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How to set the table. What and how to use? How to properly set the table

Table setting involves the correct arrangement of dishes, cutlery and decoration. Its design directly depends on the target destination; it can be a regular feast, a gala event or a business lunch. But some rules must be followed for any event.

Naturally, in order to arrange a real celebration, you need a large, cozy hall where you can accommodate all the invited guests, and you should also take care of beautiful dishes, tablecloths, cutlery and a variety of festive dishes. Near each plate there are knives, forks, spoons, glasses and glasses. As a rule, all devices are usually divided into individual and auxiliary. The latter are used to take food from common dishes, these include spoons, forks, tongs, scoops and much more. Using auxiliary forks and spoons, they put food on their plate from common dishes, while the spoon is in right hand, and the fork is in the left. Sauces and hot soups are served in ladles very carefully, so as not to drip onto the tablecloth. If this does happen, you can blot the stained area with a napkin without attracting everyone’s attention.

Traditional design implies a certain order in which dishes are placed on the table. First, porcelain or earthenware items are placed, cutlery is placed, and then glasses, shot glasses, glassware and crystal.

A photo of the table setting is presented below:

Fabric and paper napkins are of considerable importance when decorating. Fabric ones can harmoniously complement general design, they look sophisticated and elegant. According to etiquette, guests place them on their laps so as not to stain their clothes. Use paper napkins to wipe your lips and hands during or after a meal.

Table setting for a birthday and a lot of photos

Name day is one of the most favorite holidays for both adults and children, so table setting for a birthday should be elegant, original and even bright.

A large role in decoration is given to the tablecloth. It can be plain snow-white or, on the contrary, colorful. And the lace patterns on it will give the table a solemn look. In order to prevent stains from appearing, oilcloth is placed on top of the tablecloth.

Table setting for a birthday would not be complete without tableware such as wicker fruit baskets, crystal vases for sweets and salads, porcelain plates and elegant glasses.

It is very important to think about the number of invited guests in advance, so that there is enough equipment for everyone present to avoid awkward situations.

A vase of flowers is placed near the birthday boy, but in such a way that it does not interfere or block the view. Fruit baskets are placed on both sides of the table, preferably the same.

After this, several stands with bread and sandwiches are placed at the same distance from one another and drinks. As for the plates, there is a generally accepted rule - to place them half a meter from each other, and they should be one centimeter from the edge of the table. Using mismatched cups and plates for a special occasion is considered bad form, so it is best to take dishes from the service, because they are not only beautiful, but also the same.

It is arranged as follows: first, shallow plates are placed for the second course, larger ones are placed on them for the first courses, and on top are the smallest ones, which are used for appetizers.

The arrangement of cutlery has its own peculiarities: a fork is placed on the left, and a spoon and table knife are placed on the right, and the spoon and fork should lie with the concave side up. Paper napkins are laid out on the left side. Glasses, shot glasses and glasses are arranged in descending order from left to right, starting with the largest container.

It is customary to start the holiday with cold dishes: salads, appetizers, sandwiches, then hot dishes and dessert are served. Hot usually consists of the first and second. The hostess must check the presence of a spoon in each salad bowl so that it is convenient for guests to serve it.

For children, the festive table is served in the same way as for adults, but now many parents prefer to use plastic dishes, in order to prevent possible injuries and breakdown of expensive services. In addition, today plastic glasses and plates delight with their bright and original appearance, which allows you to make the children's table elegant and colorful.

As you know, children have a big sweet tooth, so it’s worth paying attention Special attention sweets: cakes, cookies, sweets, ice cream, which should be served in beautiful vases and other desserts. Fruits can be unusually cut and distributed.

Juices, compotes, fruit drinks, tea or coffee are suitable drinks for children. And of course, the main attribute of the celebration will be a beautiful birthday cake.

DIY festive table setting

Every housewife, preparing for any special event, tries to decorate the festive table as best as possible. But before you cover it, you should think about what style it will be decorated in.

First of all, the choice depends on the design and colors of the dishes and tablecloth, and choosing a tablecloth to match the dishes is much easier than choosing dishes to match the tablecloth. If you have a set of delicate, exquisite crystal in your home arsenal, a snow-white tablecloth and starched fabric, perfectly white napkins will go perfectly with it. A wonderful decoration There will be bouquets of flowers in crystal vases. It is much easier to choose a canvas for porcelain dishes, because any combinations and accessories will look good on it.

The festive table setting will become more elegant if you add an additional twist to it in the form of colored or plain napkins folded into various shapes. Most importantly, the tablecloth, dishes and napkins should be combined with each other.

A plain tablecloth is very practical, on which you can place dishes of any color. To give it a more formal look, it is decorated with a silk ribbon. If there is an elegant coffee service on the table, a tablecloth and napkins with lace will be an excellent addition to it.

Paper napkins folded in a special way will help complete the look. Thanks to the wide variety of these products, they can easily be selected for any event, be it a wedding, New Year, Valentine's Day and other holidays. Special holders, which are now included in the set of services, will help you secure the napkins.

Candles and candlesticks on the festive table create a special, unique atmosphere in the room and decorate the event. These attributes will be appropriate at any celebration, the main thing is not to replace the lighting with them, since the festive table should be well lit. The color of the candles should be chosen in the same color scheme as the napkins or tablecloth, dishes or glasses.

The New Year and Christmas table will convey the whole holiday atmosphere if you decorate it with white or red candles in candlesticks with fir branches. You can arrange them in a flower arrangement or between bouquets, or screw them to flower holders so that the candles rise above the bouquets. You can see the photo of what this table setting looks like here.

Table setting for the holiday can be complemented by all sorts of things and objects, for example, silk ribbons, which are matched to the tone of the dishes. They are used to make patterns or pass from bouquets to cutlery, thereby creating smooth lines and rings.

Various silver figurines are also not uncommon on a modern festive table. And finally, flowers serve as an obligatory element of the table setting. Properly decorated and arranged bouquets help lift the mood, create comfort in the room where the holiday is taking place, and also add a touch of charm and charm to the table setting.

Home table setting

As a rule, serving home desk falls on weekends when the family has the opportunity to get together for dining table full complement. Prepare for such a case delicious dishes, beloved by family members, leisurely conversations are held, the time during such a dinner passes very pleasantly and sincerely.

A well-set, beautifully decorated table teaches children how to use cutlery correctly and promotes good appetite, brings pleasure to the household behind it.

Table setting for breakfast

Aesthetic table setting for breakfast lifts the mood for the whole day, but it also has its own characteristics. First, plates for appetizers are placed, and then cups or glasses on saucers. The handle of the cup and the spoon on the saucer should be on the right so that they are convenient to use. Eggs, boiled “soft-boiled” or “in a bag”, are served in a special stand on a long leg, which is placed on a plate for a snack along with an egg spoon (for this it is better to use a plastic device, since a metal spoon will become bad smell). The porridge is poured into a deep plate, which is also placed on the snack bar. Hot drinks: tea, coffee, cocoa are poured into cups from a teapot or coffee pot, which are placed in the middle of the table or on the side, so that they are convenient to take out. Pastries and sandwiches are laid out on a wide platter, butter, a plate of honey, jam or jam, and a sugar bowl and salt shaker are also placed on the table.

A small set of several napkins and insulation for a teapot (coffee pot) will decorate the table and create coziness. This set must be completed in uniform style from the same material. A classic option is a set of checkered products that will suit any kitchen interior. It is very practical and inexpensive to use paper napkins, which are placed under the appliance or on a plate with bread. It is useful to involve older children in setting the table at home and gradually they will learn this interesting, simple task.

Table setting for dinner

Setting the table for dinner requires compliance with several rules. Usually, it is customary to serve cold and hot dishes for lunch, and dessert at the end of the meal. Such serving will require several utensils (spoons and forks) to place food into individual plates from common dishes. Snack plates are served for each family member, along with a fork and knife. A snack knife is used for butter.

First courses (hot soups) are served in broth cups and deep plates. Both are placed on the table in a special substitution plate to make it easier to remove these dishes and then to prevent the table and tablecloth from heating up. Tablespoons are used for broths and soups, and knives and forks are used for meat.

The main dishes are laid out in small, pre-served plates. If it is a fish dish, the table is served with a fork and a spatula knife, which separates the fish fillets from the bones. Cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, omelettes, casseroles and similar dishes are divided into pieces using a fork. Dessert is served at the end of the meal, when all the utensils used after the first and second are removed.

Table setting for dinner

Table setting for dinner is similar to lunch setting, with the only difference being that there are no utensils for hot dishes. For the evening meal, prepare a casserole, pancakes, pancakes, or a sweet pie.

Dessert plates are pre-placed on the table, dessert forks are laid out on the left of them, and dessert knives are placed on the right. Cups for hot drinks are placed to the right of the plate, or closer to the center of the table.

A very useful acquisition for the kitchen will be a utility table, which perfectly helps out the hostess while eating. Additional plates, cups, cutlery and other items that may be needed during meals are placed on it.

Setting the table at home is painstaking, but at the same time pleasant and interesting activity, which will bring a lot of pleasure and benefit to the whole family.

Of course, the beauty and originality of the design depend on the imagination and hard work of the hostess. In this matter, it is important to take into account many things: the choice of dishes and cutlery, the color of the tablecloth, napkins, as well as correct location all items and decorative elements. But besides this, there are generally accepted and long-established rules for table setting; they should definitely be taken into account when decorating it.

One of the main requirements is to have a spotlessly clean and ironed tablecloth. Its ends should hang evenly from all sides of the table by about 30 cm, and the corners should cover its legs.

When arranging dishes, you need to start with plates that have been cleanly washed, wiped with a towel and polished to a shine with a napkin. Snack plates are placed opposite each chair and at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the table. The pie plate is placed to the left of the snack bar. Only the necessary utensils should be on the table; you shouldn’t overload it with extra dishes, firstly, it spoils general form, and secondly, it creates certain inconvenience for guests.

To make it easier to seat a large number of guests, you can make cards in advance with the names of all those present and place them near the glasses.

The distance between the chairs should be approximately 50 cm, this will ensure a comfortable time at the table.

Despite all the complexity that seems at first glance, setting the table with your own hands will be successful if you put maximum effort and patience into this work, show maximum ingenuity and imagination, and, of course, bring a piece of your soul into it. Then any event will go off with a bang and will be appreciated.

Setting a table in our realities is not so much a tribute to etiquette as a desire to diversify an everyday dinner and please your loved ones. You don't necessarily need to know how many tines an oyster fork has, but why not learn the tricks to garnishing your dinner beautifully? Today I will share with you the rules for arranging cutlery and the secrets of unusual table decoration.

Serving rules for every day

Knowing at least the basic rules of serving will help you set the table effectively and stand out when guests arrive. After reading this material, you will learn how to turn the most everyday lunch into a small celebration.

For breakfast

What's the best way to serve breakfast at home? Don’t worry, for these purposes it is not at all necessary to acquire a starched snow-white tablecloth and expensive crystal. Knowledge of the correct arrangement of dishes and the use of imagination is enough.

To make breakfast memorable for every member of your family, follow these rules:

  1. First, cover the table with a tablecloth. It may not be snow-white, but it simply must be well ironed. Make sure that the pattern fits into general interior kitchen or dining room.

Instead of standard and already slightly boring panels, you can use runners - strips of fabric that spread along the center of a square or rectangular table. They look interesting and beautiful.

  1. As the center of the composition, use a wide flat plate for hot food (fried eggs or omelet, for example). If you prefer cereal or porridge in the morning, place it in a deep bowl. Provide good mood Bright patterns on dishes will help you throughout the day.
  2. Arrange the plates according to the number of people having breakfast. Next up is the instruments. Table setting rules according to etiquette state that a knife is placed to the right of the plate with the blade facing it, behind it is a tablespoon with the convex side down, and a little further away is a teaspoon.

Place forks on the left side of the plates, tines facing up. The napkin is also located on the left, immediately behind the fork.

  1. Place the coffee cup on the saucer diagonally and to the right, and attach a spoon to it.
  2. Snack plates for sandwiches or pastries are placed a little higher and to the left of the main plates. It is good to attach an additional knife to the same plate, placing it with the blade to the left.

  1. For breakfast, it is better to serve refined sugar in a beautiful sugar bowl and with special tongs.
  2. Prepare cute rosettes with spoons for the jam, place the sliced ​​lemon on a separate saucer.

In principle, decorating in this way will already add a note of celebration, but if you want to make breakfast truly unforgettable, you can try a little more. Why not place a small bouquet in the center of the table?

If flowers are not to your liking, you can use other accessories. Time them to coincide with a holiday or memorable date. For example, for Valentine's Day, decorate the table with a decorative heart; for an anniversary, a joint photo would be perfect.

For lunch

Setting the table for dinner is in many ways similar to preparing for breakfast, but with minor differences.

  • It all starts as usual - with choosing a tablecloth on which your dishes will look even more appetizing.
  • Since most often lunch consists of at least two or three dishes, you will need to prepare a plate for each of them. The plates are placed close to the edge of the table (at a distance of several centimeters) - first shallow, then deep.
  • The knife and soup spoon are placed to the right of the plate, and the fork for the second course is placed to the left of it. Remember, hot utensils are always located as close to the plate as possible.

  • A glass for wine or water is placed next to the installed plate. Please note that if alcohol is provided during lunch (wine, champagne, etc.), the bottle is uncorked in advance and served to the table already open.
  • Oil must be supplied in a special oiler. If you don't have one, a small flat saucer will do just fine. You should also choose a knife with a wide blade for it.
  • If you want to serve dishes according to the rules, then you should get a good tureen. In most cases, it is placed not far from the place occupied by the hostess.

  • Another important element of good table setting is napkins. Their place is on the snack plate. Even using cloth or paper napkins can be turned into art by folding them into the shape of a swan or something similar.

For greater effect, choose napkins that contrast with the tone of the tablecloth.

For dinner

And again, beautiful table setting dinner in many respects coincides with what I described above. I won’t write about the tablecloth anymore, I’ll look at other excellent nuances.

  • Plates for appetizers and the main course are placed side by side, with a bread plate to the left of them. This is a classic option, variations in serving are also available, it all depends on the number and type of dishes served.
  • Two or three forks are laid out on the left side, knives on the right. The process of eating begins from the outer cutlery (the outermost).
  • Glasses, shot glasses and wine glasses are placed in front of the plates and cutlery.

  • Paper or linen napkins must be placed on the plate (when talking about paper, I mean high-quality, at least three-layer options).

A successful addition to the dinner setting can be a small bouquet of flowers, which will benefit the atmosphere. In winter, you can do it differently - decorate the table with a spruce branch or pine cones, bunches of rowan or viburnum.

Table decoration ideas for holidays

Above I talked about how to decorate a Sunday or weekday breakfast, lunch or dinner, now it’s time to talk about holiday occasions. If you want to impress your guests and make the evening memorable for them for a long time, the following instructions will come in handy.

Preparing for the festival

As they say in a popular phrase floating around the Internet, “you can’t just go and…”. So, you can’t just go ahead and prepare a real holiday dinner in 30 minutes.

There are several nuances to consider:

  1. In the process of setting the date and time of the celebration, determining the list of guests and other little things, do not forget about conducting a kind of audit of the service. If you don’t have beautiful dishes, salad bowls, tureens or cutlery, you should start looking for them. You can ask your relatives or buy something for such cases. Yes, the price of current sets brings little pleasure, but it is worth considering it as an investment in the future.
  2. The table set for the holiday is distinguished by the presence of stands for cakes, dessert dishes and fruits. Don't forget about candles (adhering to basic fire safety rules, of course).
  3. Prepare nameplates for each of the invited guests. They look very elegant.

  1. Think about table decorations. Tie it to the theme of the holiday.

Table decor

There are a lot of ideas for decorating a table, among them there are a lot of quite budget options. I will tell you about several of them, giving the example of decorating a table for a birthday.

Based on seasonality

Consider the seasonality of your birthday:

  1. Let the festive table setting for the summer birthday boy be filled with bright colors and flowers. There is no need to clutter the table with a huge bouquet; replace it with several small flower arrangements in miniature vases. And, of course, don’t forget about bowls with seasonal fruits.

  1. Autumn birthdays are a real haven for decoration. Collect fallen leaves, tie them into bouquets or distribute them around the perimeter of the table.

The color scheme for this decor seems to be inspired by nature itself - use more shades of yellow, orange and red.

  1. Table setting for a birthday in the winter month should be done in cool, restrained colors. For example, you can use a deep blue tablecloth and place openwork napkins resembling snowflakes on it. Complete the composition with silverware and porcelain.

You can also use white or silver candles, beads, pine cones or artificial snow as decoration.

  1. A spring birthday should be the embodiment of light and warmth. It’s ideal if you manage to use the first greens and yellow napkins in the decoration - they will perfectly set off the white dishes.

Set the topic

Themed parties are one of the most popular European trends, gaining more and more fans in our country every year. I can give you some original ideas.

  1. Pirate Party. Decorating a table in a pirate style is as easy as shelling pears: use striped textiles reminiscent of vests, place personalized cards with the image of the Jolly Roger.

  1. Gangster party. For her, you can decorate the table as a platform for playing poker, decorate it with napkins with money print.
  2. Collection of dudes. One of the brightest and most colorful themes for framing a holiday table. Instead of standard stands for plates, use old vinyl records; let the dishes themselves have original, catchy ornaments.

  1. Hello Hawaii! Azure napkins and plates, many bright colors made of paper, shells on the table - this is what will create the feeling of a holiday in warm country. A very exotic option is to use coconut halves instead of cups.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for experimentation. All you have to do is decide what is closest to your spirit and get everything you need. And also more ideas for serving you can find in the video in this article.

Instead of results

Now that you know the basic requirements for arranging cutlery and have picked up a few decorating ideas, any lunch or dinner you have can turn into a small celebration. How is the holiday table setting going at your home? Share your secrets in the comments.

Proper serving of cutlery and appropriate decoration can create a special atmosphere at the table, in which even the simplest homemade dish will be perceived as a culinary masterpiece.

For a real housewife the ability to set a table is no less important than the presence of culinary talents. Proper serving is a sign of attention and respect for those sitting at the table, as well as an indicator of the taste of the hostess herself.

Where to begin?

Before you start serving, you need to carefully plan and think through everything. You should definitely take into account the number of guests and the menu - the type and number of dishes determines what cutlery will be used.

First of all, a carefully ironed tablecloth is laid on the table. They cover it in such a way that the corners cover the legs of the table, and the edges hang down from the table by 25-30 cm. The edge of the tablecloth should not fall below the seat of the chair, so as not to cause inconvenience to those sitting.

To prevent dishes from knocking on the table, you can place them under the tablecloth. soft cloth(for example, fleece).

Even the most expensive and beautiful tablecloth should not be covered with oilcloth on top as a precaution - etiquette does not allow this. But purchasing and laying a Teflon tablecloth on the table is not forbidden.

The Teflon coating of this tablecloth does not allow spilled drinks and grease to be absorbed into the material, so they can be easily removed with a sponge. After removing the liquid, there will be no unsightly marks or wet spots left on it.

In some cases, plates or runners may be used instead of a tablecloth. The first are stands of various configurations placed under plates and cutlery. Dish plates can be plastic, bamboo, rattan, or simply paper. The second are narrow strips of fabric, spread only in the center of the table.

As for cutlery and utensils, Before installation, you need to check them for integrity(there should be no chips, cracks, rust, bent parts) and cleanliness.

To remove dust and water marks, wipe all dishes with a damp, warm towel and polish with a dry cloth.

Important! Proper table setting requires that all sets of cutlery be placed in the same order. In an informal setting, it is allowed to use different utensils for different guests. But at the same time, each individual participant in the meal must have all the cutlery from the same set.

What is it for?

There is a wide variety of serving items. Most of them are not used at home every day, but they may well be needed for organizing a banquet or festive dinner.


About 35 of their species are known. However, the most commonly used are:

  • Soup. A deep plate in which not only soups are served, but also muesli, milk with cereal or oatmeal. But broths, according to the rules, are not served in such dishes - special bowls are provided for them.
  • Table plates. They are shallow and deep. The shallow ones are used for serving main courses, and the deep ones are used to put pasta and other pasta dishes.

  • Pirozhkovaya. Bread, croutons or butter are served on it. Place it on top and slightly to the left of the main set. Place a small butter knife on top of it.
  • Chill. Externally it resembles a mollusk shell. Designed for salad appetizers or oysters.
  • Fish. Slightly extended for easier handling of fish dishes.

In addition, there are caviar plates, egg plates, dessert plates, salad bowls and many others. In addition, there is also such a type of plate as a serving plate. It is placed under a plate for appetizers, soups or main courses.

According to the rules of etiquette, it may differ from the rest of the dishes (be from a different set or a different color).


The most commonly used glassware for drinks is glasses and wine glasses. They can be different in shape, volume and have various purposes, which should also be taken into account when preparing to welcome guests:

  • Classic elongated glasses with a volume of 120-200 ml are intended for champagne sparkling wines. served for refined champagnes. It must be cooled before filling.
  • The glass, slightly different from the classic one with an increased volume and a slightly narrowed neck, is served for sophisticated champagne wines. It must be cooled before filling. And fill it no more than 2/3.
  • For white wine, use glasses with an elongated bowl on a narrow stem, with a volume of 180-260 ml.
  • Red wine is poured into wider and more open glasses.
  • Cognac glasses can have a classic shape (snifters) or a tulip shape.


Over the years of evolution of the art of cooking and serving, no less than plates, cutlery has also appeared. All of them are usually divided into main and auxiliary (they are also called serving utensils).

The first ones are intended for individual use. The second is used by all participants in the meal. They are used to separate and cut dishes into portions and place them on individual plates.

The main devices, in turn, are divided into:

  • Dining rooms. They are used to eat soups and main courses. The set includes a knife 20–24 cm long, a fork and a spoon, which are 5-6 cm shorter than the knife.
  • Snack bars. Designed for appetizers and cold dishes. Consists of a knife and fork.
  • Fish. Set of slightly modified fork and knife. The fish knife is dull, in the form of a spatula. The fish fork has shortened tines.
  • Dessert. A trident fork 18-19 cm long, a small spoon and a knife with a narrow blade. Served with pies, mousses, puddings and other desserts. The dessert spoon can also be served with fried eggs and creamed berries.
  • Fruit. These include a two-pronged fork and a knife. They are used for fruit salads, melons, watermelons and unpeeled fruit desserts.

In addition, special utensils designed for specific dishes can be served (for example, a fork for oysters, sprat or lobster).

What and how to use?

The greatest difficulty is most often caused by laying out and using cutlery. A rule can help here: devices are always used in the direction from edge to center and from right to left. This means that when there is an expected change of dishes, the cutlery that lies farthest from the main plate will be used first. When in doubt, first take the device located on the right.

Arrangement rules

Serving is a whole science with a centuries-old history, which has its own rules and exceptions. However, if you remember the basics, then setting the table correctly will not be difficult at all:

  • The dishes are placed on the table in a strictly defined sequence. First - earthenware and porcelain items, then - cutlery. Finally, they place objects made of glass and crystal.
  • It is necessary to lay out everything so that the closest thing is what you need first. When planning several courses, dishes and cutlery are arranged in the order in which the food will be served. At the same time, it is not necessary to pile everything on the table at once. It is enough to put the utensils intended for serving dishes for the first and second courses. Dessert sets can be arranged later - after the main ones have been removed.
  • The knife should be placed so that its blade is turned towards the dish.
  • According to etiquette, the glass (glass) should be located above the knife. If several types of glasses are used, then they are all placed side by side.
  • Forks must be placed on the left side of the plate.
  • Spoons are always located to the right of knives.
  • If you plan to serve Italian dishes, there should be a bread plate on the table.
  • If there is soup on the menu, a soup spoon is placed between the knives for appetizers and fish.

In addition, there are several more generally accepted rules governing the arrangement of individual serving items.


According to the rules, the layout of dishes should begin with the plates. In this case, they must be placed so that they are 1.5-2 cm from the edge of the table. The distance between them should be approximately the same. It is believed that dishes should be placed at intervals of 50 cm - so that those sitting at the table feel comfortable.

Plates with cutlery should be placed opposite each chair. Their number depends on the variety of the menu and the type of meal. For example, one plate will be enough for a regular snack, but two plates will be served for lunch and dinner.

Plates of smaller diameter are always placed on top of larger ones, which allows you to quickly replace them while saving space on the table.

Spoons and forks

Cutlery is laid out after the plates. They must be placed on the sides of the main plate, with the concave side facing the table.

Forks are placed on the left side, spoons and knives are on the right. A teaspoon can be placed on top.

It is important to place on the table only those devices that are really needed. Most often, for a regular meal, one knife, one fork and two spoons (for a hot dish and dessert) are enough. If necessary, this set can be supplemented with special devices.


You can place glasses behind the plates, a little to the right. When deciding on the variety of glasses, goblets and wine glasses, it is necessary to take into account the number of guests and the options for drinks offered to guests.

According to the rules, containers for drinks should be arranged from largest to smallest. At the same time, you should not place too many glasses or stacks - this will only clutter the table and may cause inconvenience to guests.

Does color matter?

Color in serving has the same importance as when decorating the interior or choosing an outfit.

Most often, the table is covered with a white tablecloth, but any other color can be used to create an unusual atmosphere. Here everything will depend on the nature of the event and the preferences of the hosts.

White tablecloth, for example, perfect option for formal dinners. It goes well with porcelain, crystal and looks elegant in any situation. Wherein White color can be easily combined with any other. A table decorated in a black and white palette will look original.

A combination of white and delicate pastel shades will help give a romantic mood to dinner or lunch. A green color will bring warm spring notes to the meal. A table setting made entirely in green will look original.

A combination of white and blue will also be beautiful, but red must be used with caution, since different conditions it can have different effects on others and influence the environment at the table.


Decor will help complete the serving and give it completeness. The main decorative element is napkins, which can be placed in a glass of water, placed next to the plates or placed on top.

For a quiet family lunch, you can use large napkins; for breakfast, smaller ones.

Feasts are part of everyday culture; we are used to setting a festive table for the New Year and birthdays, weddings and March 8, and even simply inviting guests for tea. While worrying about delicious and varied dishes, we often forget about such an important component of the holiday as table setting. And no matter whether you are preparing a gala evening with several courses or serving dinner for family members, you need take into account the basic serving rules tables for all types of feasts.

WESTWING not only loves beautiful dishes and stylish table decor, but will also be happy to tell you how to present them correctly in order to comply with all the rules and at the same time pleasantly surprise your guests. Simple recommendations will help you quickly understand the basic serving requirements and inspire you to creativity for table decoration.

Basic rules for table setting

Many people believe that table setting rules are limited correct arrangement cutlery and dishes, but in fact they also include general recommendations for the appearance of the table and chairs and even the order in which food is served.

General rules for table setting that will help you give the table a festive look:

  • Table setting begins with chair arrangements for every guest. The distance between chairs is 50-80 cm, each guest should be allocated equal space at the table.
  • The table should not look overloaded. Only those plates, cutlery and glasses that are suitable for the specific serving of dishes should be placed on it.
  • Serving is determined based on the dishes planned to be served, the number of guests, time of day and reason for the feast. So, wedding table setting for a large number of guests will differ from lunch in country house in a small circle of friends.

Now let's look at all the serving steps in more detail.

Table setting rules: tablecloth

Table setting begins with a tablecloth. The classic option is snow-white tablecloth on a table made of dense, high-quality material, such as satin. Other colors of the tablecloth are allowed if they correspond to your decorative idea and echo the dishes or decoration, but the main recommendation is that the tablecloth be light: beige-pink, cream, soft blue and other pleasant neutral colors.

The main rule of table setting: the tablecloth must be washed, clean and properly ironed. It serves as a backdrop for your stylish serving and dishes, so it should not distract attention. If the tablecloth is too thin or slips on the table, you can place a thin flannel fabric underneath it. It will also muffle the knock of cutlery and glasses on the table. Plastic and oilcloth tablecloths for festive table setting not recommended.

Tablecloth size is calculated based on the fact that its ends should hang evenly by 25-30 cm, but not lower than the seat, and the corners should cover the legs.

Table setting rules: plates

Plates are placed on a neatly laid tablecloth. Please note that all dishes must be from the same set. In the center of each place there is a lower plate, which serves as a stand for a plate with snacks and hot dishes and serves primarily decorative purposes. It is located at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table.

Placed on top of it snack or soup plate, depending on which dish you serve first. To the left of the snack plate, diagonally, place a small plate for bread and butter (also called a pie plate).

At each change of dishes, plates are replaced so that guests do not have to eat from plates that are dirty or not suitable for a particular type of dish. Any feast requires at least one change of plates, and sometimes three or four.

Table setting rules: cutlery

Most often, it is the correct placement of cutlery that causes the most questions when serving, although simple rules apply here too.

  1. Knives are always placed on the right side with the blade facing the plate, forks are placed on the left side with the tip up.
  2. If the menu includes soup, then the soup spoon is placed next to the knife with its spout facing up.
  3. Butter knife Place directly on the pie plate.
  4. Knives and forks depend on the type of food served. There are a pair of forks and knives for a snack bar, a dessert set, and a knife for fish and meat.
  5. The knife and fork for appetizers are placed at the edges, since the feast usually begins with appetizers. Thus, those devices that will be used first are placed further from the plate. When changing dishes, the cutlery and plates are removed.
  6. Then it’s time to cutlery for the second course. Knives differ depending on whether fish or meat is being served; both types of knives are often found. Fish knife features a rounded tip.
  7. The dessert set: leg, fork and spoon are placed immediately behind the plate parallel to the edge of the table. The knife and spoon for dessert are placed with the handle to the right, and the fork with the handle to the left.

Glasses and table setting

As you know, there is a glass for each type of drink. Your task is to place them correctly on the holiday table. Glasses are usually located to the right of the plates in one line at an angle of 45 degrees to the edge of the table.

Since each type of drink is also served at a specific time during the meal (aperitif, main drink, dessert drink, digestif), the glasses are removed along with the plates and cutlery. The only type of glass that always remains on the table is water glass. Glasses should be placed in the order in which drinks are served, with the farthest glass being used first.

The complete table setting includes the following glasses:

  • Water glass
  • Champagne glass
  • White wine glass
  • Red wine glass
  • Cognac glass
  • Vodka glass
  • Liquor glass

Each of these glasses has its own unique characteristics that allow it to fully reveal the taste and aroma of a specific drink. Therefore, use appropriate glasses for all drinks served!

How to set a holiday table: napkins

The same ones come out for the napkins high requirements, as well as tablecloths. They should be perfectly clean, ironed, preferably white or cream and pleasant to the touch. It is recommended to choose napkins from natural materials , since they come into contact with delicate facial skin and can cause allergies or irritation.

Traditionally, a folded napkin is placed to the left of the plate or directly on the appetizer plate. Make sure that the napkin is neatly folded; for this you can use special napkin rings, which will give the table a ceremonial and solemn look.

Knowing the recommendations for table setting, you can easily apply them in any situation, creatively adapt them to your holidays and decorate the table with flowers, candles and fruits at your discretion, without violating the basic rules.

Table setting using decorations

The main decoration of any event is, naturally, flowers. It is worth listening to the rules of table setting for decoration both on holidays and on holidays. Everyday life. To make flowers pleasing to the eye, follow some simple recommendations:

  1. Make sure that none of your guests are allergic to the flowers you have chosen for serving.
  2. Do not use plants with a strong odor for serving. Mixed with the aroma of dishes, it can significantly spoil your appetite.
  3. Place the vase so that fallen petals do not fall into the food.
  4. For the dining table, choose vases that will not interfere with the communication of guests. These can be low devices for small compositions or vases on a thin high leg.

If you follow the rules festive table setting, then special attention should be paid to the choice of textiles. In addition to rectangular tablecloths and napkins, table linen includes buffet skirts, table covers, chair covers and round tablecloths. When choosing textiles, you need to rely on the occasion for which the event is being organized, the location and format of its holding. One of the main criteria is also the combination of textiles and dishes.

How to set the breakfast table

For breakfast, bread is sliced ​​and served in a wicker basket or a special plate with a napkin. The oil is served in a butter dish. Sausage and cheese are cut into thin pieces. Jam and marmalade are served in a jam outlet. On the table I place a breakfast plate, a glass for juice and a mug for tea or coffee.

Table setting for lunch and dinner

For lunch and dinner they use canteens, snack bars and pie plates, to the left of the plate is a table fork, to the right is a table knife. Wine glasses and glasses are placed near the knife on top. Also, don’t forget about the napkin holder with napkins.

Tea table setting

The tea table is covered with a bright tablecloth and a tea or coffee set is beautifully arranged. A cup and saucer is placed to the right, diagonally from the dessert plate. A spoon and fork for desserts are placed to the right of the plate. The slot is decorated with flowers in a vase. Coffee and tea are served when everyone is seated at the table. They serve cakes, pastries or pies, sweets and other desserts.

Table etiquette: what is unacceptable

  • The napkin should not be used as a handkerchief or towel.
  • It is not customary to wipe dishes or cutlery with a napkin; it is better to ask for clean ones.
  • After finishing the meal, there is no need to try to give the used napkin its original appearance and fold it. You just need to put it next to the plate.
  • Napkins do not need to be tucked into the collar, but placed unfolded on your knees.

You can clearly familiarize yourself with the rules from the photos that are presented on the website of the WESTWING shopping club. Here you can also choose beautiful, high-quality textiles and exclusive tableware for your feast. If you use WESTWING's advice, your guests will be pleasantly surprised.

Nowadays, you almost never meet a family in which it would be customary to gather around a large table for a meal. The modern rhythm of life dictates its own rules, and now everything is somehow rushed: almost no breakfast, lunch on the sly, dinner in front of the computer, and there is neither the energy nor the time to arrange a small holiday for yourself. And sometimes it’s worth it. And it always helps to catch a festive and solemn, and sometimes dreamy mood proper serving table.

But what is it and how to do everything correctly, according to the rules of etiquette? Everything is much simpler than it seems.


It seems that either born aristocrats or third-generation luxury waiters can set the table, while ordinary people are unable to comprehend the secrets of the ideal arrangement of cutlery and the subtleties of different-sized forks. This is a common misconception: cover beautiful table much easier than preparing a delicious lunch.

It is not enough to simply set up a table, place a chair, scatter forks and spoons on the surface and be satisfied with the free composition created.

There are certain rules for table setting, the history of which goes back centuries. You should stick to them in order to get a beautifully set table time after time. Guests will be able to appreciate not only the taste of the dishes, but also the talent of the hostess or host of the evening.


Before placing cutlery on the table, you need to lay out the tablecloth. According to the rules of etiquette, it should hang from the table exactly 20-30 centimeters. In short - it’s ugly, the whole appearance and style of serving is lost, in longer - it disturbs the guests. The rules of etiquette do not dictate the color of the tablecloth, so you can choose it yourself depending on the occasion: laconic snow-white tablecloths for a formal feast, and multi-colored bright or muted ones - for every day or according to your mood. The main requirement is that the tablecloth must be perfectly ironed and absolutely clean, otherwise even a perfectly set table will look sloppy.

A nuance: let only the necessary utensils be on the table. After all, if there is no trace of soup in lunch, then the container for it will look inappropriate and absurd and will simply turn out to be superfluous. If guests do not try the fish, then the equipment for it will only add headaches and bewilderment. Here, more does not mean better.


At first glance, everything is complicated here. Lots of dishes different sizes, which need to fit one on top of the other, is scary at first. However, everything is not so scary.

The number of cutlery is influenced by the theme of the event, the announced lunch program and the number of guests. Based on these circumstances and having firmly decided on each point, you can already combine the composition of the dishes for each of the guests. Traditional serving rules suggest that more than one dish should be placed in front of one person: a serving plate, which acts as an additional protection for the tablecloth (however, it is not necessary to use it for everyday serving), an appetizer, dessert and soup plate (depending on the consistency of the soup, a wide or bowl).

There is one trick here: in order to prevent the plates from sliding over each other, you can place a cloth or paper napkin under it: on the one hand, it’s a design move, on the other, it’s an opportunity to avoid an awkward situation.

Dessert and salad dishes are placed on the left side of the serving area. You can also place plates for butter and bread there. The distance from the edge of the table should be about one and a half to two centimeters.

Glasses, wine glasses, glasses

Everything is quite simple here. It is not necessary to install all the devices at once - some may not be useful. At home, it is better to immediately agree with the guests about who will drink what and who will drink it, in order to save yourself from unnecessary hassle.

A little further from all the plates located, to the right of them we place the drinkware. Here, a lot depends on the tastes of the guests: some will prefer red wine to white wine, some will opt for champagne, and some will choose something stronger.

There is a strict order of glasses: the smaller, the farther from the plates. In an informal setting, it is possible to do without such difficulties.

The main thing is not to confuse glasses for red and white wine, champagne flutes and all other glasses, shot glasses and shot glasses. Not only the correct observance of the instructions depends on this, but also the pleasure of the guest: certain forms of glasses and material (glass or crystal) help to reveal all the most subtle notes of taste and smell.

Placement of cutlery

At a formal reception, where there is, at first glance, an uncountable amount of cutlery to the right and left of the plate, it is scary to appear ignorant. It seems that you can never sort out all the forks and spoons. But here, too, everything is simple.

Exists Golden Rule, easy to remember: the further the device is located from the plate, the sooner it will be needed.

It's easy to sort everything: knives are placed to the right of the plate, forks to the left, soup spoon next to the first knife(however, if dessert is on the menu, the spoon is placed slightly above the serving plate). You can also put a teaspoon on top.

These rules regulate the following set of cutlery: snack fork and knife; larger cutlery for the first and second courses. A fork with three to four tines and a spatula-shaped knife is used for fish. In addition, the set includes a set of dessert utensils: a spoon, a knife and a fork.

The rules for handling cutlery end with their proper placement relative to the plate. You still need to be able to use them and know how to properly eat this or that dish.

  • Soup: if there are large ingredients (vegetables, meatballs, pasta), then they need to be broken in half with the side edge of a spoon. You can drink the broth from a cup.
  • Chicken: at a formal dinner it is best to eat it with the help of cutlery; you can eat it with your hands only in the family circle.
  • Meat dishes: they are usually eaten in pieces, but with cutlets and schnitzels you can do without a knife.
  • Side dishes, omelette, vegetable dishes, pastes do not require the use of a knife, but without one you should not touch sandwiches and pies.
  • Appetizers: caviar, pates and mustard are spread on bread with a special small spoon.

Probably everyone has heard something about the secret signs of cutlery. In chic establishments with a sophisticated audience, the waiter could often guess the satisfaction of the dish not only by the expression of the visitor's face, but also by the position of the used cutlery on or near the plate. These are some kind of identification marks, non-verbal symbols, which, if it is not possible to express your impression of the meal out loud, will do it for the guest.

Understanding such nuances will help to impress strict guardians of the norms and rules of etiquette. And in order not to get into trouble, not to inadvertently offend the owner and not to mislead anyone, it is worth paying attention to them and remembering them.


  • Pause: the tips of the fork and knife lie on the edges of the plate and are slightly turned away from you, their handles are on the table. If a knife was not used in eating the dish, only a fork is acceptable.
  • Waiting for the second course: the knife and fork are placed on the plate perpendicular to each other, intersecting in the center: the knife is horizontal, the fork is vertical.

Completion of the meal and food review:

  • I liked: the devices lie parallel to each other, with their tips in the same direction.
  • I didn’t like it: the knife crosses the fork at the teeth in the center of the plate.
  • Finished: the cutlery lies parallel (perhaps on different edges of the dish) from each other, straight or at an angle.

By the way, about the insoluble question of where to tilt a plate of soup during a meal: etiquette does not prohibit the situation when you leave a little lunch on the bottom.

These signs may be useful for lunch or dinner in a restaurant, banquet or other luxurious feast taking place with the participation of large quantity guests, waiters and other assistants, communication with whom requires maintaining a distance.

Among friends or at a family feast, these gestures are unlikely to be relevant. But you can always demonstrate your knowledge to your friends and amaze them, and then eat delicious food to your heart’s content, without burdening yourself with strict rules of etiquette.


Here the limits are set only by imagination. Depending on the theme and occasion of the feast, completely different decorations may be suitable: from light and ceremonial candles and strict snow-white napkins to rough compositions made from natural spruce branches and pine cones.


They can be different - paper, rag, colored, variegated, immaculately snow-white. They occupy a dominant place in table decoration.

Paper is one of the most rewarding materials. From such napkins you can make anything: from a simple folded triangle - an eternal classic of roadside and simple cafes, to fancy cone-shaped figures, hats, swans, if you like. You just need to get used to working with delicate paper a little and enjoy the result.

Rag ones look more restrained and give any feast a noble, solemn spirit. They look charming tied with a coarse thread, with a ring put on the middle, or simply beautifully and unusually folded. You can often see tags on napkins with the name of the guest to whom this place is assigned. It's both practical and stylish.


A win-win. Suitable for both large and formal events and everyday table setting. The main convenience is that floral decoration is easy to reproduce at home and change it depending on your mood.

There are a lot of variations: you can create a complex composition of flowers, leaves and ribbons, you can collect wild and meadow flowers (relevant in summer), or you can reduce everything to a minimalist style and limit yourself to thin, graceful branches that will emphasize the taste and style of home decoration on a set table.


An unfailing classic for romantic dinners and wedding feasts. They put guests in the right mood by being the final touch in creating the necessary holiday atmosphere. They complete and complement any composition, regardless of genre and style.

The uniqueness of candles is that they can be combined with completely different details and nuances, selecting only their shape and color in accordance with the given parameters.

Rough, thick candles in classic beige or dark shades will look great in the middle of a brutal composition that can be used to decorate an oak table, while thin and sophisticated ones will fit wonderfully into an ensemble with fresh flowers and branches.


When decorating a holiday table, you should pay attention to non-standard ways of decorating it. Usually you can be inspired by the theme of the holiday: on New Year's Eve you can take artificially snowy ones as decorations. spruce paws, tinsel, Christmas decorations in tone or in contrast to the tablecloth. Unusual and bold decisions are the key to success.

In a country house, you can use real rarities: grandfather clocks, old photographs, woven openwork napkins and other things with a touch of antiquity. The summer table will be decorated with artistically scattered fruits.


Particular attention should be paid to the safety of cutlery. Any table setting, even the most beautiful and successfully assembled, will lose all its appearance and luster if the devices cannot boast of their crystal purity and shine. Stains, stains and rust can not only dull your appetite, but also kill it altogether. It is unlikely that guests will want to return to a house that offers to use dirty spoons.

It is best to store sets in special organizers with compartments: forks for forks, spoons for spoons, knives for knives. This is especially true for silver products. Upon completion of use, they need to be washed in a hot soda solution and wiped dry with a towel - if this is not done, the silver will quickly fade and blacken from moisture, so such devices need to be cleaned. special care. However, if something goes wrong and the silver has tarnished, it can be fixed: just prepare a mixture of tooth powder, ammonia, water and soda. Mix all ingredients equally.

Everyday appliances do not require such careful care: the most common products can remove grease and dirt, and washing in dishwasher saves energy and time.

Lemon juice will become your best friend in the fight against heavy pollution, and potato broth will help restore the tarnished alloy to its former shine. This way, the devices will last a long time and will not lose their original appearance, continuing to delight their owners.


In matters of serving, the golden rule, which was already mentioned above, remains unchanged: there should be nothing unnecessary on the table. You don't need a fish fork to scramble eggs, and you can't eat beef stroganoff with a dessert spoon. One of the functions of serving is to rationalize space on the table and create convenience for the diner.

When everything is beautiful at the dining place, you want to enjoy your food more.

For 2 and 4 persons

The most easily repeatable serving option. We are guided and reinforced by the basic rule: on the table there is only what you will really need to use at this meal and what you cannot do without. The rest needs to be removed. This, of course, does not apply to table decorations. The main requirement for them is relevance and style.

Serving for two means that the atmosphere is likely to be informal, so you can do without strict adherence to all the requirements for a set table. It is enough to have the required number of plates (which, we repeat, depends on the proposed menu), cutlery and glasses.

It is important to take into account the shape of the table: for gatherings for two, a square or round table is perfect so that the distance between people is not too large, but at the same time sufficient for a casual conversation.

The main thing is to endure and maintain the mood with successful and appropriate serving. What exactly it will be: friendly, romantic, light or playful, only two people can decide.

To set a table for four people, you should adhere to the same rules. And again, here the genre of the set table is dictated by the relationship and the reason for the gathering. Friendly meetings do not require strict adherence to the rules; rather, this will even prevent the prevailing spirit of carefreeness from doing its job and helping to relax in a pleasant, warm company. On the contrary, in business meetings it is better to focus on the canons of etiquette: this will help constructive conversation and focus on small details.

The table can be anything, but at the same time it is spacious enough so that each of the guests has enough space and no one intrudes with their elbow into someone else’s living space.

For breakfast

In the morning, each of us, without noticing it, does a mini-table setting: he takes out cups, mugs, plates, and does everything for his own convenience. However, there are certain rules that help, among other things, optimize breakfast time.

During the morning meal, the plate of food is placed in the center. On the left is a fork and spoon, on the right is a knife. Everything here follows the golden rule of serving.

The coffee cup is placed in the right corner of the main dish. On the left, as always, there is a small plate for butter, bread and other additional goodies.

For dinner

Options are already appearing in the dinner setting: someone’s lunch consists of a first, second and third course, while others are content with one dish.

A water glass and a wine glass take the place of mugs and cups. Drinkware is still in the same place as always – to the right and above the main dish.

Deep plates are placed on a serving plate, large and flat. On the left, small but important bread plates take pride of place.

For dinner

As a rule, dinner is the most luxurious and satisfying meal of the whole day. All things are done, there is no need to rush anywhere and therefore you can relax in the pleasant company of friends or yourself. And the setting changes according to the time of day.

Now there are more glasses and glasses in front of the guest - for an aperitif. More cutlery appears, they are arranged in the classic sequence. Otherwise, the rules do not change: forks are on the left, knives are on the right, the farther from the dish, the sooner the device will be needed.

What to serve for the holiday?

Special events require additional menu items and appropriate decorations. So, on the table there may be a real path of salads or sweet treats, taking up too much space at the main table. And serving such dishes has its own subtleties that deserve attention.


The color scheme is dictated by the occasion.

  • On children's party A bright, joyful and cheerful table setting would be appropriate. Disposable multi-colored tableware is perfect for this purpose - it’s both safe and gives peace of mind for your favorite set.
  • To decorate an adult dessert table There are no special recommendations: it all depends on the wishes of the heroes of the occasion and the occasion of the holiday. The main thing is that if the party is themed, then the decoration elements must correspond to this theme and be recognizable.

It is very important not to overdo it and not turn an elegant colorful table into a vulgar bad taste. To do this, you should carefully consider the choice of special decorations and table background: this plays an important role in the formation of a complete image. You can use even seemingly unrelated items in the design: books, mirrors, floral decorations, photo albums - all this will serve as additional entertainment for guests when the bulk of the treats have been eaten.

Sometimes setting a sweet table involves multi-level beautiful cakes. They can often be seen (and tasted) at weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays. The design of such an important holiday attribute as a huge cake comes first in setting a sweet table.

The main thing here is thoughtful composition. You need to decide whether it will be hooliganly asymmetrical or perfectly calibrated, how many levels and what elements should be included in it for a more impressive image of the dessert corner.

You can play not only with the vertical, but also with the horizontal and turn the very surface of the table into a pattern or design. There are a lot of variations, and the only red light here can only show a precise sense of proportion and style.


For those with a sweet tooth, treats should be varied. Some guests may love marmalade and hate dark chocolate, while others may be exactly the opposite. The owner’s task is to please everyone, so you need to prepare a lot of different sweets.

The main sweet dish is cake. Other sweets play a secondary role, but are necessary for tea drinking. It is important to remember that all sweets should be portioned, but there should be enough for everyone.

The sweet table is significantly different from the main one. A common misconception is that only children are interested in it, so you can make it super bright. However, this is not at all true - For many adults with a sweet tooth, the sweet table is perhaps the most important at the event.

Whether it is a children's party or an adult anniversary, the design of the sweet table must correspond to the stated purpose. The number and variety of desserts also influences the choice of furniture. In this case, you need to immediately assess the scale of the treats and distribute the load - not so much the physical weight of kilograms of sweets, but their even distribution over the surface of the table: everything should be done stylishly and tastefully and evoke not only appetite and bouts of greedy lust in those with a sweet tooth, but also admiration for talent host of the evening.

Snacks are the first thing to go. Guests whet their appetite light tasty and simple treats. There are cold dishes for every taste and color, so each of the guests will find something to their liking.

Everyone loves salads. Not a single feast is complete without them, and a holiday immediately ceases to be a holiday if there is not at least one such dish among the treats. Therefore, you should pay special attention to them. As a rule, salads are served in large salad bowls, from which guests use special utensils to take a portion onto their plate.

They can be served not only in special containers, but even in other food: in large lettuce leaves, inside a rolled ham or cheese slice. Stuffed vegetables and filled tartlets look nice. Such a treat can be artistically laid out on a wide flat dish.

It is customary to lay out sausage slices in several rows. As a rule, it is cut thinly and diagonally, so that on the plate it looks like flat, elongated circles. Often to save space or when there is nowhere to put another plate different varieties meat treats are stacked on one in several rows, but not mixed in any way. Boiled meat or sausage is cut thicker. Decoration with parsley or dill is welcome.

Herring is served in special plates - long elongated narrow saucers reminiscent of the herring itself, or other suitable utensils. Usually, when serving such an appetizer, one remembers the silhouette of the fish and arranges the pieces to resemble it.

The fish itself is served as the main dish in oval plates. Red fish (salted or smoked) is served cut into thin slices. They are successfully accompanied by a slice of lemon. Very often, fresh herbs act as decoration.

It is not customary to set the table with sprat and canned fish- they are simply inappropriate for such a case.

The cheese is either cut into thin slices and placed on a small plate, or into cubes into which special skewers are stuck so that each guest can take the piece that interests him. And this serving looks more interesting and is more convenient in practice - you don’t have to unsuccessfully poke a piece of cheese onto the four teeth of a fork over and over again and blush from your sluggishness.

Oysters in in kind served on an ice bed with lemon as a garnish. Intimidating from the very beginning of the meal, the oyster fork is on the right. Brown bread or toast and butter are served along with the oysters.

The lobster is served on a large plate. You need to eat it with a fork and a seafood knife, as well as a special needle. It's laid down acute angle to the fish knife. A bowl for washing your fingers is a must.

Serving vegetables is perhaps the simplest step of all in preparing appetizers. Everything here is very democratic. It is not forbidden to pick up small cucumbers and tomatoes with your hands. Large ones are served in advance cut into slices (for tomatoes) and circles (for cucumbers). They are decorated with a chopped mixture of greens - onions, dill. Onions go well with the red-green duo. Chopped vegetables can be sprinkled with olive or vegetable oil. Salt and pepper are usually served side by side.

Salted and lightly salted cucumbers are served cut to length. They can share one plate of sauerkraut.

How is it done in other countries?

Each country has its own culture, especially table culture. Hence some peculiarities of behavior at the table and differences in the rules and perception of etiquette. What is considered the norm in one country turns into rudeness and disrespect for the owner in a neighboring one.

Let's consider some features of etiquette in European and Asian countries.


A country where etiquette and rules of decency are absorbed with mother's milk. Traditions play a huge role. The British, unlike the Russians, are extremely scrupulous about observing these subtleties and rules - especially in such an important area as table culture.

It is not customary to start a conversation with an unrepresented person, or to keep your hands on the table - they should rest on your knees. Shifting a fork and knife from your right to your left hand is a complete taboo! From the beginning to the end of the meal, the fork should remain in the left hand, and the knife in the right. And no exceptions.

Refusing tea is tantamount to insulting the hosts. Therefore, it is better to stay a little longer than to be known as an ill-mannered rude person.


Germans value their own and other people’s time, so being late here is a deep insult to the owner. It is not customary to show up without a gift: you must have a symbolic present with you, like flowers. The oldest person present sits at the table first, and the right to be the first to start dinner is given to the owner of the house. If the reception takes place in a restaurant, then all guests must be wished bon appetit.