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Instructions for using karbofos at home. Karbofos from ants in the garden

Despite the abundance modern means against insects, gardeners still prefer the time-tested Karbofos. The drug is used to combat numerous types of pests garden crops: vegetables, melons, fruits berry bushes and trees, berries, grapes, flowers, ornamental plants.

"Karbofos" is produced by several manufacturers in different forms(liquid, granules, powder, tablets, emulsions), with various additives and in different concentrations(“Alatar”, “Antiklesch”, “Atkellik”, “Inta-CM”, “Iskra-M”, “Phenaxin-plus”, “Fufanon-nova”). All preparations contain fragrances with a strong unpleasant smell to improve the safety of animals and people. After use, the smell of "Karbofos" quickly disappears.

"Karbofos" belongs to drugs of the third group (medium degree) of danger; it is not very phytotoxic. The popularity of karbofos is due to its high efficiency.

Effect of the drug

"Karbofos" is an insecticide and acaricide of contact action. Effective only upon direct contact with an insect. The “hidden” insect does not die and is capable of producing offspring.

The drug has a protective effect only on those parts of the plant with which it comes into contact. The advantages of contact preparations include fast, almost instantaneous ridding of plants from pests.

"Karbofos" is a short-acting drug. It quickly deteriorates under the influence of sun, air, and water. Complete disintegration when plants are treated in open ground occurs 7-10 days after application, and in greenhouses after a week. Karbofos is removed from plants within a week.

"Karbofos" belongs to the group of continuous action products. Destroys several types of insects and larvae at the same time. Regular use can create resistance (addiction).

"Karbofos" is used in both agriculture and forestry, household, sanitary and medical disinfestation, and to control pests of food and seed stocks.

In gardening and gardening it is used to combat gnawing, herbivorous and sucking insects, their larvae and caterpillars:

  • scale insects
  • red and spider mites
  • bedbugs
  • thrips
  • gall midges
  • whiteflies
  • suckers
  • bud moth
  • sawflies
  • weevils
  • codling moths
  • mealybugs
  • leafhoppers
  • bean moth
  • pea grain
  • flies

Important!"Karbofos" affects beneficial pollinating insects: bees, wasps, bumblebees. It cannot be used during active flowering and should not be sprayed within a radius of less than 5 kilometers from the hives.

Application of "Karbofos"

The most common method of treating plants with Karbofos is garden plot- spraying. The procedure is carried out in sunny, calm weather without wind or rain at a temperature not lower than + 15ºС, in the morning or evening hours. The spray solution must be freshly prepared.

Spray the leaves and stems of the plant until the solution is completely wetted. The dosage is determined using the instructions for use in the garden, taking into account the area of ​​treatment, the degree of damage, the type of plants and pests. It is advisable to treat the plants no more than twice during the season.

Raspberries and blackberries

Raspberries and blackberries are processed for the first time in early spring before flowering begins. Secondary after picking berries. "Karbofos" saves shrubs from aphids, bud moths, ticks, weevils, and raspberry-strawberry beetles. The consumption rate is 75 grams of product per bucket of water. For 10 bushes, up to 2 liters of working solution is required.


The insecticide eliminates currants from leaf beetles, scale insects, bud moths, gallicia, sawflies, aphids, and mites. Treatment is carried out three times per season:
✔ During swelling and opening of the kidneys.
✔ During the formation of the flower brush.
✔ Last time - 30 days before the berries ripen.

The working solution of "Karbofos" is prepared from 75 grams of the product per bucket of water, at the rate of one and a half liters per currant bush. In case of severe damage to the bushes by spider mites and red mites, in the fall, additionally, currant bushes and the soil under them are generously moistened with a 2% solution of karbofos.


Gooseberry karbofos protects against leaf rollers, moths, moths, sawflies, spider mites and red mites. A liter of working solution of 60 grams of karbofos and 8 liters of water is enough for one bush. Last treatment a month before harvest.

Flower and ornamental shrubs

Protect shrubs (roses, jasmine, barberry, spirea, cotoneaster, etc.) from spider mite, roseate sawflies, aphids will be helped by a solution of 60 grams of the product in 8 liters of water. For 10 m² you will need 2 liters. Spraying is carried out before and after flowering.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is sprayed in the spring during budding. To prepare the solution, a larger volume of water is required than for other berry bushes - 3 liters per standard package of the drug of 60 grams. When processing 10 m², it takes about two liters.

In autumn in the garden, to receive good harvest in the future, sea buckthorn cuttings are dipped into a freshly prepared solution for a few minutes, placed in plastic bag, tie and leave for a day.

Fruit trees

These trees are often damaged by weevils, mites, leaf rollers, sawflies, codling moths, scale insects, and cherry flies. The trees are sprayed for the first time during the swelling of the buds and the beginning of budding, the second time - a month before the start of berry picking.

Treatment of trees with karbofos

Important! For citrus trees, 5 liters of solution is enough for one tree. The last treatment is carried out 50 days before collection.

Strawberry wild-strawberry)

"Karbofos" is effective in the fight against the main enemies of strawberries - strawberry weevils and ticks. The berry garden is treated until the spring mass emergence of weevils to the surface at a soil temperature of + 8°C during the formation of buds.

Each strawberry bush is watered against mites in August-September after the crop has been harvested and the plantation has been cleared of dry leaves. After treatment, the berry plant is covered for 6-12 hours. The concentration of the working solution is 60 grams of Karbofos per 8 liters.

Security measures

When using Karbofos in the garden and storing it, you must follow the following mandatory rules:

  • Store out of reach of children and pets at temperatures from -20°C to +35°C for no more than three years. Avoid heating. Keep away from fire.
  • When spraying bushes and trees, nearby beds are covered with any covering material.
  • During the procedure, wear protective equipment: rubber gloves, respirator, special clothing, glasses. When preparing the solution or processing, do not drink, eat, or smoke.
  • After work, clothes need to be changed, open areas rinse body under running water With big amount soap, rinse your mouth.
  • Do not mix with other drugs.
  • To avoid the insecticide getting into water bodies, do not carry out protective work in the garden during or just before rain.

Storage of the drug

The drug is stored in a dry place. Do not store the drug with food or medicine. Animals and children should not have access to Karbofos. When using the drug on private farms, mixing it with other drugs is prohibited.

The form of the drug is updated, safety for humans and animals is increased, and the specific odor characteristic of many poisons is removed. A popular home remedy is Karbofos. It has remained among the top sellers for many years.

The main active substance is malathion. Once in the insect's body, it turns into a stronger poison. Sold in powder and concentrated liquid form. It needs to be dissolved with water.

Karbofos has several advantages that persuade many to choose this particular chemical:

  • Since the production of the insecticide is located in Russia, the price of this drug does not exceed 60 rubles. You can buy it at any hardware store.
  • Despite the fact that Karbofos has been produced for many years, its effectiveness does not suffer from this. It is still one of the best insecticides.
  • Although it is not sold ready-made, the instructions tell you how to dilute the powder and concentrate in water - it’s not difficult. Anyone can use it in processing; there is no need to call specialists for help. You can simply pour the freshly prepared liquid into a spray bottle and spray all surfaces.
  • Toxicity is not high for warm-blooded animals. It is eliminated from the body quickly. The dangerous substance malaoxon is created only inside the body of insects, therefore it is safe for people, animals, and plants.

Also, the insecticide has its disadvantages:

Therefore, if you are not afraid of a strong odor, this product is recommended for use, since many customer reviews indicate its effectiveness.

How to use insecticide: processing steps?

Since Karbofos is sold in powder or emulsion form, it must be mixed with water before cleaning. The amount of concentrated substance depends on the degree of contamination of the room. If bedbugs have just appeared, use a weak solution, large quantities insects, cook the liquid a little stronger. Be sure to follow the instructions for using Karbofos.

This is what the finished liquid looks like, but it cannot be stored!

To properly treat bedbugs, you need to go through several steps.

  1. On the scheduled baiting day, the house must be cleaned to remove all obstructive debris.
  2. Before starting cleaning, remove any accumulations of bedbugs. Remember that there may be several nests, so inspection must be carried out carefully. Bedbugs live near the place where the victim sleeps. The bed is their hunting ground. Therefore, first inspect the bed, mattress, bed frame, sofa, ottoman, crib.

    After this, you can proceed to search in the rest of the furniture, household appliances, under the carpet, in curtains and curtains. Carefully look through all cabinets, bookshelves. Then you can move on to baseboards, cracks and crevices in the wall, ceiling, door frames, and surfaces where furniture touches the wall.

    Bedbugs also love ventilation pipes And electrical sockets. Before checking electrical cables, you must turn off the power. You can spray over heavily infected areas several times so that the poison is well absorbed by the surface.

After the process of cleaning the room from bedbugs is completed, it is better not to appear at home for one day. If there are no places to spend the night, then when you return to the apartment, you need to thoroughly ventilate it. Karbofos breaks down from alkali, so all places in contact with residents can be wiped with a rag soaked in an alkaline solution. It is better not to do general cleaning for a couple of weeks in order to increase the period of activity of the chemical on insects.

We should not forget about some mandatory precautions when working with chemical insecticides.

Danger to warm-blooded animals.

This insecticide can be dangerous for humans and animals because it has some toxicity. But the advantage of the body is that harmful substances are quickly eliminated and with short contacts with the poison do not accumulate inside the body.

But when a person or animal for a long time is under the influence of Karbofos, toxic compounds accumulate in organs; over a long period, chemicals can cause disruption of their functioning.

Therefore, when using all chemicals, it is necessary to purchase personal protective equipment. Before you start diluting the concentrate with water, put on rubber gloves, special goggles, a gown, and a respirator. Follow the instructions for using Karbofos exactly and use the dosages indicated on the label.

What can replace Karbofos?

Although this drug has been available for a long time, it is now gradually being replaced. A huge variety of drugs have appeared, which are based on a substance such as pyrethroid. Although it is synthesized artificially, the same substance is present in some plants, for example, Dalmatian chamomile.

As soon as this compound was discovered, it was used to treat fields, but the cost of the drug was high and the duration of the effect was short. Therefore, experts have developed a new product based on pyrethroid, removing all the disadvantages of the past.

You can also use Karbofos in combination with Permethrin in one cleaning. It turned out that they complement and increase each other's effectiveness. But Karbofos will never leave the insecticide market, because most drugs are now created precisely on its basis. It is just slightly modified, the prices are also quite reasonable.

Karbofos is a drug with a moderate level of toxicity from the group of organophosphorus compounds. This is an insecticide-acaricidal agent that is used in the fight against insects different types. It is used to clean rooms, adjacent areas and fields from pests. To understand whether Karbofos helps, it is necessary to study its composition, properties, and features. If you compare the main active ingredient with others (for example, malathion permethrin piperonyl butoxide), you can note both positive and negative qualities.

Composition and properties of the drug, application

The insecticide contains main component, thanks to which pests are destroyed, and auxiliary compounds. The active substance is a group of organophosphorus compounds. This product is characterized by the absence of color, which means it will not leave stains on the surfaces being treated. In its pure form, the substance smells unpleasant, but the working solution is almost odorless. The insecticide is offered in powder form. For processing it is necessary to dilute Karbofos. A concentrated liquid solution is also available for sale. You can read about how to dilute the product in the annotation.

The structure of the finished liquid is oily. The insecticide in its pure form is very poorly soluble in water. However, the substance is easily affected by organic solvents. Due to its properties, the active compound can be easily neutralized with alkaline solutions. In this form, the poison is safe for living organisms.

If you plan to purchase Karbofos, the use of this drug is studied first. This reduces the risk of making mistakes. The active substance in the composition has negative impact on sucking and gnawing pests. It can be used against plant and blood-sucking mites, mosquitoes, moths, sawflies, aphids, and weevils. This drug becomes dangerous for humans and plants when it is mixed with other substances of chemical origin.

Common taxes

Karbofos against bedbugs and other insects has something in common with a number of other remedies. Drugs of different brands share the same active ingredient. It is included in many popular products. Analogues of the drug Karbofos:

  • Fufanon
  • Medilis malathion
  • Alatar
  • Aliot
  • Anti-mite
  • Kemifos
  • Novaction
  • Phenaxin+
  • Preventive

The composition of these funds varies. In addition to the active substance, other insecticides can be used simultaneously. The duration of action, level of effectiveness, and area of ​​action of the drug depend on this. In addition, the composition, release form (powder, emulsion) and concentration of the main components are factors that determine the degree of effectiveness of the insecticide. The dosage depends on the toxicity level of the substance. In addition, you need to take into account that different dosages of drugs such as Medilis malathion, Karbofos, etc. are used against different insects.

Advantages and disadvantages

The insecticidal acaricidal agent is characterized by a number of significant disadvantages:

  • the destruction of insects occurs under the condition direct contact with a toxic substance
  • To get rid of pests, complete rather than partial treatment of the plant is required
  • use of insecticide on outdoors is fraught with destruction of the active compound included in the composition, which leads to a decrease in effectiveness

With prolonged use of one type of poison, pests develop an addiction. For this reason, insects gradually stop reacting to the poison. However, Karbofos powder and other pests also have advantages:

  • even the drug diluted with water poses a serious danger to insects
  • The product is universal, therefore it destroys representatives of different types of pests
  • in a room where active substance not affected external factors(winds, precipitation, solar radiation), the drug is characterized by a prolonged action
  • due to its rapid destruction under the influence of external factors in the open air, Karbofos does not linger in the soil and is quickly removed
  • relatively low price, availability

Features of the impact on pests

When intoxication of the body occurs, the first sign of this is paralysis, which occurs as a result of blocking nerve impulses. Poisoning with Karbofos leads to irreversible processes in hydrolytic enzymes (inactivation without the possibility of further restoration of the original structure). Once in the insect's body, the poison is converted into a stronger analogue - malaoxon. This occurs under the influence of oxidizing agents. If the poison penetrates plants or the body of a warm-blooded creature, such a reaction does not occur.

This factor explains why Karbofos has a stronger effect on sucking and gnawing pests. Humans are less likely to suffer from this poison, but caution must still be exercised while using it. With long-term use of products such as Medilis malathion or Karbofos, as well as their analogues, insects develop resistance. In the body of pests, the active substance simply breaks down into safe products.

If we compare Karbofos, which represents a group of organophosphorus compounds, with its analogues, it is gradually being replaced by more modern and effective means, belonging to neonicotinoids, pyrethroids. Substances such as Medilis malathion, Karbofos and the like are recommended to be alternated with other types of insecticides. Then the pests will not develop resistance or this will happen much later than in the usual case.

Today you can purchase multicomponent poisons that will contain organophosphates and pyrethroids. This option even more effective. However, to this day Karbofos does not lose popularity due to its ease of use, affordable price.

How to use

Treatment of plants from pests and treatment of the home using the drug Karbofos is carried out different ways. Instructions for outdoor use:

  1. Regardless of the form in which the drug was purchased (liquid concentrate, powdered substance), it is necessary to dilute the poison with water. The ratio of components is determined by the manufacturer of the insecticide. This information can be read on the packaging.
  2. The drug is sprayed over the affected plants, and this should be done provided that there is no wind outside, the weather is clear (no rain is expected), and the temperature is up to +15°C.
  3. The working solution is prepared in small volumes, since the insecticide can be stored under storage for a long time. open air can not.
  4. Karbofos begins to act in a few hours, the duration of its effect is 10 days outdoors.

If symptoms of the disease are noticed on the plants, treatment should be carried out, but this can be done no later than a certain period before harvesting. This period of time varies for plantings various types. For example, if you need to clear bushes or fruit trees(cherry, apple, pear, currant, plum, quince, etc.), spraying is carried out a month before harvest. For some vegetable crops(tomatoes, cucumbers) and root vegetables (beets) this period is the same (30 days). But the grapes are processed 45 days before harvest.

If you plan to use Karbofos against cockroaches, bedbugs and other crawling insects living in human habitation, instructions for use will differ:

  1. The drug is diluted with water in the ratio stated by the manufacturer.
  2. The working solution must be sprayed over surfaces using a spray bottle.
  3. The best locations for treatment may vary. This is determined by the location of the pests that need to be eliminated: the back wall of furniture, the base of the bed, window sills, baseboards, walls, floors, etc. It is necessary to spray the product when closed windows, doors.
  4. Then you should wait 4 hours and ventilate the room.
  5. When the poison is sprayed, the liquid transforms into another state - a suspension that enters the air. For this reason, after airing, you should wipe all surfaces with which a person comes into contact with a damp cloth. For this purpose it is used soap solution, where baking soda is added.
  6. For reliability, repeated treatment is carried out, but it is recommended to do this on the third day after the initial spraying of the poison.
  7. The duration of residual action of Karbofos is up to 60 days indoors. This means that general cleaning can only be carried out 2 months after spraying the poison.

Precautions when using Karbofos

If the poison is used outdoors to protect plants, it is prohibited to spray it during the flowering period, otherwise the bees will suffer. It is important to exclude the possibility of Karbofos penetrating into nearby bodies of water. The insecticide should be kept away from the source of fire. It is recommended to carry out all work wearing protective equipment: closed clothing, gloves, respirator, goggles. This is due to the fact that Karbofos is a rather toxic and also volatile compound.

In case of contact with skin, immediately wash these areas under running water and soap. The drug is not sprayed over bedding, clothes. It is prohibited to use near food or water. The clothes in which the spray is carried out are thrown away, but they can also be washed with the addition of soda.

The active component of the product is malathion, a powerful insecticidal and acaricidal substance from the class of organophosphorus compounds. It belongs to the third class of toxicity, but in large doses it is very dangerous for humans and warm-blooded animals. Malathion has a characteristic odor, which many manufacturers specifically enhance with various flavors so that the aroma warns people and animals about the danger of contact with this substance.

Karbofos is available in the form of powder, emulsion (both must be diluted in water, and the concentration depends on who needs to be destroyed) and in diluted form. The most common form of release of Karbofos is powder

Another feature of malaoxon is that it breaks down very slowly in the insect’s body. If malathion enters the body of a person or warm-blooded animal, the substance will disintegrate quite quickly, without having time to turn into malaoxone. In insects, the transformation of one component into another occurs in a short period of time; the activity of the substances is very high, so they do not disintegrate until the death of the pest. Thus, we can say that Karbofos acts selectively - only on insects.

The following advantages of Karbofos can be highlighted:

  • the effectiveness of the product is visible after the first use;
  • the components remain active for the next 2 months after treatment;
  • ease of use: powder and emulsion must be diluted in water in a certain ratio;
  • malathion is able to penetrate even the shell of eggs, thereby destroying both adults and their offspring;
  • general accessibility and low price: 60 g of powder - 60–80 rubles; 1 liter of emulsion - 150 rubles;

Karbofos destroys bed bugs the first time

However, the product also has disadvantages:

  • malathion causes mutations in the insect's body, as a result of which subsequent generations (if someone survived after the first treatment) are more resistant to the compound and are able to destroy it;
  • the drug has a disgusting, pungent odor;

This drug has much more advantages than disadvantages; it is very effective, affordable, and therefore is one of the most popular insect repellents, especially for bed bugs.

Impact of Karbofos on humans and animals

Karbofos belongs to class 3 toxicity for humans and warm-blooded animals, but it is very toxic to insects and cold-blooded animals. There have been no separate studies on the effects of the substance on amphibians and reptiles, so it is impossible to say for sure whether malathion will be converted into malaoxone or another substance in the body of these creatures, as happens in the body of insects. However, it is very toxic for them, so when treating premises with Karbofos, aquariums and terrariums must at least be closed with a lid and the compressor turned off so that particles of the product do not enter the body of these pets.
All aquariums and terrariums need to be closed - Karbofos can kill amphibians

When it enters the human or warm-blooded animal body, malathion quickly breaks down into less toxic compounds. However, if the concentration is high enough, Karbofos can cause poisoning. Moreover, with frequent and prolonged use of the drug, it begins to accumulate in the body. For those who destroy insects at home, this is not a threat, since two treatments with the product are enough (the second to consolidate the result of the first treatment), however, it is necessary to use protective gloves and a respirator so that the product does not get on the skin and respiratory tract.

How to use Karbofos

Before using the product, you need to clean the entire apartment:

  • vacuum and carry out wet cleaning so that there is as little dust as possible;
  • move all the furniture away from the walls so that you have access to the baseboards (insects move along them in search of water);
  • remove all personal hygiene items, dishes and food so that particles of the product do not get into them;
  • disassemble everything upholstered furniture to the wooden frame;
  • remove mattresses from beds;
  • send bed linen and clothes to the laundry or, if possible, to the dry cleaner;
  • remove all decorations from the walls: on back side in photographs, tapestries, carpets and other things, you can find bedbugs;

If you have an aquarium or terrarium, you need to remove it from the apartment during treatment, or at least close the lid tightly and turn off the compressor so that particles of the drug do not get into the air that your pets breathe. It is also necessary to remove all people (especially allergy sufferers, pregnant and lactating women and children) and pets from the premises. Only one person should remain in the apartment, who will carry out the disinfestation. You can use a mask instead of a respirator

Precautions should be as follows:

  • clothing should be as closed as possible and, if possible, rubber, so that if the product gets on the fabric, it does not get on the body;
  • Rubber gloves and a respirator must be worn, otherwise in the very first minutes of treatment you can be poisoned by toxic fumes;
  • it is necessary to wear safety glasses to prevent Karbofos particles from getting into your eyes;
  • if possible, you need to arrange a draft so that the particles of the drug do not concentrate in one place;

Carrying out processing

First of all, it is necessary to dilute Karbofos, if it is in the form of an emulsion or powder. The solution is not suitable for storage, so it must be done immediately before processing.(If you purchased the drug diluted, it will last a long time.)

The water for the solution should be warm; for bedbugs, 4–5 g of powder or 10–15 ml of emulsion are needed per 1 liter of water. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

The treatment can be carried out either using a spray bottle or using a regular construction (new) brush. All surfaces should be generously treated with the solution, especially those that absorb moisture well - this is where bedbugs like to settle. Neither furniture, nor mattresses, nor carpets, nor walls, nor anything else will be harmed by the solution, and its high concentration will ensure the destruction of the entire pest population at one time.
Can be treated with a simple spray bottle

After all surfaces and objects have been treated, it is necessary to dispose of any remaining product and thoroughly ventilate the premises. If possible, you should not return to the apartment for the next two weeks, during which you need to carry out another treatment procedure.

If all family members must return within a few hours after disinfestation, it is necessary to wipe with a soap and soda solution those surfaces that people most often touch: door handles, switches and others. General cleaning It is advisable not to do this for 2-3 weeks after the last treatment.

If there are children and pets in the house

Children and small pets should live in clean areas because they put toys in their mouths, touch different surfaces. If it is possible to move children and pets to another apartment for 2-3 weeks, do so; if this is not possible, you must choose another method of getting rid of bedbugs, because the longer the active substance remains on the surfaces on which insects crawl, the more effective it will be treatment.

Despite the abundance of modern means of insect control, gardeners still prefer time-tested karbofos. The drug is used to combat numerous types of pests of garden crops: vegetables, melons, fruit and berry bushes and trees, berries, grapes, flowers, ornamental plants.

Characteristics of the drug

Karbofos is used to control numerous pests.

Refers to organophosphorus compounds (OPCs). It is an insecticidal and acaricidal drug, half of which consists of malathion. In its pure form, malathion is a colorless liquid with a characteristic pungent odor and an oily consistency.

Karbofos easily dissolves in water, forming a stable emulsion. At negative temperatures thickens while maintaining toxicity.

Karbofos is produced by several manufacturers in different forms.(liquid, granules, powder, tablets, emulsions), with various additives and in different concentrations (Alatar, Antiklesch, Atkellic, Inta-CM, Iskra-M, Karbofos, Fenaxin-plus, Fufanon-nova). Fragrances with a strong unpleasant odor are added to all preparations to increase the safety of animals and people. After use, the smell disappears quickly.

Belongs to drugs of the third group (medium degree) of danger, not very phytotoxic. The popularity of karbofos is due to its high efficiency.

Important. Specialists from the American Cyanamid Company are considered to be the creators of the first insecticidal preparations based on malathion. Introduced to the market in 1950 under the name TM4049, the drug was later renamed malatone and then malathion.

Research in this area was also conducted in the Soviet Union. In 1952, regardless of American developments, chemists K.D. Shevtsova-Shilovskaya and N.N. Melnikov received domestic malathion. The drug, which began to be produced for Agriculture and sanitary disinfection, called karbofos.

Effect of the drug Karbofos

Karbofos instantly rids plants of pests.

The drug karbofos:

  1. Insecticide and acaricide of contact action. Effective only upon direct contact with an insect. The “hidden” insect does not die and is capable of producing offspring.
  2. It has a protective effect only on those parts of the plant with which it comes into contact. The advantages of contact preparations include fast, almost instantaneous ridding of plants from pests.
  3. Short-acting drug. It quickly deteriorates under the influence of sun, air, and water. Complete disintegration when treating plants in open ground occurs 7-10 days after application, and in greenhouses after a week. Karbofos is removed from plants within a week.
  4. Belongs to the group of continuous action products. Destroys several types of insects and larvae at the same time. Regular use can create resistance (addiction).

Important. The International Health Organization annually purchases and donates thousands of tons of the drug to combat Anophles mosquitoes, which transmit malaria.

Application area

Karbofos is widely used in many areas.

It is used in agriculture and forestry, household, sanitary and medical disinsection, to control pests of food and seed stocks.

In gardening and gardening it is used to combat gnawing, herbivorous and sucking insects, their larvae and caterpillars:

  • scale insects;
  • aphids;
  • red and spider mites;
  • bedbugs;
  • thrips;
  • gall midges;
  • whiteflies;
  • copperheads;
  • bud moth;
  • sawflies;
  • weevils;
  • codling moths;
  • mealybugs;
  • leafhoppers;
  • bean moth;
  • pea grain;
  • flies.

Important. Karbofos affects beneficial pollinating insects: bees, wasps, bumblebees. It cannot be used during active flowering and should not be sprayed within a radius of less than 5 kilometers from the hives.

Processing rules

The most common way to treat plants with karbofos in the garden is spraying. The procedure is carried out in sunny, calm weather without wind or rain at a temperature not lower than + 15ºС, in the morning or evening hours. The spray solution must be freshly prepared.

Spray the leaves and stems of the plant until the solution is completely wetted.

The dosage is determined using the instructions for use in the garden, taking into account the area of ​​treatment, the degree of damage, the type of plants and pests.

It is advisable to treat the plants no more than twice during the season.

Raspberries and blackberries

Raspberries and blackberries are processed for the first time in early spring before flowering begins. Secondary after picking berries.

Karbofos saves shrubs from aphids, bud moths, ticks, weevils, and raspberry-strawberry beetles.

The consumption rate is 75 grams of product per bucket of water. For 10 bushes, up to 2 liters of working solution is required.


The insecticide eliminates currants from leaf beetles, scale insects, bud moths, gallicia, sawflies, aphids, and mites.

Treatment is carried out three times per season:

The working solution is prepared from 75 grams of product per bucket of water, at the rate of one and a half liters per currant bush.

In case of severe damage to the bushes by spider mites and red mites, in the fall, additionally, currant bushes and the soil under them are generously moistened with a 2% solution of karbofos.


Spring treatment of gooseberries with karbofos.

Gooseberry karbofos protects against leaf rollers, moths, moths, sawflies, spider mites and red mites.

A liter of working solution of 60 grams of karbofos and 8 liters of water is enough for one bush. Last treatment a month before harvest.

Flower and ornamental shrubs

A solution of 60 grams of the product in 8 liters of water will help protect shrubs (roses, jasmine, barberry, spirea, cotoneaster, etc.) from spider mites, roseate sawflies, and aphids.

For 10 m² you will need 2 liters. Spraying is carried out before and after flowering.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is sprayed in the spring during budding. To prepare the solution, a larger volume of water is required than for other berry bushes - 3 liters per standard package of the drug of 60 grams. When processing 10 m², it takes about two liters.

In the autumn in the garden, to obtain a good harvest in the future, sea buckthorn cuttings are dipped into a freshly prepared solution for a few minutes, placed in a plastic bag, tied and left for a day.

Fruit trees

These trees are often damaged by weevils, mites, leaf rollers, sawflies, codling moths, scale insects, and cherry flies. The trees are sprayed for the first time during the swelling of the buds and the beginning of budding, the second time - a month before the start of berry picking.

The first time it is necessary to treat with Karbofos, during the swelling of the buds.

Important. For citrus trees, 5 liters of solution is enough for one tree. The last treatment is carried out 50 days before collection.

Strawberry wild-strawberry)

Karbofos is effective in the fight against the main enemies of strawberries - strawberry weevils and mites. The berry garden is treated until the spring mass emergence of weevils to the surface at a soil temperature of + 8°C during the formation of buds.

Each strawberry bush is watered against mites in August-September after the crop has been harvested and the plantation has been cleared of dry leaves. After treatment, the berry plant is covered for 6-12 hours.

The concentration of the working solution is 60 grams of karbofos per 8 liters.

Safety precautions for use and storage

When using karbofos in the garden and storing karbofos, you must follow the following mandatory rules:

  1. Store out of reach of children and pets at temperatures from -20°C to +35°C for no more than three years. Avoid heating. Keep away from fire.
  2. When spraying bushes and trees, nearby beds are covered with any covering material.
  3. During the procedure, protective equipment is worn: rubber gloves, a respirator, special clothing, and glasses. When preparing the solution or processing, do not drink, eat, or smoke.
  4. After work, clothes should be changed, exposed areas of the body should be washed under running water with plenty of soap, and the mouth should be rinsed.
  5. Do not mix with other drugs.
  6. To avoid the insecticide getting into water bodies, do not carry out protective work in the garden during or immediately before rain.

When spraying with karbofos, use protective equipment.