direction. You may prefer unorthodox or avant-garde hobbies, art, music or design. Rolling pin J.

    Transit of Uranus through the 5th house of the horoscope

    Uranus, transiting the V field, has many options for expressing itself. This is a time of upsurge, insights bordering on genius, or a change of interests, the emergence of an unusual hobby. A person tries himself in areas that until now did not seem to exist for him, for example, he can take up vocals or start drawing. Uranus here awakens in a person the adventurism that has been dormant for the time being, throws off the shackles of indecision and disbelief in one’s capabilities, removes unnecessary constraint and thereby makes it possible for hidden talents to manifest themselves.
    For people associated with the world of art, it is possible to change their role, master a new genre, have professional success, and, if the stars are in a favorable position, an unprecedented rise, triumph, and the worship of the crowd. True, if there are no additional indicators in the Radix, usually all this will not last long, until Uranus leaves the limits of V zero.
    In general, Uranus passing through the V field increases the chance of winning; luck looks like a favorable combination of circumstances, a happy accident. With certain indicators in the natal horoscope, a large win in the lottery or gambling is possible. But here it should be remembered that Uranus provides such a chance once, you should not tempt fate by trying to break the bank after a major success, otherwise you can lose everything. Uranus is the planet of extremes: either everything or nothing.
    Naturally, in the V field, Uranus cannot ignore the topic of romantic relationships. Since its manifestation is unpredictable, new hobbies and a spicy twist in old connections are possible. Senses at this time are heightened, you want more and more new sensations, which often leads to new, often thoughtless, connections. It is possible to meet an old love and have new experiences about this, but more often it is still a new love, bright, but, alas, more often fleeting. A spark flies between people, and they give in to the flow, without thinking about what will happen tomorrow, and whether there will be one at all. Such connections, despite their fragility, or perhaps because of this, are remembered for a lifetime and are remembered with warm sadness about past happy times. The quarrels and claims of these days dissolve in the flow of time,
    For women, this transit often ends with pregnancy and the birth of a child, perhaps more than one, given that the extent of the field can be large, and Uranus is in one sign for 7 years. If by that time there are already children, they can pleasantly or unpleasantly, depending on the aspects, surprise the parent. A person can become famous through his child. In general, multivariance is also possible here. For example, a person may adopt a child or lose contact with his child for some reason. Your relationship with him may change. Depending on additional factors, the child may rebel and leave home, he may be kidnapped, he may be prohibited from communicating with his parent, if there are negative aspects, an accident may occur to him, etc.
    In the case of negative aspects, unwanted pregnancy, problems carrying a child, and problematic childbirth are possible. It is not uncommon for an illegitimate child to appear. The environment becomes aware of him or his side connections. Old love and creative ties are breaking, and you shouldn’t put too much faith in new ones that begin during this period, no matter how rosy the prospects may seem. Most likely, they will end in disappointment or scandal. Large financial investments and adventures should be avoided. Speculative manipulations can lead to bankruptcy, although at first they can be quite successful. The main danger of this period is the desire to live easily and cheerfully, without burdening oneself with obligations and hoping that problems will be solved on their own.

    The fate of a person and his character, according to astrological teachings, can be found out by constructing a natal chart. It takes into account the position of the planets and zodiac signs. The personality traits of the owner of the horoscope depend on what aspects the planets form. Also, based on the analysis of the natal chart, astrologers can predict the main events in a person’s life. What features Uranus in the 5th house gives a person will be discussed further.

    Creating a horoscope

    Every person at the moment of birth receives certain personality traits. He develops them throughout his life, applying them in different situations. To determine existing predispositions and patterns, the astrologer builds a natal chart. It takes into account the date, exact time and place of birth.

    The natal chart shows houses, planets, zodiac signs, and aspects. The astrologer considers their combinations during the analysis. One of the interesting positions is the passage of Uranus through the fifth house.

    A natal chart allows you to find out a person's character. There are different methods for making forecasts based on it. For example, an astrologer can consider the transit of Uranus through the 5th house or draw up a solar horoscope. To correctly interpret the result of the analysis, you need to consider the main qualities of the aspect.

    Uranus in astrology

    A special planet in the solar system is Uranus. It rotates while lying on its side and in the opposite direction. In astrology, it is a symbol of everything unusual. This is the planet of innovators and scientists. The scope of his competence includes riots, revolutions, all events that change the course of events.

    Uranus also symbolizes independence, unconventional thinking, equality and friendship, and ideals. This is teamwork, in a circle of like-minded people. This planet, the patron of the 5th house for a woman, can speak of a violation of maternal instincts for other purposes. Such a woman may not see herself as a mother. But in other areas she can achieve significant success. Other aspects may tell the story.

    The planet is also responsible for electronics. This also includes aviation, astronautics, and the Internet. This planet patronizes scientific research, which in today's realities is questioned by the public. People who are patronized by Uranus may not be trusted and may not understand the course of their thoughts and aspirations. However, in the end they turn out to be right.

    Fifth house

    The fifth house of the horoscope carries information about a person’s children and his relationships with them. Saturn and Uranus in the 5th house are in exile, and Mercury is in debilitation. This is a negative position of the planet. For women, this position of Uranus can mean problems with motherhood. They may be childless or have difficult relationships with children.

    Uranus in the 5th house for a man indicates the inability to see his children. This may also indicate alimony payments. In any case, children will become the source of problems and trials in life. If Uranus was retrograde at birth, the person consciously does not want to have children or raise them.

    This position may also mean difficulties in communication and contacts with young people. The person does not like sports or physical activity. But he falls in love quickly. He does not have a permanent relationship or deep affection. He constantly changes partners in search of unusual, new sensations.

    Zodiac signs

    Many astrologers agree that the influence of a planet in a house is not as important as the position of its ruler. Each house falls into a specific zodiac sign. For example, if it is Gemini, the ruler of the house will be Mercury. In this house he suppresses the will of other planets.

    However, not all astrologers use this interpretation. Uranus and the ruler of the 5th house enter into a certain interaction. But some astrologers look more at aspects of the planet itself. To draw conclusions about a particular characteristic of a house, you need to consider the signs of the zodiac.

    Although Uranus is in exile in the 5th house, its negative influence can be suppressed by favorable signs. Thus, the elements of Water add fertility and harmony to this position of the planet. The zodiac signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces reduce the negative impact. Also, the signs of Taurus and Libra have a positive influence, although somewhat less. The childless signs are Aries, Virgo, Gemini and Aquarius.

    Positive personality traits

    Uranus in the 5th house gives a person with harmonious aspects of the horoscope positive character traits. This is a free person. Its development is not hampered by external factors. This is a gifted person. He has extraordinary creative abilities. At the same time, a person applies his talents in various fields of art.

    In creative activity, a person will be lucky. He easily achieves success in this area and receives recognition. It could be a singer unlike others, an artist with an unusual vision, etc. His work has no analogues.

    Also, with harmonious aspects, a person will have many children, including illegitimate ones. An open relationship is established with children. Often this is a strong friendship. A person can also have many love affairs. He also has different hobbies. A person likes unplanned situations in life and does not like to think ahead.

    Negative personality traits

    With inharmonious aspects, Uranus in the 5th house can prevent a person from achieving his plans. He may lose the meaning of his existence. He loses his desire for life. This is a lack of initiative person who does not want to solve his daily affairs and problems.

    Sometimes negative aspects, on the contrary, give a person a craving for scams. who needs extreme situations on the verge of life and death. Often has many lovers. Relationships with them are complicated and can be very unusual. There are drastic changes in love.

    Women tend to have abortions and may experience miscarriages. Men leave the family and pay alimony. Some people with an inharmonious horoscope may have problems with children. They leave their parents' house early. Experiences in life and serious troubles can also be associated with children. Such people easily enter into intimate relationships.

    Uranus in Fire signs

    If Uranus is in Aries, the person gets a strong desire for independence. He is also distinguished by his explosive character and thirst for adventure. This person's ideas are often crazy. This can lead to serious negative consequences. You need to learn to think about the situation and not cut from the shoulder. Temperance can have a negative impact on a person's life.

    If Uranus is in Leo in this position, it gives a craving for ambition and recognition in society. Man craves power. He experiences a strong attraction to the opposite sex. Does not tolerate conventions or conservatism. Family always comes second for such people. He is interested in social life.

    In the 5th house it gives a person a desire for freedom. He does not tolerate any boundaries or restrictions. Therefore, he cannot stand being dependent on someone. A person has a philosophical mindset and a thirst for knowledge. He brings innovation to every area he addresses.

    Uranus in Earth signs

    If Uranus is in the sign of Taurus, the person becomes stubborn and purposeful. He has a lot of strength to get what he wants. He finishes what he starts. Moreover, he goes to the goal in unusual, original ways. If Uranus transits through the 5th house in Taurus in the birth chart, a person has the strength to achieve almost any goal.

    Uranus in Virgo gives a person original thinking. He collects accurate facts and wants to know more about the issue that interests him. Such a person can become a scientific worker or researcher. They are also excellent teachers, doctors, and engineers. These are practitioners who are no strangers to unusual approaches to research.

    In the 5th house it gives a person deep thought. This is an insightful, reasonable person. He is persistent and smart. The person has management abilities. This is a good organizer. At the same time, he does not depend on anyone.

    Uranus in Air signs

    If the planet falls in the sign of Gemini, the person has well-developed intellectual abilities. He shows his talents in journalism, literature, and applied arts. Uranus in the 5th house in Gemini gives a person beauty of speech. There may be frequent moves in life.

    Uranus in Libra gives a person acting abilities, imagination, and diplomacy. He knows how to present himself correctly. The person's mind is sharp. He is distinguished by research and rationalization abilities. Such people have a strong attraction to the opposite sex. Marriage is often early, but ends in divorce.

    If Uranus is in Aquarius, it enhances the effects of the planet. Man desires to know the deepest secrets. He brings extravagant, progressive actions into society. A person has many loyal friends. These are born entrepreneurs. They have organizational skills.

    Uranus in Water signs

    Uranus in Cancer makes a person impressionable. He is emotional and has good intuition. Extrasensory abilities may even appear. People are interested in alternative medicine, yoga, and ancient civilizations. He may also be passionate about nature and agriculture.

    If Uranus is in the sign of Scorpio, the person has willpower, determination and perseverance. He can withstand stress. In relationships, such people can be harsh and aggressive. They go their own way, even if no one approves of it. Ready for changes and perceive them positively. These are insightful people.

    In the signs of Pisces, Uranus gives a person an original character. These are romantics at heart. The views on issues of religion and morality of such a person can be very original. Careers are often built in the field of chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and politics.


    Different aspects influence the influence of Uranus. One of them is connection. If such an aspect appears with the Sun, the planet will give the person the strength to achieve his desired goals. This is an eccentric person with views that are different from the ideas of other people.

    Connection with the Moon gives good intuition. However, there may be whims and irritability. A person has a cool attitude towards family life. Conjunction with Venus imparts love. At the same time, friendship and love are poorly separated. Lots of intimate connections. Conjunction with Mercury makes a person sociable. When achieving a goal, he uses his skills to establish connections.

    Conjunction with Mars gives revolutionary abilities. The aspect with Jupiter allows you to achieve power through a chain of changes. The connection with Saturn adds severity and intransigence to the character. This is the ability, no matter what, to find your way in life and achieve your goal.

    Uranus also gives powerful creative potential. A person's ideas are unusual and original. With Pluto, Uranus brings dramatic changes. A person can change the course of history at one moment.


    The transit of Uranus through the 5th house brings radical changes in life. These could be romantic interests. This could be a break with one partner and the unexpected forging of new connections. Unusual romances or unconventional relationships are possible.

    During the transit of Uranus through the fifth house, unforeseen circumstances appear in life. Man is unable to control them. Changes can be observed especially often in the area of ​​the pursuit of pleasure. Risky adventures may arise.

    There may be a break with the children. Relations with them change dramatically during such a period. Unpredictable changes can affect social life. There is a strong interest in her. Sometimes it becomes impossible to attend an important social event that a person must attend.

    Transit options

    When Uranus transits the 5th house, it opens up a number of opportunities for a person. The latter can take up an unusual hobby, express himself in the field of art. Unexpected insights may emerge. They can be on the verge of genius. Hobbies may also change. Success will accompany you in areas of activity that are unusual for a person. For example, he may unexpectedly discover dramatic talent, drawing or music abilities, etc.

    This position of the planet releases hidden energy. You need to take advantage of this period, let a new, creative beginning into your life. Perhaps you need to reconsider your relationship with your children. During this period, you can find new opportunities to communicate with them.

    The chance of winning increases. However, a large income can only happen once. When choosing a gambling game, you should remember this. If you come up with a big win, you need to take it and not tempt fate anymore.

    Having examined the features of the position of Uranus in the 5th house, we can draw conclusions about the influence of this position of the planet on the character and destiny of a person. With proper development, negative influences can be minimized.