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Instructions for exterior finishing of a house using siding. Country houses: facing with siding with and without insulation

The combination of the words country house evokes an association with a small building, but the phrase cladding country house siding makes you understand that the building is not so small. Siding is chosen as a finishing material for a country house due to its affordable cost and good set of performance characteristics.
He is valued for his unpretentiousness, long term services, for different shades and textures. The material is used for the restoration of long-serving wooden, block, and brick buildings, and for the cladding of newly built frame structures.
Covering a country house with siding allows you to quickly give buildings an attractive and finished look without investing significant funds. Samples designer fantasies When decorating a country house with siding, you can look at the photos in the material galleries.


  • Long-term use does not change the impeccable appearance of a house finished with siding, unlike lining.
  • This finishing material is not subject to rotting processes, and pests do not like it.
  • The material is resistant to mechanical stress and high temperatures during combustion.
  • Covering a dacha with siding can protect its façade from external atmospheric influences and insulate it from noise penetration into the house.
  • Sheathing with siding allows you to insulate the structure of the house due to an air gap or special insulation that does not interfere with the house’s “breathing”.
  • Various regions of the country with temperature differences from -50 to +50ᵒC can allow the population to use this.
  • Its paint does not fade even in direct sunlight, regardless of whether this material is located in the south, under the scorching rays of the sun, or in the north, in severe frosts, the siding is able to withstand all weather difficulties.
  • The use of vinyl siding, instead of similar lining, does not require painting.
  • It is enough to wash it with water from a hose and the surface will again shine with newness, cleanliness and freshness.

Attention: Despite the speed of installation work when covering with siding, the execution of work has its own nuances when finishing openings, corners and transitions.

  • The cladding of country houses with siding must be carried out in compliance with allowances for thermal expansion. If you ignore the advice of the professionals in the video, you can end up with cladding that warps after warming or has cracks in it due to frost.

Types of siding and its choice

There are different ones. Divided into large buildings and not so much, capital ones, in which it is possible to live all year round, or summer for the season, brick, wood, panel.
It is better to sheathe any types of buildings with siding, which also come in different forms, but serve as an excellent option exterior finishing with the right choice.

Type of sidingAdvantagesFlawsApplication
WoodPrepared from wood fibers by pressing and adding resinsHigh price, not practical, burns wellRarely used for finishing garden houses
MetalSteel and aluminum material does not burnHeavy weight that lightweight walls may not be able to handle
Fiber cementSturdy, beautiful, durable, practicalHigh cost, may exceed the price of the structure itself and weightCapital buildings for year-round use
VinylLow cost, various colors, resistance to temperature changes, ease of maintenanceIt is susceptible to accidental damage from garden toolsSummer garden houses, on capital buildings, where the lower part is covered with vinyl basement siding


  • Vinyl products are made from polyvinyl chloride, which consists of solid strips called panels.
  • Each individual panel represents monolithic sheet with the required form.
  • When installing siding with your own hands, the owners country houses They insulate the building due to the convenient installation of insulating material into the sheathing space.

Methods of finishing work with siding

There are not so many options as there are materials themselves. There are two ways of development of events; facing a country house with siding is carried out vertically or horizontally.
For each type of work, our own types of vinyl products are produced:

  • The horizontal finishing of the facade is done with “shipboard” and “herringbone”.
  • Vertical cladding resembles log masonry because it uses panels that are shaped like logs.
  • The single-break shiplap finish has become widespread in the United States.
  • Facing a country house with herringbone siding with a double fracture is used in Europe.

Attention: For all types of siding, excluding wooden products, which can then be repainted in the color you like, an important and responsible point is the correctly selected color.

  • Selecting the color of siding is not entirely simple, since there are at least 25 colors.
  • For simplicity, they are divided into 3 groups. One group is white, another is pastel, and the third is colored.
  • Most often outside the city you can find pastel colors.

Calculation and rules for installing siding


  • The correct calculation of the material is determined by the surface area that needs to be sheathed.
  • Why is the surface divided into geometric shapes?
  • Window windows are not excluded from the area calculation.
  • 10% is added to the results obtained, which is quite enough for cladding.
  • The calculation includes siding fastenings used for external and internal corners for horizontal and vertical installation.
  • Siding of country houses on wooden sheathing is done with special nails, fastening to the profile with self-cuts.
  • Building cladding is carried out round house, but the temperature should not be lower than 10ᵒC, otherwise vinyl material loses its ductility and may crack.
  • The panels are not fastened tightly with nails; the cap does not reach the end by 1-2 mm.
  • The nails must go straight into the product, otherwise you can get a wavy surface.
  • It is unacceptable to stretch the siding during installation.
  • The next panel is connected to the previous one, and then pushed against the wall until the locking system is fixed.

Attention: All materials used in the installation of the cladding must not be subject to corrosion, otherwise the siding will begin to come off after a few seasons.

Installation and cost of work


  • The construction of a country house begins with preparatory work.
  • The protruding elements of the platbands, grilles, and doors are dismantled.
  • Cement mortar or polyurethane foam used to seal cracks around openings.
  • The walls are freed from dirt and dust, swollen plaster, paint, rotten areas and mold.
  • Homes from wooden products treated with antipyretics and antiseptics, foam concrete walls with a primer.
  • The average cost of a square meter of siding in rubles depends on the material: metal -190-215; wooden – 1000-2500; vinyl – 180-600; cement - 400-1000 per panel.

  • Country houses are faced with siding from the rear.
  • To do this, the lower edge of the panel must be in the starting strip, and the upper edge must be attached to the sheathing.
  • Fasteners do not reach the edge of the panel by at least 10 cm.
  • The next row begins at the beginning of the previous one.
  • The joints should not be placed one above the other; for this purpose, chess order installations.
  • If the panel is shorter than the wall, the instructions recommend using a connecting strip during installation.
  • The last cladding panels are attached to following rules. The finishing strip is nailed flush to the cornice. The last panel is installed by pressing it until the locking system operates.

After each installation, excess pieces remain that should not be thrown away. Random mechanical damage panels can always be replaced. There will be no difference in the colors of the panels, because vinyl siding does not fade in the sun.

Only at first glance installation work very simple. Yes, siding is not complicated, but it requires knowledge and skills. For example, the appearance depends on the density of screwing the material, because siding can shrink when sub-zero temperatures. Improper fastening may result in cracking. And this is just one moment in the editing. That is why the cladding of external walls should be entrusted to a team of professionals. Real specialists have a thorough knowledge of installation techniques and will carry out all the work quickly and efficiently.

As a rule, turnkey installation of siding does not take much time, and the cost of this type of work is very reasonable. In addition, by turning to professionals, you can see turnkey projects in person and determine what look is best to give to your home. The house, covered with log and brick siding, can be seen on the website of the performing company.

A team of professionals has its advantages:

  • will carry out all the calculations and determine how much material is needed for the cladding;
  • will select the most acceptable one, taking into account all the requirements and wishes of the customer;
  • delivers construction material to its destination;
  • will complete the work quickly and professionally.

In addition, the cost of such work is very reasonable. Then the question arises: why do something on your own that you have never done? After all, it is better to entrust it to specialists who will competently carry out turnkey installation.

Finally, we note that the use of siding as a cladding material is very popular today. After all, this material is durable, easy to install and provides unsurpassed and elegant look home - see for yourself!

If you want to quickly, beautifully and inexpensively decorate the facade of your house, you will most likely decide to use siding. These are far from those frankly plastic thin boards with an unpleasant shine. Modern siding imitates different textures of traditional finishing materials: stone, brick, wood. All surfaces look quite authentic. If it is a torn stone, then the color and surface are very similar. The brick panels even have uneven coloring that is natural for this material, cracks and chips are pressed in and traced. The texture of the wood is also conveyed quite accurately. Not in all materials, but in many. It is produced today using at least five different materials and many technologies. Another important advantage of this material is that installing siding with your own hands is not a super-complicated task, accessible to anyone who is able to hold a hammer.

Types of siding for cladding a house

Let's start with the fact that it is produced from different materials: based on polymers, wood, metal and their combinations. Here are the main types that are used for exterior cladding of houses:

  • Polymer:
    • vinyl;
    • acrylic;
  • Metal siding:
    • aluminum;
    • galvanized iron;
  • Fiber cement;
  • WPC is a wood-polymer composite.


The first polymer siding we had was vinyl siding - made from polyvinyl chloride, which is abbreviated as PVC. Today it also exists and has the lowest prices, and in appearance it is already significantly different from the first samples. It has become much more attractive, there is not only a smooth one - with an imitation of the surface of wood - it is also called “log siding”. This is if it is semicircular in cross-section. There is one that follows the profile of the timber. So you can cover the house with timber siding. Some of the profiles and colors can be seen in the photo gallery.

This house is finished with log siding (acrylic or vinyl - unknown) This is vinyl siding imitating a log - different colors From a distance it looks like a log, but up close, of course, not very much PVC siding— imitation log This is vinyl siding, which is called “herringbone” for its characteristic profile. Its surface can imitate wood, and its color can be almost any. It's just that some are hard to find. It's just a smooth color - a small part of the palette.

The second polymer siding is acrylic. It costs about 50% more than vinyl, but this is justified: it has best characteristics, many people like the look better. What are its advantages? It is more plastic, thanks to which it can withstand heavy loads and crack less in the cold (vinyl becomes brittle at subzero temperatures). The operating temperature range of acrylic is from -50°C to +50°C, acrylic can be heated to +85°C without loss operational properties. And one more thing: acrylic fades less, although it all depends on the quality of the pigment. All these features are reflected in warranty period: Manufacturers guarantee 25 years for imported vinyl siding (5-7 for ours), and 50 years for acrylic siding (about 10 for ours). Externally, acrylic is almost no different from vinyl, so there is no point in publishing similar drawings.

This was all about traditional siding, which is produced in the form of long strips (the thickness of the polymer wall, by the way, is from 0.8 to 1.2 mm). But there is also a base version, which has the form of sheets with uneven edges (for better joining). It is also called facade panels. It very reliably imitates stone or brickwork, as well as some types wooden coverings- wood chips, for example. See some samples of basement siding in the photo gallery.

The simple geometry of the house emphasizes the “naturalness” of the finish. Cladding the entire house with basement siding - quick way exterior finishing Clinker tiles with jointing - if you want, you can do something like this Shades - from light, almost white, to dark

This type of siding is more expensive, but stronger - the wall thickness is 2-3 mm, depending on the manufacturer. Some reinforce the slabs to give greater rigidity: to make the finish more durable. The guarantee is from 25 to 50 years, the temperature range depends on the material, because these facade slabs are also made of vinyl or acrylic. In any case, they add more titanium, which makes it more flexible and therefore does not break even in cold weather. It is titanium that largely influences the price: the more it is, the more durable the polymer becomes.

When finishing, it is important to remember that polymers different temperatures have different sizes. Therefore, when installing the siding, it is imperative to leave gaps that compensate for these changes.

You can read about the installation of basement siding in the article ““.

Metal siding

This type of finishing material is made from thin metal- galvanized steel or thin aluminum. Aluminum is more durable, but also much more expensive. In production metal siding To protect against rust, a whole “pie” of protective and finishing layers is rolled onto a sheet of steel 0.4-0.5 mm thick, the main one of which is zinc. The last one is paint or polymer coating. Metallosideng with polymer coating It costs more, but it also has a longer service life and burns out less.

It is clear that metal is more durable than plastic, but only if protective covering not broken. Therefore, when cutting siding on a metal base, you cannot use a grinder: the cutting area gets very hot, and they burn out. protective films. Subsequently, this is where corrosion begins. For the same reason, during installation it is attached to galvanized screws: they are guaranteed not to scratch the coating.

One of the features is that metal siding has significant weight, so it must be taken into account when calculating the foundation. If you wanted to cover an old house with metal siding, this is only possible if the foundation has a safety margin. If not, you will have to strengthen it. More important nuance: since metal conducts heat well, the house needs to be well insulated (installed only with insulation).

Fiber cement siding

This finishing material is made from a mixture of sand and cement, to which fiber fiber is added for reinforcement. Siding or slabs are formed from this composition. The technology was invented in Japan, which is why this siding is also called “Japanese”.

The advantages of this material include its non-flammability or low flammability if the front side is painted. This material does not react to temperature changes, is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation (the material itself, not the coating), and does not change its properties when frozen. But since they consist of cement, they absorb water, and they also have a significant weight. Therefore, if you are going to cover the outside of the house with fiber cement siding, its weight must also be taken into account when calculating the foundation. When designing a wall pie, care must be taken to ensure that the façade is ventilated: there must be an air gap between the cladding and the wall of the house.

This house is covered with fiber cement panels Brickwork- one of my favorite patterns: laying siding is much faster, and the result is excellent

Another feature of this material is that the colors that you see in the photo above are the result of dyeing. It is applied after the slabs are formed. The paint penetrates quite deeply and manufacturers guarantee paint durability for 10 years. But then you will have to update it: take a brush or roller and paint.

WPC siding - wood-polymer composite

Wood siding or WPC is made from wood flour mixed with polymer. Not only does it look like wood, but it also smells like wood. Very similar and tactile sensations. Unlike fiber cement, WPC is colored to its full depth: pigment is added to the mass before molding begins. There is thermal expansion - about 3 mm per meter, the color of the posts, the strength is high - decking is made from the same material - terrace board, so people have been trampling on it for years. By the way, you can also sheathe a house with it.

Among the disadvantages of this material: a fairly high price - from 850 to 2000 rubles per square meter, not a very large palette of colors, lack of additional elements and proven installation technology. The material is new, all the flaws come from this. But they are forgotten when the material is seen in person: it looks very attractive and is very similar to wood. The photo gallery contains photos from dachas and houses under construction, not advertising ones. So you can appreciate the real look.

Another angle. You can see how they are attached - to the sheathing with a perforated tape no less than 0.8 mm thick. As you can see, the walls of the WPC siding are thick. But the board was nailed on the wrong side - the owner liked the back side better. And on the front - three narrow boards are molded “under the lining”

Since the material is new, there are few reviews, but those that exist are positive. For example, this: “Two years have passed, the color holds, no cracks, no deformations.” Region - Moscow and Samara.

How to choose siding for cladding a house

Once you have decided on the type of siding that you will use to cover your house, you must not make a mistake with the manufacturer. You will need to carefully inspect the products and check the following points:

  • Uniformity of color. If the color is smooth, there should be no changes or foreign inclusions either on the back or on the front.
  • Uniform wall thickness. Examine several boards in profile. The thickness of the partitions should be the same. Sagging or pitting, even on the inside, is a sign of poor quality.
  • Inspect the mounting holes. They should have smooth edges, without burrs.
  • Smooth longitudinal edges of the locks, no deformation in any plane.

If everything is fine, you can buy.

DIY installation instructions

Despite the fact that siding is made from different materials, the principle of its installation is the same: on a flat surface. In some cases it may be a flat wall, but mostly it is on a lathing.


Do-it-yourself siding installation begins with checking the condition of the walls. If the house is new, no special action is required. If it’s old, everything that could subsequently fall off is removed: poorly adhering tiles, pieces of plaster. If there is old trim that can be easily removed, it is advisable to dismantle it. Decorative elements are also removed - lamps, window and door trim, etc., and roof overhangs are dismantled. They will then be installed in place after the finishing work is completed.

After this, siding installation is carried out independently in the following sequence:

Actually, all the siding on the house is complete. Some points require clarification. About them - below with photos and video explanations and instructions.


Can be used for any type wooden blocks 50*50 mm or galvanized profile for external use. For heavier materials, such as fiber cement or WPC, fasteners for facade systems can be used. It is, of course, expensive, but it is convenient to work with.

If the siding sheathing is made of wood, the bars must be treated with bioprotective impregnations: so that fungi and mold do not multiply. The walls of wooden or frame house before finishing.

The pitch of the sheathing is indicated by the manufacturer, but often it is also determined by the geometry of the house: if there are a lot of broken lines, the sheathing will have to be done more often. It must be installed:

Depending on the installation method, vinyl, acrylic and metal siding can be horizontal or vertical. Depending on the direction of laying the finishing board, the sheathing is nailed in a perpendicular direction: if the boards are nailed vertically, the sheathing is nailed horizontally and vice versa.

As already mentioned, it is standard for wooden sheathing 50*50 mm timber is used for siding. But if installation with insulation is planned, the thickness of the block should be greater: it depends on the required thickness of the insulation. In this case, the block should be 2-3 cm wider than the insulation. This is a ventilation gap that will help maintain normal humidity in the house and in all layers of finishing.

Wood sheathing for siding does not raise any questions: almost everyone knows how to work with wood, but not everyone understands how to make sheathing from profiles. For clarifications and tips on how to attach the sheathing profile to the wall, see the video.

Do-it-yourself siding installation with insulation

Traditional insulation for siding is used: polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam (extruded or not), mineral wool. For wooden houses most often used mineral wool: at low cost it has good characteristics and does not interfere with the removal of excess moisture from the house, and this is important if you are planning to sheathe a wooden house. When covering with siding brick house or houses made of foam blocks, building blocks, you can also use polystyrene foam: the walls are not very “breathable” and the same insulation paired with them will work fine.

It is not advisable to cover a wooden house without sheathing with siding. Even if the walls are smooth. On inner surface casing, condensation will form: steam passes through wooden wall, is deposited on a cooler surface. The humidity in this gap will be high: there is no ventilation gap, evaporation is poor. Conditions are created for rapid destruction of wood.

Because in any case wooden surface the sheathing is stuffed. If the sheathing has insulation, it is installed and secured between its strips. They are laid very tightly, with force, so that there are no cracks near the sheathing strips - cold bridges. If there is more than one layer, it is laid so that the seams of the bottom row are covered by the top one, possibly in different directions (see the picture).

On top there is a windproof, vapor-permeable membrane. Pay attention to this material: it determines how long your insulation will “live.” Not polyethylene film, but a membrane that does not trap water vapor inside (water vapor can escape from the insulation), while simultaneously protecting against moisture penetration from the outside (precipitation and condensation cannot get inside). On top of it is a counter-lattice, which will create a ventilated gap. Boards or panels are already attached to the counter-batten.

In this case, as you understand, the counter-lattice should be located perpendicular to the direction of laying the siding. Therefore, the first one is stamped in the same direction as the sading.

How siding is attached

The main problems with the exterior finishing of a house with siding are related to violations of installation technology. Therefore, it is necessary to treat this very carefully and strictly follow the recommendations. Manufacturers may have a different set of additional elements - profiles for joining planks and decorating openings - but the installation is the same:

There are requirements for the type and size of fasteners:

  • The use of screws or nails is allowed.
  • The fastener head must have a size of at least 8 mm (diameter 4 mm). For self-tapping screws, it should be round, not flat.
  • The thickness of the rod is 3 mm.

When installing metal lading, it is recommended to use galvanized fasteners: it will not damage the zinc protective coating. For other types of self-tapping screws, it is better to use white, not black: they can withstand heavy loads (the head of black ones often breaks when twisted).

This is true for this material of any kind: vinyl, acrylic, and metal must be properly secured. Watch the video to see what violations during installation lead to.

Video installation instructions

The technology of covering with vinyl or acrylic siding is described in detail in this video. We are talking about how and in what order to install profiles, how to mount and join external and internal corners. The process of covering a window with siding is described in detail.

Installation of facade siding is not much different. Is it just because the sheathing is required “in a cage”. Otherwise, everything is the same: we install the screws in the center of the mounting holes, do not tighten them.

Eat small features in the joining of elements. There are stops on the back of the panels that prevent the panel from moving further. When installing siding under stone or brick, you must not miss this point: the stops may break under strong pressure. The features of installation are well described in the advertising and training video of the German manufacturer Docke (Dock or Deck).

About how they sheathed vinyl siding see a large wooden house under a stone in the following video. This is no longer a commercial, but an experience: laying siding with your own hands was done for the first time. What happened and what the sensations are - look.

Siding is a modern, promising, cost-effective direction in the finishing of buildings various types. The main mission of cladding is protect external walls from damaging effects natural factors, as well as give them a special flavor and presentability.

Covering the facades of buildings with siding does not require much labor from the performers. The event can be accomplished using the simplest construction tools and in fairly short terms.

Types of material

The materials used to create siding are: vinyl, metal, PVC, wood and cement.

If desired, masters can successfully create an imitation other popular materials for finishing houses. Depending on the main material, experts distinguish several types of siding.


Essentially, these are PVC panels that can successfully imitate cladding made of wood, stone or brick.


  • affordable price;
  • light weight structures;
  • vinyl cladding will last more than 50 years;
  • a huge variety of textures and colors;
  • absence of toxic substances;
  • resistance to deformation and disasters;
  • operating temperature: -50–+50 °C.

In order to avoid possible deformation of the material, when installing units it is necessary to take into account the expansion coefficient.


If it is assumed that wooden siding will be used for cladding country houses, then its additional treated with special antiseptics under high pressure conditions.


  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • presentable;
  • environmental friendliness.

Covering a building with wood siding is an expensive undertaking. Wherein this material requires special treatment and special care.


This cladding is made of steel, aluminum or zinc. For finishing country houses with metal siding it is preferable to use aluminum, which can be painted to resemble wood.


  • strength;
  • durability;
  • lack of microflora;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes.

Metal siding is subject to deformation and corrosion processes.


The main production material is high-quality cement, to which cellulose is added. This type of cladding is able to qualitatively replace decorative stone.


  • fire resistance;
  • reliability and strength;
  • resistance to moisture and ultraviolet radiation;
  • ease of restoration;
  • absence of rotting processes and mold formation.

The disadvantage of cement siding is considered heavy weight source material, which complicates installation work.

Which siding to choose?

If timber or a solid log was used as a building material, then it is best to use vinyl siding to cover the erected log house.

PVC panels reliably protect the building from adverse atmospheric phenomena.

They are quite light, so do not create additional load on the foundation. Plastic panels are easy to install and clean. Such cladding will significantly extend the life of a wooden house and give it a unique appearance. Sheathing an old wooden house will give it a fresh look.

To sheathe frame house Wood siding is ideal. This type of cladding looks truly expensive and impressive. Sheathing installs very quickly. In this case, the panels can be installed both vertically and horizontally.

Excellent breathability and no toxic fumes– main advantages wood siding. For cladding a frame house, experts recommend purchasing panels made from beech, spruce, pine or larch wood.

As for a brick building, when choosing a finishing material, you should take into account the purpose of the building. If this is an industrial building, then it is best to finish it with metal siding. Residential brick house It is better to sheathe it with vinyl siding. He will allow you to successfully imitate other expensive materials.

To decorate houses made of foam blocks and aerated concrete, you can successfully use vinyl, metal, and basement siding. Ease of installation and excellent performance characteristics , the installed panels will help improve the facade of the house, it will look beautiful and stylish.

A high-quality frame for siding, where insulation is necessarily present, can significantly reduce heat loss and improve the waterproofing of the building.

Features of high-quality siding:

  1. Same panel thickness. This cladding will not deform and will serve the building owner for as long as possible.
  2. The presence of a uniform layer of paint. If the panel is unevenly painted, then most likely low-grade raw materials were used in the production process. Such panels cannot withstand mechanical loads, quickly lose their color and become deformed when temperatures fluctuate.
  3. Surface structure. There are no chips, stains or cracks on high-quality panels. They should not delaminate.
  4. Plastic. All cladding parts must demonstrate flexibility and strength.
  5. Availability of certificates. When purchasing material for cladding a house, feel free to ask for a quality certificate. The document must contain, certified by seal, expert conclusions that confirm the fire resistance and hygiene of the product.

How to calculate the required quantity?

A competent calculation of the amount of material required to sheathe a house or cottage will allow you to predict the total cost of the event and the time frame for completing the work.

To organize the calculation process must be prepared in advance: tape measure, calculator, sheet of paper and pencil.

At the beginning a schematic plan should be drawn up Houses. This will allow you to calculate as accurately as possible the required amount of materials and additional elements. So let's get started.

  1. Divide the facade into separate segments, determine the actual area of ​​each wall, and then the facade as a whole.
  2. The area of ​​door and window openings should be subtracted from the resulting amount.
  3. The actual metric characteristics of the ridge and roof will indicate the size of the overhangs. They should be hemmed with soffits.
  4. For proper installation of siding panels, it is necessary to determine the true number of platbands, window trims and other additional elements.

After completing all the calculations, you can independently determine the quantity of materials and the approximate cost of the cladding.

Since during the process of cutting and installing panels some amount of material will become unusable, when calculating total area sheathing to its total value It is recommended to add another 15%. Thus. You definitely won’t experience a shortage of material when cladding the building.

To correctly calculate the required amount of siding for a house, the surface area that needs to be covered with cladding, must be divided by the area of ​​one panel. The required reserve should be added to the resulting value.

Additional elements:

  1. In order to determine the number of starting strips, the length of the gap sections should be added to the length of the building perimeter, and the resulting amount should be divided by the size of the profile.
  2. The number of external and internal corners depends on the configuration of the building.
  3. The number of window profiles is determined by the length of the perimeter of the recessed window openings.
  4. The number of finishing strips must correspond to the number of starting profiles.
  5. The number of J-straps is determined by the length of the front joints.
  6. The number of platbands depends on the parameters of the facade segments that need cladding.

How much does 1 m2 cost?

The total cost of siding a house determined by several factors, namely:

  • surface area to be covered;
  • cost of source material;
  • the need to install fastening structures;
  • complexity of work;
  • installation of thermal insulation.

On average, 1 square meter of siding will cost the owner architectural structure about 200 rubles. Wherein the cost of all other work is considered separately.

Is it possible to clad a building in winter?

Naturally, it is best to cover a house with siding during warm periods of the year. But, if this event has to be held in winter, then must be remembered several important nuances.

Because when exposed low temperatures vinyl panels may crack, then this type of cladding is not recommended for installation in winter.

As for metal siding, its panels should be installed with some clearance, After all, with warming, the material will expand. Since there is a gap between the panels and the insulation, owners have no reason to worry about condensation accumulation.

How to properly cover a house with siding yourself?

Since the technology for installing siding sheathing is quite simple, this type you can do the work yourself.

When installing cement panels, it is necessary to perform preliminary strengthening of the foundation, this is explained by their large weight.

Preparatory work

Walls and surfaces around the perimeter of the house must be get rid of mold, dirt, fungi, dust and moss. Places where such phenomena have been identified should be treated with special antiseptics.

The next step is carefully examine the walls of the building. If cracks or other surface damage is detected, they must be repaired with construction emulsion.

The area of ​​the site needs to be cleared, and then a small canopy must be erected on it to protect power supplies and power tools from possible precipitation.

To work you will need:

  • cross saw;
  • pliers;
  • metal ruler;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • level;
  • knife-cutter;
  • pliers;
  • awl;
  • protective glasses;
  • hacksaw for metal.

Installation of sheathing

So that the siding design securely held by the frame, its creation must be approached as consciously as possible. If the project involves additional insulation of the walls, then the waterproofing should be placed under the insulation ball, and if not, under the sheathing.

First you need to determine the material from which the sheathing will be made. If you plan to install wooden or vinyl panels, then the frame can serve as metallic profile, and timber.

Other types of siding require the installation of metal sheathing. If timber was chosen as the frame material, it must be thoroughly dried and treated with an antiseptic. After these procedures, you can begin to assemble the sheathing.

First you need to mark the areas for installation fastening elements. The first profiles should be installed in the corners. They must be perfectly smooth. Use a building level for control.

Next, you can mount horizontal beams below and above the surface you are sheathing. Once everything is ready, you can safely mount the remaining vertical elements along the entire surface plane.

The distance between the profiles should be about 30–50 cm. It is recommended to attach the lathing directly to the walls of the building with dowels, the holes for which are made with a hammer drill.

Wall insulation

In order to properly insulate the walls of a building, it is recommended to lay insulation (foam plastic, basalt or mineral wool) between the sheathing profiles. Choice of insulation depends on climatic conditions on the territory where the house is located.

If in winter the air temperature does not fall below -15 °C, then experts recommend using polystyrene foam. More severe climatic conditions require the use of mineral wool as insulation.

The insulation should cover with waterproofing film. It is attached directly to the sheathing. To do this, use a construction stapler. A counter batten must be installed on top of the waterproofing layer. This will create a ventilation space between the insulation and the panels.


Before installing panels, you must secure additional elements structures (external and internal components, finishing and starting film, J, H-panels, water supply segments, window film).

First panel fixed on the starting film, after which, moving from bottom to top, the remaining siding segments are installed. The last panel must be secured to the finishing film.

Do not tighten the screws all the way. Between the surface plane and the head of the fastening element it is necessary to leave a gap of 1–2 mm. This will allow the material to expand without harming the siding structure.

So, covering a building with siding is an ideal, generally accessible way to ensure the presentability and durability of the building.

What mistakes can you make when installing siding? Watch in the video:

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The time when all residential buildings were alike is long gone, and modern facades They differ not only in shape, but also in a wide variety of shades. Color palette finishing materials makes it easy to realize the most daring and unusual solutions when arranging your home, make it brighter and more exclusive. The greatest scope for this is given by siding - one of best views finishing with wide choice textures and colors of panels.

Vinyl siding "Tecos"

The widest range of colors is available for vinyl and metal siding. There are all kinds of colors and shades here - from neutral, close to natural, to the brightest and most saturated. The exception is basement siding, the colors of which are more restrained, imitating natural materials and brick. Palette of wooden and fiber cement siding is also very wide, although there are no bright flashy colors in it.

By color scheme all siding is divided into three types: white, colored and pastel. White panels are best suited classic style home decoration, and are quite popular. Many people prefer to combine them with colored cladding, which gives a certain contrast and makes the facade more expressive.

The second type is panels of rich colors from light yellow to black. Bright colors are more often used in decoration public buildings- kindergartens, entertainment centers, supermarkets and other buildings, but for the cladding of private houses they choose mainly dark ones - burgundy, blue, green, all shades of brown. This finish attracts attention from afar and very clearly emphasizes architectural elements, gives the house an original look. Since expensive additives that prevent fading are used in the manufacture of panels, they are more expensive than white and pastel siding.

Siding pastel colors It is considered the most popular material for both private houses and public buildings. The palette of its shades includes dozens of options for cold, warm and neutral colors, which, in combination with various textures, allows you to choose an exclusive finish for absolutely any structure. Pastel colors are less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, they are more pleasing to the eye, and are in perfect harmony with the surrounding landscape.

Each manufacturer has catalogs of the colors of their products, while the same color may be called differently by different brands. Entire collections and series of siding are produced in a specific color range: for example, “Oregon Pride” from the Mitten company is light pastel colors, “NATURE” from VOX is the warm colors of natural wood, and the “Platin” series from American siding is exceptionally rich and bright panel color.

How to determine the quality of siding paint

Since this material lasts about 40-50 years, it decorative coating special requirements are put forward. It should not quickly fade or fade, become scratched, or peel off. High-quality siding retains the same color for 10-12 years, and subsequent fading occurs evenly and almost imperceptibly, so the homeowner does not have to worry about updating the color.

Unfortunately, high demand for siding has contributed to the market being filled with low quality products. Within a couple of years after installation, such panels begin to fade in spots, peel off, and lose their glossy shine. When choosing a material for finishing your home, know:

How to choose the right trim color

Decoration for a home is like clothing for a person - an inappropriate outfit spoils the impression and makes the appearance awkward or funny. When choosing the color of the cladding, you should take into account the size of the house, its architectural forms, color of the roof and surrounding buildings. If you want to use material of 2-3 shades, they must match each other perfectly. There are several basic rules color design facade, subject to which the house will always look attractive and stylish.

  1. Light siding visually increases the size of the building, so it is perfect for small houses. It is also recommended to use bright hues, if trees or lush shrubs grow near the house - paneling is white, cream, light blue or beige colour goes well with green foliage.

  2. Dark-colored siding makes the house less noticeable, visually reduces its size, and gives a strict appearance. When using dark green and brown shades in the cladding, the building seems to be “lost” against the background of trees and tall grass. Blue, dark gray, red-brown tones make the facade slightly gloomy, and therefore it is recommended to combine them with white finishing elements - corners, cornices, platbands. Many designers use dark colors to highlight individual details of the structure - curly protrusions, openings, extensions against the background light walls.

  3. Bright colored panels give the facade newness and freshness, give it an elegant look, and attract attention from afar. As a rule, only one color is chosen for cladding, since 2-3 flashy shades are already too much. You can highlight corners and openings with elements of a contrasting color that perfectly harmonizes with the main finish. For example, a bright red facade with white corners and trim looks very advantageous, especially against the backdrop of green spaces.

  4. For the facades of buildings with complex architecture, it is advisable to choose siding of the same color, and highlight all corners and protrusions with lighter elements. This technique allows you to smooth out the massiveness of the building, making it more elegant and light.

  5. For houses of simple shape, on the contrary, it is preferable to use multi-colored panels. There are a huge number of options for combining them, and the choice depends only on the imagination of the homeowner. Color combinations give the building a very impressive, expressive look and emphasize the artistic taste of the owners. Of course, all shades must be in harmony with each other and with the color of the roof.

  6. The classic style of the building corresponds to pastel colors of warm and cold colors, and White color. Home in rustic style Warm wood shades for walls and dark ones to match are ideal natural stone, for the base. If your home is built in modern or high-tech style, you can use it for decoration bright colors– light green, purple, red, emerald, deep blue in combination with dark gray, beige or white.

Advice. The most classic is the combination of light walls with a dark roof. If there is a base, it should be the same color as the roof, or have a neutral shade, for example, light gray. To decorate door and window openings, corners and protrusions on the facade, elements matching the color of the roof are also used, but only if the house is large enough.

On the websites of siding manufacturers, consumers are given the opportunity to choose the color of the material online. With the help of a special program, everyone can see what the cladding of a particular color will look like on the facade of a house and choose the most suitable one. suitable color roofing, plinth and additional elements. True, this only applies standard cladding, and if you plan to create a two- or three-color coating with geometric inserts, the program will not help you. In this case, it is recommended to use the color compatibility table so that the selection of shades is as competent as possible.

Combining siding panels

The easiest way to finish is to use panels of the same color. There is no need for sketches or complex calculations; installation is carried out as standard, regardless of the shade of the siding. But what to do if you want to decorate the facade in a more interesting way, using 2 or 3 types of panels? For those who doubt their abilities, it is better to contact professional designer Fortunately, now there is no shortage of such specialists. Although, in fact, you can cope with such a task on your own if you carefully consider all the options.

So, there are several popular ways of multi-colored finishing:

Advice. To determine the most suitable method, consider not only the appearance, but also the complexity of execution if you are going to install the siding yourself.

Material calculation

Let's look at cladding technology using colored inserts as an example. rectangular shape. First you need to draw a sketch of the house and determine the location and size of the inserts. The most popular example is contrasting inserts above and below window openings. The sketch should indicate the height and width of the walls, the dimensions of the openings, the sizes of the colored inserts and the distance between them, and also be sure to indicate where which color of the cladding is used. The more detailed the diagram, the easier it is to calculate the amount of material and additional elements to it.

To calculate the number of panels of the main color, you need to subtract the total area of ​​inserts and openings from the total area of ​​the walls, and divide the resulting value by the area of ​​one panel. To calculate siding of a different color, subtract the area of ​​the openings from the total area of ​​the inserts and also divide by the area of ​​one panel. After this, the number of panels of both sidings must be increased by 10-15%, since there will certainly be material waste during cutting.

Additional elements are measured in linear meters, so calculating their length is not difficult: it is enough to know the length of the perimeter of the walls, the height of the internal and external corners, and the perimeter of each opening. But more connecting strips, or H-profiles, will be required than with standard installation. As you know, panels of the same color can be overlapped, which allows you to save a little on additional elements, but this method is completely unsuitable for multi-colored panels. Here the siding is connected only end-to-end, which means the number of H-planks increases. They should be located on both sides of each insert, so to calculate, multiply the height of the inserts by their number and by 2, and then add 10% for cutting and connecting the planks to each other.

Surface preparation

Before installing the siding, you need to remove everything from the walls that could interfere with the work and begin preparing the surface. First of all, the walls are cleaned wire brush, as a result of which problem areas are identified - poorly adhering paint or plaster, crumbling seams, voids under the old finish. Use a hammer and chisel to knock down old cracked mortar until it reaches a solid base.

If the walls are affected by fungus, after cleaning, treat these areas with a bleach solution or a special antiseptic. The fungus must be completely removed, otherwise it will continue to develop under the sheathing, gradually destroying the wall material. This is especially true for wooden houses, which are most susceptible to various fungi and mold.

Cracks should also not be left, as they will only grow larger later. They are embroidered, cleaned of dust and sealed with ordinary cement mortar.

If, in addition to cracks, there are many potholes and other defects, the best solution would be to re-plaster the walls using metal mesh for reinforcement. The prepared walls can only be primed, but this should be done on a dry surface, that is, the repair solution must dry completely.

Application of primer

Frame installation

The frame for siding can be mounted from timber and galvanized profiles. The first option is cheaper, but less durable, while metal lathing will last much longer without requiring replacement of individual elements. The U-shaped profile SD-60 with a wall thickness of 0.4-0.55 mm is best suited for lathing. Since the panels will be positioned horizontally, the frame guides should be installed vertically.

Step 1. Markings are made on the wall for mounting holes. They retreat 10-15 cm from the corner, use a plumb line to determine the vertical, and mark the drilling points with chalk or a marker in increments of 30-40 cm along this line. Then they step back another half meter to the side and again mark the vertical, and so on until the end of the wall.

Step 2. According to the markings, holes are drilled, dusted off, dowels are inserted and perforated hangers or brackets are attached.

Step 3. A horizontal line is marked along the lower edge of the wall, and a starting profile is installed along this line. The ends of the sheathing guides will be inserted into it.

Step 4. The outer profiles are installed on the hangers, aligned vertically and secured with self-tapping screws. Now a strong thread is pulled between them along the bottom and top edges to make it easier to align the rest of the guides.

Step 5. After installing the main profiles, additional jumpers are attached around the openings and along the perimeter of future inserts. The ends of the siding panels will rest on these jumpers.

Video - Frame for siding installation

Panel installation

In general, the sheathing process is carried out as standard, you just have to fasten large quantity H-planks and observe the order of installation of panels by color. It is best to cut the material immediately before installing it on the walls.

Step 1. The ebb plate is attached to the bottom of the sheathing with self-tapping screws, controlling the horizontal level. The planks are overlapped by 20-25 mm.

Step 2. Mount profiles of external and internal corners. A gap of 5-7 mm is left between the cornice and the upper edge of the profile; the lower edge should rest against the ebb.

Step 3. Along the lower edge of the sheathing, above the ebb, a starting strip is attached. It must also be positioned strictly horizontally, otherwise the casing will be skewed. The plank is secured with self-tapping screws every 25-30 cm exactly in the center of the holes. Be sure to leave a gap of 1 mm between the fastener head and the panel to avoid deformation during thermal expansion of the panels. There should be a distance of 10-12 mm between adjacent planks and about 6 mm from the nail edge of the corner profile.