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Design ideas for a one-room apartment: design of each zone and life hacks. Problem solution: how to arrange furniture in a one-room apartment beautifully and practically

Not every person has the opportunity to buy a large, spacious apartment; many have to be content with fairly modest housing. Having small apartment, it needs to be properly equipped, and often people clutter their homes, further worsening their conditions. How to furnish a one-room apartment to feel as comfortable as possible in it? Simple recommendations from designers will help you turn the most unusual and at the same time simple ideas into reality.

A small room is always associated with a lack of space, especially if there are children in the family. In principle, even a small room can be arranged in such a way that it will be much more comfortable than in big house. To do this, follow simple recommendations designers.

People whose professional activities are related to the arrangement of residential premises give advice on how to furnish a small apartment so that everyone living in it is comfortable.

It is known that some colors can visually enlarge a room, while others, on the contrary, can make it even cramped. If you live in a small apartment and want to know how to decorate it beautifully and correctly, use only light paint or wallpaper to decorate the ceilings and walls. It can be white, beige, pink, gray, blue or light green colors and their shades.

In addition, if you choose wallpaper for covering the walls, make sure that there is a small pattern on it. Large ornaments are not suitable for small spaces; they only worsen the situation.

The choice of flooring color also needs to be approached carefully. It should be darker than the walls, but not much, otherwise the room will seem low.

Choosing furniture

If you ask designers how to furnish an apartment when it is very small, they will say that the main thing here is to choose the right furniture. Remember: each piece of furniture should be located in its place and have its purpose; if you see that it is in the way in the room, it is better to remove it immediately.

If desired, you can install a variety of various items furniture, but it is important that they serve their purpose. If you are limited in space, try to choose a lot of functional furniture, which will take up very little space and at the same time replace several items at the same time.

A furniture wall is well suited for this role; it will solve many problems for those who do not know how to furnish a 1-room apartment.

Usually it combines several types of furniture at once, most often such as:

  • bookshelf;
  • dresser;
  • TV stand;
  • wardrobe;
  • shelves for souvenirs and photographs.

Choice furniture wallcorrect solution for those who want to furnish their apartment cheaply, beautifully and practically.

If you want to save space in a room that is used both as a bedroom and as a living room, install a sofa bed.

During the day you can sit on the sofa, having fun chatting with friends or family, and in the evening it will turn into a comfortable wide bed. In addition, almost all models are modern furniture They have a spacious drawer at the bottom designed to store bedding or other things.

Use mirrors

Another simple tip on how to furnish an apartment beautifully, while visually increasing its space, is to use mirrors and other transparent surfaces. If you place a closet with a large mirror in your room, you will be able to make the room much brighter, making it appear larger.

When installing furniture with mirrors or a transparent surface, it is advisable to try to place them opposite the window, because this way you can achieve maximum reflection of light. Transparent objects - tables and chairs, which can be made of durable plastic or glass will also allow you to achieve your goal.

Divide the room into zones

IN one-room apartment The main load falls on the hall, which is also the bedroom and living room, since there is only one room. That is why, if you want to furnish a small room, first of all, ask how to furnish the living room in the apartment.

For a comfortable stay in such a room, it needs to be divided into several sections, each of which serves as a specific room in a full-fledged apartment. This is another simple and effective method create comfort in a small apartment.

Do not neglect the recommendation to zone the room, because this way you will learn how to furnish an apartment cheaply and functionally. Agree, it is very inconvenient for several family members to be in the same room. It is to improve living conditions that you try to divide the room into several separate zones.

A partition between the bedroom and work area will allow you to calmly do work or read a book when the rest of the family is already asleep. It is better to arrange the work area near the window; a dark corner of the room is also suitable for relaxation.

You can use curtains, screens or a bookcase as partitions. If you want to create the illusion of two different rooms, which are simply separated by a partition, use different lighting items.

Try to turn the loggia into a cozy living room. You can accommodate children in it, but first the room needs to be decorated in a fun and colorful way.

Creating comfort in the kitchen

The housewife feels quite unpleasant and uncomfortable being in a cramped kitchen. In order to improve the conditions for cooking and dining, many owners of small apartments remove the partition separating the two rooms.

Designing a one-room apartment is not an easy task. This is due to the fact that a single living space must perform several different functions at once - provide an opportunity for work or study, serve as a place for communication, relaxation and sleep at night, and in some cases, also be a children's room. In addition, the footage of such apartments, as a rule, does not allow the designer to use standard solutions, it is not enough to simply fence off its own corner for each zone; it is also necessary to preserve as much as possible the feeling of free space, which increases the comfort of living.

We present to your attention 12 of the best modern designs of one-room apartments.

1. One-room apartment 42 sq. m.

The use of light colors in the apartment design made it possible to create small space comfort and maintain a feeling of spaciousness. Living room has only 17 sq. m. area, but all the necessary functional areas are located here, and each of them performs several functions at once. Thus, the recreation area, or “sofa”, turns into a bedroom at night, a relaxation corner with an armchair and bookcase Easily converts into a study or playroom for a child.

The corner location of the kitchen made possible organization dining area, and glass door“on the floor” leading to the loggia added light and air.

2. Design of a one-room apartment without redevelopment, 36 sq. m.

In this project, the load-bearing wall proved to be an obstacle to changing the layout, so the designers had to work within the given space. The living room was divided into two parts by an open shelving unit - this simple solution is very effective in many cases, allowing for visual delimitation of zones without cluttering the space and reducing the light flux.

The bed is located near the window, and there is also a kind of mini-office - a small desk-bureau with a work chair. The rack functions as a bedside table in the bedroom.

In the back of the room behind a shelf that plays a role bookcase and display cases for souvenirs, there is a living room with a comfortable sofa and a large TV. A wall-sized wardrobe allows you to store a lot of things and does not clutter up the space; its mirrored doors visually double the room and enhance its illumination.

The refrigerator was moved from the kitchen to the hallway, which freed up space for dining area. Wall cabinets on one of the walls were abandoned to make the kitchen seem more spacious.

3. One-room apartment 40 sq. m. m.

A good project that shows how convenient it is to arrange an apartment for one or two people, taking into account all the requirements for a modern level of comfort, without resorting to changing the original planning solution.

The main room is the living room. From the furniture in the room: comfortable corner sofa, a large screen TV mounted on a hanging console - on the opposite wall. A spacious storage system is provided for clothes and other necessary items. Present and Coffee table IR, adding completeness to the interior. At night, the living room transforms into a bedroom - the unfolded sofa forms a comfortable place to sleep.

If necessary, the living room can easily be converted into a study: to do this, you need to open two doors of the storage system - behind them is hidden a tabletop, a small shelf for documents and books; the work chair extends from under the tabletop.

In order not to burden the space, which is already not too much, the kitchen abandoned the traditional top row wall shelves, replacing them with open shelves.

At the same time, there are even more places where you can keep kitchen utensils and supplies - the entire wall opposite the work area is occupied by a large storage system with a niche in which a sofa is built. Next to it is a small dining group. Rational organized space allowed us not only to maintain free space, but also to reduce the cost of kitchen furniture.

4. Modern one-room apartment 37 sq. m. m.

The design of this one-room apartment is 37 sq. m. every square centimeter was used. The sofa, armchairs and coffee table, forming a relaxation corner, are raised onto the podium and thereby highlighted from the total volume. Pulls out from under the podium at night sleeping area: an orthopedic mattress provides complete sleep.

The television panel opposite is built into big system storage - its volume made it possible to correct the initially incorrect, too elongated shape rooms. Underneath it - living flame, covered with bio-fireplace glass. The box above the storage system hides a screen that can be lowered to watch movies.

The small kitchen accommodates three functional zones s:

  • along one of the walls there is a storage system with a worktop and kitchen equipment, forming a kitchen;
  • near the window there is a dining area consisting of a round table and four designer chairs around it;
  • There is a lounge area on the windowsill where you can relax and drink coffee over a friendly conversation while enjoying the views from the window.

5. Project of an apartment with a dedicated bedroom

Even in a small one-room apartment, you can have a separate bedroom, and for this you do not need to move walls or build the space like a studio: the kitchen occupies a separate volume and is completely fenced off from the rest of the apartment.

The project provides for the location of the bedroom near the only window. There is a standard double bed, a narrow chest of drawers that serves as a dressing table, and one bedside table. The role of the second bedside table is performed by a low partition between the bedroom and the living room - its height allows you to maintain the feeling large space and provides daylight to the entire living area.

Lilac wallpaper with an elegant pattern harmonizes with the mustard color of the walls in the kitchen design, made in the same style as the room.

6. Apartment design 36 sq. m.

Maximum functionality and impeccable design- these are the main advantages of the project. The living room and bedroom are visually separated wooden slats: starting from the bed, they reach the ceiling and can change orientation in the same way as blinds: in the daytime they “open” and let light into the living room, at night they “close” and isolate the sleeping area.

Light in the living room is added by the lower lighting of the console chest of drawers, effectively highlighting the main decorative item furniture: a coffee table made from a section of a huge trunk. On the chest of drawers is a biofuel fireplace, and above it is a TV panel. Opposite is a comfortable sofa.

The bedroom has a dual-purpose wardrobe; it stores not only clothes, but also books. Bed linen is stored in a drawer under the bed.

Due to the angular location kitchen furniture and an island oven, it was possible to organize a small dining area.

7. Corner apartment 32 sq.m. meters

In the project of a one-room apartment, the living space is divided into two: private and public. This was possible thanks to the corner location of the apartment, which resulted in the presence of two windows in the room. The use of IKEA furniture in the design allowed us to reduce the project budget. As decorative accents bright textiles were used.

A ceiling-to-floor storage system separated the bedroom and living room. On the living room side, the storage system has a niche for a TV, as well as shelves for storing things. Near the wall opposite there is a structure made of drawers, in the center of which sofa cushions form cozy place for relax.

On the bedroom side, it has an open niche, which replaces the owners bedside table. Another cabinet is suspended from the wall - you can place a pouf under it to save space.

The main color in the design is white, which makes it visually more spacious. The dining table folds down to save space. Its table top is made of natural wood softens the strict style of decoration and makes the kitchen more comfortable.

8. Apartment interior in a modern style

The main condition set before the designers was to maintain the isolated position of the kitchen. Additionally, it was necessary to provide quite a large number of storage places. The living area was to accommodate a bedroom, living room, dressing room and a small office for work. And all this - on 36 square meters. m.

The main idea of ​​the modern design of a one-room apartment is the separation of functional zones and their logical combination using contrasting colors of the spectrum: red, white and black.

Red in the design actively highlights the relaxation area in the living room and the office on the loggia, logically connecting them to each other. The elegant black and white pattern decorating the headboard is repeated in a softer color combination in the decoration of the office and bathroom. A black wall with a TV panel and storage system visually moves the sofa part away, expanding the space.

The bedroom was placed in a niche, having built a podium - it can be used for storing things.

9. Project of a one-room apartment of 43 sq. m.

Having received at their disposal a standard “one-room apartment” of the 10/11/02 PIR-44 series with a ceiling height of 2.57, the designers decided to use the square meters provided to them to the maximum, while doing without redevelopment.

Convenient location doorways allowed us to allocate space in the room for a separate dressing room. The partition was laid out in white decorative bricks, as well as part of the adjacent wall - the brick in the design highlighted a place for relaxation with an armchair and a decorative fireplace.

The sofa, which serves as a sleeping place, was highlighted with patterned wallpaper.

A separate resting place was also created in the kitchen, replacing two chairs in the dining area with a small sofa.

10. Apartment 38 sq. meters in a standard house, KOPE series

Combination of white, gray and warm beige shades allowed us to create a relaxing, calm atmosphere. The living room has two zones. Located near the window a large bed, opposite which, above a tall narrow chest of drawers, there is a TV panel mounted on a bracket. It can be turned towards a small seating area with a sofa and coffee table, accented with a plain floor carpet beige colour and located in the back of the room.

The upper part of the wall opposite the bed is decorated with a huge mirror attached to the wall on a special frame. This adds light and makes the room visually much more spacious.

The corner kitchen provides plenty of storage space. The combination of gray oak fronts of the lower row of cabinets, white gloss upper and shiny surface glass apron adds a play of textures and shine.

11. One-room apartment 33 sq. m.

The apartment is designed in modern style- a lot of wood, natural materials, nothing superfluous - only what is necessary. To separate the sleeping area from the rest of the living space, glass was used - such a partition takes up practically no space, allows you to maintain illumination of the entire room and at the same time makes it possible to isolate the private part of the apartment from prying eyes - for this purpose a curtain is used, which can be closed if desired.

In the decoration of an isolated kitchen, it is used as the main one. White color, complementary is the color of natural light wood.

12. Apartment 44 sq. meters from the nursery

An excellent example of how competent zoning can achieve comfortable living conditions in a limited space for a family with children.

The room is divided into two parts by a structure built specially for this purpose, which hides a storage system. On the children's side it is a closet for storing clothes and toys, on the living room side, which serves as a bedroom for parents - spacious system storage of clothes and other things.

In the children's area there was a loft bed, under which there was a place for schoolchildren to study. The “adult part” serves as a living room during the day, and at night the sofa turns into a double bed.

Owners of small-sized housing have a question: how to furnish a one-room apartment so that it seems spacious?

There is often a need to create comfortable conditions for living in a small room for a family with a child.

It is necessary to arrange areas of the room that would have various purposes: bedroom, living room, possibly a children's room.

How to choose the right furniture?

To small room looked comfortable, when choosing furniture you need to remember the principle - it should be compact.

If you want to furnish the room with a comfortable large bed, arrange a comfortable workplace, put a corner sofa, then such pieces of furniture will need to be sacrificed.

Still, you can make a small one-room apartment functional and comfortable. The opinion of designers is that each piece of furniture should have a certain meaning and stand in its place.

If any piece of furniture is in the way, it must be removed immediately.

Furniture must perform several functions. Perfect solution problems of lack of space - installing a wall.

It combines a wardrobe for storing clothes, a bedside table, a shelf for a TV or other equipment, a chest of drawers, shelves for storing books, dishes and other small items. Similar option furnishings is popular and cheap.

If the room is used simultaneously as a living room and bedroom, then it is worth purchasing a sofa bed. During the daytime you can sit on it with relatives or friends, and at night you can sleep in comfort.

Often such sofas are equipped with a special drawer at the bottom. You can put it there bed dress or any other things.

If a family with a child lives in the apartment, then you can purchase a comfortable chair that converts into a comfortable bed for the baby.

There is a secret to visually enlarge a space - to make it lighter and more spacious. Designers recommend using mirrors or other transparent surfaces.

They will reflect interior items, visually expanding the living room.

If the cabinet contains mirror surface, then it should be placed opposite the window: this way the light will be reflected in the mirrors, and the room will seem brighter and larger.

Chairs and tables can also be chosen transparent. These items are made from transparent plastic. Glass is used to make tables. These interior items will add lightness to the living room.

How to properly arrange a kitchen and bathroom?

Often in one-room apartments, kitchens are small in size, so in this room you should also follow the principle of filling the kitchen with functional furniture in order to free up space as much as possible.

Installing a kitchen unit in such a way as to visually enlarge the space is not easy. Most often it is installed along a wall.

The style of the room can be any. They often adhere to the classic style. At the same time, a small comfortable sofa is installed in the kitchen.

It is better to prefer a folding table in this room. Its surface can be large or small depending on how many people live in the apartment.

There is another option to make the kitchen spacious - remove the wall between the kitchen and living room. The result will be a studio apartment. In this case, the two rooms are divided by a bar counter.

In numerous photos in magazines you can choose suitable option design of such a studio apartment.

The bathroom is the smallest room in a one-room apartment. Most often a washing machine is installed there.

Nowadays, this technical device plays important role in the life of every family, so sacrificing it cannot be done.

But the bathtub can be successfully replaced with a shower stall. It will help save space, while using the booth will bring pleasure to the apartment residents. In addition, it will help create a modern design in this small room.

Not everyone will want to part with their bathroom, so you can take the advice of designers.

In the bathroom, you should remove unnecessary objects from visible places and try to place as many mirrors as possible - this will make the room seem lighter and more spacious.

When choosing furniture, it is not always possible to correctly select and arrange items rationally.

You can use the advice of designers to help unload the room and visually enlarge the room:

  • interior items should be preferred light shades, because pastel shades they will make the space airy, dark interior items will make the room very cramped and uncomfortable;
  • items consisting of transparent materials, can visually enlarge the space. It is desirable that the room has a large number of mirrors in which the room will be reflected;
  • in a one-room apartment, modern, ethnic or historical direction. Regardless of the chosen style, you need to choose functional furniture. A minimalist style will look great in a small apartment;
  • pieces of furniture in the room should be compact. Furniture elements on wheels are suitable - they are convenient to move to any place in the room;
  • furniture can be transformable. So, a bed that will quickly turn into a sofa or chair that can easily take the form of a nightstand or single bed would be appropriate;
  • Don’t forget about walls, corners and window space. They can be used as additional storage space. So, you can strengthen shelves on the walls, place a corner cabinet in the corner, and install a tabletop with shelves instead of a window sill;
  • In small apartments, the rooms are separated by walls. They take up space, so the partitions can be removed, and in their place you can install a bar counter and interior items that will divide the space into separate zones;
  • V small room It is recommended to install furniture along the walls, while leaving the central part of the room free.

If you follow all the designers’ advice, you can turn a one-room apartment into a luxurious space.

How to choose the right color scheme and lighting?

Not only correctly selected furniture can visually enlarge a room. It is important to choose artificial or natural lighting.

If the windows of the apartment face the sunny side, then the owners of such a room have a lot of advantages. One of them is that the room will be bright most of the day.

Curtains decorate a space, but for a small room you should choose curtains made of thin, airy material.

You shouldn’t settle for heavy curtains, they will prevent the sun’s rays from entering the room.

It is worth correctly positioning interior items with mirror and transparent surfaces. They must be installed in such a way that they reflect sunlight and visually enlarged the space.

Need to pay attention color scheme. You should not decorate the walls of a small apartment in dark colors or wallpaper with patterns - they will visually make the room smaller.

In a small room, white in a classic style will look great. In combination with natural light the apartment will look more spacious. The use of cream shades is allowed.

Designers suggest using bright colors in the design of a small room. It is worth remembering that there should be few bright objects in the room.

The main color should be soft and not conspicuous. A family with a child will feel cozy and comfortable in such a room.

The design project assumes the presence of scenery. But it is recommended to decorate a small apartment decorative elements performing certain functions.

So, in the kitchen you can install bright napkin holders and lay out a beautiful tablecloth. In the living room you can make an accent with decorated accessories and hangers.

The room should always be kept in order. Even a few things lying out of place in a small room will visually make it even smaller.

A clean room will delight its owners, and the apartment will seem more spacious. It’s not difficult to decorate an apartment beautifully and inexpensively; just listen to the advice of designers.

Only in this case the result will please not only the homeowners, but also surprise the guests.

If you become the owner of a one-room apartment, then you have a large headache V small space– how to live in this room without a bedroom and a guest room? But look at the situation from a different perspective - you are the absolute master of your square meters, and the flight of fancy is not limited internal partitions.

Equip two cabinets at opposite ends and shelves along the front edge.

Think carefully and decide what kind of furniture you want to put in. Your task is to create free space, but not at the expense of convenience. Therefore, when choosing, follow very simple rules.

A big headache in a small space - how to live in this room without a bedroom and a guest room.

Before arranging furniture in a one-room apartment, carefully measure your home, existing interior items and draw up a detailed plan on paper. Use these dimensions when choosing furniture, as well as when working with various computer programs, designed to create and select the most good options layouts.

Your task is to create free space, but not at the expense of convenience.

Use storage systems

Wall cabinets and shelves are quite suitable for this purpose. Buy poufs, beds and seating areas with built-in drawers.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! The advantage of this approach is that you will always have quick access to things instead of clearing away rubble in the pantry.

Before arranging furniture in a studio apartment, carefully measure your home.

For large items and clothing, create a floor-to-ceiling wardrobe with mirrored doors that will create the illusion of more space. Build a folding ironing board into it.

Now you know exactly how to arrange furniture in a one-room apartment.

Nothing extra in the apartment!

Design your own closet or kitchen area with modular systems furniture. You will receive a customized kit, devoid of unnecessary elements. Save money by abandoning the pencil case, and successfully “fit” the set into the given dimensions by including a corner wall drawer.

The advantage of this approach is that you will always have quick access to things instead of clearing away rubble in the pantry.

Discover the full power of "transformers"

A good solution would be to use a folding bed, which with a slight wave of the owner’s hand can turn into a table or bedside table. The four-in-one chair can be converted into a bed, ottoman or ottoman.

Choose not very large, but comfortable items and your one-room apartment will maintain a feeling of spaciousness.

A cargo-style shelf will fit into an empty corner. Its shelves are open rectangular boxes mounted in checkerboard pattern to opposite load-bearing side walls.

For large items and clothing, create a floor-to-ceiling wardrobe with mirrored doors that will create the illusion of more space.

Use furniture that changes shape according to your plans for the evening, be it a festive dinner or a romantic one-on-one meeting. A U-shaped seating area that turns into four is perfect for this. comfortable chairs or in a corner sofa, armchair and wide ottoman.

The student will like it computer desk, where you can sleep well. There is no need to leave your workplace - the bed frame with the mattress attached to it is already built in using a folding hinge. When preparing for bed, just gently pull the top edge towards you - and the computer and textbooks will give way to a pillow and blanket.

A good solution would be to use a folding bed, which with a slight wave of the owner’s hand can turn into a table or bedside table

Houses and walls help

Attach a large plasma panel to the wall using brackets. Place a low bedside table under it for the receiver and Wi-Fi router. A panel with fake niches for the sound system will help hide the wires.

When preparing for bed, just gently pull the top edge towards you - and the computer and textbooks will give way to a pillow and blanket.

To ensure comfort for your eyes, select the recommended distance from the screen to the sofa, where you will sit and watch your favorite TV shows. To do this, follow the recommended values ​​for panels with different diagonal lengths.

  • 42 inches - 2.5 meters;
  • 55 inches - 3 meters;
  • 60 inches - 3.8 meters.

Use furniture that changes shape according to your plans for the evening, be it a festive dinner or a romantic one-on-one meeting.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! The distance from the sofa to the plasma panel should be approximately equal to the product of its diagonal by four, and for liquid crystal displays by three. To convert to the metric system, multiply the resulting value by 2.54 cm.

Look at the situation from a different perspective - you are the absolute owner of your square meters, and your flight of fancy is not limited by internal partitions.

Dreams in 3D

Do not forget that in addition to width and length, the space of the room also has height, and use this property to your advantage. Arrange your cozy sleeping place on the second tier, to which a staircase leads, and convenient drawers are hidden under the steps.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! The second tier can be made in an apartment with high ceilings, which has no problems with ventilation.

To ensure comfort for your eyes, select the recommended distance from the screen to the sofa, where you will sit and watch your favorite TV shows.

You can't live like that!

Dressers, sideboards, tables Furniture with a wide tabletop narrows the available space, obstructs the passage and makes the room look heavier.
Accessories Don’t place figurines anywhere, don’t overload them empty walls framed photographs, and also do not fill up the free space with soft things and toys - you are guaranteed a feeling of disorder and an eternal struggle with dust.
Large pieces of furniture Located next to small ones, they give a feeling of awkwardness to the entire interior. Try to avoid such combinations and keep a distance between them.
Dark furniture. Bright light shining through the windows of a room located on sunny side at home, does not go well with dark color scheme. Choose furniture in light and neutral shades or use blackout curtains.

Do not forget that in addition to width and length, the space of the room also has height, and use this property to your advantage.

How to turn around in a small kitchen

In a one-room apartment, a large kitchen with a dining room is an unaffordable luxury. It is better to organize meals in the common living room, freeing up more space for cooking. When choosing furniture, observe the following principles:

  • main points in the kitchen - hob, sink and refrigerator - should be at a distance of one or one and a half meters from each other;
  • place the gas stove at a distance of at least 0.50 m from the window;
  • the depth of the countertop set should not exceed 0.60 m - this is quite enough to ensure freedom of movement and placement of products;
  • adjust the height of the tabletop to the height of the hostess - the distance from the surface to the elbow should not exceed 20 cm - or purchase a portable stand;
  • use high corner cabinets;
  • install the refrigerator so that its door opens in the opposite direction from the countertop;
  • do forced exhaust- she will save you from unpleasant odors and excess moisture in the air.

Don't commit typical mistakes when trying to improve the interior of your home.


For small kitchens, an L-shaped set configuration is suitable. Its corner cabinets - wall-mounted and under-counter - add storage space kitchen utensils and tableware. Fill the space between the wall and the cabinet with a roll-out shelf for utensils and spice jars.

In a one-room apartment, a large kitchen with a dining room is an unaffordable luxury.

Make a railing system under the wall cabinets from hollow metal tubes on holders attached with dowels to the wall. It is convenient to hang ladle on them, large forks for frying meat, glass boxes for small kitchen appliances and towels.

You can use a window sill as a tabletop and hide stools or ottomans under it. If you eat alone in the kitchen, then place a table-bedside table with a lowering tabletop on telescopic guides or with a retractable leg.

To create a compact work environment, purchase kitchen sets, organized according to a modular principle.

Bathroom furniture

Feel free to part with the cast iron “trough”. Replace it with a shower stall or corner bath with low sides, and install a washing machine in the free space.


Instead of a sink on the counter, install a set of floor cabinets with a washbasin and many drawers, mirrors and wall cabinet. Make small mezzanines above the entrance to the bathroom. If the bathroom is warm, install instead of a conventional heating radiator combined with a dryer for towels and small laundry.

You can make a shower area equipped with a drain built into the floor, and fence it off with a light plastic partition with sliding doors.

Divide and rule

It doesn't matter what type of home you have. This could be a now fashionable studio or a room with removed internal partitions. In order for comfort and order to reign in your one-room apartment, make a clear division into main zones.

IMPORTANT! To avoid the collapse of the room's ceiling and problems when selling the apartment, make sure that the partitions you want to demolish are not load-bearing structures.

In order for comfort and order to reign in your one-room apartment, make a clear division into main zones.

Living room

Place it near the border kitchen area. Place a coffee table, a seating area or several identical armchairs, and install a TV on the wall opposite. Install blinds on the windows if the sun creates strong sidelight.

Work zone

Observe ergonomic requirements when equipping it.

  1. For good lighting provide two light sources - background and directly illuminating the workplace on the left side (if you are right-handed).
  2. If desk is in the corner, fence it off with a bookcase and place all frequently used items on it.
  3. Use office chair on wheels with soft seat, comfortable armrests and backrest.
  4. Buy a secretary or cabinet with a folding or sliding tabletop. When guests arrive, you can easily free up additional space or hide your work from prying eyes.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! It is advisable to install a separate lighting source in each zone of the room - ceiling LED panels, floor lamps or wall lamps that should illuminate their central part.

Furniture in work area The room should not create glare and distract from the creative process.

Leisure and sleep area

Use a sofa that transforms into a bunk bed with comfortable orthopedic mattresses. It is better to place it in the central part of the room, away from the balcony door.

If you already have a sitting area, purchase a wall-bed. Externally, it resembles a narrow closet with mezzanines and side shelves. Its central part is designed as a large wood panel, behind which hides an easily reclining double bed frame.

Use a sofa that transforms into a bunk bed at night with comfortable orthopedic mattresses.


Place a compact set with many shelves and cabinets and a refrigerator along one of the two walls of the kitchen area - this will free up space for small dining table and two or three stools. Install a bar counter on the border between the living room and kitchen high chairs and you will have additional seats for guests.

Install a bar counter with high chairs on the border between the living room and kitchen and you will have additional seating for guests.

Storage systems

This zone is “smeared” throughout the entire space of the room, does not have a clear boundary and combines furniture intended for storing rarely or seasonally used items. For storing tools and items that do not require special conditions, use the loggia or indoor balcony. Equip two cabinets at opposite ends and shelves along the front edge.

Now you know exactly how to arrange furniture in a one-room apartment. Make sure there is always enough free space. Choose not very large, but comfortable items and your one-room apartment will maintain a feeling of spaciousness.

The storage area is “smeared” throughout the room, does not have a clear boundary and unites the furniture.

VIDEO: Design of a one-room apartment: room zoning and furniture for a comfortable interior

Most people in the world live in small apartments and often think about how they can properly arrange their home, while maintaining as much free space as possible. Our article today will tell you how to successfully choose colors, furniture and wallpaper for a small room.

Bright colors aren't always bad

You can use bright curtains with a beautiful print or wallpaper with original drawing on the walls, and possibly on the ceiling. This option will not cost much. We spend most of our time in the living room, and in this room you can quickly get tired of bold decisions, but this is the method that can help make it as comfortable and unusual as possible for spending leisure time.

Large furniture is not bad

If you decide on a specific piece of furniture big size, then with its help you can visually increase the space. This option will look especially great in apartments with high ceilings; for example, you can install a tall wardrobe, it will help with its appearance to distract guests from a small area, and a small soft corner with soft pillows can blend in amazingly with the flooring without you even noticing it.

Thoughts on geometry

First, decide exactly what will happen in this room. Visually divide it into several zones: work, dining and leisure. Mentally decide on the purpose of each of them. Cut out paper shapes and place them on the floor, so you can get an idea of ​​what size your future household items should be.

Bright hues

No matter how it may seem to you, it is banal that flooring and walls light tone helps to increase the space visually. Don't forget about this when arranging your small space.

Use mirrors

In developed countries there is already quite for a long time a new direction is developing, owners of small-sized premises are installing huge mirrors. And they don’t hang them on the walls, they just put them on the floor. It is at this angle that the room increases significantly. In such a case, a mirror in a beautiful frame can serve both its intended purpose and become an amazing decoration.