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Houses and cottages with second light. Living room interior with second light

To be fair, it should be noted that certain restrictions are imposed on designs of houses with second light. The main requirement, first of all, is a sufficiently spacious living area, since such a technique can only be implemented at the expense of precious meters of usable space.

However, for owners of modest houses, you can also find a way out. In particular, if the family is very small - two or three people, in favor of the second world you can refuse, for example, additional bedroom Upstairs.

The second drawback - however, it is rather additional feature, which must be taken into account in designs of houses with a second light, is the need for a carefully thought-out heating system. The fact is that heated air will invariably rush upward, which can lead to uneven heat distribution and an uncomfortable microclimate at home.

To avoid heat loss, it is necessary to thoroughly insulate the walls and roof. Special heaters, as well as the installation of heated floors, also contribute to heat conservation. It is also necessary to pay special attention to the quality of the installed double-glazed windows. Otherwise, on winter days, you and your loved ones will become victims of the second light: the house will be cold on the first floor and stuffy on the second.

Projects of houses with a second light: impressive and practical

Projects of houses and cottages with second light are most often chosen for two reasons: aesthetic and practical. As we have already said, a double-height interior enhances daylight, looks impressive and unites the multi-level spaces of the house into one whole.

A true synthesis of architecture and light, this technique allows us to obtain inexhaustible variations of house designs with second light, and this is its main advantage. Panoramic glazing looks especially impressive in this case. Five- and six-meter high ceilings give a dizzying sense of freedom and space, which city dwellers so lack.

Due to its characteristics, the second light is usually appropriate in the living room or dining room. Less commonly, it is installed in recreational areas: in a winter garden, fireplace room or library. Projects of houses with a second light involve a special arrangement of rooms in upper floors. They are usually decorated with balconies, which offer an advantageous panoramic view of the lower floors.









Houses with second light - what is it?

In short, houses with second light are buildings that combine two floors into one, with no overlap between them. Due to this, the effect of significantly increasing the space is achieved, the room is filled big amount light by increasing the glazing area. trend recent years is an organization in country house large double-height living room. Such rooms look simply great - high ceilings and windows give such a room a lot of space. This idea has its fans and opponents. So, for example, rationalists argue that this is not functional, because there is no possibility to organize extra room On the second floor. And those who support this idea rightfully believe that a home organized in this way looks great and provides a lot of free space.

The advantage of such a house is that, due to the absence of ceilings between floors, light from the windows of the second floor pours into the room, in such a room more light. As a rule, living rooms in such rooms have panoramic windows overlooking the garden; being here is a pleasure.

The idea of ​​the house is not only to provide more space and light, but also to create a logical center of the house that can be accessed from any room in the house. Most often, living rooms where the whole family gathers are arranged this way. Of course, it is worth considering that organizing such a room significantly reduces the usable area of ​​the house and this is unlikely to be relevant for a crowded family that wants to place as many rooms as possible on the second floor.

Our company has been developing projects of houses with second light for more than one year. We prepare documentation that meets all generally accepted standards in the field of construction. Therefore any construction company will easily erect a building according to our designs. You can order construction directly from us. We carry out work with high quality and on time.

Houses with second light are the choice of people who know a lot about beauty. After all, it is these houses that are distinguished by sophistication and the embodiment of good taste. From inside the room with high ceilings they look grandiose, creating the impression of a huge space. The project can be designed to later remodel the room into attic room. But this should be decided at the stage of designing the house.

As a rule, projects of houses with second light involve construction from scratch, since implementing such an architectural solution in an already built house is quite problematic and expensive. Typically, projects of cottages and houses with second light assume the absence of overlaps between floors with the creation of an extensive balcony inside the living space. At the same time, the architect, using this technique, strives to obtain a feeling of space and solidity. The house will always be bright; in addition, it allows you to experiment with glazing, for example, using stained glass. There are a huge number of options for decorating this type of room, including non-standard artificial lighting. However, it is important to remember that large spaces with high ceilings require special attention in matters of heating. Modern heating systems make it possible to solve this problem without much hassle, and yet it should be thought about at the design stage.

Such projects are very successful because they allow you to create original and spectacular interiors, which will make the house much more aesthetically pleasing and brighter. In addition, house designs with second light allow you to significantly save on artificial lighting and grow even the tallest trees in your home. houseplants, which will undoubtedly please fans indoor flora. Some people believe that second light can only be created in homes large area, but in fact, there are projects of houses with second light and a small area - the main thing is to properly think through and organize the space. This is why home design should be carried out in close cooperation with the architect. His experience and practical approach will help you realize your plans to the fullest and at the same time get a truly comfortable home. Of course, it is very important to choose good specialist able to achieve a compromise between the wishes of the customer and regulatory requirements to a residential building. The best way To find such a professional, contact a reputable design organization.

IN Lately In the construction of houses, the use of such an architectural technique as the arrangement of second light is very popular. This design option internal space buildings originated during the construction of royal mansions, palaces and estates of the medieval era.

Today, not many people still know what a second light in a house project is, but the first modern buildings of this type have already managed to cause heated debate about their relevance today. What are the differences between such projects and what features do they have?

Distinctive features of houses with second light

First, let's look at what a second light is in a house project. This architectural idea is based on combining the space of two or more floors in one or more rooms of the building. Speaking in simple language, in such rooms there are no between adjacent levels of the house, due to which the room is more filled with natural sunlight, becomes much more voluminous and airy.

In most cases, house designs with second light are complemented by huge panoramic windows, two or three floors high. The interior is decorated with large ceremonial chandeliers, sconces and spotlights. On the second floor (in a small part of the room) there is a ledge in the form of a balcony, which provides a passage between the levels of the house and can be equipped as a place to relax.

Why are such building projects attractive?

Most often similar architectural solutions attract people who know first-hand what a second light is in a house project, and have already managed to appreciate all the advantages of this layout. The key advantages of double-height rooms include:

  1. An opportunity to emphasize the high status of the owner of the house, to give the building luxury and solidity.
  2. Increase natural light rooms in the daytime, airiness and spaciousness.
  3. The opportunity to bring to life the most daring design ideas on installation artificial lighting. The huge height of the ceilings allows you to focus on massive chandeliers made of glass, crystal or pendant lamps, decorated in a wide variety of styles.
  4. Elegant staircase structures allowing movement between floors serve great decoration interior of the whole house.

Unusual building layout, stained glass, fireplaces and others decorative elements fill the room with notes of solemnity and sophistication, which is very appropriate for luxury homes.

What are the negative aspects of such plans?

Understanding the question of what a second light is in a house project, it is impossible not to notice that similar layout cannot be called economical. Due to the fact that there is practically no overlap on the second floor, the future owner of the house loses at least 1-2 rooms, and this is the main argument of opponents of these projects. Because the effective area the building is significantly reduced; it is not advisable to equip double-height rooms in houses with an area of ​​less than 120 m².

The second disadvantage is usually called the complexity of calculation heating system, which is due to the need to create the same microclimate in rooms with different ceiling heights. In these calculations important role play and thermal characteristics the material from which the building is constructed.

Today, brick and gas silicate blocks, however, houses made of timber are the most popular. “Second Light” are not new projects, so experienced specialists will be able to correctly make calculations and achieve an optimal temperature balance in all rooms.

In what cases is it advisable to choose a layout with a second light?

How to do it in a room like wooden house, second light? There are a variety of projects, and you can also make an individual one for yourself. Architects recommend giving preference to such solutions only in cases where the area open room more than 7 times the height of the ceilings, therefore we're talking about about huge buildings.

So, let's summarize. What is second light in a house project? First of all, this is an opportunity to get rid of boring standard layouts and make your home unusual and bright. And if you competently approach the process of construction and planning of the heating system, then the erected building will delight its owners not only with beauty, but also with warmth and comfort.

Or panoramic glazing, it is worth paying attention to the projects of houses with second light developed by our company. This architectural technique “migrated” to private construction from palaces, theater halls, and public buildings.

Its essence is to combine parts of the 1st and 2nd (and sometimes 3rd) floors into a single space due to the absence interfloor ceilings. Sunlight penetrating from the windows of the walls and attic gives the high room a special flavor, monumentality, and creates a feeling of spaciousness. Stained glass inserts are often used to enhance the effect.

Features of a cottage with second light

When choosing a house with overhead lighting, you need to understand that this will require a rather complex, professionally designed project. The internal layout should take into account:

  • that the usable area of ​​the building is reduced because part of the ceiling is missing;
  • necessary good insulation roofs so that the rising air does not “evaporate” warm air;
  • engineering system heating often involves installing a “warm floor”;
  • the choice of double-glazed windows is made based on the calculation of the required parameters to create a comfortable microclimate;
  • thermal convectors located so as to make the most efficient use of electrical and natural energy.

The planning solution may be different. A two-story building usually provides big windows- from floor to ceiling, illuminating the entire room at the same time. Sometimes the emphasis is on attic glazing, especially if they want to place winter Garden. Very often it is built at the top large balcony, surrounding gallery - they offer views of the living room and the surrounding landscape

In our catalog you can choose a project for a one-story house up to 150, 200 m2 with a second light, and for construction big building. An example of the first is a house in European style made of brick - No. 57-68K (area 144 m2), the second - a 4-storey cottage of 500 m2. Interesting trick became spectacular design solution for modern premises in high-tech and minimalist styles.