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What are almonds, photo. Almond - is it a nut or a seed, how does it grow and what properties does it have?

In the article we discuss almonds. We talk about its properties, benefits for women and for weight loss. You will learn how nuts are cracked and whether they can be eaten during breastfeeding.

Almond is a tree from the Almond subgenus of the Plum genus of the Rosaceae family. Written mention of it is found in the Bible.

The tree grows in Western and Central Asia and the Mediterranean countries. Numerous plantations of the plant are located in California. Almonds are also grown in Australia.

How a tree grows

The almond tree grows on rocky and gravelly slopes at an altitude of 800-1600 m above sea level and loves soil rich in calcium. The plant loves sunlight, is not afraid of drought. Does not tolerate wetlands and low temperatures.

Almond trees grow in small groups of 3-4 plants at a distance of 5 meters from each other. It reaches a height of 4-6 m. The bark of the trunk is dark brown, almost black. The bark of the branches is dark gray. Shoots can be elongated vegetative or shortened generative. The leaves are lanceolate and have a long pointed tip.

The flowers are solitary white or pinkish, reaching 2.5 cm in diameter. They are blooming before the leaves. The plant blooms in March - February. The fruits ripen in June - July.

Almond nut is a drupe 3-4 cm long, oblong in shape. The apex is pointed and has a longitudinal groove. The pericarp is leathery and inedible. When ripe, the dry pericarp is easily separated from the stone and does not need to be split. The stone weighs no more than 5 g.


There are 3 types in total:

  1. Bitter - the kernel contains toxic hydrocyanic acid. Eliminate bitterness through temperature treatment. This species is suitable for making oil.
  2. Sweet - suitable for cooking.
  3. Fragile - This species has a very thin shell, which is where it gets its name.

There are also several varieties of plants, for example, “Anyuta,” White sail", "Dream", Nikitinsky, Californian and others.

Chemical composition

Almonds contain:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • arachidic acid;
  • linolenic acid;
  • stearic acid;
  • maleic acid;
  • myristic acid;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc.

Calorie content

The calorie content of almonds per 100 g is 609 Kcal. Also, 100 g of nut contain 18 g of protein, 53 g of fat, 13 g of carbohydrates.

Beneficial features

Almonds have beneficial properties:

  • choleretic;
  • restorative;
  • rejuvenating;
  • soothing;
  • pain reliever;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • cleansing.

Benefits and harms

Thanks to the rich chemical composition, nuts help with anemia, visual impairment, stomach and duodenal ulcers. The product can reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Almonds are used to treat stomatitis.

Nuts are suitable for older people; their regular consumption prevents senile dementia and dementia. Vitamin E in the bone strengthens the walls of blood vessels, maintains their elasticity, and helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Almonds are used to treat lung diseases and otitis media. Positive changes in work occur under the influence of nuts nervous system, emotional balance is restored.

The product has a low glycemic index and high nutritional value, so it can be consumed by type 2 diabetes. Use the nut as a snack.

The product is effective in treating heart diseases. Almond kernels improve the condition of tachycardia. They help in preventing heart attack.

The smell of almonds helps you relax. The product is used for aromatherapy sessions.

Excessive use of almonds can harm the body and cause poisoning, which occurs when consuming an unripe fruit or a bitter type of nut. Symptoms of poisoning: dizziness, headaches, severe cases- slight drug intoxication.

Eating almonds sometimes provokes an allergic reaction. Use kernels moderately - up to 20-24 pcs. in a day.

How much can you eat per day

If you are not allergic, eat no more than 20-24 pieces per day. in a day. A fried product has a richer taste than a raw product. You can cook the nut in a frying pan by adding a little oil.

To treat heart diseases, eat honey with almonds 60 g per day. To reduce the risk of heart attack, eat 10 nuts a day for 10 days.


Fruit seeds are used in the food industry, cooking, cosmetology, folk medicine. Not only the nut kernels, but also the shell are of particular value. It is used in cosmetic industry in the manufacture of skin scrubs.

The food industry uses the product to flavor wines, liqueurs, and brandy. The shell improves the aroma of drinks and makes the color more saturated.

Oil is produced from the kernels, which is used in cooking and cosmetology. Essential essence is made from the cake that remains after pressing the fatty oil. It is used as a fragrance in perfume and cosmetic products.

In folk medicine

  • improves sleep;
  • increases libido;
  • activates brain activity;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • eliminates depression;
  • increases performance;
  • improves vision;
  • treats a sore throat;
  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes the functioning of the liver and blood vessels;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • heals boils.

To get rid of suppuration, crush the kernels and apply the pulp to the sore spot. Repeat the procedure daily until the wound heals. To normalize cholesterol levels, eat 23 nuts per day. A decoction of raw materials is useful for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.


  1. Almonds - 100 g.
  2. Water - 1 l.

How to cook: Fill the kernels with water and put on fire. Boil and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and cool.

How to use: Drink 80 ml 3 times a day. Eat boiled almonds as you drink liquid.

Result: Reduces stomach pain.

In cosmetology

For cosmetic purposes, nuts are used to eliminate oily skin. For this purpose, face masks are prepared using the crushed product.


  1. Almonds - 0.5 tbsp.
  2. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  3. Boiling water - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the nuts and wait 5 minutes. Drain the water and grind the raw materials. Add lemon juice and 1 tbsp. boiled water.

How to use: Apply the mask on your face for half an hour. Rinse off with warm and then cool water.

Result: Removes oily shine, rejuvenates the skin.

Cosmetics with almonds are good for cleansing the skin and removing makeup. Suitable for preparing homemade masks for facial skin and hair care.

The product contained in the masks moisturizes and nourishes the skin. They use and for this. Regular use of the oil helps slow down the aging process, smoothes out shallow wrinkles, and restores skin elasticity.

For weight loss

Thanks to almonds, you can improve your metabolism and lose weight. excess weight. Nuts are useful in diets with low salt content in dishes. To lose weight, add the crushed product to salads, meat and vegetable dishes. Make sure that the daily intake does not exceed 100 g.

For women

The nut has an antispasmodic effect: it can be used for headaches and to reduce discomfort during menstruation.

Eat your daily allowance of almonds to improve your well-being; you can mix the nut with honey.

For men

Thanks to almonds, you can improve male potency. The product has the properties to stimulate the production of seminal fluid and improve its quality. Almonds are a strong aphrodisiac.

Almond kernels are used to prevent baldness. Mix the crushed bone with milk and apply the resulting mixture to the scalp. The product activates hair growth.

Jam with almonds

You can make delicious homemade jam from almond nuts. Below is a recipe for apricot jam.

You will need:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • almonds - 0.2 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the apricots, dry them, and remove the pits.
  2. Place apricots in a saucepan.
  3. Cover the apricots with granulated sugar.
  4. Pour boiling water over the almonds and leave for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the soaked nut from the container and peel the husk.
  6. Place the saucepan with apricots over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  7. After the mixture boils, add almonds and cook for another half hour, removing the film that forms on top.
  8. Place the finished jam into jars and seal.

How to clean

  1. Place a container of water on the stove and wait until the water boils.
  2. Place the required portion of the product in boiling water for 1 minute.
  3. After a minute, remove the almonds and place them on a flat plate.
  4. Remove the shell from the nut by pressing the kernel with your fingers.
  5. To prevent peeled almonds from browning, place them in cold water, then rinse and place on a baking sheet.
  6. Preheat the oven to 60 degrees, place a baking sheet in it for 6 minutes.
  7. After you take out the baking sheet, use the nut for its intended purpose.

How to fry

For frying, use peeled almonds.

You will need:

  • almonds - 0.3 kg;
  • salt - 0.4 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Place on the bottom of the pan table salt, place a layer of almonds on top.
  2. Place the frying pan on the fire.
  3. While frying, stir the nuts periodically and fry until golden brown.


Almond oil is made from the kernels through cold pressing. Oil from sweet nut kernels is used in food and for the preparation of cosmetics. Bitter almond oil is used for technical and cosmetic purposes.

Essential oil

The ether is made only from sweet almonds, since bitter almonds have a high fat content and contain a lot of cyanide, which is lethal to humans.

Essential oil is of the first and second types. The first type of ether is produced within an hour and is more useful. The second type of ester is called refined, and it can be used as a base oil. The main difference between these products is the aroma; in the first type of oil it is brighter and richer.

Almond ether, unlike others essential oils, can be used undiluted. The product has a light consistency and does not leave greasy marks after application.

The essential oil is suitable for the care of any skin type. It can be used to care for the delicate skin of a child.

For children

The product is useful for children to take, it increases mental and physical activity, promotes growth and development. Walnut helps strengthen bone tissue and normalizes function cordially- vascular system, improves metabolic processes and blood composition.

Almonds can be used to improve children's sleep. For these purposes, give your child nuts 3 times a week, 5 pieces.

It is acceptable to give kernels to children from 3 years of age. But first, offer your child 1 nut to make sure there is no allergy.

During pregnancy

Almonds contain folic acid, which reduces the risk of abnormal development of the fetus: it is useful for pregnant women to eat. Proteins in the product promote active growth of the fetus.

Eating nuts during lactation makes breast milk more nutritious. Experts recommend eating nuts for women who suffer from problems with milk production.

  • introduce nuts into the diet when the child turns 3 months old;
  • for the first time, eat only one nut; if over the next 2 days the child does not show any allergies, you can eat almonds;
  • eat no more than 30 g per day.

Allergy to the product

To check if you have an allergy, eat 1 nut and observe how you feel for several days. If nothing bothers you, you can eat nuts.

To check if you are allergic to almond oil, apply a few drops of the product to your wrist. After a quarter of an hour, look at it, if there are no rashes or itching, then there is no allergy.

Contraindications and restrictions

Restrictions on product use:

  • allergy;
  • obesity.

Excessive use may result in mild drug intoxication.

How to store

Store the peeled nuts in an airtight and tightly closed container in a cool place.

Where can I buy

You can purchase the product in an online store or specialized stores. average price in the online store for 250 g is 500 rubles. You can also buy other almond-based products: milk, pasta, flour.

I collected this report from various posts of the last two years and added new photos.
I want to show you how almonds are collected, if it is done by hand, how they are processed, peeled and split.
That is, as it has been done for centuries on our small island in the middle of the ocean.
Many other different interesting details. I’ll also show you what you eat it with :)

Don't be surprised at the quality of some of the photos; they were taken with our small and old camera.

I'll tell you briefly how almonds grow.
Almonds are often classified as nuts, although they are actually stone fruits.
Almonds are similar in size and shape to peach pit. We have about 20 trees on our site.

1. On our island (La Palma, Canary Islands) almonds begin to bloom at the end of January.
Looks incredibly beautiful, all in white and pink:

2. On the island, almonds bloom white, soft pink and hot pink:

3. The fruit is formed - a dry, velvety-pubescent oval single-drupe:

4. Harvests on the island are always plentiful. Especially in the north of the island. In February, the famous almond festival is celebrated here.
An incredibly beautiful sight - the white and pink sea flowering trees, beautifully decorated carts and people in folk costumes...

In early June, the trees already look like this:

5. Here are the green fruits closer:

6. The tree sheds its leaves in August; nature’s trick is not to waste energy and water on greenery, but only on fruits.
At the beginning of September, the shell of the ripened fruit begins to burst. On the background white cat especially beautiful and clear :)

7. And after two to three weeks the tree looks like this: the dry pericarp separates from the seed when ripe:

8. Then the fruits are collected:

9. Cleanse:

10. I’ll tell you clearly a little later how they are cleaned.
Here you can see the almond nuts themselves.
There is a very old almond variety on La Palma that can be easily recognized
- the nut is rough and flatter, and the letter Y is formed on it!
Absolutely clearly visible. Do you see?
We grow two varieties of almonds.
The second variety is rounder, smoother and smaller.

11. Here it’s even more clear without the nut skin:

12. Other varieties also grow on the island, some of them are very large:

13. Now I’ll tell you how almonds are harvested.
Harvesting requires a long stick up to 4 meters long and several large nets.
The nets are placed around the tree and the almonds begin to be knocked down with a stick.
Working with your head up for hours and knocking on branches with a stick is not easy and very tiring.
The fruits fly far, so you have to collect them in a large radius around the tree.
Sorry, the photos were taken against the light, a little dark:

14. Knocking down fruits is not always easy; some “stick” strongly to the branches:

15. Those branches that have already grown too high must be pruned closer to spring:

16. Almonds fall on the net:

17. They are all collected in one big pile and sorted:

18. Those almonds that lend themselves are peeled from the dried shell:

21. The one whose pericarp cannot be separated by hand is collected separately.
There are a lot of such almonds if there were rainy days before harvesting:
the shell swells, then quickly dries out in the sun and is difficult to clean later.
You have to soak it in water or split it manually:

22. Now you need to work with the stick on the other side:

23. Here the slope is 40º, it is very difficult to collect, everything rolls down:

24. Let's move to next tree. Thomas with a stick again:

25. When it’s really hot, we move to where there’s more shade:

26. Not only almonds fall during harvest:

27. We have a lot of helpers)) Until they get theirs, they won’t leave them alone:

29. This is how much they have already collected and cleaned:

30. Beggars:

31. Izzy is like a nutcracker with us, she opens nuts very deftly:

33. One day's work:

34. Now we still need to peel those almonds whose pericarp cannot be peeled by hand.
We soak for several hours, the pericarp swells and can be manipulated:



37. Now you need to dry the seeds well. Dry in the sun:

38. And then until the end in the dryer:

39. Previously, almonds were split by hand; women did this. Very long and low paid job.
To this day, competitions for the best and most dexterous hazel are held at the almond festival.
Now almost everyone goes with their harvest to the village to this infernal machine - here they crack nuts.
The car is already very old, it often breaks down and is repaired, because... Without it it’s a complete disaster, the whole village shakes if it breaks:

40. Almonds are loaded from above into the machine and the nuts are cracked in this cylinder:

42. The nut itself falls through the nets, and through various exits - different sizes shell fragments:



45. Almonds are slowly being collected ahead on the left.
The noise in the room is terrible, everyone walks around only with headphones:

46. ​​We brought this home, i.e. everything that the machine itself split and sorted:

47. But there are still a lot of “broken” nuts among the shells:

48. Now we still need to sort through EVERYTHING by hand, handful by handful:

49. There is also a lot of “broken” nut in the nut itself:

50. But what a delicious nut!

51. And many hours later...

52. ... from almost 50 kg of collected almonds, about 15 kg of peeled almonds were obtained:

53. Of these, 3.5 kg is “broken”, we eat it ourselves or use it for sweets:

54. The job is finished!

55. And now I’ll show you that you can make all sorts of delicious things from almonds.
The first will, of course, be almond cream, a special delicacy of our village:

56. How is it made?
I went to the girl who does it and took a few photos.
Here in this oven they spin it in a cylinder and lightly fry it (40º) for about 45 minutes.
Then the almonds cool down until the next morning:

57. Then it is loaded into this meat grinder:

58. And voila! The finished product is already out in prepared jars!

59. He is carefully weighed:

60. And they roll up:

61. Glue labels:

62. Done!

63. Now another small recipe from our local cuisine - Palmera almond cheese.
Something very similar to marzipan. For this you will need this, and the full recipe

Prunus dulcis, previously Amygdalus communis
Taxon: Pink family ( Rosaceae)
Folk names: almond
English: Almond


Almond - small tree(2-6 m tall) or branched shrub. The bark of the trunk is dark brown, almost black, the bark of the branches is gray-brown, young shoots are reddish-brown. The leaves are lanceolate, narrowly elliptical, with a pointed apex and wedge-shaped base, long-petiolate, alternate, but borne in bunches on short branches. The edge of the leaf is serrate-toothed. The flowers are large, solitary, with white or light pink petals and numerous stamens. The pistil has an upper pubescent ovary, the calyx and stalk are also pubescent. Almonds in bloom are distinguished by their exquisite beauty, which prompts many artists (especially oriental ones) to depict them in their works.

Let us recall the words of our famous writer K. Paustovsky about blossoming almond: “No tree has a more touching and pure blossom than the almond.”

The almond fruit (nut) is a drupe 3-4 cm long, oblong-ovoid, pointed at the apex, unequal, with a deep longitudinal groove. The surface of the drupe is greenish or brownish-gray, with a velvety drape. The pericarp is thin, up to 2 mm thick, dryish, leathery. The almond seed is about 3 cm long, the same shape as the fruit itself. The surface of the bone is deeply grooved; the shell is fragile (less often strong), whitish or brownish-gray. The seed is elongated-ovate, flattened, up to 2 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, up to 1 cm thick; one end of the seeds is pointed, the other is rounded.

Almonds are often classified as nuts, although they are actually stone fruits. Almonds are similar in size and shape to peach pits.

Almonds bloom in March (in some areas from the end of February) - April, before the leaves bloom, the fruits ripen in June-July. A predominantly sweet variety is cultivated, which is called sweet almond.

Almond growing places

Almonds grow wild on the mountain slopes of the Kopetdag and Tien Shan, in Iran, Asia Minor, and on the Balkan Peninsula. Since ancient times, it has been cultivated in Central and Western Asia, where it was bred as early as 4000 BC. e. Later, almond cultivation spread to other countries.

Collection and preparation of almonds

Sweet and bitter almond kernels, gum, seed oil, and almond root bark are used as medicinal raw materials. But sweet almonds are weaker than bitter ones. The seeds of both sweet and bitter almonds are collected as they ripen, when the pericarp begins to crack. The outer pericarp is removed and the almond seeds are dried in the sun and used to obtain a non-drying fatty oil. It is used as a solvent for the preparation of injection solutions medicines, and also as a base in ointments and emulsions.

Chemical composition of almonds

Almond seeds contain 45-60% non-drying fatty oil, consisting mainly of oleic acid glycerides, 20-30% protein substances, about 5% sugars (mainly glucose). In addition, the seeds of bitter almonds contain the glycoside amygdalin, which, under the influence of the emulsin enzyme contained in the seeds, is broken down into glucose, benzaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid.

Pharmacological properties of almonds

Almond kernels are used as a general tonic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, emollient, cosmetic and antidote, and are also prescribed internally as a gentle laxative. Determined that almonds inhibit the secretion of gastric juice, which makes them a promising medicine for patients.

Use of almonds in medicine

Avicenna said that all types of almonds cleanse and open blockages in the liver, spleen and kidneys. Almond oil with orris root cleanses the kidneys, bladder, crushes stones. Almonds strengthen eyesight. Bitter almonds with wheat starch help against hemoptysis and are useful for chronic cough, asthma and pleurisy. Almond oatmeal helps with cough and hemoptysis. Bitter almonds are used for freckles, tan spots, bruises, and in combination with wine for hives.
Almond oil helps in the treatment of female breast tumors and sprains. It is most useful for pain and noise (ringing, whistling) in the ears.
Washing your hair with almonds and wine helps against dandruff and has a soporific effect.
Creeping ulcers and ulcers are lubricated with almonds and honey, and lichens with vinegar and wine.
Almonds help with rabid dog bites.
According to the descriptions of Muhammad Hussein She-razi, almonds cleanse internal organs, strengthens the brain substance, vision, is useful for asthma (together with sugar), pleurisy, for abrasions and ulcers in the intestines, gives fullness to the body. Almond jam is highly nutritious and very good for the kidneys. Seed skins of almond fruits (“nut shells”) are raw materials for the production of high-quality; medical adsorbent carbon.

Almond medicinal products

Sweet almond seeds are used to treat jaundice according to the following scheme: 1st day, eat 5 pieces. peeled seeds (nuts) 2-3 times a day before meals, i.e. 10-15 pcs. in a day. On each subsequent day, the number of nuts is increased by 5 pieces, and so on - up to 15 nuts per dose, 2-3 times a day. After this, the course of treatment is stopped.
Almonds, consumed with fresh skins, cleanse the stomach and give strength to the body.
Roasted almonds are used for intestinal diseases, painful urination, and together with sugar - to increase sperm volume.
Crushed sweet almond seeds mixed with sugar are used for anemia, cough, insomnia, headache, numbness in the arms or legs and cramps.
A decoction of bitter almond roots: brew 1 cup of boiling water, 1 tbsp. l. chopped roots, heat in a water bath for 0.5 hours, cool and strain. Use as a topical external remedy or as an anti-freckle ointment. Has an effective effect.
Bitter almond juice, drunk before drinking alcohol, or taking 5 bitter almonds, prevents intoxication.
Almond oil should be taken orally, 6-7 drops 3 times a day, and fruits, 3 pieces. but without seeds (the seeds are poisonous) for palpitations.
Almond oil 0.5-2 tbsp. l. used as a laxative and normalizing agent for constipation, in the treatment of chronic gastritis and colitis.
Almond oil, taken internally, 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day, helps with pneumonia and other inflammations. It acts in a cooling way.
Almond oil is used topically as an emollient and nourishing agent for lubricating the skin, in the treatment of breast tumors, and also for bedsores.
Warmed almond oil, 2-3 drops 2 times a day, is used to treat ear pain.
Place 5-7 drops of almond oil in the ear for headaches.
Drop almond oil into the sore ear and plug it with cotton wool for noise in the head, acute pain or hardening of wax in the ears.
Almond oil should be used by those who have suffered hearing damage due to rheumatic attacks, according to the following scheme: on the first day, pour 7-8 drops into one ear, and on the second day the same number of drops into the other and each time plug the ear with cotton wool. After a few days of illness, rinse your ear warm water.
Rub almond oil on the tumor, which is accompanied by severe inflammation. This procedure soothes acute pain and cools intense heat.
The cake remaining after extracting the oil from the kernels of sweet almond nuts is used as a cosmetic product that softens the skin. To do this, take 2 tbsp. l. crushed cake (almond bran), pour 2-2.5 cups of boiling water over them and leave to steep until cool. The filtered liquid is used to wash the face or other parts of the body whose skin is intended to be softened.
As an analgesic and sedative and for nervous disorders, abdominal pain, painful cough, patients are prescribed 10-15 drops of bitter almond water prepared from almond bran orally.


Under the influence of hydrocyanic acid, the activity of respiratory tissue enzymes is paralyzed. From large doses, death occurs within a few minutes as a result of paralysis of the respiratory center. Children are especially sensitive to the effects of hydrocyanic acid and can easily become poisoned by even a small amount of sweet almond seeds. In case of poisoning with bitter almond seeds, before the doctor arrives, it is necessary to rinse the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate (1:1000). The victim is given 0.5-1 liter of potassium permanganate solution, colored bright red, and vomited. This procedure is carried out several times.

Use of almonds on the farm

Almond kernels (nuts) are a valuable food product. Sweet almond kernels are eaten fresh, roasted, salted, and used in the manufacture of pastries, cakes, marzipans, some types of chocolate and expensive sweets, and a number of other confectionery products. Oil is extracted from them, used in the food and perfume industries, as well as in pharmacology. The cake remaining after pressing the oil is used as pet food. Bitter almonds have no food or feed value. Bitter almond oil, previously purified from amygdalin, is used in soap making.
The wood of almond trunks is dense, strong, with a reddish tint, and polishes well. It is used to make valuable carpentry and souvenirs. Almonds are a good honey plant, providing early nectar and pollen.

Photos and illustrations of almonds

Almonds are very popular all over the world. The benefits of almonds are undeniable, and we will tell you more about its advantages in this article.

Almond is a plant of the Rosaceae family. Small shrubs or trees bloom single, white or pink flowers. The fruit is a drupe with a dry, most often pubescent pericarp, which, after ripening, opens into two valves. Many people are accustomed to thinking of almonds as a nut, but in fact, almonds are a stone fruit. The seed (almond nut) is found in different types: smooth, perforated or reticulate-grooved, with a thick hard or, on the contrary, fragile shell (shell).

There are bitter almonds and sweet almonds. Sweet almonds are oval in shape and slightly oily in taste. These are the kind of almonds we eat. Sweet almonds are sold both in shell and without it.

Bitter almonds are used to make almond oil, which is used as a flavoring in drinks and liqueurs such as Amaretto, among others. food products. Bitter almonds should not be eaten; these nuts contain a large number of toxic substances. During the production of almond oil, these harmful compounds are removed.

Once upon a time, almonds grew in the territories of the countries of Central Asia, but in ancient times, travelers carried and planted almond seedlings everywhere. Almonds are light-loving, drought-resistant and even winter-hardy. In this regard, the seedlings took root quite easily on the American continent; now California is considered the main supplier of almonds in the world. The almond tree begins to bear fruit three years after grafting. The yield of almond nuts is about 450 kg/ha. And the time of flowering of the almond tree will not leave anyone indifferent, beautiful view pleases the eye, and the delicate soft almond smell permeates the air for many kilometers.

Where are almonds used?

Sweet almond varieties are eaten fresh and are widely used in the confectionery industry. Sweet almonds are included in various desserts and are added to cookies, cakes and ice cream. Oil is obtained from almond nuts. The shells are used in tinting wines and producing cognac. Cake (bran) is added to baths as a skin softener. Almond wood is used in the production of carpentry and turning products. Grown in horticulture ornamental trees and almond bushes with double flowers.

Useful composition of almonds.

Dry almond kernel contains: fat 53%, nitrogenous substances 22%, non-nitrogenous substances 12%, water 7%, ash 2% and fiber 4%. Almonds are a rich source useful vitamins group B, which promote the formation of new cells, normalize metabolism, improve the condition of skin, hair and teeth. Vitamin E and its beneficial antioxidant properties prevent harmful effects free radicals on the body, preventing cell destruction, which reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms and development oncological diseases. The most important minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, which are part of almonds, stabilize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Almond kernels contain vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, biotin, peredoxin, pantothenic and folic acids, which is important to note when considering the question: “What are the benefits and harms of almonds?” " Thanks to all these properties and wonderful taste, almonds have always been considered a rather expensive delicacy.

Almonds are very high in calories - 640 Kcal per 100 g.
The recommended daily dose for almonds is 8-10 nuts.

Almonds - beneficial properties

The benefits and harms of almonds are always discussed and studied by nutritionists. Any nuts, surprisingly, are quite nutritious and healthy, even when consumed in minimum quantity. For example, the daily dose of almonds, according to experts, is only two nuts. Sweet almonds improve brain activity and cleanse internal organs well.

The benefits of sweet almonds are their enveloping, analgesic and anticonvulsant properties. This nut is useful as an adjuvant in the treatment of urolithiasis and helps remove sand from the kidneys. Almonds perfectly open blockages in the liver and spleen, cleanse the blood well, and have choleretic properties. Just like any nut, it can significantly enhance potency, almonds are good for men's health. And you will know that almonds are a great hangover reliever.

Speaking about the benefits of almonds, it is fair to note that its regular consumption improves brain function, has an effective calming effect, and relieves insomnia. Almond oil is used to treat bronchial asthma, pneumonia, and stomatitis. Almond “milk” is used as an enveloping agent for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Almonds help improve the body's condition under various chronic diseases Therefore, its presence in the diet of any person is highly desirable. For those who want to get rid of painful thinness, it is advisable to eat almonds directly with the skin, as it contains flavonoids - substances that enhance the antioxidant properties of this nut.

In alternative medicine and cosmetology, the beneficial rejuvenating effect of almond extracts has long been recognized and highly valued. Natural cosmetics based on almond oil or emulsion, through external use, carefully care for hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, effectively soften the skin, making it elastic and velvety, and help in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks.

Sweet nut kernels soothe heavy urination. Sweet almond fruits are useful in the treatment of gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. For cough, anemia, anemia, insomnia, eat almonds with sugar. Sweet almond nuts help with high acidity of gastric juice. They are also useful for children with growth retardation.

If you are bald, you should lubricate your head with a paste of crushed almonds mixed with fresh milk. This tool also helps with furunculosis.

Harm of almonds.

Speaking about the harm of almonds, it should be remembered that excessive consumption of bitter almonds is strictly contraindicated, especially if the almonds are not ripe. Eating these nuts may cause serious harm body: poisoning or even death. The thing is that bitter almonds contain poisonous hydrocyanic acid. Bitter almonds are a storehouse of essential oils and are mainly used in the pharmaceutical industry to make almond oil.

There are also contraindications to eating sweet almonds. Almonds can cause allergic reactions. Sweet almonds contain a significant amount of calories, therefore, they should not be consumed by obese people. You should not get carried away with almonds if you have a rapid heartbeat or overexcitement. Excessive consumption of almonds can cause dizziness or even mild drug intoxication.

The benefits of almond oil.

Almond oil is used as a mild laxative and also in the preparation of ointments.
The benefit of almond oil is that it contains a lot nutrients, which help to slowly but surely recover from illness or, for example, gain missing weight, while toxins are removed from the body and other harmful substances.

A few drops of almond oil (about one teaspoon per day) are recommended to be taken as a sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant. Bitter almond oil is useful for bronchial asthma, otitis media, pulmonary diseases, and also for bloating.

External rubbing with almond oil is beneficial; it has a cooling and soothing effect. The oil is widely used in medicine in the preparation of hormonal drugs, injection solutions, fat-soluble vitamins, etc. In pharmaceutical practice, almond oil is used as an emulsifier and base for liquid ointments.

To stimulate appetite, it is recommended to take almond oil orally 3 times a day, 5 drops. It is also useful for constipation and flatulence, pneumonia, sore throat, cough and bronchial asthma. Almond oil can treat ear diseases. In case of acute pain or noise in the ear, you should drip 6-7 drops of oil into the sore ear and cover with a cotton swab.

Almond oil is popularly used as a means of regulating the function of the gastrointestinal tract. For seriously ill patients who were immobile in bed, areas of the skin exposed to pressure were lubricated to prevent bedsores.

How to buy good almonds? How to choose the right almonds?

Almonds should be purchased in shells. Make sure the nut shell is intact and not cracked. There is no moldy or rusty coating on its surface. Nuts must be smooth, uniform in color and uniform in shape.

When buying almonds, be sure to choose them by smell; good almonds have a pleasant nutty smell. If the smell is rancid and bitter, the almonds are spoiled and therefore harmful.

Almonds in sealed packaging are of much higher quality than those sold by weight, as they are less exposed to air, humidity and heat.

If you choose roasted almonds, buy ones that have been dry roasted - without oil. Also read the ingredients carefully to make sure there are no additional ingredients such as sugar, corn syrup and especially preservatives.

How to store almonds?

It is extremely important to know how to properly store nuts. If you leave almonds in the cupboard and in an open container, then after a while you will notice a rancid smell - the almonds will spoil because they contain oils and fatty acids.

IN retail outlets Almonds should only be stored in tightly closed containers, in a cool, dry place and away from sun rays. At home, store almonds in an airtight container. glass jar. To prevent the nuts from developing a bitter taste and to prolong their freshness as long as possible, almonds should be stored in a cool place. Almonds wrapped in a bag can be stored in freezer. In the refrigerator, almonds will remain fresh for a year. Almonds in the shell last even longer.

Read a general article on how to choose and store nuts correctly, as well as their benefits and harms here!

And finally, interesting video, in which you can see the different stages of automatic almond assembly. It all starts with a vibrating fruit shaker...))

Botanists consider almonds to be a stone fruit of the plum family, and in fact this nut is similar to a plum seed. Its homeland is Central Asia, from where travelers brought seedlings to other countries. Now almond trees grow on all continents, although sunny California is considered the main supplier of this valuable product. Once upon a time, almonds were worth their weight in gold and were available only to rich people - it is no coincidence that in the Bible they are called “the best of the best fruits.” What is so beneficial about almonds that it has won the title of “royal nut”?

What are the benefits of almonds for women and men?

Contains B vitamins, which normalize metabolism, improve the condition of skin, nails and hair, and stimulate regeneration processes in cells. Vitamin E, contained in nut kernels, ensures the preservation of beauty and youth, which is very important for women.

Potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, which almonds are rich in, help fight cardiovascular diseases, and representatives of the stronger sex are more prone to them. In addition, almonds make a person calm and calm, improve sleep, lower cholesterol and are an effective antitumor agent. Almonds are also known for their pain-relieving properties - it is enough to eat about 10 nuts (the daily norm) to alleviate your condition without taking pills.

What are the benefits of almonds for babies and expectant mothers?

Many people are interested in the benefits of almonds for the body of pregnant women. These nuts provide the growing fetus with all the necessary vitamins, minerals and easily digestible protein, which is important element for the formation of organs and tissues of the embryo. Almonds supply the body with iron, eliminate limb cramps and improve digestion.

For the younger generation, almonds are necessary as a means to strengthen teeth and a growth stimulant - it is no coincidence that doctors recommend giving children five almonds a day. Phosphorus, which is found in almonds, strengthens the brain and stimulates mental activity, and this is important not only for children, but also for parents - extra gray cells will not hurt anyone!

Almonds in cooking

There are two main varieties of almonds - sweet and bitter. Sweet almonds can be eaten fresh, and bitter nuts are used as a spice to flavor liqueurs and desserts. It is also used to make an amazing oil, which is used for cosmetic purposes to eliminate stretch marks, smooth out wrinkles and increase skin elasticity.

Indispensable in cooking for making marzipan and almond flour, from which traditional macaroons, cakes, cookies and pies are baked. In Asian countries, this nut is always added to vegetable salads, poultry, meat and rice dishes, since its delicate taste and pleasant aroma improve the taste of any product and give it delicate nutty notes. Roasted salted almonds are an exquisite delicacy, and Amaretto liqueur is a favorite drink of many connoisseurs of good alcohol, which is also used to soak confectionery products.

Maybe some culinary recipes with almonds will surprise you, but if you try almond milk soup, fish with almonds or almond-mushroom omelette, you will become a passionate fan of this nut, which for some reason botanists call a fruit.

You don't need to know what's in almonds to enjoy their divine taste and improve your health. Almonds in different cultures is considered a symbol of immortality, abundance and fertility, so eating this nut is good not only for the body, but also for the soul!