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Do's and don'ts of using a microwave oven. The dangers of microwave ovens: is it greatly exaggerated?

Anyone who uses a microwave just to heat up food or water doesn't really know how to use it. Read some unusual ways use a microwave oven that will not only surprise you, but will also allow you to get the maximum benefit from this device.

1. Creating the Perfect Poached Egg

Pour boiling water into a microwave-safe bowl and add a splash of white vinegar. Break the egg into a bowl and lightly beat the yolk with a toothpick. Cover the bowl cling film and place it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Remove the bowl, carefully turn the egg over and place it in the oven again for 20 seconds. Your perfect poached egg is ready!

2. Soaking lentils and beans

Do you often forget to soak lentils or beans overnight? In such a situation, a microwave oven can come to the rescue. Soak beans or lentils in a bowl of water. Add a little soda to it. Make sure the water completely covers the beans. Microwave the bowl for 10 minutes and then leave for another 40. You will get perfectly soaked lentils or beans.

3. Second life for stale bread

Cover the bread wet kitchen towel and microwave it for 10 seconds. Repeat the procedure until you get the desired result.

4. Drying the chips

If the potato chips have lost their crunch, place them on a kitchen towel and microwave for 30 seconds. If necessary, repeat the procedure. The towel will absorb the moisture and the crispiness of the chips will be restored.

5. Enhance the aroma of nuts and spices

To enhance the flavor of nuts, spices or seeds, you can microwave them for 15 seconds. Repeat this procedure until the aroma fills the kitchen. Your nuts will taste perfect.

6. Disinfection of sponges

You throw away dirty kitchen sponges after a couple of uses? Do not do this. Instead, place the sponge in a cup of warm water, and vinegar diluted in it or lemon juice. Microwave it for about a minute. This will clean the sponge and disinfect it.

7. Disinfecting the cutting board

Just like kitchen sponges, cutting boards can be disinfected in the microwave. Wash the board well and wipe it with a piece of lemon on the working side. Place it in the oven for a minute and it will come out completely clean. You can use the same procedure to disinfect children's toys.

8. Dough preparation

This option is for those people who bake bread at home. The microwave oven can be used to yeast dough rose faster. Boil a cup of water and microwave it along with the dough. Leave it there until the yeast does its job.

9. Cooking potatoes

Potatoes can be cooked fairly quickly in the microwave. First of all, pierce it on all sides using a fork. Then place in a bowl and cook on high for two minutes. Turn the potatoes over and then microwave for another 2 minutes. Your potatoes should be done.

10. Cooking fish

You can cook fish perfectly in the microwave. Place it in a baking bag and add spices and salt. Place it in the oven. The cooking time can start from 2 minutes, although this will depend on the power of the device itself and the thickness of the fillet. Check carefully to ensure there are no raw pieces left.

11. Cooking bacon

Wrap the bacon slices in a kitchen towel and microwave for 2-3 minutes. The towel will absorb moisture and help crisp up the bacon.

12. Steamed vegetables

Like fish and potatoes, vegetables can also be cooked in the microwave. Prick with a fork and place in the oven for 3-4 minutes. Using a microwave minimizes wastage useful substances, and it's also faster than traditional way preparations.

13. Renewal of honey

If the honey has crystallized inside the jar, use the microwave to soften it. Place the opened jar in the oven for 30-60 seconds. This will thin the honey and return it to a good consistency.

14. Peeling garlic

Do you think that garlic cloves are quite difficult to peel? If so, you can do it in the microwave in 10 seconds. Cover it with a towel first, the moisture will be absorbed and you can easily clean the cloves.

15. Onion cutting

Do your eyes water every time you peel onions? Before you start chopping, place the onion in the microwave for 30 seconds. This way he will lose his bitterness. This will keep your eyes from watering even if onion juice gets into them.

16. Squeezing lemon

Do you have a habit of squeezing every last drop of lemon before throwing it away? If you put it in the microwave for 1 minute, the lemon will become very juicy. You can easily squeeze it out without leaving a drop.

17. Removing postage stamps

If you collect stamps, you have probably encountered the problem of how to separate them from the envelope without damaging them? To do this, moisten the stamp with a few drops of water and place it in the microwave. This way you can easily separate it from the envelope.

18. Warming hair oil and other beauty products

During winter, the oil hardens inside the bottle and becomes very difficult to get out. In this case, you should place the bottle in the oven for 20 seconds. This will melt the butter and make it easy to pour out of the bottle. You can melt depilatory wax in a similar way. It's lightweight and quick method bring it to the desired temperature.

19. Warming up treatment components

To obtain an effective compress from hot water, you are probably using hot running water. To make the compress more effective, you can soak a towel in water and then microwave it for 1 minute. You'll have a hot, soothing compress in no time. The same can be done with gels that are used to remove headache. When the gel packet cools down, you need to put it in the microwave.

20. Checking the safety of utensils

The microwave can be used to test which dishes can go into it. Fill the bowl that has already been used for the oven with water. Place the bowl of water in the test container (no need to pour water into it) and microwave it. If after this the container remains cold, it can be used; if it is warm or hot, it cannot be used.

For as many years as microwave ovens have existed, articles have appeared in the press about the terrible dangers of microwave ovens. At the same time, the reader is bombarded with a whole sea of ​​frightening terms like “molecular rot”, “rupture of molecules” and other pseudoscientific horror stories, which in fact do not exist and cannot exist.

Of course, many of us have forgotten even the information about physics that was obtained from a school textbook, not to mention deeper knowledge.

It is easy to manipulate the consciousness in conditions of insufficient awareness of the audience, while referring to certain studies conducted unknown where or by whom, and declare that a microwave causes great and undeniable harm, that its use is unacceptable for human health and that food cooked in it is not very good. useful. Solid "no".

No, we can’t talk about the complete and absolute safety of a microwave oven either. But the word “harm” is inappropriate here, otherwise no one would cook in it. Everything in life has both positive and negative qualities, the microwave oven is no exception. A reasonable person finds the most rational path, taking into account real facts and without thinking that household appliances (in particular a microwave oven) can cause irreparable harm to his health.

Unfortunately, in reality, microwave research into whether there is any benefit or harm from microwave ovens has been few and far between. But one thing is clear: cooking with a microwave oven is neither harmful nor dangerous.

Let's look at how real the harm of a microwave oven is to human health and whether it exists at all, whether there is any benefit from this device, and whether it is possible to cook in the oven. To do this, you will have to remember something from physics.

How does a microwave oven work?

A magnetron is built into the microwave body, emitting electromagnetic waves a certain frequency. Certain, because electromagnetic radiation with a different wavelength is used in many industries, and some devices should not interfere with the operation of others. In particular, mobile phones, radars, etc.

The world is permeated with electromagnetic radiation, and yet there is still no evidence that anyone has suffered from it.

This means that the harm is not so significant, and food heated in a microwave does not become poison (it is just as harmful as food cooked in kitchen stove). Studies aimed at determining the impact electromagnetic radiation per person are carried out, but their results rarely become sensations.

Since the wavelength produced by the magnetron of a microwave oven is sufficiently long, the radiation does not penetrate outward through the insulated walls of the device and does not cause harm. Food is prepared beautifully in such conditions. Of course, if the insulating layer of the microwave oven is not damaged (otherwise there may be harm to human health, but it is not the device as such that is to blame, but the fact that the oven’s service life has expired).

When cooking in modern models, perfectly protected, you can even bury your nose in the glass of the door during the process, and no harm will be done. But it’s time to get rid of old stoves, and not only because they are morally outdated.

In older models, the protection was not so perfect, as stated in the instructions for each of them: it was not recommended to be near a working microwave oven at a distance closer than 1.5 meters when food was being prepared there. There was harm to health, and the manufacturers did not hide it.

Regarding horror stories about whether the microwave is harmful as a method of processing food, the following can be said. When you cook food on an electric stove or over a fire, the process goes like this:

  • First, the bottom and walls of the dish heat up, and then the temperature of the food in the dish also rises (the food begins to cook). When heated, water molecules begin to move more actively; the higher the temperature, the faster the movement. The movement is chaotic.
  • If food is heated too much, vitamins are destroyed and proteins are denatured. This is not harmful - protein denaturation is the purpose of heat treatment. There is no point in arguing about how great the benefits of thermally processed foods are, or whether everyone should switch to a raw food diet. Everyone is free to decide for themselves what to eat and how to cook.

If you use microwave, the above process will differ in two ways:

  • Heating does not occur from the walls of the cookware, but in the product itself. Microwaves affect the water molecules contained in any product, causing them to rotate at high speed. The rotation of molecules creates molecular friction, due to which heating occurs. Faster spinning water molecules closer to the surface transfer energy to molecules located deeper. Thus, the food is heated throughout the entire volume, and not just at the walls of the dish. The same movement of molecules occurs, only it is more ordered.
  • Heating extremely rarely exceeds 100°C, since only water is heated. That's why without additional function Grilling the surface of the product in the microwave will not produce a crispy crust. But due to the fact that the products are heated throughout the entire volume at once, significantly less time is spent on cooking. This is an undoubted benefit: much more vitamins are retained in an easily digestible form.

However, you can’t do without the negative: short-term exposure to temperature does not kill all bacteria. For example, studies have shown that salmonella easily survives after food is processed in the microwave.

Is it possible to consider that because of this microwave oven is harmful to health? No. On a regular stove, you can cook food just as poorly and become infected with salmonella or other pathogenic bacteria. The benefits and harms of microwave ovens in this case are determined not by the way the products are processed, but by the correctness of the culinary process.

Myths and reality

In articles that roam the network from resource to resource, the results of one or another study in different countries. Moreover, in the vast majority of cases, it is impossible to find the original results, as well as information about those who conducted these studies.

All articles that use scientific terms and describe impossible processes raise doubts. For example, science does not know the process called “molecular rot” in horror stories. Namely, this very mysterious rot is cited as an argument in disputes about whether a microwave oven is harmful to health.

Some mysterious “scientists” report that as a result of exposure to microwaves, “water molecules are torn apart.” This is, to put it mildly, sheer nonsense. When a water molecule breaks down, it breaks down into two elements: oxygen and hydrogen, and not into some molecular fragments. It is hardly necessary to remind that both of these gases are constantly present in the atmosphere and do not cause harm. Destroying a water molecule is not as easy as it is presented in articles.

Research is mentioned that when processed in a microwave oven, the structure of water is disrupted. And as evidence, reports are given that water after a microwave becomes “dead”, in contrast to natural, “living” water. And “dead” water, of course, causes harm, destroying fine structures throughout the body.

But readers would do well to remember that the water in their cup of tea right now may be exposed to electromagnetic radiation from a nearby mobile phone or Wi-Fi. Should you be afraid of a microwave if you are not going to give up either wireless Internet or mobile communications? If there is harm from electromagnetic radiation, then it also comes from these devices.

But there are also very real recommendations that can reduce the harm caused to health when using a microwave oven. This applies to utensils used for cooking. Research has shown that it is better not to put it in the oven. plastic containers. Even those that have a symbol indicating that they are suitable for use in a microwave oven. It's best to avoid any plastic. Under the influence of temperature, many of them are released into environment substances that can cause actual rather than hypothetical harm.

But glass is practically safe, as are high-quality ceramics. Use for microwave quality glass and ceramics, and the harm to health will be reduced.

Whether you use the microwave or throw it in the trash is up to you. Perhaps for impressionable people who react vividly to horror stories from the press, a microwave oven can actually be harmful to health, solely due to self-hypnosis, since there is no significant harm! But then it is worth abandoning other inventions that use electromagnetic waves to work in order to be consistent. No means no! Without any exceptions. And even such medical procedures as UHF, for example, will have to be forgotten.

There are heated debates about the benefits and harms of microwave ovens. Some believe that a microwave should not be used at all, others argue that the oven can only serve for a couple of years, and then it should retire, while others cannot live without this necessary equipment. Who is really right? How to use a microwave oven correctly and how many years can it last?

We extend the service life

Let's start with the fact that if you use a microwave oven according to all the rules, it can last 5 or more years without harm to the health of its owners. A working stove does not spark, closes tightly, has no foreign odors and operates quite quietly. If you notice any problems, immediately unplug the microwave and take it in for repair. It is breakdowns that can cause health problems.

Important: to extend its service life, it is necessary to properly care for the microwave oven, use only suitable dishes and prepare food following manufacturers' recommendations.

Let's start with what you shouldn't do if you want your microwave to last for many years:

  • turn on an empty oven;
  • load less than 50 g of products;
  • place metal utensils inside;
  • cook food for a long time (there is a risk of fire);
  • strongly rub the mica plate, which is located on the side wall inside the microwave;
  • use the oven if there is visible damage (glass is broken, the door is coming off, etc.);
  • boil or reheat eggs;
  • heat food tightly closed banks and containers.

We figured out what not to do. Now it remains to understand what can and should be done.

Choosing dishes for the microwave

It is advisable to use only special dishes for microwave ovens, which have the following inscriptions:

  • microware oven safe;
  • for microware oven;
  • suitable for microware.

All of them mean that this dish is guaranteed to be microwave safe. If you have plates or containers that you are not sure are safe, perform the following test. Pour water into a glass and place it in the oven. Place an empty test container nearby and turn on the device at full power. If after a minute the “experimental” object does not heat up, you can safely use it.

Important: try to buy only round dishes, as much more heat tends to accumulate in the corners, which can cause the dish to burn.

How to care

First of all, you need to keep your microwave clean. To do this, you can use a special plastic cap while cooking and heating food - this way the walls will remain intact. It is also necessary to wipe the oven inside and outside every day with a damp cloth without aggressive substances.

If your microwave cabinet is too dirty, you can clean it in just a few minutes. To do this, pour water with lemon into a large plate and place it inside. Turn on the oven for 3-6 minutes. Once the fat is soaked, it will be very easy to get rid of. There are a few more.

How to cook

When cooking, keep in mind that the food inside is heated unevenly, and therefore some parts may remain raw. If these are vegetables or fruits, then there will be no particular harm, but if the meat or fish is not baked, then bacteria will remain that can be harmful to health. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to cut them into small pieces (up to 5 sq. cm).

Important: keep in mind that soft, porous foods heat up faster than hard ones, so they take less time to cook.

If you want to heat baby food or formula in the microwave, be sure to stir it after it comes out of the oven; some pieces may be hot while others won't warm up at all. True, most pediatricians still advise against using a microwave oven for baby products.

Juicy fruits and vegetables with thick skins should be pierced with a fork before cooking. You should do the same with sausages if you don’t want them to “explode.” But eggs should not be placed inside in any form - even without shells, otherwise you will have to wash the oven ahead of time. As for other dishes, it is advisable to stir them several times during heating or cooking to evenly distribute the heat.

That's all the “tricks” associated with the operation of a microwave oven. Following all these recommendations will help you extend its service life by several years. And remember: you can only use a working microwave!

There have long been rumors among people about the harm microwaves cause to human body. Sellers household appliances They claim that they are harmless, some claim that only expensive stoves can cook oud without negative effects. Where is the truth we decided to tell in today’s article.

Due to a lack of information, all electronics, including microwave ovens, have acquired dozens of myths about whether a microwave oven is harmful. Fortunately, scientists have taken up this issue quite responsibly and we can know the whole truth and scientific evidence O negative qualities of this device.

Negative Impact

Back in Soviet times, scientists were forced to answer the looming question about whether microwave ovens were harmful, myth or reality. Back in 1976, researchers firmly stated that such technology was extremely harmful. Authorities Soviet Union They didn’t even give permission to sell such devices in the country.

Since the creation of this technology to this day, the problem of devices catching fire for unknown reasons has not disappeared. Thus, the technology can be dangerous to humans. It is not safe to be near a working device, but at the same time, its operation must be observed.

Does food spoil?

Inside the microwave oven, all dishes are susceptible to microwave radiation. It has been proven that after such exposure, carcinogens were identified in most products. The nutritional value food is reduced by 55-65%, in simple words after processing any healthy vegetable becomes a dummy.

Microwave food can lead to the following consequences for a person who consumes it too often:

  • Metabolic disorders and disorders of the digestive system are possible.
  • The functioning of the immune system is disrupted.
  • The risk of cancer increases.

Microwave rays affect food so that its structure simply disintegrates. Incorrect chemical processes begin to occur in food. The benefit of cooking food in a microwave oven is only from its practicality, but in fact it is extremely harmful for the dishes you have prepared.

For the human body

If you use microwave ovens too often, then think about the fact that your headaches, jumps blood pressure, depression, nervousness and even oncology can arise from this external factor. The harm from a microwave to food is immediate, but according to scientists, for such an effect on a person it will take about 10 years of using the equipment regularly. let's consider possible consequences Frequent use of a microwave oven for human health:

  1. The rays affect the lens of the eye, thereby causing vision problems. The risk of cataracts increases; naturally, a microwave oven is dangerous under such circumstances.
  2. Insomnia, depression, nervousness, irritability – negative impact stoves on the human nervous system.
  3. Radiation can damage skin, hair and nails. We cannot say for sure whether this is true or fiction; there is no official confirmation of this information. There are only reviews on the forums ordinary users and doctors.
  4. We have already discussed above whether microwave food is harmful, but we did not say that such food can provoke gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  5. Reproductive problems may occur through excessive exposure to radiation.
  6. Changing the structure of food can trigger the occurrence of cancer.

Of course, everything depends on the frequency of exposure to microwave rays; think about how often you heat up food and stand next to the microwave. Scientists say that a microwave can be used without harm for up to 10 years. Microwave food is not as harmful as it is useless; the body may not receive enough beneficial elements.

Some sources report that the harm of microwave ovens is that it can change the composition of the blood. People who often use this technique have noticed a low amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Plus, food from microwave devices increases the amount of cholesterol, which threatens the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots.

Scientific evidence of negative effects

Back in 1989, Swiss scientists conducted research on whether a microwave oven is harmful to health, is it a myth or reality. Funds for conducting experiments were not enough to conduct full-scale research; they managed to find only one volunteer to study the dangers of heating food in a microwave oven.

The volunteer had to eat food alternately: on the 1st day, cooked on a regular stove, on the 2nd day in a microwave oven. Scientists conducted analyzes at every stage of the test subject's life. The conclusion shocked scientists: food from the microwave turned out to be not only harmful but also dangerous to health. The test subject's blood structure began to change, which could lead to cancer.

The World Health Organization (WHO) immediately denied such data. WHO experts have declared the harmlessness of microwave rays on the human body and food prepared with their help. Then the speakers only spoke about the dangers of such radiation for people taking pacemakers; for the same reasons, such people were advised to refuse cell phones.

American scientists in 1992 conducted separate studies on whether heating food in the microwave is harmful. The specialists were able to provide scientific evidence harmfulness. They stated that food from microwave ovens retains microwaves, which naturally enter the digestive system body, thus it is possible to irradiate a person from the inside. No such changes were observed in products prepared in the classical way: scientific evidence proves the words that you cannot use a microwave.

How it works

A microwave oven emits electromagnetic energy at high frequencies. The length of such waves ranges from 1 mm to 30 cm. The speed of such waves reaches 300 km/h; similar waves are used for cell phones, television and radio stations, as well as the Internet.

The radiation frequency is 2540 MHz, the waves are able to penetrate food to a depth of 3 cm. Food in the microwave becomes dry very quickly.

We check our equipment for safety

There are many ways to measure the benefits and harms of a microwave oven. Several of them are not credible, so to be more confident, we recommend doing several experiments, this way you can trace the trend. Here are a few ways to check your microwave oven for harmfulness:

  1. Wait until evening or turn on the microwave in a dark room and place a fluorescent lamp next to it. If the lamp begins to blink or shows any signs of “life,” your microwave is emitting too much radiation to the outside. There is little benefit from this - the harm is obvious.
  2. The evidence that ultra-high-frequency waves escape and put your health at risk is the strong heating of the device doors.
  3. For the next experiment, you need to turn off the microwave! Take two mobile phones, place one of them in the oven chamber, and from the second try to call the first phone. If you were able to get through, then your equipment does not sufficiently protect you from dangerous radiation, there is a danger of getting harmful effects increases.
  4. Try boiling a regular glass of water in your microwave. The harm will be proven if after 3 minutes the water does not begin to boil. You will prove that most of the rays leak somewhere, most likely exposing you to harm.

A microwave detector will help prove the leakage of radiation from the microwave to the outside. For correct measurements, place a glass in the chamber cold water and turn on the oven. Use the detector to examine the cracks around the door of the device, as well as Special attention need to be attached to the corners and ventilation grille. If everything is in order with the equipment, the indicator will remain green, but if there is a leak and potential harm, then the indicator will be red.

How to reduce risks

If you are very accustomed to using a microwave oven or simply circumstances force you to use it regularly, then it is worth knowing how to use such equipment without harm. Using the following recommendations, you can reduce harm to a minimum. There is scientific evidence that the health harm of microwaves is minimal if the dose of radiation received is low.

Scientists say that it is quite safe for a person to be within 2-3 centimeters from the body of the device, the main thing is that the radiation does not exceed 5 milliwatts. Logically, the further you are from the device, the lower the risk of harm from the microwave.

Don't play with fire. It is strictly prohibited to open the chamber door during operation. In this way, you release all waves of radiation into free floating, including onto yourself. Before opening the appliance door after heating food, wait 3-5 seconds.

Manufacturers of household appliances, taking care of the health and safety of their customers, usually give the following recommendations:

  1. The device is best used for heating and defrosting food. Cooking food in it is not its main function, although it is not prohibited.
  2. In the kitchen, it is best to place the oven away from your permanent place stay. Place it where you spend little time.
  3. It is prohibited to use metal utensils and utensils that contain metals in their paint. In addition to the fact that the equipment may fail, the radiation in the furnace begins to move chaotically, increasing the risk of being thrown out.
  4. The use of this technique is not recommended for people who use pacemakers.
  5. Microwaves do not destroy bacteria; keep the device chamber hygienically clean.

If you follow these basic rules, the harm from the microwave oven will be minimal and the body will cope with it just fine.

Komarovsky destroys myths

Dr. Komarovsky in his television program proves a different reality. The doctor’s review was criticized by many of his colleagues, but Evgeniy Olegovich insists: the harm from a microwave oven is a myth and not a reality. See the program for more details:


Microwave ovens were invented in Nazi Germany. After the war ended, the Allies found records of microwave research and they were transferred to the United States for further study and development. The biological effects of microwave ovens were also studied in the Soviet Union. The result is a temporary ban on their use. Eastern European partners also imposed a ban on the production and operation of microwave ovens.

Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic energy, like light or radio waves. They move through space at the speed of light. A microwave oven causes decomposition and changes in the molecular structure of products during the radiation process. IN modern world Microwaves are used not only in ovens, but also in transmitting television signals and ensuring the operation of the Internet and telephone communications.

Interesting fact. During the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, Belgrade residents, on the recommendation of Russian scientists, used microwave ovens to shoot down missiles. During the air raid signal, they took the microwave ovens on to the balconies, opened the doors, pressed the blocking terminal with their finger and pointed it at the rocket. As a result, there was a failure in the electronics, and the rocket fell. You can imagine what will happen in an apartment where it works even with very small cracks in the body. By the way, the microwave beam shoots 1.5 km and can pass through the walls of a house.

Exist Scientific research that products under the influence of microwaves change their structure at the molecular level and turn food into a powerful carcinogen. Frequent use food from microwave ovens increases the risk of oncological diseases.

In 1989, Swiss biologist Hertel and Professor Blank studied the effect of microwaved food on... The subject took turns eating food from a microwave oven and food cooked on a regular stove. During the study, it turned out that after microwave food, changes began to occur in the blood of this person that resembled the onset of cancer.

In 1991, Earthletter magazine published an article by Dr. Lita Lee, which stated that absolutely all microwaves leak magnetic radiation, deteriorate the quality of food and make it unhealthy.

In traditional cooking, food is heated in the usual way - from the outside to the inside. When using a microwave, everything happens unnaturally: the heating process occurs from the inside. As a result, food that has been exposed to microwaves is deprived of its natural energy. By the way, it cools down somehow strangely.

Another danger when using a microwave occurs when wrong choice dishes for the microwave. It must be made of special heat-resistant glass, which best transmits the radiation of the oven and cooks faster. Under no circumstances should you use plastic containers. When exposed to waves, plastic begins to release dangerous toxins that can even cause acute food poisoning.

It is better to buy a microwave oven from famous manufacturers. Large companies strictly monitor safety parameters and control radiation levels.

A microwave oven is a source of radiation, therefore, when it is turned on, you should not be near the end of the oven, especially pregnant women and people with heart disease.

It is risky to feed babies breast milk or formula that has been heated in the microwave. Some of the acids that make up milk under the influence of microwaves are converted into compounds that deform the nervous system and are toxic to the kidneys.

The harm from microwave ovens has not been fully confirmed by the scientific community. People started using microwave ovens en masse relatively recently, and there are no time-proven results yet.

To protect yourself and your loved ones as much as possible, you need to use a microwave oven only in exceptional cases, strictly according to the instructions and do not forget about safety measures.

Helpful advice

You can conduct one simple experiment to check whether the microwave transmits harmful radiation. Need to put mobile phone on a plate inside the switched off microwave. From another phone at a distance of 1–2 meters from the microwave oven, you need to call the phone number that is located inside. If the unit is reliable and sealed, a message from the network operator should sound: “The subscriber’s device is turned off or is out of network coverage.”


  • Microwave food: harm or benefit?
  • The whole truth about microwaves
  • Microwave food

The microwave oven has been around for quite some time now. modern people, and for many this electrical appliance is simply irreplaceable. There are even those who use the microwave more often than regular stove, and about possible harm Such people hardly think twice about its use.

Advantages of a microwave oven

First of all, the benefit of a microwave is a significant time saving. With its help, in a matter of minutes you can defrost meat or fish, heat up cold soup or boil a cup of coffee.

According to American scientists, thanks to the use of microwaves in the United States, the number of people suffering from stomach cancer has decreased.

The fact is that when cooking in a microwave oven, there is no need to add oil to the food. In other words, such foods contain less cholesterol and unhealthy fats.

Also, due to the short time allotted for cooking, more vitamins and micro- and macroelements are retained in the products. For example, if you cook food on the stove, then approximately 60% of the vitamin C contained in it will be destroyed, and under the influence of a microwave, only 2% to 25% will be destroyed.

In addition, it is almost impossible to get burned when working with it. When the door is opened, it automatically turns off, which cannot be said about a conventional oven.

Harm from a microwave oven

Under the influence of microwave radiation, product molecules begin to undergo a process of decomposition and change in their structure. Thus, carcinogens are formed in food that can cause great harm to human health.

When heated in baby food it can form neurotoxic substances that cause disorder nervous system child, and nephrotoxic substances dangerous to the kidneys.

Thus, if you feed your baby artificial formulas, they should only be prepared on the stove.

On the other hand, according to American scientists, electromagnetic radiation leaks in microwave ovens. The quality of food also deteriorates significantly - the nutritional value of food decreases by 60% to 90%.

And Swiss scientists conducted an experiment under which volunteers had to eat foods cooked exclusively in a microwave oven for several days. Based on its results, they found that all these people had an increased number of white blood cells, which can subsequently provoke blood cancer.

However, some gastroenterologists believe that carcinogens cannot appear in food products under the influence of a microwave oven. Most likely, poisons were contained in such products initially, so you should not blame only electrical appliances for everything.