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Hemanthus flower or deer tongue. Care and reproduction

Hemanthus can often be found on window sills of flower growers. But not everyone knows its “official” name; in everyday life it is often called “ deer tongue"or "elephant ear".

Hemanthus is a bulbous plant of the amaryllis family, a relative of amaryllis (as you might guess), clivia, and eucharis. Translated, the name “gemantus” means “ bloody flower", although there are also species with flowers white– white-flowered hemanthus.

Some types of hemanthus have a winter dormant period, when the plant loses its leaves, other types are evergreen. These types of indoor floriculture are more convenient and easy to care for. The most common type of hemanthus in cultivation with a dormant period is Hemanthus Catarina, the evergreen one is Hemanthus white-flowered, which is precisely called “deer tongue” or “elephant ear”.

The appearance of plants depends on the species. Hemanthus Katerina has elongated leaves, wavy at the edges, located on a high, up to 15 cm in length, false stem. The flower grows on an arrow released next to the false stem.

Hemanthus white-flowered has leaves that are quite dense, wide, oval-shaped, smooth on top, and have hairs along the edges.

Flowers also vary greatly among different types. So in Hemanthus Katarina they are red, form large spherical inflorescences on long peduncles, sometimes up to 15-20 cm in diameter. This species blooms profusely.

The white-flowered hemanthus has a denser inflorescence, the flowers are white with yellow anthers, because of which they look as if they were sprinkled with yellow powder on top. The peduncle is thick and shorter.

The plant blooms in July-August. In September, fruits are set, which ripen by November - December, the capsules of ripened seeds acquire a bright red-orange color. These seeds can be collected and used for propagation.

Hemanthus care

The hemanthus plant is quite easy to care for and usually feels great at home.


Loves a lot of light, but requires shading from direct sunlight. Evergreen species are less demanding of light, but it is still not recommended to place them in deep shade.


Hemanthus grows well when room temperature, can withstand heat, but the optimal temperature for it is 18-22 degrees Celsius. In winter during the dormant period – 12-15 degrees.

Rest period

A few words about the dormant period for those species of hemanthus that have it. The dormant period lasts from October to February. Already in September, they begin to limit watering of the plants, the leaves of the hemanthus gradually dry out, and as this happens they are removed. During the wintering period, the bulbs are kept at a temperature of 12-15 degrees in slightly moist soil and a dark place. In February, the hemanthus is transferred to the light, replanted in fresh soil or the top layer of soil is renewed and watering is resumed as usual.


In summer, hemanthus is watered abundantly; the water accumulated in the tray after watering is drained. The next watering is carried out when the soil dries approximately 1-2 cm deep. The plant is not afraid of short-term drying. Hemanthus does not need spraying. In the autumn-winter period, watering for evergreen species is reduced; for species that have a dormant period, the soil with the bulb is slightly moistened as needed.

Top dressing

Fertilizer is applied once every 2-3 weeks during the period of active growth and flowering. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable.


The transplant is carried out in early spring, it is recommended to do this once every 2-3 years. Hemanthus grow well in wide, shallow pots with a drainage layer at the bottom. The bulbs are buried to half or three-quarters of the height. The soil needs to be light and breathable. It can be composed on the basis of turf, leaf soil, peat and river sand. You can add humus soil to this mixture.


Most often, hemanthus are propagated by baby bulbs, which are separated during transplantation. A plant grown from such a plant begins to bloom at 4-5 years.

Hemanthus can also be propagated by seeds own production. They quickly lose their viability, so they must be sown immediately after ripening. Sowing is done on the surface of the soil.

Hemanthus white-flowered is also propagated leaf cuttings. To do this, cut off the top of the leaf, dry it for several hours, or treat the cut with crushed coal. Then the cutting is rooted in the ground, it quickly sprouts, which separate and grow new plants from them.


Diseases and pests rarely affect hemanthus. However, amaryllis scale insects may be found on hemanthuses, and fungal diseases or red blight (staganospora) may occur.

Hemanthus, which does not require care at home special effort, comes originally from the tropics of Africa. People often call the flower “deer tongue.” It received this name because of its appearance. Distinctive feature is a small number of leaves.

At home, people mainly grow Hemanthus white-flowered, better known as “mother-in-law’s tongue.” The flower inflorescences take on the appearance of an umbrella with long stamens. The smell is quite unpleasant, but hemanthus is capable of self-pollinating and bearing fruit. In total, there are more than 50 types of flowers in nature. The most common:

  1. 1 Hemanthus white-flowered (evergreen). It blooms with white flowers from August to January, which is why it got its name. There is no rest period.
  2. 2 Hemanthus Katarina. Blooms with bright red flowers in late July.
  3. 3 Hemanthus Lindena represents garden variety flower.
  4. 4 Hemanthus purpurea. Blooms with red flowers.

Before you start growing a flower, it is worth considering that its flowering can cause allergic reaction. The pot for the plant should be wide, but not deep. Be sure to put it on the bottom drainage layer. The flower is not particularly picky about soil. You can purchase special soil for bulbous plants or prepare the soil mixture yourself. To do this, take turf soil, leaf soil, peat, sifted sand in proportions 2:1:1:1. Mix the mixture well and moisten before planting.

When choosing a location, you should take into account that hemanthus loves bright diffuse light. Do not expose to direct sunlight, as this can cause burns on the leaves. In summer, the white-flowered species can be kept in partial shade. The east or west side is ideal.

Plant care includes compliance with the following rules:

  1. 1 The air temperature should be between +16 and +22°C. In summer, the plant can be taken out to the balcony, but protected from drafts and precipitation.
  2. 2 In very dry air, hemanthus can be sprayed with settled water. At the same time, make sure that water does not get on the leaves and flowers. Once every 3 months, wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth.
  3. 3 Particular attention should be paid to watering. During particularly hot periods, water as the soil dries out. In general, watering should be moderate. Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged, otherwise the bulbs may rot.
  4. 4 It is necessary to trim off faded buds and dried leaves.

Flower growers warn that after flowering, hemanthus leaves and buds die off. There is no reason to worry - this is normal.

Feeding, transplanting and propagation

The plant does not tolerate organic fertilizers, and therefore it is better to choose mineral ones with a high content of potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizers are applied every 2-3 weeks until the flower begins to bloom. After this, you should stop feeding.

The flower is replanted every 2-3 years in the spring. Replanting improves flowering. During this process, it is important not to touch the roots, since the plant is susceptible to various diseases. The bulbs are transplanted into a new pot, not deep into the ground.

White-flowered Hemanthus reproduces in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • bulbs;
  • cuttings.

The seeds are collected from the buds immediately after they ripen. The grains are scattered over the surface of the soil and not buried. Watering is moderate. With this method of propagation, flowering can be expected only 5-6 years after planting. Exactly because of this reason experienced gardeners rarely resort to seed propagation.

Cuttings are a labor-intensive process. The fleshy leaf should be separated from the adult specimen. Lubricate the cut area charcoal. The sheet is dried for about a day. For rooting, the cuttings are planted in a mixture of peat and sand, which should be moderately moistened. After rooting, the leaf is transplanted into a pot with prepared soil. Typically, flowering occurs 3-4 years after planting.

The easiest way to propagate is by bulbs. The shoot is separated from the mother bulb and planted in the prepared earthen mixture. You should not take pots that are too wide; the diameter should not exceed 12 cm. During the first 2-3 weeks after planting, the soil should be watered more often, and only then as the soil dries out. Usually the bulbs take root quickly and without any problems, and begin to bloom within 2-3 years.

Diseases and difficulties in growing

Hemanthus at proper care practically not exposed to diseases. May occasionally appear fungal diseases or red burn. In this case, it is recommended to cut off all diseased leaves and treat the flower with special chemicals. Then the plant needs to be provided with lighting and watering.

Very often hemanthus attacks spider mite and scale insects. They spread especially during the warm season. To get rid of scale insects, you need to wipe the affected leaves and spray the entire plant with karbofos. It will not be so easy to kill spider mites. It leaves brown spots and thin cobwebs on the leaves. Because of this, the leaves dry out and fall off. Only special specialists can cope with ticks chemicals. And for preventive purposes, you can treat the flower with a solution of laundry soap.

Possible difficulties in growing:

  1. 1 Due to excessive soil moisture, the bulbs begin to rot, which leads to the death of the flower. Unfortunately, in this case it is unlikely to be saved.
  2. 2 Due to lack sunlight The leaves of the hemanthus begin to turn yellow. It is enough to simply move the pot to a more illuminated place.
  3. 3 Sometimes, due to very hard water, it appears on the leaves. gray plaque. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to let the water sit for at least 3 days before watering. You can also add a little lemon juice to the water.
  4. 4 Delayed flowering or leaf growth may occur due to insufficient watering. Also the cause may be increased temperature during the cold season.

In general, the plant is quite unpretentious. If you follow the rules of care and, most importantly, watering, even the most inexperienced gardener can cope with cultivation.

Hemanthus is evergreen, which is also called deer tongue. Belongs to the genus of bulbous plants of the amaryllis family. The flower got its name due to its similarity to the tongue of a deer. Hemanthus is translated from Greek as Bloody Flower. But not all varieties have a red tint; orange or white inflorescences are also found. The plant is quite unpretentious in care, and also blooms very beautifully, while it has a wide variety of varieties.

Home care

Very interesting and beautiful flower is Hemanthus white-flowered. Home care is quite easy to do. To successfully grow Deer Tongue in your apartment, you need to follow several basic rules - observe the so-called winter dormancy, when the flower is stored in a cool room, and also ensure that moisture does not stagnate in the pot.

In order to properly care for the plant, one must take into account that all varieties of this flower are quite poisonous. That is why, during any manipulation, you must wear protective gloves, and after all work, wash your hands well with soap and water.

Correct lighting

Deer tongue loves light very much even without proper lighting it will simply stop blooming. But you should take care that direct sunlight does not reach the plant, as it is quite harmful to it. The greenery is very tender, and therefore the sun will simply burn it out, and the leaves will not be able to recover after that. They will lose their color and then fall off.

It is best to place a flower pot on the window sill facing the western and eastern sides.

There is a large garden variety plants, and therefore it can be grown not only in an apartment or private house, but also on garden plot in the country. There are special varieties that are suitable for open areas. But it is worth noting that indoor hemanthus also loves to be taken out to Fresh air. When summer comes, Deer Tongue can be safely taken out onto the balcony or terrace. But you need to make sure that raindrops do not fall on the leaves. It will also be necessary for the plant to be completely free from drafts.


The active flowering period begins in spring and ends in autumn. During this period, the plant will feel very good at normal room temperatures up to 22 degrees. When wintering time comes, it is necessary to move the flower to a more low temperatures. Fifteen degrees will be enough.

There are some varieties of hemanthus that are capable of shedding absolutely all their leaves during wintering. These varieties should be placed in even lower temperatures, which are approximately 12 degrees.

The plant needs hibernation. This time is necessary for rest, after which the flowering period will be more vigorous.

During this period, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation, because only in this way will it be possible to achieve proper development.

Features of watering

It is worth noting that Deer Tongue is more tolerant of a lack of moisture than an excess. If water stagnates in the pot, the plant will simply die. The watering regime must be set individually for each variety of hemanthus.

After watering has been carried out, it is imperative to wait until the soil dries completely to the middle layer. After this, you can do another small watering.

To determine the frequency of watering, you need to monitor the condition of the leaves. If they begin to wilt, watering should be increased.

Those plants that shed their leaves in winter need limited watering. You will only need to use water that has been infused for 24 hours; under no circumstances should you water the hemanthus with tap water.

It is best for Hemanthus to provide dry indoor air. It is worth noting that this plant will feel great even if it is placed near radiators. In order for Deer Tongue to grow well, you need to wipe the leaves daily. Do not allow dust to form on them. Should be used for wiping warm water and a very soft sponge.

Feeding rules

When vegetative growth and flowering begins, it is necessary to use proper fertilizer for a flower. Organic types are ideal, as well as special fertilizers and universal mixtures.

Fertilizers should be added to the pot once every three weeks. The plant cannot be fed in the following cases:

  • when hibernation begins;
  • when the peduncle growth process takes place.

These are two basic rules that should never be broken. Otherwise, excessive feeding will simply destroy the hemanthus.

The nuances of transplantation

Deer tongue tolerates replanting very well, so this process must be done annually. The only exceptions are those options when root system It has not yet grown well, and there is a lot of free soil in the pot. In this case, it is better to postpone the transplant and do it only next year.

It is prohibited to replant less frequently than once every three years. The ideal time for this process would be the end of February - beginning of March.

The bulbs must be handled very carefully, since under no circumstances should the roots be damaged during transplantation.

You should choose very large flowerpots that have good drainage.

If the bulb is being transplanted, then it must be placed in the ground by about 2/3, but part of it must be on the surface.

It is worth noting that soil mixture will not differ in any way from the composition for any other varieties of bulbous and amaryllis plants. The substrate must be purchased in specialized stores. It should consist in equal proportions of deciduous, greenhouse and turf soil, which has additives bone meal and peat.

Diseases and pests

If the plant is exposed to excess moisture, this will cause various diseases. Moisture and excessive heat can weaken the flower, making it easy prey for pests.

The plant is often infested with spider mites, thrips, scale insects and aphids.

At the first signs of damage, it is necessary to remove all insects from the plant, and then wash the above-ground parts with soap solution. After this, watering and treatment with special preparations should be carried out.

It is very difficult to cope with gray mold once it affects plants. When obvious signs of damage are observed, it is best to destroy the diseased plant, since treatment with drugs will no longer be able to bring the desired result.

Signs of gray rot:

  • necrotic spots;
  • gray layers.

If the flower is not destroyed in time, the disease can spread to other indoor plants.

Errors when leaving

When inexperienced gardeners begin to grow hemanthus, they may make some mistakes that will have a detrimental effect on the plant. Therefore, it is advisable to study necessary information even before buying a flower.

Under no circumstances should you violate established rules pest control and various diseases.

The plant does not bloom

In most cases, such a nuisance occurs if a period of rest has been disrupted. As a result, the hemanthus simply will not bloom. The rest period should occur in winter time. The plant should be placed in a cool place and watering should be limited. We need to strictly analyze everything incorrect conditions content and draw appropriate conclusions in order to correct the situation and place the “language” in more comfortable conditions. Should be observed temperature regime, loosen the soil, add fertilizers, biostimulants, use exclusively warm water for irrigation.

You definitely need to know about that hemanthus should be planted exclusively in a pot, which will exceed the diameter of the bulb by about 4 cm. If the plant is placed in such conditions, it will not be able to grow green mass. In this case, it will definitely bloom. This trick is often used by experienced gardeners, because it is time-tested and really helps solve the problem.

Leaves turn yellow

Yellowing of the leaves indicates an excess of moisture. And this is very dangerous, since this will be followed by the formation of gray rot.

It is necessary to water only warm water and let the soil dry to the middle layer. And then move on to the next watering. Immunostimulants will have a positive effect on the plant.

Yellowing leaves do not always mean a problem. An examination should be carried out to understand the true cause. If upper leaves are in good condition and are completely free of pests, then yellowness will mean preparation for winter period. Then watering should be minimized and the flower should be placed in a cool place.

A number of other problems

There are still very a large number of problems that may arise when caring for a flower. You need to know exactly about everything in order to properly deal with the consequences:

These are the problems that gardeners most often encounter. It is worth noting that with timely detection and correct identification of the disease, the plant can be saved quite easily.

Popular types

Breeders have bred over 50 varieties of varieties, and even the most discerning gardener will be able to find perfect option for myself. Gained great popularity horticultural crops, although there are even deciduous ones.

The most famous varieties:

It may seem that caring for the deer tongue flower is difficult. But this is a mistaken opinion. You just need to follow a few rules, and soon the owner will understand that caring for them at home is not so problematic. The hemanthus flower is very beautiful, captivating all guests and household members with its beauty.

Hemanthus is a genus of bulbous representatives of the earth's flora, belonging to the Amaryllidaceae family. Translated, its name means “bloody flower”, because these plants predominantly bloom with bright red flowers, although there are also white-flowering varieties. For example, white-flowered hemanthus, which is especially common in indoor floriculture. Incredible beautiful bloom and luxurious large leaves are liked by flower growers, and the unpretentious nature of the plant becomes a decisive factor for its cultivation. If you are interested in the hemanthus flower, let's discuss caring for it and propagating it at home, and look at its photo together.

Photo hemanthus

Take a look at the photo, dear readers of Popular Health. It depicts a white-flowered hemanthus. This is true beautiful plant. Its leaves are powerful, dense and smooth, with fleecy edges. Their shape resembles a huge tongue, which is why the flower is often called a cow's or deer's tongue. The peduncle of this hemanthus is thick and short; quite interesting inflorescences are formed on it. The flowers attract attention with their long, protruding, fuzzy stamens, which contain pollen at the tips. It seems as if the flowers are sprinkled with yellow powder. Despite its decorative nature, hemanthus is completely unpretentious.

White-flowered hemanthus - home care

The flower is not distinguished by its capricious disposition, the main thing is to do it very well simple rules If you care for hemanthus, then the flower will become a real exquisite decoration for your home.


Hemanthus will appreciate the opportunity to constantly be in a well-lit place, but he beautiful leaves may be damaged by direct exposure to the sun. Find a place in the house where light can penetrate unhindered, but the plant will be protected from the midday sun.


At home, white-flowered hemanthus, like its fellows, prefers average temperatures. In summer he feels uncomfortable if the thermometer in the room rises above 24 degrees. Flower growers living in warm regions where summers are very hot can alleviate the condition of the plant by artificially cooling the air.

To do this, place containers with ice near the pot. If this is too difficult, then take the flower out into the fresh air, placing it in the shade of trees. In winter, hemanthus rests; it is kept at a temperature not lower than 14-15 degrees.


An abundance of moisture can destroy the plant bulb, so you need to organize watering so that the soil has time to dry out a little before further moistening. Short-term drought does not frighten the flower, but it is still better not to allow the soil to dry out excessively.


After flowering, bulbous plants lose a lot of nutrients, their bulbs are severely depleted, which means that feeding is vital for them. Fertilize your flower using store-bought mineral complexes for bulbous plants. They contain little nitrogen and the right amount of important microelements for flower growth.

Rest phase

Hemanthus white-flowered rests from October to January (the dates may change). From the beginning of September, gardeners usually stop feeding and gradually reduce watering. Then the flower gradually fades, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Dried leaves need to be removed from the bush. When all aboveground part hemanthus dies, the pot with the bulbs is moved to a room deprived of light and stored there at a temperature of about 12-15 degrees. At the end of January, the pot is brought out into the light again and watering is resumed.


White-flowered hemanthus is replanted every 2 or 3 years. This need arises due to the increasing size of the maternal bulb and the formation of children. Choose a pot with a shallow planting, but wide. Drainage is placed at the bottom for better ventilation soil. The babies are separated from the mother bush and raised in separate containers so they don't take it nutrients in an adult plant.

The soil needs to be loose, with high breathability, but at the same time quite nutritious. You can buy soil for bulbous flowers or make it yourself. Mix turf, sand and peat in equal quantities, add some leaf soil and a little crushed coal. Remember that the hemanthus bulb cannot be deeply embedded in the soil. It should rise above the ground by at least a third.

Reproduction of hemanthus

Hemanthus white-flowered is most often propagated by children. Daughter bulbs separated from the main bush during transplantation. When planting, follow the rules described above. The baby develops for about 4 years, after which it can bloom.

Another propagation method used by gardeners is rooting cuttings. The top of the leaf is cut off from the bush, the cut is treated with charcoal and slightly dried. It is then rooted in a mixture of peat and sand. Sprouts form quite quickly. The seed method of propagation of the southerner is not popular among gardeners, since only fresh seeds are suitable for sowing.

Hemanthus – suitable plant for beginner flower growers. He loves moderation in everything, does not require additional air humidification, is rarely affected by pests, and reproduces easily, so caring for him is easy and pleasant. To all the other advantages of a southerner one can add his beauty.

Hemanthus is not the most popular plant for home floriculture, not everyone has yet managed to get acquainted with it and appreciate its decorativeness and ease of care. Even those who have it in their home do not always know that it is hemanthus. For him appearance it is more often called “deer tongue.” It belongs to the Amaryllis family.

It came to us from the tropics of South Africa; it is a bulbous perennial with a wide and flowering stem. During the flowering period, a bright inflorescence with many small flowers with long stamens is formed at the top.

Depending on the type of plant, the few leaves may be wide with round edges or elongated with pointed edges.

Updated every year lower leaves. The leaves are arranged in pairs and hang symmetrically in opposite directions.

In some plant species the surface of the foliage is smooth, in others it is covered sticky layer, in others, it has slight pubescence.

After the plant has finished flowering incredibly beautiful flowers, in their place small orange berries. In this form, it also pleases its owners for quite a long time.

Types of hemanthus

The most famous of the 40 species of hemanthus are the following:

Hemanthus white-flowered– the most popular indoor hemanthus. As it develops, it forms several stems with fluffy snow-white flowers. Its leaves are fleshy and wide, up to 20 centimeters in length and up to 10 centimeters wide. Flowering period from late summer to mid-winter.

Hemanthus pomegranate characterized by narrow, elongated wavy leaves and red and yellow flowers with green bracts.

Hemanthus Katarina It has a wide, solid stem, at the top of which there are long and narrow leaves. Flowering occurs in July, when bright red inflorescences appear on the plant.

Hemanthus multiflorum It is distinguished by 2-3 pairs of leaves and a disproportionately long peduncle. 50-90 flowers are collected in a bright red umbrella inflorescence.

Hemanthus tiger has spotted elongated and wide leaves, the inflorescences themselves small size, round shape, bright red color.

Hemanthus cinnabar characterized by 2-4 elongated leaves, a high peduncle, the round inflorescences themselves reach 8-10 centimeters in diameter. It begins to bloom quite early in April with cinnabar-red flowers.

Hemanthus Lindena intended for landing in open ground, has 6 wide and long leaves and a large multi-flowered inflorescence.

Hemanthus scarlet. Its leaves are distinguished by the fact that their tips are red, as are the flowers, collected in a dense inflorescence in the form of an umbrella.

At home, you can grow hemanthus white-flowered and hemanthus Catarina.

Caring for hemanthus at home

The plant itself is relatively unpretentious, but for good growth and flowering, certain rules must be followed.

Temperature. Hemanthus develops well at normal room temperature from 18 to 22 degrees; during the rest period the temperature can be from 10 to 12 degrees.

In summer, the plant responds positively to being moved outside, into the garden or onto the balcony, provided that it is protected from drafts. White-flowered hemanthus is characterized by the absence of a dormant period and, accordingly, does not require temperature changes throughout the year.

Lighting. The plant prefers bright, diffused light. At the same time, it must be protected from direct sun rays. It is good to place it on east, west or north-east windows.

Dry leaves and peduncles must be trimmed after flowering has finished. The room where the plant is located must be ventilated periodically.

Watering and humidity

While the plant is actively growing, it should be watered as the soil dries, avoiding waterlogging. When the plant is in a dormant period, watering can be stopped altogether for a couple of months.

No flower required special conditions humidity, it is enough to simply wipe its leaves from dust once every 2 months.

That's all that is important to know in order to settle this in your home. unusual plant- deer tongue. As you can see, hemanthus is absolutely not demanding in care and any gardener can handle its cultivation.