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Effective means of combating moles. What is the simplest way to scare away moles and shrews from your site?

Presence of moles on garden plotheadache for every summer resident and! Small rodents are capable of digging up the entire garden in one night and leaving the owners without a harvest. Moles live in packs, families in close proximity to humans in moist soils, which are easy to dig. With the beginning of the summer season, moles become more active, and as practice has shown, getting rid of rodents is not so easy.

Moles are capable of reaching a speed of about 60 meters per minute in a finished “trench.” Therefore, it is worth arming yourself with ingenuity!

They have eyes and periodically come to the surface to catch a lizard or a vole.

They set up their “houses” at a depth of about 15 cm, and if there are several families on the site, then spheres of influence are divided.

The mole chose warm regions and ignored northern regions and rocky terrain. He digs a tunnel up to 15 meters every day with his powerful paws. This rodent works constantly and lives in its favorite place 24 hours a day.

Using traps or traps

Most often, moles dig tunnels along fences, fences, foundations, paths, hedges and bushes. You need to find the “main” hole that the mole uses every day.

If a mole falls into a trap, it will remain alive, but if it falls into a trap, then not. This is the difference between the devices. The most common trap is a crossbow, which is based on a spring. Simple and convenient design, the reliability of which has been tested over the years. The trap is installed directly into the holes in places where moles move in two directions. Traps are placed in such a way that the exit is blocked. When moving, the mole touches the lever and presses it with wire. In the case of a crossbow, it is pierced by the sharp part of the trap.

Traps are more humane and are made to catch the animal without harming it. The system works as follows: the mole enters the container, the release valve is triggered behind it, and then the door slams. The mole can be released.

Baiting moles with dogs

The dog naturally has an excellent sense of smell and fighting qualities. For such purposes, it is best that the dog be a hunting dog.

The ideal option would be to get cats that have more compact dimensions and dexterity. Do not forget that moles are carriers of many diseases, including fatal ones. Before letting animals outside, be sure to get them vaccinated.

Planting plants that have an unpleasant odor for moles

Surprisingly, the simplest flowers and the most unpretentious marigolds can work wonders! Except their own medicinal properties, they also differ in their ability to eliminate rodents. The pungent odor repels other pests. Euphorbia and Castor bean have similar properties. These plants are poisonous, so you should not plant them in a place where there are children.

Siberian Scilla – beautiful plant which has an excellent effect in the fight against moles. It can be planted in and even in the garden. It is harmless for children. Legumes can be planted around the perimeter of the site; they cope well with many rodents and insects.

For this purpose, you can also use bulbous plants, such as garlic. When planting a decorative onion, you can also achieve good results. You can also beat up or very finely chop onion feathers or garlic cloves, and bury them around the perimeter of the garden or vegetable garden, or near the burrows.

You can also use daffodils. Some gardeners who have experience in expelling moles recommend planting imperial hazel grouse, which is a type of lily. It is believed that their bulbs have a smell similar to that of a fox. Moles get scared and change their habitat.

You can try mixing chopped elderberry, gooseberry and manure branches. The resulting mixture is buried around the perimeter of the site and in the places where the minks are located.

Create a draft for the mole!

For this method you need to be in the right place at the right time. The mole has no patience a large number of fresh air. Once he starts digging a tunnel, grab a small bucket and shovel. Dig open trenches along the molehill, leaving open and large holes. You can catch the mole at the same time, use a shovel to transfer it to a bucket and throw it outside the site. You can also destroy a tunnel system with a shovel.

Flood simulation

Since moles are afraid of water, many summer residents fill the holes with water from a hose. Rodents move to drier places. This option is suitable if there are a small number of holes on your site. If there is already a mini-city underground, then this option can have a detrimental effect on the harvest.

Flooding of all molehills will destroy the passages inside, which will contribute to the appearance of holes in the area. If we analyze the reviews of people who have dachas, they often refuse this method, since a lot of water is needed, and its price in dacha cooperatives is very high.

Gas attack

On the market you can also find poison in the form of a spray can. There is a gas inside that is harmful not only to moles, but also to you. This method requires compliance with all instructions to avoid poisoning. There are significant disadvantages - if the network of tunnels is extensive, then the mole, sensing something is wrong, will simply bury tunnels behind itself. Therefore, the use of gas is rational only if there are a small number of minks on your site.

Sometimes gardeners use sulfur smoke, but it is important to remember that everything around the treated area will die, within a radius of about 1 meter. With this method, the checker is lowered into the hole, and a bucket is put on top.

The surrounding soil becomes unsuitable for growing food. This option is ideal for lawns and open areas. Chemical treatment must be carried out in a gas mask to avoid poisoning. If the substance is poisonous, then back side packaging will have a red triangle icon with a black cross. Read the safety precautions carefully: wear gloves, closed clothing and a hat.

It's best to combine various methods: for example, install turntables, traps and plant useful plants. Moles are beneficial to the garden only if their numbers are not large. They don't eat flowers or vegetables. They eat wireworms that spoil potatoes, chafers, slugs and larvae. These insects are capable of bringing more problems than the biggest and most harmful mole.

In order to control the invasion of moles, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food, namely worms, by watering the ground with a 10% soap solution at the beginning and end of the season.

A simple orange peel can keep pests away. Just place it in the holes around the perimeter of the site.

It happens that a mole hole is located directly under the roots of trees and shrubs, causing the roots to hang in the air. For such a case, it is better not to use chemicals, but to resort to ultrasound or a noise repeller.

The effectiveness of mole control, methods of mole control. Description of our persistent, long-term struggle against moles different ways. Each method of struggle gave some result, most often the result was unexpected.

There have always been moles on our site. While construction was going on, they did not interfere with us, and we did not interfere with them.

The first stage of construction was completed, and we finally took up the site.

A year later, a garden appeared with two beds, currant and gooseberry bushes. The rest of the plot is lawn. And molehills immediately appeared, we simply leveled them.

A mole is a predator, it doesn’t touch plants, but growing something in a garden bed if moles are constantly visiting it is problematic. Planted seedlings of zucchini or cabbage very quickly ended up either on top of the molehill, or were covered with earth, and it was difficult to find them. And even if the planted plant remained in place, it did not grow, since a tunnel was dug under it.

Despite the fact that all the beds were mulched with a thick layer of grass, the soil dried out very quickly. When watering the beds with a hose, the water went to no one knows where.

Then we decided to try the first method of fighting moles. Drown them, fortunately there is a recently dug well, and every 4 hours you can download 1.5 tons of water.

The way to deal with moles is to fill the holes with water.

Every 4 hours I turned on the pump and poured water into the holes from a hose. This continued for 3 days. I would have continued further, but after 3 days the first result of my efforts appeared.

The neighbors' outdoor toilet surfaced.

That same evening we learned that there was a second result of my efforts - the lower ring of the well was covered with sand. The well had to be cleaned, after cleaning we learned the third result.

The water level in the well was restored not 4 hours after downloading, as was before, but after 40 minutes. It turned out that we “rocked” the well. This is a positive result.

What about moles? They continued to frolic in the beds and eat worms!

Three folk ways to fight moles

Sticks and pieces of reinforcement were stuck all over the site, aluminum beer cans were hung on them, and much more that constantly clinked and rattled in the wind. Bottles were buried in the ground at an angle, with strong wind they howled. Rotten heads and ridges of cod and herring are stuffed into the holes.

The result is that the site looks like a landfill. The moles threw the fish outside and sealed the holes.

Two ways to control moles - chemical

Two products were purchased at the store, one was called “Mole Thrower” and the other “Mole Thrower”. Both products are in granules, similar to dry cat food. According to the instructions, after smelling the Mole Thrower, the moles were supposed to get scared and leave, and after eating the Mole Thrower, they were supposed to die; both had to be poured into the hole and covered with mud.

But the moles didn’t read the instructions.

Everything was thrown out, and the entrance to the hole was sealed.

The result is money spent.

Here I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the active substance in “Mole Boy” causes internal bleeding. Therefore, I had to carefully collect all the granules from the ground. I was afraid that cats would eat them.

A way to fight moles is with strong-smelling substances

Acetone and kerosene were found in the barn, in the first aid kit ammonia. Minks were dug up and rags soaked in ammonia, or acetone, or kerosene were stuffed into them.

In this case, the moles behaved differently. The rags remained lying underground, but then the passage was sealed with clay, and fresh piles appeared nearby. New holes were dug.

Result - while we were moistening the rags, we smelled ourselves...

A way to fight moles is with strong-smelling plants

Imperial hazel grouse, daffodils, and marigolds were purchased. So my mother-in-law planted beans every year. But you can’t plant hazel grouse and daffodils in a garden bed, so they planted them next to the beds.

The result was beautiful.

We noticed that the mole does not go into the beds with garlic and onions. But garlic does not react to single-planted garlic.

Meanwhile, the first apple tree withered. The seven-year-old tree was very pitiful. When the tree was uprooted, a “cave” was discovered under the roots.

The trunk circles of the trees were mulched, and there were worms under the mulch. And where there are worms, there are moles. It became clear that trunk circle should be sod, or better yet, sod and densely planted with garlic. Garlic does not need to be removed; it is not for food, but for protection.

Method of fighting moles - ultrasonic repellers

I didn’t want to lose the rest of the apple trees at all, and the decision was made to spend money but get rid of the moles. We bought 5 different vibration-ultrasonic repellers. Each manufacturer promised that there would be no moles left within a radius of 20-30 meters.

The moles especially liked one repeller. It was dug in by moles literally in a circle, right up close! It was not a repeller, but an attractor! They didn't pay attention to the rest.

The result is a lot of money wasted. Spent a day traveling to Moscow and back. The constant squeaking in every way annoyed the neighbors.

A way to fight moles is firecrackers

Firecrackers of various calibers were purchased specifically for moles on New Year's Day.

In the spring, when the moles became active, my husband, two sons and I dug up holes, threw firecrackers in, covered the hole with a board and stood on the board with our feet. The explosion occurred inside, the blast wave should have gone further into the hole. The board under my feet tried to bounce. Two weekends disturbed the peace of the neighbors.

The first three days there was zero mole activity. On the fourth day the first fresh pile appeared. And off we go.

The result was a good weekend.

Method of fighting moles - mole traps

Two types of mole traps were purchased. One - plastic pipe, into which the mole must climb, but will not be able to get out, the second is made of thick wire. It was necessary to dig out a passage that runs horizontally, install mole traps, place a plank over the mole traps and cover it with earth.

The mole refused to climb into the pipe; he simply walked around it, digging a parallel passage. The work of the second mole trap meant that the mole, with its nose, when moving forward, had to release the spring, and the mole trap had to slam shut. The slammed mole traps were filled with earth. It felt like the mole was pushing a lump of earth in front of it when it moved.

The result is money wasted.

Perhaps we installed the mole trap incorrectly, perhaps there are other, more successful models.

It was the third year of the war with moles.

The way to fight moles is to set fire to gasoline

This idea came to my husband's mind.

Let go more water along the way, after water, gasoline. Gasoline is lighter than water and does not mix with water. Then set it on fire.

Flashes of fire were observed at quite large area, where there is more, where there is less. The fire burst to the surface from underground in the most unexpected places. Later, smoke came out from under the ground in thin streams.

There were no moles at the “experimental site” for a week, but we were happy early! Heaps began to appear, then more. The rate at which new heaps appeared grew rapidly. I understood. They don't restore old moves! They are digging a new metro at an accelerated pace!

The result is that we have ruined the earth.

The method of fighting moles is water after washing the septic tank

It's not even a septic tank. The toilet is outside, two rings are dug in. In the fall, a sewer truck came and pumped it out. The next step in the program was to fill it with water and pump it out again. The idea came to pump them into the holes. They pumped it out. The hose did not reach the garden.

Over a fairly large area, moles did not show activity until winter. They appeared again in the spring, they did not dig a new metro, they carried out restoration work.

A way to combat moles - fumigation tablets

Read the instructions for use. Sold in packs of 3 so that a person does not get poisoned himself. They begin to act upon contact with air. The higher the temperature, the faster. They release a gas that kills everyone who breathes the air. Specific gravity gas 1.3. Heavy, but not too much. Do not open packaging indoors.

You shouldn't put it in surface holes - it won't help. You need to find “mines” - passages that go vertically down or at an angle. There are no such passages in the beds; you need to look in the aisles or on the lawns. Place the tablet and hammer a stone into the hole suitable size and cover it with soil and compact it. Use constantly, because some die, and others quickly take their place.

The result is that with constant and proper application of tablets, the number of moles can be reduced to a minimum. It won’t be possible to destroy everyone, you’ll miss it a little, and there are already as many of them as there were.

The way to fight moles is to destroy the food supply

After a three-year war, they finally asked the question. Well, where are there so many of them, and why do we have them all? Well, let's go and live with the neighbors! Twig and twig, what kind of misfortune is this?

It turned out to be simple. I don't use mineral fertilizers, I just mulch the soil with a very thick layer of grass and constantly. It's called .

The worms eat the grass mulch and produce vermicompost right in the garden bed. Moles eat every 3-4 hours and their main diet is worms.

Everyone knows about the benefits that worms bring. Moles also eat larvae chafer, the dangers of which everyone also knows, and the larvae of bronze beetles. The fact that bronze worm larvae bring benefits no less than worms, processing dead organic matter, and how to distinguish them from the larvae of the cockchafer, written

It would seem, what a cute creature the mole is. But only if he lives in the forest, and not in the garden, where he is always happy to eat vegetables or flowers, spoil the beds. Moles love to build entire mines underground, right in the upper, most fertile part of the soil. Which means he will suffer root system The mole will also destroy plants, and all insects that live in this layer. How to get rid of moles in the country in a simple way? The answer to this question will be discussed in this article.

Getting rid of moles in the country in a simple way

Getting rid of a mole - where to start?

As a rule, it is worth noticing one mole on your site and you can say with one hundred percent certainty that its family lives somewhere nearby. This means that while breeding a mole from own plot, you need to pay attention to the neighbor’s garden. In order to find his place of residence, you need to focus on the hills of earth under which the moles will live. On open space moles come out very rarely; if one of their passages is destroyed, they will immediately build a new one, bypassing the existing one.

When starting the fight against this pest, it is worth knowing some of their features:

  • Mole, despite his small size, this is a rather dangerous animal: it has very strong paws with large claws, with which it can seriously injure a person.
  • The mole moves at an average speed of five kilometers per hour, this is comparable to the fast pace of a person, which means it will be very difficult to catch it when it jumps out of the ground.
  • These are very smart pests, they are difficult to outwit; moles seem to sense danger and skillfully avoid it.

Arsenal of means and methods of fighting moles

The most popular ones are worth trying:

This method is used to prevent moles from taking a fancy to the garden and to scare them away. It is enough just to dig in the middle of the garden with fittings onto which you need to put an iron container. Swaying in the wind, this container will create sounds that can scare away the mole. Or they may not scare away - if the mole has difficulty hearing or wanders into the garden when there is no wind, which means the jar will not make any sounds.

In mole holes you need to put rags soaked in kerosene, or missing food, mothballs. The mole is very sensitive to strong odors and is unlikely to want to live in such a hole. But this does not mean that the mole will not build himself new house, away from the source of the odor.

Gardeners often scare away moles by lighting bombs that emit sulfur smoke. This method can be used only in the spring, for prevention, otherwise there is a high probability of not only driving away the moles, but also damaging the crops growing in the garden.

Having a well with water in your garden, you can try to fill the mole's holes and passages with water. But this method requires a lot of water, and the soil absorbs it very well to a certain extent. If this limit is crossed, the harvest can be ruined.

The plants most often used to repel moles from the garden are black beans or imperial hazel grouse. The roots of the latter have a pungent odor that moles simply cannot stand.

This is not just a method of dispersing moles. This is fun for the whole family. You just need to place lit firecrackers in most of the mole's underground passages. The noise they create when they explode will quite frighten this pest.

This method has proven its effectiveness. At the beginning of the sowing period, you need to dig a net around the entire garden (preferably with a fine mesh) to a depth of one and a half meters and a height of about twenty centimeters. A mole is unlikely to be able to overcome such an obstacle.

Use of poison. In this case, you need to sprinkle the worms (which moles adore) with specially purchased poison, and put them in holes and underground passages. It is best to carry out this procedure in the evenings. But this method is considered extremely inhumane.

Quite a popular method of catching moles. You need to prepare a cylinder that the mole can run into, but not be able to get out of. They put it in underground passages, and as soon as the mole falls into a trap, they take it to the nearest forest.

Now you know how to get rid of moles at the dacha in a simple way. In fact, there are a lot of methods by which you can get rid of the unwanted neighborhood of moles in the garden. You can find the most suitable one for the current situation. But, as in other cases, it is better to prevent the appearance of moles on the site than to deal with the consequences of their vital activity.

See also video:

A simple way to get rid of Moles

Before starting an active war against the problem, it is worth finding out how harmful the presence of such underground animals is to the site.

They quickly destroy well-kept areas. Having appeared in the garden, the “blind man” begins to actively look for spiders, insect larvae, earthworms, and slugs. The thing is that moles are not rodents. These are insectivorous animals, constantly in search of food. This is why root damage occurs unpurposefully.

Due to the dug passages, the root system of planted plants dries out. Moles completely destroy earthworms, which aerate the soil. The harm from this manifests itself in summer cottage literally right away. At a minimum, in a well-kept garden, earthen hills immediately appear, which with their unattractive appearance can upset any gardener.

Indirect harm from the activities of underground inhabitants is also clearly expressed:

  • there is a removal of low-fertility substrate to the soil surface, which as a result leads to a significant deterioration in the quality of the land;
  • dug passages are often used for their own purposes by house rats and mice;
  • Newly planted, young trees dry out.

In addition, movement close to the soil surface leads to involuntary destruction of the root system. cultivated plants and bushes.

Note! Pests are never limited to one area. They constantly move in search of a food source.

If the harm from underground inhabitants is clearly visible, then what could be the benefit? In fact, the passages they dug contribute to:

  • increasing the nitrogen content in the soil;
  • destruction of larvae of harmful insects;
  • loosening the soil and saturating it with oxygen, due to which some crops begin to grow better.

How do moles behave in the country?

The behavior of moles in a summer cottage is especially active in early spring. The peculiarity of animal activity is that underground they create real mines, highways, and entire halls. They can extend up to several hundred meters and are located at a depth of no more than 5-20 cm. This is a fertile layer in which beetles, worms, and insects are found. It is not surprising that the entire coverage area suffers in the process of searching for them.

It is extremely rare that only one individual operates. As a rule, pests live on the territory in families ranging from several to a couple of dozen. That is why this factor should be taken into account when destroying.

On a note! If a mole appears on the territory, you should expect its relatives. It is quite possible that other members of the family operate in the neighboring dacha.

Animals usually make dens at higher elevations. They like areas where the snow melts most quickly and where the spring sun is especially active.

It is also worth considering that pests almost never abandon the created passages. They check the mine workers literally hourly.

Effective ways to combat moles: innovative methods

Many summer residents are interested in how to get rid of moles in the country in a simple way. Today there are several known effective methods. Chemical agents are often used. Such preparations are placed in the mines and pipelines of pests. Formulations released in gel and granule formats act especially quickly.

Note! The innovative product in the form of liquid concentrate Dr. works no less effectively. Klaus.

Traps are another popular solution. It helps get rid of animals in the garden very quickly. These unique traps are very simple to operate and work 100%. However, it is worth considering that this method is not suitable for those who love animals and cannot see their corpses.

The Swiss models SWISSINO and wire versions of SuperCat perform the task most effectively. When using such traps, it is recommended to use special identifiers that will help detect optimal zone for placing traps.

Ultrasonic and electronic repellers are another innovative solution, which helps in the fight against moles. Such units are either stationary or portable. Models presented in the bayonet-rod format are very popular. They need to be immersed 20 cm into the ground. The devices destroy not only moles, but also:

  • gophers;
  • mice;
  • house rats.

On a note! Ultrasonic units are not audible to people, and therefore cannot cause them discomfort.

A unique feature of the equipment is that it does not cause the death of animals, but makes their life on the site unbearable.

Popular units of this plan are the RemiLing, Tornado and Sweeney’s models.

Traditional methods of fighting moles

In addition to modern chemicals and hardware methods, there are a huge number of effective folk methods for exterminating pests.

You can poison underground animals with odorous substances. It can be easy to drive away animals with rags soaked in:

  • mothballs;
  • kerosene;
  • ammonia;
  • rotten fish brine;
  • standing urine.

A piece of cloth soaked in one of these products is pushed into the digger's hole. He also won't like rotten eggs. The disadvantage of this principle of fighting a smart animal is that it can easily clog stinking passages and create even more new paths.

Sometimes calcium carbide comes to the rescue, which is recommended to be placed in a hole and filled with water. No less popular are checkers that emit foul-smelling sulfur smoke. He is quite capable of driving away a mole.

Note! Checkers often help to destroy not only the pest. They often lead to the destruction of the crop. That is why they are recommended to be used only in early spring, before planting operations.

A very popular method among summer residents is to use a stick with a metal can at the end. The stake is stuck into the ground. A tin dangling in the wind rattles loudly and makes piercing sounds when the wind gusts. You can make a turntable based on the principle of a propeller. A regular one will also work for this. plastic bottle. However, it is worth considering that the unbearable noise becomes unbearable not only for underground diggers, but also for the dacha owners themselves.

There is another way to get rid of moles in the garden. This is an extreme option, suggesting throwing firecrackers into dug passages. To maximize the effect, you can put explosives in all the holes at the same time.

Note! This is an unsafe option that requires strict adherence to safety precautions.

You can remove uninvited “guests” from your site by burying various means in the ground:

  • plastic;
  • reed tubular stems;
  • champagne bottles.

The folk way involves instilling the product at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, a well-ventilated area is selected. If reed stems are used, they need to be stuck into each hole. For this purpose, a material with a height of at least 1.5 m is selected. Only 70 cm will need to be left above the ground surface. The wind will howl in the pipes, which will make the presence of moles in the garden unbearable.

Folk method with shovels against moles in the garden

You can also get rid of moles on your site using a shovel. To destroy the pest, it is recommended to gradually follow the path of the animal. You need to move in small steps, crushing the earth and grass. Noise should be avoided, as “blind people” have acute hearing.

The shovel should be used as close to the fresh grooves as possible. The easiest time to find new “hills” is early in the morning, at sunset and at noon. If a lengthening of the trench is noticed, then the pest can be found at its very edge. Need to sneak up on problem area and sharply thrust the tool behind the part where the “blind man” is working. This will make it impossible for him to escape. The next shovel is stuck at the end of the path, before the intended placement of the mole. Then he will have to be killed with a hammer, if before that he does not fall under the tip of a shovel.

It is worth remembering that one procedure is not enough, since animals live in families. Every pest will have to be caught.

The appearance of a mole on the site can be a serious danger to the crops in the garden. Application radical methods struggle gives results in the shortest possible time, but their humanity remains in question. In contrast, summer residents offer a whole list of alternative solutions for how to deal with moles in the garden.

Moles in the garden - benefit or harm?

Before you remove the mole from the garden, you should be sure of your fears. Often rodents and other small animals living in burrows are mistaken for moles. Living next to a burrower has some advantages:

  • May beetle larvae, which could destroy most of the crop, are successfully eaten by moles;
  • continuous loosening of the soil is always a positive thing in terms of fertility;
  • Such a neighborhood will save the summer resident from similar pests of the underground crop.

What damage do moles cause in the garden?

If the mole does not cause any real damage to the area, a problem may not arise. But practice shows that this animal causes much more harm. Therefore, the question of how to destroy a mole in a garden is a real challenge for some regions:

Signs of moles in the garden

If hills of soil are found on the site and part of the crop is eaten, do not rush to blame the mole for these problems. Before removing moles from the garden, it’s a good idea to refer to the list of animals that can create a similar picture:

What does a mole eat in the garden?

The mole is the most common predator who loves to feast on insects. He will quite successfully cope with a medium-sized snake or frog or mouse if they end up in his hole. Therefore, there is no need to attribute eaten plant roots or tubers to the animal, although it is often confused with rodents. And before you fight moles in the garden, you should assess the real harm.

But if the animal has chosen your area, then it will feed there. The answer to the question of what moles eat in the garden will be the same insects. , mole cricket, ants and larvae - all this is mole food. The problem is that earthworms are among your favorite delicacies. And he can eat them even in winter period: the temperature in the hole is higher, a musky aroma is heard, and this attracts the worm.

How to protect yourself from moles in the garden?

If moles have chosen a certain area, it will be extremely difficult to fight them. When you manage to get rid of one individual, there is no guarantee that after a while new guests or grown-up offspring will not appear on the site. In the question of how to remove a mole from the garden, there is a whole list of solutions using available simple remedies and complex expensive ones. However, preventing the problem is always more effective; there are several options:

How to drive a mole out of the garden using folk remedies?

Build or cook effective remedy from moles in the garden really, and they do it in several ways. Some summer residents appreciated the expulsion method uninvited guest, affecting his delicate sense of smell. Others managed to solve the problem with vibration and noise effects. The latter are made from improvised means or purchased ready-made:

It’s even easier to use the animal’s delicate sense of smell, because the list of odorous agents can be expanded indefinitely with the development of the chemical industry:

Ammonia for moles - use in the garden

The smell of ammonia will repel any living creature. As expected, ammonia was on the list of tips on how to get rid of moles in the garden. The characteristic mounds from the tunnels are advised to move and find the entrance to the hole. Place cotton wool in it, generously moistened with ammonia, and dig in. Moles have an extremely negative attitude towards this smell and leave the area. You can make a hole in the cork and bury the bottle at an angle directly into the tunnel.

Birch tar in the garden against moles

The list of how to drive a mole out of the garden using odors will be complemented by the method with birch tar. Animals do not like this characteristic aroma, but environment it doesn't harm at all. We stock up on pegs and cover them generously with tar. Next, we stick pegs around the perimeter or in the area where the mole is spotted, in checkerboard pattern at a distance of three to four meters. The smell will repel the animal for about three months, after which you will have to re-treat the pegs with tar.

Mole poison in the garden

Before poisoning moles in the garden, you should always try to resolve the issue peacefully by humane means. There are entire shelves in stores with powders, cones and similar contents containing poison. The toxic exhaust gases that fill the tunnels also cannot be called a humane solution. Some poisons are shaped like a worm to attract the underground guest.

How to repel moles from the garden?

The listed methods of struggle can either amaze with quick results or disappoint with complete failure. There are also exotic methods on the list of how to drive a mole out of the garden. There is an opinion that the underground guest will be driven away by the smell of feces buried in the tunnels. They even pour bleach in there. But a completely safe and in every sense pleasant option to fight moles in the garden is to plant plants such as bulbous plants, which moles do not like.

How to catch a mole in the garden?