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What to do if you move to another apartment. What signs exist about housewarming: to a new apartment or house?

Time is precisely the resource that is sorely lacking when moving to new apartment. There is always a chance to forget something, not have time, damage it, or even lose it. And it doesn’t matter whether you knew about the move six months in advance or whether you are doing it urgently according to the “old apartment to offset the new” scheme. Therefore, we suggest that you prepare for this process in advance. So, a couple of months before moving or, collect a list of things that will make the process easier in the future:

When we move into a new living space, we experience joyful excitement. But this happy moment, as a rule, is preceded by worries, tension and life in the regime acute shortage time. However, if you organize the process correctly, moving to a new apartment will not take much effort, time and will not create additional problems. After all, in essence it is just the movement of things from one point on the map to another.

2 months before the event: what needs to be done before moving into a new apartment?

Time is precisely the resource that is sorely lacking when moving to a new apartment. There is always a chance to forget something, not have time, damage it, or even lose it. And it doesn’t matter whether you knew about the move six months in advance or whether you are doing it urgently according to the “old apartment to offset the new” scheme. Therefore, we suggest that you prepare for this process in advance. So, a couple of months before moving or buying an apartment in Yekaterinburg in a new building from a developer, collect a list of things that will make the process easier in the future:

  • a spacious folder and notepad. Convenient to save in a folder important documents, payment receipts, useful business cards and other similar documentation. You will need a notepad to record all information related to the move - dates, phone numbers of drivers, builders, etc. Data can be recorded on a smartphone/tablet, if that is more common;
  • Before moving into a new apartment, be sure to buy large cardboard boxes. On average, 20 boxes are enough. You will find them in large furniture stores or you can purchase from employees of chain grocery supermarkets;
  • without bags, newspapers, colored stickers, bubble wrap and others packaging materials indispensable if you plan to comfortably transport things to a new apartment;
  • adhesive tape or tape - that's what you can't have too much of when moving to a new home. Using tape you can secure and pack almost anything. Stock up on them before you organize your move and move into a new apartment. After all, correct and reliable packaging is the key to the safety of your property.

2 weeks before the event: what else should you remember to do before moving into a new apartment?

How can you minimize stress, do everything quickly and avoid possible troubles during the move? You already know what you will need to organize this process. Next, we will tell you whether to believe omens and whether it is worth buying new slippers for a new apartment, whether you need to register in it, and what should be done within two weeks before moving.

Many people wonder whether it is worth registering in a new apartment. It's up to you to decide. But if you plan to do this before moving, then you should address this issue 7-14 days before the “X” date. This is how long it will take to check and process the application and documents by special services. As for other actions that need to be completed before moving into a new apartment, we suggest dividing them into 3 time periods:

1. In two weeks. Without a doubt, part with all things and household items that you have not used for more than 2 years. Prepare colorful stickers for the boxes in which things from different rooms(living room, kitchen, bedroom) - for each separate color. On them you will write the contents of each box.

2. In one week. Study the contents of the refrigerator thoroughly, leave in it only what is suitable for cooking simple dishes and quick snacks. Think about and write down what you need to put in the “most important box”, the one that will help you out on the first day when moving into a new apartment. This could include medicines, personal items, bed linen, a coffee maker, etc.

3. The day before and directly on the day of relocation. Before the day comes to move into your new apartment, defrost the refrigerator in your old one and assemble the “most important box.” And during the moving process, ask the most necessary things to be loaded first, then when unloading they will be in the foreground. Upon completion of the work, check the integrity of all property, after which you can sign the document and say goodbye to the representatives of the company that transported your things.

Should I buy new slippers for a new apartment and other signs associated with moving?

Now that you know what things you should get rid of before moving into a new apartment, how to properly sort the remaining items and what they can be properly packed in, we suggest moving on to the most interesting part - signs. They help bring good luck, tranquility, prosperity and comfort to a new home. And if you’re wondering why you’re dreaming about a new apartment, maybe it’s just time to move to a new building.

Take an old broom with you to your new apartment and invite your brownie along with it. Let the cat into the house first; it is advisable to put nothing in the place he chooses, since the brownie will occupy it. It is also believed that housewarming should be celebrated twice. Celebrate for the first time next weekend after moving with your family and friends. You can celebrate the holiday for the second time big company, but only when you yourself stop feeling like you’re a guest in the new apartment. Another sign warns us against buying new slippers for a new apartment. According to legend, you need to take your old ones with you and wear them for another year. Then yours family happiness will be strong. Easy move.


Today, when belief in omens has firmly entered our lives, when many of us determine a favorable date, a favorable day/days for moving according to the lunar calendar or guided by the rules of Feng Shui, it is worth approaching the study of this issue thoroughly, once and for all, as they say, to place all the i's are dotted. Who knows, maybe a favorable day according to the lunar calendar will allow your move to go without a hitch, if you fully believe in omens. But, I must say, you can’t do it without the help of professionals. So if you are about to move to a new apartment or new house, we will help you plan everything down to the smallest detail.

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Moving is an important matter, and it needs to start when favorable numbers calendar If you decide to change your location, plan this event in advance. Don't move in the summer (if possible, postpone the move until the fall). Please note that it is better not to move on dates that are not on the list, as this is not the best period for this event.

The influence of the Moon on the life of the planet has long been established by scientists. Being in Earth's orbit, it controls all the ebb and flow of water bodies, and there is also a certain dependence of plant growth on its movement around our planet.

Paying attention to all these facts, it should be taken into account that people’s lives are also influenced by the satellite. Even in ancient times, there were beliefs that described lunar influence on events in a person's life.

Even if you throw away all prejudices, you can catch some connection yourself. The phases of the moon affect both a person’s physiological well-being and emotional state, not to mention the mystical side. Therefore, planning important events, this factor should be taken into account.

Astrologers have long deduced a certain pattern of influence power, due to which there is a large number of lunar calendars that affect all areas of human life. These tables highlight specific days on which it has either a positive or negative impact on significant events.

The influence of stars on determining common features character of a person at birth, but we should also not forget about the further impact they have. Combined with the mysticism of the Moon, one should pay tribute to their power. It all depends on the movement of the satellite and its location in the constellations of the Zodiac signs.

When planning an event such as moving, which in itself influences one’s future fate, it is necessary to take into account the factor of cosmic influence. To do this, you don’t need to do the calculations yourself. lunar phases and its passage in a certain house of the zodiac, because there are already ready-made tables.

Moving is usually not planned in one day, and this event is associated only with positive emotions. To maintain the mood and to avoid negative influence extraneous factors, you should check the day of this event with the lunar calendar developed for such an occasion.

Astrologers have specifically studied the influence of lunar phases on this event so that you can attract the positive charge that the mystical influence of the Moon gives. The dates indicated in the table will affect your luck when moving.


Aries love change, so a change of residence always ends well for them. In the year of the Rooster, astrologers recommend that purposeful representatives of this sign move. For Taurus, 2017 is not the most successful period for home changes, so it is better to focus on arranging the old “nest”.

Cancers can move only when they were unlucky in their old place. It is better for Leos to move towards the northwest. New housing will bring improved health to Virgos, move to the south. Libra needs to move towards the east for changes in his personal life.

Absence financial well-being- a reason to pack things for Scorpio; moving abroad this year is especially lucky. Capricorns are associated with stability, so moving is not a good idea. Pisces and Aquarius can change housing if they want to make truly significant life changes.


Let’s figure it out together and study together what folk wisdom dictates to us in this regard, which days of the week are more suitable for organizing a move, and which are less suitable and why.

  • Monday. I would like to immediately add – “it’s a hard day.” This day is popularly considered not particularly favorable for planning new things and settling in a new place. Popular wisdom advises to wait. But you won't have to wait long.
  • Tuesday. It has long been called the day of travel and new discoveries. People believe that on this day you will be lucky.
  • Wednesday. Unfavorable for moving to a new house or a new apartment. People say that if you move on Wednesday, you won’t stay long in the new place, and if necessary, you won’t even get guests.
  • Thursday. Promises a fair wind. The day is neutral in all respects. To move is to move.
  • Friday. Almost Native sister Monday. On this day of the week it is better not to start new things and not to go on the road. Put off new beginnings until the next day, for example.
  • Saturday. This is just Tuesday's sister. The day when things get going, work goes well, and all undertakings are accompanied by success. Are we moving?
  • Sunday. A day that definitely needs to be devoted to rest. You rest. And we'll take all the most difficult work to myself.


If you haven't found the answer to the question, when is the best time to move? lunar calendar, nor in folk wisdom, all that remains is to turn to Eastern philosophy and, thus, make luck work for yourself. According to Feng Shui, when you choose a home, you choose your destiny. By changing your place of residence, you can confidently try to change your destiny. Why not?

  • The rules of Feng Shui moving teach us to choose a day (this can be done using the Feng Shui calendar, which is now available for free sale). Always and in any case, the date of birth of the owner of the house will be favorable for moving.
  • Feng Shui rules for moving also warn us to move to a new apartment in the evening and at night. It would be nice if your apartment moving passed in 1 day. We can easily arrange this.
  • You cannot enter a new home empty-handed. It is believed that every family member should bring something with them. It is better to contribute the most valuable things first, as this contributes to prosperity and family well-being.

There are special customs when moving that are usually observed. This is not difficult to do, because they are all a type of household white magic. A conspiracy for a happy move to a new home carries only positive energy.

When moving to another apartment, you need to perform magical rituals

When people move to a new place, they hope that life will change for the better. For this to really happen, you need to move to a new apartment, signs, rituals, rules, and follow them exactly. Moving to a new apartment will then be successful and bring prosperity to the family.

Moving to a new home - an important event in the life of any person. For many people this is a real stress. In addition to the everyday hassles associated with transporting things to another city, problems arise with paperwork, collecting things, and delivering luggage to the place where they are going to live. To make the process of changing your place of residence go smoothly, it is best to secure yourself with the help of magic.

A smart housewife understands that not only their quiet life, but sometimes also their health depends on the energetic atmosphere in which her husband and children will live.

If the apartment or house previously belonged to other people, you need to cleanse the home of other people’s energy, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.

The most common rules and signs when moving to a new apartment:

  • clean your home with holy water or invite a clergyman to do this;
  • try to negotiate with your brownie about moving to a new place;
  • let the cat into the house first;
  • read the plot for a happy move.

It is best, before taking possession of a new home, to carry out a conspiracy on the waxing moon for a happy move into your home.

Ritual for moving to a new home

Before you move out of your apartment, you also need to follow some old rules. When packing, throw away anything that is broken, cracked or no longer needed. Try to get rid of old clutter, packing only the most necessary things. You cannot take worn out shoes or clothes with holes into your new apartment.

Take special care when packing family heirlooms that are treasure keeper hearth and home. It is very important that they are not damaged on the road, but arrive at their destination intact and safe.

You need to put sweets for the brownie in an empty suitcase

Bow down to your old home, even if you went through difficult days or grief in it. Then take a small empty suitcase and put candy and cookies in it. Invite your brownie there to go with you.

After this, go around the old home with a candle in your hand to put up protection against future residents. Say these words:

“I don’t leave everything bad that happened to other people, and I don’t take it with me either. I release them into the open fields, into the distant distances. I’m cutting off contact with myself and putting up protection for the house.”

Very often, new residents begin to angrily curse those people who lived before them. They may not like the faucet in the bathtub or the wallpaper in the bedroom. Or maybe they will simply regret for some reason that they moved to this apartment.

The procedure for carrying out ceremonies when moving

Try to find out the signs, rules and rituals for moving to a new apartment in advance so as not to forget anything. Write down the text of the prayer in advance for good luck in your new place of residence.

Make a plan for the rituals. Moving takes a lot of effort and time. But if you want to live happily ever after in a new place, it is better to devote a little time to household magic.

Transporting your brownie to another city is very important stage when moving. After preparing the treat, place it at the bottom of an empty box or suitcase and say the following words:

“Brownie is the hostess, Let's go with me to a new home! Let's live together and make good money! Don’t leave me, master, in your protection!”

When you reach a new place, you need to perform a rite of entry into your new home. Let the cat into the apartment in front of you. This is an old sign, rooted in ancient times. A cat has 9 lives, so if she takes on all the negativity of her new home, then nothing will happen to her.

The cat should be the first to enter the new apartment.

When the cat has already gone to sniff all the corners and get acquainted with the new shelter, cross the threshold and immediately open the “brownie house” in which you brought him. When opening it, say:

“Housewife, here is your new home, You and we can live in it! For happiness and prosperity, And for joy. You can live and keep your house in order, help me.”

After this, begin cleaning your new home. You should have two new brooms ready. One needs to sweep out all the trash left by the previous residents. When looking around the apartment, pay attention to whether there are abandoned small coins, needles or old dolls in the corner. If there are such things, they need to be removed without touching them with your hands.

Then the floors are washed, adding holy water. The broom and floor rag are thrown away. They keep the second broom for themselves and place it near the threshold with the whisk facing up. Let it stand like this for three days.

Take a lit church candle in your hands and walk around the entire apartment clockwise, starting from the entrance. It should be a vicious circle. Corners, doorways and windows are baptized with candles. While making your rounds, read the moving prayer, “Our Father.” Then, read the prayer at your new place of residence, walking around again in a circle with holy water:

“God bless. On high mountain there is a throne, and Mother sits on the throne Holy Mother of God and holds a cross and water in his hands. He sprinkles it with water, with the cross he drives away damage from this threshold, from bad to worse. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to sprinkle the corners of the apartment with charmed salt.

After this, they make a third round of the home in a circle. Places at the threshold, near walls, in corners, near windows are sprinkled with blessed salt. During these actions, a prayer is said to help with the move:

“You can’t live in this house for bad things, for worse or worse. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Ancient traditions of moving to a new home

Our ancestors firmly believed in the power of folk signs and rites of entry into a new home. They tried to follow them so that life in the new home would be happy and well-fed.

Here are some of them:

  1. When a cat enters the house, it should not be brought there by force, carried in your arms or pushed. To make the process of passing through the threshold go smoothly, throw some treat through it that will interest the animal.
  2. The oldest member of the family crossed the threshold of the home first, then they moved in order, ending with the youngest.
  3. The one who enters the house first should have a potted plant in his hands. It is carried at arm's length so that it has time to absorb the bad energy of the house, if it is present there. Then it is thrown away. IN summer period can be replaced home flower a bunch of wormwood. This will have an even greater effect.
  4. They cross the threshold very carefully so as not to stumble - then life will be smooth and without interference.
  5. When they step onto the floor of a new house for the first time, they only think about good things. Then they make their deepest wish.
  6. Having crossed the threshold, the youngest family member must put three coins under it. It's very good if it's Small child. As the child grows, the well-being of the family will also grow - they will live well.

After all household members enter the apartment, the hostess must pour blessed salt outside the door. This will be good protection from evil entities and negative energy. After this, the “Our Father” prayer is said at the established place of residence.

Most people follow rituals when moving. Some perform them the way their fathers and grandfathers taught them. Others do not perform the rituals to enter a new home, considering it annoying nonsense.

How to make a successful move to a new apartment - signs immortalized by the people are ready to suggest a way out. For the monastery to become your stepfather's shelter, listen to the wisdom of your ancestors.

Ancient beliefs on the eve of housewarming

Most people have to deal with moving. Ancient superstitions will help make this event pleasant and life in a new apartment happy.

On the eve of your move, don’t forget to clean up the room you’ll soon be leaving. By leaving dirty laundry in the hut, the owners become victims of envious people related to black magic. They can use your things for carrying out rituals for damage.

Throw away the accumulated rubbish and garbage without regret - there will be many more acquisitions in your new life.

When moving out of your old house, move the fire from there to your new home. (candle or lighter from old apartment). According to signs, flame is a symbol of protecting the house from evil spirits. Together with him you can.

Don’t forget to take a broom with you when leaving the old monastery. Brownies love to hide in its twigs - you want to take it good neighbor with myself? But if the spirit was negative towards you, leave it.

It will help you to live in abundance. Scatter coins on the territory that was in your possession - you will ensure prosperity for yourself and please the new residents.

Organize a farewell to your neighbors - don’t skimp on the treats, let people remember you with a kind word.

The right to be the first to enter a new house was given to the oldest member of the family. This is how the younger generation showed respect to relatives endowed with wisdom.

However, over the centuries the sign has acquired negative interpretation- as if the person who first stepped on the threshold of the new monastery will quickly leave it, and not of her own free will (get sick, go to prison or die).

Fortunately, subsequent generations did not listen to such tales, and the terrible omen was replaced by another: when a family moves to a new apartment, the head must first cross the threshold.

If you are still worried that the prediction of your ancestors may come true, send a cat ahead of you into new possessions. Let the animal sniff the room, get comfortable, spend the night, and move in the next day.

Please note for a new apartment:

  • After spending the night, the cat behaves calmly - feel free to settle down in your new home.
  • Look where your pet settled down to sleep. Cats are so sensitive that they choose not just something cozy for sleep, but an energetic one. clean place. Where the animal spent the night, arrange a sleeping bed - you will always be rested.

If the property is in the village, use it - lock the rooster in the house. He is excellent at driving away evil spirits.

As soon as you settle in, invite guests to your housewarming party. According to tradition, it is necessary to organize a holiday twice: the first time close relatives gather, the second - friends. The main thing is that they follow the signs when choosing a gift.

Crossing the threshold of the apartment, guests, according to custom, throw a coin on the floor, wishing for prosperity. However, you should not give money, even if the owners of the living space are experiencing financial difficulties. Such a gift will lead them to poverty.

Everyone knows the Slavic proverb “bread is the head of everything.” Thanks to her, the custom was born of presenting a loaf of bread to the owners for housewarming, as a symbol of prosperity, satiety and a full table. The bread was served on a towel embroidered with green and red threads, which prophesies longevity and wealth.

A comfortable existence will be ensured by the donation Money Tree(crassula) or piggy bank. But don’t give it empty, throw coins of different denominations inside.

According to another sign, when entering a new apartment, the owners can be given a souvenir that has a connection with water - an aquarium, an indoor fountain. With such a gift, guests show their sincere desire for the family to live in harmony and comfort, and for the house to be a full cup. At the same time, water protects against negativity and cleanses the energy of the room.

Do you know why new residents were given a horseshoe? Hanging over front door from the inside, it is considered a talisman for good luck and a protective amulet against evil spirits.

If you receive a flower vase or dishes as a gift, know that they wish you wealth.

And donated lamps and candles will not only decorate the room, but will protect peace and create a pleasant atmosphere in the house.

To quickly settle in and make your home feel like home, follow the rules reflected in the signs:

  • On the first day, open the windows and doors in the house, wash the floors to get rid of other people's energy.
  • Place in the corners church candles and open the taps - the negative will burn or leak.
  • When moving, they forgot about the brownie - they will have to welcome him. Leave the housewife sweet wine, sweets and cakes at night in a nook. In the morning you discover that food is missing - you succeeded, he accepted the offer to be friends.
  • Do not use mirrors from previous owners. This accessory is a portal for otherworldly entities and a powerful reservoir of human emotions.
  • Don't move into the property until you're done. Finishing work- you risk losing your income, and everything in the house will break down.

Armed with signs, all that remains is to be patient and in a cheerful mood - an optimistic attitude will help you endure the hassle of moving.

People usually compare moving to a fire or natural disaster. Even if housewarming is a joyful event for you, it is associated with a lot of troubles that make your head spin.

However, today few people use the experience of our distant and very superstitious ancestors when they change their place of residence. Perhaps in vain. People believed that in order for life in a new home to develop well and harmoniously, it is necessary to always remember the signs associated with moving.

According to one of the most ancient superstitions, you must first introduce a cat (ideally a black cat) into a new home, which will immediately sense the negative and positive zones in the house. This is useful, for example, if you want to know where to equip a children's room. Just don’t force an animal into the house if it doesn’t want to.

The cat must first sniff, calm down, and only then independently cross the threshold of the new home. However, the roots of the cat sign are completely different. It was believed that the one who enters the house first will be the first to die in it. Therefore, this four-legged animal or the oldest member of the family was chosen as the “sacrifice”.

If you don’t have a cat, then simply throw a ball of thread over the threshold of your new house and, holding the end of the thread, enter the home in order of seniority. This guide will help you master your home.

But if you are not a cat person, but a dog person, then a dog will not be suitable for the role of a “pioneer”. On the contrary, you must make sure that this animal is the last to cross the threshold of the house, since people believed that the dog is a guardian of the home, and not a full member of the family.

Don't forget about your new apartment. To do this, you just need to take with you the broom you used to scrub the floors from your old home. It is believed that the house essence is hiding under the broom.

If you do not recognize as a necessary attribute to maintain household, and you only have a vacuum cleaner - no problem. In order for the brownie to move with you, you can use a regular cardboard box(from under shoes, for example), in which you need to put your old clothes or various scraps, scraps of fabric. Take the box filled with things to the threshold of the old home for 15 minutes.

This time will be enough for your brownie to “take a fancy” to the prepared shelter. When you move, don't forget to take this box with you. Immediately after moving, you need to feed the hungry and tired brownie from the road by pouring milk into a saucer and placing the “food” in the corner.

Also important, according to signs, is the day chosen for moving.

  • If it snows on this day, then your life in the new place will be rich and prosperous.
  • Moving on a rainy day promises a lot of emotions (both positive and negative).
  • New residents moving in on Monday are guaranteed a strong physical health And good dream in a new place.
  • Moving on Tuesday promises intellectual growth.
  • If you are moving to an environment, life in your new place will be full of passion.
  • Thursday for moving is good because it promises wealth.
  • If you move on Friday or on the same weekend, you will experience success in business and love.

Hanging a horseshoe (horns down) above the front door of a new home is very popular today. After all, she is performing. Compliance with this sign promises new residents happy life in a new place.

It would also be good to hang bunches of St. John's wort in the corners of the new house. This will become a reliable talisman against evil spirits.

When moving, a knife is hidden under the threshold so that it protects your new home from entry by dashing people (for example, burglars, thieves).

When moving to a new house, throw a few silver coins on the floor - then you will live in abundance.

It is best to leave even a small amount in your old home - then both your life and the life of the new residents will be prosperous.

Another sign that people resort to in order to achieve financial well-being in a new place is to place a banknote of any denomination under the tablecloth on kitchen table. It is no longer recommended to touch or remove it from there.

The key to a good life in a new home is cleaning all the premises, which must be done on the day of moving. Wipe window sills, radiators, wash the floor. This is very important in order to neutralize negative energy, accumulated in this home before you moved in (even if the house was just built and no other families lived in it).

And only after completing the steps described above (the cat is fed, the cat is more or less comfortable, the cleaning is done, etc.), you can begin to sort out your things.