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Why do you dream about a green flower? The magic of numbers

It is generally accepted that green is a symbol of youth, young vitality, as well as spirituality and harmony. Green color has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms and relaxes. But, as you know, human dreams have their own symbolic structure, so objects and phenomena of reality familiar to us can be interpreted completely differently in dreams. So why do you dream about the color green?

Details and meaning


If you dreamed of green clothes, then soon expect to receive serious profits that will improve your financial situation. Green robe is a symbol of hope and a bright, happy future.

Seeing a green robe in a dream means soon to come to prosperity and success. Happiness is very close. Green clothes in a dream are a symbol of all that is good: you are completely safe, and profits will soon await you. Don't lose hope.

Lunar dream interpreter:

  • If you had a dream in which you are trying on green or a shirt, then know that new relationships will come into your life soon, perhaps even love.
  • If you saw a hat or other green headdress in a dream, then joy will prevail in your life, fun, happiness.
  • If you dreamed that you were trying on green shoes or other shoes, then An interesting journey awaits you soon in the company of friends or loved ones.

“Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits,” says the rhyme for children, but adults also often use it. Do you remember what we are talking about? Right! A reminder for those who can't remember what colors a rainbow is made of. Agree, it is so excellent that in our colorful world there are many different colors. How gloomy the environment would become if colors did not exist. What can we say about colored dreams? This is just a miracle! After all, it’s more interesting when you dream of a color picture than a dull and gloomy one. The question immediately arises: is the color that you dreamed of in a dream given special meaning? Why do you dream, for example, about the color green? Let's look at the dream interpreter, it will definitely give you the answer!

The bright world around us

To see in a dream that young leaves have blossomed on the branches of trees means that in reality you will experience revival and the fulfillment of your most cherished desires, promises Miller’s dream book.

Do you see how you collect greenish fruits in a basket? For farmers, such a plot predicts a rich harvest, for others - an improvement in their financial situation.

To see a dream in which you are relaxing lying on the green grass means you will soon go on vacation, which you will be very pleased with, the dream book indicates.

If you dreamed about painting the walls of your house or a fence with green paint, in reality you will receive an unexpected inheritance or you will be well rewarded.

Wigs, hairstyles, curls

Seeing green hair on a friend means you will meet an interesting person. Perhaps in the future a strong friendship will form between you.

If you dreamed that you yourself dyed your hair green, fresh ideas will be born in your head that will help resolve difficulties.

In a dream, you bought green hair dye in order to dye your own wig - in reality you are a self-confident person who believes that in order to achieve authority and popularity in society, you need to do extraordinary things. This dream warns you against committing these actions.

Oh, these fashionistas!

If you had a chance to try on a green dress or shirt in a dream, a new love relationship will probably begin in your life.

A hat, as well as other headdresses in green shades, is a sign of a happy future, promises the Lunar Dream Interpreter.

I see you trying on green shoes - you will go on an exciting trip with close friends.

And at a traffic light, all colors are important

As the dream book explains, the green color of the traffic light means: all your plans will come true without much difficulty. This time is most suitable for this.

I dreamed of a traffic light with three lamps on at once - a sign of lack of certainty. Because of your uncertainty, you cannot make the right decision. Perhaps you should ask your friends for help, the dream book advises.

Shades of green

If you dreamed of khaki-colored clothing or an object, you will be enveloped in swamp melancholy, the dream book promises.

If you dream that you are painting the walls green, your health will be good for many years to come.

The light green hue seen in night dreams is a sign of fleeting infatuation. Perhaps you will take up a new hobby that you will leave soon. An additional option is to meet a person whose relationship will end very quickly.

The color of olives or pistachios is a signal of serious intentions, the dream book informs. The decision you make will be the most appropriate.

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Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Green color - If you dreamed of green color, then your long-cherished dream will certainly come true.

You will also receive a small financial gain.

See also: why do we dream of colors, why do we dream of white, why do we dream of red.

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

Why do you dream about the color Green according to the dream book:

Green color - If you dreamed about green color, then financial profit and exciting travels await you.

To see that you saw a green dress means your plans will soon come true.

If you used green paper in a dream, then you will be disappointed in love or fail in business.

Why dream of seeing a green hedge - then happiness and prosperity await you.

Green spruce - you will have pleasures.

Green acorns - good changes await you in life.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about the color Green, what does it mean:

Green clothing is a sign of happiness and prosperity.

Trees with young green foliage seen in a dream are a symbol of the embodiment of hopes.

Green fresh leaves portend a happy marriage, and possibly an inheritance.

Eating greenery means joy; very fragrant (garlic shoots, dill, etc.) - to the discovery of other people's secrets and innermost thoughts.

A dream in which you see a garden with evergreens promises a peaceful and prosperous life.

Walking along fresh green grass and suddenly stumbling upon dried islands means that health problems and troubles in business await you.

If in the middle of a swamp you see clean water and green hummocks, prosperity awaits you, but on the way to it you will have to deal with some intrigues and overcome dangers.

To see that you are picking or eating green unripe fruits, then such a dream is an unfavorable sign. After it, it is possible that health will deteriorate, relationships with relatives will become complicated, and problems will arise at work. Green grass - health. Green, unripe orange fruits are a loss for you where you expected a profit.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the color Green, for what reason:

Green - Green is generally considered the color of healing and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation of I. Ermakov

Why do you dream about the color Green, the meaning of the dream:

Green is hope.

Symbolic dream book

Why do you dream about the color Green according to the dream book:

The green color of the emerald made it an emblem of water and fertilizing rain. Emerald can predict the future and expose lies.

According to medieval legends, emerald comes from the underworld - for example, from the crown of Lucifer. Therefore, it is especially effective against demonic wiles.

In Christian symbolism, emerald is the personification of faith and hope. According to an apocryphal legend, Satan dropped an emerald from his crown when being cast into hell. This emerald turned into a cup that the Queen of Sheba offered to Solomon. From Solomon the cup passed to Nicodemus. Jesus Christ used it at the last supper. And Joseph of Arimathea then collected the blood of Christ drop by drop into this cup - this is how the Grail arose.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Why do you dream about the color Green according to the dream book:

Large green circles are a favorable dream. On this day everything works out, problems that arise are easily resolved. Tension in communication with people whose relationships have long ceased to be friendly disappears.

Green clothing means that there will once again be hope for a successful outcome of a case that seemed hopelessly lost.

Green and blue squares - hope for better prospects will be reinforced in the form of news of an opening.

Sun with green rays - a dream means an unusual offer that will come from a person with whom you have known for many years.

Green apples - a dream means that in the near future you will gain the necessary life experience.

Green shiny beetle - you will be overcome by a strong desire to commit an act that is unusual for you, which will cause great bewilderment among everyone around you.

After a long winter, you always rejoice at the first shoots of lush grass in the clearings and young foliage on the trees. And some are inspired by the rustling of paper dollars in their pockets, which have a light green tint. We will find out what the color green is about in dreams in proven dream books.

The color green in a dream does not come to the dreamer by chance. This may be related to his psycho-emotional state, reflect his character traits, or foreshadow bright moments that will definitely be remembered.

Noticing a lot of greenery around means that in reality you are in harmony with yourself, in unity with nature. This color of life predicts growth, development and the pursuit of excellence. It can reflect the reliability, trustworthiness, generosity, generosity of the sleeper.

In Feng Shui philosophy, green color activates the zone of abundance, wealth and prosperity. All shades of this color have meaning. Green is a kind of symbiosis of yellow and blue, so the interpretation will be twofold, depending on the saturation of the colors. A bright light green shade interspersed with red or orange promises the sleeper boundless energy, slight excitability, emotionality, and high temperament.

If you dreamed of being in a yellow-green space, it means you are friendly and open to people, you prefer to establish as many contacts as possible, strive to meet and communicate with people you are interested in, and learn something new from them. But sometimes you seem too intrusive and noisy, this can alienate a calm interlocutor.

A dark green or swampy appearance in dreams is identified with isolation. It is dreamed of by those who strive for stability and constancy in relationships, are self-confident, fairly restrained, and are not inclined to express unnecessary emotions. It can sometimes be difficult with such individuals, but there is no doubt about their loyalty and devotion.

The blue-green surroundings in dreams bring fresh notes of coolness to life. It personifies heaviness and isolation for those who place too strict demands on themselves, without sparing their strength and nerves. In this situation, the dreamer is accustomed to achieving the intended plan with irreconcilable consistency, but after this he may experience nervous exhaustion and dehydration. Such stories often warn workaholics to be more lenient with the capabilities and resources of their own body, to take care of their health and nerve cells.

The more natural and natural the green color in a dream, the easier and more harmonious the future will be. It instills calm, confidence and gentleness in eccentric people who often doubt their own worth. To find yourself in a meadow of ripe young grass is to realize the importance of personal growth. You don’t want to prioritize comfort and stability; you are looking for new directions for your development that can completely captivate you.

Author's dream books


Natural greenery in a dream is a sign of a happy and blessed life. Watching fruit trees sprouting their first leaves means expecting peace and love in a complete family, where they rejoice at weather events, are proud of the achievements of children and grandchildren, and honor and respect the elderly.

Mow the lush green grass in the meadow - in reality, through your labor and efforts to achieve prosperity and abundance. For people involved in large projects, this plot promises a difficult but productive period. These days there will be an increase in mental performance, concentration, observation and attentiveness. High vitality and a feeling of complete self-confidence will make you quickly realize and make what you want into reality.

Yuri Longo

Green represents reliability and is trusted and followed. I dreamed of going to a green traffic light - an excellent sign for the dreamer. If you have outlined grandiose plans, you are bursting with ideas, profitable deals, and you have been waiting for the right moment, then this is just the case. You should take the situation into your own hands and act actively while fortune is on your side. Don’t be afraid to listen and trust those around you; they will prove their need and devotion more than once.

I dreamed of going through green dollars in my purse - in reality, I was participating in a large financial transaction that promises significant profits. You should carefully check the validity of the transaction so as not to be left without a livelihood. For some, this will indicate that it is time to invest sums of money before they are devalued by the next inflation.

Lyudmila Shereminskaya

All shades of green are the color of optimism, confidence, hope and faith. He is able to predict positive moments for the dreamer in all areas of life that are currently disturbing the sleeper. For chronically ill patients, such stories can dispel doubts about their own recovery. For people in dire need of financial resources to provide for their children or purchase a home, this scenario can show the way to financial well-being and permanent material wealth.

For a woman to be in a green garden full of fruits, berries and vegetables is a sign of family harmony and stability. In this case, you are not at risk of loneliness, betrayal or childlessness. Women's happiness will be exactly the amount you imagined.

For men, eating an unripe green apple in a dream means trying to achieve success and recognition without much difficulty. But your actions and deeds will not be appreciated; rather, on the contrary, they will undermine your excessive self-confidence and agility.

Finding your path to success will be predicted by a dream where you were walking along a path through a field of sprouted wheat. In fact, this is a direct indication that you need to decide on your life goals, act calmly, overcome obstacles, and wait for a worthy reward for your work soon.

Sigmund Freud

A brown-green environment in a dream can express the sensual passivity of the dreamer. You want to enjoy a state that has a beneficial effect on your senses, emotions that relax your mind and promote intimacy. You seek excitement through contemplation and enjoyment of your loved one. But your romanticism exists in parallel with your infantility. To your partner, you appear to be an egoist and a cynic. Therefore, you often have to be in search of your other half.

Green color- this is the color of Knowledge, the color of anahata, where the human soul resides.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Green color- a meaningful future awaits you.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Green color as such in a dream- means hope, financial success, long trips. Seeing a green dress in a dream foretells the fulfillment of hopes.

Use green paper in a dream- this means that in reality you will experience neglect in love or failure in business.

Seeing green lawns in a dream- means that in reality a meaningful future awaits you.

green hedge- portends joy and profit, green spruce- pleasure.

Green coffee in a dream- portends arrogant enemies from whom you should not expect mercy, and if you do not take this dream as a warning, they will seek to harm you in every way.

Roast green coffee in a dream- warns against the bad intentions of strangers.

Green acorns on a tree or lying under it- a sign of good changes. However, tearing them and collecting them foreshadows, on the contrary, bad events and meetings.

Green peas seen in a dream- portends good health and income growth.

See mustard green growing- portends success and joy for everyone involved in agriculture.

Green lemon- portends an infectious disease or injury, eat it in a dream- to humiliation and disappointment.

There are green gooseberries in a dream- a sign of happiness that will visit you after worries. Make green gooseberry jam- you will make a mistake in seeking pleasure, and will even be involved in a whirlpool of sensational events.

Seeing green leaves in a dream- to the opportunity to receive a rich inheritance or marry a wealthy person.

Green meadow in a dream- portends happiness, health and prosperity that will accompany you for many years.

Take a green blade of grass into your mouth and chew it- to profit.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Green color- a meaningful future awaits

Psychoanalytic dream book

Shades of green can have transitions to pastel colors, in which case it refers to a symbol of rebirth.

Green- inexperience, the beginning of the process, jealousy.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Green- hope, expectation, positive change, monetary success.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Green- joy, health, summer, youth.

Esoteric dream book

Green- peace.

Green things- to arrange things, calm down, recover.

Green plants- to improve health and relationships.

Green animals- to fullness of feelings, getting rid of negative emotions.

Collection of dream books

Green- hope, financial success, thoughts.

Green color- the color of optimism and hope. It has all the positive color associations - health, life and well-being. Green also promotes good luck in life. This includes material wealth, the happiness of our children, the whole family, financial well-being and deep thoughts.