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Where can you buy beautiful curtains for the kitchen. Choosing curtains for the kitchen (103 photos): unusual models

Harmonious interior is formed from several components. Beautiful curtains for the kitchen can quickly and without significant expense transform the atmosphere. To refresh your kitchen interior, you don’t have to wait for the next renovation. It is enough to familiarize yourself with new trends in the world of design or expand your understanding of classical forms curtains and apply the information received in practice.

Key aspects of choice

Everyone has the right to set their own rules for decorating the interior of their own home, but it is better to do this with an eye on the recommendations professional designers. When choosing curtains, they are guided by the following selection criteria:

  • shape and length;
  • fabric texture;
  • colors.

News from the design world insistently suggests abandoning curtains of complex design in a modern kitchen and hanging laconic models without unnecessary decorative elements. The length of the textile is selected taking into account the area of ​​the room. Small space It’s better to decorate with short curtains; in a spacious kitchen you can hang long curtains.

The kitchen is a room with a specific microclimate. Therefore, in pursuit of beautiful interior Don't forget about practicality. Synthetic curtains meet the functional requirements to a greater extent. They are easy to wash; special impregnations give the fabric dust- and dirt-repellent properties.

Advice! It is extremely important not only to hang in the kitchen beautiful curtains, but also make sure they are easy to care for.

Natural fabrics are more difficult to care for, but individual styles interior designs imply just this option for designing a kitchen window. This trend is especially strong in eco-style and rustic styles: country and Provence.

It is possible to beautifully decorate a kitchen window opening only with the right combination of color palette. The main factors determining the choice:

  • Room size. Small space does not accept dark colors and large patterns; it is better to hang plain curtains or choose a discreet small pattern.
  • Degree of natural light. The darkened north side will be beautifully decorated with light curtains in warm colors. In a sunny kitchen you can hang curtains of deep and rich colors; a palette of cool shades will look beautiful.
  • Interior features. Regardless of the color chosen for the window design, it is important that it resonates with other design elements. These can be decorative inserts on the facade of furniture or decorative elements in the form of napkins, tablecloths and pillows. It all depends on the style prevailing in the kitchen.

Not everyone likes the transience of fashion, so there remains a galaxy of fans of classic curtain models. A complete overview of existing models will allow you to navigate your choice.

A photo gallery with beautiful curtains for the kitchen will give you an idea of ​​the variety of assortment.

Classics of the genre: tulle + straight curtains

The combination of tulle and long curtains is found everywhere and does not lose its relevance over time. Hanging beautiful curtains in the kitchen is not enough to maintain the attractiveness of the interior; you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Large curtains attract a lot of dust, so preference is given to textiles that are easy to clean.
  • The kitchen does not need high-quality darkening, like the bedroom. It is better to hang loose curtains on the window, which will retain natural light during the day and will not give the interior a cluttered effect.
  • Long curtains look beautiful in a large kitchen, provided there is no stove or stationary furniture next to the window.

When considering color combinations, tulle is the leader white, but you can also hang curtains in pastel colors. The palette of curtains does not have any special restrictions, although plain light textiles look more advantageous.

Comment! If kitchen curtains are used exclusively decorative function, and there is no need to isolate yourself from prying eyes; it is better to hang one tulle on the window without thick curtains. Laconic design is especially welcome in a small kitchen.

There are many ways to hang curtains beautifully:

  • A familiar option for everyone is a straight tulle fabric with thick folds. To do this, you will need a piece of fabric that is 2.5-3 times the width of the window.
  • Two curtains crossed together look impressive.
  • The kitchen will be beautifully decorated with three narrow canvases with garters, which will provide maximum access to natural light.
  • On a narrow window, in addition to tulle, you can hang one curtain with a beautiful side drapery.

Asymmetry on a kitchen window always looks fresh and interesting. Photo examples of beautiful curtains will help diversify your interior.

Models with eyelets

Eyelets can add a new twist to a classic curtain model. In this case, the upper part of the curtains is sealed with a strip of fabric and rings are attached to it, intended for fixation on the cornice.

It is better to hang light tulle on plastic eyelets that do not weigh down the fabric; thick curtains look beautiful with metal elements.

Curtains on grommets fall in beautiful, even folds; a similar method of fastening on a cornice is more suitable for long curtains, short models will not look so impressive.

If curtains with eyelets are chosen for the kitchen interior, they do not need additional decorations or draperies. Eyelets themselves are a decorative element; they look beautiful on cornices with original tips.

Suitable curtain models for the kitchen in the photo:

Favorite lambrequins

The decision to hang lambrequins on the window is approached carefully. Complex draperies in the kitchen are impractical and look harmonious only in spacious interiors. Following the advice of designers about brevity, the following variations of lambrequins are acceptable:

  • swag;
  • semi-swag;
  • drapery in the form of a scarf thrown over the cornice.

For decoration, choose light and light fabrics. Complex designs It is better to exclude draperies, these include:

  • tie;
  • frill;
  • bells.

Decorative elements in the form of tassels and fringes are also best left aside.

Rigid type lambrequins on a bandeau correspond to fashion trends. This option can be hung even in a small kitchen. Rigid lambrequins with a shaped bottom edge look beautiful.

Window design with balcony door

Curtains for the kitchen, where the window is complemented balcony door deserve special attention. You have to use the balcony with enviable regularity, so it is better to hang the curtain model taking into account the characteristics of the window opening. There are several possible solutions:

  • Wide canvas, complemented by a pick-up. During the day, the curtain is open and does not interfere with access to the balcony, and in the evening it completely closes the window with the balcony door.
  • The kitchen interior looks classically beautiful if you hang two curtains with side tie-backs.
  • It would be useful to remember about asymmetry and layering. Tulle with a large bevel is placed on the side of the door, and the window is covered with a floor-length curtain.
  • In addition to the traditional ways of decorating the kitchen interior with tulle and curtains, Roman blinds are characterized by practicality, especially if you hang them on a window with a balcony. The advantages of decorating the kitchen interior with Roman blinds will be discussed further.

Photo examples of curtain models for a kitchen with a balcony will give an idea of ​​how to design a window opening:

Current solutions for short curtains

It is preferable to decorate a small space with short curtains. Designers offer several practical solutions:

  • Traditional tulle on the cornice.
  • A “cafe” model that came from France, which covers only the lower half of the window. Usually fixed on a fishing line. Curtains look beautiful, complemented at the top with a narrow strip of fabric on the cornice.
  • Continuing the rustic theme, short linen curtains with side tie-backs are noteworthy.
  • Modern interiors look great with roller and Roman models.
  • DIY kitchen curtains are always effective. These can be fabric items, sewn on a typewriter, exclusive products, crocheted or knitted, patchwork patchwork curtains.

The choice of model largely determines the style of the interior that dominates the kitchen.


The interior of the kitchen looks uncluttered, elegant and airy if you hang thread curtains on the window. The relatively recently developed model quickly won the hearts of designers. There are many advantages to this solution:

  • Practicality. Specially treated textile threads do not absorb foreign odors and have dirt-repellent properties.
  • Easy to care for. Washing curtains is not difficult.
  • Functionality. Do not interfere with the use of the balcony door and window sill. If necessary, they are simply tied up, freeing up space.
  • They allow light and air to pass through well, and at the same time create protection from prying eyes.
  • In the interior of a large kitchen they can perform a delimiting function, separating dining area from the workspace.

Comment! In the kitchen it is better to hang thread curtains without additional decorative elements in the form of beads, rhinestones and feathers. They will interfere with washing and quickly lose their original attractiveness.

Kisey looks self-sufficient in the kitchen interior and does not need to be supplemented with other curtains, but, if necessary, can be combined with curtains and blinds. Experiments are never forbidden.

Laconism of roll and Roman models

If you need to hide the kitchen interior from prying eyes in the evening, you can hang roller blinds, which, when lifted, are wound onto the shaft. Unlike other models, which for the most part are mounted on a cornice, there are 3 ways to arrange roll structures:

  • traditionally on the wall above the window;
  • on the ceiling;
  • most often they resort to the option of fixing directly on the window frame.

This is the most practical solution, which does not create problems when opening the window for ventilation or using the balcony door.

Curtains differ in the material they are made from. In the kitchen you can hang fabric items, products made from PVC or bamboo straws. As always, when choosing material and color design, we focus on stylistic decision interior Models with photo printing look incredibly beautiful.

Roman curtains have some similarities with roller structures. The difference is in the method of lifting. Due to the installed clamps, they fold in transverse folds.

Roman blinds differ in the degree of shading:

  • If you hang transparent samples, they will replace the usual tulle in the kitchen.
  • Day-night units that are able to regulate the level of natural light are in demand in kitchen interiors.
  • Blackout curtains are more suitable for the bedroom, but if desired, they can also be hung in the kitchen.

Designers offer various options for decorating a kitchen with Roman blinds. They look beautiful as an independent unit and in combination with other curtains.

Comment! Roman blinds are especially valued for their versatility; they can play role of the lung tulle or serve as thick curtains.

Photos will help you verify the attractiveness of the kitchen interior with laconic models of Roman blinds:

Other models

Other models are less common in the kitchen for various reasons:

  • Japanese panels. Spectacular and practical, they look beautiful on panoramic windows, and you rarely see them in a kitchen interior.
  • Austrian curtains. A peculiar mixture of Roman and French curtains. They are usually in a raised state, so they do not hide the interior of the kitchen in the evening. A self-sufficient model that does not tolerate combinations. They evoke a romantic atmosphere and are absolutely not suitable for modern trends of minimalism.
  • French curtains are famous for their lush scallops, and pretentiousness is not in trend right now. They create difficulties during ventilation and quickly become dirty in an environment with unfavorable factors impact. If you have an irresistible desire, it is better to hang it in a spacious room with good ventilation.

Examples of beautiful, but impractical curtains for the kitchen are presented in the photo:

You can hang any curtains in the kitchen. To make them look beautiful, it is important to combine the fabric texture, color palette, length and model with the interior of the room and take into account the prevailing stylistic direction.

In the kitchen, curtains have a special purpose. They are not used for protection from the sun and to hide from prying eyes. The design of the windows emphasizes the design style of the room with a fireplace. Curtains for the kitchen create coziness and lift your spirits with their cheerful appearance. With their help, lighting and space are adjusted. All family members see them several times during the day.

Therefore, you need to carefully select window decorations, taking into account the tastes of family members, the style of the interior and the features of the kitchen.

Modern design is the art of making the kitchen stylish, cozy and unique

Designers advise starting the design of any room by purchasing furniture in the style you like. Then a background is created for it in the form of wall decoration. Curtains and decor occupy the last, decisive place in creating the image of the kitchen. They are equivalent to the final stroke of an artist's brush.

It is impossible to decorate a kitchen strictly in one style. Most often, the interior combines elements of two or more themes that are close in time of their appearance or territory. Curtains should match the main style, complementing it.

The color is chosen in accordance with the tone of the walls and the richness of the interior colors. In a monochromatic kitchen, curtains can turn into decor and become an accent in the interior. They will attract the eye with their bright colors and designs, creating a festive mood.

Decorative stone cladding, colored wallpaper and contrasting wall decoration with mosaics, wallpaper and other materials reduce the space and make it heavier. Light airy curtains on the windows will help correct the situation.

Food is prepared and eaten in the kitchen. Steam and odors must dissipate freely. The fabric for kitchen curtains should be natural, easy to wash, and not fade. Silk can be hung on a window facing north. After the season on south side, it will crumble.

Do right choice Your own taste and the design of curtains for the kitchen we offer, photos, new items and features of modern styles will help you.

Classic style is always in trend

Classics are complex designs with a rich palette of tones, clear drawing and a large number of small elements. Preference is given to natural colors: brown and red colors with numerous shades. Present small elements green. The design is decorated with yellow and golden colors.

Classic is based on the sophistication of smooth lines, natural materials and tones, light waves of drapery. The color of the curtains matches the upholstery. Expensive fabrics: satin, velvet, silk. The ideal material created for classic style- Damascus.

If tables and other equipment are located under the window, then choose short curtains for the kitchen. It is enough to make lambrequins at the top or drape a strip of fabric in the form of a flounce. If the space of the window opening is free, use a floor-length canvas made of guipure, chiffon, gauze with a floral pattern and drapery with waves. Tie the sides nicely with a cord or ribbon.

Fairy tales and luxury of the East in a modern kitchen

The luxury of the East is amazing. It is created using ornaments with a complex interweaving of threads.

The selection of colors plays an important role:

  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • violet;
  • burgundy;
  • emerald;
  • golden.

The fabrics are draped thickly and gathered at the top in the form of a tent. The lower ones, white, peek out on the sides, in the form of a border, emphasizing luxury top curtains. The edges are decorated with fringe and beads. On the sides are intertwined cords with tassels. Suitable for kitchens over 10 square meters.

Provence – the whisper of waves, the caress of the sun and rows of grapes running along the slopes

Provence style combines French elegance, romance of the sea, warmth of the south and rustic simplicity. The fabric for curtains should be natural and light. The main color is white. It symbolizes the sail, the foam of the waves, the clouds. Other tones are possible, but they must be taken from surrounding nature. Yellow sun, blue sky, creamy sand, green slopes. Finishing may include bright shades and variegated colors.

Provence is a rural region in the south of France. The style is ethnic, with its rustic simplicity. The curtains are short, single and double row, trimmed with bright ruffles with floral patterns, checkered and striped frills. Housewives sewed them themselves, using old sails and scraps of chintz and staples left over from making clothes.

Numerous guests from the opposite bank made their own adjustments to the local style. Curtains long to the window sill began to be intercepted with wooden and metal rings and cut out in arches, like a tent. Straight panels were tied with flirty bows.

Ethnic style is unique and diverse

There are as many trends in ethnic style as there are peoples. General features For him, rustic simplicity and home decoration with his own hands are important. Housewives try to emphasize individuality with an original tablecloth, napkin and handmade picture.

Fabrics for curtains are simple, inexpensive: chintz, linen, poplin, gauze. The background is light, milky, cream, beige, blue. Checkered, floral, striped pattern. There may be images of animals and plants, mainly fruits and flowers. Usually the length of the curtain is slightly lower than the window sill. Trim with frills, ruffles, ribbons.

The laconic severity of minimalism needs bright decor

Minimalism is ideal for a small kitchen and studio with a combination of... large space living room, dining room and cooking area. There is nothing superfluous in the furniture, everything is compact and multifunctional. The dining table is combined with a bar counter and, at the same time, it is an island with a sink and stove. Below there are many drawers in which dishes and food are stored.

The main color of walls and furniture is white and its shades. An additional contrasting tone, black, brown, dark gray is present in small fragments as finishing. The curtains are plain, with virtually no folds or waves. The decor is bright lampshades or curtains.

The design of curtains for the kitchen is selected according to the principle of minimum fabric and maximum practicality. If there are no prominent spots in the interior, then the accent should be curtains of rich colors:

  • green;
  • red;
  • blue;
  • yellow.

Long panels without draperies are suitable for large windows. In the kitchen work area in a minimalist style, Roman blinds, Japanese blinds and roller blinds are appropriate.

The palette of kitchen curtains is envious of the rainbow

Any palette of tones and colors is possible on the kitchen window. Only black fabric of any density will be inappropriate. Modern curtains for the kitchen can be of any color, pattern and brightness. The main thing is that they complement the design of the kitchen and make it happier and brighter.

Pastel colors are universal and match any interior color scheme. They are used in most styles. Sand, gray shades of light tones, milky. White cloth on the window is always appropriate. Beige belongs to the palette of warm brown colors and is light enough to create coziness and enlarge the space.

Turquoise color is popular in hot countries. It consists of the coolness of blue and the freshness of green. In ethnic and eco styles, preference is given to natural tones:

  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • green.

Fiery red warms and gives energy. IN bright kitchen Scarlet curtains will help you wake up in the morning, and in the evening they will create a romantic atmosphere of sunset and scarlet sails.

Lambrequins are appropriate for large windows under high ceilings

Lambrequins add elegance to the kitchen. At the same time, the window space looks more aesthetically pleasing, the cornice and fastening are closed. The disadvantage of beautiful drapery is the dust and soot that constantly settles in the folds. At small size lambrequin windows visually make the ceiling lower. They should be used sparingly in the kitchen, only with classic styles.

The advantages of short curtains are their compactness and openness of space

Short curtains reveal the window sill and the flowers and other decorative items that sit on it. Released and enlarged effective area countertop located under the window. The equipment is placed around the perimeter, freeing up the center of the kitchen.

Many designers prefer short curtains for the kitchen. Photos with samples are quite convincing. Light flows freely through the window. The space visually increases. Short curtains can be chosen to decorate a kitchen in any style.

Fantasies with rings on the cornice

Rings and your imagination will help make your kitchen festive and cheerful. A clear line of the cornice opens and the curtain separates from it and lives independently. Massive rings look piquant and mysterious. Options with drapery gain new possibilities.

You can secure a strip of light, variegated fabric by letting it sag downwards in waves. Pareos and scarves not used on the beach, large flounces, or regular fabric that drapes well are suitable. The practicality of the rings lies in their free movement along the cornice rod.

Bay window in the kitchen - an opportunity for a unique design

WITH practical point bay window view, this is useful additional area. It allows you to create a corner in the kitchen with dining table, create a miniature winter Garden, place sofas along the wall for relaxation. In general, a bay window can be considered as a gift from architects to make your dream come true, which does not have enough space within a standard kitchen and dining room.

When choosing curtains, decide. If you are using a bay window simply to increase the kitchen area, then the design and style of the entire space should be the same. When the additional area represents an independent zone, decorate it harmoniously with the kitchen, but in a different style. The lamp, furniture and curtains must have common colors with the kitchen interior, but be different. Long curtains will not interfere with you here, since the work area is to the side.

Compact and practical, Roman blinds fit harmoniously with many styles.

Hanging Roman blinds in the kitchen is convenient. They slide along the window and do not take up space. It is convenient to raise and lower the canvas by adjusting the position with a cord. Wet hands will not leave stains on the canvas. Curtains don't interfere indoor plants on the windowsill, which is important for the kitchen.

The uniqueness of Roman blinds is in harmonious combination with most modern styles. The fabric can be from canvas when decorated in a marine theme, to damask in classic cuisine. Laconicism and minimalism of plain fabrics for techno and hi-tech, efficiency and brutality in loft and black house, diversity and brightness in ethnic and country houses. Bright Roman shades drooping add color. Solid colors balance out the oversaturation of colors in the kitchen.

Curtains for a small kitchen should increase the space

In a small kitchen, curtains serve not just as decoration, they help to increase space. For this purpose, light, lightweight fabrics, plain and with a dim, small pattern, are better suited. Longitudinal stripes will visually raise the ceiling. Cross inserts will expand the narrow kitchen.

Light translucent fabrics up to the middle of the window and Roman blinds in light colors, roller blinds and Japanese-style window design. Cover large and tall French windows with a white tulle curtain that hangs freely to the floor.

A combination of practicality and imagination when decorating a balcony door

A balcony door in the kitchen takes up some space, especially if it opens into the room. If it is not possible to replace it with a sliding one, then hang a long curtain on rings and fasten clamps on the sides to the wall. When you need to go out onto the balcony or set up a table there, the curtain can be easily removed. But from the kitchen you have access to a great place where you can have a romantic dinner.

To choose original curtains for the kitchen, it is enough to adhere to basic rules, taking into account the characteristics of the room. They have to:

  • do not interfere with cleaning;
  • easy to remove;
  • correspond to the general style;
  • visually increase the space.

The decoration of the kitchen should be harmoniously combined with the decor of the room, without disturbing the cozy atmosphere of the “family” place.

Types of curtains for the kitchen

There are certain varieties of the most common kitchen curtains.

Roman curtains

They are a piece of fabric that can rise, letting in light, or fall, shading the room. When lifted, they form uniform folds, gathering like an accordion. Such curtains can cover the entire window or cover only its sash, leaving the window sill open. Stylish and original Roman blinds, giving the interior a strict elegance, allow you to adjust the lighting, but they are not compatible with every style of room and are difficult to maintain.

Modern trends dictate hanging frameless curtains over frame ones. There are no rigid slats and strictly geometric shapes; they are assembled in light folds, their edges droop like lambrequins. The combination of printed materials with plain ones will create a unique, inimitable option.

Fans of ruffles and flounces can choose Austrian curtains, which are a type of Roman curtains that form wavy folds.

Japanese curtains

These are fabric panels that look stylish and elegant. They move along the cornice, like wardrobe doors. They are traditionally created from natural materials, but there are also mixed ones, as well as artificial fabrics. Thanks to impregnation containing an antistatic agent, Japanese curtains are easy to care for. It is enough to periodically wipe them with a damp cloth.

Such unusual curtains for the kitchen visually increase the height of the room, giving it a sophisticated and luxurious look. They are perfect for absolutely any style, creating coziness. Their only drawback is that they are suitable for rooms equipped with large windows. For this type of curtain, ceiling, wall or multi-profile curtain rods are used. For ease of use, the number of tracks on the eaves must correspond to the number of panels.

Choosing a similar curtain idea for the kitchen involves observing certain points:

Versatility Japanese curtains allows them to be used in many interiors, but they are not suitable for every kitchen. Luxurious interior, abundant decorative details is able to absorb such curtains, making them irrelevant. IN small room they will attract attention to themselves, visually making the kitchen smaller. To prevent this from happening, you should carefully consider the colors.

Roller blinds

They are a sheet of dense fabric wound around a shaft. The material for them can be bamboo straw, fabric or PVC. This solution looks quite beautiful and modern. Such curtains can be attached to the opening or directly to the sash, or rolled up completely or halfway. Roller blinds come in a variety of patterns and color range, affordable cost and the ability to apply thematic photo printing. These curtains can be combined with regular ones and suit any design.

Thanks to maximum ergonomics, they do not “eat up” space, saving every centimeter. Designers claim that such a solution can be used not only in small kitchens, but also in fairly spacious rooms. Roller blinds can become the main color accent in the setting or become its background element. Products decorated with photo printing are particularly impressive.


Kitchen curtain idea - clothespins on rings

Small curtains attached to a cornice located in the middle of the window. They give the room coziness and are easy to care for. Sew such curtains yourself, using...

Classic curtains

Relevant at all times, they can be cotton, linen, lace or tulle. These short curtains, slightly covering the window sill, or long thick curtains are decorated with all kinds of tiebacks and pins. They look great in a kitchen decorated in shabby chic, Provence or country style, adding coziness to the interior. When choosing them, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • Considering that the kitchen room needs increased illumination, curtains should be chosen from light, not too dense material;
  • curtains should have a convenient length that does not interfere with the accessibility of the headset.

The most optimal and always win-win option is a snow-white or slightly creamy color scheme for curtains.

Even classic curtains may be unusual

Options for attaching curtains in the kitchen

Fastening kitchen curtains can be done in various ways:

An interesting idea for attaching kitchen curtains would be large pins, wooden clothespins, bows, ribbons and other options.

Design ideas for curtains for the kitchen

All kinds of hairpins, tassels, tiebacks and other accessories are used to decorate kitchen curtains. The most relevant ideas for kitchen curtains this season are made in plum, brown, and olive tones. Also, options using purple and rich blue colors are not rejected. Soft pink shades, peach and beige have not lost their relevance.

The choice of length largely depends on the dimensions of the room itself. To save space in a small kitchen, it is recommended to use short curtains. The transparency of the fabrics increases the access to light, which is important for a miniature room. To use a window sill in the form work surface, prefer cafe curtains, roller or beveled options.

Short and sweet

For the lower floors, curtains serve not only as protection, but also as a frame for the landscape. Therefore, lambrequins and curtains, decorated with side tie-backs, will be an excellent window design option. When choosing fashionable curtain ideas for the kitchen, you should be based not only on aesthetics, but also on practicality. Complex cut, abundance of accessories and a huge number additional details will significantly make the curtains heavier, adding bulkiness to the interior. Today, designers recommend the use of simple lambrequins and light textile tiebacks.

Formal curtains from simple materials

The main highlight of this season's kitchen curtains is the variety of shapes, different sizes and textures. However, to create the perfect cozy interior, you will need a personal view of window decoration. Thanks to this, the living space can acquire unique charm and uniqueness. Preferring natural materials, without overly pretentious polysyllabic patterns, you will be able to create an ideal, practical, fashionable and completely unique interior in your kitchen, the highlight of which will be curtains. The implementation of any ideas depends only on your capabilities and imagination.

In every apartment and in every house, the kitchen is unique and, most often, the most cozy place. And the whole reason is that the owner of the house spends quite a lot of time in it. And the tablecloths, potholders, aprons, curtains for the kitchen and many other items chosen by her, as a full-fledged housewife, are literally imbued with her personality. The kitchen, beloved by the hostess, is always overflowing with love and care for loved ones and, in general, literally glows with homely warmth. And it’s not just about the prepared delicious dishes and pies. The correctly selected interior details described above are also responsible for comfort, and which ones, each a real mistress not only knows, but also feels them intuitively. The main detail of all are the curtains. After all, this is the main symbol of comfort in this room, they create homely atmosphere and set the mood for the entire environment.

Curtains for the kitchen photo

What to combine curtains with in the kitchen?

Great variety always makes you think and introduces some chaos into the selection process suitable option curtains But due to the fact that this stage takes place when the renovation of the room has already been completed and the room has a specific style, the circle of searches has already been narrowed to some extent. That is, we are looking for curtains among those that match the chosen interior design.

But in order for everything to look harmonious and holistic in the future, it is also necessary to take into account the color design. That is, you definitely need to know future design curtains in the kitchen before purchasing. And to do this, we take into account the color of the walls, floors, furniture and other details.

But there are two main ways color combination curtains in the kitchen with surrounding elements. When curtains are combined in color and texture with other interior items, this is a classic way. The main companions for them are usually a tablecloth on the table with covers on the chairs or fabric upholstery upholstered furniture. They can be complemented by other, smaller objects: a vase with artificial flowers or clay pots with fresh flowers, paintings on the wall, tea-set on a shelf or souvenir plates, etc. This combination is universal and can be implemented in all styles.

Curtain options for the kitchen - combination in the interior

The second method allows you to make the curtains in the kitchen “invisible”. To do this, the fabric is matched to the color of the walls or furniture. Having merged with them, they will not stand out against their background. This design idea relevant when the room is decorated in a minimalist style. There is nothing superfluous on the curtains for this style; even their fastenings are not always visible. The fabric is straight and falls from the very ceiling to the floor, almost touching it.

Curtains in modern kitchen photo

Short curtains or long ones: which one to choose?

Of course, short curtains chosen for the kitchen look more appropriate. And many housewives will say that they are much easier to use: they don’t cling to your feet and get dirty less. In addition, they do not block the heating radiator, which is important in frosty winters. At the same time, short kitchen curtains make the window sill easily accessible, which is very convenient if there are flowers or other objects on it. And in general, curtains up to the window sill or halfway through the window make it easier to create a real, simple home comfort, because they do not smell of modern rigor and formality.

White curtains in the kitchen photo

But in some cases they may not be entirely appropriate. For example, today they are very popular panoramic windows, like those installed in penthouses. In many new buildings, such windows are installed even on the first floors. Therefore, you should generally forget about short curtains in such apartments. They are being replaced by translucent tulle or plain floor-length curtains. Another example is when the room is large and lacks comfort, long and beautiful curtains For a kitchen of this size, they are simply necessary. And it is desirable that their fabric has a large pattern, as in the photo below. This way they will look three-dimensional and visually fill the void. large room.

Modern curtains to the kitchen photo

From a practical point of view, the latter may not be the most suitable, but they, like others, have an alternative, these are the so-called jalousie curtains. There are quite a few varieties of them; in addition to classic blinds, Roman blinds and pleated blinds are very popular today. They are suitable for both small windows and floor-length windows. They can cover the windows completely or partially, and with them the window sill is also easily accessible.

Blinds curtains for the kitchen photo

Suitable fabrics

The fabric for kitchen curtains, of course, should be practical; humid air with fat and oil vapors, soot, and odors from food and dishes will do their job quite quickly. Frequently washing curtains is not an option; the housewife always has a lot to do without it, and the fabric can quickly lose its appearance - the colors will fade, the fibers of the threads will lose their elasticity. Of course, the problem will be partially solved by installing a stove and a powerful hood at a distance. But practical materials They will never be superfluous for the kitchen.

curtains for the kitchen in country style photo

The fabrics with natural fibers that are most susceptible to stains are satin, linen, chintz, cotton, and silk. But on the other hand, they are the ones who contribute to the creation of genuine comfort, which is why many housewives still have not abandoned them. But the problem is partially solved by mixed fabrics consisting of natural and artificial fibers. They look like natural ones, but at the same time they are more practical. Typically, manufacturers of such fabrics combine cotton with acrylic, linen with polyester, nylon with silk. They do not fade in the sun, do not fade or shrink, so they make ideal kitchen curtains.

Tulle curtain for the kitchen photo

More practical are kitchen curtains made from artificial fabrics - 100% viscose and pure polyester. These are the most durable fabrics. Viscose, in turn, has another useful property: it is considered fire resistant. A viscose kitchen curtain is an ideal solution if the stove is close to the window.

Curtains for the kitchen photo gallery

Choosing beautiful curtains for the kitchen is not difficult if you take into account all the features of the room. Typically this is small room, With high humidity and temperature changes, cleaning is most often done here. This means that curtains should not interfere with cleaning, be easy to remove, easy to wash, and not take up space.

Designer: Pedorenko Ksenia. Photographer: Ignatenko Svetlana.

Types of curtains for the kitchen

There are the following types of curtains for the kitchen according to length:

  • Long - these are tulle curtains with or without tacking, suitable for high windows, for both classic and modern styles. They would be inappropriate for a window in front of the sink, but if the window is in the dining area, it will add coziness.

In the photo there are long curtains in the high-tech style; they emphasize the modern design and are combined with the overall concept.

Long classic and Roman curtains are appropriate for a spacious room. In the photo the cornice is hidden under the ceiling, which creates the feeling large window and the infinity of curtains.

  • Short ones look very beautiful, they cover the upper half of the window, do not hide the space, and complement the interior in a rustic style, Provence style.

The most common options for curtains for the kitchen:
  • Roman blinds for the kitchen are a piece of fabric that is attached like blinds; they do not rise all the way, forming uniform fan folds. Can be attached to a window opening, or to window sash. Their advantages are that they make the window sill accessible, which can serve as an additional shelf. They are not suitable for all styles; they need to be released from the lifting mechanism for washing. The Austrian model is similar to the Roman ones, but is suitable for creating a more delicate look with flounces and ruffles.

In the photo, a Roman version of the curtain design in dark green, made of organza with a large floral pattern, emphasizes the window in a modern minimalist kitchen.

There can be several canvases on one window, for example, as in the photo, three Roman blinds regulate the brightness of light in the kitchen.

  • Roller blinds for the kitchen will create a modern, functional style. This is a fabric that, when twisted, forms a roll and remains in sight or is hidden in a box. The length of the closure is adjustable, the window can be left half closed or opened completely. Mounted on the window sash or window opening. They fit any style, are available in a wide range and at the best price, with patterns and photo printing, and do not take up space. This type of curtains can be combined with regular curtains.

In the photo, translucent white roller blinds in the kitchen interior perform their direct function without attracting attention.

  • Thread curtains in the kitchen look stylish and are suitable for unusual interior. They can be long, short, with beads, or combined in color.

  • Blind curtains protect from light, the slats are easy to clean, retain their appearance, do not absorb odor, and fit almost any style. Horizontal blinds are suitable for small kitchens, completely cover the window from light, vertical ones are suitable for kitchens with low ceiling and look like regular curtains. Their durability depends on the reliability of the mechanism and the selected material (plastic, cork, aluminum, fabric).

  • Curtains for the kitchen with lambrequin hide the cornice and form a short horizontal curtain, suitable for classic interior, Provence, country, art deco. If the room is small, then the lambrequin should be simple. A rigid lambrequin made of fabric on plasterboard is more appropriate.

  • Curtains with eyelets for the kitchen (rings sewn into the curtain fabric, which are decor and fasteners). They look simple and stylish, are easily removed and washed, most often together with the rings.

In the photo, the curtains have grommets, are easy to use and create uniform waves on the fabric.

  • Curtains with loops are suitable for attaching to curtain rod hooks. They create a classic fall and can be with ties or Velcro. The ties on the bows look especially beautiful.

For a kitchen with a balcony, Roman curtains, blinds for each window, as well as curtains with grommets are best suited; this solution will keep the curtains looking fresher when opened frequently. Holders and tiebacks will decorate the appearance of the room and serve their intended purpose.

Choosing curtain colors

First of all, the color of curtains and curtains should match the color of the kitchen, not go out of style and be a complement or a bright accent.

  • From a practicality point of view, white curtains in the kitchen are not the best the best choice, but from an aesthetic point of view, they create lightness, add light and make the room more spacious. Most often, white translucent fabrics are chosen in combination with colored curtains. If white seems boring, then you can choose a milky shade, ivory and the color of baked milk.

  • Red curtains will look good in rustic style, hi-tech, minimalism from different materials, patterned, checkered or silky. Suitable for kitchens in white, black and white.

  • Orange curtains are suitable for kitchens with insufficient lighting to create an effect sunny color. There are a lot of shades of this color, and they will be appropriate in a kitchen of medium and big size.

  • You need to be careful with yellow curtains because they are rich and aggressive for perception. Delicate shades of faded yellow and orange are suitable for Provence and country style.

  • Brown curtains suitable for the kitchen modern style, minimalism. Coffee brown, white set and light walls will create a simple and modern look. Dark shades will make the room gloomy, so it is better to use brown in patterns and decorative braid.

  • Lilac curtains create a feeling of summer and a lavender field. Light curtains and white organza are suitable for any size room and window.

  • Purple curtains in the kitchen they look rich in the form of muslin and are suitable for a modern style. Draperies of a deep shade will emphasize the luxury of the classics. Combined only with light finishes and furniture facades.

In the photo, purple, weightless Austrian curtains made from a veil of a rich shade are suitable for creating a bold interior in a classic style.

  • Bright light green curtains should be made of light fabric and a simple shape, since the color attracts a lot of attention and should not be overloaded with the complexity of the folds. It is better that these are short curtains, roller or straight.

  • Blue and blue curtains perfect choice to the kitchen sunny side, they create the effect of coolness and free space. Combine with light furniture, beige walls, milky tulle, dark wooden floors.

Choosing kitchen curtains to match your interior style

  • consist of two curtains, tulle, and a lambrequin. If the room is large, then classic design will emphasize its sophistication. But they are impractical due to the absorption of aromas, heaviness, and frequent maintenance.

  • play a key role, since there should be as much textile materials as possible. Curtains of a simple form made of natural material, with ribbons, frills, ruffles and patterns. These are stripes, checks, small floral prints. Large designs and bright colors are inappropriate; shades should be gentle and as if faded under the rays of the southern sun.

  • Curtains in a modern style must be as functional as possible and not lose their aesthetic appearance. These can be thread curtains, tulle and curtains without a lambrequin, blinds, roller blinds, Roman blinds. Curtains with grommets will be functional in a small kitchen with a balcony. Most often these are translucent modern fabrics with the addition of lurex.

In the photo, Roman blinds made of natural fabric matching the color of the wallpaper are fixed above the window opening, suitable for a kitchen in a modern style.

  • For country style, curtains made of lace and natural materials (cotton, linen, chintz, cambric) are suitable. They can be floor-length or short, most often in a checkered pattern, with bows, or a pattern. wildflowers, with a simple lambrequin. Such textiles create country style in a modern apartment.

Features of choosing fabric for curtains in the kitchen

Modern synthetic fabrics with high wear resistance are suitable for any style and are available in a wide range of colors. Also suitable for the kitchen natural material, which costs more and looks presentable in classic, Provence, country and even modern styles.

  • Organza curtains It is better to choose an adjustable length or short ones. They are dirt-resistant, easy to clean, durable and weightless. Looks best in light colors with geometric patterns and large or medium floral patterns. They can be combined with roller blinds or blinds.

  • Tulle in the kitchen can be made of durable transparent fabric, with a mesh insert, smooth or embossed, plain, natural or synthetic material. Tulle curtains can be in the form of light curtains, Austrian curtains, or fabric panels. Tulle can be easily draped with tiebacks and pins. In this way, you can combine two tulles and collect them in bunches, throw them over the cornice in the form of a lambrequin, and create a contrast of textures and colors.

  • Voile curtains should be single-layered and plain in the form of straight curtains, Roman and French curtains with light waves. Suitable for any style depending on the drapery.

  • Linen curtains for the kitchen suitable for creating a Scandinavian or eco-style. They can be decorated with embroidery and applique. Light flax in milk and beige color create a cozy atmosphere. The disadvantage of linen is that it wrinkles a lot and also shrinks when washed. Despite this, linen is a durable, pure material. Linen is presented in natural shades and is suitable for discreet design.