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Kitchen design on the loggia.

Designer kitchen with a balcony is not just a room for eating with an additional door, but a very comfortable and cozy room.

Any balcony can be used as an extension of the kitchen, but it may remain locked and uselessly unattended.

A connected balcony and kitchen can be an excellent complement to each other and a very relevant and unique design solution. Sofa, arch and kitchen table, will laconically complement the design of a kitchen with a balcony.

When using a color scheme, you should not make the floor of the balcony and kitchen in different colors, but rather emphasize the floor with some kind of pattern.

When combining these two rooms, do not neglect the soft area, wall clock and flowers on the windowsill. Fusion style design will fit perfectly into your interior.

Another very rare solution is to move the dishwashing sink to the balcony. In addition to the sink, a table or a small plane in the form of a bar counter is suitable.

The balcony is well suited for creating a coffee or other separate room for drinking drinks or food. A small table and a couple of ottomans will be an excellent addition to the style and will not take much time.

A kitchen with access to a loft-style balcony easily fits into its common space like a cozy and complete room, if you first separate it with a bar counter.

In addition, do not forget about classic style. You can always put a table and a couple of chairs on the balcony. The interior of a kitchen with a balcony is always conducive to an evening dinner by candlelight by the window and gives a special touch of romance.

Even if you have a very nice kitchen atmosphere and the kitchen table is in the kitchen, you can always enjoy a cup of coffee under the stars.

Combining a kitchen with a balcony in the kitchen

A modern kitchen with access to a balcony can be used not only as a combined kitchen, but also separately. Even simple plastic door, will provide light to the kitchen if it is transparent at the top and bottom.

A chandelier on a long pendant, a bar counter and a host of other interesting and equally pleasant attributes can fill your kitchen with warmth and comfort. For example, if you use big windows, then even in the kitchen you can get the impression that you are eating on the veranda, and in winter you will always be pleased to bask in the sun.

If you install a bar counter, you will not only hide the division, but also free up some space, because in the counter you can hide kitchen appliances or other items used for cooking.

If your kitchen is quite large, then it can be divided into several corners.

Often the optimal arrangement of furniture is to install cabinets along the walls, and lighting fixtures are installed at the very top.

Probably the most important and convenient advantage of combining a balcony and a kitchen will be moving the refrigerator to the far corner by the window. The freed up space can be used as a work area for preparing food.

Kitchen design ideas with a balcony

Don't forget to use the doorway to the balcony as design solution. For example, shutters with louvres will fit perfectly and replace a glass door. Decorative elements can also be created using lamps that create an atmosphere and additional lighting.

The attic balcony connected to the kitchen will become optimal place to install a table on it long type with stools or chairs. The working part of the room is limited in such cases to one more counter. Like this, without special labor you will create a mini dining room with maximum capacity.

Separate balcony, could be slightly reconstructed. The dividing wall should be replaced with glass with dark frames, then the lighting will be maximum, and the volume and visible part will create comfort. Classic furniture and flowers will appeal to all lovers of romance, and a free corner will be very appropriate.

A transparent partition will be an excellent attribute modern design, and the right design will allow you to create the illusion of being somewhere in the village and will protect you from unwanted attention.

A transparent wall and partition will be a very pleasant surprise for all your guests and lovers of modern lifestyle. The room will visually increase in size and receive additional lighting. You will feel a surge of emotion and freedom in such a room. It will leave only pleasant impressions.

Photo of kitchen design with a balcony

Successful layout - this is what those who got a kitchen with a balcony say. This is convenient in many ways, but not everyone takes full advantage of the possibilities of such a layout. And they do not always strive to create a design that will fully meet the functionality of the room.

Kitchen design with access to the balcony: options

A balcony with a door is more than a window in the kitchen. This means that we will have to beat this zone somehow. Conventional solutions lie on the surface, but original, interesting ones are worth explaining.

Unusual solutions for a kitchen with a balcony:

  • Cafe outside the window. Outside the kitchen window is a balcony where you can make a mini-cafe yourself. A small table and two chairs are enough, right behind the window on the balcony. Of course, it is ideal if the balcony is heated or seriously insulated. Then such a mini-cafe - great alternative dining area in the kitchen. This option Happy owners of two balconies in an apartment often take note.
  • Transparent zone. If your balcony adjacent to the kitchen is not cluttered, it makes sense to leave this space empty. Don’t even hang a curtain on the window, or limit yourself to weightless string curtains or very transparent tulle. In a light, classic kitchen interior, with a small splash of elegant dark elements, a balcony door with a dark frame and the same window will look great. And behind him - air, light and no things.
  • Balcony storage room. It happens that cabinets, chests of drawers and cupboards on the balcony are a kind of branch of the pantry. And if the furniture itself is quite aesthetic, it can be placed on the balcony and not be hidden from view. That is, again, there is no need for noticeable curtains on the kitchen window.

All truly unusual, original, practical solutions are possible, alas, only with the help of redevelopment. But such a redesign of space opens up the greatest opportunities.

Interior of a rectangular kitchen with access to a balcony (video)

Remodeling a kitchen with a balcony: insulate everything

Of course, you can’t do without insulating the entire space. Today, the “warm floor” system helps solve this issue. It allows a kitchen with a balcony or a kitchen with a loggia to be used equally, regardless of the time of year.

After insulation in most cases balcony door can be removed completely; an alternative is sliding doors.

Combining a balcony with a kitchen is:

  • Zoning the kitchen for two or three functional areas, moreover, the dining area can easily be taken out onto the balcony;
  • Using a balcony as either a dining area or a storage area kitchen utensils, or a relaxation area - a sofa, wicker chair, etc.;
  • Possibility of installing local lighting, and due to it, among other things, visual increase space.

How exactly will the design of such a combined kitchen be defined? How to zone single interior? Firstly, finishing helps with zoning. As finishing materials plastic, tiles, ceramics, wood, stone, etc. are used.

Furniture and carpet covering They also perfectly zone the resulting room. And you can do it this way: the seating area is separated from the dining area light sofa and a dark carpet.

Kitchen layout option with balcony (video)

Small kitchen with a balcony: what tricks to use

Usually small kitchens are located in small apartments. Therefore, due to the lack of space, the balcony in such apartments is given space for something that was not found in another area.

For example, a balcony in a small kitchen can be used as:

  • Study. Small, convenient, cozy. Moreover, not just a table-chair-computer. You can come up with cabinets, shelves for archives, books, documents or handicrafts, if we're talking about about the office-workshop.
  • Reading room. A cozy balcony in a small kitchen with a small sleeping area, comfortable textiles, rugs, wall decor and lighting - the best place for reading. And a kitchen with everything delicious nearby.
  • Dinner Zone. Having breakfast on the balcony is a real luxury. Fortunately, it is quite possible to create such an area, just choose the right furniture.

Well, the design itself depends on the functionality that you put into the updated balcony, and on the style of the kitchen. If the kitchen is in a loft style, then the same design should be on the balcony.

Kitchen design 14 meters with a balcony: how to beat it

In such a kitchen, the balcony can be separate, or be part of the kitchen area after being combined. If there is a loggia, then the kitchen can be located on the loggia, namely the food preparation area.

The design of the room depends on the layout you choose. You can rely on space and free up the center of such a kitchen as much as possible. You can clearly separate the kitchen and the balcony, where the balcony is a relaxation area with a sofa or wicker chairs and a coffee table.

The main thing is to make the design functional - zoning, placing in the corners what should not be in the center, etc.

Suitable for this kitchen:

  • Two-row layout (plenty of space to work);
  • L-shaped layout and excellent placement in in this case dining area;
  • U-shaped layout, if also involved

We propose to consider the design features of a kitchen combined with a loggia at real examples with photo. Modern ideas, practical ideas and non-standard chips - at your service!

Advantages and disadvantages

Often in standard-built apartments, especially in Khrushchev-era buildings, kitchens are designed not to be too large - on average 5-10 sq.m. For most people, this area is not enough.

But if the room is adjacent to the loggia, you have a chance to expand the territory by combining them. This solution has its pros and cons.

If you are not afraid of the above costs, then we advise you to do redevelopment - the benefits are worth it.

However, there is a simpler, but no less beautiful option.

Partial merge

If you were unable to obtain a permit or you live in a panel house where this wall is load-bearing, it is not necessary to remove it completely.

Just remove the window and door. This way you will create a visually unified area where the vacated window sill can be used as a tabletop.

Basically, if you don't need a single space, this is - optimal method. In addition, such a non-standard configuration provides additional design opportunities and allows you to conveniently zone the room.

Don’t think that an empty door and window opening are only suitable for the loft style - you can always decorate them to your liking. There are many original edgings: arches, plasterboard structures, various panels, which we’ll talk about below.

Full union

For those who want a fully integrated kitchen with a loggia, you will have to do some hard work.

It will be necessary to demolish the walls, make wiring to the former loggia, and, if necessary, install all communications and sewerage. However, if you decide to make a dining area in this place, then everything will be a little simpler.

It is imperative to insulate the room, otherwise the power of stationary radiators may not be enough.

In addition, it is necessary to level the walls, floor and ceiling from the effects of dismantling before laying the final finish.

However, the result is worth it: in the end, the room will almost double in size, depending on the size of your extension.

By the way: If you live in a studio apartment, then try combining the living room with the kitchen and loggia. Then you will have a really spacious room.

We move the kitchen onto the balcony

Sometimes you come across an interesting idea on the RuNet: move the kitchen completely to the loggia, and use the vacated room as a dining room. Here there are variations with walls left, and with complete redevelopment and subsequent rearrangement of furniture and equipment.

Of course, from a technical point of view, all this can be done. But why? This solution has many disadvantages:

  • It is not a fact that you will be able to obtain permission for such redevelopment.
  • Due to the complexity of the work, especially the wiring of communications, this undertaking will be very expensive.

So, theoretically it is possible, but, in our opinion, the result does not correspond to the effort expended.

It is better to use the loggia to place additional cabinets, a refrigerator and small appliances, and a sink, stove and dishwasher leave in the places provided for this purpose.

Regarding insulation

You cannot do without this stage - if you neglect it, the room will be cold, and heating bills will increase noticeably.

There are some nuances here:

  • It is better to insulate the loggia from the outside, not from the inside. This way you save useful internal space;
  • Provide comfortable temperature Heated floors and hidden fan heaters will also help. Then even at the beginning of autumn you will not depend on centralized heating.
  • If the redevelopment is successfully approved, additional heat batteries can be installed.

And one more important point. Insulating a kitchen with a loggia is pointless if you glaze it with windows with a poor level of heat retention. We'll talk about this further.


Essentially, there are two options - only special aluminum or PVC profiles are suitable - their width must be at least 70 mm. These are three- or five-chamber profiles that will prevent heat from escaping. Forget about wooden and other frames, this is yesterday.

Regarding the window configuration, standard openings or panorama, make a choice based on your taste and... placement of the apartment. Still, it’s not worth making a huge aquarium from a room on the first floor.


Above location lighting fixtures on such large area, especially in kitchen area, you will need to think carefully. Believe me, even with panoramic windows there won't be enough daylight.

As an option, install lamps both in the room and on the loggia. In addition, we recommend installing spotlights around the perimeter and illuminating the work area with LED strip.

Speaking about the models of chandeliers or lamps, they should be selected based on the style in which the renovation was made. You can read more about this in this.

Considering the number of windows in the room, it is very important to do it correctly. We recommend starting from the side on which they face: the southern side is made of thick fabric or blinds, the rest are tulle or translucent Roman blinds.

Are you planning to achieve interior integrity? Avoid chandeliers and install spotlights instead. Will help achieve this goal and led strip: mount them around the perimeter of the resulting room.

Zoning methods

It doesn’t matter what size the room is - 16 sq.m. or 30. If you fail to correctly distribute it into functional zones, comfortable and beautiful kitchen will not work.

Here are some arrangement options furniture and appliances in the interior of the kitchen combined with a loggia.

1. The most popular method is moving the dining room to the territory of the former loggia. For example, you place chairs and a dining table there, and a stylish lamp above it.

In this case, it is better to free this area from cabinets and shelves. Instead, we advise you to make a place to relax with a sofa or armchairs, if the area allows.

By the way, differences in floor level do not have to be masked, thereby reducing the overall height of the walls. Instead, use this to bring one part of the room to the catwalk.

2. Sometimes in a small kitchen of 4-6 sq.m. there are problems with the placement of the refrigerator. Uniting will help solve them. Just move it to the loggia.

3. Do you dream about kitchen in modern style ? IN small apartments It is sometimes difficult to install it even after redevelopment. The window sill remaining after partial alignment will fully cope with this role.

Practical advice: If the batteries are not located underneath, install on both sides small lockers with flat doors. This way your bar counter will not only be beautiful and fashionable, but also practical.

4. Sometimes most kitchen equipment transferred to the loggia. This makes sense for those who want a spacious dining room. But, as we already said, gas stove And we don’t recommend installing plumbing there - it’s unsafe. Here's a straight line kitchen set, refrigerator and small gadgets - quite. This will free up part of the room for a dining area.

5. Connecting a kitchen with a loggia is sometimes the only solution for those who like interiors in American style. Place the kitchen table in the center of the room, on the border. Place a cozy dining area on the balcony, and along interior wall- a set with the necessary equipment.

6. If the kitchen and loggia together form a pretty large room, you can try to implement the latest fashion in interior design - imitation winter garden. It looks especially good with kitchens in a classic style.

To do this, you don’t even need to demolish the wall - on the contrary, a small separation is appropriate. If the redevelopment has already been completed, put sliding screen, bar counter or arch. And, of course, choose plants that are appropriate in the kitchen.

7. By the way, previous version shows that it is not necessary to use the resulting space exclusively for “kitchen purposes.” Now many are trying to equip a small lounge area with bar counter or a library, especially if the kitchen-dining room is combined with the living room.

8. Exit to the loggia can be done arch or columns. Drywall is universal in this regard - you can create a structure in any style. For example, in Greek for classic interiors. Or make a complex abstraction for high-tech.

For those who don’t like monumental elements, we can recommend glass doors, low partitions or screens that can be easily hidden if desired. However, this is relevant for those who still want to divide the kitchen and loggia into conditionally separate zones.

Perhaps these are the most commonly used zoning solutions. All that remains is to highlight the interior with finishing and decorative elements.


Regarding design and use various decorations, it is difficult to give any specific advice. Still, a lot depends on the chosen style.

In addition, consider your needs: perhaps someone does not need a dining room, but an armchair and a TV will seem surprising good idea. Or there is a desire to put a carpet on the floor of the recreation area - why not?

There are also universal options: beautiful decanters, plates, salt and pepper shakers are always appropriate. As well as high-quality textiles, suitable for the interior kitchens. Don't forget about these little things, they help create the atmosphere.

As you can see, there are many opportunities to beautifully and functionally decorate a kitchen connected to a loggia. Is it worth doing?

On the one hand, such a solution requires large quantity expenditure of effort, time and money. On the other hand, it allows you to create a truly unique spacious room, which is especially important in small apartments. Therefore, we advise you to set priorities when making a decision.

If you decide that this is too time-consuming a process, look without combining it with other rooms.

The kitchen in the house has special requirements. This is not surprising, since this is where family members spend a significant part of their time. Therefore, the kitchen should be spacious and functional. But what to do if the dimensions of this room are limited? standard layout? The answer is simple: expand it by combining the kitchen with the balcony. Let's consider all the nuances of this difficult matter.

Types of redevelopment

Expanding the kitchen due to the balcony can be done in 2 different ways:

  1. Without dismantling the wall. A simple method in which only the door, window and threshold are removed. The remaining ledge of the wall can be used as a tabletop or bar counter. In this case, permission from the relevant authorities is not required.
  2. Dismantling the wall. This is a complex redevelopment option and must first be legalized by the BTI. Difficulties may arise if the wall separating the balcony and the kitchen is load-bearing. It is easier to obtain all permits before dismantling than to pay fines after. And it is almost impossible to sell an apartment with unauthorized redevelopment.

Combining a balcony with a kitchen is a very good solution

Advantages and disadvantages of combining a balcony with a kitchen

By thoroughly thinking through the layout and impeccably implementing it, you can achieve a brilliant effect. Let's list its main advantages:

  • expanding the space makes the kitchen more functional: in addition to cooking, you can now create a relaxation area or dining room;
  • increase usable area in an apartment where you can put a washing machine or dishwasher, refrigerator and other household appliances, thereby unloading the small kitchen space;
  • If you connect the balcony and the kitchen, it becomes possible to create an unusual interior.

At the same time, such a project also has disadvantages:

  • the complex procedure for obtaining permission from the relevant authorities, as well as from the chief architect, requires a colossal investment of time and effort;
  • associated costs: in addition to directly destroying the wall, it will be necessary to glaze the balcony or loggia (if they are not already glazed) and insulate and cladding the walls, floor and ceiling; for everything you will need at least 150 thousand rubles;
  • elimination of the balcony, which will now, in fact, turn into part of the kitchen (this applies to small balconies).

Thus, the advantages prevail over the disadvantages. This means that such a redevelopment makes sense. This is especially true for small apartments.

In small apartments, combination can be a very convenient option.

Load-bearing wall definition

The key issue in legitimizing redevelopment is determining whether the wall between the balcony and the kitchen is load-bearing? You can do this as follows.

Good to know!
We study the structural plan of the house. It will be provided to you by the Municipal Construction Department upon request. Information about the type of walls is also contained in the registration certificate for the apartment.

If it was not possible to obtain a plan, then you can determine which walls are load-bearing by their thickness (meaning a clean wall without cladding), according to which:

  • in a panel house, load-bearing walls are all those whose thickness exceeds 12-14 cm (and these are the majority); in the case of a value bordering on the norm, you must consult with the specialist to whom you are submitting the project for approval;
  • brick house: walls with a thickness of 3 or more bricks (38 cm) are considered load-bearing; usual partitions between rooms in such houses range from 12 to 18 cm, and denser ones between apartments - 25 cm;
  • monolithic houses usually have load-bearing walls with a thickness exceeding 20 cm; however, to be on the safe side, it is better to clarify this issue in the structural floor plan, since in such a house there are also quite thick partitions; and in a monolithic frame house there are no load-bearing walls at all.

When working with load-bearing wall The following safety rules must be followed:

  • You cannot leave the ceilings at the top without support, therefore, even with partial demolition of the wall, it is necessary to strengthen the opening with retaining metal structures, which can then be disguised with false beams;
  • If, nevertheless, a decision is made to demolish the entire load-bearing wall, then it is necessary to secure the structure as much as possible through columns and racks, the dimensions of which must be agreed upon with the engineers approving the redevelopment project.

First you need to destroy the wall between the kitchen and the balcony

Obtaining permission for redevelopment

In order to legitimize the expansion of the kitchen through a loggia or balcony with the demolition of a wall, it is necessary to carry out the following list of actions.

Ask to send an expert from the BTI who will make changes to technical certificate apartments. After payment for this service, a receipt is issued.

On the appointed day, receive it at the BTI new plan for an apartment.

Take the old and new plans to the housing commission, which makes a conclusion that the redevelopment is safe and that there are no bad consequences as a result.

Wait for the second visit of the expert, who, after the examination, must write a conclusion within 2 weeks. Payment for this service is directly proportional to the size of the premises being inspected.

Coordinate the redevelopment with a special department of the SES. To do this, you need to justify that you can efficiently and safely combine a balcony with a kitchen, using non-toxic and non-flammable materials. As an additional argument, present the conclusions of two previous examinations. The result of the visit to the SES should be a stamp of this organization on the plan.

Obtain an opinion from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Receive the following documents:

  • personal account (at the house management);
  • a certificate stating that the object that has undergone redevelopment is not an architectural monument;
  • permission to expand the kitchen from people registered in the apartment;
  • certificate of family composition.

Submit all collected documents to the court.

Get a conclusion and come back to the BTI with it. Get a new registration certificate for the apartment there. Take it to the registration chamber, receiving in return a certificate of ownership.

It is important to properly insulate the balcony

Reasons for refusal of permission for redevelopment

To obtain permission to connect the balcony with the kitchen, a lot of effort must be made. But they are not always successful. Let us analyze in what cases representatives of authorities may refuse to legalize redevelopment.

  • If the fire evacuation plan stipulates that a balcony or loggia is a place for sheltering people and subsequent evacuation of people in the event of a fire.
  • If the redevelopment leads to the destruction of the facade and, thereby, a violation of the integrity of the structure.
  • In case of increasing the heating volume in the building due to the addition of a balcony, when throughput heat pipes should increase, but there are no reserves for this.

Installation of double-glazed windows

A kitchen combined with a balcony requires double-glazed windows. This is done before demolishing the wall if the balcony is still not glazed. Pre-select the size and color of the frame, the number of sashes. Then the balcony frame is installed, and the gaps are filled polyurethane foam. At the end they make slopes.

Dismantling wall fragments

To work you will need the following tools:

  • jackhammer;
  • pick;
  • perforator;
  • chisel;
  • steel wedges;
  • sledgehammer.

The layout involves demolishing the wall that separates the kitchen from the balcony according to the project, in this order.

  • Remove the door from its hinges.
  • Remove the window frame.
  • Mark a section of the wall for demolition, dividing it into squares.
  • Dismantle the wall by breaking it into fragments with a sledgehammer, cutting it, or chiseling it with a hammer drill.

Insulation of walls and ceilings

The walls and ceiling of the balcony require additional insulation, which is laid to protect against temperature fluctuations and natural phenomena. To do this, insulation (mineral wool board or extruded polystyrene foam), vapor barrier and waterproof film are laid on a pre-installed frame. All joints and gaps are treated with sealant and foam.

You can insulate the balcony with foil materials

Floor finishing

Even in the case of very high-quality insulation of the walls and ceiling, it will still be colder on the former balcony than in the room, since it is undesirable to install radiators there. The way out of this situation is to install a warm infrared floor, which ensures air movement from bottom to top. Its simplified analogue would be an oil-fired electric radiator, which is periodically turned on for heating at the right time.

Wall covering

The layout of the kitchen, expanded to include a balcony, involves various options wall decoration from plastic panels to drywall for subsequent wallpapering. The floor is usually covered with linoleum tiles or laminate.

Options for designing a kitchen after combining it with a balcony

A combined kitchen project with a balcony provides inexhaustible inspiration for the flight of design ideas. Even a small inconsistency can be used to advantage. So, from the window ledge you can make an original small table or a sofa on a raised podium made from a threshold. Zoning the expanded kitchen will visually expand it even more.

The most commonly used in this case design techniques, This:

  • photo wallpaper as a means for visual expansion walls, complete with which they will look good Appliances and furniture with a shiny or reflective surface;
  • for an interior in a classic style, it is appropriate to use a soft corner, a la Provence successfully combines wicker furniture;
  • final accents can be placed using spotlights that are evenly distributed across the ceiling.

When combining two rooms, there are many interesting design options

Thus, despite certain bureaucratic delays in obtaining permission for redevelopment, combining a kitchen with a balcony has many advantages. By following the instructions given, you can do it yourself.

What can upset the owner in the layout of the apartment? Of course, a small kitchen. It is not functional enough, it is difficult to properly arrange and decorate it. Housewives have to limit themselves in choosing furniture and household appliances. Such kitchens are most often used as working area, and there is absolutely no room left for dining table. Therefore, you either have to give up completely family dinners and dinners, or move the meal to the living room, which is impractical from the point of view of using the recreation area.

Interior designers offer interesting option, which will enlarge the kitchen, making it not only more spacious, but also aesthetically more attractive. It is necessary to combine the kitchen with the loggia. Despite many nuances, this method apartment redevelopment is very popular among contemporaries.

What is possible and what is not

Having started redevelopment of an apartment, first of all it is necessary to settle many issues at the legislative level. After all, removing the wall between the kitchen and the loggia is possible only after obtaining permission from a number of government agencies: BTI, SES, independent licensed bureau, State Fire Supervision, interdepartmental commission, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Unfortunately, not all ideas can be translated into reality. And those that are possible often require a lot of time and effort. For example, you cannot clean the walls in an apartment without receiving the appropriate documents. Otherwise - a fine. Also, not every wall can be demolished. In particular, load-bearing walls are prohibited from being dismantled. IN panel houses thickness load-bearing wall is about 120-140 mm, and in brick houses– more than 380 mm.

“Legalizing” the demolition of a partition is such a labor-intensive process that you need to be patient before the result is achieved.

Having received all the permits and decided on the option for dismantling the wall (complete or partial), it turns out that there are a number of prohibitions that must be taken into account when remodeling the premises. For example, it is prohibited to bring a centralized water heating system onto the loggia. Therefore, before removing the wall, you should take care of proper insulation loggias.

How to benefit from a balcony that is combined with a kitchen? How to properly use the resulting space? How to rationally fill an area of ​​8-9 sq.m, 12 sq.m, 15 sq.m, etc.?

  1. Dinner Zone. Install on a former loggia beautiful table made of solid wood, match it with chairs with high backs– then family dinners will become not just an ordinary meal, but a whole ritual.
  2. A bar counter on a “non-removable” part of the wall, which can also be used as a work surface.
  3. Rest zone. Soft sofa, cozy armchairs, coffee table, rocking chair, favorite books or educational magazines - what could be better for relaxing after a busy day?
  4. Work zone. Moving the kitchen set and most of the household appliances onto the balcony, thereby freeing up space in the kitchen itself, which can now serve as a full-fledged dining room; such an addition is considered very successful.
  5. Winter Garden- unusual, but very interesting solution in the connected kitchen. Plants calm, soothe, saturate with oxygen and bring freshness and peace to the house.

Design rules

The design of a combined room requires the use of the “ uniform style" Don't neglect this stage proper decoration, because the attractiveness and integrity of the perception of the room depends on how the kitchen and loggia are decorated. To give your kitchen a special charm and make it as cozy and comfortable as possible, you need to consider the following points:

  1. the floor must be made of the same type of materials, several levels are allowed;
  2. uniform style in the design of the ceiling and walls;
  3. the right combination of colors - an excellent option would be to use two shades of the same color and one contrasting tone (for example, a combination of pistachio, light green and orange or terracotta, a combination of pink, purple and chocolate, etc. would look beautiful).

Stages of combining two zones

The process of combining the kitchen and loggia into one room can be divided into several stages:


The main function is to get all necessary documents for the demolition of the wall, as well as cleaning. That’s right, before starting any work, it is necessary to empty the loggia of the “goods” collected there.

Glazing and wall removal

It is important to take care of the thermal insulation of the room. And it all starts with the glazing of the loggia or replacement window profile, if it is of poor quality or has already become old. Demolition of a wall involves complete or partial dismantling of the dividing wall.


This procedure involves not only internal, but also external insulation. For the street, special foam plastic plates are suitable, which are mounted on the wall, then they are plastered and painted in the color of the walls of the house. The inside of the loggia can be insulated using penoplex. It is also recommended to make “warm floors” and install infrared or electric heaters.


The most interesting and creative stage. Upon completion of all the “dirty” work, you can begin decorative design premises.

Decoration and lighting

The aesthetic appeal of the room plays important role in the integrity of perception. A cozy atmosphere can be created by proper decoration and lighting.


After dismantling the wall, you should consider options correct design exit to the balcony. Arch is the most popular and interesting option. If the method of partial dismantling was used (only the window and door openings were demolished), then the entire emphasis is focused on the remaining lower part of the wall, which can be designed in the form of a bar counter, an island table, shelves for indoor plants and even a work area for the hostess.