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How to store beets at home. Great idea for all gardeners! How to store beets in an apartment

How to store beets? can be in the cellar, in the refrigerator, in plastic bags and in boxes with sand. If you follow all the rules, the root vegetables will remain fresh and juicy and will last until spring.

Your beets this year were a great success, but don’t rush to rest on your laurels, saying that you are now provided with root crops for the whole winter. To grown with my own hands the vegetables have not rotted ahead of time, provide them the right conditions storage Then in winter you will cook red borscht, proudly serving it to the whole family.

You can store beets after the cuttings on the tops have dried. Optimal temperature For long-term storage– about 3°C, and humidity – 80-85%. Be sure to monitor these indicators in the cellar, because even minimal changes can ruin the harvest. So, if the temperature is higher, the beets will begin to dry out.

Beets also store well next to potatoes. Therefore, you can simply pour it on top of the potato pile. The benefit from this proximity is mutual: beets prevent the potatoes from rotting, since they absorb excess moisture, thanks to which the burgundy root vegetables themselves remain fresh and juicy.

Method 1. Storing beets in the cellar

The easiest way to store root vegetables is in the cellar in bulk on the floor. By the way, it is also one of the simplest and cheapest. But it still demands preliminary preparation: It is imperative to remove all garbage from the cellar, dry it well and disinfect the room.

Beets can also be laid out on shelves in the form of pyramids. Place larger root vegetables on the bottom and smaller ones on top.

Method 2. Storing beets in boxes with sand

Another way to store beets is in boxes with sand. Beets can be stored in sand for up to a year. Sand retains moisture, prevents it from reaching the beets, prevents the evaporation of beneficial moisture from the root crops themselves, and perfectly fights mold.

Beets can be stored in wooden or plastic boxes without holes. The sand should be slightly damp, but not wet.

When storing beets, remember that larger root vegetables spoil faster than smaller ones, so they need to be placed on top.

Start by adding a small layer of sand to the bottom of the box. If the box has holes, it must first be covered with film. Then place the smallest beets on the sand. It is best to place root vegetables with the root facing down.

Root crops can be located quite close, but should not touch each other. When the first layer of beets is laid, fill it with sand. The intermediate layer of sand should completely cover the root crops. Place a second layer of root vegetables bigger size and cover with sand.

On top is another layer of the largest beets. You don’t have to cover it completely with sand, but just sprinkle it a little.

In the basement, beets can be stored in such a box for up to a year.

Method 3. Storing beets in plastic bags

The bags can be any size, it all depends on what kind of crop you harvested. To prevent condensation from forming in the bags, make holes in them around the entire perimeter and pour a little on the bottom mustard powder or sawdust.

After this, you can put the beets in a bag. Sprinkle each layer of root vegetables to be stored with sawdust. They absorb moisture perfectly and will not allow the beets to rot.

It is better to leave the packages open and simply place them on a shelf in the basement or on glassed balcony where the temperature does not drop below zero.

You can also store beets in regular baskets. Carefully place the root vegetables in them and also sprinkle with a little sawdust.

Method 4. Storing beets in the refrigerator

If you don't have many root vegetables, you can store beets in the refrigerator.

Place the beets in drawer lower compartment refrigeration chamber and place in plastic bags. Just remember that beets can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1.5-2 months.

If you stored burgundy root vegetables correctly, they will not lose their roots over the winter. useful properties, will remain firm, juicy and bright when cut until the new harvest. And about beet varieties for the middle zone and Moscow region, as well as its secrets proper cultivation read our materials.


How to store beets in order to use root vegetables grown on your own plot for food in winter is not only an economic issue, but also a healthy, nutritious diet. Indeed, in addition to the fact that purchased vegetables are more expensive in the period until the next harvest, their quality may turn out to be very low (for example, they may be diseased, spoiled, or contain nitrates), and it is also possible to purchase fodder beets instead of table beets.

Which table beets are suitable for long-term storage?

Of course, as with other vegetables, it is not necessary to store the entire beet harvest for long-term storage, but selectively. Fulfilling this condition is very important, but not the most important thing. The fact is that not all varieties of this vegetable can be stored for a long time. If you choose the wrong kind of seeds for planting, then all the effort spent on growing, collecting and storing root crops in the hope that in winter there will be beet dishes on the table may be in vain. And even though the vegetables of the resulting harvest are unusually healthy and beautiful, if they are varieties with poor keeping quality, then very soon they will either have to be thrown away or hastily processed and canned.

The following varieties of table beets are intended for long-term storage: Renova, Salatnaya, Cold-resistant 19, Mulatka, Red Ball, Boltardi, Podzimnyaya A-474, Ploskaya Gribovskaya A-474, Libero, Detroit, Bravo, Egyptian flat, Incomparable A-463, Nosovskaya flat , Pablo F1, Single-germ, Bordeaux-237.

In terms of keeping quality, these varieties are the best. But first of all, you should pay attention to local selection of table beets. Its varieties will most often turn out to be the best option not only for growing good harvest, but also for its successful and long-term storage.

But, for example, the Cylinder variety, which is very popular and grown in almost every country house, is not suitable for winter storage. His root vegetables are wonderful taste qualities, but keeping quality is much worse than that of the above varieties.

Rules for preparing table beets for storage

Regardless of the variety, preparation for storage begins with proper cleaning beet harvest. It must be collected before the first frost. Beetroots grow close to the surface of the soil, and their upper part protrudes from the ground, so even in the event of a slight frost, they can freeze and become unsuitable for storage.

For harvesting, it is best to choose a dry and fine, preferably sunny, autumn day. And it will be more pleasant to work, and this will contribute to the long-term storage of table beets. Harvesting also doesn’t have to be done anyhow. It is strictly forbidden to pull out root vegetables by pulling the tops. The beet skin will most likely be damaged by the ground and pebbles in it: torn off, scratched or cut. Such root crops will begin to rot soon after being stored and will not last long. Moreover, because of them, undamaged healthy beets can begin to deteriorate.

You need to collect root vegetables using a shovel or pitchfork:

  1. We plunge the bayonet of the tool into the ground next to the beets.
  2. By pressing the handle of the shovel, we slightly lift the root crop along with the soil.
  3. Carefully pull the vegetable out of the broken ground by the tops or take it out with your hands.

Immediately you need to clear the root vegetables from the soil. Lumps of soil on the surface of beets during storage will absorb moisture and become a favorable environment for putrefactive bacteria contained in them. But it’s also not worth trying to remove all the soil at any cost. It is more important not to damage the vegetables when cleaning. Therefore, it is completely unacceptable to use a wood chip, knife or other objects, press hard on tightly adhered lumps of soil with your hand, or hit the beets one against the other. Root vegetables should be lightly shaken individually by the tops, and the remaining soil should be removed with light pressure. thumb brushes If it doesn't work out, it's better to leave it as is. This will cause less harm than damage to the root skin.

When harvesting occurs in dry weather, you most likely will not have to clear the soil. If the soil is oily and wet, it can be easily removed using the above methods. Problems, as a rule, arise for those who peel vegetables later - after transportation and drying, before storing.

Then the tops of the beets need to be trimmed. And not completely, right up to the root crop, but leaving a small tail 1-1.5 cm long. It is not recommended to twist or break off the tops by hand - you just need to cut them off.

Then we cut off the side roots. We must try not to damage the root crop itself. If the main root is very long and branched, it is allowed to cut it off a little, leaving a tail of 5–7 cm. However, for storing beets it is better when it remains completely intact - there is less chance of infection.

Then you need to select beets that will be stored for long-term storage. We leave only strong, whole and healthy root vegetables. All damaged, with signs of disease and rotten vegetables should be set aside separately. They should be used for food as soon as possible. They will not be stored for long, and even if they begin or continue to deteriorate, they will infect healthy beets. It is also desirable that the selected root vegetables are not very large. Beets with a diameter of up to 12 cm are stored best and longest, but large ones do not store well. Drying is the last stage of preparing beets for storage.

There is no need to wash root vegetables either before or after this!

If beets are harvested in warm, dry weather, then all preparation for storage can be done right in the garden bed. To dry, we lay out the selected root vegetables, if in the sun - for 2 hours, and in the shade - for about 4 hours. No more is needed, otherwise the vegetables will begin to wilt.

When beets had to be dug out of wet ground, perhaps even in the rain, and the weather in the next 24 hours does not allow drying them outside, this should be done indoors. It is advisable that it be well ventilated. Scatter the root vegetables on the floor in 1 layer. Drying wet beets indoors lasts from 2–3 to 7 days.

The best conditions and methods for storing beets

Beets are best stored in boxes with sand in a cool, dark room. The conditions that need to be created in it:

  • humidity level 95–90%;
  • temperature 0… +2 o C;
  • presence is desirable natural ventilation air.

Under such conditions, root vegetables can be preserved until spring and even longer. It is most important to maintain the temperature, especially the first 1–2 months after planting the beets, because if it rises to at least +4 o C, the tops of the vegetables will begin to sprout, and this will significantly reduce the shelf life. Also, the temperature should not be allowed to drop below 0 o C, otherwise the root crops will freeze. Then, again, they cannot be preserved for a long time.

It is impossible to create such conditions for storing beets in an apartment - only in the basement or cellar. The sand in the boxes should be clean sifted river sand, preferably washed and calcined in the oven or dried in the sun. We pour it into the bottom of the container in a layer of 8–10 cm. Then we lay the vegetables so that they do not touch each other. Sprinkle sand on top of them, making a layer of 2-3 cm above them. So we lay the beets to the very top of the box. Every month you should check the condition of the root crops. Those that have begun to deteriorate must be removed, and overgrown tops must be trimmed. Here's how to properly store beets so they last until spring.

  • In polyethylene bags with holes for ventilation with a capacity of 35–40 kg. They are hung and not tied tightly to allow air to enter.
  • In a container with potatoes. The beets should be placed on top of the tubers in 1 layer. The potatoes will give up excess moisture to the root crops, which they need.
  • In small pyramids (piles) on shelves or in small boxes with holes to allow air circulation. Shelves and drawers should be located no lower than 15 cm from the floor.
  • In peat, table salt or sawdust. They, like sand, are poured over root crops laid in layers in boxes. If in sawdust, then it is advisable to check the condition of the root crops more often than once a month.
  • Bulk in a separate chest, the bottom and walls of which are lattice, with slots.

These methods, when performed correctly and maintaining the required conditions, can also allow you to preserve vegetables until spring.

Before storing beets, it is advisable to powder them with sifted wood ash or roll them in chalk powder. This will protect root crops from diseases and slow down the spread of spoilage from one to another. It is better to store small vegetables separately from large ones.

Storing beets in the apartment

This option is the least preferable, since storing beets in an apartment in winter is very difficult. The most you can count on is that root vegetables will last 3–4 months. Storage methods are the same as for the cellar. It is best in low boxes, sprinkled with sand. The entire storage period must be ensured that the filler remains dry.

The best conditions can be created on an insulated loggia, but there is a high risk of root crops freezing in severe frost. And if you heat this room, it is difficult to maintain the required temperature - up to +4 o C. But still, the conditions there are better than in the rooms. To prevent freezing, root vegetables can be placed in a container that will need to be built. Or they will have to be covered with warm blankets in cold weather.

You can store beets in apartment rooms in a change room or pantry; under the closet, bed; most importantly, away from batteries and in the dark. In the refrigerator, wrapping each one tightly in food foil or parchment paper, the beets can be stored for 2-3 months.

Which varieties are most suitable for storage?

After digging, the root crops flow into winter period peace. Its duration depends on the conditions created. If they correspond, then the beets are stored in winter for a very long time. The length of the period varies slightly among different varieties.

Early varieties characterized by a fairly short period of winter dormancy. As soon as the temperature in the storage room rises to +7-8°C, they germinate. Related to this is the difficulty of storing them after harvesting. Early varieties ripen in mid-to-late July; it is very difficult to ensure proper storage conditions during this period. But if it is possible to create at least the necessary microclimate, then it will lie for 3-4 months. If not, then use the root vegetables within 2-3 months, otherwise they will wither and become unfit for consumption.

Beet medium and late varieties kept well. Even at home, they can last until February-March, and in the cellar the root vegetables are stored until the new harvest. However, as the temperature rises, the beets begin to germinate. Mid-season varieties germinate faster than later ones.

Preparing the harvest for storage

Preparation for storage includes:

  • drying root crops;
  • removal of tops;
  • root pruning;
  • sorting.

Drying. Immediately after digging, the beets are left in the garden for 3-5 hours so that they dry and ventilate. If the day is inclement, then to dry the root vegetables are removed under a canopy, where they are laid out in one layer and left for 2-3 days, turning them over regularly.

There is no need to ventilate the beets for too long, otherwise they will begin to lose moisture and become flabby and tasteless.

Removing tops. If the beets have been ventilated in the air, then remove the leaves under the canopy before harvesting. If the vegetables were lying in the barn, then the tops are cut off after 1-2 days.

Leaves are cut with a knife or twisted. It is preferable to twist the tops, since they break off at just the right height, leaving the apical bud intact.

If the leaves break off badly, then they are cut off with a knife, leaving a tail of 1 cm. It is important not to damage the apical bud, otherwise the beets will rot during storage.

Root pruning. After trimming the leaves, remove all roots. Root vegetables are carefully cleared of soil and the side roots are torn off or carefully cut off with a knife.

The main root is cut to 1/3 of its length. If it is not pruned, then in winter the tip of the root dries out, becomes rotten and rots. Typically, rot spreads from here (if the apical bud is not damaged). A very long root is shortened by half.

Sorting. Next, the root vegetables are sorted by size. Small beets contain less fiber and store better. Larger, more fibrous ones are stored somewhat worse; by mid-winter they already wither and dry out or sprout. Therefore, small and large vegetables are stored separately from each other, or large beets are placed on top for quicker use.

Damaged vegetables should not be stored, but used immediately. Root crops injured during digging are not stored. Beets are more difficult to form cork tissue at the site of damage than, for example, carrots or potatoes. Water gradually accumulates in the wound and the beets rot.

Conditions for storing beets in winter at home

For best preservation in winter, vegetables need:

  1. Dark place. In the light they germinate quickly.
  2. Free air circulation. If there is insufficient air flow, the crop rots.
  3. Temperature 1-4°C. As the temperature rises, the respiration of root crops increases, they rapidly lose moisture and become flabby. At a temperature of 7-8°C they germinate. In the first 2 months, the temperature should be maintained no higher than 4°C, otherwise the crop will germinate. After this period, all winter until spring, root crops are in a state of deep dormancy and do not germinate even when the temperature rises by 1-2 degrees.
  4. Humidity 90-95%. As it decreases, the beets gradually dry out, wrinkle, become flabby and unsuitable for food.

However, even with a slight deviation in the indicators in winter, the safety of root crops is high, although their shelf life is somewhat reduced. At home, in the absence of balconies, it is more difficult to store beets; their shelf life is reduced to 3-5 months.

Root crops are sorted once a month. Remove rotten, lost elasticity, and pest-damaged specimens.

Storing root vegetables

Beets can be stored in boxes, plastic bags (without tying them), next to potatoes and carrots, in dry sand, ash, in bulk, or in the refrigerator. Fodder root crops and beets grown on an industrial scale are stored in piles.

How to store beets in cellars and basements

The cellar is the most the best place for beets in winter. Here vegetables are stored until the new harvest.

  1. Root vegetables are placed in bulk on dry sand in a layer of no more than 5 cm. If the floor is concrete or wooden, then the crop is poured onto pallets 10-15 cm high. This is done for better air circulation.
  2. If stored in the cellar potato, then the beets are scattered on top of it. Potatoes in winter require a humidity of 75-80% to keep well. When tubers respire, a significant amount of moisture is released, and beets absorb it well. Under such conditions, both potatoes and beets are stored ideally.
  3. The harvest is stored in boxes and place them on the floor and shelves without covering them with anything.
  4. How to store beets in sand or sawdust. The bottom of the box is covered with sand and root vegetables are laid out. Each layer is sprinkled with sand. Sand (and sawdust) prevents moisture from reaching the crop and also delays the evaporation of moisture from the surface of vegetables.

You can store beets in the basement apartment buildings if it's not too winter there heat. Root crops are placed in boxes and baskets, you can sprinkle them with sand. It is not recommended to store beets in bags in the basement, since air circulation there is still limited, and the bag makes it even more difficult, and the crop may rot.

How to store beets in an apartment

Storing vegetables in winter in a city apartment if there is neither a basement nor a balcony is quite difficult. It will not be possible to create here necessary conditions. In winter, the air in the apartment is quite dry and warm. Therefore, the coldest place (corridor, pantry) is chosen for the harvest. Place polystyrene foam at the bottom of the box, lay out the beets and sprinkle them with sand. The top of the boxes is covered with a second sheet of foam. Polystyrene foam prevents moisture evaporation and heat exchange between root crops and environment. As a result, the inside of the box maintains a relatively constant temperature and humidity. In such conditions, the crop is stored for 3-5 months, depending on the room temperature.

Beets are stored in bags in the same way.

If there are only a few beets, then prepare a dressing for borscht. This preservative can be stored for up to 1.5 years. You can grate the root vegetables and freeze them in the freezer. But after defrosting, re-freezing is impossible, otherwise the vegetable will lose its taste and shape.

If the harvest is large and it is impossible to preserve it all in processed form, then the root crops are dipped in a clay solution and dried. In this form they can be stored even in relatively warm conditions(temperature 10-12°C) for 4-6 months.

Storing beets on the balcony

If the apartment has a balcony or loggia, then the harvest can be stored there all winter. It is put into boxes, sprinkled with sand. You can put it in plastic bags that do not need to be tied, otherwise the crop will rot. Root vegetables are left on the balcony and, depending on the weather in winter, they are covered with rags, blankets, foam rubber, and polystyrene foam. If the winter is very cold, then on the coldest days (temperature below -28°C) root vegetables are brought indoors. A few days in warm conditions will not have any effect on the safety of the crop.

Storing root vegetables in the refrigerator

The keeping quality of the vegetable in the refrigerator is low. Beets can be stored in these conditions for no more than 2-3 weeks, then the root crops begin to get wet and rot. The reason for this is insufficient air exchange. There is almost no flow of fresh air into the refrigerator and the moisture released by the root crops again settles on them, condensation forms. The crop gets wet and rots.

Therefore, if the refrigerator is the only place to preserve the crop, every 2 weeks the beets are removed and dried for 18-24 hours, then removed again. This technique somewhat increases the shelf life of root vegetables in the refrigerator.

Sheltering vegetables in piles

Table beets grown on an industrial scale are stored in piles, as well as fodder beet. The preservation of the crop in piles is very good. Despite the fact that vegetables are stored on the ground (or in a small depression), they do not freeze in winter and last almost until summer.

The piles are placed at the highest and driest place with the occurrence groundwater at least 1 m. If the place is flat, then a ditch is dug along the perimeter of the future storage facility to drain rain and melt water. The collar must have ventilation, the simplest type is supply and exhaust ventilation. The width of the storage directly depends on the climate: in middle lane 2-2.2 m, in Siberia at least 3 m, in the south 1-1.3 m. Vegetables are placed in a mound with a ridge, and the storage is covered. The piles can be buried 15-30 cm into the ground.

The bottom of the pile is lined with a layer of spruce branches or hay. All material must be absolutely dry.

The covering material and the thickness of the covering layer directly depend on the winter weather. The colder the winters in the region, the thicker and more layers should be in the storage. The root crops are first covered with spruce branches to protect them from rodents, then covered with a layer of hay or straw and covered with earth on top. On the crest of the collar, the covering layer should be smaller than on the sides, since it is through the crest that excess heat is removed. If they go in the fall heavy rains, then the ridge is covered with a film so that water does not penetrate into the storage, otherwise the crop will rot. Until the onset of stable cold weather, the collar is not completely closed.

To measure the temperature inside the storage facility, thermometers are placed: one on the ridge, the second on the north side of the pile. At a temperature of +2-4 degrees inside the storage facility, it is completely closed for the winter. If the temperature inside in winter drops to +1°C, then the pile is additionally insulated by throwing snow on it.

Burts are a solution for those who have absolutely no place to store their harvest. You can also store other vegetables in such storages.

Many owners of cellars and basements believe that coolness and darkness will be enough, which is why they make the first mistake. Even if the harvested roots are grown healthy, and meet the best standards, they are not immune to damage. Below we will answer your main question: “How to properly store beets in the cellar in winter?”

Preparing the premises?

In order not to lose the precious beet harvest and provide for yourself useful vitamins throughout the winter, you should take into account a lot of nuances and recommendations for proper storage of beets in the cellar.

Make sure there is sufficient ventilation in the cellar, and cool air moves freely around the entire perimeter. Install bins for root crops 10-15 cm above floor level for better airing.

The floor, walls and other surfaces must be cleaned and dried from excess debris. For reliability sometimes they use bleach and whitewash for sterilization.


On average, this should be a temperature of about 0 or +2 °C. If these indicators are exceeded, then the fruits will begin to sprout, become covered with condensation, rot and be susceptible to the development of diseases.


Premises, satiated warm air and dampness will negatively affect the quality of the crop. It's better if the humidity in the cellar will not exceed 80-90%.

Combination with other vegetables

Storing beets together for the winter in the cellar with potatoes turned out to be the most advantageous combination. You can scatter beets on top or below potato tubers, thereby protecting the potatoes from excess moisture and providing the beets with it.

No problems will arise when storing beets together with onions. or garlic. On the contrary, the latter will have a positive effect on the protection of root crops from pests.

Features of Shared Storage

Now let's figure it out, and put the beets in the cellar or basement for the winter, without harm to the vegetables. Both types of root crops cannot tolerate too much humidity and are vulnerable to freezing. If beets can be safely placed in one box along with potatoes, then carrots should be kept separately and in a slightly different environment.

For it, it is better to “layer”, successively changing the layers of sand and carrots in the container. Sand for carrots should be saturated with moisture by 20-35%. Occasionally they resort to treatment with liquid clay, which will serve as an extra layer of protection for the vegetables.

Like most products intended for long-term storage in the cellar, beets will acquire another protective covering if they are rolled in ash or chalk chips. Wood ash It is recommended to sift well before doing this.

Terms and Conditions

Choosing a variety

So, raising the topic of how to store beets in the cellar in winter, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a variety, because the further success of the entire process depends on this. The most resistant to cold and long-term storage the following varieties are considered: “Red Ball”, “Renova”, “Podzimnyaya”, “Gribovskaya Ploskaya A473”, “Mulatto”, “Nosovskaya Ploskaya”, “Bravo”, “Incomparable”, “Bordeaux 237”, “Libero”, “Odnorostkovaya”, "Pablo F1".

Most often these are mid-season, late species. Root vegetables will feel good in the cellar and basement, grown on fertile soils, especially in sandy and loamy types. They are less likely to suffer from disease and erosion, such as cracks and growths such as those caused by scab.

Carefully sort vegetables, carefully choosing only whole and undamaged fruits - viral or fungal diseases can easily develop in ulcers and depressions.

Any suspicious specimens should be destroyed, for example, if voids were found in the pulp, and black hardened areas were found on the sides. It will be very convenient to sort beets by size - store small products separately from medium ones, etc.

Avoid root vegetables that are too large or too small. Focus on the taste qualities of future winter stocks: It’s wiser to leave only sweets in the basement for storage., not too fibrous or hard beets. If, while growing beets, you actively fertilized them with phosphorus and nitrogen, then there is a small chance that white or gray rot will appear on them during storage.

How to prepare?

For storing beets for the winter in the basement, a fresh harvest that has just been harvested from the plot is suitable, so as soon as you have collected the vegetables from the garden, start preparing. To begin with, all the fruits will need to be thoroughly cleaned of lumps of earth.. To make this process easier and faster, the root vegetables can be placed in the sun for a short time - after warming up under the rays, they will soon dry out.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to wash beets.– leave it with a natural protective layer of a thin earthen film. It is convenient to clean beets with dry wipes or a towel.

Wear gardening gloves when preparing and with scissors or a sharpened knife. Leave the tails of the vegetables as is, and carefully cut off the tops, leaving literally 1-1.5 centimeters.

The next step will be preliminary storage in a dark and dry place with good access to fresh air. So, beets can be kept in a barn outbuilding for about a week., utility room or attic.

Of course, in sunny and dry weather, vegetables can be left to dry there, on the beds, for which a couple of hours will be enough. Storage indoors takes longer, but is reliable.– you don’t have to be afraid that the fruits will become damp, be eaten by insects or get caught in the rain.

Once the beets are completely dry, they are ready for extended winter storage.

The main point in the question of how to preserve beets for the winter in the cellar for a long period of time is their short treatment with a weak saline solution. After all, he will become additional protection beets from harmful effects. Keep the root vegetables in this solution for a couple of minutes, after which they must be dried in the sun.

For the saline solution needed for processing beets, one or two tablespoons of salt are consumed per liter of water. This is about 200-250 grams.

What is the best way to store it?

Of course, it is much easier to use a regular mound and store root vegetables on the floor, but this way they will be deprived of full access to air and risk molding. Take advantage of spacious bins with fairly high walls(up to 1 m), through the boards of which the beets will not fit.

For the pallet you will also choose wood covering with gaps. Bins should not touch the walls of the room– it is best to place them at a short distance.

The advantages of such fencing over plastic bags and baskets are that the air inside circulates easily, and you don’t have to worry about excess moisture spoils supplies. Some gardening experts insist on the need to cut off the side roots along with the tail. This way, crop owners only increase the risk of introducing infection through cut areas. Try to save the beetroots unless they are too long.


The standard storage period is considered to be 7-9 months. By covering the beets with sand, you will increase this time to a year. This is subject to all the rules of thoughtful storage.

Storage methods

Now that you have become familiar with some of the nuances of how to store beets in the winter in a basement or cellar, it’s time to move on to the most popular storage methods. One of them is storing vegetables in sawdust. A loose layer of shavings and sawdust is placed at the bottom of the box, then a layer of beets, again sawdust, and so on until the box or bag is full.

It is important to periodically monitor, isn't it damp? protective material for root vegetables, and then be sure to change it for a new one. Now, you know how to store beets in the winter in a cellar or basement using sawdust and sand.

For storing beets in sand, see the photo below.

Another storage method is based on the use of sand. In big wooden boxes or dense baskets, all the beets are loaded, starting with medium ones and ending with larger specimens.

Afterwards, the fruits are completely covered with sand. For these purposes, it is best to stock up river sand to occasionally replace too raw ones with fresh ones.

It is very convenient to store beets in thick plastic bags. The main thing is not to add too many fruits so as not to tear the packaging. The optimal weight for each batch will be approximately 35 kg of beets.

Bags of vegetables in the cellar are always left open so that the beets do not “sweat” and become rotten. At the same time, you can add sand, peat or soft wood shavings to them.

So, by laying fern leaves under the beets and also covering them on top, you will protect the crop from some pathogens of plant diseases.

Almost the same protective effect will be achieved salt. To do this, just lightly sprinkle all the beets with a small amount of salt.

In the event that it is not possible to build bins, adopt wide shelves or racks. All the beets are placed in a stable heap on them.


Of all the options considered, the most comfortable and proven is public method. So red beets have free access to fresh air, A excess moisture does not accumulate either on the walls or on the roots.

Processing vegetables using saline solutions or ash is highly advisable if you want to the beets have been in the cellar for quite a long time without being exposed to any diseases.

It is important to remember the compatibility of vegetables and fruits. Beets are not too whimsical in this regard, but potatoes are considered the best “neighbor” for it, but not carrots.

In addition to plastic bags and shelves, good place For storing root vegetables, there can be a box with wide gaps between the slats. Wooden frame located just above the floor, will become a reliable guarantee of ventilation and protection for the entire crop.

So that you don’t have any questions about how to store beets for the winter in a cellar or basement and in what, we suggest you watch an introductory video.

Those who don't have own plot, do not buy regularly a large number of beets and store them on the refrigerator shelf. Owners of vegetable gardens and household plots immediately collect large quantities of beets, which will be stored all winter. To keep beets as useful as when harvested until the spring months, the site's editors website prepared useful tips for storing crops. Because I don’t want my efforts to go to waste.

Naturally, you can't imagine the best way save the harvest, how to store beets in the cellar. But in multi-storey buildings it is not provided. It turns out that there are several ways to store this root vegetable for quite a long time. apartment conditions. All that remains is to choose the most suitable one.

How to store beets at home?

To do this, you need to create a vegetable suitable conditions. Provide high humidity- about 90%. And also lower the temperature to +2 degrees Celsius. A higher temperature will cause the root crop to begin to grow tops. And the beets themselves will wither and spoil.

The conditions that must be met in order for the storage of beets at home to be successful are as follows:

  • place the prepared vegetables in a plastic bag; there is no need to tie it;
  • Place the beets in a cool place in the apartment (for example, near the balcony or front door).

Ways to store it in the apartment

1. Storing beets in the cellar

To preserve beets in the cellar in winter you need to know the subtleties. Plastic bag won't be needed here. But wooden boxes will come in handy. The beets are placed in them in layers. Be sure to ensure that the root vegetables do not touch each other. To do this, they are generously sprinkled with dry sand, sawdust or wood shavings.

2. Storing beets on the balcony in winter

In how to store beets for the winter on the balcony, you need to take into account the possibility of severe frosts and freezing of root crops. Therefore, it is recommended to cover boxes with vegetables with old blankets or jackets. Potatoes in bags are sometimes stored there on the glassed-in balcony. Then you can sprinkle beets on top of the potatoes.

3. In the room or refrigerator

But what about those who don’t have a balcony? How to store beets at home, just in a room or refrigerator? At room temperature These root vegetables stay fresh for a week. But it is necessary to remove it away from heating devices.

If the capacity of the refrigerator allows, then bags of beets can be placed there. You just need to make enough holes. Then check from time to time to ensure that condensation does not appear. Then the root vegetables will be stored for a month.

During the entire storage period, the crop should be inspected from time to time. If rotten specimens suddenly appear, they will have to be thrown out immediately so that they do not spoil the neighboring ones.

How to store beets for the winter: we solve the problem in the spring when planting and in the fall when harvesting

To begin with, you will have to carefully consider the choice of variety. It should have good shelf life, and the root crops should have a diameter of about 10 cm. If you choose a beet variety that does not grow to that size, they will dry out. Too large root vegetables are excessively fibrous with poor taste.

In autumn, during harvesting, you should try to keep the skin intact. Sort the sun-dried root vegetables, removing rotten and bruised ones. Carefully trim the tops, leaving only 1 cm.

For those who for some reason are not suitable for any of the above methods of storing beets, you can use canning or freezing. For example, grate it on a coarse grater and put it in the freezer in plastic bags.