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Cyclomenia flower - care, how to create ideal growing conditions? Cyclomenia flower: unusual beauty with proper care.

Cyclamen - original and quite common home plant. With proper care, it amazes with its tenderness and clarity of lines at the same time. The leaves are ideally shaped, covering the ground in continuous mounds, have a clear pattern and smooth relief.

Flowers, proudly and relatively high above the carpet of leaves, look like butterflies, dragonflies and fairy fairies at the same time.

With such romance, cyclamen is ready to delight its owners almost throughout the cold period of the year - from September to May, creating comfort, peace and a unique aura of tenderness in the room.

However, this plant is one of the capricious. At improper care it sheds its leaves, root rot may occur, the color of flowers may become dull and their volume will decrease.

Home flower cyclamen. Care

general characteristics

The main properties of cyclamen are:

  • Shade-loving;
  • Tendency to relatively low temperatures air (15 degrees);
  • Moisture resistance - it is preferable to water from a tray and spray the air in a dry room;
  • Fertilizer containing potassium.

It is better to place homemade cyclamen flowers at some distance from the window on the east or west side, excluding direct sunlight. Cyclamen prefers autumn weather, although in too dark a room the leaves will lose color intensity. Pots with cyclamen look beautiful on floor stands located at window level.

Loves the plant wet air, however spraying is not the most the best option. An open surface of the liquid that evaporates freely is preferable. environment. For example, you can place a pot with a plant in wet gravel or simply in a container of water.

Water it is necessary as the earthen lump dries, preferably in an “ascending” way - by absorbing liquid through the holes in the bottom of the pot. Thus, the lower part of the soil is wetted and there are no conditions for root rotting. Excess moisture negatively affects the plant - its leaves turn yellow and lose viability. It is advisable to use soft water for irrigation, reducing hardness by settling or boiling.

Caring for a home cyclamen flower includes feeding plants throughout the entire flowering period - 2-3 times a week with fertilizers for indoor plants. However, the surplus chemical substances will affect the increase in leaf mass - the intensity of flowering will not increase.

Temperature the air in the room should not be higher than 20 degrees, and for the Persian species - no more than 14-16o.

Transplant plants should be carried out as the root system increases to the volume of the existing pot, but the flower should not have too much free space- no more than a three-centimeter layer between the wall and existing roots.

Plants propagate in two ways:

  • Dividing the root;
  • Seeds.

The first method is simpler and more acceptable. Using a disinfected knife, cut the root tuber evenly, leaving a bud on each half for escape. The cut areas can be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or just a lump of the same soil. After lightly drying the tubers, plant them in the prepared soil to a depth of 3-4 cm.

Replanting with seeds is more responsible and scrupulous:

  • Soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Place the soil in a low container and make centimeter grooves;
  • Plant the seeds at a distance of a centimeter from each other;
  • Place the container in a warm place and it is better to cover it with film to create your own microclimate;
  • Careful observation will allow you to determine the moment to transplant young plants into pots. This must be done after about 5 months.

Cyclamen flowers. Care and reproduction

Caring for the plant after flowering

With the end of spring, the flowering period ends, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. A natural question arises: how to care for your home cyclamen flower in the summer? The plant should spend the warm and sunny period of the year in a cool, dark room with periodic moistening of the soil. “Falling asleep” until autumn, homemade cyclamen flowers gain strength to once again delight their owners with their romantic beauty.

During this period, the earthen lump is not fertilized; it is limited to watering only as needed.

Some young individuals are ready to please their owners all year round- their flowering continues in the summer. In this case, you just need to be happy and continue your normal care.

Homemade cyclamen flower: care at the time of flowering.

The flowering period, which lasts 7-8 months a year, requires attention and care from the owners. Having received conditions favorable for its growth and flowering, the plant will thank the owner in full with its appearance and a positive aura. The main conditions for such mutual understanding are:

  • A room shaded from direct sunlight but well lit;
  • Sufficient, but not excessive watering;
  • Wet air;
  • Soil feeding.

Caring for a cyclamen flower at home requires constant attention. Particularly dangerous early signs of disease:

  • Yellowing of leaves;
  • Dying of flowers;
  • Deformation of the ground part;
  • Root system rotting.

In such cases, it is worth establishing the cause of what is happening and urgently starting resuscitation measures.

Answer to the question: “Cyclamen flower: how to care for it at home?” next: strictly follow the rules of classical care and carefully observe each plant.

The existing color and species palettes of the plant allow this flower to be widely used in the most complex room design options: from decorating building facades to adding charm to gazebos, loggias and balconies. So, even a small living room will benefit from decorating with blooming cyclamens.

Is caring for cyclamen difficult in winter?

Winter for a plant is a flowering period, a time when it requires a lot of strength and energy. This is why it is so important to follow the rules:

  • moderate watering (the soil should not be overloaded with moisture, but also not cause the thin thread-like roots to dry out). It is better to water in morning hours for maximum positive use of moisture;
  • The optimal indoor air temperature is 14-16º. According to the results of observations, the flower can withstand significant fluctuations in the direction of decrease, up to 2º;
  • there should not be little light in winter, so summer shading is removed from mid-September;
  • the room must be ventilated: stagnation of moist air creates favorable conditions for the propagation of plant pathogens;
  • fertilizing should be carried out using nitrogen fertilizer. You should be careful with doses: too much nitrogen can burn the delicate hairs of the roots. Fertilizer containing potassium (potassium nitrate) is useful.

The flower itself will let you know about improper care: by curling the leaves, changing their shape, yellowing, the appearance of mottling, thinning of flowers and other signs.

The decorative flower cyclomenia, the care of which has its own nuances, is considered one of the most beautiful home crops. It captivates with its charming original corollas, the color range of which is huge - from all shades of pink to dark purple, purple, and burgundy. Cyclomenia blooms continuously from autumn to spring with proper care.

Cyclomenia flower - how to care?

Indoor cyclomenia is an unpretentious flower; caring for it at home requires compliance with a few standards - proper placement, watering, fertilizing, replanting. The culture is light-loving, but does not tolerate direct sun. It is better to place the pot in partial shade on the western or eastern side of the house. An important condition for cyclomenia flower care is the content:

  • in winter at a temperature of +13-16°C;
  • in summer - at +18-25°C.

Cyclomenia flower - care, watering

Indoor cyclomenia, like an orchid, tolerates soil drying out more easily than waterlogging. From excess water, the foliage of the flower turns yellow and the roots rot. Cyclomenia flower - proper watering:

  1. During budding, water the plant with moderately settled water, without causing the earth clod to become waterlogged or dry out.
  2. The liquid is poured onto the edge of the pot so as not to get into the core of the bush - otherwise the tuber may rot.
  3. After 1-2 hours, excess water from the saucer must be drained.
  4. It is more correct to water the cyclomenia from below, placing the flowerpot in a vessel with warm water for 15 minutes.
  5. After flowering, watering is gradually limited. By mid-summer, when the leaves have all dried out and the tubers remain bare, they are rarely moistened at all.

Cyclomenia flower - care, replanting

At the end of summer or autumn, when heart-shaped leaves begin to emerge from the tuber, the crop is moved to a new pot. The procedure is necessary when the root has completely filled the old vessel; it is recommended to do it every 2 years. Cyclomenia flower - competent transplantation:

  1. The specimen is transferred to a wide, low container.
  2. Suitable new substrate: a mixture of 1 share of peat, sand, humus with 3 shares of leaf soil.
  3. A high-quality one is built at the bottom of the vessel.
  4. During the replanting process, it is necessary to cut out the rotten roots, and do not spoil the rest.
  5. When replanting, it is important to take into account the variety of cyclomenia. European look they are buried completely into the ground, but in his Persian companion the root cannot be immersed to the top. One third or even half of the tuber should look above the soil plane.
  6. After planting, excessive watering is prohibited - moisten the soil only a little. The volume of water is increased gradually after the shoots appear.

Cyclomenia flower - care, reproduction

The indoor cyclomenia flower, which can be cared for at home, is propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush. Daughter detachment of a tuber is the easiest option for obtaining a new specimen. Flowers that have several growth points on their roots are suitable for this method. A portion of the Cyclomenia flower tuber for propagation is carefully cut off from the mother bush with a knife and placed in an individual pot.

Cyclomenia flower - planting by seeds

When using the seed propagation method, you need to be patient. The seeds of the plant can sprout for several months, after which you still need to wait for the crop to flower. Sowing is carried out in August, after completion summer stage dormancy in the plant. Cyclomenia flower – care, proper reproduction seeds:

  1. To obtain seeds, you need to brush the flowers repeatedly for pollination. Wilted corollas are not removed; they should dry out naturally. The seeds are removed from the fruit capsule before it opens and soaked in the “” solution for a day.
  2. The seeds are laid out on the surface of a moistened substrate consisting of equal parts of peat and leaf soil.
  3. The seedlings are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil (1 cm) and covered with an opaque film (they do not need light).
  4. The optimal temperature for germination is +20°C; if it drops below +18°C, the seeds may rot.
  5. The container with seeds is ventilated and the soil moisture is controlled.
  6. A month later, when the seedlings sprout, the shading is removed and they are placed in a lighted place, lowering the temperature to +15-17°C.
  7. When cyclamen seedlings form nodules with 2-3 leaves, they are dived into individual pots and completely covered with earth. A week later, the roots are fed with a solution of ammonium sulfate (2 g/l), and after another 10 days - with potassium nitrate (1 g/l).
  8. In April-May, the tubers are transplanted into permanent pots. They will bloom 13-15 months after sowing.

Cyclomenia flowers do not bloom

If cyclamen grows at home, but its buds do not bloom, it means that some recommendations for caring for the plant have not been taken into account. The most important thing for flowering:

  1. Proper planting of the bulb. In order for cyclomenia to bloom, when replanting the Persian variety, you should not allow the tuber to be completely buried in the soil - you must leave 1/3 on the surface. For other species, deep planting is allowed, but the Neapolitan tuber must be completely immersed in the ground.
  2. After transplantation, cyclomenia is placed in a cool, bright place and watering is gradually increased.
  3. At the stage of active foliage growth, it is necessary to support the flower with mineral supplements, preferably organic compounds. It is important to avoid high nitrogen content - this can lead to root rot.

Cyclomenia flower - care after flowering

By the beginning of spring, the flowering of cyclamen comes to an end, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. This happens in April-May, at this stage the replenishment of the flower is suspended and watering is gradually limited. Cyclamen after flowering - care:

  1. Withered flowers and leaves of cyclamen should be removed by completely unscrewing the peduncle from the tuber, otherwise the base of the peduncle may rot and lead to the death of the crop.
  2. The tuber is stored in the ground in the summer, in a cool place, infrequently moistening the substrate.
  3. In September, cyclamen comes to life and produces young leaves. At this time, you should replace the outer tier of the substrate or replant the flower altogether.
  4. The pot must be soaked from below in water so that the soil is thoroughly soaked. Afterwards, excess water is drained from the pot and regular watering and fertilizing are resumed. Soon the plant will produce a cluster of buds again.

Cyclomenia flower - leaves turn yellow

In Cyclomenia, the foliage turns yellow after the growing season, when it prepares for dormancy. If this happens during the flowering of the plant, then the care of the crop needs to be improved. Yellowing of the foliage is often caused by excessive heat in the home where the flowerpot is located, or excessive moisture. Hot temperatures disrupt the growing season and bring the dormant stage closer. Cyclomenia flower, leaves turn yellow in winter - what needs to be done: provide the plant with the most significant conditions:

  1. Bright light without direct sunlight.
  2. Cool window sill and immersion watering only after the soil in the pot has slightly dried out.

Cyclomenia is a flower whose care at home is quite acceptable and affordable for any gardener, even a beginner. The main thing is to create conditions as close as possible to natural environment growth of an exotic plant. In gratitude for your care indoor flower Cyclamen will delight you with long and lush flowering.

In total there are about 20 varieties of flowers. Persian cyclamen is less whimsical and is most adapted to home conditions. Popularly, the flower is often referred to as dry violet or alpine violet. Cyclamen - perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the oldest and most widespread family flower plants- primroses. The homeland of the species is Asia Minor, the Mediterranean and Greece. In the wild, it prefers to grow in foothill areas, mainly in clearings and forest edges.

The shortened shoots (tubers) of the flower have rounded shape and can reach 15 cm in diameter. According to the type of growth, cyclomenia refers to plants that have one growth point. Its height depends on the variety and varies up to 10-25 cm. Distinctive feature popular buildings home flower is the absence of stems. It has leaves heart-shaped, green in color with a silver pattern. They are located on long dark burgundy petioles. Cyclamen blooms in winter until spring. Unusual beautiful flowers sit on a high peduncle, reminiscent of fluttering butterflies. Flower growers love him for wide variety colors and long flowering. The most common flowers are pink, purple, red and white. Found in indoor culture and hybrids with double petals.


Many experienced flower growers Cyclamen mix is ​​used to decorate the interior. This mixture, consisting of several plants of this species, looks quite impressive in any room.

How to care for cyclamen so that, in gratitude for your careful treatment, it pleases with lush and long-lasting flowering? For achievement desired result It is enough to follow a few simple rules for growing them.

Cyclamen belongs to light-loving plants. The first thing to start with is to find appropriate place for its content. However, you need to remember that the flower needs bright lighting, but it must be shaded from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays, since direct sunlight disastrous for him. It is better to place a flower pot near an eastern or western window.

An exotic flower is demanding in terms of temperature conditions. He loves cool weather and does not tolerate high temperatures. Most suitable temperature for it in winter it is considered +16…+18°С. In summer, you need to maintain the air temperature at +20...+25°C. When growing alpine violet, it is worth considering the fact that it is very sensitive to temperature fluctuations and drafts.

Cyclomen at home

One of the most important aspects of proper cyclamen care is watering. When moisturizing a plant, you need to find a middle ground, since both excess water in the soil and its dryness are equally bad for it. During the period of vegetative growth, cyclamen should be regularly watered with settled water. room temperature. After it fades, watering should be gradually reduced. During the dormant period, which lasts for the Persian cyclamen almost all summer, the plant is watered as the top layer of soil dries out.

It is better to water the plant from below, pouring water into the pan. Thanks to this method, only the lower layer of soil is moistened, which is extremely important for cyclamen, because water getting on the base of the tuber can provoke a serious fungal disease - gray rot.

It is advisable to maintain air humidity not by spraying, but by placing a container with wet peat, water or moistened pebbles near the plant. It is especially important to produce this procedure during heating season when hot batteries dry out the air in the room.

Important care factors - soil and light

An important condition for the active growth and flowering of alpine violets is properly selected soil. You can use ready-made universal primer for flowering plants. It is recommended to add to the purchased substrate coarse sand, perlite and small pebbles (pebbles, gravel). The best soil for a houseplant - prepared yourself. To do this you will need leaf soil, sand and humus in a ratio of 2:1:1. Humus can be replaced with perlite. Peat should not be added to the soil composition, as it tends to increase acidity. This substrate negatively affects the development of cyclamen. For drainage, you can use expanded clay, polystyrene foam, and pebbles.

Proper care of cyclamen involves periodic application of fertilizers. To feed it, it is recommended to use balanced and potash fertilizers. It is enough to fertilize 2 times a month, since excessive activity can have negative impact per plant. You should not get too carried away with nitrogen fertilizers, since an excess of this element slows down and significantly reduces the intensity of cyclamen flowering. When the active phase begins, when most of the flower stalks bloom, the amount of fertilizing must be reduced. When the plant is dormant, there is no need to add fertilizer. It is important to know that active elements to nourish the flower are not added to dry soil. Before watering cyclamen with a fertilizer solution, it is imperative to water it with settled water. Do not feed recently transplanted, sick or weakened plants.

Replanting cyclamen

Transplanting any plant is always stressful for it. Therefore, under no circumstances should cyclamen be replanted during flowering. The fact is that during this period the flower is weakened, since all the plant’s nutrients are used to maintain the buds. Usually flowers are replanted once a year. It is better to do this after a period of dormancy, as soon as the first leaves appear. The first replanting can be done after flowering has ended. Soil mixture Before planting alpine violets, it is advisable to first disinfect them. To do this, it is calcined or treated with a slightly diluted solution of potassium permanganate. When transplanting, the Persian cyclamen tuber is buried only halfway into the ground. The choice of pot is also important. It is necessary to take into account the fact that cyclamens do not feel comfortable in large pots, so they must be selected taking into account the size of the tuber.

Features of cyclamen reproduction

Multiply amazing plant It's quite difficult at home. There are 2 ways: by seeds and by dividing the tubers. The most common method of propagation is by seed. This allows you to grow a healthy plant adapted to home conditions. Seeds can be used either store-bought or collected yourself. To obtain high-quality seeds, it is advisable to use artificial pollination. Before planting, it is advisable to soak ripe seeds in a growth stimulator (Epin, Zircon, Kornevin, etc.). The container must be covered with glass or film. It must be kept in a room with a temperature of +18…+20°C. The substrate with seeds must be periodically moistened and ventilated.

Cyclomen shoots

Shoots should appear within a month. From this point on, the container must be moved to a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight. The best moment to plant in a separate pot is when 2-3 leaves appear.

As for dividing the tuber, then this method is not only labor-intensive and undesirable for the plant, but also requires special knowledge.

Pests and diseases of cyclomen

With proper care, cyclamens can be considered relatively hardy indoor plants. Various diseases may occur due to excessive humidity or dryness of the air in the room, as well as inappropriate temperature. Very often, the development of the disease is facilitated by waterlogging or compaction of the soil, which impedes drainage. Excess, as well as deficiency, nutrients leads to disruption of biochemical processes in the flower. One more important factor Successful cultivation of alpine violets is the presence of a high-quality substrate. Incorrectly selected or contaminated soil is the cause of many diseases. Flowers are most susceptible fungal disease- anthracnose (sedip), as well as wet and gray rot.

In nature, there are many pests that can harm cyclamen. The most dangerous and common include thrips, cyclomene and spider mite, aphid. You can get rid of these pests by removing the affected shoots and using insecticides (Neoron, Fitoverm). Many gardeners spray diseased plants folk remedies. The most popular and effective are soap solution and garlic infusion.

Caring for and propagating the cyclomenia flower is not particularly difficult if you know some of the nuances. With proper care, the exotic plant will be strong and strong. Beautiful bloom Cyclamen is fascinating and the owner has the power to make this period more frequent and longer.

Basic requirements for growing cyclamen

Unlike most plants, cyclamen is not demanding of heat; a temperature of 13 to 16 degrees Celsius is enough for it. The flower will grow well on western or eastern windows in summer time and in the south - in winter. Cyclamen loves bright lighting, so it is better to place it near light sources. The plant does not tolerate proximity to heating devices: stoves, fireplaces, radiators.

The flower loves humidity, but does not tolerate spraying from a spray bottle. You can place the cyclomenia on a tray with wet sand or next to a bowl filled with water. Also exotic plant You will like household humidifiers. But, despite its love for water, cyclamen does not like excessive watering.

After the plant has finished blooming, take it to a dark place. It is recommended to reduce watering during this period so as to prevent the soil from completely drying out.

Caring for cyclamen at home

Caring for cyclamen is easy; it is perfect for growing in a city apartment. The watering regime is important for the plant; it loves humidity, but it should not be excessive. Do not allow water to get on the leaves or rhizome, this can lead to flower disease.

A pot with a diameter of up to 8 centimeters is well suited for a young cyclamen, and up to 15 centimeters for a mature one. Feed the flower with fertilizers once every 2-3 weeks throughout the growing season.

Soil and fertilizers for flowers

The ideal soil for cyclamen will be a loose substrate rich in organic matter.

For these purposes you can use:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • turf land;
  • straw cutting;
  • leaf soil;
  • sawdust.

Soil acidity should be maintained within 5.6-6.5 pH. The substrate should be fresh and airy. Before planting cyclomenia, it is better to disinfect the soil.

For normal height And long flowering Fertilizers need to be added to the soil every 2-3 weeks. Nitrogen compounds should be used sparingly. It is best to use mineral or organic fertilizers. In cases of weakness and yellowing of leaves, iron chelate can be used. Many owners recommend feeding cyclomenia complex fertilizer for indoor plants.

Watering cyclamen

Cyclamen loves high humidity, but does not tolerate excess water in the pot.

The optimal watering methods are:

  • moistening the soil around the edges of the pot;
  • liquid feeding through the tray;
  • watering near the root of the plant.

Do not allow the tuber or shoots to get wet. The water temperature should be slightly below room temperature. If there is too much moisture, it must be drained from the pan to avoid rotting of the roots. In the warm season, I water cyclamen in evening time, and in winter late autumn- in the morning.

The soil is moistened only after the earthen ball has dried out. During the dormant period, watering is reduced to a minimum level. You can spray a flower with a spray bottle only in the hot season; in other periods such actions are unacceptable.

Lighting and humidity

Cyclamen is picky about the level of lighting and its position in the apartment. If you put it in a darkened room, the flowering will be short-lived and sparse. But you can’t leave it in direct sunlight either, as the leaves can get burned. Bright but diffused lighting would be ideal.

In winter, place cyclamen on southern windows and make sure that the plant receives maximum light. During this period, direct Sun rays are not so dangerous for the flower and you don’t have to worry about them. In summer, cyclomenia is transferred to western or eastern windows. Need to achieve bright lighting, but avoid direct sunlight on leaves and shoots.

Humidity for cyclamen should be maintained at a stable high level. Avoid excess water in the soil, but don't over-water the flower.

Peculiarities of cyclamen reproduction

Depending on the type of cyclamen, the methods of its propagation also differ.

At home, division methods are used:

  • leaves;
  • daughter tubers;
  • sockets;
  • seeds;
  • dividing tubers.

It is not possible to produce daughter plants from Persian cyclamen, so this method of propagation is not available with it. In this case, you can use the method of dividing the tubers: it is planted in loose soil so that 1/3 of the part remains on outdoors. This method is difficult due to the high probability of plant rotting. Persian cyclamen reproduces poorly with rosettes, as they take root very poorly.

European cyclamen is best propagated by daughter tubers that grow next to the main one. When planting, they are completely buried in soft soil. Dividing a tuber is very risky, since many plants die from rotting with this method. WITH valuable species this method is not applicable. European cyclamen reproduces well by rosettes, but obtaining a new plant from leaves is difficult and rarely successful.

Transplantation at home

Cyclomenia transplant begins with choice suitable pot. It should not be too large to prevent excessive soil moisture. If the pot is almost completely filled with plant roots and there is no earthen ball, then replanting should be started as soon as possible.

To move to another pot, the cyclamen must enter a resting phase; during the flowering period, it is better to avoid such actions. The transplant will not have a drastic effect negative influence onto the plant if the existing earthen ball with roots does not collapse. Place the cyclomenia with soil in a new pot and sprinkle. It is advisable to pre-treat the roots with “Kornevit” or similar means. When replanting, do not bury the plant, this will negatively affect its health. Top part the tuber should protrude slightly above the soil layer. When the transplant is completed, the cyclomenia is placed in a bright, cool room and watered.

Pests and diseases of cyclamen

Cyclamen is disease resistant with proper care, but is sometimes susceptible to:

  • non-infectious rot of tubers;
  • bronze leaf virus;
  • ring mosaic virus;
  • anthracnose;
  • root rot;
  • fusarium wilt;
  • gray rot;
  • brown rot.

For prevention, medications are used, the frequency of watering is reduced, and diseased leaves are removed. If cyclamen is planted deeply, this can also increase the likelihood of disease.

Pests that most often attack the plant:

  • multi-clawed mites;
  • fungus gnat larvae;
  • weevil;
  • spider mite;

Used for prevention medicinal preparations, thinning of plantings, destruction of diseased shoots.

Reasons why alpine violet leaves turn yellow

Cyclomenia leaves turn yellow most often due to errors in care. This usually happens due to excessive or, on the contrary, excessive rare watering. Another reason could be a sudden change in temperature or incorrectly selected fertilizer. Direct sunlight is also harmful to the flower. However, if the leaves turn yellow before the dormant stage, then there is no need to worry, this is normal.

The decorative flower cyclomenia, the care of which has its own nuances, is considered one of the most beautiful home crops. It captivates with its charming original corollas, the color range of which is huge - from all shades of pink to dark purple, purple, and burgundy. Cyclomenia blooms continuously from autumn to spring with proper care.

Cyclomenia flower - how to care?

Indoor cyclomenia is an unpretentious flower; caring for it at home requires compliance with a few standards - proper placement, watering, fertilizing, replanting. The culture is light-loving, but does not tolerate direct sun. It is better to place the pot in partial shade on the western or eastern side of the house. An important condition for cyclomenia flower care is the content:

  • in winter at a temperature of +13-16°C;
  • in summer - at +18-25°C.

Cyclomenia flower - care, watering

Indoor cyclomenia, like an orchid, tolerates soil drying out more easily than waterlogging. From excess water, the foliage of the flower turns yellow and the roots rot. Cyclomenia flower - proper watering:

  1. During budding, water the plant with moderately settled water, without causing the earth clod to become waterlogged or dry out.
  2. The liquid is poured onto the edge of the pot so as not to get into the core of the bush - otherwise the tuber may rot.
  3. After 1-2 hours, excess water from the saucer must be drained.
  4. It is more correct to water the cyclomenia from below, placing the flowerpot in a vessel with warm water for 15 minutes.
  5. After flowering, watering is gradually limited. By mid-summer, when the leaves have all dried out and the tubers remain bare, they are rarely moistened at all.

Cyclomenia flower - care, replanting

At the end of summer or autumn, when heart-shaped leaves begin to emerge from the tuber, the crop is moved to a new pot. The procedure is necessary when the root has completely filled the old vessel; it is recommended to do it every 2 years. Cyclomenia flower - competent transplantation:

  1. The specimen is transferred to a wide, low container.
  2. Suitable new substrate: a mixture of 1 share of peat, sand, humus with 3 shares of leaf soil.
  3. High-quality drainage is constructed at the bottom of the vessel.
  4. During the replanting process, it is necessary to cut out the rotten roots, and do not spoil the rest.
  5. When replanting, it is important to take into account the variety of cyclomenia. The European type is buried entirely in the ground, but its Persian counterpart cannot immerse the root to the top. One third or even half of the tuber should look above the soil plane.
  6. After planting, excessive watering is prohibited - moisten the soil only a little. The volume of water is increased gradually after the shoots appear.

Cyclomenia flower - care, reproduction

The indoor cyclomenia flower, which can be cared for at home, is propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush. Daughter detachment of a tuber is the easiest option for obtaining a new specimen. Flowers that have several growth points on their roots are suitable for this method. A portion of the Cyclomenia flower tuber for propagation is carefully cut off from the mother bush with a knife and placed in an individual pot.

Cyclomenia flower - planting by seeds

When using the seed propagation method, you need to be patient. The seeds of the plant can sprout for several months, after which you still need to wait for the crop to flower. Sowing is carried out in August, after the end of the summer dormant stage of the plant. Cyclomenia flower – care, proper propagation by seeds:

  1. To obtain seeds, you need to brush the flowers repeatedly for pollination. Wilted corollas are not removed; they should dry out naturally. The seeds are removed from the fruit capsule before it opens and soaked in a Zircon solution for a day.
  2. The seeds are laid out on the surface of a moistened substrate consisting of equal parts of peat and leaf soil.
  3. The seedlings are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil (1 cm) and covered with an opaque film (they do not need light).
  4. The optimal temperature for germination is +20°C; if it drops below +18°C, the seeds may rot.
  5. The container with seeds is ventilated and the soil moisture is controlled.
  6. A month later, when the seedlings sprout, the shading is removed and they are placed in a lighted place, lowering the temperature to +15-17°C.
  7. When cyclamen seedlings form nodules with 2-3 leaves, they are planted in separate pots and completely covered with earth. A week later, the roots are fed with a solution of ammonium sulfate (2 g/l), and after another 10 days - with potassium nitrate (1 g/l).
  8. In April-May, the tubers are transplanted into permanent pots. They will bloom 13-15 months after sowing.

Cyclomenia flowers do not bloom

If cyclamen grows at home, but its buds do not bloom, it means that some recommendations for caring for the plant have not been taken into account. The most important thing for flowering:

  1. Proper planting of the bulb. In order for cyclomenia to bloom, when replanting the Persian variety, you should not allow the tuber to be completely buried in the soil - you must leave 1/3 on the surface. For other species, deep planting is allowed, but the Neapolitan tuber must be completely immersed in the ground.
  2. After transplantation, cyclomenia is placed in a cool, bright place and watering is gradually increased.
  3. At the stage of active foliage growth, it is necessary to support the flower with mineral supplements, preferably organic compounds. It is important to avoid high nitrogen content - this can lead to root rot.

Cyclomenia flower - care after flowering

By the beginning of spring, the flowering of cyclamen comes to an end, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. This happens in April-May, at this stage the replenishment of the flower is suspended and watering is gradually limited. Cyclamen after flowering - care:

  1. Withered flowers and leaves of cyclamen should be removed by completely unscrewing the peduncle from the tuber, otherwise the base of the peduncle may rot and lead to the death of the crop.
  2. The tuber is stored in the ground in the summer, in a cool place, infrequently moistening the substrate.
  3. In September, cyclamen comes to life and produces young leaves. At this time, you should replace the outer tier of the substrate or replant the flower altogether.
  4. The pot must be soaked from below in water so that the soil is thoroughly soaked. Afterwards, excess water is drained from the pot and regular watering and fertilizing are resumed. Soon the plant will produce a cluster of buds again.

Cyclomenia flower - leaves turn yellow

In Cyclomenia, the foliage turns yellow after the growing season, when it prepares for dormancy. If this happens during the flowering of the plant, then the care of the crop needs to be improved. Yellowing of the foliage is often caused by excessive heat in the home where the flowerpot is located, or excessive moisture. Hot temperatures disrupt the growing season and bring the dormant stage closer. Cyclomenia flower, leaves turn yellow in winter - what needs to be done: provide the plant with the most significant conditions:

  1. Bright light without direct sunlight.
  2. Cool window sill and immersion watering only after the soil in the pot has slightly dried out.

Cyclamen belongs to the primrose family (Primulaceae). In total there are more than 20 varieties of these perennial plants having tuberous roots. Distributed in the Mediterranean, Northeast Africa, Iran. It is often found in the wild in Turkey.

Certain species throughout long period planted both in gardens and apartment conditions. There are two types of cyclamen intended for indoor cultivation. Namely: Persian and European.

European cyclamen is called "Alpine violet". Throughout the year it feels great on the windowsills in the apartment, provided the temperature is maintained at +18...+20 °C. Not tied to a specific humidity level. Blooms profusely from spring to autumn. Compared to Persian cyclamen, this plant is not often found in flower shops. The latter refers to the parent species for many modern hybrids.

The history of its origin dates back to the 16th century. At that time it was used by Europeans. He showed off in botanical garden, which was owned by Queen Elizabeth I. Soon cyclamen lost its popularity, but after several centuries breeders began to work hard on its development, thanks to which today there are a large number of its hybrids and species. In nature, Persian cyclamen blooms from early winter to late spring. The flowering period depends on the region of its growth. Most often it has light pink flowers. Sometimes they are raspberry or cherry.

Today's cyclamens differ from wild varieties in the size of their flowers. Compared to their predecessors, they are larger. The color can be snow-white, pink, scarlet, dark purple. Hybrids with multi-colored and corrugated petals have gained enormous popularity. IN last years There is a demand for mini-hybrids in Europe. They are small bushes with large flowers. This type of cyclamens can be grown in garden conditions and in places where there is a cool climate.

Modern floriculture, depending on the size of plants and flowers, classifies cyclamens into 3 groups.

Mini cyclamens. These include: “Silverheart”, “Midori”, “Zhanetto”, “Libretto”, “Silverado”. Similar plants differ in flowers large sizes. As a rule, they exceed 4 cm. In this group you can often find aromatic cultivars. Pots with a diameter of 6-10 cm are suitable for growing.

Midi-cyclamens. These include: “Kanto”, “Laser”, “Sterling” and others. Have the average size sockets Planted in pots with a diameter of 10–13 cm.

Maxi-cyclamens(standard or large-flowered): series “Concerto”, “Rainier”, “Sierra”, “Winter Ice”. The size of the growing pots is 13-20 cm in diameter.

Cyclamen goes on sale in the first months of autumn. The plant is especially loved because it pleases with its long flowering in winter. With the onset of spring, cyclamen stops blooming. It loses its leaves, and this is where many gardeners make a mistake - they throw away the plant because they think it is gone. If you provide the cyclamen with proper care, it will bloom actively for many years.

Caring for cyclamen at home


Cyclamens love light, but the best place for their habitat - eastern and western windows. If the plant is located on south side, it is important to protect it from direct sunlight. The room where cyclamen grows must be regularly ventilated.


Temperature plays a significant role for the successful cultivation of cyclamens. The best temperature in the cold season is 10-12°C. A higher rate will cause it to begin to shed its leaves and stop blooming. If the plant was grown in a greenhouse, appropriate conditions must be created in the apartment. At home it is not always possible to keep cyclamen cool. To facilitate acclimatization and extend the flowering period, you need to accustom cyclamen to more high temperature step by step. It must be placed on a cold window and the room must be ventilated regularly.


Cyclamen is a plant that loves high humidity. While the leaves are growing, they need to be sprayed. As soon as cyclamen begins to bloom, such manipulations are not necessary. To increase the humidity level, you can create water mist near the plant. You can also place it on a tray with wet pebbles. In winter, cyclamen should be placed at a great distance from central heating radiators.


Frequent watering is preferable, but the amount of water should be moderate. Its temperature may be a couple of degrees below room temperature. Before the flower stalks appear above the cyclamen leaves, you can water it directly into the pot, then you need to pour the water into a pan and drain off the excess. When the plant loses all its leaves, watering should be reduced, but it is important to ensure that the substrate does not dry out completely.


Fertilizer containing useful mineral components will help prolong the flowering of cyclamen. The plant needs to be fed once every 2 weeks.


As soon as flowering stops and the leaves turn completely yellow, this will indicate that the cyclamen is preparing for a dormant period. At this point, it can be transplanted by transferring it into a large-diameter pot with turf soil or peat substrate. It is important to monitor the location of the tubers - they should be at the level of the substrate or slightly protrude above it.

The soil

It is necessary to create aeration of the cyclamen root system. It is advisable to use a breathable substrate made of coarse-fiber peat. To make the mixture, you need to combine leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in equal quantities. If desired, it can be purchased ready-made.

Rest period

From May to June the tuber is dormant. The plant completely loses its leaves. Their appearance is possible no earlier than the end of July. During this period, cyclamen should be placed in a cool, dry place.


IN room conditions Cyclamen cultivation can last up to 7 years. After this period, it is no longer suitable for reproduction, so you need to buy a new one. Propagating cyclamen is a troublesome business. IN industrial purposes it is propagated using seeds. You can do this yourself by dividing the tuber.

Depending on the variety, the length of the period from sowing to flowering may vary. As a rule, this takes 7-11 months. It is advisable to sow seeds at the end of March. So, during the growth period, cyclamen can do without additional lighting, and it will begin to bloom in mid-autumn. For seed germination it is necessary to create appropriate conditions. The air temperature should be around 18°C. High humidity and lack of light are welcome. To keep the crops in the dark, they are covered with black film for three weeks. At lower temperatures, cyclamens will germinate a little later. If they are above 20°, germination will be slow. You can start picking seedlings after 3-4 full leaves appear. During diving, the young tuber is completely covered with earth.

Diseases and pests

Cyclamen don't attack much infectious diseases and pests. May be affected by cyclamen mites. Signs will be deformed leaves, crooked peduncles and curved buds. Infection with these mites can be detected by initial stages not easy. In case of severe damage, preparations for exterminating pests do not always cope with their intended purpose.

  • If the cyclamen leaves turn yellow, but the flowers remain healthy, you need to check the temperature in the room. If it is above 18 degrees, you need to lower it. At low temperatures, it is necessary to check whether the soil has dried out.
  • Reason yellow leaves may result from untimely watering of the plant.
  • Gray mold appears when there is high humidity in a room with a low temperature. Frequent ventilation will help solve the problem.
  • Peduncles and leaves may begin to rot due to waterlogged soil. Abundant and frequent watering can cause the roots of cyclamen to begin to rot.

Video review

Cyclamen is one of the most beautiful indoor flowers and rightfully deserves first place in the collections of amateur flower growers. However, careless flower growers tell beginners various stories about its supposed capriciousness, so many abandon it. You should not trust such people, since even a simple geranium is a very capricious plant for them.

From time immemorial, cyclamens were grown on windowsills by our grandmothers without any problems, not only solely because of their beauty, but also useful properties, because its root has an excellent effect in the treatment of sinusitis.

Types of cyclamen

At that time, it was more common to find European cyclamen or, as it is also called, Alpine violet. Nowadays the most popular is the Persian version. They are not very different from each other in care, but the characteristics of each must still be taken into account.

In nature, of course, there are much more of them, not to mention the hybrids bred by breeders. Cyclamen domestica was previously considered a winter-blooming flower., because it blooms throughout the winter until spring. Hybrids with their appearance marked all-seasons, the ability to bloom regardless of the season. It is these flowers that we buy under the name “Persian cyclamen”.

It is difficult to say whether their hybridity affected healing properties it is unknown, but the fact that the tuber remained just as poisonous is certain. Therefore, you should be careful. The cyclamen tuber is large, even its miniature specimens have a diameter of 8 cm, while giants can reach 30 cm.


If you decide not to buy ready plant in a pot, but only its tuber, then ask the seller about its type and age, examine it carefully. He must have a weighty mass, be hard and elastic. See if the tuber has buds that are located in its upper part.

When purchasing a whole plant, also carefully inspect it from all sides. The leaves should not hang limply; they must be fresh. The Persian cyclamen tuber is on the surface, it is smooth to the touch, without wrinkles. The plant is bought in October or November - at the beginning of flowering. Most of the buds should be unopened, in which case the flowers will last longer.

Cyclamen: care at home

The plant needs good care and a competent approach.

Choosing a location and lighting

Remember that home cyclamen does not tolerate drafts, but stagnant air is also harmful to it. The plant needs good lighting, therefore, the location on the windowsill is exactly what it needs, however, It’s better to place it on a non-opening window, but in a regularly ventilated room. It is worth noting that good lighting he needs it only during the period of budding and flowering; during the dormant period he has absolutely no need for it.


This is especially true for the Persian species of cyclamen, in which this period is pronounced. At this time it simply sheds its leaves and goes into a state of sleep. The European species also needs rest. Both types are placed in a cool place without bright light.

Many would-be flower growers advise beginners to put the tubers in the refrigerator, after first separating them from the pot. This can't be done, because after such an execution the plant will never wake up. This will be the end of your care for him. So leave it in the pot.


Caring for cyclamen at home involves optimal temperature content. On this occasion, I would like to dwell once again on the choice of a window sill as a right place the location of this flower. Since it is unlikely that anywhere in the room you can find a temperature of up to 15 degrees, because cyclamen for healthy and proper development this indicator is needed in the range of 6–15 degrees above zero. If the temperature is higher, flowering will become scarce and short-lived. Therefore, species that bloom in winter look more presentable.

Moistening the soil, air, applying fertilizers

Cyclamen does not like either waterlogging or drying out of the earthen coma. The optimal solution watering will begin through the pan. Because with top watering, water can get to the growth point of the tuber, which will lead to rotting and death of the plant.

The same reason does not allow spraying the flower, especially during flowering. However, cyclamen requires high humidity. This can be arranged using a pallet with wet expanded clay, where a pot with a flower is placed, and it is also easy to place containers filled with water next to it.

If you recently purchased this spectacular culture you need to forget about fertilizers for 2–4 months, because the substrate contains more than is required. After this time, fertilizer is applied twice a month, excluding the dormant period. Give preference liquid fertilizers for flowering plants. Do not use complex mineral fertilizer, because it contains a lot of mineral salts, which is bad for the flower.


Many professional gardeners advise replanting cyclamen after a dormant period, but it is better to leave the flower in a pot for 2 years, when the need arises. She comes when the tuber does not fit in the pot, and this happens, as a rule, exactly once every 2 years. After this time, replant.

When planting, you should consider the type of cyclamen. Thus, the European species is completely immersed in the ground, while its Persian counterpart is only half immersed. For Persian cyclamen you need a pot that is even a little cramped, the distance to the wall does not exceed 2–3 cm. Plant the European type in a more spacious one. This is due to root growth. In the Persian type they are directed downwards, while the European type fills the entire container with them. Some gardeners prefer part of the roots of the tuber European variety also leave outside.

The soil is purchased at the store, where you can buy it ready-made specifically for cyclamens, but you can cook it yourself. To do this, take:

  1. substrate for cacti.
  2. Leaf humus and peat are added to the container in equal proportions.

Drainage is also necessary. After planting a cyclomen flower, excessive watering is prohibited.. You just need to lightly moisten the soil. Watering is increased gradually after the first shoots appear.


The most in a simple way is filial propagation tuber. To do this, you just need to separate the young tuber from the mother one and plant it in separate container. All other methods of propagating cyclamen, in particular, through seeds are not effective. A novice florist is unlikely to cope with such a task.

It will be especially difficult if the plant is propagated by dividing the tuber. If you do not have the skills and experience, this “surgical operation” will not be possible. Since in the world a lot of tuberous plants, cyclamens, begonias and others have been destroyed in the process of these operations.

Propagation by seeds is not like that in a radical way, however, if you do not have patience, then you may not wait for the flower to sprout. Seeds may germinate depending on the type of plant from 10 days to 6 months. After this you still need to wait for flowering.

Pest and disease control

Like any other plants living at home, cyclomenia will not get sick and will not will be attacked by pests, if care is carried out correctly and carefully. However, you can expect the following troubles:

Delicate, unusual and spectacular flowers of cyclamen, grown at home with careful care and attention, can create a joyful atmosphere in the house. We especially need positive emotions in winter, when there are so few sunny days. At this time, most types of cyclamen are in bloom, and today we learned how to care for them.

Caring for and propagating the cyclomenia flower is not particularly difficult if you know some of the nuances. With proper care, the exotic plant will be strong and strong. The beautiful flowering of cyclamen is mesmerizing and the owner has the power to make this period more frequent and longer.

Unlike most plants, cyclamen is not demanding of heat; a temperature of 13 to 16 degrees Celsius is enough for it. The flower will grow well on western or eastern windows in the summer and on southern windows in the winter. Cyclamen loves bright lighting, so it is better to place it near light sources. The plant cannot stand proximity to heating devices: stoves, fireplaces, radiators.

The flower loves humidity, but does not tolerate spraying from a spray bottle. You can place the cyclomenia on a tray with wet sand or next to a bowl filled with water. The exotic plant will also like household air humidifiers. But, despite its love for water, cyclamen does not like excessive watering.

After the plant has finished blooming, take it to a dark place. It is recommended to reduce watering during this period so as to prevent the soil from completely drying out.

Caring for cyclamen at home

Caring for cyclamen is easy; it is perfect for growing in a city apartment. The watering regime is important for the plant; it loves humidity, but it should not be excessive. Do not allow water to get on the leaves or rhizome, this can lead to flower disease.

A pot with a diameter of up to 8 centimeters is well suited for a young cyclamen, and up to 15 centimeters for a mature one. Feed the flower with fertilizers once every 2-3 weeks throughout the growing season.

Soil and fertilizers for flowers

The ideal soil for cyclamen will be a loose substrate rich in organic matter.

For these purposes you can use:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • turf land;
  • straw cutting;
  • leaf soil;
  • sawdust.

Soil acidity should be maintained within 5.6-6.5 pH. The substrate should be fresh and airy. Before planting cyclomenia, it is better to disinfect the soil.

For normal growth and long-term flowering, fertilizers must be added to the soil every 2-3 weeks. Nitrogen compounds should be used sparingly. It is best to use mineral or organic fertilizers. In cases of weakness and yellowing of leaves, iron chelate can be used. Many owners recommend feeding cyclomenia with a complex fertilizer for indoor plants.

Watering cyclamen

Cyclamen likes high humidity, but does not tolerate excess water in the pot.

The optimal watering methods are:

  • moistening the soil around the edges of the pot;
  • liquid feeding through the tray;
  • watering near the root of the plant.

Do not allow the tuber or shoots to get wet. The water temperature should be slightly below room temperature. If there is too much moisture, it must be drained from the pan to avoid rotting of the roots. In the warm season, I water cyclamen in the evening, and in winter and late autumn - in the morning.

The soil is moistened only after the earthen ball has dried out. During the dormant period, watering is reduced to a minimum level. You can spray a flower with a spray bottle only in the hot season; in other periods such actions are unacceptable.

Lighting and humidity

Cyclamen is picky about the level of lighting and its position in the apartment. If you put it in a darkened room, the flowering will be short-lived and sparse. But you can’t leave it in direct sunlight either, as the leaves can get burned. Bright but diffused lighting would be ideal.

In winter, place cyclamen on southern windows and make sure that the plant receives maximum light. During this period, direct sunlight is not so dangerous for the flower and you don’t have to worry about it. In summer, cyclomenia is transferred to western or eastern windows. It is necessary to achieve bright lighting, but avoid direct sunlight on the leaves and shoots.

Humidity for cyclamen must be maintained at a consistently high level. Avoid excess water in the soil, but don't over-water the flower.

Peculiarities of cyclamen reproduction

Depending on the type of cyclamen, the methods of its propagation also differ.

At home, division methods are used:

  • leaves;
  • daughter tubers;
  • sockets;
  • seeds;
  • dividing tubers.

It is not possible to produce daughter plants from Persian cyclamen, so this method of propagation is not available with it. In this case, you can use the method of dividing the tubers: it is planted in loose soil so that 1/3 of it remains in the open air. This method is difficult due to the high probability of plant rotting. Persian cyclamen reproduces poorly with rosettes, as they take root very poorly.

European cyclamen is best propagated by daughter tubers that grow next to the main one. When planting, they are completely buried in soft soil. Dividing a tuber is very risky, since many plants die from rotting with this method. This method is not applicable to valuable species. European cyclamen reproduces well by rosettes, but obtaining a new plant from leaves is difficult and rarely successful.

Transplantation at home

Transplanting cyclomenia begins with choosing a suitable pot. It should not be too large to prevent excessive soil moisture. If the pot is almost completely filled with plant roots and there is no earthen ball, then replanting should be started as soon as possible.

To move to another pot, the cyclamen must enter a resting phase; during the flowering period, it is better to avoid such actions. Transplantation will not have a sharp negative effect on the plant if the existing earthen ball with roots does not collapse. Place the cyclomenia with soil in a new pot and sprinkle. It is advisable to pre-treat the roots with “Kornevit” or a similar product. When replanting, do not bury the plant, this will negatively affect its health. The top of the tuber should protrude slightly above the soil layer. When the transplant is completed, the cyclomenia is placed in a bright, cool room and watered.

Pests and diseases of cyclamen

Cyclamen is disease resistant with proper care, but is sometimes susceptible to:

  • non-infectious rot of tubers;
  • bronze leaf virus;
  • ring mosaic virus;
  • anthracnose;
  • root rot;
  • fusarium wilt;
  • gray rot;
  • brown rot.

For prevention, medications are used, the frequency of watering is reduced, and diseased leaves are removed. If cyclamen is planted deeply, this can also increase the likelihood of disease.

Pests that most often attack the plant:

  • multi-clawed mites;
  • fungus gnat larvae;
  • weevil;
  • spider mite;
  • Cyclomenia leaves turn yellow most often due to errors in care. This usually happens due to excessive or, conversely, too infrequent watering. Another reason could be a sudden change in temperature or incorrectly selected fertilizer. Direct sunlight is also harmful to the flower. However, if the leaves turn yellow before the dormant stage, then there is no need to worry, this is normal.