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How and why to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse. Instructions on how to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse: an overview of methods

Indeterminate varieties of tomatoes are more suitable for planting in a greenhouse - those whose growth is not limited. Therefore, it is so important to tie up bushes for normal development and fruiting. The microclimate itself in the greenhouse contributes rapid growth tomatoes. The culture loves high temperatures and humidity. Tall varieties of tomatoes cannot be grown without the use of support. If this technique is not used, the stem may break off under the weight of the fruit, or the plant may begin to creep along the ground.

When to tie up tomatoes

The garter makes it easier to care for plants and improves air permeability, thereby significantly reducing the risk of fungal diseases. The fruits begin to appear more light what contributes to them accelerated maturation. A tied stem will not break off, even if many fruits form on it, and harvesting will be done much faster.

The optimal time for tying tomatoes in a greenhouse depends on their age and height. According to the rules, this must be done when 8-10 true leaves are formed on the bushes, and the trunk in the lower part has a thickness of 1 cm or more. This procedure also depends on the ripening time of tomatoes. The garter is carried out:

  • at 35-40 days for early ripening varieties;
  • at 50-60 days for mid-season varieties;
  • at 70-80 days for late-ripening species.

Feature tall varieties is a powerful central stem and highly developed root system, which requires frequent watering and root feeding, so they should be tied in such a way that there is no contact of the garter with water. Along the edges of the bed, stakes 2.5-3 m high are installed, to which cords are attached, and then the tomatoes are tied to them. As the stems grow, new garter cords are added.

If medium-height tomato varieties are grown in a greenhouse, they require more careful care than tall varieties. The optimal garter scheme in this case is horizontally stretched cords on which the side shoots are attached to give them the correct direction of growth.

How to properly tie tomatoes in a greenhouse

The garter procedure requires adherence to a certain technology. You will need to follow the following procedure:

  1. pre-plant the bushes;
  2. select an individual support for a specific type of tomato;
  3. prepare materials for work;
  4. make a garter;
  5. water each plant.

It is better not to use synthetics or plastic as garter materials. The choice should be made on natural fabrics, but you need to remember that they are only suitable for disposable. For classic tomato garter you will need:

    • metal rods or wooden stakes;
    • wire or twine;
    • cut strips 3-4 cm wide from cotton fabric.

Attention! Fishing line or thin rope is not suitable for tying tomatoes. As the bushes grow, such material will dig into the stems and interfere with their normal nutrition. An incorrectly applied garter can easily ruin the entire crop.

The stakes are driven into the north side of each bush and then the tops of the stems are tied to them with strips of fabric, making 2-3 turns around the stake. As the bush grows, it is necessary to move the garter higher, or use a new one.

How to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse: video

Without stakes

On sale now you can find plastic support trellises specially designed for staking tall bushes. The devices are reusable and do not require any additional materials except strips of fabric.

On a note! By the way, many summer residents successfully use old nylon tights for tying tomatoes, which can be washed and reused many times.

The linear method is also quite convenient. In this case, strips of fabric are tied to horizontally stretched cords or wires opposite each bush, which are then used to secure the tomato stems. In this case, there is no need to re-tie the bush, since during growth the shoots themselves will wrap around the rope.

The method using trellises is considered reliable, but it is also the most technically complex. Each of the trellises is a frame made of wood or metal with horizontally located metal rods, or dense twine, stretched horizontally in the form of strings in increments of 30-35 cm.

As the shoots grow, they are simply woven between stretched rows of twine; multiple clusters can be hung using plastic hooks from the same strings. With this method of tying, you can leave a few additional stepsons, since the trellis is quite capable of holding even a powerful bush, and in this case the harvest will be greater.

Helpful tips when constructing a garter:

  • You cannot tie the stem to a support in a figure-of-eight manner; in this case, there is a risk of squeezing the stem and preventing it from developing normally.
  • When the fruits are forming, also tie the brushes, this will make it possible to guarantee the preservation of the harvest.
  • For tall varieties, the trellis tying method is more suitable. And for those of average height - a garter using individual rods or stakes.
  • Tie up tomatoes in a timely manner to prevent lodging of the stems and their contact with the soil - this way you will reduce the risk of late blight.
  • Apply the garter at the moment when the stem just begins to bend, do not allow it to become severely deformed.
  • Always leave a gap of 1-2 cm between the shoot and the support; this margin will help the stem thicken without hindrance.

If you have a large greenhouse, it makes sense to purchase a special device - a garter. The principle of its operation is the same as that of a stapler. The garter fixes the stem near the support special tape, which speeds up the procedure and eliminates the need to stock up on consumables.

Garter of tomatoes in a greenhouse: video

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse

The seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse when they are strong enough, 8-10 leaves have formed on each bush, and the growth of the bushes is about 30 cm. normal height in the new place she needs to be provided with suitable conditions.

Observe temperature regime: during the day 25-28 degrees, at night not lower than 17-18 degrees.

Humidity should be at 75%, this is facilitated by timely ventilation. Excess dampness inside the greenhouse can cause a lot of diseases in tomatoes. It is better to water the bushes by the root method. If possible, install drip system glaze.

  • Water should soak the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm. In this case good contact roots with soil will allow plants to quickly take root in a new place.
  • Manual watering is carried out after the top layer of soil has dried.
  • Immediately after moistening, the soil around the tomatoes should be slightly loosened to provide the roots with oxygen.
  • At the beginning of flowering, the watering rate is reduced to 1-2 liters per bush to inhibit the growth of green mass and the active formation of ovaries.
  • When the fruits are filled, watering should again become plentiful. The soil is watered every 2-3 days, soaking it to a depth of 20-30 cm. In hot weather, watering should be daily.

The garter of the bushes is carried out on average 7-10 days after transplanting the seedlings into the greenhouse, using an individual or trellis method. Tomatoes when grown in a greenhouse necessarily require pinching. If the stepsons are not removed, they weaken the bush and this negatively affects the amount of harvest.

Tall varieties need to be formed into one stem with all side shoots removed. And after the formation of the 7th fetal cluster, the crown of the main stem is also pinched. It is better to break out the shoots with your hands - this way the plant is less injured. Medium-sized varieties are usually formed into 2-3 stems.

During flowering, it is necessary to help ensure high-quality pollination of flowers. To do this, in windy weather, open the windows in the greenhouse, creating a draft that mixes the pollen. Some summer residents lure pollinating insects into the greenhouse by planting honey plants. You can pollinate plants artificially by shaking brushes or pollinating them yourself with a toothbrush.

During flowering, tomatoes in the greenhouse are fertilized with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. It is better to give fertilizer one leaf at a time, in this case nutrients are quickly absorbed by plants. You can use superphosphate, monopotassium phosphate and industrial complex fertilizers(Mortar, Master Aggro). Fertilize every 7-10 days. During the fruiting period, the bushes are fertilized at the root with slurry, chicken manure and superphosphate, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers.

Helpful advice! From folk remedies can be used yeast feeding, milk solution with iodine, infusion of nettle and wood ash.

When tomatoes bloom, it’s time to start disease prevention. Treat the bushes copper sulfate, foundationazole, phytosporin, using them according to the instructions. As a folk remedy, you can use an infusion of garlic as a preventive measure (1 kg of peeled garlic cloves in a bucket of water, leave for 7 days, strain and spray on the tomatoes).

Formation and care of tomatoes in greenhouses: video

When growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse, there are some subtleties that directly affect the quality of the crop:

  1. Before each planting in a greenhouse, you should add fresh soil to the soil or replace it completely.
  2. Planting bushes in checkerboard pattern allows you to significantly save space by reducing the distance between rows to 40 cm.
  3. After watering, the greenhouse windows must be open - this will prevent condensation from appearing on the walls and reduce the humidity level to normal values.
  4. Watering should be done in the morning or evening hours. The water temperature should be equal to the soil temperature.
  5. Root fertilizers should be applied only after watering.
  6. It is better to plant bushes in the morning; at this time the shoots are more fragile. In addition, the wounds will have time to heal before evening.
  7. To stimulate the formation of ovaries, the bushes are sprayed with a special preparation “Ovary” or a solution boric acid(1 tsp per 10 liters of water).
  8. If the bushes look powerful and strong, but the formation of ovaries does not occur, it means that the plants have accumulated an excess amount of minerals. In this case, you should stop watering and increase the temperature to 25 degrees.
  9. During fruit ripening, the soil should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the tomatoes will crack, which will reduce their shelf life. During this period, the windows must always be open to allow oxygen to flow.
  10. To ensure that the fruits ripen faster, the bushes should be slightly pulled out of the soil before harvesting. For the same purpose, all the leaves next to the fruit cluster are torn off.

Growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse is a painstaking and troublesome task. But if you follow all the rules of planting and care, grow excellent harvest Any summer resident can do it.

Similar materials

How and why to tie tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Every gardener knows that vegetable crops require a lot of attention during the growing process. It is not enough to simply sow seeds in the ground or plant seedlings in a greenhouse. At each stage of development, plants require a separate approach. In order for the investment of effort not to be in vain, you should study a lot of literature and take advantage of the advice of “experienced” people. This article is about how to tie tall tomatoes in the greenhouse.

Why tie up tomatoes?

Tomatoes require a lot of attention. As soon as the gardener is distracted for a few days, they immediately grow and fall to the ground, or, conversely, wither away. One of the most important stages Growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse involves tying the bushes to supports.

Tall greenhouse varieties impossible to grow without creating support

But not all varieties of tomatoes need to be tied up. Low-growing types of tomatoes do not need this procedure: the base stem and main stepsons are able to withstand the weight own fruits. But for tall varieties, tying is extremely necessary.

There are many ways to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Tying up the plant makes it easier further care behind the crop in a polycarbonate greenhouse. It is known that watering tomatoes is done directly on the root area of ​​the soil, because water getting on the leaves can be destructive for the plant. When the bush “lays down”, the process of moistening the soil becomes difficult. When watering bushes lying on the ground, the fruits are abundantly filled with water and begin to rot right on the bushes. It is also much more convenient to carry out pinching and bush formation. after it is tied up. And, of course, it is more convenient to harvest not from a lying plant, but from a bush that has grown up.

Attention! Even a well-developed root system will not support a tall tomato stem. If you don’t tie it up in time, it will break or “fall”, leaving you without a harvest.

How is tying done and what materials are used?

It is necessary to tie up tall tomatoes in any case. In order to do this correctly, you must follow the instructions:

  • before gartering, pinching the plant;
  • choose the right type of support system for a specific variety of tomatoes;
  • prepare materials to complete the work;
  • hold a garter;
  • water each tied bush.

Each tomato variety has its own support system.

It is best to use materials of organic origin for gartering tomatoes, rather than relying on synthetics and plastic. But such materials are unlikely to be used next season. They are usually disposable.

In order to properly tie tomatoes, you will need the following materials:

  • long wooden stakes or metal rods;
  • wire or twine;
  • scraps of cotton fabric or other “dressing” material.

Important! Thin rope, fishing line and harsh thread are not suitable for gartering tomatoes. As they grow, they will crush the stem and prevent the plant from receiving nutrition. You yourself will destroy the entire harvest.

Note! Do not pull the bush tightly with a thin thread - this will harm the plant

For a garter, you can use an old sheet or linen shirt torn into strips. Don't cut too much thin stripes fabrics, 3-4 cm - optimal width flaps. Some gardeners use nylon tights when gartering; they do not rot during the season and are used repeatedly.

In specialized stores you can now find any items that interest a summer resident. Very often there are all kinds of reusable tying devices made of plastic.

Plastic trellis supports can be very convenient for tall bushes

Advice. If you are using reusable garters, please note that they must be sanitized before each use.

Also, for owners of large greenhouse premises, it is possible to purchase a special device - a garter. Its operating principle is similar to a stapler. The device ties the plant stem and support with a special tape, fixing it. This device greatly simplifies the gardener’s life, saving him from searching for ropes for garters and performing the entire procedure manually - saving time and effort.

Special device for tying up vegetable crops

Methods for tying tomatoes

There are a lot of opinions about how to tie up tomatoes. Each gardener chooses the tying method that is most suitable for himself and the variety of tomatoes. Let's look at the most common of them.

The most common method is tying tomatoes using stakes. A wooden block is driven into the northern side of each bush and the plant stem is tied to it with a rope (or a piece of fabric). Before use, all garters must be boiled for 5–10 minutes so as not to infect the plant. The stem is tied to the rail almost at the very top of the head. Make 2-3 turns around the peg and tie it into a knot. The main disadvantage of this method is that as the bush grows, the rope must be moved along the stem or a new garter made throughout the season.

Tie each tomato bush to stakes

Another good one the method is linear. This is gartering tomato bushes in a greenhouse for stretching. At each end of the bed, dig 2 bars (each width is at least 5 cm). They should not be thin in order to withstand the load of tomatoes. A wire is stretched along the entire bed, to which a piece of fabric or rope is tied above each bush. The free end secures the tomato stem. The method is convenient because the bush itself will wrap its top around the rope and there is no need to tie it up again.

Method for tying tomatoes using wooden supports

Trellis method– this is the most difficult technically, but the most reliable look tying tomatoes. Along the entire length of the bed, structures (trellises) are constructed, consisting of wooden or metal frames and rods stretched horizontally, like strings. Instead of rods, wire or thick twine is often used. So, to build a frame you will need several (depending on the length of the beds) wooden or metal stakes. The length of the vertical ones depends on the height of the plant, and the horizontal ones should total equal to the length of the bed. Do not pull on the rope or wire too often. It would be correct to take a step of 30-35 cm. As the bush grows, the stems are tucked in from different sides of the wire, according to the principle of a wicker fence. If you have heavy fruit clusters, you can also tie them up or hang them on hooks, this way they are more likely to be preserved and will definitely not break under the weight of the filled fruit. With the trellis method, it is not necessary to leave only one stem. To increase the yield, you can leave several stepsons at once. They are also passed through wire as they grow.

Trellis structure for tomatoes

  1. Do not tie the stem to the support in the form of a figure eight, as there is a high probability of pulling it over.
  2. Tie not only the stem, but also the heavy fruit clusters to preserve each of them.
  3. The method using individual stakes is more suitable for medium-sized varieties of tomatoes, and for tall ones it is better to use a trellis.
  4. To avoid late blight (tomato disease), do not allow the fruit to touch the soil.
  5. Apply the garter at the moment when the plant begins to slightly bend towards the ground. Avoid severe deformation of the stem.
  6. Spare no effort in building complex support structures. How more complex design, the easier the growing process.

How to make a knot when tying tomatoes

Important! The rope should not fit tightly to the stem of the plant, otherwise it will die. Leave the distance from the stem to the support at least 1-2 cm.

Tomato garter technology:

Methods for tying tomatoes: photo

Under natural conditions, tomato fruits do not reach the same size and weight as under the careful supervision of gardeners. For this reason, in nature, these plants do not need additional support, which cannot be said about domestic shoots. Heavy fruit clusters can break thin nightshade branches or bend shoots all the way to the ground. This leads to spoilage of vegetables or death of the crop. To avoid such a set of circumstances, farmers resort to gartering tomatoes. This must be done correctly, taking into account certain characteristics of the varieties and growing conditions. There are different methods and subtleties, we will talk about them in this article.


Only the right garter will be beneficial for tomatoes. This will simplify further care (weeding, breaking), ensure proper distribution of light between the shoots and protect the fruits from, preserve them marketable condition. The main thing that needs to be observed is the timing. Best time for the first garter of tomatoes occurs after the seedlings have taken root well and produce 2-3 new leaves in a new place. It is also important to take care of the tools and supplies needed for this procedure in advance. Supports and frames to secure the shoots must be installed in watered, moist soil so that the soil does not crack and damage the thin roots. and in open ground should be done in two stages: first strengthen the main shoot, and after the formation of the first fruits, provide support for the fruiting branches.

Read about how to properly water cucumbers.

When growing tomatoes in open ground, special fasteners are required, to which the tomato will be tied in the future.

Tall tomatoes (which are most often planted in greenhouses) are tied up literally 4-6 days after planting the seedlings. For low-growing varieties, the garter is carried out a little later, when the first ovaries appear.

Garter methods

There are many methods of gartering and their choice depends on a number of factors. When choosing, you need to take into account the height of the bushes of the variety you are growing, the place where the tomatoes are planted, your capabilities and the funds available to you. Think in advance about what method you will use in order to arrange it in the fall. necessary basis and prepare materials (it is much easier to stretch trellises or nets in an empty greenhouse).


The need to garter tomatoes after is also explained by the need for protection from wind and other mechanical damage. A traditional garter attached to pegs stuck into the soil is perfect. To do this, you need to securely fasten sticks of suitable length in the hole, and then tie the stem to them at different heights. Calculate the height of the stakes according to the height of the bushes, so that even the highest branches can be fixed on them.

The standard is to tie the tomato to the pegs.

The stakes should not be inserted too close to the shoot, as this can damage the fragile roots of the tomato. The support is strengthened in the soil at a distance of at least 10-15 cm from the bush.

The second, more progressive and reliable way, garter to a wire frame. With such a garter, reliable support and protection from many external factors, however, harvesting becomes inconvenient. You will need a large mesh wire mesh, which needs to be dug around the bush, along the perimeter of the hole. Both the main stem and the clusters with ripening tomatoes are attached to such a frame.

Tying a tomato to a wire frame is reliable.

In the greenhouse

Conventional film greenhouses, as a rule, are not very tall and the method of gartering must be selected according to the capabilities of your designs. For small structures, the most suitable method is linear top fastening. This frame can be used for several seasons. In order not to damage the bushes, organize the fastenings before planting the seedlings. Above each row, just below the level of the upper branches, you need to stretch a rope or wire. In the future, plants will be attached to the stretched guide using garters. and tomatoes makes it possible to receive more light, which stimulates the formation of ovaries and increases the yield of bushes. After gartering, be sure to carry out.

Read about gartering cucumbers in a greenhouse.

Tomatoes in a greenhouse are tied using the linear top fastening method

You need to pull the wire or rope as tightly as possible so that it does not sag under the weight of the grapes. For the same reason, you should choose the most durable materials, and fix them directly to the supports of the greenhouse itself.

In a polycarbonate greenhouse

Today, polycarbonate greenhouses are very popular. For such structures, gardeners also came up with their own ways of tying tomatoes. The most common method is to fix bushes on vertical trellises. The trellises themselves are attached to metal frame of the greenhouse itself directly above each hole. This method is suitable for fastening tall tomato bushes. The advantages of this method include its high strength and reliability; well-attached trellises will serve you for a long time.

Read about growing onions in a greenhouse in winter.

In polycarbonate greenhouses, tomatoes are tied to trellises

The trellis type of garter requires constant breaking and pinching of tomatoes. Heavily branched bushes will not stay on the trellises and you will have to install additional support for fruit-bearing shoots.

Another method is vertical mounting on a mesh. The basis will be a large-mesh mesh made of plastic or wire, which should be installed between the rows of holes. The mesh is installed in such a way that there is an equal distance from all the bushes to it and it does not interfere with approaching the bushes (along the bed, if there are passages on both sides). You can attach both stems and fruiting branches or brushes of tomatoes to the base.

Bolshots popular method of vertical attachment to the mesh


All tools and materials for gartering should be taken care of in advance so that there are no difficulties in the future. The selection of equipment depends on the method of support fixation you choose. Give preference natural materials or, as a last resort, nylon or plastic. You can use:

  • Wooden pegs are best for supports, when used over several seasons, they only become stronger (don’t throw them away after cleaning);
  • you need to fix the stems and shoots with strips of fabric(preferably cotton), at least 5 centimeters wide;

The best material for garter is shreds

  • choose a coarse mesh with dense, wide wire (thin wire can cut the stems);
  • For fixation, you can use special plastic clips, which can be purchased at any gardening supply store;
  • you can use twine, but this is only permissible for thick and heavy branches that will not break under its pressure.

All materials and tools must be subjected to pre-treatment. It is recommended to wash and dry fabric strips and ropes thoroughly (especially if they are used more than once). Wooden pegs also need to be trimmed and dried.



The garter is necessary in order to ensure correct height and preservation of fruits during the ripening period. This event is carried out in the first stages of tomato growth, preferably a week after planting (or at the moment when the plant gets sick after transplantation). This procedure significantly facilitates the work of vegetable growers, creating convenient conditions for caring for the crop. It is worth thinking about the methods and methods of gartering as early as possible, and starting to arrange garter structures in the fall. A garter is equally necessary for both greenhouse plants and those planted in open ground. The methods depend on the conditions in which you are going to grow tomatoes and on the characteristics (height of the greenhouse, openness to the wind and others) of these conditions. Do not forget about the importance of pinching for a large harvest.

Read how to plant tomatoes correctly in.

Growing each garden crop has its own subtleties. Simply sowing seeds in the ground and waiting for the fruit to appear is not enough; you have to put in a lot of effort to get a good result.
And tomatoes are one of the most demanding crops to care for. One of them is gartering tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Let us note right away: not all varieties of tomatoes need gartering. Early ripening and low-growing tomatoes can easily do without support, but tall and abundantly fruiting varieties are usually grown in greenhouses - this is much more profitable, as it allows you to harvest an excellent harvest from a small area of ​​protected soil.

For reference. Not all gardeners believe that gartering tomatoes in a greenhouse is necessary, explaining their position by saying that nature itself knows what is best. After all, an untied plant takes root and develops better.

However, growing tomatoes in a greenhouse in our climate is not in itself natural for them. And artificially created conditions dictate their own rules of care.

Here are the main reasons in favor of the garter. And every summer resident has the right to decide for himself whether this is worth doing.

  • To prevent the growth of tomatoes, their stepsons should be removed (see Steps of tomatoes). Ovaries and fruits also form on these shoots, but they rarely have time to ripen, taking a lot of energy from the plant.
    It is more convenient to plant tomatoes when they are tied up rather than lying on the ground.
  • Tall plants are unable to support the weight of the fruit and may break.
  • Tying tomatoes in a greenhouse is also necessary to preserve the fruit. Lying on the ground, they are susceptible to attack by slugs and other pests.
    In addition, they are affected by late blight, a disease whose causative agent is found in the soil.

  • As you know, tomatoes do not like water getting on their leaves and ovaries; they should be watered at the root. This is almost impossible to do when the plants are lying down.

As you can see, without a garter you can completely lose the harvest, no matter how strong the root system is. And it will be much more convenient for gardeners themselves to care for the plants and subsequently pick ripe fruits from them.

Methods for gartering tomatoes

There is no difference between tying tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse or in open ground. Both the materials and the technology itself are no different.

What to tie

All you need are long stakes or metal rods, wire or strong twine, as well as the “bandaging” material itself, which will come into direct contact with the plants. It must be durable and wide enough.
Wire, fishing line, coarse thread, thin twine - all this is not suitable for gartering, since it will cut into the stem as it grows, pull it, and you will destroy the plant with your own hands.

L It is best to use fabric torn into strips 3-4 centimeters wide. This could be old sheets or linen.
Some people prefer nylon socks and tights - they do not rot in one season and can be used repeatedly.

Attention! To use the next season, the garter material must be disinfected by scalding with boiling water or washing laundry soap to destroy pathogens various diseases, affecting tomatoes.

In addition, now on sale you can find various reusable plastic devices both for gartering and for supporting individual clusters with fruits. Their price is low, you can buy it once and forget about this problem for many years.

If you are growing tomatoes for sale and you have a lot of them, you can get special device- a garter, which acts like a stapler, wrapping tape around the plant stem and support. It is very popular among those who grow grapes.

How to tie

Eat different ways garters of vegetables in the greenhouse. Their choice depends on the power and height inherent in the tomato variety being grown.
Watch the video in the article, read the recommendations below and choose the one that suits you best.

  • The simplest and most affordable is to use individual stakes for each plant. This can be scraps of reinforcement, a metal rod, or wooden slats, and thin plastic pipe- whatever is at hand.
    The length of the stakes should be 25-30 cm greater than the height of the plants - this is the depth to which they are driven into the ground a few centimeters from the bush.

After this, the trunk of the plant is loosely wrapped with garter material, its ends are crossed in a figure eight or twisted and tied to a support. The same is done with the brushes so that they do not break off under the weight of the fruit.

Note. This method is suitable for medium-sized varieties, since the support may not be able to withstand heavy weight and will fall down along with the plant.

The disadvantage of this method is that the described procedure will have to be repeated several times during the season, moving the rope higher or a new one.

  • A more complex, but also more reliable method involves the use of trellises. How tomatoes are tied to trellises in a greenhouse can be seen from the diagram below.
    Long stakes are driven into the ground along the bed at some distance from each other. A wire or strong twine is stretched horizontally between them in increments of 35-40 cm.

As they grow, the stems and branches of tomatoes are tucked into the wire, first on one side, then on the other, according to the braiding principle. Heavy brushes are tied to it or hung on hooks.
The advantage of the trellis method is that plants do not have to have only one central stem; several stepsons can be allowed to develop in order to increase the yield. This is quite possible in heated greenhouses, where tomatoes can continue to grow after cool weather arrives.

  • Another type of trellis garter is linear. In this case, the wire is stretched between the stakes only along the top, and a rope is tied to it above each plant.
    Its lower end is attached to the stem. That's all. You don't have to think about how to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse - they will need to be wrapped around a rope as they grow.

Each of the described methods is quite popular and has its adherents.


Perhaps the instructions given in this article did not open anything new for experienced gardeners. But if it turned out to be useful to novice summer residents and helped them decide to self-cultivation the most beloved in our country vegetable crop, let us assume that it was not written in vain.

Tomatoes after tying

When the tomato bushes in the greenhouse or in the garden have grown and begun to bear fruit, the need for support arises: tying up the tomato bushes. So how to properly tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse? This procedure is valid from mid-June to mid-July. If tomato bushes are not tied up in time, they may simply break under the weight of ripening tomato fruits. As a result, this can destroy the entire tomato crop. Of course, timely and correct tying of tomatoes will ensure an excellent tomato harvest. You can check it out with your own hands.

It is worth noting that proper tying of tomatoes, like any other procedure associated with growing vegetables, has its advantages and disadvantages. Main disadvantage The problem is that tying up a tomato in a greenhouse may disrupt the development of the root system. After all, without support, tomato bushes must strengthen themselves independently through their root system. While tying acts as a “crutch” supporting the plant.

Naturally, such tomatoes will grow and develop beautifully. Their root system will be more powerful, since the roots will be forced to go deeper into the soil, where there is much more moisture and necessary for plants microelements. In addition, such plants are practically not afraid of short dry periods. After all, they will be able to compensate for the lack of rain with moisture located in the deep layers of the soil. However, the plants will not be able to support heavy fruits in the later stages when they begin to ripen. There are still people who know on the windowsill, and we know too!

So, how to properly tie tomatoes in a greenhouse or garden so that... The main advantage of tying is to ensure that the plants do not become deformed or break over time. Today there are varieties of tomatoes for which tying is not a whim of the gardener, but a necessity. This primarily applies to tall varieties of tomatoes. Especially those plants whose bush height is initially quite large.

Tying tomatoes

Schemes for tying tomatoes

Today there are many ways to tie tomatoes so that they do not become deformed, and you will learn how to properly tie tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Of course, there are general rules. For example, garter material. It should be relatively wide so as not to dig into the trunk of the tomatoes and not to disrupt the integrity of the plant by friction. It doesn’t matter what you tie the tomatoes with: rope or ribbons of fabric. For tying, do not use hard material, such as wire or fishing line. As a result, such material will simply cut the trunk of the plant and lead to the death of the crop. The tying material should be updated annually. Today this is not a problem, since everyone has the means at hand. For these purposes, scraps of any fabric, such as a torn sheet or old nylon tights, are perfect. Well, if you have a greenhouse, then we will tell you simply and quickly.

To properly tie tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to have not only material for tying, but also wooden stakes, which are perfect for the role of a “crutch.” The stakes should be placed close to the bush being tied: at a distance of 10 to 15 centimeters from the trunk of the plant. Before tying up the bush, you should make sure that the pegs are holding tightly. They should be driven to a depth of 20 centimeters. If this is not done, the stakes will not be able to provide the plants with normal support. As for tall tomatoes, you can use not only wooden stakes for tying them, but also metal fittings. Indeed, in such a situation, the load on the support increases significantly.

Tying a tomato

After preparing for the process, you can begin tying up tomatoes in the greenhouse. Wrap the garter around the stem of the plant to create a loose loop. Twist the ends several times and tape them to the peg. You should not tie knots, as it will be quite difficult to remove a piece of fabric or rope from the plant. Do not tighten the loops too tightly, as this will only harm the plants. In addition, in a couple of weeks the garter will need to be re-dressed. After all, the bushes are growing and their height will increase more than once. Like these ones simple tips and recommendations on how to properly tie up tomatoes, tomatoes in a greenhouse or in a garden, but after you grow them, you can always do it yourself. Thank you and good luck to you!

How to properly tie tomatoes video