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How to lay aerated blocks: stages of work and features. How to lay foam blocks on glue - installation nuances

In current construction, aerated concrete masonry is very popular. Everyone will consider this fact quite logical - it is easy to install, even someone unfamiliar with masonry walls can install it with their own hands the first time. The material is unusually light and at the same time durable. Therefore, it loads the foundation much less, which allows for additional savings. It also has excellent heat and sound insulation. Laying walls made of aerated concrete allows you to unusually quickly raise the frame of a building, as well as use unusual design solutions. And unlike gas silicate blocks, it does not absorb moisture.

How much does it cost to lay aerated concrete?

The price of laying aerated concrete blocks depends on the complexity of construction, the number of floors, trimming, time of year and some other minor circumstances. The price of construction from aerated concrete is 40-50% cheaper. Compared to brickwork. The masonry itself is simpler and can be done by hand, and therefore cheaper.

To remove the walls, you need a detailed construction project or at least a masonry plan. The project calculates thermal characteristics and various loads on the walls to determine required thickness walls Design allows you to avoid a lot of mistakes and get the best price-quality ratio. Aerated concrete copes well with its structural and insulating function. In each climate zone, different thicknesses of this building material are used. For the first climate zone a thickness of 360 mm is required, with a block density of 500 kg/m3, for other zones it is not important (300 mm or 240 mm - it doesn’t matter here). For reliable thermal insulation of the house, blocks of at least grade D500 are recommended. If insulation is not planned or decorative plaster walls of the building, frost-resistant grades of aerated concrete F35 and higher are used. It is advisable to purchase aerated concrete only from well-known companies. Semi-handicraft material does not have absolute geometry, which is necessary for the quality of the masonry. In most cases, a cellular type of gas concrete made using autoclave hardening technology is used. Cheapness, ease of processing, ability to withstand high loads - these characteristics are present in autoclaved aerated concrete.

Principles of laying aerated concrete with your own hands

List of tools required for working with aerated concrete:

  1. saw - for cutting blocks to obtain a smaller block. Perhaps using a hacksaw for wood (cutting the block will not affect its quality and durability);
  2. tools for applying adhesive solutions - for uniform application of glue. Also trowel, ladle;
  3. rubber mallet - for precise laying and adjustment of blocks;
  4. wall chaser - cuts grooves (grooves) in blocks for laying reinforcement;
  5. drill with stirrer - for preparing adhesive solutions;
  6. grater - to remove possible protrusions, leveling the upper edges of the blocks, grouting the seam;
  7. construction, standard and water levels - for precise adjustment of blocks to each other;
  8. marking cord;
  9. plane;
  10. fittings (diameter 8-10 cm);
  11. narrow brush for removing dust from grooves;
  12. notched spatula;
  13. roulette;
  14. level (preferably).

Masonry standards

According to their purpose, there are load-bearing, non-load-bearing and self-supporting walls. For interior walls One row of blocks is enough, just take into account the likelihood of the building subsiding, which means the possibility of deformation and cracking of the walls. Reliable masonry meets the requirements:

  • row tying of blocks - for additional strength of the walls;
  • compliance with chain row ligation when laying in one block;
  • use of vertical ligation of rows of double-row laying. It is necessary to perform at least 1/5 of the wall thickness. Or rearrange them with bonded rows, which alternate with spoon rows in a 2/3 ratio.

Another type of installation - “two blocks”, only without vertical ligation - the rows are connected additional elements. To do this, use wire, dowels, and anchor plates. To install fasteners, use concrete diamond drilling tools.

The first question arises regarding the time required to lay the material with your own hands for the solution to harden. This also includes the number of workers for laying and moving materials. The winter season proportionally affects the tolerance and depends on temperature and other weather conditions.

Zero level tapping

The first row after the foundation - the most important point. If it is laid correctly, the rest of the work will turn into easy and enjoyable work. They start by preparing the base. Achieve a perfectly flat horizontal surface so that the height difference is minimal. If the difference is more than 5 mm, then the first layer must be laid on cement-sand mortar (proportion 1:3), and not on adhesive base and thus level the surface. In this case, the thickness of the solution should be no more than 20 mm.

Laying corners

We start laying aerated concrete from the corners of the building. Apply a 2-centimeter layer of mortar directly onto the roofing material, place the block, and level it with a rubber mallet. After displaying the corner blocks, we check the diagonals of the future room using a tape measure or rope. A rectangle has equal diagonals. The protrusion of aerated concrete blocks beyond the base is allowed no more than 50 mm.

Rules for laying the first row of aerated concrete

Next, we stretch and secure the cord between the corner blocks. The gap between the cord and the edge of the blocks is 2–3 mm. For a wall more than 10 meters long, another block is placed in the center of the row so that the cord does not sag. It is along the cord between the lighthouse blocks that the first row should be laid. We place the blocks as accurately as possible with our own hands, guided by the rope. For each element we check the level on the horizontal and vertical planes. Using a rubber mallet, lightly tap the blocks, adjusting them to each other. They must fit tightly together. The thickness of the adhesive layers is 0.5–3 mm, and the average thickness of the seam is 2 mm. We apply an adhesive solution to the surface of the aerated concrete using a serrated tool to help squeeze out excess mortar when laying the next block. In most cases, the length of the wall is not a multiple of the length of the block. It's not a problem - required size Easily sawed off with a hacksaw. Using a float or plane, we smooth out the seams and uneven areas so that the next row lays more evenly, and leveling the side surfaces will make plastering easier. Remove the resulting dust from the surfaces, but do not throw it away - it will be useful for filling the grooves, just mix it into the adhesive solution. When the first row of blocks is set, wait 2-3 hours to let the solution set. In the meantime, prepare to reinforce the first row.

Confidence in the strength of the building - reinforced aerated concrete. To lay aerated concrete according to the standards with your own hands, you need to reinforce the wall. Quite a few people do not engage in reinforcement - supposedly an unnecessary expense. This does not increase the load-bearing capacity of the masonry. But without reinforcement, the walls will crack over time; it’s scary to imagine such a picture. Moreover, only load-bearing external walls are reinforced. So, the initial row has dried, it is already possible to carry out reinforcement.

The stages of work are simple:

  1. on top of the row, using a wall chaser or chisel, we make 2 hollows 4 cm wide (no closer than 5–6 cm from the edge of the gas block);
  2. remove dust;
  3. fill the grooves halfway with the solution;
  4. we lay reinforcement rods (8 mm in diameter), with an overlap of at least 40 mm at the joints;
  5. Now we completely fill the grooves with fittings with mortar;
  6. Use a grater and a plane to level the surface.

After reinforcement, you can immediately lay the next row. We do reinforcement every 3–4 rows, depending on technical specifications, presented by the manufacturer.

Laying internal aerated concrete walls

The internal load-bearing walls are the same in thickness as the external ones. You just need to tie these walls together. We cut out a quarter in the outer block and insert a block of the inner wall, previously coated with glue. For future partitions, flexible connections are fixed. Attached with nails. Or they are walled into the thickness of the seam and pressed into the solution, which simplifies the work. Installation of partitions from aerated concrete blocks is carried out similarly. You can use blocks with a thickness of 100 mm or more. Such walls are not reinforced; they can be built not on a foundation, but on any surface. Then the blocks are not glued to the base, but placed on a vibration-absorbing strip (polyethylene foam, cork, hard mineral board) to eliminate the transmission of structural noise from the outside. They do not overlap with external walls; on the contrary, you can leave a gap of 15 mm and then blow it out polyurethane foam.

Preparation of solutions

To make your own aerated concrete masonry durable, use adhesive mixtures. They strengthen the connection, and at the same time make it possible to reduce the thickness of the seam. In addition, the glue diverges 5 times less than cement mortar. When choosing a solution, consider thermal protection external walls. For example, it is strictly forbidden to use cement-limestone mortar, because it has poor thermal insulation. As a result, thermal bridges will appear, and this is a sad prospect of cracks appearing on the future wall. So, perfect choice for the outer wall there will be use adhesive solution. Preparing it couldn’t be easier: pour the purchased dry mixture into the required amount of water, stirring with a drill with a special attachment. The proportions are indicated in the instructions for the glue. It is difficult to prepare a solution manually, very labor-intensive, and nevertheless, one made by hand will be of poorer quality, due to the specific properties of the dry mixture. During the frost season, plasticizer additives must be added to the solution. Excess water freezes, causing the strength of the adhesive to decrease significantly. Special additives help maintain the properties of aerated concrete adhesive in winter.

As we can see, armed with extraordinary theoretical knowledge about aerated concrete blocks, there is nothing difficult in erecting the walls of a building with your own hands, but on the contrary, it is easy, reliable and pleasant.

The blocks from which many people build houses today are elements of proper rectangular shape. Walls and foundations are built from these building materials. The blocks have enough good characteristics strength, hardness, as well as high thermal conductivity, durability, resistance to wear and moisture. There are several types of blocks. According to their purpose, they are divided into wall ones, for arranging the foundation and thermal insulation. By design, they are solid and have a cellular structure.

Many have already appreciated all the advantages of these materials, and people are concerned about such issues as laying blocks. This process is worth considering in great detail, because there are different types blocks, and each has its own installation rules.

Advantages of materials

Blocks have several serious advantages, and this has allowed them to become popular. Thus, we can highlight the high speed of construction. How larger size has building materials, the less time it will take for the construction process. Laying blocks according to special technology significantly reduces the volume of cement during work.

Geometrically correct, these materials allow maximum speed adjust the level. Even if there is the slightest distortion, it will be immediately noticeable. Another serious advantage is that even people who have no previous experience in building houses can build with these materials.

Disadvantages of construction

Not every block has a comfortable weight, and not every one is convenient during the installation process. Reinforced concrete products are almost impossible to use without lifting devices. But even aerated concrete, foam concrete and other elements are difficult to maintain on site. Most modern block building materials do not like exposure to moisture and cannot last long in the open air.

Preparing mortar for laying blocks

Construction solutions have many various features. Regardless of what exactly will be used in the entire masonry, the first row is laid strictly on cement-sand mortar. It is easy to prepare: for 1 part of cement we take 3 clean sand.

The mixture for working with blocks must be stirred thoroughly. It is much more effective to use a concrete mixer, since it is very difficult to prepare a lot of solution by hand. To work with blocks, it is necessary to maintain uniform density throughout the entire time by stirring. First of all, a small amount of water is poured into the mixer, and then all other elements are added. The components of the solution must be mixed for about two minutes. It is very important to remember that building mixtures for aerated concrete blocks, as well as any other building materials, must be used within two hours.

Mortar of sand and cement

Many developers traditionally use this mixture. Blocks planted on this type of solution are a guarantee of heat loss, even if it is small. Savings on adhesive mixtures in this case, if any, will be insignificant.

As for strength, it is the same in any case. If concrete blocks are laid using traditional mortar, the walls will have to be insulated. When glue is used, then the cost of insulation is not necessary.

How to prepare glue

First of all, water is poured into the bucket. Then the dry mixture is poured there. All this needs to be mixed using a drill. It is best to do this at low speeds.

The percentage of water and dry mixture may vary, depending on the manufacturer. To prevent the glue from hardening, it is better to make it in portions. You can check the correctness of preparation using a notched trowel. If the mixture for laying blocks is applied very easily, and also passes freely between the teeth, and the grooves do not merge, then everything is correct.

Features of laying gas silicate blocks

These products are used for the construction of external walls, various partitions, and for filling various frame buildings. The production of gas silicate is very high-tech, so this material has high strength characteristics, low thermal conductivity, low weight and excellent environmental friendliness.

Preparatory stage

Laying of gas silicate blocks is most often carried out on belt type foundation. Its depth should be approximately 1.8 m. Before proceeding to laying the first layer, waterproofing should be done.

Ruberoid or any other roll material can be fixed using a traditional cement-sand mortar, for the preparation of which cement and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1:3. Additionally, it is necessary to lay the solution on roofing felt. Then you can proceed directly to installation.

Necessary tools for laying blocks

So, you should prepare an electric drill, plastic buckets, trowels, building level, as well as a mallet and a plane. You will also need a manual, or preferably an electric, saw, a square for marking work, a brush, a set of drills and a grater.

Popular installation methods

There are two methods by which gas silicate blocks can be laid. The first method is to use a traditional solution, the second is done using glue. The price of the solution is at least two times lower than the cost of adhesives.

However, in this case, cement-sand mortar is consumed 6 times more than glue. The thickness of the seam using mortar should be about 10-20 mm. This can trigger the appearance of “cold bridges”, and then the development of mold, mildew and condensation accumulation. That is why many people discovered adhesive compositions. With this material it is possible to reduce the thickness of the seam and at the same time significantly reduce heat loss.

The thickness of the adhesive layer should be only 2-3 mm, which will significantly increase the level of thermal insulation. If laying blocks with glue is done in winter, then you can find products with antifreeze substances on sale.


Since the building block has correct form, the process will not be difficult. But the first row should be placed very carefully. It is installed on the solution in order to level the surface as horizontally as possible. To improve adhesion, the blocks are moistened.

First, the blocks are laid in the corners, and then they are aligned along the guides. After this, the remaining elements are laid. It is better to make guides for external walls before starting work. Internal walls are laid from the sides.

The next layers can already be laid with glue. The composition is also applied to the ends. Excess glue does not rub off. It needs to be removed with a trowel. You can move on to the next row only after 2 hours. During this time, the glue should set and shrinkage will occur. The blocks are laid with an offset of 8 cm. Thus, the next rows after the first and each subsequent one must be offset. This will increase the rigidity of the structure. If it is necessary to level the block, this can be done using a mallet. Unevenness can be easily removed with a grater. If it is necessary to cut a block, then gas silicate lends itself well to the saw.

In the process, every fourth row must be reinforced - a row is grooved, and reinforcement is installed in the groove along the entire length. Next, the row must be filled with glue or mortar. performed using the same technology. There are no differences here.

Construction with ceramic elements

Such a block is a microporous stone, the side edges of which are grooved. The size of one element is larger than traditional brick, which significantly reduces construction time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages are high performance environmental friendliness and the ability to carry out work independently without inviting professionals. Ceramic blocks have high energy-saving characteristics throughout their entire service life. Also, these materials are characterized by high strength and non-flammability.

The disadvantages include the high price, as well as fragility during transportation. There is also a shortage of professional builders who actually know what laying ceramic blocks is.

Work technology

Before you begin the process, the first step is to waterproof the foundation. The mixture is applied across the entire width of the wall and try to prevent the formation of voids. The first block is laid from the corner. Use only for the first layer.

The process is greatly facilitated by the presence of tongue-and-groove joints on this building material. This helps to secure the blocks on a vertical plane. For adjustment, use such a tool to eliminate chips and adjust the level. As you can see, laying blocks, whatever they may be, is not much different from working with bricks. The only difference is that the materials used for manufacturing are different.

How to build a house from expanded clay concrete

This building material has been used for more than half a century. The process of laying the walls of houses from this material is not particularly complicated. Even beginners can handle it, but it is necessary to take into account the features of expanded clay concrete and follow the technology.

Composition and types of data blocks

The materials are produced by pressing a mixture of expanded clay, as well as sand, water and cement. The building material is safe, environmentally friendly and ideal for walls. The blocks have a porous structure, they are lightweight and have high thermal insulation characteristics.

These elements may differ in shape and size - in most cases this depends on the specific manufacturer. Products intended for walls can be either solid or hollow. Cavities also come in different shapes and sizes, depending on the application.

Work technology

Masonry can be done different ways. Choosing the right one depends on required thickness, presence of insulation, type of wall cladding. So, you can lay it in half a block, one element wide with dressing, 60 cm wide with dressing and voids, two walls. Whatever the method, you must strictly follow all the rules. The base part of the foundation should be as level as possible with waterproofing in two blocks.

The process of laying these building materials is not much different from all others. Here also the first block is laid from the corner. Right on waterproofing material lay a solution up to three centimeters thick. The position of the block must be strictly controlled according to the construction and water levels.

A cord is pulled between the blocks in the corners and the first row is laid along it. The process must be performed strictly on a solution of sand and cement. Next comes the second row with dressing and strict control along a vertical plane. The second and subsequent rows can be planted on adhesives.

Simultaneously with the masonry, it is necessary to carry out reinforcement of the external and internal walls. This procedure is carried out for every third or fourth row. For this, fittings with a diameter of 8-10 millimeters are most suitable. Sometimes you can use a grid instead. The reinforcement is laid in the grooves - they can be ready-made, or they will have to be made using a grinder. After laying the reinforcement, the groove is filled with cement mortar.


This is how you do it yourself. As you can see, it's really not that difficult. It is enough to strictly follow the technology, follow all the above recommendations, and then you will definitely succeed.

If you study the technology that tells you how to lay a gas block, you will be able to build a garage, bathhouse or house yourself without the help of specialists, which will allow you to save on expensive services. It is important to learn about the work methodology, as well as what solution to use for installing the products.

Preparing tools

For reference

Before laying the gas block, prepare a special carriage with which it will be convenient to apply glue to the surface. The glue is distributed along the side bases using a trowel, ladle or notched trowel.

Glue or solution

If you are faced with the question of how to properly lay aerated blocks, then you should think about choosing between a mortar and an adhesive mixture. The advantage of the latter is that it can be used to form seams that are twice as thin. This helps save on material and justifies the use of the composition. In order to ensure normal masonry quality, a seam whose thickness varies from 2 to 5 mm will be sufficient.

Features of reinforcement

How to correctly lay the first row of aerated concrete blocks was described in detail above; now it’s time to get acquainted with the technology of reinforcing the main masonry. To do this, every three to four rows, grooves should be made in the products, which should be located on the upper edge of the block. They are filled with glue and then supplemented with reinforcement rods. Wherein metal elements must be completely immersed in the mixture. If masonry is carried out load-bearing wall, then the reinforcement is done in two rows. When you are faced with the task of how to correctly lay gas blocks on glue, you should familiarize yourself with how window openings are reinforced. For them, two rows of grooves are made, which protrude 50 cm beyond the window.

Reinforcement of partitions

To redevelop a building, you should use partitions, which can also be created from. When attaching a partition to a wall, you need to use grooves into which the protrusions of the blocks are directed. In order to connect several partitions together, you should use the method of cutting out a quarter of the block. The partition must also require reinforcement. However, in this case it is laid in one row, and the elements are removed from each other by three or four rows. The installation of partitions must be accompanied by the installation of a reliable foundation; among other things, it is important to take care of the presence of waterproofing.

Nuances of reinforcement

If you are thinking about how to lay aerated blocks with glue, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the reinforcement method. If you neglect this stage, then light cracks will spread along the walls of the house. In addition to the horizontal, there is also vertical reinforcement, which is not considered mandatory. When arranging two grooves, you should retreat 60 mm from the edge of the masonry. Corrugated steel rods with a diameter of 8 mm should be used as reinforcement. In order to connect two rods, they are laid with an overlap, the width of which is 300 mm. At the corners, the grooves should have a rounded appearance. As soon as the element is inside the groove, excess glue should be removed.

Many novice craftsmen wonder how to lay aerated concrete walls. There are many nuances of carrying out the work, one of them is the possibility of using a manual wall chaser. With its help, it is quite difficult to arrange grooves, and in order for them to turn out even, you should lay a straight board on a row of blocks and strengthen it with nails. The groove will be made along it.

Features of vertical reinforcement

Another way to strengthen the walls of a house made of aerated concrete is vertical reinforcement. It is performed in the corners and some walls of the building. This technology allows you to connect the base of the building with the top. The advantages include the additional stability of the building against the wind, however, there are also disadvantages, one of which is the creation of cold bridges.


Despite the fact that aerated concrete is considered a fairly lightweight material, and construction using it can be carried out independently, transportation cannot be carried out without the use of special equipment. The weight of one block can reach 26 kg, while the weight of products in a pallet is equal to a ton.

Aerated concrete is artificial material, obtained in the process of thermal exposure under high pressure to a mixture of water, sand, lime and cement. It is distinguished by ease of processing, lightness, strength and ability to retain heat. Despite its good characteristics, builders try to avoid it because they do not know how to install it. aerated concrete blocks, but in the hands of professionals it shows its best qualities.

Cement or glue?

Laying aerated concrete is carried out in two ways: on and on cement-sand mortar. Regardless of which method is used, the first row should be laid on a cement-sand mixture. The amount of water is selected so that the solution does not flow, otherwise it will not be possible to fix the blocks. For large volumes of work, it is advisable to mix in a concrete mixer.

Procedure for preparing the mixture:

  • Pour the calculated amount of water into the concrete mixer.
  • Add cement and sand in the required proportions.
  • Continuing mixing, gradually add water, bringing the mixture to the required thickness.

Subsequent laying of aerated concrete blocks above the rows can be carried out using glue intended for such work.

Step-by-step guide to carrying out the work

Calculation of material consumption, tools

The number of consumables for laying aerated concrete is determined by the size and shape of the blocks. Their quality directly affects the choice of glue or cement. The thickness of the seam speaks in favor of the first material: it will be about 3 mm. Laying on cement mortar results in a layer approximately 1 cm thick, and this can cause heat loss from the room. At the same time, the consumption of such a mixture is 4-5 times greater.

Information about required quantity glue can be found on the packaging or checked with the seller. To calculate the glue consumption for masonry, you need to focus on the thickness of the seam, which on average is 15-20 kg per 1 m 3. The bags are packaged in 25 kg, so you can calculate that to lay 50 m 3 of aerated concrete blocks, you will need 20 x 50 = 1,000 kg of glue. This will be 1,000/25=40 bags. At the same time, the cost of one ranges from 210 to 260 rubles.

To process the blocks you will need: a grater, a marking square, a soft brush, an electric saw, and a plane. When laying and leveling, the following will be useful: level, plumb line, trowel, tape measure, rubber mallet. Laying of aerated concrete walls is carried out at a temperature of 5-25 °C. If it is higher, then the surface of the blocks will need to be moistened. With more low temperatures special solutions or additives are used. For mixing small volumes glue mixture use a drill with an attachment.


Work begins with preparing the solution. Only fresh dry mixtures should be used. Water is added according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The resulting masonry mixture should not have lumps and be of varying thickness. During a long break in work, it is recommended to cover the laid layer with insulating material to protect it from external influences.

The most important stage is the installation of the first row of blocks:

  • Check their quality, clean them from dust and snow.
  • Lay a layer of waterproofing material (for example, roofing felt).
  • Check the evenness of the base using a level or level.
  • Remove uneven surfaces with a plane or grinder.
  • Laying the aerated block begins in rows from the corners of the building along the entire perimeter. The condition of the surface in relation to the horizon is constantly checked.

The dressing of subsequent rows is done in half a block. Reinforcement is made every five rows aerated concrete masonry welded mesh. In addition, the first row of the foundation, the supporting sections of the lintels and the seams of door and window openings must be reinforced.

Laying of aerated concrete partitions is carried out in buildings erected using different building materials. This is due to the simplicity and reliability of their connection to the main wall. Using the adhesive mixture, we obtain thinner seams. This will ensure quality Smooth surface partitions. The installation of foam or fiberboard lining will allow you to increase sound insulation. If the height of the partition exceeds 3 m, then it is reinforced with reinforcement. The aerated concrete wall and the ceiling should not touch. It is necessary to leave a gap of about 20 mm, which is filled with shock-absorbing compounds ( mineral wool, cork insert).

After installation is completed, the distances between the blocks in the partitions are sealed with polyurethane foam, which, after hardening, is leveled with a solution. If the work is done efficiently, then the wall is not plastered, but only puttied.

Prices for work

The cost of masonry is determined by the correct shape of the block and the amount of money that needs to be paid for the work of the mason. A private owner will ask from 750 to 1150 rubles per 1 m 3. The cost of laying aerated concrete per cube by representatives of a specialized company will be from 1,100 to 1,600 rubles. The advantage of working with a company is the presence of a contract for the scope of work and, accordingly, financial and legal responsibility for their high-quality execution.

Masonry made of aerated concrete blocks – great way save on building a house. This material cheaper than, for example, brick. But when choosing aerated concrete itself, it is better to forget about excessive frugality - you need to buy aerated blocks from trusted manufacturers who will not sell you low-grade goods, even at a reasonable price.

But there is another expense that builders are looking to capitalize on: adhesive for laying aerated concrete blocks. After all, a similar amount cement mortar may cost less - at least that’s what some contractors say. Well, let's compare.

To begin with, it is worth noting such a property of aerated concrete as the ability to retain heat. This is a very significant fact for further calculations. Walls made of such material do not require additional insulation.

Mortar for laying blocks: pros and cons

The main argument in favor of DSP for experienced masons: it is simpler and cheaper. Having become skilled at mixing sand and cement, such craftsmen simply do not know how to work with new adhesive compositions. The danger is that you risk ending up with a house with walls that are see-through or simply crooked, by prohibiting these contractors from using aerated concrete mortar. The conclusion suggests itself: it is not the materials that need to be changed, but the crew.

The issue of cheapness is also very controversial. Firstly, working with glue is cheaper than working with a cement-sand mixture. Secondly, to mix a high-quality solution you will have to use a concrete mixer. Thirdly, the thickness of the solution and its consumption are several times greater than the adhesive mixture for aerated concrete. Fourthly, cement joints, despite their considerable thickness, do not have the same thermal insulation properties, like yourself building blocks. Thus, they become a kind of “cold bridges,” which is especially noticeable when laid in one row.

If you are planning to build thick walls in two rows, and even with an outer brick cladding, this technology for laying aerated concrete blocks will no longer be particularly affected by the use of cement mortar.

Another reason to use cement: low-quality aerated blocks with incorrect geometry were purchased. Laying them flat with thin adhesive seams is simply unrealistic.

Special adhesive compositions and their advantages

Contrary to rather popular opinion, with this building material Like aerated concrete blocks, masonry on o will cost less under the following conditions:

  • gas blocks are of high quality and have the correct geometry,
  • your contractors are real professionals and know how to work with modern mixtures,
  • you do not include additional insulation of the future building in the estimate.

pros adhesive composition it is obvious: its density corresponds to the density of gas blocks. AND correct styling aerated concrete thus guarantees that you retain heat inside the house. The consumption of the mixture is much less than that of cement mortar, and it can be mixed simply with an electric drill with an attachment - no need optional equipment. And finally you will get an even beautiful masonry, made in accordance with modern technologies construction.


Attempts to save money using DSP or aerated concrete can, on the contrary, lead to unforeseen large expenses. To build profitably, build reliably.