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Delphinium - sea spray in the garden. Growing delphinium from seeds for seedlings and sowing in the ground

Delphinium is native to Asia, Europe and North America and belongs to the buttercup family. It has long and firmly occupied one of the places of honor in the gardens of Russian flower growers.

Thanks to its impressive growth and lush pyramidal inflorescences, it goes well with other flowering plants and is often used in the background design of mixborders.

This perennial plant has many varieties, which are usually united under the common name “Cultivated Delphinium”. They differ in height, shape of flowers and their color - from blue, light blue and violet to boiling white and pink.

Features of growing delphinium

Delphiniums grow up to one and a half meters tall and have a hollow stem. Even a slight breeze can break fragile stems. Too hot sun causes flowers to discolor. This determines the choice of place for planting them in the garden.

The plant prefers moderate watering and neutral soil. It is better to water less often, but abundantly. For good flowering it requires feeding three times a season.

Trimming – required element caring for delphinium. It also requires a mandatory garter to the support to avoid breaking the tall stem. The first garter should be done when the flower reaches 50-70 centimeters in height.

Important! The garter to the support must be done as the plant grows, every 50 centimeters. It is better to tie it with a strip soft fabric so as not to pinch the stem.

Planting delphinium in the ground

When planting delphinium in open ground, it is necessary to take into account some subtleties that will help the plant take root well and then give good flowering and growth.

Planting methods

Planting can be done in three ways:

  • Seeds
  • Cuttings
  • Dividing the bush.

Each of these methods has its own characteristics and difficulties. The basic requirements that must be met when planting are as follows:

  • Select a landing site in advance, taking into account windiness and light conditions.
  • In the fall, prepare the soil in this place. It needs to be dug up, weeds removed as much as possible and fertilized with organic matter.
  • In the spring, dig up this place again and apply fertilizers, this time mineral ones.
  • Prepare holes measuring 40x40 centimeters and up to 50 centimeters deep, located at a distance of at least 50 centimeters from each other.
  • Pour drainage into the bottom of the hole.
  • When planting, do not cover the root collar with buds with soil.

Important! After planting, be sure to water the flower generously and continue this watering for about a week.

Optimal time for planting

Both spring and autumn are suitable for planting, the main thing is that the young seedlings are not threatened by frost. Most gardeners prefer spring planting.

Soil for the plant

Delphinium needs neutral, fertile, loose soil. In addition, it is advisable to drain it well. In acidic soil you need to add lime (50 grams per 1 square meter). Clay soil will need to be mixed with sand; you can immediately add drainage in the form of clay shards or broken slate. It is good to add peat to sandy soil.

Planting in spring

Delphiniums are usually planted in the spring in a place prepared in the fall. Planting takes place when the last frosts have ended, usually by the end of April.

Planting in autumn

If desired, you can plant delphinium in the fall, preparing the ground in the same way spring planting. The best time for autumn planting it will be late August or early September.

To get a beautiful, lush and fully blooming delphinium, it needs care. If left unattended, the plant will die or, in best case scenario, will not bloom.

Location for the plant

The choice of location is very important for the delphinium. The place should be well lit, but it is very desirable that it be in the shade for two or three hours a day.

This place should not be blown by the wind, because even a flower tied to a support can break.

Pay attention to which places in the garden are the first to form clearings during the thaw. These places are contraindicated for planting delphinium. The fact is that this plant does not have one large rhizome, but only a branched superficial root system.

It tolerates even severe frosts well, but at the slightest thaw the roots begin to rot and rot.

Important! Avoid planting delphinium near shrubs or trees, as they can rob it of nutrients.

Caring for delphinium after flowering

After the delphinium has faded, you need to cut off the main peduncle, unless you plan to pick the seeds. If the peduncle is cut low (8-10 centimeters), then measures must be taken to ensure that the flower does not rot. It has a hollow stem and water can get into it, causing it to rot. Some gardeners use clay to "seal" the stem. You can simply bend the remaining stem towards the ground.

However, you don’t have to cut the stem so low, but only remove about 30 centimeters. It is advisable to remove all faded inflorescences immediately.

When flowering ends, it is necessary to fertilize the plant.

Caring for delphinium in autumn

In autumn, cut off all faded inflorescences. The stem and leaves gradually wither. As soon as the first frosts begin, the plant is pruned, leaving no more than 30 centimeters. Due to its frost resistance, adult delphinium does not require any shelter for the winter, but it is better to cover young plants with foliage and spruce branches.

How to water correctly

In rainy summers, delphinium does not require additional watering. If the summer is too dry, the flower needs to be watered 1-2 times a week so that the soil does not dry out.

Only newly planted flowers require abundant watering within a week after planting.

The delphinium should be watered at the root so that water does not get on the leaves and inflorescences.

Also abundant watering needed during bud formation.

The delphinium is fed three times during the season.

  • In spring (second half of April) you need to mix superphosphate (60 grams for an adult plant), ammonium nitrate (10 grams), potassium chloride (25 grams) and ammonium sulfate (35 grams). The fertilizer should be scattered around the bush and mixed with the soil to a depth of 5-6 centimeters. You can sprinkle peat on top.
  • Budding period (early June). You need to feed the flower with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.
  • After flowering at the end of August, I use the same fertilizers as in the spring.

Important! If you have difficulties making your own fertilizer, you can use ready-made compounds for flowering plants.

Delphinium pruning

Pruning delphinium is a mandatory procedure for its growth and flowering. It is necessary for the plant to retain its decorative properties for a long time.

Delphinium grows quickly and produces many young shoots. If they are not pruned, they take a lot of energy from the plant, which has a very bad effect on the size and number of flowers.

Trimming methods

Already in the second year of the bush’s life, young shoots need to be cut out, leaving no more than five of the strongest ones. They need to be cut out when they grow to about 20 centimeters.

When the delphinium grows to 30 centimeters, its excess flower stalks are removed. Only two are left for the young man, annual plant and 4-6 – in an adult. Only the most powerful of them are retained.

It is better to thin out the central part of the bush in delphiniums.

After flowering, you can radically prune the plant, removing all the stems almost to the root. Then, after a short time, the delphinium will produce new shoots that will bloom for the second time this season. In this case, the flowering, of course, will be weaker than the first, but it will still decorate the garden.

Important! Delphinium produces a second bloom in warmer climates. In moderate temperature conditions In the middle zone, it is better to prevent the second flowering, as it will weaken the plant, and this will affect its splendor in the next season.

Pruning for winter

For the winter, all stems are cut down to 30 centimeters and covered with clay on top.

Delphinium does not like to be replanted too often. It is best to replant bushes that are 4-6 years old. Some gardeners replant once every 3-4 years.

Transplant methods

Transplant old bush better in spring. It is necessary to dig up bushes that have already grown to 15 centimeters. Using a sharp knife, it is divided into several parts, each having 2-3 shoots. The cut areas are treated with charcoal.

The roots are cleared of soil and old deformed parts are removed. Then the divisions are planted in pots with a mixture of fertile soil, humus and sand. It is better to place the pots in a greenhouse for two weeks. And only after this the shoots are transplanted into the ground to a new permanent place.

After transplanting, new plants need to be fed and watered well. Preparation permanent place for the transplanted plant is the same as when planting.

Important! Even before the transplant to open ground delphinium can throw out the peduncle. It must be removed.

Plant propagation

It is easy to propagate delphinium; even a novice gardener can do this process.

Reproduction methods

There are several methods of propagation - growing delphinium from seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush. The simplest is propagation by seeds, the most labor-intensive is by cuttings.

Propagation of delphinium by seeds

Different varieties can be planted from seeds available in flower shops. You can also collect seeds from the plant.

After collection or after purchase (buy them better in autumn) the seeds must be kept in a cool place for several months, preferably in the refrigerator.

They can be planted in March. To do this, prepare a container with a mixture of humus, fertile soil and sand. The soil needs to be moistened and furrows made on it. Delphinium seeds are very small, so they do not need to be buried in the soil. You can simply scatter their grooves and sprinkle a few millimeters of earth on top.

After a month, the seedlings are thinned out to a distance of about 8 centimeters from each other.

Plants are planted in open ground in May.

Important! Propagation of double varieties by seeds will not produce maternal characteristics in new plants.

Reproduction of delphinium by dividing the bush

At the end of April, when the bushes have grown 15 centimeters after winter, they are dug up and divided into several parts with 2-3 shoots each.

Delphinium propagation by cuttings

Despite the labor-intensive process, this method is very effective; it allows you to preserve the mother plant itself and its species characteristics.

It is better to propagate delphinium by cuttings taken from young plants. To do this in the spring, when the stems have grown a little (up to about 15 centimeters), you need to cut the cuttings at the very root. For quick rooting, you can treat them with growth stimulants.

Cuttings are planted in loose soil fertile soil in a container that can be placed in a greenhouse. If planting is done directly into the garden bed, it is better to cover the cuttings with jars. In this case, the plants need to be ventilated regularly.

Cuttings need light shade and watering. After 14 days they need to be fed with complex fertilizers.

Rooting of cuttings occurs by the end of summer, then they can be planted in a permanent place.

The flowering time of delphinium depends on the region where it is bred. In warm regions it blooms as early as May and can produce a second bloom towards the end of summer. In the temperate zone, flowering begins in June and continues into July.

The delphinium blooms very beautiful flowers, mostly blue and blue shades. Some varieties are red, pink or white. The flowers are simple, double or semi-double, forming long, dense inflorescences.

Problems, diseases and pests of a flower

Delphiniums can be affected by fungal diseases:

  • Powdery mildew. Sign – appearance on leaves gray plaque. If left untreated, the leaves turn brown and die. Prevention - avoid getting water on the leaves or trunk when watering. Treat with 1% lime sulphide.
  • Downy mildew. Sign: spots appear on the upper leaves yellow color and on the bottom of the leaf in the same place there is a gray coating. First of all, it is necessary to thin out the bush and then treat it with 1% Bordeaux mixture.
  • Root collar rot. The sign is yellowing of the leaves and the formation of fungal mycelium in the root zone. The plant is easily pulled out of the ground, as its root system will die. It is treated with a formaldehyde solution - spraying and disinfecting the soil.

Viral infections:

  • Aster jaundice. Signs: leaves turn yellow and flowers take on a greenish tint. First of all, it is necessary to destroy aphids as carriers of infection. Sick plants are destroyed; the rest need careful loosening of the soil.
  • Ring spot or mosaic. Signs are the formation of yellow or brown spots on the leaves, drying and falling of the leaves. Slow growth. It cannot be treated and the plant is destroyed.


  • Delphinium fly. Lays larvae in buds. They eat the flower from the inside, so it quickly crumbles and does not produce seeds. Spraying with hexachlorane is necessary during the formation of buds
  • Slugs. They eat leaves. Thorough loosening of the soil and weeding are necessary.

Popular types (varieties)

Princess Caroline

  • A very beautiful variety with pink double flowers, growing up to 2 meters in height. Large flowers can reach 10 centimeters in diameter.

Pink butterfly

Delicate, butterfly-like pink flowers and short bush growth (no more than 1 meter) make this variety especially popular in landscape design.

Snow lace

An unusually spectacular delphinium variety with snow-white flowers with a dark eye. This variety has a very pleasant aroma during flowering.

Delphinium terry

It is distinguished by long and lush flowering from May to August. The flowers have a wide variety of shades. Although in some places you can find delphiniums even in black, red and yellow.

Delphinium is not an easy flower to care for, but you can avoid mistakes in growing it by following a few tips:

  • Delphiniums respond very well to organic fertilizers, in particular manure. It can be scattered under bushes in spring and autumn;
  • The plant needs constant weeding from weeds and loosening of the soil;
  • To prevent fungal diseases of delphinium, it is good to sprinkle the leaves with ash;
  • It is better to collect seeds when they are dry. warm weather from slightly unripe boxes with a brown color.

  • Plant lifespan

The delphinium grows well in one place for the first 4-6 years. Then it must be replanted.

  • Why does delphinium grow poorly?

Perhaps a dimly lit place in the garden has been chosen. The plant should be inspected for diseases or pests that are slowing down the plant's growth. There may be other errors in care that can only be determined experimentally.

  • Why do the leaves turn yellow (dry)?

Leaves may turn yellow and dry due to diseases.

If you create favorable conditions for the perennial delphinium, the plant will grow well and bloom luxuriantly. First of all, you need to choose a good, sunlit area for planting and regularly feed the plant so that it is not afraid of diseases. But, nevertheless, very often delphinium diseases and pests affect plants. Delphiniums, unfortunately, are susceptible to many diseases and are often attacked by various pests. But in most cases, underdeveloped, stunted plants that do not receive proper care begin to get sick. How to make sure that delphinium diseases are not scary for it and why does this plant get sick?


Powdery mildew

Delphiniums or larkspur are especially often affected. various diseases under weather conditions unfavorable for growth. During heavy rains or, conversely, during periods of drought, plants often get sick. One such disease that can be caused by severe dampness is powdery mildew. In the second half of summer due to high humidity A white coating may appear on the plants, which gradually turns brown. This is how the fungal disease powdery mildew manifests itself.

As a result of this disease, if measures are not taken in time, the plants may even die. If you notice signs of powdery mildew on delphiniums, treat them with foundationazole twice at intervals of several days. The drug “Topaz” is also effective in combating this fungus.
It is easier to prevent the appearance of fungus than to treat it later. To prevent powdery mildew from appearing on plants, you should remove excess shoots from the bushes very rarely, in time, so that the plants are well ventilated.

Aster jaundice

The virus of this disease is transmitted between plants through insects. When delphiniums become ill, the leaves begin to turn yellow and the inflorescences become bunch-shaped. Unfortunately, diseased plants will have to be uprooted and burned.

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This fungal disease appears on delphinium leaves in the form of spots. Numerous spots at the beginning of the disease are brown in color, and then they gradually merge. With a strong spread of ramularia, the leaves are covered with spots, turn yellow and fall off. You can get rid of this disease by spraying the plants with antifungal drugs.

Since the infection can remain on plant debris for a long time, the affected parts of the plants should be torn off, taken out of the area and burned.

Black spot

This disease most often affects roses, but it does not spare delphiniums either. Bacterial black spot appears as black spots. First the disease affects lower leaves, and then the disease gradually spreads up the plant. Because of this disease, the plant can die in a very short time.
In the initial stage of the disease, flowers can still be saved if treatment is started in time. You should spray the flowers with tetracycline twice, dissolving one tablet in a liter of water. The affected parts of the plant must be torn off and burned to prevent the infection from spreading to healthy flowers.

Ring spot is a dangerous viral plant disease that manifests itself in the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves. With severe damage, the foliage may all turn yellow and fall off. It is impossible to cure delphiniums affected by ring spot. Sick delphiniums should be uprooted and burned.
What should be done to prevent delphiniums from getting this viral disease? The carrier of this disease is aphids, and therefore this pest should not be allowed to settle on the bushes. Delphiniums should be periodically sprayed with karbofos, actara or actellik.

Bacterial wilt

Due to either too hot or too humid weather, bacterial wilt can begin in delphinium. First, the leaves of diseased flowers turn yellow, and then brownish spots with softened tissue appear on the stems. Gradually, the spots merge with each other, and the entire lower part of the flowers turns black. The best way to combat this disease is prevention. Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked in hot water for half an hour. To protect already mature plants, they must be sprayed for prevention with special antifungal drugs.

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During transplantation, the root system can be damaged - wounds and scratches remain on it. It is through such damage that a fungus can enter the roots of flowers, causing root collar rot. As a result of rotting of the root collar, the lower leaves of the flowers may first begin to turn yellow and then fall off. A whitish web begins to entangle the base of the stems of diseased plants.
The roots of diseased plants are very quickly destroyed by rot. Delphiniums die especially quickly in rainy weather, which is favorable for the development of fungus. In some cases, replanting the delphinium to a new location helps get rid of the fungus. You can also try replacing the top layer of soil. Around the bushes on which there was fungus, the ground must be leveled so that there are no depressions in which water accumulates.

Insect pests

Slugs, various insect pests, their caterpillars and larvae can cause great harm to plants. Delphiniums are often attacked by nematodes, which damage plant roots.


Sometimes young delphinium leaves suffer greatly from aphids. There are many types of aphids, and all of them can harm the delphinium. The leaves favored by aphids curl, then turn yellow and dry out - they can no longer be saved. Flowers that have been attacked by aphids should be sprayed with decoctions and infusions of tobacco. Chemicals can also be used.

Delphinium mite

Delphiniums are often damaged by the delphinium mite. Leaves affected by the pest are deformed, become very fragile, and curl. The insect also attacks the buds, which become black and ugly. Delphiniums gradually turn black, and their flowers become smaller and fall off.

Delphinium mites are the most dangerous pests, and you need to fight them with the help of pesticides, spraying the plants several times a month. But heavily infected shoots will have to be uprooted, taken out of the area and burned.

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In wet weather, delphiniums are often attacked by slugs, which can destroy an entire flowerbed in one night of “work.” To combat these pests, the soil around the plant is sprinkled with 5% granular metaldehyde. The substances consumed are approximately 400 g. per square. Treated soil repels slugs.

You can also sprinkle lime or superphosphate on the ground. Some gardeners combat slugs by hand-picking them. Some people set traps made of cabbage leaves or burdock against slugs, covering them with boards. The slug trap should be laid out in the evening and thrown away in the morning.

Meadow nematode

This pest most often affects delphiniums grown from cuttings. The meadow nematode makes narrow cracks in the roots. Gradually, the root system affected by the meadow nematode begins to die, and the delphinium dies.

To prevent the appearance of meadow nematodes in the roots, a month before planting flowers, when digging the area for them, add 40% thiazone to the soil, using approximately 500 grams. for 10 squares.

Spider mite

In dry and hot summers, delphiniums can be attacked spider mite. You can tell that a plant is infected with a mite by small spots on the leaves and the finest webs. This pest drinks the juice from the flowers, causing them to dry out. Against spider mites, you need to use the drug “Fitovermin” and green soap.

Strawberry mite

Strawberry mites can cause deformation and curling of leaves. The buds of flowers affected by mites first begin to turn black and then fall off. Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure plants from the strawberry mite, and gardeners have to destroy diseased specimens by burning them.

What kind of flowers do not grow in the gardens of the vast. Extraordinary candles, consisting of many buds, are so pleasing to the eye. They are called Delphinium, Spurfly, Larkspur in different regions. The ability to survive and bloom during the cold season has made them especially popular.

Description and features of delphinium

Delphinium in some areas called spur. It received its first name for the structure of the ear, which is so reminiscent of a dolphin’s head. The second name is due to the eye or spur in the sepals.

They survive well in regions with cold winters, and reveal themselves in all their glory in cool summers. That's why they are so popular in middle lane Russia.

Here you can find up to 100 species of this. Life expectancy is dictated by climatic conditions. The same view in different regions can live from 4 to 8 years.

A simple bud generally has 5 petals, with a spur located in the center. Which makes it a flower stalk and suitable for pollinating small hummingbirds or bumblebees.

The color of the flowers is varied, but in most cases, depending on the type, these are buds with a blue and purple tint. Delphiniums are white in color with a distinct scent.

The flowers are collected in a standing panicle of various sizes from 30 to 100 cm without a peduncle. The leaves are similar to, as they are cut into segments to the base. Each part is strongly pointed at the end.

Planting and propagation of delphinium

Growing delphinium is doomed to success if you meet certain requirements when choosing seat. likes to wake up sun rays and stay on it no less than until lunch.

The second condition is that the site must be draft-free. The last condition is the occurrence groundwater, it shouldn't be too close. Because it does not like stagnant water.

In the photo there is a white delphinium

Having fulfilled all the requirements, the question will not arise about whether how to grow delphinium right in your garden. Propagated vegetatively and by seeds.

By dividing the rhizomes:

    Three-year-old plants are suitable for propagation. Great time for delphinium planting spring, when young shoots appear.

    The entire bush is dug up and the root system is examined. If there are rotten areas, be sure to remove them.

    Rinse under running water, divide into divisions with roots and shoots.

    In order for rooting to be successful, many gardeners advise planting the separated parts of the root system in pots. After 3 weeks, rooting will occur.

    The cuttings are ready for planting in open ground.

    After planting, mulch the soil with humus or peat.

    Delphiniums can immediately throw out flower stalks. They should not be pitied, but to be plucked. This will make it possible to grow the underground part of the bush.

In the photo there is a hybrid terry delphinium

You can separate the cuttings in another way. To do this, the bush is not completely injured, but only carefully dug up and cuttings with roots and young shoots are separated. They should be planted in rooting boxes in damp sand. If you decide to plant the cuttings directly in open ground, then you definitely need to shade them.

By seeds:

    Planting seeds delphinium at home conditions, occurs at the end of winter. For this it is important to remember that planting material should be in a cold place, heat has a negative effect on their germination.

    Soak the seeds for a few minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

    Then, rinse under water and soak in any stimulant overnight.

    Remove from the last solution and dry.

    Prepare the soil for growing delphinium from seeds: humus, garden soil, with the addition of sand. Sterilize the mixture in the oven or in a steam bath. To increase looseness, add vermiculite.

    Compact the soil a little and sprinkle the seeds over the surface. Cover the top with the same soil to a small thickness. If the varieties are different, put a sticker with the names.

    Spray the soil with a spray bottle to prevent the seeds from floating.

    The container is covered with glass and covered with dark material on top.

    Maintain the temperature from 10 to 15 degrees C for 3 days.

    Then lower the temperature. You can put it in the refrigerator or take it out onto the balcony for 14 days.

    Periodically spray and ventilate the soil.

    During this time, shoots may appear, place the container on a windowsill at a temperature of 20 degrees C, and remove the black material.

    The signal for picking will be the appearance of 2 true leaves.

    Delphinium seedlings needs hardening when 4 leaves appear.

    Saplings delphinium, spring planted in open ground after stable weather without frost has established

    Before planting, feed the seedlings 2 times with minerals at 15-day intervals.

Delphinium care

    Delphinium loves loamy, black soil, but always nutritious.

    Since flower bushes can grow for up to 6 years in one place, care should be taken to saturate the soil with compost, humus, and ash. During the growing season, flowers require fertilizing in 3 approaches with minerals.

    After 4 years, it is useful to separate delphiniums by rhizomes. It is during this period that the plant qualitatively produces a number of shoots, which in most cases, without voids, take root well. Safe transplantation is carried out at a certain height of shoots up to 20 cm. Tall specimens are very fragile, there is a high probability of breaking them.

    Loosen the soil regularly after watering.

    In rainy summers, sprinkle ash near the bushes. This will prevent fungal disease.

    Remove flower stalks after each flowering to 15 cm at the base of the soil.

    At delphinium care It is worth remembering that fragile shoots with peduncles can stretch up to 2 meters. Therefore, it is necessary to tie the stems.

Types and varieties of delphinium

Delphinium belongs to the ranunculaceae family. The genus includes perennials and annuals. Delphiniums annuals include about 40 species.

The most common annual species:

In the photo there is a field delphinium

Decorative, fluffy bushes stretch up to 2 meters along with flower stalks. Distinctive feature you can call them re-blooming throughout the season.

In some cases, they can bloom three times. The bushes are suitable for cutting. A candle with buds, not counting the peduncle, stretches up to 30 cm. Plants in bouquets look original due to the different range of petals: soft blue, pinkish, purple shades. Depending on the variety.

Delphinium garden or Ajax is a hybrid, its derivatives are the oriental and dubious species. The range in height is from 20 cm to 1 meter. Delphinium flowers in a volume of 5 cm, collected in a standing panicle.

Pictured is the New Zealand delphinium

Perennial delphiniums have many different hybrid varieties. To avoid confusion, they are divided into certain groups:

    Elatum. The group of varieties is united by the color of the buds: purple, blue, light blue.

    Mafinsk group. Tall hybrids up to 2 meters. Petals are semi-double.

    New Zealand delphiniums. Distinctive feature groups are buds large size(7 cm), which can be double or semi-double. The flowers are collected in a powerful brush with unusual colors; they can have up to 21 petals in a bud. Stretch up to 2.5 m in length.

    Pacific group of hybrids. The bushes are spreading, up to 2 meters in height. A spike without a peduncle reaches up to 100 cm. The buds are double, semi-double.

    Delphinium belladonna. Not at all like his brothers. Instead of a candle-shaped panicle, they fall down.

Among the variety of species and varieties, you can choose your favorite ones and grow them in a flowerpot.

Hybrid crops are grown in the garden. For the beauty of the buds, their density, frost resistance. Buy delphinium You can go to a flower shop or order through an online store.

Pictured is delphinium Belladonna

They come here from nurseries. Seedlings can be delivered directly to your home by courier. New Zealand hybrids are especially popular among gardeners today.

Diseases and pests of delphinium

Powdery mildew. Favorable environment for fungal disease is rainy, cool weather. Symptoms of the disease: the stem and leaves are covered with a grayish-white coating.

Over time, the plaque becomes brown, which ultimately leads to destruction. In wet weather, you should sprinkle the soil with ash and carry out preventive spraying.

You should not plant bushes too densely; remove faded and excess shoots in a timely manner. If affected, use Topaz and treat the bushes. Severely damaged bushes should be pulled out and burned.

Leaf blight. Symptoms: brown spots appear on leaves on both sides. This leads to drying and premature falling off. Control: treat the bush with fungicides, and collect and burn fallen and diseased leaves.

Black bacterial spot. The leaves of the bush are covered with black spots. Moreover, the shape and size are very different. The infection passes from the bottom and rises upward.

Pictured is the Ajax delphinium

The plant can be saved at the first stage if treated with tetracycline. To do this, dissolve one tablet of the drug in 1 liter of water and spray. All infected parts are collected to prevent the infection from remaining on the site.

Ring spot. Symptoms: stems and leaves are affected. Spots clearly marked by a ring are visible on the surface. Unfortunately, it does not survive such an infection.

Therefore, it is necessary to select all the bushes that have become infected, tear them out and burn them. The carriers are aphids. It is with this that we need to fight and do preventive spraying.

Delphinium fly. The insect attacks the buds, where it lays eggs, followed by the development of larvae. They, in turn, feed on the petals. As a result, the pistils and stamens are destroyed. The buds fall off without producing seeds. Spray with insecticides in a timely manner.

Slugs. Seedlings are the most damaged by pests. The fight against them begins far before landing:

    They dig up areas where substances are poured that impede the movement of pests: eggshells, gravel, etc.

    Sprinkle mineral fertilizers on them in 2 approaches with an interval of 10 minutes.

    The sites are treated with insecticides.

    They use traps.

Repellers are used. They use cans of bleach on the site.

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  • Delphinium (larkspur, spur) is a genus of annual and perennial herbs from the Ranunculaceae family. There are about 400 species in total. The plant is poisonous. Habitat covers Eurasia, North America, some parts of Africa.

    In Russian, the name of the plant "delphinium" is more often used in fiction, and in relation to decorative varieties of larkspur (there are many hybrids of this plant). In botany and medicine, the name “larkspur” is mainly used.

    More than 100 species of larkspur have been found in Russia and adjacent areas. The main medicinal plant species also grow here:
    1. Larkspur is high.
    2. Larkspur (field larkspur).
    3. Larkspur reticulate.

    Annual delphinium species are sometimes classified as a related genus Sokirki(consolidum), numbering up to 40 species. Larkspur is also sometimes called "Field larkspur."

    Description of the plant delphinium (larkspur)

    Larkspur has a powerful root and a bare, branching stem towards the top. The height of the plant usually does not exceed 50-60 cm. The leaves are dissected into narrow lobes, sharp or jagged at the ends. The flowers are bright purple or blue, located at the tops of the branches of the plant. U wild species Larkspurs are sometimes observed by white and pink flowers. They form a thick, elongated raceme, 25-35 cm long. The plant blooms from early summer to early autumn.

    All parts of larkspur (especially the roots and fruits) contain alkaloids that cause the toxicity of the plant. The concentration and types of alkaloids depend significantly on the type of plant and other factors. The most poisonous looking is larkspur high. Also highly toxic decorative varieties Larkspurs are delphiniums, since they are derived mainly from the above-mentioned plant species.

    Larkspur (field larkspur)

    Field larkspur (field larkspur, Latin name: Consolida regalis) is an annual plant species, 20-70 cm high. The stem is straight, branched towards the top. The leaves are divided into straight segments. The flowers at the ends of the stems are collected in dense clusters of inflorescences. The color of the flowers is bright purple or blue (occasionally pink or white). The flowering period is all summer.

    On the territory of Russia, larkspur grows in the European part (with the exception of the polar territories) and in Western Siberia. Field grass is a weed that usually grows on winter crops.

    Medicines are prepared only from herbs and seeds. Sokirki is a poisonous weed. In rare cases, grazing animals can be poisoned by it.

    The herb field sokirk has a diuretic effect. The flowers have anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. IN folk medicine used mainly as an anthelmintic and diuretic.

    Sapweed alkaloids are characterized by a curare-like effect, but in principle the plant is low-toxic. Therefore, it is often used in folk and traditional medicine in the following cases:

    • headache;
    • hypertonic disease;
    • inflammation Bladder;
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • inflammation of the pleural layers;
    • pneumonia.
    Larkspur is also used as a hemostatic agent. For conjunctivitis and blepharitis, they are used in the form of lotions.

    Larkspur high

    Larkspur (Latin: Delphinium elatum) is a perennial species, up to two meters in height. The leaves are divided into individual lobes, serrated at the tips. The flowers form long thinned clusters. The flowers are blue, about 2 cm. The seeds are small, triangular, dark brown. The plant blooms in summer.

    Natural habitat is Northeastern Europe, Siberia, and other areas of Eurasia. Grows in forests, meadows, grassy slopes, etc.

    The plant is the basis for many ornamental varieties of delphiniums.

    In folk medicine, larkspur has long been used as a tea or a diuretic. A variety of tea mixtures are also prepared from larkspur, which cleanse the blood and normalize metabolism.

    High larkspur flowers are non-toxic. And the grass, stems and roots contain a number of alkaloids, including diterpenes.

    Larkspur is high - poisonous, and its use is permissible only under the supervision of a specialist. Although recipes using this type of plant are not kept secret.

    In folk medicine, high larkspur is used in the treatment of hypertension, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the bladder, pathologies of the respiratory system, skin, and for migraines - as a remedy that exhibits the following qualities:

    • pain reliever;
    • hemostatic;
    • diuretic;
    • anthelmintic (seeds);
    • expectorant;
    • anti-inflammatory.
    In addition, the plant has an analgesic, local irritant and anticonvulsant effect. In folk medicine, high larkspur is recommended in the following cases:
    • fever;
    • pathologies of the digestive tract;
    • burns, tumors.

    Larkspur reticulata

    Larkspur (lat.: Delphinium dictyocarpum) is a perennial plant species. Reaches 0.6-1(2) meters in height. The leaves are kidney-shaped with a heart-shaped center. Dissected into 5-7 lobes. The flower petals are modified into two nectaries. The calyx is dark blue, and the nectaries are blue or white. The flowers are collected at the ends of the stems in dense inflorescences. Blooms this type delphinium - all summer, seeds ripen from August to October.

    Grows in dry meadows and grassy slopes. Grows in the south and east of the European part of Russia, in southern regions Siberia and eastern Kazakhstan, as well as in the Altai region.

    The bulk of the raw material of larkspur reticulata is collected in the Dzungarian Alatau. Collect the tops of blooming delphiniums. Used for medical purposes aboveground part plants.

    The roots and herbs contain alkaloids (2-3% or more), including curare-like muscle relaxants.

    The physiological effect of Larkspur reticularis is determined by the action of its components. As a rule, preparations of Larkspur reticularis are prescribed as relaxants for diseases of the nervous system, characterized by increased skeletal muscle tone.

    Larkspur reticularis is used for the following diseases:

    • increased tone of striated muscles;
    • digestive disorders;
    • conjunctivitis, blepharitis;
    • oncological diseases.
    The drug Mellictin is made from Larkspur reticularis, which is used in tablet form for certain diseases of the nervous system (it will be discussed below).

    Larkspur pharmaceutical

    Larkspur (delphinium officinale) is biennial species, 0.6 - 1 m high. The stem has little branching, the leaves are strongly divided into separate fragments. The flowers are purple in color, with small hairs, forming dense inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. The plant blooms from March to September.

    Inhabits the dry slopes of the Balkans and Tutsia. Sometimes grown as an ornamental crop.

    Used for the following pathologies:

    • Improves the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, destroys pathogenic intestinal infections, treats small wounds and ulcers;
    • catalepsy;
    • Parkinson's disease;
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the brain;
    • arachnoencephalitis;
    • pathologies manifested by hypertonicity of skeletal muscles;
    • for wound healing;
    • hepatomegaly.
    In folk medicine, larkspur was used for the following conditions:
    • headaches of a rheumatic nature;
    • baths for children;
    • accumulation of fluid in the body, edema;
    • vomit;
    • jaundice;
    • dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • fractures;
    • rheumatism.


    In Russian, decorative varieties of tall larkspur are usually called delphiniums. Delphiniums have found wide application in gardening and floriculture - they are grown from seeds in many arboretums.

    Delphinium cultivated is the name given to a number of hybrids of the larkspur plant that appeared as a result of hybridization that began in the mid-19th century. Today, hybrid delphinium varieties are classified into several groups. As a rule, the following plant species were used as the basis for hybrid varieties of delphinium:

    • Larkspur is high;
    • Larkspur red;
    • Larkspur holostem;
    • Larkspur semi-bearded.
    Delphiniums are not used medicinally. At the same time, they are extremely poisonous.

    Collection and preparation

    If the collection of larkspur raw materials occurs in nature, then all rules should be followed. First of all, you should make sure that you find the plant you are looking for. An error during collection may not affect your health in any way, but may result in serious poisoning. Care should be taken to ensure that parts of foreign plants, etc. do not get into the raw materials. It is recommended to collect raw materials only in areas where larkspur grows intensively.

    Used in folk and traditional medicine top part stems with green leaves and inflorescence. Raw materials are collected during larkspur budding and beginning to flower. The stems are separated at the point where the green leaves end and then laid out on a large surface to dry. Repeated collection of larkspur in the same area is possible only after two years. It is necessary to dry the raw materials under a canopy or in a dryer at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees.

    When collecting delphinium raw materials, to avoid intoxication, you should wash your hands well with soap. The raw materials are leafy stems 40-70 centimeters long, with buds and flowers. The smell is faint. It is contraindicated to taste it - the plant is poisonous.

    Scope of application of larkspur

    Application in traditional medicine

    Larkspur preparations are used orally for the following conditions:
    • increased muscle tone caused by damage to the central nervous system (trauma, infection);
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • spastic paralysis
    Larkspur preparations are used in surgery as relaxants, and to completely stop natural breathing during surgical interventions on the chest.

    The medicinal effects of larkspur are determined by the properties of the substances that make up the plant.

    Larkspur alkaloid preparations such as elatin (tablets), condelfin (powder), delsemin (injection solution) and melliktin, which have a curare-like effect, block the synaptic connection of motor nerve branches, leading to relaxation of skeletal muscles. Therefore, they have found application in surgery, in combination with anesthesia. The alkaloid elatine has a curare-like effect: it inhibits excitation at neuromuscular synapses, inhibits the activity of subcortical centers of the brain, and slightly lowers blood pressure. Used in surgical operations, for brain injuries, spinal cord lesions, etc.

    Delphinium preparations have a pronounced antibacterial and analgesic effect, and when used correctly, promote a speedy recovery. Some larkspur alkaloids are used for the following conditions:

    • pyramidal insufficiency;
    • Parkinson's disease;
    • parkinsonism, as a consequence of encephalitis;
    • arachnoencephalitis;
    • serous inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the brain.

    The use of larkspur in folk medicine

    In folk medicine, larkspur is treated with great caution because it contains potent poisons. It is impossible to start self-treatment with larkspur, since if the dose is slightly exceeded, the alkaloids included in delphinium cause paralysis of the central nervous system and respiratory center.

    At the end of the 19th century, it was proven that larkspur alkaloids have a curare-like effect. Curare is a poison that the Indians prepared to lubricate arrowheads. An animal that was hit by an arrow containing such poison lost mobility and stopped breathing. The meat of such animals was eaten because curare alkaloids do not cause harm through the digestive tract. Many curare-like substances known today are used in surgery.

    Larkspur is popular with traditional healers for many centuries now. This is a well-known folk remedy, often used for bone fractures (hence the name of the plant) in the form of lotions and compresses. IN in this case The plant has an analgesic effect and promotes the restoration of damaged tissue. Decoctions of delphinium roots are used for burns.

    Properties of potassium:

    • maintaining the functioning of all soft tissues and structures of the body;
    • regulation of water balance in the body;
    • heart rate optimization;
    • removal of excess fluid from the body;
    • decreased blood pressure;
    • removal of toxins and waste;
    • has antisclerotic properties.
    Properties and effects of calcium:
    • is a building material for bones, teeth, nails, etc.;
    • provides soft tissue functions;
    • ensures metabolism;
    • reduces vascular permeability;
    • reduces the body's susceptibility to infections;
    • has an anti-inflammatory effect on the nervous system;
    • promotes better adaptation to sudden changes in external temperature.
    Properties of magnesium:
    • calms the nervous system;
    • strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels;
    • activates cleansing of the body from toxins;
    • normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • eliminates inflammatory processes;
    • strengthens the musculoskeletal system;
    • useful for the prevention of kidney stones.

    Properties of iron:
    • supports the immune system;
    • necessary for the creation of red blood cells;
    • participates in the formation of thyroid hormones;
    • participates in protecting the body from bacterial infections.
    Properties and action of manganese:
    • has antioxidant properties;
    • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
    • optimizes the level of cholesterol and other blood lipids;
    • has antianemic and antiallergic effects;
    • promotes the maturation of reproductive cells, the development of the embryo and fetus, the normal course and outcome of pregnancy;
    • takes part in the synthesis of bone and connective tissue (including cartilage), ensuring their normal structure;
    • relieves cramps;
    • prevents premenstrual syndrome.
    Properties of copper:
    • antibacterial;
    • disinfectant;
    • emetic;
    • astringent.
    Properties and effect of zinc:
    • participates in the metabolism of essential nutrients, eliminates alcohol poisoning;
    • supports the activity of immunoglobulins, and immune system generally;
    • ensures the formation, release into the bloodstream and utilization of insulin;
    • maintains the integrity of bones and teeth;
    • provides strength and beauty of hair, healthy skin;
    • participates in the nutrition of the lens of the eye, thereby providing vision.

    Alkaloid preparations isolated from larkspur

    Alkaloids are found in all types of delphinium. Most of them are found in high larkspur (about 4% of alkaloids in roots, 2.5% in seeds, 1.3% in greens and stems) - therefore it is the most toxic. Alkaloids are also obtained from larkspur reticulate and semibearded.


    Mellictin is an alkaloid obtained from larkspur reticulate and semibearded, and has curare-like effects.

    It is used in the following cases:
    1. To reduce tone in pyramidal insufficiency (brain pathologies characterized by increased skeletal muscle tone) of vascular and inflammatory etiology.
    2. Parkinsonism that developed after encephalitis.
    3. Parkinson's disease.
    4. Encephaloarachnoiditis.
    5. Inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the spinal cord, etc.
    6. To reduce seizures due to tetanus.

    Mellictin has a curare-like effect (relaxes muscle tissue).

    The drug is prescribed orally, 20 mg, 1 to 5 times a day. The course of therapy is 20 - 60 days. This is followed by a break of 3-4 months, after which you can start a new course.

    Treatment with this alkaloid, if indicated, is combined with other methods of therapy and therapeutic physiotherapy.

    Mellictin is contraindicated in the following pathologies:

    • myasthenia gravis and other pathologies, one of the symptoms of which is a decrease in muscle tone;
    • renal and liver failure;
    • decompensation of the heart.
    If the drug is used correctly - side effects are not observed. If there is hypersensitivity to a substance, or an overdose and a feeling of weakness or difficulty breathing occurs, it is necessary:
    1. Perform artificial respiration.
    2. Provide oxygen breathing (oxygen mask).
    3. Inject a 0.05% solution of proserin in an amount of 0.5 - 1 ml, together with a 0.1% solution of atropine in the same amount. Treatment should be carried out under close medical supervision.


    Condelfin is medicine plant origin, an alkaloid extracted from the tall larkspur.

    Condelfint is a muscle relaxant that has a characteristic curare-like effect, reduces the tone of skeletal muscles, and in an increased dosage leads to complete immobilization of a person (the function of the respiratory muscles is the last to stop). The smallest immobilizing dose of an alkaloid for humans and all mammals is 8 mg per kilogram of weight.

    Condelfin is used for the following pathologies:
    1. Muscle hypertonicity – tetanus, dyskinesia, stiffness, contractures associated with injuries and complications of central nervous system diseases.
    2. Other motor dysfunctions: Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, spastic traumatic paralysis.

    Condelfin is consumed orally. The drug is used under the close supervision of a physician. The dosage is increased gradually: on the first day they drink 25 mg of the drug, on the second - two 25 mg, on the third - 50 mg, on the fourth - two 50 mg, on the fifth and other days - 50 ml three times a day. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.

    Complications of hypersensitivity or overdose are characterized by a feeling of severe weakness, muscle relaxation, difficulty breathing, and decreased blood pressure.

    Condelfin is contraindicated in myasthenia gravis, heart failure, renal and hepatic pathologies.


    Elatine is a curare-like compound, an alkaloid obtained from larkspur.

    Used as a muscle relaxant, which has an inhibitory effect on the excitatory signals of neuromuscular conductors and causes relaxation of striated muscles. Elatine is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract much more slowly than similar alkaloids, and therefore is effective when administered orally.

    At higher dosages, the drug slightly reduces arterial pressure, causes relaxation of the muscles of the ribs and diaphragm, as a result of which the respiratory muscles cease to function.

    Elactin is indicated for the following conditions:

    • pathologies characterized by hypertonicity of skeletal muscles due to disruption of the pyramidal tract;
    • brain dysfunction with signs of muscle hypertension;
    • traumatic, infectious and postoperative brain damage;
    • dyskinesia of various origins.
    Elactin is taken 10 mg in tablets. The first two days take one tablet per day. Then you can take 2-5 tablets per day. Usually the course lasts 3-4 weeks, the therapeutic effect is expected after 1-8 days, and sometimes longer. The break between courses is 3-5 months.

    In case of hypersensitivity or overdose of the drug, a sharp relaxation of skeletal muscles and difficulty breathing occurs. Elastin is contraindicated in myasthenia gravis and other diseases characterized by a decrease in skeletal muscle tone. The drug is also contraindicated in renal failure.


    Delsemin is an alkaloid obtained from Larkspur reticularis. The drug has a curare-like effect (antidepolarizing muscle relaxant). Reduces the tone of skeletal muscles, even to the point of immobilization. Synergizes with drugs. Does not have an analgesic effect.

    It is used in surgery, in combination with narcotic drugs, to disable the respiratory function during surgical interventions on the chest, as well as for muscle relaxation.

    The dose for delsemin injection is calculated from a ratio of 0.5-2 mg per kilogram of body weight. To stop the respiratory muscles - 5-6 mg per 1 kg of weight. First, a fifth of the dose is administered. If there are no reactions, after a few minutes, the remaining amount is administered.

    In case of overdose, an injection of a mixture of proserine and atropine is given to prevent the following symptoms:
    1. Decreased contractility of the heart.
    2. Pathological muscle fatigue.
    3. Damage to the liver and kidneys.

    The drug should be stored in a dark place out of reach of children.


    Main contraindications for all types of delphinium (larkspur) plant:
    • pregnancy;
    • myopathy;
    • myasthenia gravis (and any other pathologies accompanied by low muscle tone);
    • renal failure;
    • liver failure;
    • cardiac dysfunction;
    • for bronchial asthma - check if apnea occurs.
    Delphinium should be handled with care as the flowers, leaves, roots and stems of the plant contain toxic substances. When using the plant as an insecticide, protective measures should be taken to avoid serious intoxication.

    Local irritation may occur from contact of the plant with the skin. When ingested, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain develop. In case of severe acute intoxication the following is observed:

    • relaxation of striated muscles;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • convulsions;
    • hypotonic effect is possible.

    What to do if you are intoxicated with larkspur?

    In case of intoxication solely due to ingestion of the plant, it will be sufficient to lavage the stomach with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate and take active carbon. In case of pronounced curare-like effect, intubation is performed with connection to the device artificial respiration, an injection of a 0.1% solution of atropine sulfate and a 0.05% solution of proserine is administered (1 ml intravenously). For less severe intoxications, it will be enough subcutaneous injections 0.05% proseriin solution (1-2 injections per day).

    For symptoms of hypotension:
    1. 5% solution of ephedrine hydrochloride (0.5-1 ml intravenously).
    2. 0.2% solution of norepinephrine hydrogen tartrate (0.5-1 ml in 5% dextrose solution intravenously, through a dropper).

    Infusion - Option 1
    Preparation of infusion: 1 tsp. Brew 400-600 ml of boiling water, leave for 8 hours in a closed container, wrapped. Take 100 ml orally 4 times a day.

    Infusion - Option 2
    One tablespoon of dried crushed herb is brewed with 3 cups of boiling water, left for 50-60 minutes in a closed container, and filtered. The infusion is consumed 200 ml, 3 times a day before meals.

    Infusion for uric acid diathesis
    For uric acid diathesis (a metabolic disorder accompanied by accelerated synthesis in the body of uric acid salts and harmful calcium compounds due to poor nutrition), the infusion is prepared as follows: 2-3 tbsp. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over dried and crushed herbs and leave for 1-2 hours. Use 100-150 ml of the product 3-4 times a day, before meals.

    Infusion for paralysis
    1 tbsp. dry crushed herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 2-3 hours. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day, after meals.

    Infusion for cystitis
    Brew 20-30 g of flowering herb in 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Consume orally 3 times a day, before meals.

    Infusion for malignant liver tumor
    Brew 40 g of dried chopped herbs with 1 liter of boiling water. Keep in a boiling water bath for a quarter of an hour, cool at a temperature of 15-35 degrees for 45 minutes, strain. Take 70-80 ml orally 3 times a day, an hour before or an hour after meals.

    Flower infusion for topical use (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc.)
    One tablespoon of field sapweed flowers is brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, left for 15-20 minutes in a closed container, and filtered.

    Other drugs

    Decoction for jaundice, dropsy, hernia
    20 grams of larkspur herb are poured into 200 ml of drinking water, boiled for 10 minutes over low heat, filtered, then the boiled volume is compensated with boiled water. Take 1 tsp orally. 3 times a day, before meals. Externally used as an anesthetic for burns and tumors.

    Napar is prepared at the rate of 20 g per 1 liter of water. Take 200 ml 3 times a day for the following diseases:

    • pathologies of the genitourinary system (for catarrh of the bladder, the drug has mainly an anti-inflammatory effect);
    • urethritis (inflammation of the urethral mucosa);
    • hyperbilirubinemia;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • inflammation or suppuration of the eye (externally, in the form of lotions).
    Juice plants can be used to enhance wound healing.

    Tincture for genitourinary diseases
    Field grass grass is doused with 40% alcohol, in a ratio of 1 to 10. Drink 5 drops four times a day. Sometimes this tincture is combined with a 5% tincture of sedge.

    Recipes for drugs with high larkspur

    Infusions, decoctions

    Universal infusion
    1 teaspoon of dried crushed herb per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse for two hours, filter. Take orally, slightly warmed, before meals, 100 ml 4-5 times a day.

    Infusion for cancer pathologies (while undergoing chemotherapy)
    Brew one tablespoon of dry herb with a liter of boiling water, leaving to infuse for 50-60 minutes. Then strain. Take 100 ml orally 4-5 times a day.

    Infusion for multiple sclerosis
    Brew one teaspoon of the herb with 600 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for 8 hours, tightly closing the container and placing in a warm environment. Then strain. Take 70-100 ml orally 3-4 times a day, regardless of food intake.

    Externally used infusion of flowers , which is brewed as tea or made into an ointment.

    Decoction for jaundice, hernia, burns
    Pour one teaspoon of finely chopped larkspur roots into 250 ml of clean water and cook for 20 minutes. over low heat, leave to steep for an hour, then strain. Drink one tablespoon of the decoction 3 times a day.


    Pour 50 g of finely chopped plant roots into 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse in a place protected from light and low temperatures, shaking the contents from time to time. Strain. The tincture is drunk according to the following scheme:
    • First day: before breakfast 4 drops, before lunch – 5 drops, before dinner – 6 drops;
    • Second day: before breakfast 7 drops, before lunch – 8 drops, before dinner – 9 drops.
    And so on. Having reached 30 drops, we begin to reduce the dosage in the same way, gradually reaching four drops. This is followed by a break of 1 week, after which the course is repeated. The tincture is consumed for six months.


    Lotions for fractures
    Finely chop the roots of the tall larkspur and brew with boiling water for 10 minutes. Then fold a piece of gauze into several layers, place the roots from the infusion in the center, and fold it into an envelope. Dipping the gauze into the remaining product, apply to the sore spots for 30-40 minutes, no more than three times a day.

    Lotions for burns
    Brew one tablespoon of finely chopped larkspur roots with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, then strain. Dip gauze into the product and apply to the affected areas for half an hour, no more than three times a day.

    Larkspur ointment

    Larkspur ointment is made using seeds and lard. It is used for rheumatism and bone fractures.

    1. 1 tsp delphinium seeds.
    2. 10 tsp visceral fat.

    Mix the ingredients well and leave for 10 days. The finished ointment can be used for rubbing.

    Recipes with Larkspur reticulata

    Infusion of larkspur herb

    Below are three recipes for an infusion of Larkspur reticularis. All variants of the drink are recommended for the treatment of muscle hypertonicity and digestive disorders. Locally, these infusions are used in the form of compresses for conjunctivitis or blepharitis:

    Option 1
    Brew one teaspoon of dry chopped herb with three glasses of boiling water. Leave for 8 hours, tightly closing the container and wrapping it up. They drink this infusion 80-100 ml, up to three times a day.

    Option 2
    To prepare this infusion, you can take 1 tbsp. dry chopped grass, or 1 tsp. her flowers. Brew the prepared raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then strain and squeeze. Drink this drug one tablespoon, no more than three times a day.

    Option 3
    One teaspoon of dried chopped herb is brewed with 600 ml of boiling water, left for 9 hours in a place protected from light and low temperatures, having first closed the container well. After this, the infusion is filtered, squeezing out the herbs. Drink 80-100 ml, up to four times a day, regardless of food.

    Infusion for external use
    Brew three tablespoons of dried and chopped herbs with one liter of boiling water and leave for 8 hours. Then strain, squeezing out the herbs. For microenemas and douching, use an infusion of 50-100 ml, preheated. These manipulations should be carried out twice a day - after waking up and before going to bed.

    Universal infusion of Larkspur reticulata
    Brew two tablespoons of dried and chopped plant herbs with a liter of boiling water and leave to steep for 40-50 minutes. Then strain, squeezing out the herbs. This infusion is taken orally, 10 ml, each time before meals, 30 minutes, for the following pathologies: sexually transmitted diseases, hepatomegaly, pathologies of the genitourinary system, jaundice, hypertonicity of skeletal muscles. Externally, in the form of lotions, the product is used for inflammatory and purulent processes in the eye (conjunctivitis, etc.).

    Infusion for cancer
    Brew one tablespoon of dried chopped larkspur reticularis herb with 0.8 liters of boiling water, leaving to steep for 1 hour. Then strain and squeeze the raw materials. Take 125 ml orally, 4-5 times a day, while receiving chemotherapy courses.

    Tincture of Larkspur reticularis for multiple sclerosis

    Pour ten tablespoons of dried and chopped plant herbs into 1.2 liters and leave to infuse for 20 days in a place protected from cold and light. In this case, the tincture should be shaken 1-2 times a day. After 20 days, strain the tincture by squeezing out the herbs.

    Drink the tincture according to the following schedule:
    1. 10 days – 15 drops per 50 ml of water, three times a day.
    2. 10 days – 20 drops per 50 ml of water, three times a day.
    3. Until the end of the course - 30 drops per 50 ml of water, three times a day.
    In this case, complex therapy is required in combination with the use of propolis tincture. Both tinctures should be drunk before meals. Between them you need to take a break of about 30 minutes. It is recommended to take several courses of treatment - 20 days each, with a break of 9 days.

    Recipes with larkspur

    Decoction to normalize metabolism
    20 g of dry chopped herbs are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and placed on low heat for 15 minutes. For jaundice, inflammation of the digestive tract, and eye pathologies, drink half a glass four times a day. For headaches, drink one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

    Universal decoction
    20 g of dry crushed larkspur are brewed with a glass of boiling water and put on fire for 10 minutes. Take 1 teaspoon orally three times a day.
    This decoction is used for the following diseases:

    • hyperbilirubinemia;
    • dropsy;
    • burns;
    • neoplasms;
    • epilepsy;
    • syphilis;
    Decoction for pneumonia
    One teaspoon is brewed with 0.4 - 0.6 liters of boiling water. Infuse for 8-10 hours in a tightly closed container. Take 50-70 ml orally four times a day.

    Flower tea
    Larkspur flowers are brewed with boiling water like tea. This tea has the following properties:

    • anthelmintic;
    • diaphoretic;
    • diuretic;
    • anti-flu.
    Water extract from the stems, leaves and flowers of larkspur are used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in the form of a warming compress.

    Baths with the addition of fresh larkspur, they are useful for paralysis, rheumatism, radiculitis, and dermatological pathologies.

    Medicinal mixtures for cystitis with larkspur

    Collection 1: larkspur – 350 g, zelenchuk – 400 g, horsetail – 100 g, sedge.

    Collection 2: Knotweed – 100 g, bearberry – 100 g, horsetail – 150 g, larkspur – 100 g, dill – 50 g, sedge – 100 g, dandelion – 1 tbsp. l., prickly tartar - 2 tbsp. l., creeping wheatgrass - 2 tbsp. l., medicinal marigolds - 2 tbsp. l., motherwort five-lobed - 1 tbsp. l., field sokirks - 1 tbsp. l., pharmaceutical letter - 2 tbsp. l.
    Prepare the decoction as follows: pour two tablespoons of the mixed ingredients of the collection into 1.5 liters of boiling water. Leave until cool, strain. Take 30 g orally, 6-7 times a day. This infusion is drunk for severe forms of cystitis.

    Questions and answers

    How long can you drink larkspur? Isn't this harmful to health? Does larkspur help with bone and joint diseases?

    Answer: For any pathology (bone fracture, burn, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism, epilepsy, mechanical and other lesions of the central nervous system with muscle hypertension), this is strongly poisonous plant used for no more than 40 days. After this, a break is required, at least 15 days. For osteoporosis, comfrey root will also help, and for particularly severe cases, calcium intramuscularly. Euphorbia Pallas in tincture also helps with rheumatoid arthritis.

    I have suffered from multiple sclerosis for about 10 years. Most of all I want to improve the situation with tremors in my hands. What medicinal herbs are right for me?

    Answer: Your home medicinal herb– larkspur. But besides it, you should take a number of others medicines– incl. mumiyo, stone oil, propolis, plant pollen, and also take phospholipids.
    In this case, larkspur should be taken in the form of a tincture: pour 50 g of roots into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 20 days in a warm place, out of light, shaking from time to time. Then strain. Drink before meals, starting with 4 drops, and gradually increasing their number to 30 by the 9th day, and reducing to 4 by the 18th day of treatment. Break - a week, then repeat. You should drink the tincture for 5-7 months.

    I have been suffering from multiple sclerosis for four years now. I am 32 years old. Before giving birth, nothing worsened, but after giving birth - three times. Spasticity of the right hand remains. How can I remove it?

    Answer: Spasticity (muscle spasm, difficulty in straightening joints) can be eliminated with the medicinal plant larkspur. When using, you should be careful and follow the instructions: pour one teaspoon of the roots of the plant into 0.25 liters of boiling water at 80 degrees, and cook in a water bath. Cover with a lid and cook for 15-20 minutes, without bringing to a boil. The product must be boiled in a ceramic or enamel container. After the specified time, wrap the broth and leave to infuse for half an hour. Then the boiled volume is compensated with boiled water. Strain and consume 1 tbsp orally. three times a day, half an hour after meals. Cook separately with other herbs.

    A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with disseminated encephalomyelitis. What folk remedy is suitable as maintenance therapy?

    Answer: One of the plants that will help you is the poisonous larkspur plant. It causes relaxation of muscles, usually the arms or legs, reduces and reduces the severity of symptoms of damage to the nervous tissue, and reduces increased muscle tone that resembles cramps. It is this plant that has long been successfully used to quickly relieve cramps and hypertension. Valerian and motherwort exhibit a similar effect, but in larkspur it is much stronger. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

    There is a cute legend about the origin of delphinium. A Greek young man decided to depict his beloved in stone. But the gods did not like this, and they turned him into a dolphin, forced to live in the sea. The girl waited for her beloved on the shore every evening. One day a dolphin swam up to her and threw it at her feet. amazing flower, which she named after her beloved delphinium. Delphinium is referred to as the soda flower and medicinal plant still in treatises Ancient Greece, and in European sodas, cultivated modern varieties of delphiniums appeared only in the 19th century.

    There are more than 150 species of delphiniums. Among them there are annuals and perennials.

    Perennial delphiniums prefer loamy, rich in water, moderately moist soil, with a close to neutral reaction (pH 5.5-6). The landing site should be open, sunny, but shaded at midday. Tall varieties (about 2-2.5 m) require garters to supports. These plants are not planted as single plants. They are planted in a separate clump according to a pattern of 60 x 60 cm. Long, up to 50-100 cm, inflorescences can contain up to 100 flowers in a raceme. Inflorescences can be cone-shaped, cylindrical, pyramidal, oval, highly branched (lobed). Flowers irregular shape, with an elongated spur (hence the name - spur). In varietal hybrids, the flowers have a diameter of 3-4 cm. The beautiful palmately dissected leaves of delphiniums, like those of phlox, often dry out prematurely on the lower part of the stems, which quickly becomes ugly. Therefore, plants that remain decorative all summer should be planted in front of delphiniums.

    Usually delphiniums bloom in July for about 2-3 weeks. If you cut the flower stalks at the soil level (without touching the rosette of leaves!) at the moment of wilting of most of the flowers, you can cause re-blooming at the end of August, although not so abundantly. You should know that repeated flowering leads to a weakening of the plant, and the plant does not bloom as profusely the next year.

    Delphiniums - amazing beautiful plants. There are varieties with flowers of a pure tone, and there are iridescent ones, transitioning from one to another. Very often in the center of the flower there is an eye of a different color, in particular black or white, which gives it a peculiar charm. Particularly elegant are semi-double and terry varieties. Most Interest For gardeners, we present varieties from the Pacific group of cultural spurs.

    In the gardens of the North-West the following varieties are especially popular:

    Black Knight - dark purple;

    King Arthur - purple with a white eye;

    Blue Jay - blue with a dark eye;

    Spring snow is lilac-white with a white eye;

    Pink Sunset - lilac pink with a dark eye;

    Vespers - bluish-pink-purple;

    Astolat - pink, raspberry-pink, rose-red with dark eyes;

    Pink Sensation - pink iridescent;

    Lilac spiral - lilac with a white eye;

    Million - bright blue;

    Blue Tit - dark blue;

    Naina - lilac-blue with a white eye;

    Summer Sky - blue with a white eye;

    Lyudmila - blue with a white eye;

    Blue lace - blue with a white eye;

    Blue bis - pale blue;

    Winter's Daughter - white with a black eye; Sir Galahad - pure white;

    Butterball is creamy.

    Delphiniums take a lot out of the soil mineral elements, therefore, the soil before planting should be well filled with organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Planting holes must be prepared in advance. They are made quite deep, since the delphinium has a tap root that goes to a considerable depth. This is why plants do not tolerate transplants well, especially at an older age. The planting hole should have dimensions of 40 x 40 x 40 cm. Add 2 buckets of rotted compost, 1 glass of ash (or half a glass of dolomite flour or lime), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is best to prepare the hole in the spring and plant the plant in August. When planting, the stems are cut at a height of 10 cm. The plant is buried 1-2 cm. Before frost sets in, the seedlings will have time to take root well. Delphiniums are heat-loving plants and can freeze out in harsh winters, so the planted section should be covered with spruce branches in the fall. In the spring, after the snow melts, the spruce branches must be removed.

    For good flowering in the first year, in the spring, when the plants begin to grow and reach 10 cm, you should leave strong plants 3 stems, and weak ones have only 1.

    In the future, you should not leave more than 3-4 shoots of flower stalks in the bush. In the spring, when the stems begin to grow, leave only the strongest ones, cut the rest at the root. By the way, they can be used as cuttings for propagation.

    All later shoots should also be removed.

    After the frosts have passed, the plants are fed with mineral fertilizer. The best solution for this purpose is “Solution” from the Buysky chemical plant or flower fertilizer from the same plant, but in general you can use any other fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. 1 tbsp is enough. spoons per 10 liters of water. The fertilizer is poured 1 liter at the root of each plant. If the growing foliage has a pale green color, then you should additionally feed it with an infusion of weeds or manure. When buds appear, give again mineral fertilizing, but already 3 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water. After flowering ends, you should feed the delphinium with phosphorus and potash fertilizers- 1 tbsp. spoon of each per 10 liters of water (or autumn fertilizer Buysky plant - 2 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water), use a solution of 0.5 liters per bush.

    Delphiniums are not big fans of nitrogen, so don't overdo it with manure or weed infusions. They are potassium lovers, so they respond well to the addition of ash or potassium fertilizing (only without chlorine!). They also need boron. The easiest way is to pollinate plants by leaves a couple of times per season with powder boric acid or pour with a solution of boric acid (2 g per 10 liters of water).

    If, after flowering ends, you cut off only the inflorescences, leaving the peduncles with leaves until they dry completely, then the rhizomes are essentially

    but they will grow and will provide lush flowering next year. In the fall, when all the foliage has withered, the above-ground part is cut off to the soil level. Many gardeners do not make such short pruning, but leave stumps 20 cm high, but at the same time they must cover the cuts with clay, since the delphinium has a hollow stem, and water entering it through the cut causes rotting of the rhizome. Just in case, you can pour a bucket of peat onto the plant to protect delphiniums from death in the harsh winter. In the spring, when the ground thaws, the peat is raked away from the center of the tillering and raked around. It will serve as mulch material under the plant.

    It is often recommended to cut the delphinium in the fall at a height of 30-40 cm. This cannot be done, since it has a tubular stem, and water will get into the funnel during the autumn rains, which will cause rotting of the rhizome, or, as amateur flower growers do, it is necessary to cover the cuts with clay .

    To prevent diseases, delphinium can be sprayed regularly (once every 2-3 weeks) with the “Healthy Garden” preparation.

    Against diseases, you can use “Zircon”, which, among other things, also increases the size of the flower and the intensity of its color.

    Among the pests, the delphinium is attacked by the cutworm fly and spider mite. When regularly sprayed with “Healthy Garden”, pests do not touch the plants. But if you don’t have this drug, then spray it once every 3 weeks with Fitoverm or Iskra-bio, starting from the moment the cherry blossoms. By the way, the self-defense of any plants is enhanced by regular feeding (once every 2-3 weeks) with organic fertilizer “Gumi” or microbial fertilizer “Extrasol”.

    If the delphinium fly has attacked, mulch the soil with peat. The fly does not like peat and will fly around delphiniums. Sometimes the ends of the shoots are colonized by aphids. “Perimor” works well against it, as well as preventive spring spraying“Healthy garden” (2-3 times in May-June).

    In humid summers, delphinium can develop powdery mildew. It's easy to fix the problem: don't water on the leaves - and it won't happen. But the plant cannot be protected from rain, so you will have to use blue spraying (Bordeaux mixture, homme, copper sulfate) or use Zircon, soda ash(3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

    Sometimes black spotting or bacterial wilt appears. In both cases, “Fitosporin” or Zircon help well.”

    Delphiniums, generally speaking, are not perennials, they are rather juveniles because they require division every 3 years, otherwise you may suddenly lose them. In them, like phloxes, the middle of the bush becomes rotten. It should be cut out. The transplant can be done in May, but in the North-West it is better to do it in August. You need to dig up a bush, divide it into separate parts, cutting out the middle, and plant it. All cuts must be well covered with ash.

    Delphiniums are propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings or seeds. You can divide 3-4 year old bushes into 5-6 parts. Each division should have 2-3 renewal buds and good root system. Then the planted plant will bloom the next year. But, as mentioned above, delphinium is difficult to take root, so sometimes flowering is delayed for a year. To help the plant, systematically feed it with “Fitosporin” plus “Gumi”. If you have Extrasol, then add it 1 tbsp. spoon in every 10 liters of solution. Spray with Zircon in the first year of planting (every 2 weeks) or use Healthy Garden.

    Cuttings are cut in the spring, when they grow to 5-10 cm, at the very base of the root collar. They should not have a hollow part of the stem at the bottom. The lower ends of the cuttings should be pollinated with ash and Kornevin.

    Make sure that the soil does not dry out. Regularly water and spray with Ferovit together with Zircon. In the fall, rooted cuttings can be planted in place.

    At seed propagation parental properties are not transmitted, so you yourself will become a breeder and may well get hitherto unknown varieties. Freshly collected seeds (they ripen in August, for this you need to leave the faded clusters on the stems) are immediately sown in the greenhouse. Shoots appear in the fall and can freeze in the spring, so they should be covered with spruce branches for the winter. To avoid fussing with this, it is better to sow the seeds right before winter (late November). In the spring, seedlings appear; they should be planted 2-3 plants per container or thinned out according to a 10x10 cm pattern and planted in August according to a 40 x 40 cm pattern. Next year, the seedlings may bloom.

    If you sow seeds for seedlings at home, they should first be stratified (cooled). To do this, containers with sown seeds must be buried in the snow (on a balcony or loggia) or placed in the refrigerator for a week. Then put it in warm room to the light. There is a nuance: since the delphinium seeds are very small, they are not sprinkled with soil when sowing. The moistened soil is compacted, the seeds are scattered over the surface and covered with film until shoots appear. Or, when sowing seedlings at home in March, snow is added to the soil surface in containers and the seeds are sown on the snow. Once melted, it will draw the seeds halfway into the soil. The containers are placed in plastic bag, it is tied up. The seedlings are watered through a syringe, the needle of which is inserted into the ground. When the plants grow and begin to fall to one side, you need to use a match to rake the soil towards them. After the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings can be planted either in a school until next spring, or directly in place. But here it is important not to let the weeds clog them or the soil to dry out.

    All delphiniums look beautiful in group plantings or among other flowers in the center of flower beds. But in the latter case it is better to use lower varieties (1 - 1.5 m). For them, the planting pattern is 45 x 45 cm. They are also suitable for the background in mixborders or borders. Delphiniums go well with phlox, rudbeckia, and lupins. There are also short dwarfs, only 50-70 cm tall, for which 30 x 30 cm is enough.