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What can be glued to glass wallpaper? How to glue glass wallpaper to the ceiling, drywall, for painting

Before you figure out how to paint glass wallpaper correctly, you need to glue it correctly. Painting wallpaper is the final stage in creating a unique interior for any room. It is the ability to paint and repaint that makes glass wallpaper so popular in the building materials market.

Fiberglass wallpaper in all its glory

Fiberglass wallpaper is a practical and original look roll wall covering. This coating is made from glass fibers, from which the fabrics are woven. The way in which the fabric was woven affects the formation of a particular pattern on the surface of the wallpaper. The starting components of fiberglass are quartz sand, clay, soda and limestone. All of these are natural and therefore environmentally friendly substances, which will please many caring parents.

Fiberglass wallpaper not only has an environmentally friendly composition, but also a number of advantages:

  • The main advantage of glass wallpaper: they do not support combustion, do not emit toxic substances and are a deterrent to the spread of fire. This is possible thanks to their unique composition, which includes non-flammable components. This feature allows this material to be used even when finishing escape routes in case of fire.
  • Fiberglass is a very durable material that can even be found in aircraft construction. This news will please pet owners. Claws and beaks cannot break through here, since the canvas can withstand tensile loads of up to three tons per 1 m2.
  • Fiberglass wallpaper is very practical to use. Their service life is more than 30 years, and during this time they can be repainted up to 20 times, subjected to mechanical and chemical cleaning. They will also protect walls from the appearance of microcracks and other defects.
  • Fiberglass does not accumulate static electricity, which means it does not attract or collect dust.
  • The fabric structure of the wallpaper allows air and moisture to pass freely, thereby not creating conditions for the formation of mold and mildew.
  • A wide range of textured designs is designed to satisfy the most capricious consumers.

This miracle material also has disadvantages. An undeniable disadvantage is the rather high cost, and since glass wallpaper must be painted, the amount of costs also increases by the price of paint materials.

If the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages, then when choosing wallpaper you need to keep in mind that they come in two main types: regular and jacquard. The usual ones have a simple type of weaving in the “rhombus”, “Christmas tree” format, etc. Jacquards have a complex and often asymmetrical pattern such as “bamboo” or “stained glass”. Glass wallpaper, regardless of type, is sold in rolls (the world standard is 1 m wide, 12.5 m, 25 m, 50 m long) with end caps that protect the edges from damage.

How to glue glass wallpaper for painting: a step-by-step process

Glass wallpaper is a surface that requires further painting, but first you need to cover the room with them. Familiarizing yourself with how to glue glass wallpaper for painting will not take much time. The technology is simple, especially if you already have experience working with conventional wallpaper. The process consists of the following steps:

  1. It is better to carry out pasting in a room with a temperature of 18 to 25 ° C and a relative air humidity not exceeding 70%. This recommendation is due to the need for the glue to dry evenly. To prevent air bubbles from forming under the canvas, you need to protect it from direct contact sun rays and drafts.
  2. Glue for fiberglass wallpaper must be selected specially designed specifically for this type of material. You can buy glue in dry and ready-made form. The product label of the glue indicates the area for which a given volume of packaging is designed. To glue fiberglass wallpaper, you cannot use PVA glue or other adhesives that contain PVA. Otherwise, the appearance of yellow spots and stains on the surface cannot be avoided.
  3. Preparing the wall surface. Under glass wallpaper you will need a wall/ceiling cleared of old coatings. The surface must be smooth, so it is necessary to putty and sand all uneven areas. Then, using an acrylic primer to interior work, carefully prime all surfaces. After complete drying, you can begin directly gluing the glass wallpaper.
  4. If, when choosing glass wallpaper, preference was given to a canvas with a simple pattern, then the gluing process will be as follows: it is necessary to cut the canvas corresponding to the height of the room wall, with an allowance of 10 cm to adjust the pattern; Apply glue evenly to the surface to the width of one and a half canvases; glue the first canvas, it is better to do it plumb to get a vertical line; smooth the glass sheet using a plastic spatula. You need to smooth it from the center to the edges, without being zealous on the side where the joint with the next canvas will be; excess material at the top and bottom should be cut off with a sharp knife; glue the second sheet end-to-end to the first and then repeat all steps, not forgetting to smooth out the joints; The process of covering the ceiling with glass wallpaper with a simple pattern also takes place.
  5. If you like wallpaper with a jacquard type of pattern, then the steps for pasting the room will be as follows: the canvas should be cut taking into account the rapport. Rapport is the distance between repetitions of a pattern. You should also leave 10–12 cm for adjusting the fabric. The resulting pieces can be numbered on the reverse side; rapport is indicated on the product label. This indicator must be taken into account before calculating the required amount of wallpaper per room.
    You don’t have to make blanks, but just glue them and adjust them to the design, unwinding them from the roll; further stages the same as when gluing glass wallpaper with a simple pattern.
  6. After the glue has completely dried, i.e. After no less than 24 hours, you can start painting the glass wallpaper.

How to paint glass wallpaper correctly: all the details in order

The question of how to properly paint glass wallpaper must be resolved before the moment when you already have a roller and an open bucket of paint in your hands. By the way, about a bucket of paint: water-dispersed paints are the best choice. Such compositions are practically odorless and environmentally friendly. They can be applied equally well to the surface by roller, brush or spray. They have a high level of adhesion, i.e. adhere very firmly to glass fiber.

Instructions for painting fiberglass wallpaper:

  • Selecting a tool. Since the wallpaper has a texture, it is better to paint with a long-haired roller so that the paint penetrates into all the nooks and crannies of the pattern. Narrow brushes (flutes) will be needed to paint the corners. And to remove excess coloring composition, a foam roller will come in handy.
  • Preparing the room. It is necessary to minimize the possibility of contamination, namely: cover the floor, cover cornices, baseboards, radiators, etc. plastic film, newspapers or masking tape.
  • Preparation of the working surface. You need to prime the canvas: evenly apply a wall primer or wallpaper glue diluted with water and wait until it dries completely.
  • Painting. It is recommended to start painting from the corners of the room, the lower and upper sections of the wall, using a narrow brush. It is better to paint in small areas, without covering the entire perimeter of the room. Using a roller, paint is applied to the wall so that the boundaries that are already marked with a brush overlap.
  • If the ceiling was also covered with wallpaper for painting, then first you need to pay attention to it. Similarly, you need to use a flute and then work with a roller. The question of which paint is best to paint the ceiling on glass wallpaper can be solved very simply: the same paint as the walls. Differences can only be in the color of the coloring composition.

It is necessary to observe the “wet edge” rule (the next strip should overlap the previous one along the wet layer). Otherwise, the boundaries of the intersection of the paint will be visible if the paint dries out.

  • All wallpaper strips are painted in the same way. To avoid defects, smoking breaks are prohibited until the wall is completely covered with paint.
  • After all the walls have been treated, you need to let them dry (about 12 hours) and then apply a second coat of paint.

The dyeing process can be turned into a more creative activity if you resort to some decorative techniques. For example, use a stencil or make it yourself using masking tape. Glass wallpaper is an excellent surface for creative experiments.

The owner of a house or apartment who is undertaking renovations to his property will certainly be faced with the issue of choosing finishing materials. Their rich variety available for sale allows you to find the option that will suit you best both in terms of the complexity of independent use and in terms of its decorative and aesthetic qualities.

Despite such abundance, most homeowners still mostly look towards wallpaper. Indeed, the material is familiar, affordable both in price and in terms of carrying out finishing work with your own hands, without the involvement of craftsmen. But - with its drawbacks - this is a “dislike” for moisture and abrasive loads, a tendency to gradually burn out, and more. In addition, an interior decorated with ordinary wallpaper may not turn out the way it was intended, or it may simply become boring a few years after the renovation. What to do - completely re-glue the walls?

Problems are solved by using special fiberglass-based wallpaper designed for painting. Once glued to the wall, no other can compare with them in terms of resistance to loads, they are not afraid of water in principle, and boring wall decoration can easily be changed by repainting. And having figured out how to glue glass wallpaper for painting yourself, you can be convinced that the task is quite doable for any good owner.

General information about glass wallpaper

Before moving on to practical issues, it makes sense to spend a few minutes general information about this material - glass wallpaper for painting.

As the name suggests, the main component for their manufacture is fiberglass. They are obtained from a melt of exclusively natural ingredients that are harmless to humans and undergo special processing.

These fibers can be used in different ways in the future. For example, threads are woven from them, from which fabric with the desired “weaving” pattern is produced on weaving lines. Another option is that the fibers are simply randomly pressed into thin canvases required thickness and densities, which can remain either smooth or have a design embossed on them.

Modified starch is used as a binder in the manufacture of canvases. Later, when mixed with a special glue for glass wallpaper, it significantly increases the adhesive properties - tearing the sheets off the wall after drying becomes very difficult.

Glass wallpapers offered for sale can be divided into two groups:

  • Smooth wallpaper is used when it is planned to obtain a smooth painted surface as a result of finishing. Frequent use - gluing to the ceiling for further coating with water-soluble paints of the selected color. Fiberglass fabric can smooth out and mask small surface defects. And after painting, you get a smooth, very nice matte, slightly “velvety” coating. It can be used on walls with the same effect. This will avoid very complex operation ideal smoothness of walls using finishing putty followed by sanding, which is practiced when preparing them for painting.

Such wallpaper is often called painting fiberglass - this name explains their purpose to a greater extent. Among finishing specialists, the name “cobweb” was assigned to them. The canvases are available in different density levels, intended for use on either ceiling or wall surfaces.

Why and how is painting fiberglass used?

This is a very easy-to-use material that greatly simplifies the work of finishers. In addition to walls and ceilings, it is very convenient for them to tidy up, for example, doors or window slopes. You can read more about it in a special publication on our portal.

  • Much more variety represent embossed glass wallpaper for painting. They can simply be made in the form of a rough canvas woven from thick threads, or have a certain geometric, “plant” or other pattern, made either using weaving technology or using embossing.

There are also very deep reliefs, which, after finishing, resemble decorative plaster with stucco elements. Some wallpapers have patterns that require adjustment when gluing, with the canvases shifted to the height of the report (rapport is essentially the step of the applied pattern). Such wallpapers are usually quite expensive and belong to the “elite”. Moreover, some manufacturers even accept individual orders for the production of a small batch with exclusive design.

As you can see in the illustration above, the canvases are not only neutral, close to white color, but may also have the original tint. This should be taken into account when drawing up design projects for the premises of a house or apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

What are dignity fiberglass wallpaper?

  • First of all, this is the absolute environmental friendliness of the material. You can be completely confident that the finishing will not release any components harmful to humans into the indoor air. Moreover, such material is classified as a hypoallergenic product, however, only after gluing it to a special composition and completely drying.
  • An important quality is the high vapor permeability of glass wallpaper. Moisture will never accumulate under such a “breathable” finish, that is, the risk of mold or mildew colonies tends to zero.
  • After the glue has completely hardened, the wallpaper has excellent strength characteristics. They can also be used in rooms where abrasion loads or other impacts on the walls are not excluded (hallway, corridor, children's room, kitchen) - they can handle it.
  • High-quality wallpaper can withstand up to 20 repainting cycles. That is, more than is even theoretically necessary. And overall durability is estimated at 30 years or more.
  • A special advantage is its resistance to fire. Wallpaper does not burn, does not melt, and does not spread flame. And in the event of a fire, they will not release toxic products dangerous to human life, that is, one of the main threats in such an extreme situation is eliminated.
  • Absolutely inert to moisture. Pasted on a high-quality composition, the wallpaper is not afraid of even direct contact with water jets, not to mention high humidity. They can easily be used for finishing, for example, bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, and unheated rooms.

  • Glass wallpapers show the same “indifference” to ultraviolet rays. It is possible that the paint layer may fade in areas exposed to direct sunlight (this depends only on the paint used). But the canvas itself will not lose any of its performance or durability.
  • Fiberglass sheets have antistatic properties, that is, they will not attract dust.
  • An important feature is that glued glass wallpaper has very good reinforcing properties. That is, they not only improve the surfaces of walls or ceilings, but also significantly strengthen them, which is especially important in old buildings.
  • The surface of a wall or ceiling covered with such materials can easily be cleaned periodically, including when wet, using household cleaning products. detergents. True, in this matter much will depend on the quality of the paint used for the final finishing.

True, glass wallpapers also have their own flaws :

  • The material cannot be classified as cheap. That is, for high-quality glass wallpaper you will have to pay a considerable amount, and this does not take into account subsequent painting (and it is also advisable to select a special paint).
  • The use of fiberglass wallpaper is possible only with adhesive compositions specially designed for such use. And such adhesives are also distinguished by their considerable price and increased consumption.
  • Removing previously well-glued glass wallpaper, if the need arises, can turn into a very big problem. The combination of impregnation of fibers with modified starch and high-quality glue gives very strong adhesion and surface strength.
  • There are many fakes on the modern market, from which you should not expect advantages for decorating glass wallpaper. The choice of material should be approached with special attention.
  • Working with glass wallpaper requires increased precautions. Be that as it may, glass fibers are highly brittle, and their smallest particles can cause severe irritation to the skin, mucous membranes, eyes, and respiratory organs. Therefore, all operations when gluing them must be performed using protective equipment - gloves, goggles, and respirators are used. After the glue hardens, which firmly binds all the fibers, this negative quality disappears.

By the way, it is puzzling to watch some video materials, including advertising ones, from the manufacturer. In many scenes, masters operate with their bare hands, and without protecting their faces at all. Good advice - you should not repeat such mistakes, as the results can be very painful.

Several recommendations for choosing glass wallpaper for painting

Main selection criteria

It is clear that the key criterion for choosing wallpaper most often becomes its decorative design. That is, first of all, the owners are attracted by the design - its appearance, the depth of the relief, etc. But this circumstance alone cannot be taken into account.

Prices for glass wallpaper Wellton Decor

glass wallpaper Wellton Decor

The most important criterion for choosing such a material should be its density. Therefore, experienced finishers sometimes even evaluate the quality of wallpaper “by weight”. The denser the material, the higher its quality, and, accordingly, the cost.

True, there must be a reasonable component in this matter - some types of smooth “web” canvases intended for gluing ceiling surfaces have a density of only 25 g/m², and I must say that this is quite enough. But there is no expectation of any noticeable load on the canvas. For “cobwebs” intended for walls, a density of 40÷50 g/m² is considered normal. But this is still not quite wallpaper.

But if we really consider wallpaper, then we should focus on a figure of about 150 g/m² (a standardized value of 145 g/m² is often found). And canvases with deep relief patterns can be even heavier.

Some manufacturers' products are sorted before packaging. Wallpaper of the first grade should, in theory, meet all quality criteria, and they are covered by a factory warranty. On second-grade canvases there may be areas of reduced or, conversely, increased density, protruding or broken threads, etc. It is clear that the cost of such products is lower, and this often justifies their purchase. But you also need to be prepared for the fact that individual fragments of the paintings will be scrapped.

Of course, you should buy wallpaper famous manufacturers, making sure that the products offered in the store are original. Alas, there are more low-quality materials in this area of ​​the market than we would like.

The glass wallpapers “Oscar”, “Wellton”, “Vitrulan”, “Optima”, “Samtex”, “Spectrum” deserve complete trust. The materials of the domestic company “X Glass” are also famous for their good quality.

By the way, wallpaper manufacturers, as a rule, supply the market with orphan glue. And it is best to purchase these materials from the same brand - they are maximally adapted to each other. But only in this case you should always clarify the functionality of the composition - it should be intended specifically for fiberglass wallpaper.

The glue can be sold ready-made, packaged in hermetically sealed buckets. Of course, it’s convenient, but it will be a little more expensive. It is quite possible to purchase it in the form of a dry mixture (and of exactly the same brand), and put it into working condition yourself. Moreover, this does not require much time.

Glue packages usually indicate the average consumption or the total surface area that can be covered with this amount of composition. But the reserve must still be created. Moreover, manufacturers of wallpaper and adhesive compositions strongly recommend preliminary priming of surfaces with the same glue that will be used during finishing.

How much wallpaper will you need?

  • The initial data for the calculation will be the area of ​​the walls to be finished, and more precisely, their perimeter and height. There seems to be no geometric difference in these concepts, but there are still some nuances - this will become clear with further explanation.
  • An important rule is that all sections of the wall, regardless of their height, should be covered only with solid strips. If from vertical seams, one way or another, there is no escape, then horizontal on the wall is not the place! They will definitely be noticeable and will spoil the whole picture. The only possible exception is the border between two different types of finishing, if this is provided for by the developed project.
  • The sheet cut from the roll should never exactly correspond to the measured distance between the lower and upper boundaries of the area being trimmed. It is always done with a margin of approximately 50 mm to ensure a small allowance on both sides. After leveling and gluing, these allowances are carefully trimmed with a sharp knife along a ruler (long spatula).
  • To carry out calculations, you need to know the exact dimensional parameters of the selected type of wallpaper. Most often, fiberglass wallpaper for painting is produced in rolls 1 meter wide and 25 meters long. However, this is not a dogma, and you can find other standards, both in width and length of the sheet (the length often depends on the density of the wallpaper).
  • When making calculations, the first step is to calculate the required number of solid sheets, from floor to ceiling. Knowing the length of such a sheet, you can determine how many pieces you can get from one roll. That is, it will immediately be clear how many rolls will be needed to cut such sheets. Yes, it happens that quite long fragments remain, the length of which is not enough to make up a whole sheet. It's okay - these leftovers will be used to cover areas of lower height, for example, above doors, above and below windows.
  • Everything is quite simple, if the pattern on the wallpaper does not require alignment, the possible displacement of the pattern is minimal - for example, some kind of “herringbone” or “rough woven canvas”, where the up-down adjustment is only a few millimeters, and this does not affect the reference point when sheet cutting. The allowances made for such an adjustment will be quite enough.

However, if the design is quite large and requires alignment on adjacent adhesive sheets, this may also affect the number of sheets from one roll. Typically, pictograms on the packaging of wallpaper rolls indicate whether pattern matching is required. Moreover, this combination can also be different.

The table below shows the possible options:

Pictogram on packagingWhat does the pictogram mean?Specifics of cutting rolls into sheets
Wallpapering does not require any pattern matching.Any canvas is measured and cut from a completely arbitrary point of the wallpaper.
The drawing does not require alignment, but with each subsequent sheet it changes direction by 180º.Likewise
The drawing requires alignment, but at the same time it has a general horizontal orientation, that is, no vertical displacement is required.Each canvas is cut from the same point in the design.
The pattern requires alignment, and in addition, it has a diagonal orientation, and the canvases are shifted vertically by a certain amountThe upper edge of each next canvas is shifted relative to the previous one by a certain amount.
The pictogram indicates the total height of the picture (essentially its step) in centimeters,
- his rapport.
The denominator of the fraction can show the amount of displacement of each successive canvas.

So, if the drawing requires alignment, you also have to take into account the amount of repeat when calculating. And yes, it may turn out that this circumstance will reduce the number of solid sheets obtained from the roll - short trims are added (in the worst case, equal to almost the full height of the repeat).

Experienced craftsmen, trying to avoid significant losses, resort, for example, to this method - sheets that are odd in order (first, third, etc.) are cut from one roll, and even sheets are cut from another roll (second, fourth, etc.). But this needs to be dealt with individually, as they say, “on the spot,” and there are no ready-made “recipes” here.

  • Questions almost always arise - how (and whether) door and window openings are taken into account. Here, too, an individual approach is required. If there are few openings and they are small, then they can not be excluded from the total area for pasting, that is, taken into account in calculations as a solid wall. But if there are several windows and doors, and even of significant size, then openings can be excluded. And for gluing the areas above and below them, the scraps remaining when cutting solid sheets and the stock made are usually sufficient.
  • Usually, when purchasing wallpaper, they are guided by the rule that one more reserve roll is added to the resulting estimated number of rolls. Of course, it is necessary to soberly assess the situation. For example, if glass wallpaper 1 meter wide is purchased in a roll 25 meters long, then an additional roll will be an obvious overkill.

In a word, when carrying out calculations, you should, along with pure mathematics, also use your own intelligence and correctly assess the actual conditions that are developing.

We hope that the online calculator below will provide all possible assistance to our readers in carrying out calculations. It contains exactly the rules that were just mentioned.

Calculator for calculating the required number of wallpaper rolls

Enter the requested values ​​and click


Roll length

Roll width

The need to combine the pattern:

Rapport height, meters


Perimeter of the room (or length of the wall to be finished), in meters

How to calculate?


Number of windows

Window width, meters


Number of doors

Door width, meters

Height of the wall to be pasted, in meters (net, that is, without taking into account the margin and rapport)

Please note that when performing calculations, you are asked to choose whether to take into account the area occupied by window and doorways. If you plan to exclude them, then when you select this path, additional data entry fields will appear in which you will need to specify the number and width of such openings.

The result, of course, is given with rounding up, that is, a certain margin is already set. True, such rounding does not give a completely clear picture of what kind of stock is formed in this case - it can turn out to be either 0.9 or 0.1 rolls. Therefore, in the calculation results, the second line shows the calculated quantity rounded to one tenth. It is clear that no one in the store will cut a whole roll - this is just for information about what kind of reserve the master will have at his disposal.

The “traditional” additional roll is not included in the quantity shown - decide for yourself whether it is needed, or whether the existing supply will be quite sufficient.
For example, the calculator showed, with rounding, that 4 rolls should be supplied, but the real need is 3.3 rolls. that is, 0.7 remains in stock. And this, with a roll length of, say, 25 meters, is as much as 16 meters of reserve! It is clear that this is quite enough for all the “outrages”.

If the wallpaper has been selected and purchased in the required quantity, the necessary glue has been purchased, and the tools have been prepared, it would seem that you can proceed to the finishing work. It turns out - not yet, since there is a rather difficult and tedious preparatory stage ahead.

Preparing surfaces for wallpapering

Even the highest quality and dense glass wallpaper will not be able to hide serious defects in the surfaces of walls or ceilings. Yes, such canvases often do not require perfect sanding, and this is why they compare favorably with conventional painting. Small cracks or depressions (but not protrusions!) will be reliably masked, and after painting they will become completely invisible. But the surface still needs to be brought to such an acceptable state. This is especially true if the wall (ceiling) is still covered with the old finish.

In this publication we will not dwell in detail on this stage of work, which is replete with its own nuances. Simply because several detailed articles on our portal are devoted to preparing walls for finishing, which, by the way, once again proves the extreme importance of this stage.

Any finishing requires high-quality preparation!

It would be stupid and extremely disappointing to spend a lot of effort and money on finishing, but not get the expected result, and only for the reason that preparatory stage was not given due attention. Read how it is carried out in a separate publication on our portal. It has its own characteristics. And finally, quality is of utmost importance.

By the way, novice amateur finishers may have questions - why even cover with a layer of putty? plasterboard walls(ceiling). It would seem that it is enough to putty the joints between the sheets of plasterboard and the holes from the heads of the screws, but the surface is already flat, and the wallpaper will fit perfectly on it.

Prices for glass wallpaper Nortex

glass wallpaper Nortex

They will lie down, of course, and stick perfectly. Moreover, with such quality that if the need suddenly arises to remove the pasted wallpaper, they will most likely pull the cardboard layer of gypsum board with them. And the wall will be hopelessly damaged, with all the ensuing large-scale consequences - everything will have to be redone. A thin layer of putty still ensures the safety of this base surface.

So, the walls (ceiling) are prepared, and you can proceed to gluing them.

The process of gluing glass wallpaper - step by step

As an example, we will show the installation of glass wallpaper in a room for a future kitchen - as already mentioned, this is an excellent material for finishing rooms with increased level humidity. There is not much difference - just in this case The kitchen is lined with an apron, which somewhat reduces the area and slightly complicates the gluing and adjustment of several sheets.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed
Here it is - a room for a kitchen, the walls of which need to be covered with glass wallpaper for painting.
The already laid kitchen apron made of tiles with imitation stone is clearly visible - you will have to adjust the heated sheets to it. But this is not so difficult.
Please note - the finishing of the ceiling is almost finished, and along the perimeter ceiling plinth(baguette). It is this that will become the upper boundary of the wall surface to be pasted.
Before starting work, remove the plastic housings of sockets and switches.
Naturally, the room must be de-energized so that glue getting inside the sockets does not lead to unpleasant consequences.
Even if the wall was previously primed, it won’t hurt to do it again.
In the example demonstrated, the master decided to use a regular primer for this. deep penetration.
You can apply the composition to the walls using a wide brush. Or a foam roller, but in corners or other hard to reach places you still have to work with a brush.
Priming is carried out very carefully, so that there are no untreated areas left. Otherwise, the glue will be distributed and absorbed unevenly.
That's it, the wall is completely primed, and while the applied composition dries, you can start preparing the main materials.
These are the selected glass wallpapers. The Oscar brand deserves all the trust. The type of wallpaper relief is “medium matting”.
The glue, as recommended, was chosen from the same manufacturer, specially designed for fiberglass-based wallpaper.
One pack, as written on the packaging, should be enough for 25 square meters - quite enough for this room.
Glue is in the form of a dry mixture that requires dilution with water.
Instructions for mixing the glue and the required “mixture-water” proportions are indicated on the packaging.
Attention is required here - the proportions may vary: for priming walls, for gluing painting fiberglass and for wallpaper, and sometimes even indicating the density of the finishing material. The desired option is selected.
The required amount of water at room temperature (about 20 - 25 degrees) is collected in a clean bucket.
Then the contents of the pack are poured into it. It is best to pour out the powder mixture gradually, while constantly stirring it using a drill equipped with a mixer attachment.
For mixing, the average rotation speed is selected.
Mixing is carried out until all the powder is completely dissolved, forming a homogeneous substance resembling jelly.
After this, the glue is given time to settle and “mature” - the minimum time required for this is indicated on the packaging.
But while the glue is maturing, there is no need to waste time. It can be devoted to preparing the canvases - marking and cutting them from the roll.
The place is being prepared - it’s good if it is possible to organize a long table. If not, then you can work on the floor, but, of course, cover it, for example, with packaging cardboard.
Polyethylene packaging is removed from the roll. Under it there is usually a packaging slip on which you can find information with the manufacturer’s recommendations for sticking this particular type of wallpaper.
It would be a good idea to look at it in case something is overlooked.
The roll is rolled out onto the prepared floor (table) surface.
The required length of the canvas is measured. We repeat - it should be slightly larger (about 40÷50 mm) than the measured height of the area to be pasted.
Since the master needed several sheets of exactly the same size (for the main sections of the wall), and there was no need to adjust the pattern with this type of wallpaper, he decided not to cut off the marked canvas, but to immediately prepare several pieces for cutting.
A bend is made along the marked mark, and the roll rolls out in the opposite direction. Naturally, you need to ensure the exact alignment of the edges.
On the opposite edge the operation is repeated...
...and so on - until the required number of canvases of the same length is collected with an “accordion”.
A small nuance.
Wallpaper has a front and a back side, which can be difficult to distinguish visually.
In the roll itself, the front side is the one facing inward. The manufacturer sometimes marks the back side with special inconspicuous stripes. But not always - in the example under consideration there are no such signs.
This means that in order not to confuse the sides already when gluing, it is recommended to make your own marks with a pencil, for example, like this.
The wallpaper is still being prepared for painting, and the applied icon will become invisible.
After folding the required number of sheets like an accordion, all that remains is to cut along the fold lines with a sharp knife.
Sequentially cut sheets are rolled up into tubes and put aside.
You need to roll them the same way they were in the roll, that is, with the front side inward.
While the canvases were being cut, the glue had finally “ripened” and was completely ready for use.
Begin wallpapering from the corner.
A distance equal to the width of the canvas minus 10 mm is measured from it.
This 10 mm will be used to bend it to join it with the canvas on the adjacent wall. In a corner this connection becomes almost invisible.
A strictly vertical line is drawn through the applied mark, along which the edge of the first glued sheet will be aligned.
Everything is very simple if you have a laser level-plane builder at your disposal, as shown in the illustration.
If not, then you will have to break through the line using a regular plumb line.
The section of the wall under the first sheet is thickly coated with wallpaper glue. There is no glue applied to the wallpaper itself.
For the convenience of working at heights, near the ceiling, you should provide either a trestle, or a stepladder, or at least a reliable, stable stool.
The gluing of the first sheet begins.
As already mentioned, a small allowance is made on top of the ceiling plinth, 15÷20 mm.
The edge of the glued canvas should perfectly coincide with the applied vertical line.
At first, the sheet is simply fixed by simply pressing it with your palms. It is very important to immediately give it the required direction, otherwise, in the event of even a slight misalignment, it will have to be removed and started over.
Here the craftsman, in order to level the canvas, had to immediately make cuts in the area occupied by the facing of the kitchen apron.
After this, the alignment became easier - the edge of the sheet should coincide with the line all the way to the bottom.
The sheet has been given an exact direction, and now it needs to be finally smoothed out and excess glue and air bubbles removed. With glass wallpaper this is usually not a big problem, due to their pronounced high permeability to both air and liquids.
Ironing is carried out in a “herringbone” pattern from the center to the edges. Most convenient tool l = for such purposes there is a special plastic wallpaper spatula - “wing”. Some craftsmen prefer to use a wide, stiff brush for these purposes.
But it is extremely undesirable to do this with a simple rag, especially with glass wallpaper. The fact is that the smallest fragments of glass fibers collected in a rag turn into a very effective abrasive that can spoil the surface of the wallpaper as work progresses.
The final trimming and smoothing of the edges of the canvas at the border with the kitchen apron is carried out.
Gradually move to the very bottom of the pasted sheet. There should be no bubbles left under it anywhere, and the entire canvas should fit very tightly to the surface.
If there is any doubt about the quality of the gluing, immediately add the required amount of glue with a brush, and the area is smoothed again. This especially applies to the edges of the sheet.
After the sheet is glued and ironed, trimming is immediately carried out at the top and bottom. This is done along a ruler (it is convenient to use a wide spatula) with a sharp knife.
Everyone knows that knives with replaceable blades become dull rather quickly when in contact with a hard surface. So saving is not welcome here - after each cut sheet, you should break off a section of the knife, moving on to the next sharp one. Otherwise, jams may appear and the edge will turn out sloppy. The cost of a pack of such blades is not so high as to risk the quality of work.
When trimming the top edge, an excellent guide for pressing the ruler is the glued ceiling plinth.
From below, trimming is carried out along an arbitrary line, but in such a way that the edge of the sheet is subsequently hidden by the plinth, which will be installed after laying the finishing floor covering.
The first sheet has been pasted successfully.
And this illustration shows the edge folded in the corner onto the adjacent wall. From above this fold will be covered with another sheet.
The overlap can be left like this - in the corner after painting it will become completely invisible. But some craftsmen prefer to carry out precise trimming - how this is done will be shown below.
Move on to gluing the next sheet.
Again, a horizontal distance equal to the width of the wallpaper is measured, but now in its pure form, since the canvases will be joined without overlap.
A vertical line is drawn through the intended current - just like last time.
The wall is covered with a thick layer of glue.
Another canvas starts up.
In this case, you should once again check whether its front and back sides are oriented correctly.
The sheet must be positioned so that its edge aligns exactly with the edge of the previously pasted one. Well, if the marking is done correctly, the opposite edge will be exactly along the drawn (projected) line.
It is very important to correctly set the directions exactly at the top of the sheet, up to about halfway. The lower one will not go anywhere - it will lie as it should.
If there are sockets, switches, or distribution boxes on a section of the wall, then you must immediately cut the corresponding windows in the wallpaper.
If this is not done immediately, then such voids under the wallpaper can become “hotbeds” for the appearance of air bubbles.
After cutting out the windows, their edges are carefully smoothed to the wall so that there are no bristling areas left.
Next, the edges of the canvas are trimmed again.
By the way, here you can focus on one more nuance.
After trimming, the craftsman had to re-glue the edge areas with glue so that the edges would stick well to the wall.
The fact is that glue for fiberglass wallpaper tends to absorb very quickly into even a well-primed wall and dry out quite quickly.
One of the possible reasons is ignoring the manufacturer's recommendations, which usually indicate that the last primer before finishing should be carried out with the same glue that will be used in the work. Such advice, apparently, is not given in vain, and it is not for nothing that the required dilution proportion specifically for priming is indicated on the pack with the composition.
So it's better to do everything according to the rules.
After additional coating with glue, the final smoothing of the edge zone is carried out.
Trimming the bottom edge of the pasted sheet...
...and again you have to apply glue to the already fairly dry area.
It’s not scary, of course - after applying an additional amount of glue, the canvas is still easily smoothed out.
But the loss of time is obvious.
After the next sheet is glued and carefully ironed, the quality of the joining seam is checked, and the excess glue squeezed out along the edges is carefully picked up.
When removing excess, you can use a highly absorbent cloth. But just don’t rub it along the seam (the reason was already mentioned above), but act like a blotter.
This is how the wallpaper is carefully trimmed along the border of the metal socket support.
When will it be put back in place? plastic case, everything will turn out great - the edges of the window cut out in the canvas will remain under it.
What to do when you reach the corner?
In our example, the master tried to cover it with a whole canvas. And, I must say, I still regretted it.
Yes, it worked out in the end, but the angle may not be completely even over its entire height, and this will inevitably cause the sheet to warp. Or there will be loose areas in the corner, which is even worse.
It is better to divide the sheet in two along the longitudinal line. The first part is glued as a continuation of the wall, with a slight overlap, about 10 mm, onto the next wall.
And after smoothing this fragment, a second one is glued, which starts exactly from the corner line and thereby covers the narrow turn made.
True, if the second fragment turned out to be too narrow, say, less than 100 mm wide, then it is better to start from the corner with a new canvas.
If you reach a door or window opening, then an excess fragment is cut along its edge and removed. Likewise when moving towards this opening from the opposite end of the wall.
And the remaining unclosed area at the top (for the window - and at the bottom) is filled with short canvases.
Here it can be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve precise joining of the edges. But it is not necessary. It is quite possible to glue adjacent panels with an overlap of fifteen to twenty millimeters.
Then, approximately in the center of this overlap, a ruler (wide spatula) is applied vertically, and a cut is made along it with a sharp knife through both sheets.
It is important to do this in one movement, without lifting the knife from start to finish of the cut.
After this, the trimmed ribbon remaining on the outside is first pryed up and removed.
Then the edge of the pasted sheet is carefully lifted, and the second cut ribbon remaining on the wall is removed from under it.
After this, you can add a little glue to the wall, and then carefully smooth the edges of the sheets. If everything is done correctly, the joint becomes almost invisible.
The same principle is used for cutting and joining in other areas, if the need arises.
All of the above principles and technological techniques are used when gluing all wall surfaces.
As you can see, if the drawing does not require alignment, as in the example shown, the work cannot be called extremely complex.
After pasting the wallpaper, you need to give it time to dry completely. optimal conditions– normal temperature (from 15 to 25 degrees) and complete absence of drafts.
Despite the fact that glue manufacturers promise that it will dry completely within a few hours, it is still recommended to take your time and give the wallpaper at least a day, or even two, before moving on to subsequent finishing operations.
The result is a beautiful textured surface, which, after the necessary preparation, will be completely ready for painting.

After work, do not forget to wash thoroughly in the shower so that open areas There were no microscopic fragments of glass fibers left on the skin. Moreover, it is advisable to wash in cool water - hot water opens the pores into which these fibers can get trapped, and the very unpleasant sensation of itchy skin can last a very long time.

And after complete drying, the wallpaper is primed and painted - but this is a topic for separate consideration, since it is also replete with its own nuances.

Let’s end the article with a video from which you can also learn some useful recommendations for working with glass wallpaper. True, do not repeat the mistake of this “master”: do not work with your bare hands - you will regret it...

Video: Useful recommendations for working with glass wallpaper for painting

Painted walls and ceilings are becoming increasingly popular. But preparing for painting is another task. The paint shows all the flaws and irregularities and this takes a long time and is tedious. You can simplify the task, and at the same time make the wall textured, using fiberglass wallpaper. They are designed for painting and last a very long time. We will discuss how to glue glass wallpaper further.

What is glass wallpaper

Glass wallpaper is finishing material for walls and ceilings. Most often used for painting. Fabrics, which are called “glass wallpaper,” are woven from fiberglass on special machines. By using fibers of different thicknesses and their different weaves, different patterns are obtained. There are not as many of them as on regular wallpaper, they are not too pronounced. And this is considered one of the disadvantages of this finishing material. But practicality, durability and the ability to repaint them up to 20 times outweigh this drawback.

Types of glass fiber matting type

There are drawings that are almost invisible, which after painting just give a slightly rough surface. The most common type is matting. It is called so because the weave is made in the same way as coarse cloth was previously woven - matting. There are small, medium, large. The difference is visible in the photo.

Herringbone, checkerboard and diamond patterns are also widespread. They also come in small, medium and large. They differ in the “scope” of the pattern. In addition to these types, there are other weaves, but they already belong to the category of designer or collectible and cost more.

This material is sold in rolls, usually 1 meter wide. Roll length - from 12.5 m (50 are also available). Price per roll - from $20 to $50. The cost depends on the length of the material in the roll, the complexity of the design, and the manufacturer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before gluing glass wallpaper, let’s look at their pros and cons. Let's start with the positives. They are made from natural raw materials, safe, environmentally friendly, and do not support combustion. They are characterized by increased strength, service life - from 10 to 30 years. They are suitable for painting, which allows you to quickly change the interior. Repaint without change appearance can from 5 to 20 times (depending on quality).

Fiberglass wallpaper makes it easier to prepare the surface for painting. The walls should be smooth, but not perfect - all small deviations will be hidden by fiberglass and the texture of the wallpaper. And this is a significant plus.

Fiberglass wallpaper can be glued in damp rooms - in the bathroom or kitchen

Another positive point is that they are not afraid of high humidity, so they can be used in the bathroom and kitchen. You just need to choose the appropriate paint.

The disadvantages are the following:

  • Not as wide a range as regular wallpaper. The appearance of the spring can be diversified by decorating walls covered with glass wallpaper using various design techniques.
  • Fiberglass breaks when gluing; you must wear protective clothing.
  • The price is higher than ordinary beautiful wallpaper.

In general, not an ideal option, but if you need a durable finish with the ability to quickly change color, gluing glass wallpaper is your choice.

How to choose

Typically, glass wallpaper is selected according to the pattern, and the quality is determined by the density of the material in the roll. But it’s worth saying that not everything on the wall looks as voluminous as it does on a roll. To make the pattern look clearer, some manufacturers use fluffed threads. When sticking to the wall, all the fibers are pressed, the volume goes away. So the volume of the roll is not a guarantee that the design will be clearly visible on the wall. The solution is to purchase proven brands that guarantee a certain quality.

The situation is practically the same with the density of glass wallpaper “to the touch”. To give them additional strength, some manufacturers impregnate the canvas with starch. When applied with glue, this impregnation gets wet, the surface becomes loose, which is why it absorbs a large amount of paint.

Look at the technical specifications

How to determine good glass wallpaper in this case? View in specifications. There is a line there - density. The higher the number, the denser wallpaper(normal density is about 145 g/m2). If this indicator is not present, there is a roll weight. In this case, too, the heavier the roll, the greater the density of the material. But in the case of weight, you also need to look at the length of the canvas in the roll - it can be very different - from 12.5 meters to 50. There is another way out - trust trusted manufacturers or try it on a small piece - glue it, then paint it. Only the question of where to get this piece remains open...

What else is worth knowing about glass wallpaper...that they come in two grades - first and second. First grade - good quality, they usually come with a warranty. The second type is something like a lottery. They may be wow, they may not stick well, have a large number of defects, etc.

A few words about marriage. It is found even in good producers— the threads are torn, they lie wrong, etc. This place is marked on one of the edges of the roll with a glued black stripe, and 50 cm (penalty) is added to the length of the roll. When purchasing a roll in transparent packaging, inspect the ends. The fewer black “markers”, the easier it will be when cutting.


And finally, about trusted manufacturers. Can definitely recommend trade marks Wellton (Welton) and Oscar (Oscar). Any collection, any roll is of good quality. Even the second grade is not about quality, but about non-standard length (so you can save money).

According to the pricing policy: Welton is more expensive, there is a larger selection of patterns, you can repaint it up to 20 times; Oscar - cheaper, less texture, can be repainted up to 10 times. So there is a choice for every budget.

How to glue glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper for painting is glued with special glue or PVA and its analogues. Regular wallpaper glue won't work, so don't try it. If this is your first experience, it is better to take a special composition, not in powder, but ready-made, in a bucket. Yes, it is more expensive, but the quality is guaranteed, gluing will be easier, and there will be fewer problems.

Surface preparation

Before gluing glass wallpaper, you need to prepare the walls or ceiling. The walls must be smooth, without potholes or protrusions. It is necessary to remove stains and dust, it is advisable to cover it with a primer. PVA diluted 1 to 10 is suitable as a primer. This composition is applied to the walls with a roller, wait until it dries, and then begin gluing the glass wallpaper.

Some tips for preparing for gluing for different substrates:

As you understand, when preparing the base, it is important to fill significant depressions and remove protrusions. You may not be perfect flat surface, as if painted, but significant differences are visible. Therefore, they are smoothed with sandpaper. If there are cracks, you don’t have to fill them, but glue them with reinforcing paper (which is used for drywall) before applying putty.

Pasting with glass wallpaper

Now specifically about how to glue glass wallpaper. The process itself is no different from gluing conventional ones - vinyl, acrylic, etc. The techniques and sequence are the same. The peculiarity is that the glue is applied only to the wall, the wallpaper does not smear. Everything else is the same:

  • Glue is evenly applied to the wall or ceiling. It is faster to do this with a roller; in the corners and places where the ceiling and wall meet, use a narrow brush. The glue must be distributed evenly. Where there is too much of it, “dips” are formed, and handprints may be visible. In places where there is little glue, the glass wallpaper will not stick and a bubble will form. While the wallpaper is not painted, the bubble is not visible, only felt by the hand (after drying). When painting they all appear. Therefore, we try to distribute the glue evenly over the entire surface.
  • The canvas is cut to the length of the wall + a small margin (5-10 cm).
  • The first sheet of glass wallpaper is glued strictly vertically to the wall. The verticality of the edge is checked (preferably with a plumb line). The canvas is smoothed with movements from the center, towards the edges - this way the air escapes better. To do this, it is advisable to use a plastic wallpaper spatula. They work conveniently and quickly.

Excess length (top and/or bottom) is cut off. A steel ruler or wide spatula is placed in the right place, and the fiberglass is cut with a sharp blade or stationery knife.

Glue the second canvas

The next canvas is glued end-to-end. It is applied to the edge of the already pasted one, aligning the pattern. Then smooth it to the surface, first with your hands, then with a spatula. You should not use a rolling roller to glue the joint - it “rolls out” the pattern, and the knock is even more noticeable. The canvas fits together quite well with your hands.

When gluing the outer corner there are two options:

When gluing the inner corner, there is usually only one technique. The last canvas on the wall should overlap the next wall by 1-2 cm. If it is wider, it is cut off. This makes it easier to lay glass wallpaper even if the corner is uneven. The next strip is glued overlapping. At this point a double layer is obtained, but usually it is almost imperceptible. If you really don’t like it, you can make the overlap a little more than 3-4 cm, glue it overlapping, and then trim off the excess by 1-2 cm from the corner.

We are finalizing the little things

In those places on the wall where sockets meet, switches operate when the power is turned off. It is best to turn off the machine at Remove the outer parts of the sockets and switches and stick the cloth on. At the point where the electrical network exits, the fiberglass is cut crosswise. Take a spatula and apply it to the socket. cut off the excess with a knife and press well.

While you are gluing fiberglass wallpaper for painting and while it is drying, there should be no draft in the room. It is also worth curtaining the window so that the sun does not dry out the surface (bubbles may form).

You probably already realized that if you have ever hung ordinary wallpaper, you know exactly how to glue glass wallpaper. Because there are almost no features. All the same. The peculiarities begin later - the wall needs to be painted. That's what's unusual.

The video shows how to glue glass wallpaper. Everything is accessible and understandable.

Fiberglass Wallpaper Paint

You know how to glue glass wallpaper, let’s figure out what and how to paint them. Most often, water-based and water-dispersion paints are used for painting glass wallpaper. Acrylic and latex dispersions are easy to clean, some with a brush and detergents. Some similar compositions can withstand thousands of brush cycles (vandal-resistant up to 20,000). Therefore, they can be used even in rooms with active use - in the corridor, hallway, kitchen, bathroom.

Water-based emulsions are also washable, but they are not so stable. At best, they can be wiped several times with a damp cloth. But they do not reduce the vapor permeability of the walls. That’s why they often paint residential premises.

There are also special enamels designed for painting wallpaper. They are also good, but they are more expensive. When selecting, pay attention to the area of ​​use - there should be an inscription stating that this composition is suitable for wallpaper (or glass wallpaper).

Glued and dried glass wallpaper is painted

How thick is the paint? Basically, it doesn't matter. If it is liquid, you will have to apply more layers, if it is thick, less. In any case, to obtain a good effect, the same amount of dry matter is required. Another thing is that sometimes thicker ones turn out to be more profitable, although they cost more. In this case, you need to look at the hiding power and the required number of layers.

Features of paint for fiberglass

Pay attention also to the type of surface obtained when painting. Silky matte paint will best highlight the relief, while simply matte paint will partially hide it.

There is one more point. Fiberglass wallpaper is a porous material and paint consumption, especially when applying the first layer, is high. To reduce it, it is advisable to prime them. As a primer, you can use base paint diluted 1 to 1 with water (if the paint water based). Its hiding power will become lower, but at the expense large quantity water it will penetrate into the pores better. The pigment will fill them when dry. The next layer of “normal” thickness will lie better and will be absorbed less. This, although not very much, will reduce the overall paint consumption.

is a modern high-tech finishing material based on fiberglass made from molten quartz sand.

Such wallpapers are not afraid of temperature changes, high humidity, do not burn, are highly durable and do not cause allergic reactions, being an environmentally friendly material.

If desired, glass wallpaper can be painted to refresh the room.

We have previously written about how to choose glue for glass wallpaper. You now know that glass wallpaper adhesive is available both in the form of dry mixtures and in the form of a completely ready-to-use adhesive solution.

As a rule, glue for glass wallpaper has increased adhesive ability and, in addition to modified starch, contains PVA and antiseptic additives that counteract the growth of bacteria, mold and fungi.

Let's talk today about how to properly glue glass wallpaper.

Let's consider the entire gluing technology, starting with the preparatory operations.

In order to cover walls with glass wallpaper, you will need the following tools:

  • tape measure for marking wallpaper;
  • paper knife for cutting allowances;
  • plastic spatula for leveling pasted strips;
  • metal spatula (it’s convenient to cut off excess wallpaper);
  • a plumb line to check the verticality of the glued strips;
  • glue tray;
  • brush for applying glue in hard-to-reach places;
  • paint roller for applying primer and glue to walls;
  • a cloth to remove excess glue.

Glue consumption for glass wallpaper

To avoid having to buy additional glue during wallpapering, you need to determine the required amount in advance.

As a rule, each manufacturer indicates the glue consumption directly on the packaging. But in general, you can focus on 250-300 g of finished glue per square meter wall surfaces.

As a rule, glue for glass wallpaper is produced in the form of a dry mixture in buckets or cardboard packs.

To prepare the adhesive solution, you should carefully read the adhesive manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging.

As a rule, for every 200 g of dry mixture you need 3-5 liters of water.

To prepare the glue, in a container suitable size you need to pour clean water and, stirring continuously, pour in the adhesive mixture in a thin stream.

After all the dry mixture has been poured out, the glue should be left for 5-10 minutes to allow it to swell. After this, mix again until smooth and only then use it for wallpapering.

Preparing walls for gluing glass wallpaper

Before you start wallpapering the walls, their surface needs to be prepared.

Preparation consists of leveling the walls, sealing cracks and chips in the plaster.

To do this, putty should be coated with all the unevenness, and then let the putty dry.

All remaining irregularities are smoothed out with a metal scraper and sandpaper, and then proceed to the primer.

The primer serves to improve the adhesion of wallpaper glue to the wall.

Both a special mixture and glue for glass wallpaper can be used as a primer, which can be diluted in a proportion of 50-70 g per 5-6 liters of water.

The primer is applied to the wall with a regular paint roller, rolling out a thin layer.

Before wallpapering, you need to let the primer soak into the surface of the walls and dry.

Pasting walls with glass wallpaper

After all the cracks have been filled and the surface of the walls has been properly primed, you can proceed directly to gluing the glass wallpaper.

Before starting work, make sure there are no drafts. Also, when pasting, it is undesirable to have direct sunlight falling on the wallpaper being glued. The room temperature should be within 18-25°C, relative humidity no more than 70%.

Fiberglass wallpaper must be cut in advance into strips of the required length.

If your wallpaper has a pronounced pattern, then you should adjust it in advance or leave an allowance sufficient to fit the pattern directly on the wall when pasting.

It is best to pour wallpaper glue into a special tray that allows you to pour the glue onto the roller, squeezing out the excess.

Using a roller, glue is applied to the wall to the width of the sheet being glued with a small margin.

The first strip should be glued, adjusting the verticality using a plumb line. All subsequent stripes will be aligned along the first stripe, so you need to be especially careful here.

After the strip of wallpaper is applied to the wall coated with glue, you need to carefully level the wallpaper with a plastic spatula to expel air bubbles and straighten the folds.

Movements should go from the middle of the strip to the edges. There is no need to press hard to avoid the strip moving.

Excess glue squeezed out from under the wallpaper during smoothing is removed with a clean damp cloth.

After the strip is glued, you need to trim off the excess at the ceiling and at the baseboard.

Painting walls is a popular method of decorating rooms. But many are frightened by the fact that preparing the surface for finishing work is very difficult, because the paint will emphasize the slightest unevenness of the base. The technique of pasting walls and ceilings with special types of wallpaper for painting comes to the rescue. Afterwards, you can give the surface any color - you just need to paint the wall, and all the flaws will be hidden.

An excellent option for finishing any room would be glass wallpaper - a unique material widely used in renovation. Before gluing glass wallpaper, you need to choose good glue and carry out a number of preparatory activities.

Fiberglass - what is it?

Fiberglass wallpaper is a wallpaper that is used for painting and is based on fiberglass. The material contains: dolomite, limestone, quartz sand and other additives, of which under the influence high temperatures"yarn" is being prepared. By melting at +1200 degrees minerals turn into a liquid mass, from which thin threads like glass are released. Next, they are made into glass fiber cloth and used to create reinforcing fiberglass. At the end of the process, the glass wallpaper is impregnated with modified starch.

Attention! Fiberglass wallpaper is sold in rolls 1-1.05 m wide (narrower sheets are almost never found on sale), roll length is 12.5-50 m. Cost sq.m. varies greatly depending on the roll size, manufacturer, texture, and quality of material.

A specific pattern on the wallpaper is created through the use of fibers of different thicknesses during the manufacturing process. Usually the drawings give a roughness, but not too relief, although more large decor creates the impression of volume.

Material properties

Positive qualities of this type There's plenty of wallpaper. They are incredibly durable, do not tear, do not deteriorate even when scratched, so their service life exceeds 30 years. Most brands of fiberglass can withstand up to 15-20 repaintings.

Main technical characteristics of wallpaper:

  • density indicator - 125-220 grams per 1 m2;
  • weight sq.m. canvas - from 50 g;
  • whiteness - from 70%;
  • high fire safety (flammability class - G1, flammability class - B1, smoke generation - D1, toxicity of combustion products - T1);
  • no accumulation of static electricity;
  • reinforcing properties - strengthening the wall structure, previous finishing.

Before going on sale, markings are applied to the underside of the wallpaper. This is necessary so that the question does not arise: which side is this material glued to. The edge of the wallpaper is perfectly smooth, the pattern fits perfectly when gluing.

Advantages and disadvantages of glass wallpaper

The material is environmentally friendly, because phenol-formaldehyde and other harmful substances are not used in its production. High reliability, serious strengthening of walls, prevention of defects - undeniable advantages material. The wallpaper cannot be scratched; even animal claws leave no traces on it.

Fiberglass wallpaper does not deform during shrinkage, since it almost does not change shape after the glue dries. The material can be used even in new buildings - it will “adjust” itself when the base shrinks.

Other advantages of the material:

  1. Complete fire safety. This wallpaper is so non-flammable that it is used for covering fire escape routes, coupled with special paint. They are used even in houses with stove heating near pipes and stoves - the material is not at all prone to ignition.
  2. Possibility of leveling walls. If you paste wallpaper, small differences, unevenness, and defects will be hidden even without careful leveling and puttying.
  3. Use in damp areas. Gluing glass wallpaper is acceptable even in the bathroom and kitchen - they are not afraid of direct moisture, humidity changes, and do not react to sudden temperature changes.
  4. Vapor permeability. Wallpaper does not disturb the natural microclimate of the room and helps maintain parameters at the proper level.
  5. Excellent hygienic characteristics. The material does not accumulate dust, remains dry and does not cause the growth of fungus or mold, it is resistant to dirt and chemicals, and can be washed with any means.
  6. No reaction to ultraviolet light. Fiberglass wallpaper does not fade under the influence of sunlight. But to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time, you need to purchase appropriate paint with increased resistance to UV radiation.
  7. Hypoallergenic. Even allergy sufferers can paste a room with this material - there will be no reactions, because the wallpaper does not contain sources of allergies.

The material also has disadvantages. The cost of 1 m² in terms of money is quite high compared to other types of wallpaper. Due to the high cost of work, many refuse to purchase. Other disadvantages of glass wallpaper:

  1. Difficulties with purchasing paints and varnishes. The material can be painted only with certain types of paints: acrylic, latex, those that have the desired structure. Other materials do not fit well and drown out the pattern.
  2. Expensive glue. The usual cheap product is not suitable for such wallpaper. You will have to buy a special thick glue for glass wallpaper that can hold heavy canvases. The repair cost calculator here should also be used in advance, because the amount spent will significantly increase.
  3. Difficulty removing the sheets. If you decide to remove glass wallpaper, you will have to work hard. Due to the impregnation with starch, they are very firmly connected to the glue and the wall.
  4. Modest assortment. There are few types of glass wallpaper (compared to ordinary ones), although after gluing they can be painted and various design techniques can be used.

You will have to wear protective clothing when working with the material - when pasting walls, the wallpaper will scratch, because it contains glass particles. For the same reason, it is important to use a respirator when working, otherwise there is a risk of irritation of the respiratory tract. In general, it is recommended to buy glass wallpaper if it is necessary to carry out finishing at a very high level. long term with the ability to change color regularly.

Selection of glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is selected depending on the pattern - it can be smooth or embossed. A number of manufacturers fluff up fiberglass threads to make wallpaper decor look clearer. However, when saturated with glue, the fibers lie tighter, and the design still looks flat compared to vinyl.

Worth knowing! The quality of the product is assessed by its density right on the roll. But unscrupulous companies may saturate the canvas too much with starch to make it denser. After gluing, the impregnation gets wet and the material becomes loose.

It is better not to take a product from an unknown manufacturer, giving preference to proven brands, and carefully read the technical specifications stated on the roll. It is worth purchasing glass wallpaper with a density of 145 g/sq.m. If the density is not indicated, you need to rely on the weight of the roll. The heavier it is, the greater the density and better quality of the wallpaper, although the length of the canvas and the risk of excessive impregnation must also be taken into account.

The following foreign brands make high-quality wallpaper:

  • Vitrulan;
  • Oscar;
  • Wellton;
  • Nortex.

Material texture

To choose beautiful ones, you need to pay attention to their texture. All glass wallpaper can be divided into the following types:

  1. Smooth. Their other names: fiberglass, fiberglass interlining. They are smooth, monochromatic, and have medium or low density. Professionals call such materials “cobwebs”. Most often, wallpaper serves as a ceiling covering, although it can also be glued to walls to give it an even appearance.
  2. Embossed. They have increased density and a certain pattern. It is impossible to tear them apart with your hands. This material is made on a special weaving loom, and wallpaper with complex decor is made on jacquard looms.

Degree of glass wallpaper decoration

Fiberglass wallpaper is also classified according to the degree of decoration. They are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Colored wallpaper. Rarely found on sale. Completely ready for use, plain or patterned.
  2. Paintable material. Needs additional decoration using water-based paints.

They are made from fiberglass - it is used for technical leveling of problem areas. There are even liquid glass wallpapers, where the main filler is multi-colored fiberglass.

Type of glass fiber weaving

Most often there are 4 types of glass wallpaper on sale:

  • cobweb - used for painting, but more often for leveling walls, stickers on the ceiling;
  • herringbone - the pattern resembles a Christmas tree, they look quite simple;
  • matting is a beautiful decorative option, very durable;
  • Diamonds are large, beautiful decor, often used in offices.

Purpose of glass wallpaper

According to application, wallpaper can be divided into ceiling (mostly smooth), wall (embossed), there are also universal options that are even suitable for gluing on stoves, escape routes, various designs. Fiberglass wallpaper is widely used in the following places:

  • houses, apartments;
  • catering establishments;
  • offices, commercial establishments;
  • clinics, hospitals;
  • shops, shopping centers;
  • hairdressing salons.

Glass wallpaper gluing technology

To properly paste wallpaper, you need to strictly follow the technology. Tips will help even a beginner cope with the task.


To decorate the walls and ceiling you will need the wallpaper itself (the quantity must be calculated in advance), glue, a stepladder or stool. You also need to prepare:

  • wallpaper spatula;
  • drill with a nozzle for stirring glue;
  • water, bucket;
  • clean rags;
  • roller or brush;
  • knife or scissors;
  • pencil and tape measure, level.

Surface preparation

Walls, ceiling need proper preparation. There should be no serious holes, potholes, or protrusions on the base. The old coating should be removed, as well as dust and dirt. Failed wallpaper is moistened with water using a roller, or water is sprayed. Then remove the wallpaper using a metal spatula. Walls painted with water-based emulsion are simply washed with a rag or sponge. Oil paint you will have to remove it mechanically - with sandpaper, a scraper; this can be done faster using a drill with a metal brush. It is also permissible to use a special remover for oil paints.

If there are already old glass wallpapers on the wall, you don’t even need to remove them. Only the places of swelling need to be pierced with a needle, glue must be injected inside, smoothed out and the canvas should be glued. Then a layer of finishing putty and primer are applied to the glass wallpaper, and then a new material is glued.

Glass wallpaper is glued onto drywall after the joints have been puttied and glued with reinforcing tape. Then the joints are sanded, dust is removed, and the entire gypsum board sheet is primed. Apply 2-3 layers of putty to concrete and brick until the wall is smooth. Primers are required to be used before finishing with glass wallpaper. There are universal options and special primers for sale. different types grounds. PVA glue diluted 1:10 with water and applied with a roller is also suitable. Wallpapering begins only after the primer has completely dried.

Selection and preparation of glue

Almost every manufacturing company produces special type glue for glass wallpaper. For example, Oscar glue with a pigment is suitable, which helps to coat the canvas evenly. For country houses, other cold rooms are suitable frost-resistant adhesives- Kleo, Pufas.

Important! Do not use regular glue for paper wallpaper- it is too weak and will not hold a heavy canvas. Some expensive glass wallpapers are already impregnated with glue from the inside; they just need to be moistened with water.

For proper breeding you need to read the instructions carefully. After measuring the specified volume of water, it is poured into the container, glue is gradually added, and kneaded by hand or with a drill with an attachment. Mix the product for a long time so that no lumps remain. After 8 minutes, when the glue has swelled, it can be used. The consistency should be similar to thick jelly.

Pasting surfaces with glass wallpaper

Wallpaper is glued in the same way as other types. The finished adhesive is applied to the canvas or to the wall (as indicated by the specific manufacturer). It is better to do this with a roller and paint the corners with a brush. It is important to distribute the mass evenly, otherwise the material will not stick or will be too saturated with glue. The canvas is cut with a margin of 5-10 cm for the bottom.

Tips for working:

  • the first canvas is glued strictly vertically, which is checked by a level;
  • the wallpaper is smoothed from the center to the edges to remove air using a plastic spatula;
  • excess length is removed with a stationery knife or scissors;
  • the second canvas is glued end-to-end, the edges are applied so that the pattern matches;
  • the surface is also smoothed by hand, then with a spatula.

In the area of ​​sockets and switches, the material should be glued with the electricity turned off. The outer boxes are removed, glass wallpaper is glued on, cutting the canvas crosswise. The excess at the outlet is immediately cut off with a knife. When working with wallpaper, there should be no drafts in the room; windows should be protected from direct sunlight.

Gluing material in corners

The outer corner can be done using this method. Glue the piece so that the edge protrudes 10 cm, apply adhesive to the other side. Wrap the fabric, press it to the corner. Glue the second strip overlapping and matching the pattern. Then, using a sharp spatula, cut the joint along both panels at a short distance from the corner. Remove both stripes at the top and bottom. Lubricate the joint with glue again and connect the material.

An internal corner is made as follows. The last canvas is placed 2 cm on the next wall. The material is too wide and trimmed. Next, the strip is overlapped. You will get a double layer, but it will not be noticeable when painting.


After pasting the walls and ceiling, you need to wait until it dries completely. Next we proceed to final finishing. Acquire suitable paint based on acrylic, latex. You can decorate wallpaper using the following methods:

  1. With a border. It is permissible to glue a border in the center. In this case, you will have to cut a strip in the wet material in the right place along the width of the curb. Next, the surface of the glass wallpaper needs to be painted (can be a different color on top and bottom), and a border must be glued in.
  2. With a stencil. Smooth wallpapers are usually decorated with drawings and patterns. Masking tape glue the stencils onto the already painted material, paint over the hole in the stencil with spray paint.
  3. Squeegee staining. After applying bright paint, glazing is done with decorative varnish with a metallic shade using a roller. After drying, pass over the varnish with a wet sponge, removing the top layer.
  4. With azures. Instead of varnish, white, colored azure is used, it is applied with a brush. After 20 minutes, the product is leveled with a rubber spatula.

After completing the work of gluing and painting glass wallpaper in the room, it is important to carry out a thorough wet cleaning. This will remove any small pieces of fiberglass that have settled on the floor. 48 hours after pasting the wallpaper, you can ventilate the room well. In the future, it is recommended to regularly wipe the material and wash it - it does not require caution during operation and serves without any complaints for quite a long time.