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How to effectively get rid of mosquitoes in your home.

The range of modern means for protecting against mosquitoes on the street is not limited to repellent ointments and protective clothing. Relax quietly in nature, go fishing, work in the country, or sit in the gazebo in the evening without annoying insects Today, special repellers, traps and others also help with midges.

Blood-sucking insects are active throughout the warm period of the year - just at the time when you want to spend as much time as possible on outdoors. You can protect yourself from mosquitoes and midges at home with the help of mosquito nets and fumigators. But what if we're talking about about a picnic, fishing or even just relaxing on open terrace country house?

In addition to personal protective equipment (special clothing and repellent ointments), they are used to combat mosquitoes and midges on the street. various devices to repel and destroy them.

For protection the following are used:

  • destroyer traps (purchased and homemade);
  • ultrasonic repellers;
  • repellent-based repellers;
  • smoke bombs and spirals.

Each of these remedies has strong and weaknesses, and suitable for different cases. When choosing, the range of action, ease of use, duration and strength of the effect are important. If we are talking about electronic device, then its ability to work from autonomous source nutrition.

Old “grandfather” methods or modern devices?

The oldest means of repelling mosquitoes in nature is smoke from a fire. It is still used at rest by mushroom pickers and fishermen who neglect modern protective equipment. Acrid smoke repels mosquitoes well, especially if you throw juniper, fir and other branches into the fire coniferous trees. However, not only mosquitoes, but also all people sitting around the fire have to breathe this smoke.

In light of the above, devices for contact automatic extermination and remote repelling of insects look even more attractive, because with them protection against mosquitoes in the open air eliminates the need to use ointments, sprays, fires and special clothing. But are these devices really effective, and how can you choose the best among them?

The arsenal of popular folk remedies for repelling mosquitoes is not limited to campfire smoke. Widely used in summer cottages homemade traps and fragrant herbs (garlic, tomato tops, geranium), which are safe for health and do not require significant financial costs.

But they are still inferior in efficiency modern means, the development of which is based on Scientific research. Chemical repellents and insecticides act quickly and surely, and electronic traps and repellers use their own instincts against mosquitoes, which insects are not able to resist.

Ultrasonic repellers against mosquitoes and midges

Devices for repelling mosquitoes and midges with ultrasound are either stationary or portable. Among them there are those that can:

  • Wear on a belt (repellent keychain) or wrist (an electronic device in the form of a bracelet), the range of action is 0.5 -5 meters. Used as an individual means of protection against insects in the city and beyond. The main advantage is its miniature size.

  • Carry with you or place near a tent, gazebo, overnight or fishing place - medium-sized portable and stationary devices the size of a walkie-talkie, their range of action covers up to 20-30 square meters. m.

  • Bet on local area. Lightweight stationary devices of medium size that are easy to move from place to place. Range of action – up to 50-80 square meters. m, purpose: ultrasonic mosquito repeller for the street.

Devices can be charged and operated:

  • from the network directly;
  • from a rechargeable battery;
  • standard batteries;
  • solar battery.

Stationary devices, as a rule, only operate from the mains, so when using them, you need to take into account the length of the cord and the distance of the device from the nearest outlet. Other devices operate on batteries or have the ability to charge different ways. Combined options, of course, is preferable.

Operating principle

The operation of repellers is based on the principle of influencing mosquitoes using sound waves of a certain frequency. Some of them will emit a frightening sound - the rustling of the wings of a dragonfly that actively hunts mosquitoes. Others imitate the squeak of male mosquitoes, which fertilized females studiously avoid.

Only female mosquitoes bite, and they begin looking for suitable prey immediately after mating. During this period, contacts with males are undesirable and even dangerous for them, so the sound imitating the squeak of a male immediately scatters the mosquitoes to the sides.

Frequency adjustment

Repellers are equipped with sound wave generators with a frequency range from 4.8-7 kHz. Some devices have a frequency adjustment function, and it is preferable to purchase such options. The fact is that in nature there are several types of mosquitoes, and to repel each of them a certain sound frequency is required.

It happens that a repeller tuned to a certain frequency does an excellent job in one region, but turns out to be practically useless in another. By turning the adjustment lever of the adjustable repeller, you can find the wave that is most unpleasant for mosquitoes in a particular area.

Devices for killing mosquitoes outdoors

The work of outdoor devices for killing insects is based on luring and killing them in various ways. Mosquito killers mimic the warmth and odor of the human body. An insect that flies up dies from an electrical discharge, fire, water or air flow.

This is an effective outdoor mosquito killer and can only be used outdoors. Operating principle: propane is gradually released from the gas cylinder and enters the gas burner, where it releases carbon dioxide and heat. Mosquitoes, looking for a victim to bite, react to thermal radiation from the body and the smell of carbon dioxide, which is released during breathing. The propane exterminator, as it were, deceives them, distracting them with itself.

The device is easy to maintain, but you will need to regularly replace the gas cylinder. The effectiveness of its operation greatly depends on its location - it is important to install it on the site on the side from which mosquitoes fly most (for example, from the side of a forest or lake).

One of the first places in the list of the most popular models is occupied by the Mosquito Magnet Independence, which is capable of luring mosquitoes from an area of ​​40 acres. Its cost is about 50 thousand rubles, but this price is justified by its durability. An analogue of this device is the Mosquito Magnet Patriot, it costs about 30 thousand rubles, its range of action is 25 acres.

Shredders with CO2 cylinders

The operating principle of this type of exterminator is based on the gradual release of carbon dioxide from a cylinder. Mosquitoes follow the smell, and when they fly close enough, they are sucked inside by a vortex flow from the built-in fan. Models of such exterminators can be additionally equipped with heat lamps, which enhance the luring effect (for example, the Smartkiller garden insect exterminator).

In general, destroyers with carbon dioxide They are comparable in efficiency to propane ones; it is also important to place them correctly on the site. They are lightweight and can be powered by mains power or a solar battery.

Models differ in configuration and damage radius. For example, the Mosquito Trap ANS-A6 system generates preheated CO2 gas, simulating a large group of people. Additionally, the device uses octenol as bait.

Thermal Destroyers

The thermal device attracts the attention of mosquitoes using infrared radiation. Insects mistake him for a person, fly up close and die in a tank of water or dry out on a special net.

Some models of thermal destroyers are additionally equipped with an attractant spray device and flashing lights. On average, thermal exterminators effectively protect against insects in an area of ​​up to 500 square meters. m, but there are much more powerful devices.

The Mega-Catch Mosquito Trap is one example of a powerful thermal exterminator. Its cost is about 20 thousand rubles. The device effectively attracts mosquitoes within a radius of up to 3 thousand square meters. m. Suitable for large land plots, farms.

Ultraviolet shredders

The most inexpensive and accessible type of shredders. They are lightweight and compact devices with a built-in ultraviolet lamp. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use. An insect that flies close to the grille of the device dies from an electric shock. An example of such a device is the SWI-20 exterminator, which clears an area of ​​250 square meters of mosquitoes and midges. m. Reviews about the use of devices of this type are contradictory; in terms of effectiveness, they are inferior to all those described above.

Light traps can be made in the form of garden lanterns (for example, the Sniper destroyer lantern). Their operating principle is the same - a UV lamp and an energized grid, but these lamps are protected from rain and run on a solar battery, so they are very convenient for placement in the garden.

Some models are equipped with a device for spraying an attractant and a battery, which allows you to install the device anywhere. For example, the Flowtron PowerVac PV-440 has an octenol atomization system (an imitation of the odor of sweat, which is very attractive to mosquitoes). The smell of octenol is elusive to the human sense of smell, but mosquitoes sense it perfectly.

The EcoSniper GF-4WB mosquito killer is also based on ultraviolet radiation, but in addition to this, it imitates the heat of the human body and the smell of the air exhaled by a person. The device is moisture-resistant and equipped with a fan, the vortex flow from which quickly attracts flying insects.

Outdoor repellers for mosquitoes and midges

The operating principle of street repellers is based on fumigation. Under the influence of heat from the heated lamps, repellent microparticles spread over the nearby area, forming an invisible barrier beyond which mosquitoes and midges do not fly.

For example, the popular Moskuto Trap MT64 device operates on an area of ​​500 sq. m. In fact, it is a combined device, that is, it can be used both as a destroyer and as a repeller. It works from the network and from car battery. A device with a shorter range - ThermaCell mr g06 00 - is in demand among lovers of fishing, hunting and hiking. It operates on an area of ​​up to 20 square meters. m.

Lamps in the form of garden lanterns or small portable lanterns are suitable for a tent, balcony or gazebo. The action is based on plates that, under the influence of heat, evaporate repellents.

You can buy a Thermacell mosquito lamp with a 10% discount in the online store.

Smoke bombs, spirals and sticks are also used to repel mosquitoes on the street. Checkers cover an area within a radius of up to 300-1000 m, permanently driving away mosquitoes, flies, midges, ticks and horse flies. Spirals and sticks do not act as globally, but while they are smoldering, you can get rid of mosquitoes and sit quietly in the gazebo or on the veranda.

You can buy a “Quiet Evening” smoke bomb with a 10% discount in the online store.

Purchased and homemade mechanical traps

Traps for mosquitoes and midges can be purchased at a hardware store or made yourself. The principle of their operation is based on luring insects with various odors.

Habitual and accessible remedy from . Most of all, they are effective against flies, but a mosquito that touches the sticky edge of the tape will no longer be able to fly.

Velcro comes in the form of rolled strips of sticky paper. It is better to hang them near light sources (garden lights, lamps in gazebos), since most insects are attracted to illuminated areas.

Homemade Velcro

You can make effective Velcro with a smell attractive to mosquitoes with your own hands. For this you need strips thick paper soak in any of these mixtures:

  • rosin, castor oil, turpentine and sugar;
  • pine or spruce resin, wax, linseed oil and honey;
  • glycerin, honey, petroleum jelly and rosin.

The ingredients are mixed in suitable dishes and melted in a water bath. Then you should soak strips of paper with the resulting liquid and place them in different parts plot.

Commercial viscous liquid traps

They are containers filled with a viscous sticky substance with an odor attractive to mosquitoes, midges and horse flies. Having touched the sticky liquid, the insect remains trapped forever.

Some traps contain insecticides, others work only due to stickiness. The traps are disposable, but in one cycle of use they can drown up to 20 thousand mosquitoes.

Homemade traps

The example is simple and effective trap- a trap that works by yeast.

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. A 1.5 liter plastic bottle is cut crosswise into two halves.
  2. Place 2 tbsp in the lower part. l. sugar, some warm water and a small packet of yeast.
  3. The upper part is inserted into the lower part with the neck down (without a lid).

The yeast is activated and begins to produce CO2 and lactic acid. The smells of these substances are associated by mosquitoes with the odor of the human body, and therefore effectively attract them. Mosquitoes easily penetrate inside the trap, but cannot get out because the funnel-shaped top part interferes with this.

Hot summer days and pleasant evenings can be overshadowed by an abundance of mosquitoes on your backyard or summer cottage. The fight against them can turn into a protracted series. The problem is especially acute in regions located relatively close to open bodies of water, places natural habitat these insects.

Effective mosquito control in a summer cottage is carried out on all fronts: in the house, gazebo and in open areas. All sorts of means are used, differing in the method of application and method of influence. Drugs are divided into two main types - repellent and killing. Each of them is relevant for its own conditions of use. When the air temperature reaches +28 0 C, the activity of the bloodsuckers decreases significantly, and when the evening coolness returns, they begin to become annoying again.

Getting rid of insects in open areas

In most cases, mosquito control on the site occurs using specialized technical means. They are classified into three groups:

  • sound repellers;
  • preparations using ultrasound;
  • carbon dioxide exterminators.

Sound repeller

The first two types are relevant during counteraction in apartments, during trips to nature, at a summer cottage and in other places. The operating principle is based on simulating alarm signals for female mosquitoes. The sound warns that there is danger in the area and that the area needs to be left. Such devices have positive characteristics:

  • absolutely harmless when affecting other living beings: home owners, animals or birds;
  • do not require additional costs for materials;
  • they can be used from household network at 220 V, and autonomously from batteries;
  • Having them, the fight against mosquitoes in the country can be carried out in the area around the source from 1 to 5 meters.

Carbon dioxide products take advantage of female mosquitoes' natural attraction to exhaled carbon dioxide, radiated body heat, and the lactic acid odor of sweat. A positive characteristic is that this device, unlike analogs that use chemicals, does not destroy male mosquitoes, other insects and does not have any effect negative impact on birds.

Carbon dioxide-based mosquito repellents are used in open spaces.

Active struggle phase

You shouldn’t run around your country house with a slipper or a rolled-up newspaper, as you can more effectively fight mosquitoes in nature. Electric fly swatters are used for this. It is visually similar to a tennis racket. The principle of operation is to pass a weak electrical discharge through work surface device. As soon as contact occurs, it is fatal for the mosquito. The current strength is absolutely safe for home owners and their pets.

Traps using ultraviolet light work successfully. They attract insects inside the device. Next, they are destroyed at a high-voltage structural element. To operate the device, a voltage of 220 V is required.

Another destroyer are designs based on a fan. It is capable of drawing insects into traps and destroying them. The autonomy of the device is ensured by rechargeable solar batteries.

You can use a regular vacuum cleaner if there is no other option. In fact, you will have to vacuum the surrounding area by lifting the suction part up. Even a short operation can save the owner country house from a considerable number of small and annoying bloodsuckers. And a regular fan that disperses the air will not give mosquitoes a chance in some cases.

On open space enough to use Mosquito nets, blocking access to the gazebo or tent. They can be used to form a small canopy.

The use of folk remedies

Since mosquitoes have been bothering humanity for hundreds of years, during this time people have learned to effectively use natural ingredients. This kind of mosquito control folk remedies often provides an advantage in favor of a person.

In most cases, the calculation is to scare away winged bloodsuckers. The pleasant aroma of vanillin helps to repel females. It is vanillin that is taken into account, not vanilla sugar. It is enough to dissolve a small amount of the substance in warm water and then lubricate open areas skin.

The use of vanillin is safe even for children. The powder is also added to baby cream, and then the resulting drug is applied to the body. The effect is not long lasting, but makes it possible not to get bitten.

Basil is chopped fresh and added to hot water. The tincture is carried out for 1.5-2 hours. The liquid is also rubbed into problem areas. You can simply spread the plucked branches around the area.

Essential oils are a good help. However, not all of them have a miracle cure that can repel unfriendly insects. The recommended list includes extracts of eucalyptus, cloves, cedar and tea tree. A positive result will be noticeable from the use of oils with basil, anise, and lavender.

They can be added to the fireplace, fire, or dripped onto a candle. It is advisable to check that people around you are not allergic to the fragrances used.

VIDEO: How to make your own mosquito repellent ointment with your own hands from improvised means

You can throw an armful of juniper or some kind of pine needles into the fire located on the territory; the smell of such smoke will scare away mosquitoes. Conifer cones will give a similar effect.

Personal protective equipment

Creams, aerosols or sprays are used as personal protective equipment. They are applied directly to the body. Protective bracelets impregnated with citronella are also used. Mosquitoes cannot stand its smell. However, the effect of creams wears off in most cases after a couple of hours. Therefore, you have to repeat the procedure again.

Individual products - creams and sprays

Creams and sprays containing diethyltoluamide belong to the group of potentially dangerous drugs. DEET is a toxic substance prohibited for use by infants, pregnant and nursing mothers.

Doctors generally do not recommend using any products applied to the skin to protect against mosquitoes for infants and children under 2 years of age. It is best to stick special stickers impregnated with mosquito repellent compounds on the outside or inside of the stroller. In this case, full contact with the baby's skin is excluded.

In order not to smear the cream, use special stickers on clothes. On the front side they are impregnated with a repellent drug.

At night, all products should be washed off the skin.

If we are talking about being outside at this time (for example, hiking), it is better to use a stand-alone repeller or a product that attracts insects. It is installed a few meters from the tent, which eliminates mosquitoes throughout the night.

For big ones open areas Near open bodies of water, it is recommended to use multi-day protection powered by propane and batteries. Such a unit lures females with carbon dioxide and smell. Identical to the smell of human sweat (attractant), and then drawn by a fan into a special compartment-trap, where they die within a few hours.

There are a lot of mosquito repellents. The assortment includes expensive and budget drugs, creams, sprays, fumigators, repellers and entire machines. Among all this variety, you can choose the drug that will be affordable and will not harm your health.

VIDEO: Magic mosquito repellent. Really working

As soon as the warm season arrives, the issue of eliminating mosquitoes again becomes relevant. Some are in a hurry to buy more tablets for fumigators, others are trying new products from manufacturers of anti-mosquito preparations, and still others prefer to use time-tested folk remedies for mosquitoes.

The desire to use recipes invented by past generations is quite natural. After all natural ingredients safe for health, environmentally friendly, available almost free of charge and always work efficiently.

All traditional methods are based on completely natural patterns. Mosquitoes are living creatures and therefore have their own likes and dislikes. In particular, they are repelled by certain odors that humans perceive quite normally.

For example, you can have indoor geranium or plant tomato seedlings in the spring. Pots with these plants on the windowsills will protect the house no worse than the most modern ones chemicals. Bloodsuckers also really dislike some essential oils. The smell of cedar, eucalyptus, tea tree, anise and cloves literally kills them. Just a few drops in the aroma lamp will provide restful sleep all night long.

Vanilla, baby cream and apple cider vinegar are some of the folk remedies

Very original way mosquito protection offers the following recipe. Take a tablespoon three times a day apple cider vinegar, diluted with a small amount of water. Not a single mosquito will come close to you.

If such an extreme experience is not to your liking, then you can use a more pleasant method. For this you need vanilla. Approximately a tablespoon of aromatic powder should be diluted in half a glass of water, and then the resulting liquid should be lubricated on exposed areas of the body and sprinkled on clothes.
By the way, it is believed that regular baby cream works great against mosquitoes. True, it needs to be supplemented with the same vanilla. To do this, take about a tablespoon of cream and add a bag of vanilla or vanilla sugar. Stir until smooth and spread on everything you deem necessary.

Personal protection against mosquitoes

What else can you put on to prevent mosquitoes from biting you? The essential oils already listed are suitable, only a small amount (5-10 drops) needs to be dissolved in half a glass of water, and then smeared with this composition. Basically, you can put a couple of drops on your hands and quickly rub the skin in the right places.

Another effective remedy- This is fish oil. It should be applied in a thin layer to the skin. The only drawback is that the skin shines after it and may remain greasy spots. But for children this remedy is ideal, the main thing is to persuade them.

As protective agent You can use decoctions of various herbs. A decoction of wormwood roots works ideally against insects. You need to dig up a few roots, wash them and chop them. It’s even easier to buy a ready-made mixture at the pharmacy. Take a generous handful and fill it with a liter of water. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Let it sit for several hours and then use it to treat clothes and skin. Using the same recipe, you can make a decoction of bird cherry flowers, basil leaves and even the roots of ordinary wheatgrass.

Home protection

Flying bloodsuckers really don't like the pronounced aroma of valerian. Liquid tincture can be used for impregnation cotton pads, which can then be laid out around the bed.

By the way, if you plan to spend the whole summer at the dacha, then you should worry about its protection. You can plant elderberries, tomatoes or Caucasian chamomile under the windows. The latter contains a substance called pyrethrum. It is known as an excellent remedy against the most harmful insects– mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches.

Modern society has come up with many ways to destroy or scare away nasty insects. But even today, fighting mosquitoes with folk remedies is considered the most effective, simple and inexpensive. After all, in nature, every poison has its own antidote, you just need to know exactly what works against what.

A few more folk recipes against mosquitoes

We offer several excellent folk recipes, which will help protect against mosquito invasions in the house and on the street.

  • Boil water, reduce heat to low and add about 100 g of camphor oil or valerian infusion to the saucepan. As the water evaporates, an aroma will spread through the air, which has a detrimental effect on mosquitoes.
  • Are you going to the forest for mushroom picking, hiking or fishing? Prepare in advance fresh leaves bird cherry or rowan. In nature, rub them on all areas of your body that are not covered by clothing. Insects will fly around you.
  • To get rid of annoying mosquitoes at home and on the street, use essential oils eucalyptus, basil, anise or cloves. Take about half a glass of water and add 5-10 drops of oil into it. Rub the resulting liquid over your body. The same composition can be poured into a saucepan and put on fire. The evaporating liquid will become a sure barrier for insects. Soak pieces of cotton wool in the water-aromatic mixture and place them on the window. Or just spray the mosquito net with it.
  • A decoction of wormwood roots works effectively against mosquitoes and other insects. Pour a generous handful of fresh or dried roots into 1.5 liters cold water and bring to a boil. Remove from the stove and let sit for about half an hour. Lubricate the body in exposed areas with the prepared decoction.
  • Mosquitoes, flies and even cockroaches are terribly afraid of the smell of cedar oil. Do water solution, adding 5-10 drops to half a glass of water. Spray the room, clothes and exposed skin with it.
  • Eucalyptus oil has approximately the same effect on flying insects. But it needs to be dropped into water boiling over low heat. A steam bath will clear the entire room of mosquitoes. An even simpler way is to drop the oil onto the fumigator plate and use it for its intended purpose. The effect will be amazing.
  • The easiest way to scare away blood-sucking mosquitoes in the air or during sleep is to use a self-prepared product with an anti-mosquito effect. To do this, dig up some roots of ordinary wheatgrass, which grows everywhere. Wash them, cut them into small pieces and pour a liter of boiling water. Boil for another 15 minutes, regularly reducing the heat and bringing the liquid to a boil again. This method of cooking will help extract all the necessary properties from the roots. Then cool the broth and wash your face before going to bed or going outside. It is not recommended to wash off the decoction from the skin until the morning.
  • If you are breeding indoor flowers, then plant several pots of geraniums. Its aroma will repel mosquitoes at any time of the year, and the plant itself will become worthy decoration Houses.
  • Flying insects really don't like smoke. You can make a fire in nature, but, of course, this method is hardly suitable for home. But you can do the following. A couple of handfuls of dry wormwood, thyme, chamomile and other meadow grass throw into a saucepan and light it. Extinguish the flame, and carry the container through all the rooms, fumigating them with smoke. Naturally, when using this method, it is advisable to temporarily remove animals and other people from the premises, as well as close the windows and not open them until dawn.

This is just a small list possible options. In fact, there are still many remedies that help get rid of blood-sucking insects. After all, mosquito control traditional methods has been going on for a long time, which means that the most successful method suitable for a particular situation will definitely be found.

Picnics, barbecues and other evening events - so much to look forward to during the summer! But if you decide to celebrate outside, make sure that you do not become one of the items on the tasty menu of the little nasty ones.

Ways to fight mosquitoes

According to Joe Conlon, a medical entomologist and technical consultant for the American Mosquito Control Association, mosquito bites, for the most part, are just annoying. But, he says, especially in some parts of the country, they can be more dangerous. "Being infected with the mosquito-borne disease West Nile fever is definitely a problem," he says. He gives tips on how to prevent mosquito attacks this summer.

1. Right time

If possible, plan your activities to avoid the times when mosquitoes are most active: typically dawn and dusk.

2 Freshness and breeze

Keeping your deck mosquito-free is easy, says Conlon. "Strategically placing fans on the floor that will provide a breeze across the problem area will keep mosquitoes at bay," he says. "Mosquitoes are weak flyers and will not be able to reach you in the air current." It is impossible to say exactly how much powerful fan you will need or how many pieces. You can simply experiment until you get the desired effect.

3. Turn on the deception light

  • If you have a lamp, says Conlon, light it using yellow General Electric. "This light doesn't repel mosquitoes on its own," he says, "but it doesn't attract mosquitoes like incandescent white lights."
  • By the way, citronella candles (a mosquito repellent) have a mild repellent effect, he says, but do not provide significantly more high level protection compared to other candles that smoke.
  • The flames and smoke of a fire or fireplace are very good at repelling mosquitoes.

4. Choose your clothes wisely

Dress in light, loose clothing. Large, coarse thread is best for preventing bites, but layered, loose weave is almost as good.

5. Go repellent with DEET (but not too much)

According to Conlin, DEET remains the standard by which all other repellents are judged. It is effective against mosquitoes, flies, fleas and ticks. But make sure you apply the product correctly. If it doesn't work, it was probably applied incorrectly or needs to be reapplied.

When it comes to choosing a brand, look for one that contains 30% DEET for adults. Ask your pediatrician about best choice for your child. Colin states that he says most of them recommend no more than 10% DEET and no DEET at all for babies under two months of age. If you prefer natural products, try lemon and eucalyptus oils, which repel mosquitoes.

6. Set up a mosquito trap

Mosquito trap

You may have heard of a product called a mosquito trap. According to Joe Conlin, these devices can capture and kill measurable numbers of mosquitoes. But, he says, whether there will be a significant reduction in mosquito populations will depend on a number of factors, including how sensitive you are, how many mosquitoes are around and even wind speed.