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How to clean an acrylic bathtub with home remedies. Cleaning an acrylic bathtub with folk remedies

U acrylic bathtubs There are many advantages, but it is important to know how to clean an acrylic bathtub before choosing it.

After reading this article to the end, you will learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of acrylic compared to steel and cast iron, as well as how it can be cleaned from yellowness, limescale and other contaminants.

Acrylic or metal?

Acrylic appeared less than a hundred years ago. This is the general name for a group of materials made from acrylic and methacrylic acids.

Acrylic is everywhere today - this includes transparent plexiglass, kitchen countertops, furniture, fake diamond, clothes and, of course, baths.

Acrylic bathtubs are usually cheaper than traditional ones made of steel and cast iron, but they are not without pitfalls. Firstly, the service life of an acrylic bathtub is shorter than that of a metal one.

Secondly, high-quality acrylic is not so cheap, in light of more short term service is exactly that.

Thirdly, the plasticity of acrylic has made it a favorite material for the manufacture of designer bathtubs, which by definition are not cheap.

Buying cheap bath, it is important to make sure that it is made of acrylic and not acrylic-coated plastic.

Looking at the rows of bathtubs in a supermarket, you won't be able to tell the difference by appearance. quality material from lower quality, on which the formation of yellowness is inevitable.

Therefore, when choosing, you should rely on the reliability of the manufacturer, the reputation of the store and the price - a higher quality product usually costs more.

Depending on the manufacturing method, acrylic bathtubs can be cast or extruded.

Cheaper models belong to the second type; their main disadvantage is less strength and the need to use a frame during installation.

Cast bathtubs are more expensive, but they are quite easy to install and not worry about possible deformation.

Low-quality acrylic may turn yellow, lose shine, and become deformed from hot water,

So why acrylic, and not metal or earthenware? Metal and earthenware bathtubs are stronger, but they do not last forever, and replacing them after damage will cost much more. Acrylic is lighter and creates less stress on the floor.

The surface of the acrylic bathtub is very smooth and easy to clean. To clean it from plaque after swimming, as a rule, it is enough to simply rinse with water.

Acrylic does not need to be scrubbed with soda; moreover, this can only ruin the surface.

Acrylic saves heat - you don’t have to heat cast iron or earthenware first, the water will remain at the required temperature longer.

With an acrylic bathtub, you don’t have to worry about chipping the enamel, which sooner or later is almost inevitable when using metal bathtubs.

However, acrylic can also be damaged, although in most cases defects, especially on the sides of the bathtub, can be skillfully repaired quite simply, even on your own.

One of the most significant advantages of an acrylic bathtub is the variety of shapes and sizes.

This is the choice of those who want to surround themselves with unusual things even in the bathroom or who need to fit a bathtub into a non-standard bathroom space, for example, one that is too compact.

Acrylic bathtub installation and cleaning

Is it possible to relate the installation of an acrylic bathtub to ways to clean it? It is possible, especially when wall installation baths.

The gap between the wall and the bathtub is a problem that definitely needs to be solved. As a rule, this can be done using a special substance - sealant.

Sealants are a class of silicone fillers that are used to various types installation, the cracks are sealed and the surfaces are glued together.

The composition, price and, accordingly, the quality of the sealant often differ significantly. Associated with them is the eternal dilemma between the manufacturer’s desire to sell and the buyer’s desire to buy as cheaply as possible, even when deceived.

Buying cheap, high-quality sealant is hardly possible, and in an effort to please the consumer, manufacturers dilute their products with various additives - oil, kerosene and others.

Unscrupulous companies do not hesitate to decorate packages of cheap sealant with the words “100% silicone” in large letters. Additives negatively affect the properties inherent in synthetic rubber.

The resistance of the sealant to:

  • mechanical influences;
  • high and low temperatures;
  • ultraviolet;
  • water.

Such sealants are less elastic and change over time. appearance(appearance of yellowness), shrinkage occurs. Low-quality, cheap sealant may harden poorly and smear over time.

The ability of the sealant to adhere to plastic surfaces, including acrylic, is limited.

For this reason, it is worth making a choice in favor of high-quality professional, that is, expensive silicone rubber.

You can use tricks, for example, first treat the wall with a substance, press the side of the bathtub against it, and then apply the top layer of sealant.

This way the silicone will adhere to itself and not to the acrylic. Also, to improve adhesion, you can treat the acrylic surface with sandpaper or apply a special substance to it - a primer, which will enhance adhesion.

At first, the joint between the bathtub and the wall looks attractive, but over time, if the sealant is of poor quality, voids will form in it, which will be filled with water, fungus can grow inside from dampness, and no matter how you try to clean the ill-fated gap, it is unlikely to succeed.

This situation can be prevented in two ways: either by initially using a high-quality sealant, or by installing a special baseboard between the wall and the bathtub. In the second case, much more sealant will be required so that water does not seep into the cracks and gaps.

Acrylic bath cleaning products

Having bought a brand new one beautiful bath, many people want to buy the best acrylic bathtub cleaner, that is, the most effective one.

Like Sanox, you should not clean an acrylic bathtub with another widely used product - Domestos.

There are two simple answers to the question of how to clean an acrylic bathtub:

  • products that do not corrode the skin of the hands - what does not harm the hands will not harm the acrylic;
  • special products whose label says “for acrylic”.

To clean a freshly purchased bathtub, just wash it every few days with regular (liquid) dishwashing detergent and even liquid hand soap!

Special cleaning products do not contain abrasive substances that can scratch or corrode the surface of the acrylic bathtub.

Most of them, manufacturers do not recommend inhaling or allowing contact with the skin of your hands (you should work with gloves).

These products are effective and can help you get rid of limescale, rust stains and other contaminants effortlessly in a matter of minutes.

If serious contamination appears (rust stains, limescale), you should buy a special cleaning agent for acrylic.

The instructions are always simple and read: spray, wait, rinse, wipe. It’s better not to even come close to acrylic with soda.

However, in most cases, the use of such products, which are potentially harmful to health and unsafe for the environment, is excessive.

There is no limescale or stains on the new bathtub - their appearance can be completely prevented by applying simple rules for caring for the acrylic surface.

If the appearance of plaque or stains still cannot be avoided, then they can be removed using much more gentle means.

Let it not be as “effortless” as they say in advertising professional means, but also quite easy.

Rules for careful bathroom care

So that in the future you don’t have to look for how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home after the appearance of limescale, rust stains and other troubles, you should start caring for the bathtub when it is still without the slightest defect.

It’s worth starting at the stage of choosing and installing a bathtub. The design of the bowl should facilitate complete drainage of water.

Most populated areas today have hard water, which contributes to the rapid formation of limescale.

If a faucet leaks or drips, it must be repaired immediately or installed high-quality plumbing that does not cause such problems.

A small amount of plaque remains at the water level in the bathtub after each bath.

Usually, after quality relaxation, you want to continue relaxing and not clean the bathtub, but this is necessary.

And it takes very little time - just wipe the surface with a washcloth and rinse hot water so that not a trace remains of the raid. By the way, hot water preserves the shine of the acrylic surface.

After this, it is advisable to blot the remaining water in the bathroom with special moisture-absorbing wipes.

This is especially important in areas with hard water and prevents the formation of limescale. If the bathroom has a heated floor or heated towel rail, then warm dry air will keep the acrylic surface dry.

In many families, it is customary to wash your hands over the bathtub if you use one faucet for the sink and bathtub. If possible, it is better not to wet the acrylic bathtub unnecessarily.

Acrylic is sensitive to mechanical stress. It's about not only about cleaning with soda, but also about the conditions of daily use.

You can wash animals in an acrylic bathtub, but for this you need to purchase a special rubber mat. It is advisable not to place any objects in the bowl, especially metal ones (basins, buckets, etc.).

If any defects appear, they must be corrected immediately. For example, shallow (0.5 mm) scratches can be removed by rubbing the surface with a felt cloth.

More deep scratches, up to through holes, can be easily eliminated using a special repair kit, which includes liquid acrylic.

After using it, there will be no difference between the damaged and undamaged surface, but there is one condition - the bathtub must be entirely acrylic, and not plastic with an acrylic coating.

The advent of technology for manufacturing and processing acrylic made it possible to create a fundamentally the new kind sanitary products – acrylic bathtubs.

They have good technical and operational properties:

  • high mechanical strength. The combination of acrylic and plexiglass fibers fused into it (PPMA) gives the entire structure the required rigidity;
  • light weight;
  • optimal price.

But cleaning an acrylic bathtub requires compliance with certain conditions. The choice of cleaning technology is determined by the type of contamination.

The most important condition for maintaining the snow-white color of an acrylic bathtub is following the operating conditions.

But if for one reason or another they were not met, then external defects may appear - yellowness, rust, plaque formation on the surface.


The appearance of a yellow tint is typical for bathtubs made of combined plastic. The use of combined plastic is due to its low cost.

But with prolonged exposure to water and temperature changes on the surface, the protective layer quickly becomes thinner and the plastic reacts with oxygen. As a result of this, yellow spots.

Photo: yellowness

If the bathtub is made of cast acrylic, then the likelihood of yellow spots appearing is almost zero.

The main ones are the appearance of scratches and chips due to mechanical stress. But even in these places the color will be white, but with a slightly gray tint.

Restore original appearance You can use a repair kit - liquid acrylic and polish.


The appearance of the so-called “rusty track” on the bathroom is due to the composition of the water.

The high content of iron and other impurities leads to rusty deposits in places where water accumulates. Most often this is a drain hole.

At improper installation structure or drain siphon, water does not completely leave the bathtub container. After it evaporates, a rusty coating forms.

Photo: rust

Acrylic itself, due to its properties, cannot physically rust. But the resulting layer of metal oxide film has an extremely unfavorable effect on it.

Prevention methods:

  • using water purification filters to rid it of harmful impurities;
  • maintaining the correct angle of inclination of the bathtub to ensure complete drainage of all water.


Limescale deposits have the same appearance as rust stains. Poor quality tap water causes a limescale layer to appear on the surface of the bathtub.

Photo: limescale

Its composition is different and depends on the degree of contamination of the liquid.

The main reason for its appearance is the content of the elements calcium and magnesium.

Methods for preventing the appearance of limescale are the same as for rust stains - filtration and proper installation of the bathtub.

Paint, silicone, glue

Contamination of the acrylic bathtub surface building materials– the most common cases during repair work.

According to the technology, the installation of the bathtub occurs before laying the tiles on the wall adjacent to the bathtub. During the work process, it is inevitable that mortar, glue and other materials will come into contact with the surface.

It is easy to prevent this - just do not remove the protective layer of polyethylene until all construction and finishing work is completed.

But if contamination of the building materials does occur, you must immediately remove the stains using a soft sponge and rinse the bathroom with running water.

The results of the impact on its surface of chemically active media that are part of modern materials, is difficult to predict.

What can you clean with?

The best and effective way Preserving the original color of an acrylic bathtub by cleaning it after each use.

For this you will need:

  • sponge;
  • running water;
  • The simplest cleaner that does not contain aggressive elements.

After cleaning the entire surface, you need to wipe the bath dry with a rag. Even small drops of water that remain on the surface after cleaning can form a film after drying.

The choice of method and means of cleaning the bathtub must meet the following requirements:

  • use only liquid cleaning products;
  • their composition must be neutral with respect to acrylic;
  • Wax polish is often used to preserve the appearance.

Currently, there are many special products for cleaning acrylic bathtubs on the market. Therefore, there is no need to conduct experiments - use only specialized compounds.

How not to clean acrylic

The main requirements for cleaning products are their chemical composition and density:

  • It is under no circumstances recommended to use a cleaning product with abrasive components. This will lead to micro scratches and deterioration in appearance;
  • The product should not contain acetone, ammonia, formic acid, formaldehyde, or alcohol.

Important! Before purchasing any cleaning product, you must familiarize yourself with its composition and method of use. Often, many of them list plumbing fixtures that they are able to clean without negative consequences.

How often

To preserve natural white An acrylic bathtub requires proper and, most importantly, timely cleaning.

The frequency of this type of work depends on the following factors:

  • frequency of bath use;
  • degree of water purification and serviceability of plumbing (taps and drains).

It’s easy to determine when it’s time to wash the bathtub surface:

  • visual inspection. The appearance of a contaminating film can often be simply seen;
  • tactile inspection (touch). After taking a bath and draining the water, a layer of dirt remains on its surface. It is not visible, but you can easily feel the touch of your hand. In the places where it occurs, the surface is not smooth, but has a characteristic rough structure.

Important! It's worth remembering that frequent cleaning bathtubs can lead to the removal of the protective layer that is present in cheaper models made of composite plastic.

Special means

The choice of cleaning products for an acrylic bathtub directly depends on the degree of contamination.

If the bath was not cleaned for a long time, then the combined use of several formulations may be necessary. The main thing when choosing is to check their compatibility and the possibility of simultaneous use.

The most popular manufacturers


Czech company Ravak has been specializing in the production of acrylic bathtubs and shower trays for over 20 years. The company's product range also includes special cleaning products.

RAVAK Cleaner- a liquid product designed to remove grease and limescale deposits on the surface of the bathtub.

Photo: RAVAK Cleaner detergent

Used as a preventative for daily cleaning. Using a sprayer you can easily and quickly treat the entire surface of the bathtub.

— designed for disinfection of acrylic surfaces.
The product is a concentrate that is diluted in ratios from 1:10 to 1:50, depending on the desired effect. Used for disinfection of hydromassage baths.

Photo: RAVAK Disinfectant


Ukrainian manufacturer of household chemicals, founded in 1996 on the basis of an Odessa chemical enterprise, launched the production of a good and inexpensive cleaning product for acrylic bathtubs.

Photo: Sun Klin

Its peculiarity is its composition - acrylic polymer and useful additives. In addition to the surface cleaning process itself, when using this tool a thin protective layer is formed and micro-scratches are rubbed out.


Products Russian company Triton is currently characterized good quality and a large assortment. The production of specialized cleaning products is one of the company's activities.

— designed to remove a layer of fatty deposits, plaque and rust. The product is positioned as universal.

Photo: Triton Acrylic cleaner

Triton Disinfectant— the specialized composition of this product allows you to clean hydromassage baths without damaging the acrylic surface. Its composition is concentrated and can be diluted depending on the required consistency.

Akrilan Bagi (BAGI, Israel)

In the product line Israeli manufacturer of household chemicals BAGI There are also care products for acrylic bathtubs.

Photo: Akrilan Bagi

Akrilan— foaming when using this product allows, in addition to economical consumption, to clean the entire surface of the bathtub.

The product is sprayed using a spray trigger and after 2-3 minutes is washed off from the surface of the bath. Can be used for both preventive and global cleaning of acrylic surfaces.

Mr. Chister "Nevskaya Cosmetics", St. Petersburg

Despite its specialization in the field of cosmetic products, the Nevskaya Cosmetics company also produces cleaning products.

Photo: Mr. Chister

Cleaner for acrylic bathtubs “Mr. Cleaner” is a universal cleaning product for acrylic bathtubs that performs 2 tasks at once:

  • removing grease deposits, rust stains and other elements while simultaneously adding shine to the entire surface;
  • disinfection of the bath during treatment in combination with an antifungal effect.

Team Profi Legia Lux LLC

And one more Russian manufacturer cleaning products – Legia Lux company produces a special composition for cleaning acrylic bathtubs.

Photo: Tim Pro for acrylic

Tim Profi— the product does not contain abrasive elements, performs the functions of cleaning and disinfecting acrylic surfaces. Designed for cleaning hot tubs;

Kolpa-San CLEANER (Kolpa, Slovenia)

Slovenian manufacturer of sanitary equipment and accessories Kolpa-San offers an all-purpose bath cleaner.

— designed to remove mineral deposits on the surface of bathtubs. Using a convenient spray trigger, the liquid is sprayed and after 5-7 minutes is removed with warm water and a sponge.

Photo: Kolpa-San CLEANER

Price overview

Cleaning product prices depend on chemical composition, volume and country of origin.

The table shows the estimated cost of the products described above:

Name Volume, ml. price, rub.
RAVAK Cleaner 500 240
500 490
SunClean 650 130
500 255
Triton Disinfectant 750 380
Akrilan 750 320
500 80
Tim Profi 525 500
500 365


It is best to disinfect an acrylic bathtub using special products designed for this purpose.

Acrylic is resistant to biological components. But to maintain personal hygiene, it is still necessary to treat the surface with special compounds.

Let's consider the 2 most specific cases of mandatory disinfection - cleaning a bathtub with a hydromassage and before bathing a child.

If the whirlpool bath

A feature of the operation of hydromassage acrylic baths is the inability to control the condition of water pipelines.

Therefore, there are certain rules and methods for cleaning baths of this type:

  • periodicity. At daily use hot tub it is necessary to carry out cleaning once every 7-10 days;
  • cleaning methods. Fill the bathtub with water above the jets. Add to it either a special cleaner according to the instructions, or a 7% bleach solution in an amount of 2 liters. Turn on the system for 15-20 minutes so that the water makes several cycles through the pipelines. After this time, drain the water and refill with new water, and turn on the hydromassage system again.

Before use special means You must read the instructions and act only in accordance with its rules.

How to clean a bathtub before bathing a child

The requirements for the condition of an acrylic bath before bathing a child are no different from the standard ones:

  • the surface must be clean. All detergents and their components are removed, the bathroom is treated with hot water;
  • the surface should not contain chips or cracks. This is necessary for safety reasons;
  • You can add useful infusions of herbs and salts to the water. This will not affect the condition of the bath in any way. The salt must first be dissolved in another container.

Housewives often face the problem of how to wash an acrylic bathtub at home? The walls and bottom are sensitive to abrasive substances, so a product chosen at random will not work. The purpose of the article is to tell about the basic rules and methods of cleaning, to give practical advice and recommendations:

  • characteristics of cleaning products, their features;
  • cleaning options - what they are, the main differences;
  • Tips for caring for and extending the service life of your bathtub.
Acrylic is a wear-resistant material, a type of plastic that comes from a group of synthetic derivatives of one of the unsaturated organic acids.

What should you know about the characteristics of acrylic bathtubs before cleaning them?

Before answering the question of how and what to wash an acrylic bathtub, let’s talk about the material used. Acrylic has a dirt-repellent effect: microorganisms, bacteria and fungi do not develop in the bathtub. The material is durable and resistant to impacts. A noticeable disadvantage is that it is easily scratched and subject to wear.

The main difference is exposure to abrasive and chemically active components. Like plastic, substances with high alkalinity or acidity lead to degradation of the structure, and abrasives scratch the surface, leaving deep grooves.

It is important to be careful when washing. Do not buy abrasive compounds, pastes with ammonia, chlorine, acids and alkalis. Powdered products are harmful, leaving damage and scratches. Brushes (metal and with hard bristles) are contraindicated for use.

What brushes and sponges to use

For cleaning, use soft cloths or sponges. Cloth napkins are also used. They are moistened in special solutions (we will talk about them later). After washing, it is wiped dry and treated with polish.

If you can’t buy a special sponge, use soft-pile rags, for example, microfiber. If necessary, use a regular cloth - the main thing is that there are no abrasives on the surface.

How to clean an acrylic bathtub at home: TOP 5 ways

We have selected several options for you on how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home:

  • detergent;
  • lemon acid solution;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • toothpaste.


Adequate and in a simple way The use of special detergents is considered. Their cost rarely exceeds reasonable limits. For correct selection make sure there are no abrasives. Often the ingredients are indicated on product packaging, or special notes are made.

Acrylic bathtub cleaner used for small and large cleaning volumes. Appearing stains are removed using:

  • Cif– for bathtubs, sinks, tiles and toilets. The composition does not contain abrasives, which is safe for acrylic. The reasonable price and variety of composition types (spray, paste, cream) make it a popular product among buyers. After cleaning, a film appears that protects it from further formation of limescale.
  • Akrilan– foam for baths and showers. When using, leave only until completely dry, without rinsing.
  • Bass– cleaning product, used daily. Sold in liquid form.
  • Tim-Profi– an environmentally friendly product, helps fight unpleasant odors, and is effective for heavy soiling.
  • Cinderella– a popular substance that emits a pungent odor, so when spraying (sold as a spray), wear gloves and a special mask.
  • Chister– a composition for quickly removing dirt, promotes the decomposition of stains and grease stains. Consists of a polymer that protects against fungi.

In addition to those listed, allowed Use of the following products is at your own risk:

  • Sarma;
  • SunClean;
  • Luxus professional;
  • L.O.C.Plus;
  • Cillit;
  • Acryl – Net;
  • Star – Acrylate;
  • Triton;
  • RAVA K;
  • Panny.

Citric acid solution

Citric acid is an organic acid with a relatively high pH - a solution indicator. The materials perfectly remove plaque, grease and other contaminants. Organic acid is especially effective in affecting ordinary substances, so it is easy to clean off fat with its help. In its pure form, it has an adverse effect on acrylic, because mix into solution:

  1. Fill ⅔ full with warm water;
  2. Pour out half a liter of acid;
  3. Mix the consistency and leave overnight;

The method is effective, but aggressive towards acrylic, and it is not recommended to carry it out more than 0.5 years.

After standing for about 12 hours, the solution descends. Citric acid should be stirred more thoroughly than vinegar - completely dissolve it for further precipitation. Finally, the structure is washed with a stream of water from the shower and wiped with a soft cloth. Rub additionally to add shine.

Apple vinegar

A practical substance, but it doesn’t always work positive effect on acrylic The main feature is low pH and high acidity. For a material, this factor turns out to be critical, especially if there are scratches. You should work quickly and carefully. The recommended method is to generously soak a cloth in the solution, apply it to the stain and pour water on it.

We recommend using this method at least once every six months.

In case of heavy contamination:

  • Prepare 9% vinegar in an amount of 1 liter;
  • Fill two-thirds full with hot water;
  • Pour out the vinegar;
  • Wait for the night;
  • Rinse and wipe


Regular soda removes plaque. The composition has a high alkaline environment, breaking down fats and strong compounds. In most products it is present in the form of compounds or in its usual form. There are two types: food and calcined.

Use this method once every 3-5 months.

Baking soda This is a weak alkali, while calcined alkali is strong, with a powerful abrasive effect. Use only baking soda.

  • Place 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda on a plate;
  • Pour a glass of water;
  • Wet the soft side of the sponge with the solution;
  • Apply the mixture by dabbing rather than rubbing;
  • After 15 minutes, rinse with water and clean with a cloth.

Never use undiluted baking soda! It has a strong abrasive effect and will damage the body.

If you need to leave the surface in its original form, use distilled or filtered water. In some cities, tap water contains large amounts of calcium, which reacts with soda to form fine sand-like particles. Using water will get rid of it. The advice is also relevant for other cleaning methods involving the use of chemically active substances.


Acrylic came to plumbing from dentistry - it was used for lining the frames of dentures and making crowns, so cleaning the bathtub with toothpaste is quite acceptable.

The procedure should not be carried out more than once every two months.

Buy non-abrasive pasta. The manufacturer may not indicate this on the packaging. Abrasive particles are similar to small grains of sand that remove plaque from teeth, but they will greatly damage the surface of the bathtub. Before use, squeeze a small amount of paste onto your finger and rub it - the sand is immediately noticeable.

  • Apply the paste to a sponge or napkin;
  • Wipe the dirty surface;
  • Clean with water;
  • Rub until shiny

Video: how to wash an acrylic bathtub

The video below provides detailed tips on how to wash an acrylic bathtub.

Let's look at the main ways to clean an acrylic bathtub:

Contraindications: what not to use when cleaning

A few words about how not to clean an acrylic bathtub at home. We do not recommend using:

  • Acetone– corrodes plastic, causing holes to appear.
  • Abrasives– spoil the surface, leaving scratches and reducing the thickness of the enamel.
  • Mixture of several components– creates the opposite effect, scratching the walls.

The appearance of acetone in the room should be completely eliminated. The element is chemically active and acts as a solvent. 10-20 ml is enough to make a dent on the surface of the structure.

Chemical active substances wash off cold water. Heat increases the reaction rate and surface damage will occur faster.

Compatibility of detergents with acrylic surfaces

Is it possible to wash an acrylic bathtub with Domestos or a mixture of substances? It is not advisable to mix with:

  • Formaldehyde– they are not compatible with acrylic.
  • Chlorine– its use creates pores, shortening the service life of the product.
  • Acetone, ammonia- corrode the walls.

Domestos, Sanox, Pemolux and Selite contain hydrochloric acid, destroying protection. Initially, it is bleached, but then it absorbs plaque, becoming dirty faster. Therefore, such detergents cannot be used.

Disinfection with white

An acrylic bathtub is a way to forget about fungus forever, but it’s not ideal either. The fungus does not appear on the material, but easily multiplies on plaque, fats and other organic substances with nutritious microflora. Contamination should not be allowed to appear for a long time, and if it does appear, complete disinfection should be carried out periodically.

Fill the bathtub with water at room temperature;

  • Add 2 liters of white (7%);
  • Do not touch for 10–15 minutes;
  • Rinse off the water and refill;
  • Remove any remaining bleach and drain the water;
  • Wipe dry with a cloth.

Rules for proper use

The bath does not require serious care, but it is still necessary to follow the rules.

  1. Periodically bringing plumbing fixtures into decent condition in 5 minutes - after water procedures rinse clean water . Acrylic does not absorb dirt, so this type of washing is sufficient.
  2. Wipe the bath after use sponge with soap solution . Next, dry to avoid streaks.
  3. To remove scratches there are restoration kits- They are sold in hardware stores.

All the pros and cons of acrylic bathtubs are directly related to their production technology. Acrylic itself is a substance that is practically resistant to corrosion and chemical processes.

Acrylic bathtubs have a beautiful appearance, they are light, hygienic and often have an antibacterial coating. However, acrylic is easily subject to mechanical deformation and damage.

If you clean the bathtub carelessly, it can easily be scratched and may lose its original shine. Therefore, it is so important to monitor and care for it from the very day of installation.

Advantages and disadvantages of an acrylic bathtub


  1. Light weight and durable. One of the advantages of acrylic bathtubs over standard baths made of cast iron - this is their weight (about 25-30 kg). However, despite their light weight, acrylic bathtubs are quite durable products. Thanks to the rigid frame, they can easily withstand loads of up to 400-500 kg.
  2. Variety of sizes, colors and shapes. In this regard, acrylic bathtubs occupy the undisputed leadership among other similar products.
  3. Thermal conductivity. The coating of acrylic bathtubs, unlike steel and cast iron models, is warm and pleasant to the touch and retains heat well.
  4. Does not lose color over time. With proper care and maintenance, even after years, the bathtub will not lose its color and gloss.
  5. Suppresses noise when filling the bathtub with water.
  6. Equipped with additional accessories. A striking example is massage devices in various modifications.
  7. Easy installation. Comes with the product metal carcass, which is quite easy to adjust.

Among the disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • The fragility and flexibility of acrylic. What makes this material sensitive to heavy objects falling on it. Also, poor-quality installation of the frame will inevitably lead to sagging and deformation of the bowl.
  • Sensitivity to high temperatures. This rule mainly applies to inexpensive bathtubs with a thin layer of acrylic.
  • Acrylic bathtubs have a limited service life.
  • Price. Bathtubs made of cast iron and steel are much inferior in cost to acrylic products.
  • Care and cleaning. Finally, the main problem acrylic bathtubs, this is their terrible sensitivity to household chemicals and abrasive substances. When cleaning, it is necessary to use only special detergent compositions. , you can find out here.

Features of an acrylic bath - cleansing and care

The main rule when cleaning an acrylic bathtub is caution and accuracy. It is necessary to exclude any compositions based on alcohol or acetone. Such substances perfectly remove dirt, but will inevitably lead to scratches and loss of natural color.

Acrylic is a dirt-repellent material, but with frequent use, invisible cracks form on it, in which dirt accumulates.

However, it is quite possible to minimize their occurrence by following simple rules:

  • resort to the use of products based on abrasive components, ammonia, acetone or products containing alkalis, acids, as well as chlorine or formaldehyde;
  • enjoy metal brushes and scrapers, as well as hard sponges or rough rags;
  • put on the surface metal objects, you can use a rubber mat for this;
  • wash pets in the bath.

Acrylic bathtub care:

  • first of all, there is no need to bring the product to a neglected state and do not leave foam stains and dirt on the surface;
  • It is recommended to carry out additional cleaning of the product once a week using special detergent compositions for acrylic.
  • and it is also useful to clean the tiles and floors in the bathroom itself to avoid the formation of fungus.
  • After each bath, dry it thoroughly.

Handy products for cleaning acrylic bathtubs

To care for your acrylic bathtub, you can use regular cleaning products that are easy to find in your home:

  • Liquid dishwashing detergents have excellent cleansing and disinfecting properties;
  • Liquid soap excellent for constant bathroom care, the main thing is that it does not contain harmful substances;
  • Shower gels although they cannot cope with persistent stains, they are quite suitable for daily washing;
  • Lemon juice and table vinegar in a concentration of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water, deal with small smudges and limescale deposits;
  • Table soda will act as a replacement for special compounds; it can be used in a solution with liquid soap or water;
  • Toothpaste will help deal with stubborn stains.

To begin with, the bowl cover is moistened with warm water, then detergent is applied to a coarse cloth or sponge, and the surface of the bath is wiped. Then you should rinse the surface again with water and wipe dry.

To add shine, a wax-based polish is usually used. If you follow these procedures regularly, you can save yourself for a long time from worrying about maintaining the original shine of your acrylic bathtub.

Special chemicals

If it so happened that they appeared in the bath heavy pollution, then it is not at all difficult to find cleaning and detergents in hardware stores that preserve the shiny appearance of an acrylic bathtub for a long time.

Among the variety of such products, we can highlight several popular and affordable ones:

  • . Foam specializing in the thorough cleaning and renewal of acrylic coatings. Removes dirt, stubborn stains, rust, mold and all types of fungi. The principle of its operation is to create a thin film that prevents the formation of limescale. However, you should not allow the foam to dry completely, or use the composition during the cleaning process with other substances. The product is very strong, so you need to wear gloves when working with it.
  • Cif. Ideal for cleaning the entire bathroom. Does not contain abrasive substances, it perfectly cleans dirt from tiles, bathtubs, as well as plaque and rust from faucets. Sold in spray, cream and paste form.
  • Bass. Liquid product, easily copes with serious stains and combines perfectly with polish.
  • Sarma. Easy to apply and spread evenly over the surface. Cleanses from harmful bacteria and also has disinfecting properties. Does not contain chlorine and has a delicate aroma.
  • Ravak. A powerful product with pronounced antibacterial properties, perfect for disinfecting hydromassage systems, as well as the surfaces of bathtubs, showers, tiles and sanitary ware. For achievement desired result, must be diluted according to the instructions on the package.
  • Mr. Chister. Another effective remedy, recommended for cleaning acrylic bathtubs, shower stalls, tiles, sinks and faucets. Quickly and reliably removes soap stains, fat deposits and limescale deposits.

The composition includes antimicrobial and antifungal substances that allow you to preserve the surface of the bathtub from dirt for a long time.

In general, to clean thoroughly acrylic coating, it is recommended to use products that specialize in this.

Their operating principle is basically the same:

  • Moisten the surface of the bath with warm water;
  • Apply the substance to soft cloth, carefully and evenly distribute the product over problem areas;
  • Wait five minutes and wipe with a soft sponge;
  • Rinse the bath well with warm water and wipe the surface dry.

Hard water with high content metals are the main reason for the appearance water stone on acrylic coatings.
This will not be difficult to avoid if you monitor the condition of both the bathtub itself and the taps so that they do not leak.

And, if a stone does appear, then the following is recommended for its removal:

  • Fill the bathing bowl with water at a temperature between 25-30C. The water level should hide the water stone deposits by about two fingers;
  • add 0.5 liters of 7% vinegar to the water or pour out one pack of citric acid;
  • stir the composition and leave it in this state for 9-12 hours (overnight);
  • then drain the water, wash thoroughly and wipe dry with a cloth.

As a rule, such procedures carefully clean the acrylic bathtub from water stone and it is quite enough to carry them out just once a year.

However, this method does not always help; then the cleaning products recommended by the manufacturer will help.

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Yellowness, rust - how to get rid of it?

It should be noted that the appearance of yellowness and rust is a phenomenon that is often found among inexpensive products made from plastic using liquid acrylic enameling technology. Among high-quality acrylic bathtubs, such problems with yellowness are minimal.

The appearance of rust and old stains- a consequence of using low-quality tap water, sudden temperature changes, or problems with leaking plumbing.

Acrylic is very sensitive to such influences, which is why yellow spots and rust form on it. Therefore, after each procedure, it is necessary to keep the surface of the bath dry and avoid stagnation of water.

  • from available means, ordinary citric acid dissolved in water with a ratio of one pack (15 g) per glass of water will save you from yellowness;
  • apply liquid to the problem area;
  • rinse with warm water and wipe with a soft cloth.

IN advanced cases To get rid of rust and plaque, you can’t do without special chemicals.

Disinfection of an acrylic bathtub

Acrylic bathtubs, as a rule, are not susceptible to fungi or mold, and often have a special antibacterial coating.
However, it never hurts to prevent the occurrence of harmful microorganisms.

For families with small children, this will only be beneficial. Only proven products that do not damage the structure of acrylic surfaces should be used. Often manufacturers themselves recommend detergents for their products.

In terms of their characteristics, they are almost identical; the differences can only be in price and concentration of the active substance.

Principle of operation:

  • First you need to fill the bathtub with warm water;
  • add a small amount of disinfectant and stir well;
  • The water should sit for 10-15 minutes, after which the liquid must be drained;
  • Thoroughly wash the coating from any remaining solution and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Bathtub disinfection is a simple procedure that is recommended to be carried out at least once a year.

Removing scratches from an acrylic bathtub

If even the smallest scratch appears, this should never be ignored. In the future, this seemingly small, insignificant detail will inevitably lead to the gradual destruction of the acrylic coating.

There are special professional kits to eliminate such defects. They can be supplied complete with the bathtub itself or they can be purchased in specialized stores.

Such kits consist of a package of epoxy putty or liquid acrylic, as well as a spatula. With their help you can correct the most problematic damage. However, you need to take into account the properties of the substance: it should easily and firmly adhere to the acrylic surface, be easy to polish and completely match the color of the coating.

Typically, such products are extremely toxic, so you should work in a well-ventilated room in compliance with all safety regulations.

Treatment of the damaged area:

  • the problem area must be treated with sandpaper;
  • the next stage is degreasing and applying an epoxy composition;
  • after which the surface should dry for 24 hours;
  • using liquid acrylic, you should cover the damage with it and cover it with polyethylene, which is removed after a couple of days;
  • the area is treated with fine sandpaper, this will not affect the color of the coating in any way;
  • At the end of the restoration, the surface is thoroughly polished.

Camouflage pencil

These pencils contain non-toxic polishing agents. The pencil softens the paint layer near the defect, after which it fills it and restores the surface. It will be most effective if applied immediately after a scratch has formed.

Enamel paint

  • before starting work, the surface to be treated should be cleaned with sandpaper and then wiped with alcohol or solvent;
  • Apply a thin layer of enamel to the defect with a brush;
  • The surface should dry within 24 hours.

Removing scratches directly depends on the depth of damage to the coating. How smaller defect, the easier it is to eliminate it. In other cases, it is necessary to resort to special pastes and putties that restore the structure and restore the color of the acrylic surface.

It must be remembered that acrylic is a finicky material and, first of all, you should forget about detergents and cleaning compositions based on abrasive substances.

  • When cleaning, avoid the use of rough and metal products.
  • Try not to drop heavy objects onto the surface, this may lead to deformation of the coating.
  • Careful care and cleaning of its surface, even from minor dirt, will permanently eliminate the majority of problems associated specifically with acrylic bathtubs.
  • It is very important to carry out disinfection and preventive work to avoid rust, limescale or fungus.

By following simple rules for caring for an acrylic bathtub, it will delight you with its brilliant appearance for a very long time.

always pleasant, because there a person puts himself in order, so many housewives are interested in how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home. I don’t want to single out some housewives over others, but the conditions for caring for metals (steel and cast iron) differ from the conditions for caring for acrylic. Be that as it may, such a polymer turned out to be a very successful find for the production of plumbing fixtures, both technologically and economically.

What is an acrylic bathtub

Rectangular cast acrylic bathtub

Before we talk about cleaning and detergents, it wouldn’t hurt to figure out how and what acrylic bathtubs are made of. This question may seem strange to some, but, firstly, in this case special sanitary acrylic is used, and, secondly, there are three ways to manufacture such plumbing fixtures, although at first glance they cannot be distinguished. They are classified as:

  1. Block.
  2. Extruded.
  3. Cast.

Acrylic block bathtubs

Such products are made by pouring into a glass mold and polymerizing under high pressure. To be a little more specific, a glass mold consisting of two blocks is assembled into one whole and a compound in the form of a powder is poured through a hole specially created for this purpose. Then the workpiece is placed in an oven, where polymerization occurs, and then gradually cooled until it cools completely. The result is very durable product, which is not so easy to break or scratch.

Extruded acrylic bathtubs

The most the best option You can call extruded bathtubs, which are made from ABC plastic, that is, this is a base that is heated and then filled with liquid acrylic. The result is a bathtub that is the most resistant to deformation and mechanical damage(implied acrylic products). This can even be cleaned with abrasive detergents.


This a budget option. Liquid acrylic is poured onto a polished sheet of metal required thickness. Then the resulting pancake falls under the press the desired shape and he squeezes the finished copy out of the matrix. Such bathtubs are extremely unstable to mechanical damage and deformation, they are not very easy to care for, as they are very easy to scratch, but it should be said that they are in the greatest demand in the plumbing market.

Cleaning and detergents

In the previous sections it was briefly described what acrylic is used and how bathtubs are made. This is necessary so that you understand the degree of danger of surface damage when sanitizing the container with your own hands. But, as you already understand, the most “vulnerable” can be called a cast bathtub.

What can't be washed with

Prolonged exposure of acrylic to boiling water will cause it to deform.

There are a number of means that are not only undesirable, but even prohibited, as this can lead to loss of surface gloss, deformation, leave scratches, stains, and so on. There is no point in naming such drugs specifically, it will take a lot of time and space, but just when choosing any liquid, pay attention to whether it contains:

  • chlorine;
  • acetone;
  • solvent;
  • petrol;
  • acid;
  • powders with large abrasive particles;
  • boiling water.

In this case, you can hear objections like: “I tried and nothing happened,” “So now, keep it like a jewel,” and the most important thing: “So what should I wash it with then?!” Firstly, if you simply spill solvent or boiling water, then absolutely nothing will happen, that is, with such means you can simply clean a small spot. Secondly, we are talking about the long-term effects of such drugs, which can occur when washing the entire bathtub, that is, during full processing. But we will consider further what and how to care for it.

Chemicals that can be purchased at the store

Dry and liquid biodegradable household chemicals Frosch

Today, the question of how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home is not a dilemma - modern market sanitary ware and accessories presents a lot of preparations in dry and liquid form for this purpose. But when purchasing any product, you should not forget that they are all individual and there are no general rules for their use. Whether it is gel, powder or granules, the packaging container must have instructions in Russian or Ukrainian, even if it is made in German, Italian or Polish.

The fact is that the manufacturer prints such a manual for the buyer, who will sell it with a license. If you do not find instructions there in a language you understand, then it is better to refuse such a purchase. You can’t just go by the brand, since the packaging can be very similar, but the drugs are intended for different purposes. Therefore, you can buy some product that contains substances that are harmful to acrylic.

Here are some of the products that you can buy in stores selling household chemicals, plumbing supplies or simply in hardware stores:

  • Bass;
  • Ravak;
  • Team-Pro;
  • Chister;
  • Cinderella;
  • Acrilan;
  • and others.

All these care products can be used without any doubt, and they are used not only for acrylic, but also for cabinets with plastic film, steel and cast iron baths.

Video: Bathroom cleaning from a housewife

Homemade Cleaning Remedies

Lemon acid

Some owners of acrylic bathtubs, and indeed any plumbers in general, do not recognize or simply do not want to use powder or liquid materials from the manufacturer, that is, factory-made chemicals and prefer home methods. Here are some of them.

In order to get rid of stains, yellowness or rust, use citric acid (you can also use fresh lemon, but this is not very convenient), soda, vinegar, ammonia, and so on:

  • Take a little more than half a bath of hot water, add 100 g of citric acid and leave it until it cools down (this is 2-3 hours). After this, drain the water and wipe the surface dry with a soft cloth. Such prevention should be done once every six months and there will be no yellowness.
  • Toothpaste with a whitening effect can help remove various stains from an acrylic surface. Spread it on problem areas, rubbing it with your fingers, and leave for 10-15 minutes. You wash it off warm water and wipe dry.
  • Most contaminants are removed with a solution of soda and laundry soap, just do a thick concentration. Apply this mixture to the problem area for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and wipe dry.
  • A solution of baking soda and soap will get rid of most stains. Dampen a soft cloth in it and wipe required area within a few minutes. After rinsing it will clear.
  • Rust can be easily eliminated with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a 1/1 ratio. Apply this solution to a sponge (foam rubber) and wipe the problem area. If the rust is not old, then the effect will be in just a few seconds.
  • Heavy stains can be eliminated with one liter of 9% table vinegar. Fill a little more than half a bath of hot water and pour it in, leaving it overnight. In the morning, drain the water and rinse the bath well with water, then wipe dry.

Video: Cleaning the bathroom - life hack

Prevent pollution

Flow (cartridge) filter

A few more words about violations that occur through no fault of yours and after which there will certainly be a residue on the surface of the bathtub. In our water supply networks, the water is almost always not properly purified, or it is simply hard, that is, with a high content of salts and alkali (we only have soft water in wells and boreholes). 90% of the problem of contamination of the bathtub surface lies precisely in poor quality water, but this can be resisted (it is better to prevent the problem than to deal with its consequences).

For this you can use a single, although I would even recommend a triple flow filter, as in the top image. It is installed after the water meter, if there is one on the pipeline, or simply in front of the collector. Cartridges can be purchased at any plumbing supply stores. Replacement is carried out within 1-2 minutes as needed, that is, this will be visible by the color of the filter.


Do you understand how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home? As you can see, this is not at all difficult and the most important thing is not to put it off “for tomorrow.” Regular care will save you from problems, but even if it happened that the moment was missed, the situation can always be corrected.