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Instructions for using wax moths for adults and children. Wax moth: treatment with bee pests

Not always traditional ways treatments bring the desired result. Sometimes medical therapy needs to be supported by alternative or traditional healing remedies, one of which is wax moth tincture.

What it is?

Wax moth, moth, shashel, moth - all these are names for inconspicuous in appearance moth grayish with a silvery tint, which can become an indispensable medicine for many ailments. Although so useful in medicine, this moth is the worst enemy of beekeepers, who constantly put in a lot of effort to combat it.

The fact is that Bee hive - perfect place for laying wax moth eggs, the larvae of which, after birth, continue to live in the monastery of honey plants. Therefore, their main food becomes honey, bee bread, pollen, and then wax, royal jelly, propolis, and the remains of bee cocoons full of chitin. Having acquired all the biologically active components necessary for their life, at 30 days of age the larvae turn into pupae. The moths that have already emerged from them reach from 1 to 3.5 cm in length, but their body no longer requires food - the reserves accumulated in the larval stage are quite enough for them.

What is so valuable about wax moth larvae?

All medical properties wax moth - a consequence of its consumption of the above-mentioned beekeeping products, the biological reserve of which is stored in the body of the unformed butterfly, and then is included in the composition of the medicine known as tincture of wax moth larvae.

The main value of this moth is the production of cerrase in its body - a special enzyme that helps digest wax. Judging by the results of scientific research, the presence of this component in the alcoholic extract of larvae helps to dissolve the shell of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. This is because it consists mainly of fat and wax and, under the influence of cerrase, loses its protection and becomes more vulnerable to the action of antibiotics.

Experience of the Ancients

Mentions of the healing properties of this moth were found in the records of antiquity. Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Mesopotamian healers already noticed

the miraculous power possessed by the wax moth extract, and they actively used it to combat consumption, now called tuberculosis, as well as ailments associated with potency in men and infertility in women.

Japanese, Chinese and Kenyan healing masters many years ago knew about the benefits of wax moths, so they recommended that patients eat the larvae of this insect. Dishes with this seemingly exotic component were served in many restaurants at that time.

This drug received official recognition in medical and scientific circles already in the 19th century thanks to the great Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov. Having conducted a lot of research, as well as turning to traditional methods of treatment, he scientifically presented and confirmed the long-existing theory of the healing phenomenon of wax moth extract.


Wax moth, the treatment of which has a long history, was used for the treatment and prevention of many ailments. Among them:

This is not the entire list of indications. Overall, this drug improves performance very well. immune system, mental and physical activity of a person.

Wax moth - treatment, reviews from sports doctors

An equally important aspect of the health-improving effect of moth larvae is its positive effect on the muscle mass of the body. This is mainly the result of the action of organic substances (peptides, nucleotides), which, when combined favorably with amino acids (histidine, valine), significantly reduce the recovery time of muscle tissue after heavy physical activity. Such components also contribute to the growth of the athlete’s endurance, faster muscle growth, activation of the processes of calcium absorption and hemoglobin synthesis, and bone tissue regeneration.

This drug is also indispensable in sports medicine for the speedy recovery of an athlete after an injury or surgery. In general, the complex of biologically active substances, which contains the extract of wax moth larvae, supplies the body with energy, helping to distribute it beneficially throughout the body.

Research shows that the drug is a useful alternative to harmful anabolic steroids that negatively affect the central nervous system. Therefore, it can be used not only to build muscle, but also to get out of the state that steroid use leads to.

Wax moth. Treatment of tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is the most common cause of death among adults

population, when compared with other bacterial infectious
diseases. The reason for this is the evolution of the tuberculosis bacillus, which over the many years of its existence has acquired immunity to modern antibiotics. Therefore, in many cases traditional medical treatment does not give proper results. Then they come to the rescue traditional methods and alternative medicine.

The causative agent of tuberculosis is Koch's bacillus, which has a waxy membrane. As mentioned earlier, the enzymes that wax moth tincture possesses can break it down. The treatment is more effective, since the shell of the pathogen is destroyed after using the drug and becomes more vulnerable to the action of antibiotics.

Post-tuberculosis treatment

In addition to the above capabilities, the extract stimulates the development and reproduction of healthy cells in the body, and perfectly heals tuberculosis cavities that form in the lungs when suffering from this disease.

This tincture is no less effective for fungal diseases. respiratory tract, which often occur after chemotherapy prescribed by a doctor to treat the disease.

It is known that tuberculosis can occur not only in the lungs, but also in bones, joints, lymph nodes, kidneys, skin, intestines, etc. And in these cases, wax moth tincture is successfully used. Treatment with this drug increases the effectiveness of antibiotics prescribed to the patient, but does not contribute to the occurrence of any forms of allergies, and also does not allow the infection to spread further throughout the human body.

How to prepare extract at home?

To make your own tincture, it is better to use it already completely

developed, but in no case yet pupated butterfly larvae. 5 g of wax moth must be filled with 50 g of ethyl alcohol of 70% concentration. Leave this mixture for about a week, after which you can start taking it, limiting yourself to 20 drops per day. It is better to divide this dosage into two doses, and dilute the extract with water before use.

For children, the dosage is slightly different, it all depends on age: 5 year old child you can give no more than 5 drops per day, a 6-year-old - no more than 6, etc.

Wax moth infused at home, the use of which is welcomed by all traditional healers, undoubtedly brings benefits, because it has been tested for many years. But an extract prepared according to medical standards is a little different.

Pharmacy drugs

The wax moth medicine offered to us by professional pharmacists may have varying degrees concentration. Most often it is 10, 20 or 25 percent. The essence of the process of making such a tincture is to use the method of cold extraction of moth larvae based on ethanol. The resulting liquid is infused in a place protected from light at a temperature of about 20 degrees.

This manufacturing method allows you to preserve maximum useful substances, because the low temperature processing of larvae does not allow destruction of even biological components that are not particularly stable. Moreover, preparations made in this way have a longer shelf life, during which the chemical composition of the product does not undergo changes. The same cannot be said about homemade tinctures.

General rules for taking medication

Taking a drug based on biologically active substances that wax moths are full of is a treatment that requires compliance with certain rules. Better

consume it 30 minutes before a meal or an hour after a meal - this way it will be absorbed much better. It is not difficult to determine the dosage: for every 10 kilograms of body weight, 3 drops of extract are needed. If you use the tincture for the purpose of prevention, then taking it once a day will be enough. For the treatment of certain diseases, it is better to divide the daily dosage into two times.

For children under 14 years of age, 1 drop per 12 kg of body weight will be sufficient. The tincture can be diluted with water, milk, juice, tea in large quantities(up to 30 ml).

Before swallowing the drops, try to keep them in your mouth for a while. And the effect will be even greater if you keep them under your tongue. It is advisable not to use the extract before bedtime, since it has, although small, a tonic effect.

Familiarize your body with the drug

If your body is not yet familiar with the drug, which is based on wax moth, treatment must begin according to a special scheme. The first day of taking the extract will show your body’s reaction to the components of the product. To do this, in the morning, drink ¼ of the dose that you calculated according to the above rules. If you do not feel any discomfort (burning in the throat, swelling or irritation of the mucous membranes), then everything is in order and you can continue the course of treatment or prevention. The next day, double the dose and again check yourself for symptoms of intolerance. On the third day, you are allowed to drink ¾ of the calculated volume, and only then switch to the full dose of the drug. After a few days it can be consumed twice a day.

Regimen for taking the extract for tuberculosis

Wax moth has long been considered one of the means to combat this disease. Reviews from doctors and cured patients indicate that a positive result in the treatment of this disease can be achieved only with regular use of the tincture. It must be used twice a day, starting with 15 drops. If you did not have any problems or intolerance when taking the drug for the first time, then after a few days you can slightly increase the dose to 30 drops in the morning and the same amount in the evening. After 7 days, you need to start using the drug three times a day, without changing the number of drops.

The full course of treatment consists of using 300 ml of extract, after which you need to rest for a week or two, and then, if necessary, treatment can be continued. Although positive changes are usually visible after the first course of therapy, that is, after 12-15 weeks.

Wax moth larvae ointment

Treatment of severe burns, quick healing of wounds, elimination of unwanted scars - all this is possible with the help of an ointment consisting of useful components that it contains

wax moth. Reviews from satisfied patients speak for themselves.

To prepare a miracle ointment, take 50 g of already fully formed larvae and fill them with alcohol. A lot of liquid is not required here, the main thing is that it completely covers all the larvae. Leave this mixture for at least 5 days. Then place everything in a ceramic vessel and add 200 g of St. John's wort and calendula oils, 50 g of propolis and After this, your mixture should have the consistency of an ointment. Cover it with a lid and dissolve it in a water bath for about 2 hours. Cool the finished product, rub through a sieve or gauze and place in sterilized jars. Cover everything with lids and uncork as needed.

Even some pests of bee colonies are beneficial, and one of them is the wax moth.

Bee moth (wax moth) is one of the most malicious pests that penetrate the hive. To protect themselves, they even developed a special mechanism - a smell that imitates the smell of the family. And although the bees try to fight by throwing butterflies out of the hive and sealing or eating larvae, when darkness falls, this activity stops. Little workers at night are engaged in an important process - evaporating moisture from honey. After sitting motionless for a day, the hatched butterflies remaining in the hive begin to lay eggs.

The wax moth larva during its development (about 30 days) is capable of destroying up to 600 honeycombs. This amounts to about 2 g of wax by weight. And one generation of larvae can spoil up to 20 kg of honeycomb. Moreover, everything that gets in the way is destroyed - honey, bee bread, bee larvae.

Some beekeepers don’t even realize that the biggest pest in the apiary is the source of a unique healing power. Eating honey, beebread and, most importantly, wax, the larvae saturate their body with valuable enzymes. And when processing wax, they use essential amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine), which are necessary for a person to function normally.

The tincture prepared from bee moth larvae contains 20 of the 28 free amino acids. Moreover, 9 of them are essential, i.e. they are not synthesized human body.

In addition, the three above-mentioned amino acids are a source for the synthesis of alanine, an amino acid that regulates higher nervous activity and responsible for the normalization of metabolic processes. Even in the synthesis of glucose, alanine can be used as a raw material if necessary.

Preparations based on bee moth larvae have a number of therapeutic effects when used:

  • Antimicrobial(viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi);
  • Immunostimulating and regulating metabolism;
  • Absorbable with scar formation: myocardial infarction, secondary female infertility, stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • Normalizing in relation to the vascular system. At the same time, the risk of blood clots is reduced, blood microcirculation improves, blood pressure and hemoglobin levels return to normal;

  • Restorative nervous system, especially during rehabilitation after cerebrovascular accident;
  • Cleansing when the body is damaged by radioactive radiation and various types of toxic poisoning, including alcoholic ones;
  • Regenerating if necessary, recovery after surgical interventions, as well as recovery after serious diseases, including infectious ones;
  • Regulatory in case of disruptions in hormonal processes during pregnancy, menopause or in the treatment of impotence.

Important! The healing properties of preparations from moth larvae were known back in ancient Egypt, where the “elixir of youth” was prepared from the caterpillars, which slowed down aging. Studies by numerous scientists (I. I. Mechnikov, his students S. I. Metalnikov and I. S. Zolotarev, doctor S. A. Mukhin, professor A. A. Nikulin) have proven that the presence of the cerrase enzyme in the digestive tract of caterpillars makes it possible wax processing. It is this ingredient, turning into a medicine, that dissolves the durable shell of Koch's bacillus spores, making it available for destruction.

The medicinal effect of the tincture was used long before official recognition. These were mainly pulmonary diseases and, in particular, tuberculosis. Under the influence of the drug, the following processes are launched:

  • Enhanced growth of healthy cells, as a result of which damaged tissues are quickly replaced by new ones;
  • Promotion protective forces body and resistance to tuberculosis infection;
  • Suppression of mycobacterial resistance to medications and, as a result, increased therapeutic effect;
  • Elimination of fungal infection - the most common complication when using chemicals;
  • Effective removal of decay products of microbial activity, which is facilitated by the content of aspartic acid in the medicine.

Important! In addition, wax moth tincture is used to treat tuberculosis of the nervous system, digestive tract, joints, skin, meninges, and genitourinary organs.

There are no verified clinical trial results for the tincture, and official medicine so far only recognizes the effect on tuberculosis. However, research chemical composition and the presence in the preparation of an extensive set of valuable components suggest healing properties in relation to a number of other pathological conditions. And this is confirmed by numerous user reviews.

Today, preparations from wax moth larvae are used to treat:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Atherosclerotic changes;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Prostatitis, impotence, infertility;
  • Normalization of blood sugar;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract: ulcers, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • Cardiac pathologies.

Important! Preparations made from larvae are compatible with almost all medications and have no toxic effects. Using them together with medications helps the body absorb chemical components much more efficiently and quickly get rid of toxins. Thus, therapeutic effect intensifies many times over.

Both bee moth larvae and their metabolic products can be used to make medicine. Preparation of the drug from larvae can be carried out in several ways:

  • Tincture. Take 5 g of larvae up to 10 days of age (size - up to 1.5 cm) and pour them into the dark glass containers 70% alcohol. Infuse for 1-1.5 weeks with daily shaking. Used for treatment after careful straining;
  • Hood. To make the product, place a glass of larvae in a liter of vodka. This mixture has been infused for 2-2.5 weeks with constant shaking and also in a dark place;
  • Ointment. Used for external treatment. To do this, 50 g of larvae are poured with alcohol so that it only slightly covers them. Place in a dark place for 5 days, then add 200 g of St. John's wort and calendula oils. 50 g of propolis and wax are added in crushed form to the resulting mixture and placed in a water bath for 2 hours. Be sure to stir during cooking. Then filter and cool.

However, it often happens that the moth scatters and there are no larvae left. In this case, you can use insect waste products, which also have therapeutic effect. According to some professionals, this remedy is even more effective (it is used for 300 diseases). Prepare the tincture as follows:

  • Crushed waste products are poured with 40% medical alcohol in a ratio of 1:20. The alcohol is diluted with artesian water;
  • Leave in a dark place for 1-2 weeks. In this case, biologically active substances are extracted from waste products into the tincture;
  • The finished tincture is filtered and poured into a dark glass container. The finished product has the smell of good whiskey without foreign impurities.

Important! The product has high biological activity, so its preparation requires especially careful adherence to dosages and hygiene rules.

Administration of preparations from wax moth larvae is carried out taking into account the weight of the adult patient or the number of completed years in childhood. Depending on the required therapeutic effect, the following dosages are used (at a concentration of 20%):

  • For prevention and strengthening the immune system: adults – 2 drops for every 10 kg of weight, children under 14 years of age – 1 drop per year of life;
  • For diseases of the heart and blood vessels: adults – 3 drops for every 10 kg of weight, children – 1 for every year;
  • For tuberculosis: adults - 4 drops for every 10 kg, children - 1 drop for every year of life;
  • For oncology: adults – 5 drops per 10 kg of weight, children – 1 drops per year;
  • For diseases of the genital area: adults – 3 drops for every 10 kg of weight;
  • For respiratory diseases: adults – 2.5 drops for every 10 kg of weight, children – 1 drop per year of life.

If a 10% tincture is used for treatment, the doses are doubled. Application requires compliance with several requirements:

  • Since the drug is a strong biostimulant, treatment should begin by taking 25% of the recommended dose, increasing the dose by another 25% every day. Thus, within 4 days the dose is equal to the recommended amount;
  • You can dilute the drops in a small amount of water (70-100 ml). If the drug is taken for prophylactic purposes, you can drink it at once; in other cases, the dose is divided in half;
  • The medicine is not recommended to be taken in the evening, as it has a tonic effect;
  • The product should not be mixed with food, so take it before meals (30 minutes before) or 1 hour after meals;
  • As with honey, the medicine should not be swallowed immediately, but should be kept in the mouth for a little while.

Important! If it is not observed during the initial reception side effects, after a few days they switch to a full two-time dose for 3 months. This is another advantage of the tincture of larvae - after all, most traditional medicines are not taken for more than 30 days without a break.

When purchasing the drug, there may be no instructions. Or you will use a homemade remedy. In this case, the most the right decision There will be a consultation with your attending physician.

How to avoid counterfeiting

Most best option– find a beekeeper you know and buy from him, if not larvae, then at least wax moth waste products (WWM). If this is not feasible, here are a few tips to help avoid commercial pitfalls:

  • To purchase online (and these drugs are not yet sold in pharmacies), choose a beekeeping farm or at least a specialized website. Then the quality guarantees will not be fake;
  • This preparation from larvae or PGVM should be packaged in dark glass containers. This is a mandatory condition, since light destroys most active substances, and plastic can react with them;
  • If there are larvae at the bottom, then this is a guarantee that this is indeed a wax moth product. By their quantity you can even determine the degree of concentration.

Like any folk remedy, wax moth tincture is not a panacea, but only a means of activation own strength body. Therefore, do not forget to consult your doctor and start taking small doses.

Tincture of wax moth larvae (moths) - video

- one of the varieties of gray moths. The larvae (caterpillars) feed on water-containing bee products. This is the only creature on earth capable of digesting and assimilating bees, which is why wax moth tincture is a unique treatment for tuberculosis.

The value of the wax moth is that its larvae produce a special enzyme "cerase", capable of digesting wax. Wax moth tincture contains this enzyme, which has the ability to dissolve the membranes of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. Under the influence of this enzyme, the bacterium loses its defenses and becomes vulnerable to antibiotics.

The wax moth also consumes flowers, wax honeycombs, chitin of bee larvae and pupae, which are a source of protein for the moth. These substances, absorbed and processed by the wax moth’s body, can help get rid of extra pounds.

Like most representatives of the Butterfly order, wax moths are pest insects. In the hive it destroys honeycombs, destroys brood, bee bread, frames, walls of the hive and causes damage. But nevertheless, in folk medicine, wax moth larvae were used in the treatment of patients with tuberculosis.

By variety there are:

  • Galleria mellonela - large.
  • Achzia grizella - small

Large and small wax moths (bee moth) are inconspicuous gray moths, whose life depends on the work of the bee colony no less than the life of the bees themselves. Wax moths are common wherever there are bees, with the exception of highlands and areas with harsh climates. Adult insects never eat; they live solely off nutrients accumulated by the larvae.

In 1899 the founder of microbiology, Mechnikov, drew attention, while conducting a search for the treatment of patients with tuberculosis, to the medicinal properties wax moth larvae extract, suggesting that the waxy substances in the cell wall of the tuberculosis pathogen can be destroyed by the digestive enzymes of moth larvae.

The larvae are collected on the 20–30th day of development, because old larvae no longer digest tuberculosis bacteria, but young larvae digest well during their development, so it was recommended to prepare the extract from young larvae no larger than 1.0–1.5 cm in size.

Nowadays, apitherapists use wax moth larvae to treat patients with tuberculosis and many other diseases, specially growing them and making extracts. For storage, take glass containers, fill them with wax moth larvae, place them in refrigerators at a temperature of 6-10 degrees and store for 30 days, no more, or fill them with ethyl alcohol at 70-96 degrees.

Composition of wax moth tincture

Wax moth tincture contains: nucleotides, nucleosides and their derivatives - free amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, biologically important microelements - alkaline protease, high-molecular conjugates of aromatic compounds with amino acids and sugars.

Application of wax moth tincture

For cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are primarily coronary heart disease, acute myocardial infarction. Wax moth tincture promotes the healing of necrotic areas without the formation of scar tissue. Helps in the treatment of heart failure.

  • Prevents scarring of the myocardium;
  • Promotes resorption;
  • Increases resistance to ischemia and angina pectoris;
  • Improves the trophism of the heart muscle in the heart, or, better to say, feeds it, increases blood flow to the myocardium;
  • New young myocardial cells grow;
  • Restores heart rhythm in case of tachycardia or bradycardia;

Wax moth tincture is used from the 10th day after a heart attack.

For hypertension

Using wax moth tincture for hypertension:

  • Cleans blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, dissolves them;
  • Improves the elasticity and strength of blood vessels;
  • Facilitates the work of the heart;
  • Improves blood flow;
  • Supply the body with oxygen;
  • By the tenth day it lowers blood pressure;
  • Significantly delays the development of atherosclerosis;

Wax moth tincture for tuberculosis

The causative agent of tuberculosis, Koch's bacillus, has a waxy membrane, and the enzymes that the wax moth tincture possesses can break it down. After use, the shell of the pathogen is destroyed, it becomes vulnerable to the action of antibiotics.

Since antiquity, Greek healers noticed the power of wax moth and used it to treat consumption (tuberculosis), problems with potency in men and infertility in women.

And Chinese and Japanese healing masters knew about the benefits of wax moths and recommended eating insect larvae; they even served dishes with wax larvae in restaurants.

Wax moth tincture stimulates the development and reproduction of healthy cells in our body and heals tuberculosis cavities formed during the disease.

Tuberculosis can occur in the bones of the joints, kidneys, lymph nodes, skin, and intestines. Treatment with wax moth tincture increases the effectiveness of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Does not cause allergies and does not allow it to spread throughout the body. A positive result can only be achieved if the wax moth tincture is used regularly.

  • Take 2 times a day, starting with 15 drops;
  • If no problems arise after taking it, you can increase it to 30 drops after a few days;
  • Use morning and evening, and after 7 days you can take 3 times a day without changing the number of drops;
  • The course is 300 ml, after which you need to rest for a week or two and, if necessary, continue treatment;

In medicine, wax moth tincture gained recognition thanks to Mechnikov. Back in the 19th century, he outlined a theory about the use of wax moth tincture in the treatment of tuberculosis.

For respiratory diseases

Wax moth tincture, having powerful antibacterial properties, affects the bronchi, helps with influenza epidemics, when usual treatment(antibiotics and other drugs) no longer give a positive result.

Application according to the standard scheme described below.

For diseases with metabolic disorders

Biological components of wax moth tincture:

  • Normalize the level of sugar, cholesterol, fat deposits on the blood walls and liver;
  • Accelerate regenerative processes;
  • Promote recovery after stress and illness;
  • Have an exceptional positive effect on cardiac activity;
  • People of retirement age, taking fire, become more active; begin to do work that they were not able to take on before;
  • After 2 weeks of use, vitality significantly increases and memory improves;

In gerontology it is used to delay the aging of the body.

It is used according to the standard scheme described below.

For athletes and people of heavy physical labor

  • The healing effect of wax moth larvae affects the muscle mass of the body;
  • Under the influence of organic substances (peptides, nucleotides) in combination with amino acids (histidine, valine), the recovery time of muscle tissue after exercise is noticeably reduced and passes much faster;
  • Promotes the growth of the athlete's endurance and rapid muscle growth;
  • Calcium absorption, hemoglobin synthesis, and bone tissue regeneration occur faster;
  • Rapid recovery of the athlete after injuries and operations;
  • Wax moth tincture contains biologically active substances, which quickly supply the body with energy, being distributed throughout the body at lightning speed;

For women

It is used in the treatment of menopausal disorders, infertility, and pregnancy. Eliminates anemia in pregnant women (with toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy), and also restores reproductive functions in women, especially those who could not become pregnant for a long time. Wax moth tincture has a complex effect on blood microcirculation and preservation of pregnancy.

For men

It has an effect on the reproductive system of men whose libido has decreased with age, by stimulating sperm motility.

For the treatment of prostate adenoma.

A month of treatment with wax moth tincture is enough to restore male strength.

Wax moth tincture against cancer

Wax moth tincture and its medicinal properties are being studied by scientists today different countries. The list of diseases that this amazing natural remedy can cure is constantly growing, for example, Ukrainian scientists believe that the unique substances contained in the tincture of wax moth larvae can cure even oncological diseases! And perhaps very soon this unique insect, for a long time keeping its secret, will help people overcome this terrible disease - CANCER!


Wax moth ointment recipe

Take a 50 gram glass of moth larvae and fill it with alcohol so that the alcohol only covers the wax moth larvae. Leave for 5 or more days. Then pour into a ceramic pot with 200 g of St. John's wort oil and 200 g of calendula oil, add 50 g of propolis and 30-50 g of beeswax.

The consistency of the ointment should be like a cream, so it is very important not to overdo it with wax. Cover with a lid and place in a water bath to simmer for 2 hours. Then cool slightly, strain and pour into sterile jars with lids. The ointment is ready.

Making wax moth tincture yourself

Recipe No. 1

Wax moth tincture is prepared as follows:

  • 5 grams of young larvae are poured with 50 grams of alcohol.
  • Leave for 5-8 days.
  • Pour 20 grams of larvae into 100 ml. alcohol
  • Keep in a dark place for 7-9 days, shaking daily.
  • Filter and you can apply.

Recipe No. 3

Pour 1 liter of vodka into 1 faceted glass of wax moth larvae. Leave for 12 days, shaking daily. Then strain, squeeze and add 0.5 liters of water to this infusion - the tincture is ready.

Standard dosage regimen

  • Take starting with half a teaspoon 40 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.
  • Gradually add the tincture to lunch.
  • Also, gradually increasing the dose, bring the intake to 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Children should start giving the tincture with 1 drop and gradually increase it to 1 teaspoon, diluting with water. For children, the daily number of drops should correspond to their age.

Wax moth extract has been used in folk healing for quite a long time. Back in the 17th century in Europe, the extract was used to treat high-ranking persons and those who had access to apiaries. However, only in the last century were the first scientific studies conducted to confirm or refute the effectiveness of this drug.

Principle of action and scientific prerequisites for the effectiveness of the extract

If we deal with the issue of the effectiveness of wax moth extract as objectively and impartially as possible, without reading made-up reviews and aggressive advertising of beekeepers-manufacturers, then the use of wax moth extract can safely be considered as the use of a placebo: serious studies confirming the effectiveness of this remedy have never been conducted.

Indeed, as sellers and manufacturers say, the wax moth extract is based on a certain enzyme called cerrase, a unique substance that can break down complex fat molecules. It is through this enzyme that the larva supposedly digests beeswax.

Considering that the molecular walls of many bacteria consist of lipopolysaccharides, partly related in chemical nature to waxes, pseudo-doctors began to actively exploit the idea that wax moth extract can kill bacteria of tuberculosis and some other diseases.

It sounds very plausible, considering that the principle of action of the product is so well described. But in reality, everything turns out to be not so smooth.

Firstly, science does not know the enzyme cerrase. This name appears only in advertising of dietary supplements and the same alcohol extract of wax moth larvae. And if chemists who carefully studied the composition of wax moth larvae did not find this substance, serious doubts arise about its existence in nature in general.

On a note

The only person who described the enzyme cerrase was a certain Mukhin, in different sources appearing either as E.O. or as S.A. He did not write a dissertation, but he spoke about the enzyme in very admiring tones. Almost the same as what sellers of dietary supplements say.

Further, from a purely fundamental point of view, almost all bacteria contain lipids as part of their membranes. Accordingly, the miraculous enzyme must indiscriminately destroy both the mycobacteria that cause tuberculosis and the beneficial microflora of the intestines and stomach.

In fact, such an enzyme is an antibiotic, because the action of a number of antibiotics is aimed specifically at breaking down the walls of bacteria. Why then does cerrase not destroy beneficial lactobacilli or E. coli, which is always present in the digestive tract? How is selectivity achieved and how is the enzyme delivered to the lungs to “cure tuberculosis”? Unclear…

“My diagnosis before using wax moth extract: thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins in the left leg, indications for surgery. I used the extract for 2 months, two large nodes on my leg disappeared, and I stopped having pain at night.”

Vladimir, Tver

And lastly, although not the most important. It is generally accepted throughout the world that the extract is obtained after drying and grinding the raw materials, and then extracting with alcohol, oil or other substances. If the raw material is filled with alcohol without preparation, the result is a tincture.

At the same time, sellers and manufacturers of the product insist on the name “extract”, although the bottles themselves contain untouched butterfly caterpillars preserved in alcohol.

This seemingly small inaccuracy indicates that there has never been a serious patented production of wax moth extract, and it can only be bought from home-grown healers.

I have an opinion

There is no denying the possibility that miraculous properties Wax moth extracts were coined due to the fact that wax moths themselves infect hives in abundance and are a by-product of beekeeping. Instead of throwing out the hated larvae, enterprising beekeepers managed to make money from them.

However, this practice is common with honey products. There are still no serious studies on the effectiveness of bee bread or royal jelly, and these remedies are considered the property of traditional medicine. However, thousands of people are treated with them and some even praise them.

Is the “placebo” effect to blame here, or do these products really have unexplored beneficial features- it’s impossible to say for sure. Be that as it may, when using them it is useful to exercise some caution and be critical of advertising.

What does wax moth extract treat and what effect does it have on the body?

According to manufacturers, wax moth extract (the word “melonella” may sometimes be present in its name) Latin name butterflies) helps treat the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis
  • bronchial asthma
  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • deterioration after myocardial infarction
  • thrombophlebitis
  • anemia
  • climacteric disorders
  • depression
  • endocrine system disorders.

“My tuberculosis was cured in the hospital, but bronchial asthma remained, I thought, forever. But then, on the advice of a friend, I started drinking moth extract, and within six months my condition improved so much that even in the summer I stopped choking.”

Ivan, Moscow

However, there have been no serious studies confirming the effectiveness of the extract in the treatment of these diseases.

In general, the use of wax moth larvae extract is based on its putative antimicrobial activity.

First of all, the extract from wax moth larvae is considered a remedy for tuberculosis, quite possibly because it was first used when tuberculosis was an extremely common disease.

Today it would be used for breast enlargement with approximately the same effectiveness.

In general, the properties of wax moth larvae extract are seriously overestimated today, but at the same time positive reviews, and cases of its successful use are known.

Method of preparation of the drug

The method for preparing wax moth extract is quite simple. The collected larvae are placed in any vessel and filled with 40% medical alcohol. After this, the product is infused for 1-2 months.

In the same way, wax moth extract can be prepared at home. Depending on the ratio of the mass of larvae and alcohol, a 10% or 25% preparation is obtained.

“When I bought this product, I almost vomited, I thought I would never be able to drink it. The larvae are just floating dead there! But it tasted just like alcohol. The main thing is not to look at the bottle. It became easier to breathe, the hypertension went away.”

Allah, Ishmael

In beekeeping farms, the preparation of wax moth extract begins at the stage of selecting the larvae themselves. It is believed that the caterpillar should be quite large, but not of the last instar: the larvae preparing for pupation feed little and almost do not secrete the necessary enzyme.

This is interesting

According to some manufacturers, in order to prepare an extract of wax moth larvae in half a liter, it is necessary to completely ruin one whole frame of honey, which is given to the caterpillars to eat. The price is approximately 120-150 rubles.

How to use wax moth extract correctly?

There are no general instructions for using wax moth extract in nature, and each manufacturer attaches its own recommendations for its use to its product.

Typically used to treat diseases internal organs Usually they use the product 15-20 drops 2-3 times a day, mixing them with 100-150 grams of any other liquid.

It is advisable that instructions for taking wax moth larvae extract be given by a doctor who prescribes the drug itself. You should not use this remedy without a doctor's prescription.

“The doctor prescribed me bee bread after a heart attack, but it started to make me break out a lot. We decided to try wax moth extract, and it helped. The condition has returned to normal, very good remedy in addition to the usual range of medications."

Marya Rudolfovna, Kerch

Before taking wax moth extract, you should consider that many people are prone to allergies to bee products. The drug is definitely contraindicated for children under 14 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers.

Release forms and brands

It is not difficult to buy an extract of wax moth larvae today: it is actively distributed via the Internet and by beekeepers themselves. The price of a 100 ml bottle of wax moth extract is approximately 800 rubles. This price is relevant for wax moth extract with a 20% content of the larvae themselves. The 10% extract costs half as much, but is also less common.

There is no known pharmaceutical company producing this product. There is a company called Melonella, which produces products in beautiful packaging, but the compliance of their products with any requirements is not checked.

In any case, to avoid being scammed, you should definitely look at the jar itself before purchasing. It should contain larvae that look like caterpillars. Without them, it is quite likely to buy a fake with only alcohol.

Interesting video: harvesting wax moth larvae

And here, in fact, is an example of preparing a tincture from wax moth larvae with your own hands

Which belongs to the fireweed family. You can meet it almost everywhere where beekeeping is practiced. Wax moths can infect not very strong bee colonies. It also destroys the waxy material in which it lays eggs (from which caterpillars are born five to ten days later).

Moth larvae - amazing creatures. They contain the biological secret of nature, because they are able to restore a great many processes occurring in the human body.

History of application

The fact that the larvae that emerge from wax moth eggs have healing properties, the priests also knew Ancient Egypt. The products produced from these unique creatures were used by pharaohs and their wives to maximize youth prolongation and preserve beauty. Unique properties, which nature endowed this insect with, was used by residents of Asian countries. Mentions of them can also be found in ancient recipes of Russian healers.

Traditional healers first used wax moth caterpillars to improve the health of patients at the beginning of the 17th century. Mentions of this have been found in manuscripts dating back to this period. With the help of remedies obtained from wax moths, they got rid of infertility (female and male), as well as tuberculosis (consumption).

Scientific research

I.I. was the first to study the properties of larvae at a scientific level. Mechnikov. This Russian scientist, working in Paris at the Pasteur Institute in 1889, set as his goal to obtain an anti-tuberculosis vaccine. The drug was created on the basis of the digestive enzymes of moth caterpillars - cerrase and lipase. Mechnikov believed that these unique substances would be able to destroy the waxy shell present in the consumption bacteria. Further research completely confirmed the scientist’s guesses.

Research on moth larvae was continued somewhat later by Professor S.I. Metalnikov and microbiologist I.S. Zolotarev. When studying the immunity of wax moths, they proved the high resistance of insect larvae to pathogens of plague, tuberculosis, diphtheria and many other pathogenic microorganisms.

Significant experience in practical application The extract obtained from was accumulated by homeopath and cardiologist S.A. Mukhin by the middle of the twentieth century. In his youth, the doctor himself fell ill with tuberculosis. What saved him was an extract made from wax moth. Mukhin conducted research on the miracle cure for thirty years. He put this drug into practice, prescribing it to patients with cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.

Wax moth made it possible to eliminate fresh scars after a heart attack, as well as heal tuberculous cavities in the lungs. Mukhin experimentally proved the effectiveness of a natural remedy for patients suffering from atherosclerosis and cardiosclerosis, angina pectoris, as well as many age-related changes.

Mukhin's followers subsequently proved the ability of the miraculous extract not only to treat, but also to reduce the risk of many very serious ailments. Wax moth tincture was studied by professor of pharmacology A.A. Nikulin and many other scientists.


Wax moth tincture is made from its freshly collected larvae. In this case, the caterpillar emerging from the moth egg should not show signs of pupation.

How is wax moth tincture made? The recipe for this remedy is quite simple, and it has been proven by many years of practice. For healing tincture larvae are taken (usually alive). They are placed in a dark glass container and filled in a ratio of 1:10 with forty percent alcohol (one hundred grams of alcohol should be added per ten grams of larvae). The resulting mixture should infuse for seven to ten days in a cool, dark place. Next, the product should be strained and squeezed out. The finished drug is stored only in a dark place.

This is how easy it is to make a wax moth tincture. The preparation of this product is entrusted to beekeepers, because it is impossible to obtain valuable raw materials in other places. Some honey producers sell live caterpillars. However, prices for such raw materials are usually too high compared to the finished tincture.

Where can I buy this healing remedy? There are specialized sites on the Internet with similar offers. Wax moth tincture (price per hundred grams starts from three hundred rubles) is sent by mail after receiving the order.

At self-production When using a healing agent, you need to remember some rules. Thus, the wax moth tincture should be made from the penultimate instar larvae of the moth. The caterpillars are large and continue to feed. The point is that on last stage During the development of the larvae, the amount of digestive enzymes useful for the human body sharply decreases, as preparation for pupation begins. You should not take very young caterpillars either. They also contain small amounts of healing substances.

Composition of the medicinal product

Wax moth tincture is widely used. This is possible thanks to its complex and varied composition. The tincture contains high molecular weight proteins and enzymes, nucleotides and peptides, hypoxanthine and xanthine, nucleosides and serotonin-like elements and vitamins, as well as a large number of various microelements.

The tincture of wax moth larvae contains twenty of the twenty-eight naturally occurring amino acids. Nine of them are essential, that is, not produced by the human body. The tincture contains high concentrations of glycine and leucine, lysine and serine, valine and alanine. In large quantities medicine contains glutamic, gamma-aminobutyric and important for protein synthesis in the human body. Wax moth extract also includes methionine and histidine. These are amino acids that can protect the body from intoxication, ionizing radiation, as well as remove toxins and heavy metal salts.

The tincture contains lipids, as well as fatty acids, including lipolenic and linoleic acids. The drug includes a unique enzyme - serine protease. This element is capable of producing a powerful lysing effect that prevents the formation of scars and adhesions. That is why wax moth tincture is used among those people who have undergone surgery or inflammatory diseases.

However, the most important thing this product contains is the enzyme cerrase. It is thanks to this element that the tincture of wax moth larvae is used to cleanse the respiratory tract and to actively combat various bronchopulmonary diseases.


In folk medicine, wax moth (tincture) is widely used to improve the health of the body. The purpose, treatment (courses and dosages), as well as the properties of the drug can be studied by reading the instructions. So, the healing agent is capable of:

Provide a general strengthening effect;
- strengthen and stimulate the immune system;
- have a positive effect on the nervous system, as well as on the heart and blood vessels;
- relieve fatigue, improve sleep and increase performance;
- increase endurance and muscle strength;

Increase the body's resistance to pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
- cause a stable decline blood pressure within twelve to fourteen percent;
- normalize cholesterol levels;
- activate metabolic processes;
- positively influence the process of scar resorption;
- reduce the risk of blood clots;
- have a psychostimulating effect on a person.

Pulmonary diseases

In the event that wax moth (tincture) is used to get rid of an illness, it is advisable to check the prescription, treatment and course of taking the drug with a homeopathic doctor. The extract is widely used as an excellent antiviral and antibacterial agent. At the same time, it has a wide spectrum of action.

Wax moth tincture has proven itself to be excellent quality. Treatment of this disease is possible due to the presence of special enzymes. These unique elements destroy the membrane of tuberculous mycobacteria. In addition, the extract helps accelerate the healing process of tuberculosis cavities in the lungs.

A natural remedy taken in parallel with pharmacological drugs significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment, reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

Being a powerful antioxidant, wax moth tincture increases the resistance of the tissue structures of the lungs and other organs to tuberculosis infection. This reduces the risk of the spread of foci of pathology in the human body. It is also recommended to take wax moth tincture for fungal lung diseases, which often arise as a result of taking antibiotics.

For many other diseases of the pulmonary system, wax moth tincture is also recommended. User reviews indicate its high effectiveness in eliminating pathologies not only in adults, but also in children. The drug is popular due to its anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and bronchodilator properties. Users confirm the ability of a natural remedy to normalize immunity. Therefore, the tincture is successfully used during the course of treatment of asthma, as well as bronchitis with the presence of asthmatic components. In patients, wheezing quickly disappears, breathing clears, and all blood counts return to normal.

Cardiovascular diseases

Main medicinal properties remedies, according to research conducted by Dr. Mukhin, are cardiotropic and cardioprotective. Thus, for cardiosclerosis, angina pectoris and myocarditis, wax moth tincture will have a good effect. Reviews from patients indicate that taking this natural remedy can eliminate attacks of pain and shortness of breath, as well as bring blood counts back to normal. Positive effect from use healing extract received by patients who have had a myocardial infarction. Their reviews indicate an improvement in their general condition, elimination of angina attacks and signs of heart failure.

If three-month courses of treatment are carried out over 1-1.5 years, the healing agent will prevent cicatricial degeneration of the myocardial muscle and lead to the complete elimination of arrhythmia.

The drug is also indispensable for those who suffer from hypertension. Numerous scientific research The adaptogenic, cardiotropic, hypotensive, and anticoagulant properties of the extract have been proven, which is effective in the treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases.

Application in gynecology and obstetrics

The drug, made from moth larvae, is used in the treatment of miscarriage and infertility, anemia and toxicosis, and also eliminates menopausal disorders. The positive effect has been proven not only by scientific research. The tincture was used in clinical settings, having a positive effect on patients.

Use in andrology

A tincture made from moth larvae has long been used as a rejuvenating agent. Confirmation of this fact can be found in ancient manuscripts compiled by healers in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Europe and Russia. Preparations from valuable biological material were used to treat senile infirmities. The extract of moth caterpillars has this effect on the body due to its adaptogenic, antioxidant, immunostimulating and cardioprotective capabilities.

How to take wax moth tincture in such cases? The drug is used in autumn and spring periods, that is, twice a year.

Increased vitality

The extract obtained from moth larvae can increase a person’s strength and quickly restore his muscles after significant physical exertion. In addition, the healing agent accelerates the process of hemoglobin synthesis and promotes better absorption of calcium. That is why the use of tincture is recommended in the postoperative period, as well as for those who are engaged in physical labor.

It is also important to take the drug during increased mental stress. The natural remedy has a psychotropic effect, elevating mood, improving memory and learning ability.


How is wax moth tincture taken? Instructions for this healing agent recommends drinking the extract half an hour before meals, diluting it in a small volume of water (about eighty grams). The dosage of the 10% drug must be pre-calculated. Three drops of medicine are taken per ten kilograms of a person’s weight. For example, a patient weighing eighty kilograms should measure out twenty-four drops.

Prophylactic administration of the tincture is made once a day. When treating diseases, you need to use the product two or three times a day.

If the tincture is used to treat children, then its dosage should correspond to the number of years of the patient (6 years - 6 drops). Teenagers from the age of fourteen can take the drug in the same way as adults.

A slightly different dosage calculation is made when ridding a patient of tuberculosis. With a severe, open nature of the disease, eight drops are added per 10 kg of weight.

A person who has suffered a myocardial infarction should take the tincture only from the tenth day in parallel with the prescribed course of treatment. For such patients, the number of drops per 10 kilograms of weight increases to four.

A slightly different dosage is recommended for other severe ailments. In these cases, it is necessary to gradually increase the number of drops per ten kg of weight to five. The tincture is taken in courses, each of which lasts three months. Between them you need to take a break of fourteen to twenty days.

The drug made from moth larvae has no contraindications. The only thing is that it should not be used if there is an individual intolerance to the components. The drug is usually taken against the background of drug therapy. That is why prior consultation with a specialist is required to avoid negative consequences as a result of incompatibility of accepted funds.