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Ilyas name meaning in Islam. Ilyas

Short form of the name Ilyas. Ilya, Ilya, Lias, Il, Il.
Synonyms for the name Ilyas. Ilya, Elias, Elias, Ilias, Eliash, Elias, Ilyaz.
Origin of the name Ilyas. The name Ilyas is Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.

The name Ilyas is a Muslim male name, is an analogue of the name Ilya, meaning “The Lord is my god,” also interpreted as “believer.” This name can become part of a two-part name (Ilyasbek, Ilyazkhan). A paired female name is Ilyasa.

The name Ilyas has Christian variants that are found in these countries along with the Muslim name: Germany, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden - Elias, Greece - Ilias, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic - Elias, Finland - Elias. In most European countries the name sounds closer to “Ilya” - Ilia, Eli, Elijah.

The owner of the name Ilyas is more reminiscent of an introvert than an extrovert: the first impression he makes is that he is a soft, calm and reserved person. And in fact, Ilyas is not particularly expressive in communication and has excellent self-control.

This is a strong, reliable, decisive man who will take responsibility. Ilyas is a hardworking perfectionist, very conscientious, and takes his professional life seriously. He is able to manage things for himself, has great organizational skills and copes much better with creation than with execution.

Efficiency, energy and resourcefulness are the main credos that Ilyas adheres to. He is ambitious and will, albeit slowly, but very confidently develop in life, thanks to his commitment, discipline and perseverance. This man doesn't get to the task straight away, but like a long-distance runner, he knows that a journey of a hundred miles begins with one step.

Ilyas is an honest and conscientious person. He is capable of great patience when it comes to important things in life, especially in the professional sphere, but he can be harsh and intolerant when it comes to small or everyday things.

As a child, Ilyas tries to save his parents from problems and shows himself to be extremely disciplined at school. He maintains friendly relations with many, but he has few real friends. His inflexible character can make him judge hastily, which causes him a lot of inconvenience in life.

In love, this is a particularly demanding man; in his passion, he will not be able to accept weakness, because he needs to admire and respect his partner, and for this reason it can be very difficult for him to find his other half. Not too many women live up to his ideal of perfection. However, Ilyas will most likely find a wife, often in adulthood, because children are important to him, and the owner of this name will be a good father and an attentive husband.

Family environment may influence his future career choice. Ilyas prefers areas where he could provide real help - medicine, law, and the social sphere. These can be positions in any industry - manager, administrator, organizer. Sport is one of the parts of his life where Ilyas can realize his inner potential if he does not find something to do in other areas.

Name day of Ilyas

Ilyas does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Ilyas

  • Ilyas Umakhanov ((born 1957) Russian politician)
  • Ilyas Urazov ((1922-1945) Hero of the Soviet Union, rifle platoon commander, lieutenant)
  • Ilyas Khairekishev ((born 1990) Kazakh hockey player (bandy), goalkeeper of the Kazakhstan national team)
  • Ilyas Akhmetshin ((born 1986) Russian skier, twice received the title of Master of Sports (the first time in 2011 in polyathlon, the second time in 2012 in cross-country skiing))
  • Ilyas Aidarov ((born 1956) Russian artist, holder of the title of People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. His paintings were exhibited in space on board the International Space Station, which allowed the artist to get into the Guinness Book of Records (Russian branch). Author of a large number of illustrations in many publishing houses and periodicals. His works are in many museum collections.)
  • Ilyas Magomadov ((born 1989) Russian wrestler (Greco-Roman wrestling), multiple winner and prize-winner of Russian championships, also participant in many international tournaments)
  • Ilyas Dzhansugurov ((1894-1938) Kazakh Soviet poet, he is considered a classic of Kazakh literature)
  • Ilyas Bekbulatov ((born 1990) Russian wrestler (freestyle wrestling))
  • Ilyas Valeev ((born 1949) Russian teacher, was also the vice-rector and director of the school. For his services in teaching, he was awarded the K.D. Ushinsky medal, winner of other awards and prizes. Author of more than 300 educational, methodological and scientific works.)
  • Ilyas Bechelov ((born 1951) Russian politician and statesman)

The Arabic name Ilyas, analogous to the Orthodox name Ilya, means “The Lord is my god” or “who came to the rescue.” Each country has its own form of pronunciation of this name: Bulgaria - Ilia, Hungary - Ilies, Greece - Ilias, Georgia - Ilia, Spain - Elias, Poland - Eliash, France - Eli, Japan - Eriya.

Diminutive form of the name: Ilyusha, Ilik, Ilyasha, Il, Ilchik, Ilyusha, Ilyush.

In the Orthodox calendar there is no Islamic name Ilyas, there is its analogue Ilya.

Pros: Fair, kind, compassionate, smart, romantic, determined.

Cons: Selfish, despotic, cruel, withdrawn.

Ilyas grows up to be a straightforward and harsh boy in his communication, which often alienates those around him. With brothers, sisters and friends, he prefers to share exactly in half and acts fairly. He demands that they stop what they are doing and devote time to him; for a long time he cannot understand that people have their own responsibilities, affairs, and their own lives.

He tries to command his surroundings, to crush them under himself, which he rarely succeeds. Due to people's refusal to obey him, Ilyas often shows unreasonable aggression towards them, throwing and breaking things. Little Ilyas is prone to envy and does not know how to rejoice in someone else’s success or joy.

Fortunately, in adolescence, Ilyas manages to get rid of this despotic character trait. At school he studies well in those subjects that are clear and interesting to him, but does not try very hard for the rest, even if they are basic. Among school subjects, Ilyas excels best in foreign languages ​​due to his unique memory. It is important that the school has talented teachers who can make Ilyas fall in love with their subject. In this case, Ilyas, who has hard work and perseverance, has every chance of becoming an excellent student.

Ilyas, growing up, changes for the better, becoming more restrained, knows how to compromise and negotiate. He also strives to be the center of attention, but not with such selfish zeal as in childhood. He enjoys spending time with friends, going out with them into nature and going to clubs. He does not have close friends, as he takes friendship seriously, preferring to be friends superficially.

Ilyas is in average health and does not suffer from colds very often. Throughout his life he experiences problems with the digestive system, he needs to carefully choose his food and stick to his diet.

For Ilyas, the financial side comes first in his work, so it doesn’t matter to him where he works, as long as he gets paid more. He can do any job, but he gets almost no pleasure from it. Maintains working relationships with colleagues, nothing more. Throughout his career, he strives in any way to take the place of a leader, who will give him increased status and financial stability.

Changeable in love, he can easily fall out of love with one and fall in love with another. He doesn’t promise anything to girls, he needs them to have a good time. He does not dare to start a family because of his uncertainty, until he really finds that girl, after which no one will seem more beautiful and better than her.

He gets married after he’s worked up, gets firmly on his feet, and accumulates capital. He puts his family first and will make a reliable husband. Only in the family can he be himself, romantic, gentle and attentive towards his wife. She adores her children and spends all her free time from work with them.

Compatibility with female names

  • Excellent: Elizaveta, Alisa, Alesya, Irina, Svetlana, Christina, Zlata, Veronica, Daria, Olesya.
  • Bad: Yulia, Natalya, Amina, Elina, Yana, Nadezhda, Kira, Taisiya, Anna, Ksenia, Ulyana.

The meaning of the decisive name Ilyas is character, fate and career
The decisive name Ilyas, its meaning, forms of pronunciation, character, fate, health. Ilyas in love and family. Compatibility of Ilyas with female names, signs of fate.


Main characteristics


Origin of the name(Arab, Muslim, Tatar, Hebrew).

General characteristics of the name “Ilyas”

It is interesting that peoples who have little in common have this name. For example, from Hebrew “Ilyas” is translated as “God’s favorite.” And Muslims interpret the meaning of this name as “the power of Allah.”

Ilyas exhibits such personality traits as: perseverance, will, courage, perseverance. He speaks little and is always to the point. Calm, serious, collected. His thoughts are a sealed secret even for his family and friends. In deeds and actions he is guided only by his own arguments, without taking into account any advice or tips. Relies only on himself. Peaceful, but not pliable. Easy to climb. If you offer Ilyas to go on a trip around the world, then within half an hour he will arrive at the airport with a suitcase. But at the same time he is very responsible, he brings any task to the end. He is practical and attached to his things: it is “easier” to take away a tablet from a five-year-old child than to borrow his favorite laptop from Ilyas.

Ilyas in the family

Ilyas is in love, but quickly cools down and grows cold towards the object of his yesterday’s passion. He tries to choose a candidate for a long-term relationship long and wisely, but he marries, no matter how trivial it may be, only for love. And here miracles happen: as soon as Ilyas officially says: “I agree,” a switch inside him called “loyalty and devotion” turns on. In marriage, he completely takes care of the material support of his relatives. He often insists that his wife take care of only the children and the house. He is strict with children, but fair. Even if there is a disagreement with his wife, he will never shirk his parental responsibilities.

Ilyas in business, in society

It is impossible to impose your choice of profession on Ilyas. He will only do the activity that he likes. At the same time, he tries to choose a “serious” specialty. His personality combines sensitivity to the environment and an analytical mind, which gives him an advantage even when doing art, since he does not experience “creative breakdowns.” Ilyas tries to earn respect and authority in the team, earning it through honest work. He will also make an excellent and competent public figure. If Ilyas wants to start a business, he must become more categorical and tougher.

Characteristics for children

Ilyas in childhood

Even little Ilyas looks like a serious man. He is non-confrontational, but if younger or weaker people are offended in his presence, he will not hesitate to come to the defense, causing significant damage to the offender. He has good physical characteristics and should play sports. The best sections are those that teach you to combine self-defense skills with discipline (wrestling, karate, etc.). Studying is easy.

The meaning of the name Ilyas. Interpretation of the name.

The name Ilyas is the Arabic form (Arabic: إلياس) of the more common name Ilya. Both of these names came to our cultures from the Old Testament. The name Ilyas (Elijah) was borne by one of the great biblical prophets. In Islam, Prophet Ilyas is one of the most revered prophets. The meaning of the name Ilyas is “Yahweh is my god” or “My god is the Lord”, where the Lord is the creator of all things.

The meaning of the name Ilyas for a child

Little Ilyas cannot be called a simple child. He is overly straightforward and often too harsh in his behavior. The boy has a heightened sense of ownership. This is reflected in his ability to share. It is difficult for him to understand that other people may also have interests. Usually Ilyas tries to command everyone, but he rarely succeeds. Against this background, he often shows aggression towards other children and loved ones. And the good news is that as Ilyas grows up, he changes a lot in a positive direction.

Studying is easy for Ilyas, but only if he is interested in the subject. But studying many compulsory subjects is difficult for him. He has an excellent memory and a well-built analytical mind, but unfortunately he does not always use them. Ilyas is especially successful in studying foreign languages ​​and exact sciences. If you can instill a love for something in Ilyas, you will see hard work and perseverance.

The child's health is rather average, although he rarely gets sick. Ilyas’s weak point in health is often his digestive system. The good news is that this can be quite easily mitigated by proper dietary nutrition. If we talk about the level of vitality, then Ilyas’s level is quite high, although there are natural declines and declines in performance.

Short name Ilyas

Diminutive pet names

Ilyasik, Ilyashka, Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilyunya.

Children's middle names

Ilyasovich and Ilyasovna.

Name Ilyas in English

In English, the name Ilyas is usually written as Ilyas.

Name Ilyas for international passport— ILIAS, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Church name Ilyas(in the Orthodox faith) not definitely. This name is not in Christian church calendars. The name is revered in Islam.

Characteristics of the name Ilyas

As an adult, Ilyas changes a lot. Restraint appears in his character, as well as the ability to negotiate and interact with others. He still wants to be a prominent member of society, but his desire becomes careful and measured. Ilyas loves and knows how to have fun. He enjoys spending time with friends and colleagues. But he has almost no close friends, although this is rather the rule of the modern world. Ilyas takes friendship very seriously and cherishes these relationships. Often his close friends are friends from childhood.

Ilyas can work absolutely anywhere. For him, work is, first of all, about obtaining material benefits, and only then about self-realization. He rarely works with particular pleasure, but he is unlikely to choose work that is completely unpleasant for himself. Ilyas also rarely combines hobbies and work, although often his hobbies still influence his life path.

Ilyas's family relationships are characterized by special warmth and care. He is a very family man, whom his other half can really rely on. He tries in every possible way to make the relationship even more trusting and close. He loves his children very much and spends an unusual amount of time with them.

The secret of the name Ilyas

The most common secret of Ilyas is his romanticism and sentimentality. He tries to hide it in every possible way, so that his comrades and work colleagues cannot even imagine such a thing. Only when surrounded by family and close friends does he allow himself to relax.

The meaning of the name Ilyas
Find out the full meaning of the name Ilyas today


Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Ilyas

Origin and meaning

The male name Ilyas is the Arabic form of the Hebrew name Eliyahu, which means “my God is Yahweh.” Often associated with modern Slavic – Ilya. It is popular in Arab countries, but is rare in Russia.

Character traits

The name Ilyas contains many internal contradictions, which imply different lines of behavior for such a person in difficult situations. At the same time, he has great vitality, resilience and the ability to adapt to circumstances, independence and the desire for freedom. Such a man finds recognition in creative work, politics, and ideological struggle.

During his school years, Ilyas creates many problems for parents and teachers due to his uncooperative, conflictual nature. Requires special attention in the family and is intolerant of any remark. Explodes into a storm of indignation over any little thing that may limit his freedom.

Over the years, Ilyas becomes calmer and more reserved, but only outwardly. Loves flattery, compliments, attentions, gifts. He presents himself as a stern and free person. Under the guise of independence, he hides distrust of people. Likes to attend crowded rallies, meetings, events, but only in order to create the appearance of an active person. He prefers to lead such a lifestyle so as not to be subordinate to someone. Ilyas is vain and a careerist. In his home he demands complete submission. In a team he is able to create an atmosphere of friendliness and charm.

The sophistication of his behavior predisposes him to frankness, which he skillfully uses for personal purposes. He can package his creative abilities beautifully and profitably. Talented in acting and psychological practices.

Interests and hobbies

Most of all he loves to travel. Not afraid of difficulties. What others may find boring and monotonous will bring pleasure and a lot of impressions to Ilyas. He knows almost everything about speleology and entomology. She loves cycling, loves mountains, forests, and fishing. Nature is a place where he can take a break from people and enjoy solitude.

Profession and business

The secret of the name Ilyas hides a creative personality. However, he persistently achieves success in the field of activity that requires brainstorming. The amount of egocentrism inherent in this name can only be satisfied by the desire for excellence in creativity, the search for something new that will provide him with the opportunity to satisfy vanity. There are no such restrictions in creative professions. The ability to adapt and strength of character bring him success in any business, the main thing is not to lose interest in it.

Ilyas: the meaning of the name and the character of its owner

The name Ilyas, very rare in our time, is mainly common among people belonging to traditional Muslim culture. We will discuss below the meaning of the name Ilyas in Islam and not only, talk about its characteristics and touch a little on the topic of origin.

Origin of the name

Nowadays, scientists love to find out all the nuances and aspects of each subject, phenomenon or phenomenon they study. Names are also included in this list. Thanks to them, today we have reliable knowledge of where the Name Ilyas came from and what it means. And it came from the Hebrew language. Its original sound was something like this - “Eliyahu” and only thanks to the process of Arabization it began to be pronounced as Ilyas. The meaning of the name is: “my god is Yahweh.” Sometimes it is also interpreted as “beloved by God.” By the way, it must be said that this name also has a Slavicized form. This is the well-known name Ilya or Elijah. But, unlike the Slavic, the Arabic version is much less common in Russia. Only in Islamic regions and among people from them can one find the Ilyas form. The meaning of the Muslim name, by the way, is the same as in the Hebrew original. True, they prefer to address God not by the name “Yahweh”, but by the name “Allah”. Accordingly, this name is also translated by him - “Allah is my god.”

Characteristics in childhood

Ilyas begins to demonstrate the meaning of his name even in childhood, when he shows himself to be an extremely impressionable and exciting child. By nature, he is calm, peace-loving and prefers to smooth out conflict situations and reconcile warring parties by all means. At the same time, he has the makings of a leader. And not just a leader, but a real dictator. This is manifested in the fact that Ilyas tries to subordinate to his will and build all his friends along the wall. Of course, not all children are happy about this prospect, as a result of which Ilyas begins to get angry and show emotions. His selfhood, self-esteem and selfishness are the child’s weaknesses. If these sides of his personality are touched, then the always peace-loving boy can simply explode and cause such a rustle that no one will find it a little annoying. Ilyas, whose name meaning, character and temperament are firmly tied into one knot, loves to learn something new. Therefore, he does not miss the opportunity to go on some kind of trip or otherwise get a portion of new sensations and emotions. The boy trusts his experiences exclusively to close people and does not reveal his soul to anyone. He retains this same trait as he grows up. Ilyas prefers noisy, active games that involve a lot of people. However, he is not suited to working in a team, because everywhere he tries to impose his vision on everyone and take control of everything. It is very difficult for him to listen to anyone and accept advice from the outside. An irritated Ilyas is difficult to leave, and if he is brought to a state of violence, it is best to simply leave him alone, since attempts to pacify the boy will lead to even greater irritation. But the boy solves other people’s problems well, reconciling even the most sworn enemies. This is the paradoxical meaning of the name Ilyas.

Characteristics in youth and maturity

The matured Ilyas retains all the qualities that were revealed in him during the time of diapers and kindergarten. But, besides this, the young man is faced with such an unpleasant trait within himself as envy. He is very bad at coming to terms with someone's success and joy, even if we are talking about his closest people. Envy haunts him and he cannot accept that someone is superior to him in something. Perhaps this is the main character flaw that carries the meaning of the name Ilyas. This man’s male heart, however, is filled with a willingness to selflessly help those whom he himself is superior in some way. Being by nature quite reserved in his kindness, friendliness and cordiality, in difficult times Ilyas will still come to the rescue, and after that he will not at all boast of his heroism. At school or college, a young man proves himself to be a capable student. However, abilities are abilities, but scientific studies do not arouse much interest in the guy, and therefore he remains average.

This name exudes peace and kindness. Ilyas is gentle and smiling, and almost always gives in in a dispute, even if he is right: he is afraid of offending a person. His tactfulness so amazes the people around him that it seems innate.

He is a little on his own and is not as simple and gentle as it seems when communicating with him. Yes, it can be read like an open book, but an intelligent person sees what is written between the lines. And much more is written between the lines in the book called “Ilyas”.

What can be read between the lines in Ilyas’s character?

That the kindness and gentleness of Ilyas does not extend to everyone. To a person who is unpleasant to Ilyas, he will cold and hard as marble. His compliance is also mostly apparent. Try to turn him away from the path he has planned - and you will see that this is impossible. He will listen to you, perhaps politely, as is his wont. will smile. But he will do everything his way.

They are very practical, these Ilyas. It's already noticeable in childhood. What Ilyas considers his own, he will not give to anyone. You won’t be able to take it away either, and if you do try, you will encounter such hardness and resilience that you never expected to see in such a soft, at first sight, person.

Ilyas also chooses his own classes. It is impossible to force him to do something he doesn’t like. His subtle perception of reality and sensitivity to everything that surrounds him, frequent reflection on life and the ability to think figuratively lead to the choice of creative professions. The percentage of people bearing the name Ilyas is especially large among artists, singers, actors, artists. It is through expressing himself in creativity that the bearer of the name Ilyas tries to become a respected person, which is extremely important and necessary for him.

Where did the name Ilyas come from, and how is it interpreted?

The name Ilyas is the Arabic form of the Hebrew name Eliyahu, which means "my God is Yahweh." Naturally, Muslims had no use for the name of the Jewish God in the name of a person committed to Islam, and they “forgot” about the last word in the interpretation of this name. It turned out that the name Ilyas began to be translated as “god’s favorite.”

This name is very common among the Tatars, Bashkirs and, in general, peoples committed to Muslim religion. In Tatarstan, for example, the name Ilyas is, by its prevalence, in the top ten names, which baby boys are called.

In terms of efficiency and worldly savvy, the Ilyas are somewhat similar to people with the name Talgat. They, too, have been accustomed to work since childhood, they can do a lot, they are hardy and homely. They can be entrusted with any task with confidence that Ilyas will not let you down. And he will not let you down: he will do everything as it should and with the utmost precision. Ilyas have been so independent since childhood peasants who know what they want and what needs to be done to make your desire come true.

They are very easy-going, Ilyas. And in this they are radically different from, say, people with the name Talgat. Get Ilyas to do something unexpected for him, or better yet - journey, worthless. The tendency to change places is in the Ilyas blood. And if they had such an opportunity, they would travel the world all their lives, discovering new places and satiating yourself with impressions.

What else does the name Ilyas contain, what secrets does it hide?

Some windiness and changeability. He falls in love easily and falls out of love just as easily. to the girl, for which just yesterday he burned with what seemed to him a boundless passion.

Ilyas enters into marriage only when he can support his family with dignity and without any problems. It takes him a long time to choose his chosen one, and when gets married- and this happens only out of love - then his frivolity disappears, and he becomes a devoted and faithful husband.

Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist also to expand your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Compatibility of the name Ilyas, manifestation in love

Ilyas, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for working in a team. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.

Full name:

Similar names: Ilias

Church name: -

Meaning: My God is the Lord; fortress of the Lord

Patronymic: Ilyasovich, Ilyasovna

The meaning of the name Ilyas - interpretation

The history of the name Ilyas – “God’s favorite”, “who comes to the rescue” – dates back thousands of years. According to biblical descriptions, this was the name of one of the great prophets. If we start from another version, which is supported by many linguists, then the name has Arabic roots - “the power of Allah.” Shortened versions: Il, Ilchik. The name is popular in Asian countries and is practically not used in Western Europe.

Years later

In infancy, he practically does not cry and has an excellent appetite. The boy grows up straightforward and demanding, does not like to share his toys with other children, and is characterized by a heightened sense of ownership.

Sometimes displays aggression towards peers and adults. Capricious and willful. With age, his character changes for the better, but these negative traits appear throughout his life.

He doesn't have many friends, and this is explained by his extreme restraint. Il does not like to open up completely and is often afraid of betrayal. Relatives can always count on his support even at such a tender age.

Ilyas has a strong physique and enjoys attending sports clubs. He is naturally endowed with excellent intelligence and learns easily. Therefore, his parents are not worried about his academic performance. Tries to restrain his negative emotions.

Protects the weak and wretched, does not tolerate insults and humiliation. Ilyas is a knight, and adults are encouraged to encourage this trait in him. It is extremely important for a teenager to learn to feel people; this will help him not to be deceived.

Ilyas is very vain. He likes it when others show him respect and listen to his opinion. The man is sociable, but taciturn, and gladly takes part in a variety of events, where he always speaks clearly and to the point.

Courage and perseverance are traits that all men to whom their parents gave this ancient name possess. Ilyas does not like long conversations and expresses his thoughts briefly. He is distinguished by his composure, always very serious and calm.

The man is extremely honest with everyone, so you can always count on him in a difficult situation. Ilyas does not consult with anyone, because he relies only on himself. Therefore, he makes decisions only on his own.

A man constantly has to struggle with his shortcomings, because he is sure that this negatively affects the attitude of others towards him. If Ilyas finds a balance between his inherent contradictions, then his life will be happy.

Character of Ilyas

Without a doubt, one of Ilyas' greatest strengths is his extraordinary courage and ability to endure difficulties without hesitation. He carefully solves the most complex problems using his rich potential.

Ilchik is a man of few words because he considers talkativeness a serious flaw. Prefers to act more than talk. Treats elders with great respect. His parents don't have to worry - he will never offend them.

Since childhood, Ilyas has been arrogant and looks down on many people, considering himself at least a prince. He really wants respect and praise addressed to him. So you shouldn’t be surprised at the fact that you take part in various public events.

A man can be overly self-confident. And if you disagree with him for a long time and argue, this can provoke his angry reaction with all that it entails. His demands on people can go off scale, while he allows himself many indulgences.

The fate of Ilyas

A contradictory character has been inherent in Ilyas since childhood, and this will significantly influence his fate. A man constantly has to control his emotions and restrain aggression, which manifests itself due to the reluctance of others to do what he wants. But behind the power and authoritarianism lies a soft and romantic person. The man is sentimental, but only very close people notice this. He is always ready to help, is loyal to his friends, and he is disgusted by any lie.

Il devotes a lot of time to solving the problems of others, which sometimes negatively affects his fate. He has no time left for his personal life and career. A man with this ancient and beautiful opinion is often involved in charity and can spend a significant amount of money on good causes. He never counts on the help of others, so sometimes he finds himself in difficult situations.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Ilyas's diplomacy, which he develops at a young age, allows him to choose the profession of a journalist, teacher, politician or diplomat. These specialties will allow him to achieve great success.

If a man strives for financial well-being, then he may well prove himself to be a successful businessman. Il is able to lead people, but he does it not authoritarianly, but correctly.

Marriage and family

Ilyas is an ideal family man. This is the kind of husband every woman dreams of. Il loves and respects his wife, gives her gifts and flowers. The man adores children, but does not spoil them, but raises them methodically and tactfully.

He insists that his chosen one remain exclusively the keeper of the home; he himself supports the financial situation of the family. He does not cheat on his wife, he is sensitive to family values. He can be strict and persistent, but he is honest and fair.

Sex and love

Ilyas is a romantic, but he carefully hides it. In relationships with women he shows sentimentality and knows how to look after beautifully. The opposite sex shows open interest in a charismatic and mysterious man, this flatters him.

In intimacy, he always tries to please his partner, and if he breaks up with a lady, he does it very correctly. Under no circumstances will he offend a woman.


Ilyas is not in good health, but tries to keep himself in good physical shape. A man is susceptible to diseases of the digestive system, so he has to constantly follow a diet.

With age, vitality decreases and heart problems occur.

Interests and hobbies

In his youth, Ilyas was interested in all types of art and quality literature without exception. An adult man loves active recreation and travel.

Can become seriously interested in photography. He really enjoys at least the occasional trip to nature with his family and very close friends with whom he has developed excellent relationships.