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How to decorate a small kitchen in an apartment. Small kitchen design - interior ideas

Every housewife dreams of making her kitchen beautiful, cozy and functional. You can learn how to properly design a modern small kitchen from this article. A correct and professional approach to the design of a small kitchen will help to include small space refrigerator, geyser and even a bar counter. In this article we tried to collect best ideas small kitchen designs that are trending in 2017 - use them for your inspiration! And our selection of photos will clearly complement the formed image of your dream kitchen.

Small kitchen design ideas

The design of a small kitchen plays an important role for any housewife who spends quite a lot of time cooking here. In the arrangement small apartment It is very important to decorate each of the existing premises as comfortably as possible and, at the same time, preserve as much free space as possible.

When thinking about the design of a small kitchen, consider the rule of the working triangle: the stove, sink and refrigerator are located in close proximity.

Kitchen set in small kitchen design

To simplify the cooking process and make the work area in a small kitchen most comfortable, you need to choose the right kitchen set. Furniture should be neat and compact and contain everything necessary elements. It is desirable that you can hide equipment in the furniture, for example, a microwave oven, a gas water heater, a boiler, etc. This will make it possible to relieve the tension.

Before you start registration kitchen space, you need to decide on the style on which the interior will be based.

Modern small kitchen design

The modern design of a small kitchen suggests a minimalist and hi-tech style. Such styles are characterized by: conciseness, simplicity and restraint in design. The decor can be minimal, and this is exactly what is beneficial for a miniature room.

A minimalist kitchen should have simple finishing and a minimum of textiles. The ceiling can be suspended, the floor is equipped with ceramic tiles without patterns, and the walls are decorated with panels, plain tiles or painted. The color scheme is neutral cool tones.

High-tech style is characterized by a lot of plastic, glass and metal in the interior, as well as modern technology, smooth glossy surfaces and strict geometry. The kitchen set should have clear lines, strict design and smooth facades. In most cases, such furniture is made to order.

Kitchen design for a small area in a classic style

The design of a small kitchen in a classic style can visually enlarge and decorate the space thanks to warm shades with golden accents. The color scheme is light tones of beige caramel, vanilla, ivory, and cream. White, blue and pink colors are used much less frequently.

Vintage enamel furniture and floral patterns are the main attributes of the Provence style.

Welcome here warm colors turquoise, olive, cream, creamy and terracotta colors, natural materials, a large number of textiles and various decorative accessories. A feature of the French village house style is the presence of scuffs on the furniture, which should be made of natural materials. Small accessories (candelabra, wicker baskets, fruit bowls, etc.), paintings on the walls and dishes in the form of painted plates hanging on the walls, porcelain cups and much more will help to fully complement such an interior.

Design of a small corner kitchen

When the kitchen area is small, a corner kitchen set is often used to make the cooking process more ergonomic. A corner kitchen set is well suited for square and rectangular kitchens.

Most often, in a corner kitchen, a sink is installed in the corner. And along the walls there is a stove, a cutting surface with lower cabinets and a refrigerator.

You can also place the part working area kitchen along the window, combining the countertop with the window sill. Most likely, then you will place the stove and oven along the adjacent wall.

The design of a small corner kitchen, in addition to the work area, also includes arranging places for eating. A large dining table, of course, would not be appropriate here, but a high bar counter with chairs, as well as a neat round or oval table would be quite suitable. It is quite convenient to use folding structures.

Installation corner sofa has its own advantages - it can accommodate several people at once, and no additional chairs are required, and the bedside tables built into it will eliminate the need for additional cabinets in the kitchen set.

Design of a small kitchen with a narrow layout

For long and narrow kitchens, the best option would be two types of placement of kitchen units - linear and parallel. The linear option provides for the location of the work area along one of the walls. The design of a small kitchen with a dining area may involve placing a small or folding table in the opposite corner near the window, or design in the form of a bar counter along a parallel wall.

The parallel version of the kitchen set in long kitchens is much less common, as it helps to narrow the space. In such cases, it would be better to install a stove, sink and countertop along one of the walls, and a refrigerator with upper cabinets along the opposite wall, where a small dinner Zone.

Design of a small kitchen with a bar counter

If you can implement a kitchen-living room on your space, or you have a studio apartment, consider designing a kitchen with a bar counter. Photos of various options show how it can be used to successfully zoning a space.

Small kitchen design with refrigerator

The optimal place to install a refrigerator in a small kitchen area is a corner. The best option for a small kitchen would be a narrow, elongated shape that will “fit” into the depth of the kitchen unit.

Another option worthy of attention— a small-sized refrigerator located under the work area. If it is made of stainless steel, the design of a small kitchen with a refrigerator should include additional elements made of the same material - these could be chandelier shades, an oven, an extractor hood, etc.

You can also use a refrigerator built into the furniture. The refrigerator can be “disguised” as a cabinet if you really don’t want to leave it in plain sight, but it’s worth considering that this option will take up more space.

Design of a small kitchen with a gas water heater

Modern models of geysers can become a real interior decoration in themselves. Or it can be made so by decorating the top panel with a film with an original design.

Also, the gas water heater in the kitchen design can be “hidden” in wall cabinet kitchen set with a closing door. Thanks to such camouflage, it will not be able to interfere with transforming the interior of the kitchen space. Here it is worth paying attention to the bedside table, which should be equipped with a good ventilation system, have heat-reflecting elements and suitable dimensions.

Modern design of a small kitchen with a non-standard layout

You can find kitchen spaces equipped with niches, pantries, bay windows, or combined with the living room - these options are non-standard, but quite advantageous, as they provide additional space. Various recesses can be used for custom-made built-in furniture, thereby freeing up space in a small kitchen.

Color palette in small kitchen design

To decorate a small room, use light colors - they help at the visual level to maximize the space and make the design of a small kitchen more attractive and free. You should not use the technique of zoning space using decoration - this will introduce some confusion into a small room.

The walls can be painted with latex or acrylic paint, cover with washable vinyl wallpaper, design decorative plaster or plastic panels. Particular attention is paid to the apron - the gap in the wall above the work area. To decorate it, you can use ceramic tiles, mosaics, tempered tinted glass or artificial stone.

The ceiling of a small kitchen is best painted in White color, or use a tensioner. You can also use a stepped structure made of plasterboard. All of these techniques will help add height to the room.

The floor should be as durable as possible, resistant to external irritants and not slippery. Here you can use ceramic tiles, linoleum or a self-leveling floor based on polymer resins.

When choosing curtains for a window, you should give preference to blinds, Roman or roller blinds, which will not “take away” the space with their splendor.

The design of a small kitchen can be no less beautiful, practical and comfortable than its counterparts with a larger area. Using the recommendations of this article and applying maximum patience and imagination, you can decorate the interior so that staying in the kitchen is pleasant and evocative. positive emotions, both in the process of preparing various dishes, and during rest after a meal.

Small kitchen design: design ideas with 45 photos updated: November 23, 2017 by: Kyiv Irina

Small houses and Khrushchev buildings are often distinguished by miniature kitchens, which are quite difficult to equip. The food preparation room should accommodate a variety of different utensils, as well as the necessary Appliances with impressive dimensions. If the kitchen is small, then this task can develop into a real problem. To avoid these consequences, you need to consider various options interior and design.

Orange kitchen set in a small kitchen.

Small kitchen: the main secrets of arrangement

To begin with, it is worth soberly assessing the size of the kitchen. There are times when the cooking room is simply tiny and can only accommodate the most necessary things. household appliances. In such situations, apartment residents place the dining table in the living room or common room.

Repair small kitchen in the apartment.

For a small kitchen, you need to buy compact, modern items. This is due to the fact that Soviet refrigerators, cabinets and other things inherited from the grandmother will take up absolutely all the free space. So, to properly repair and decorate the kitchen area, you will have to spend money, but the new equipment will last longer and will better meet the requirements of the modern housewife.

The main secret to arranging any room is careful planning. Also, your knowledge of kitchen specifics and rules for arranging equipment does not suit you.

Interesting arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen.

Features of kitchen premises

Every kitchen has its own specifics, regardless of size. There are two main points to remember:

  1. The materials used to decorate the kitchen area must be resistant to temperature changes, as well as high humidity;
  2. The floor in the food preparation room must be durable and reliable.

Design of wall cabinets for dishes in the kitchen.

These requirements can be taken into account directly during repairs.

Secrets of saving space: placing furniture in a small kitchen

Green color furniture in the kitchen.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the location of the sockets, gas pipe and other communications in the kitchen. In old houses they are usually located in the most inconvenient places, but this can be adapted to. It's also worth learning following rules and recommendations:

  1. The best option for a miniature kitchen is built-in furniture. Usually it is made to order, so it exactly matches the dimensions of the room. In addition, such furniture has convenient retractable structures;
  2. It is best to hang a plate dryer above the sink, and place a drawer for dishes not far from it;
  3. If there is not enough space for a refrigerator in the kitchen, then it can be placed in the hallway (if it is located in the apartment itself). It is also important not to place it near the stove, as thermal effects can cause damage;
  4. The gas stove must be installed next to the corresponding pipe;
  5. It is best to arrange a dining corner near one wall; you can also put a cabinet there for spices and foods that do not require freezing;
  6. To save space, it is recommended to use wall shelves and cabinets;
  7. A solid countertop that combines a sink and stove will fit perfectly into the interior of a small kitchen. You can make it yourself or order it together with built-in furniture.

Bright small kitchen.

Whether you follow these tips or not is a personal matter for each person. But in any case, it is important not to fill the kitchen space completely so that it does not look cluttered. All things should be in harmony with each other and resonate with general style premises.

Visual increase in space is real

Interior professionals know very well how to expand a small room without using radical measures. Most experts recommend giving preference to neutral shades, which will make the kitchen more spacious. It is important not to overdo it with the number of colors, since the place for preparing and eating food should not be full of colors - at least this reduces appetite.

Convenient location of kitchen units in the kitchen.

For wallpaper, you can choose cream colors, but this factor is not mandatory. Even green, blue, and pink shades are suitable, but it is important that they are gentle and combined with each other. It is best to choose furniture from light wood, as it will ideally complement the design of a small kitchen. Also fits perfectly into the interior white ceiling, especially if the walls are cream.

Original storage ideas

Placing dishes and items in a small kitchen.

Storing food and kitchen utensils is a separate issue. It is important for any housewife that everything is always at hand, otherwise the cooking process will become tedious. In a small kitchen you can place special shelves that are attached to the wall. They are very convenient and functional, in addition, they do not take up free space.

Arrangement of shelves and rails in the kitchen.

A magnetic board, which is ideal for storing knives, would also be a good solution. But for the same purposes, you can use a wall cabinet, which will accommodate a larger number of items.

Secrets of the interior of a small kitchen

The interior of a small kitchen should perform three functions, including: simplicity, comfort and a visual increase in space. The most important factor is the sensations that a person experiences while preparing and eating food. So it is necessary to reduce dark colors in the kitchen interior to a minimum.

Kitchen interior with a large window.

When choosing a style, you need to be guided only by your own preferences. Arranging a kitchen like in glossy magazines or in photos on the Internet means depriving it of its individuality. But at the same time, the entire interior should ultimately look harmonious, even if it combines several similar styles. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the ceiling should be made in light colors and without bright ornaments. Even in ordinary rooms, flashy ceilings look awkward, and there’s nothing to say about the kitchen area.

Kitchen design in a studio apartment.

The main secret is not to limit your imagination due to lack of space. In addition, you can always add minor things to the design of a small kitchen that will not take up much space, but will lift your spirits. For example, colorful stickers, miniature toys, etc.
What household appliances are needed in the interior of a small kitchen?

Light design for a small kitchen.
Small kitchen in modern style.

Initially, you need to make a list of the equipment you really need, so that when you come to the store, you don’t buy things that will then simply take up space.

Design solutions for small kitchens

Any room can be furnished in an original way, regardless of its size. The only downside is that designer items often cost more than all household appliances combined. But many of the ideas of 2016, which are the most relevant, can be implemented without such high costs.

Minimalism style for small kitchen design.

For example, shelves that pull out from the closet, which look like chairs and a table. Of course, they do not have legs or any additional stands, but there are also no recesses. They are flat, so they are perfect for cutting meat, and sometimes they can replace a work area. Another interesting solution is the kitchen, which runs along one wall. This option is difficult to implement, but quite convenient.

Designer recommendations for improving the interior of a small kitchen

Design solution for a kitchen in Khrushchev.

Design experts have developed universal tips for arranging small kitchens. For example, they recommend mapping out the entire space in advance. To do this, you need to “arrange” on a piece of paper all the selected equipment, furniture, and so on. This process is usually performed by a specialist, but anyone can do it.

Designer decoration of a small kitchen.

Also, if there are children in the apartment, it is important to get rid of all sharp corners. Of course, the best option is a strong door that a child will not be able to open. But if it is impossible to install such protection, then it is best to use hanging shelves(for knives and sharp objects), and also hide spices in drawers inaccessible to children.

Kitchen design in warm colors.

How to add comfort and functionality

To make a room cozy, you need to add some small but nice things. For a small kitchen, this could be an oven mitt with a cute print or a small painting. In addition, light shades in the interior always create a cozy atmosphere. Especially if the design of a small kitchen is made using wood. In addition to things, this material can be used to make decoration.

Minimalism is the ideal style for a small kitchen.

One of the main factors is lighting. There should be a lot of light, but large, hanging chandeliers are not suitable for this purpose. It's best to use built-in lighting. They provide enough light, but remain almost invisible. Minimalism is the basis of functionality, but how to add comfort has already been described above.

Dividing space using a bar counter.

The outdated concept that furniture shouldn't be bright collapsed in 2016. It was then that many professionals demonstrated solutions for the design of a small kitchen that accommodated things in rich colors. But “playing with contrasts” is a rather dangerous business in which one can easily make a mistake.

Small kitchen with a bar counter by the window.

Calm and light shades of the interior should echo the furniture. An exception is the high-tech style, which uses a sharper color scheme. But because of the boundary markings that are created dark furniture And kitchen appliances, the space visually narrows. So decorate a small kitchen in bright and dark colors Most often it can only be done by specialists.

Bright and colorful high-tech style in the kitchen interior.

The essence of one more useful advice is to keep some supplies in the pantry. This is less convenient, but it will free up space. In addition, the interior of a small kitchen should not be overloaded with various drawers and shelves, as this will not look beautiful.

Cabinet in the kitchen for storing dishes and other kitchen utensils.

It is best to place the refrigerator in the far corner, especially if it is high. This solution will help to visually stretch out the space and at the same time save a little space.

Design and interior of a small kitchen

Save space with corner cabinets.

You can find interesting solutions for arranging your own small kitchen from other people. Housewives often share photos of their cooking spaces. in social networks, and sometimes professional designers post various solutions. Don’t be shy about “speeking” on some original ideas, since they were all originally created precisely for this purpose.

Compact furniture for a small kitchen.

Square kitchen

Arranging a small square kitchen is not the most difficult task, since its shape is quite convenient for placing appliances and furniture. The only negative is that it is rarely possible to put something in the central zone without spoiling the appearance. This can be seen in many photos with unsuccessful examples of arranging a kitchen space. But it’s easier to expand a square kitchen with the right colors and fill it with light, even if there are no windows.

Design of a small square kitchen.

Design of a small rectangular kitchen

Rectangular kitchens are more elongated, which can be both an advantage of the room and its disadvantage. In rooms of this shape, you need to place all things and equipment near the walls, but not clutter them. It is important to achieve balance so that the kitchen does not seem even smaller. In addition, instead of a standard table, you can use a pull-out bar counter.

U-shaped kitchen interior design.

Design of a small irregularly shaped kitchen

If the kitchen is small and has an irregular shape, you need to approach the initial layout very carefully. By the way, standard advice from designers is not always suitable for such premises, so here you need to focus on a specific case. Most likely, a person who wants to equip a small kitchen irregular shape, will have to not only look at photos from the Internet, but also turn to a real specialist for help in planning.

Design solution for arranging furniture in an irregularly shaped kitchen.

Color and decor of a small kitchen

Decorating a small kitchen should be done without compromising the space. That is, all elements that have no practical use are best placed on walls or cabinets. A good solution would be to decorate some furniture yourself. For example, wooden objects can be “painted” with permanent watercolors. This will fit perfectly into the country style, especially if the shades are pastel and unobtrusive.

A kitchen in light colors will add warmth and comfort.

That's all the information you need to know in order to arrange a small kitchen yourself. Of course, there are many nuances that depend on the specific situation and the room itself, but for standard cases the tips described above will be useful. It is also recommended to look through as many photo examples as possible (especially recent ones, from 2016) to get inspiration for your own renovation.

If you have long dreamed of making the perfect kitchen renovation in a small apartment, we will tell you the best small kitchen design ideas that can be brought to life without the help of professionals. Even small-sized kitchen in Khrushchev area up to 7 sq. m. can be very cozy, comfortable and stylish.

Five main secrets of visually increasing space

Kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings occupy an area of ​​approximately 5 to 7 square meters. m. If you are the owner of such a kitchen, you should not be upset, with the help design secrets You can do the renovation yourself, even without the help of professionals, so that your kitchen becomes spacious, cozy and comfortable.

  1. Walls. Change the color of the walls to a calm and neutral one. Masters of interior design have long been using color effects to solve the problem of small spaces.The most matching colors, which will not only visually enlarge the room, but will also look very stylish: white; light pink; pale light green; beige; cream. You can use washable photo wallpaper with specially selected images that visually expand the boundaries of the room.

    Advice! Do not use large designs or patterns on photo wallpapers or tiles.

  2. Ceiling. The glossy white finish will create the illusion of a high ceiling. Can be ordered suspended ceiling, but it should be taken into account that it will drop a few centimeters. Another option is to paint the plaster ceiling with white gloss paint.
  3. Floor . A light floor with diagonal laying of tiles or laminate will expand the space.
  4. Combining rooms. Remove the partitions between the living room and kitchen to create a large space that can be divided into two functional areas. If this is not possible, then you can get by with cosmetic repairs, for example, painting the walls of these rooms in the same color or covering them with the same photo wallpaper. The same can be done if the kitchen borders the hallway.
  5. Lighting. Install as many lamps as possible, hang light curtains on the windows so that they allow natural light to pass through well.

    Order a corner kitchen furniture. It will be quite roomy, but visually it will not take up much space. From the point of view of ergonomics - a science that deals with the rational placement of objects in space so that it is as easy, practical and convenient for a person to work in it - a corner kitchen will be the best choice. In this case, install the sink in the corner, and the refrigerator and hob on opposite sides of it. This way you can follow the working triangle rule.

    When choosing furniture, pay attention to its size. The only right solution for kitchens up to 7 square meters. m is large furniture in small quantities. A lot of small cabinets will only increase the feeling of constraint. Round shapes without sharp corners are preferable. For a dining table, choose a small round table with an extension system. If the area is not quite enough to accommodate a table, you can attach a folding table with a leg to the wall or windowsill.

    Advice! When choosing furniture, give preference to smooth textures with a glossy shine and use mirror surfaces for visual expansion space.

    Household appliances must be built-in. It is smaller in size than conventional equipment and does not “eat up” space. Buy narrow equipment. For example, instead of a hob with four burners, you can order a hob with two. It's not often that we use all the burners at the same time. Instead of a microwave oven, you can purchase a built-in oven with a microwave function. The more seamless the kitchen is, the more spacious it will visually appear.

    Accessories for a small kitchen

    Properly selected decorative items and accessories for decorating the interior of a small kitchen will make it more interesting, cozy and beautiful.

    Photographs and paintings. For those who love photographs and paintings on the walls, it is important to know that they should never be hung in the center of the wall in small spaces. This will immediately draw attention to the modest size of the kitchen. It is better to hang it a little to the left or to the right, a little higher or lower. If the wall is narrow, then The best decision– hang the pictures vertically one above the other.

    Advice! Don't clutter your small kitchen big amount various accessories and decorations. Less is better. Two or three bright accessories or two or three paintings are the best choice.

    Mirrors. Use mirrors in the interior; they visually expand spaces and reflect light. You can simply hang a small mirror on the wall or order mirrored doors for kitchen cabinets.

    Crystal Chandelier. Transparent and shiny decorative elements are ideal for very small spaces, as any experienced decorator will confirm. Therefore, you can safely hang a crystal chandelier on the ceiling.

We can say that a small kitchen of 6 sq. m is not the best field for creativity. But there is another side to the coin: after all, a small room is your opportunity to show your ingenuity, to make the room so functional that the owners spacious kitchens they will only be amazed.

Light colors will be your assistant in decorating a small kitchen, because such a color scheme will help to visually enlarge the space

Let's talk about the features of creating layout and design in kitchens with an area of ​​6 square meters. m. Having studied the main aspects, we will demonstrate photographs of existing interiors, whose design can be implemented exactly or approximately, thereby making a very functional and comfortable kitchen.

In order to save precious meters in your kitchen, it is best to install kitchen furniture along one of the walls, having previously decided on the location of the work area and refrigerator

Small kitchen layout

The first thing you should start with when renovating a small kitchen is creating a furniture layout plan. The layout can be linear, angular, double-row or U-shaped, the choice depends on your ideas and wishes.

Linear layout

The method of linear furniture placement is when all the drawers, cabinets and stove are located on one wall, which saves space and makes cooking more convenient.

Don’t think that a small kitchen cannot embody any style; if you wish, you can decorate even the smallest room stylishly and tastefully, in one style or another

Perfect option, if only cooking is planned in the kitchen, and the dining area is located in another room. However, with such a layout there will be enough space to create a dining area directly in the kitchen.

U-shaped layout

The U-shaped arrangement can also be used effectively. All furniture will be located against three walls, but there will not be too much space inside the kitchen. The layout is suitable for those who want to make the most productive use of a small area of ​​the room. The kitchen will accommodate a lot of dishes and household appliances, but the dining table will not fit.

Corner layout

The kitchen has 6 sq. m, you can also use the option with a corner placement of the set: furniture is installed against the walls at a right angle, and a dining table can be placed opposite. Corner kitchen allows you to install enough drawers and cabinets and at the same time make the room quite spacious.

Two-row layout

You can use a double-sided arrangement, when the furniture is installed against opposite walls: one will be convenient for cooking, the other will act as a dining area.

A small kitchen decorated in cream tones, cocoa shades or universal white will look stylish, good and cozy

Features of the design and furnishing of a 6 sq.m. kitchen. m.

Furniture is the main component of the kitchen, but standard furnishings are not suitable for a small room. For example, sets are usually made for kitchens from 8 square meters. m., so custom-made kitchens are often purchased for small spaces. But its design will best suit your preferences.

  • Use two basic principles: functionality and lack of details. There should not be too much cabinet furniture; it is advisable to choose cabinets that are quite narrow (no more than 80 cm) and high. Folding countertops, pull-out systems for dishes and other cutlery, deep drawers - all this is also relevant for small kitchens.

  • In kitchens where there is a small niche, you can install a set in this space. Although, it is usually not possible to place a large kitchen in a niche, so this option is suitable if you only need a sink, kitchen table and a stove, and you don’t need a large number of boxes.

  • In a small kitchen, instead of a regular table, you can install a compact bar counter, which will be an excellent decorative element.

Kitchen design style 6 sq. m.


An excellent option for a small room, but it must be used correctly: the kitchen should not be overloaded with heavy window decorations or large chandeliers. Decorative elements and furnishings should be small and compact, without much chic (which only adds volume).

Important: traditionally, the classic style is a pompous design, which is more relevant for spacious rooms. Therefore, fully implement the style concept in a 6 sq. m kitchen. m. it won't work.

You can create the appropriate atmosphere with the help of decorative elements: stucco moldings, paintings, wooden furniture, mirrors in classic design. The background color should be light colors.

An excellent design solution would be a bright accent in lighting placed on a chandelier; it is important to choose a model that is original in design and ideally harmonizes with the overall style of the kitchen.


This is one of the best styles for decorating small kitchens. It is characterized by minimalism, the absence of optional elements, modular furniture- everything you need to decorate a small room.

Practicality is the main idea of ​​the style: in modernism it is necessary to correctly plan the arrangement of furniture so that it can be used as conveniently as possible. And this is also true for a kitchen of 6 square meters. meters. Other characteristic features of the style that would be appropriate for a small-sized kitchen: built-in appliances and bright, glossy furniture.

The style is also characterized by the correct placement of light (with emphasis on functional zones). To increase the amount of natural light in the kitchen, you can expand the window opening, and decorate the windows with light materials to create a sense of space.

High tech

No matter how well this style goes with small rooms, it should be included in the review due to its popularity. In addition, technology (main distinguishing feature style) are constantly being improved. The kitchen usually contains a large number of modern household appliances, mostly built-in.

High-tech kitchens are a combination of modern style, always up-to-date quality and comfort

Other features of high-tech design: glossy coatings, an abundance of glass, metal, straight lines, a minimum of decor. Considering that rooms in this style usually look quite compact, it is great for use in a 6 sq. m kitchen. m.

Contrasting colors are used, bright red is not uncommon. The style is characterized by leaving pipes and ventilation visible and creating from them decorative elements. The windows are metal, without design or additional attributes. Plain roller blinds are suitable for decoration.

Country style

This option is suitable for lovers of naturalness and comfort. The design uses textiles, wooden or wickerwork, and ordinary household appliances.

The Provence style is decorated in approximately the same way, although traditionally French details may be present: forged elements, stylized curtains, elegant furniture.

Color design

In a small room it is necessary to choose especially wisely color design, because it largely depends on him appearance cuisine, including its spatial representation.

  • For a kitchen 6 sq. m. optimal choice there will be light colors, and cold ones will make it visually more spacious, warm ones will give it coziness.
  • The perfect solution for finishing the walls, floor and ceiling of the kitchen - pastel light motifs - blue, beige, yellow, white;

  • A kitchen decorated in white with the addition of red details will look very fashionable;
  • For greater lightness and space, you can use light glass cabinets.

Tip: The design of a small kitchen is usually not combined with the use of dark motifs, although they may be present in small quantities, in the form of small accents. And it is advisable to place them at the bottom (for example, blue bottom drawers and white top ones).

To create additional space, use the following techniques:

  1. Instead of a standard dining table, use a folding design; it can also act as an additional surface when cooking;
  2. Place the refrigerator in the hallway or install a compact model. This the best way kitchen design for those who do not cook often;
  3. Install the kitchen door so that it opens outward. Not an obvious option, although very logical and practical;
  4. To visually enlarge the kitchen, you can use material of the same color and texture in finishing the floor and countertop;
  5. Create a table from a window sill: it can act as a full-fledged table or be a continuation of the present one (then the tabletop will be wide and look very stylish);
  6. The apron can be made from small mosaics: it will look compact and aesthetically pleasing;
  7. The size of the countertop should not be small even in a kitchen with an area of ​​6 square meters. m.;
  8. It is better to choose built-in appliances, and place all household appliances in drawers;
  9. Plumbing - it should be complete, for example, a small kitchen is not a reason to refuse a chimney over the stove.

Transparent or glass objects and furniture will look modern and stylish in your kitchen

When arranging furniture, household appliances and other things, use the maximum usable space. The easiest way to do this is to leave no gaps.

Place the microwave oven in a cabinet, install rails for dishes, choose a set with top drawers, the doors of which open not to the sides, but upwards (instead of two doors, one wide door). Optimize space with various pull-out systems - shelves and drawers. You can also use folding chairs.

It is very important that the furniture in your kitchen is spacious, but the main thing is not to overdo it with furnishings - there should be as few of them as possible

Lighting for a small kitchen 6 sq. m

Modern small kitchen design involves planning lighting taking into account the correct functional division - the dining area should be different from the cooking area.

An abundance of cabinets, bedside tables, and shelves can create a cluttered effect, and the kitchen will seem even smaller

  • In a small kitchen, small lamps installed pointwise in places where emphasis needs to be placed will be relevant. In this case, there should be a lot of light, that is, it is necessary to think about high-quality basic lighting.
  • To decorate the room, you can use halogen lamps, and use glossy coatings and mirrors to decorate surfaces. Decorative lighting for furniture items will also be relevant.
  • Natural light should be present in a small kitchen more than in any other room, so heavy fabrics are not suitable for window decoration.

Design of a small kitchen 6 sq. m: design examples

Here are ideas for small kitchens, on the basis of which it is quite possible to implement a unique project. The kitchen will be as functional, comfortable and practical as possible.

Kitchen design with window sill-table in lime color

There is no need to fill a small kitchen with bulky patterns or a large number of paintings; just a couple will be enough decorative accents

To decorate a small kitchen of 6 sq. m., her visual expansion, a variety of lighting was used. In addition to the massive window with bright roller blinds The room has lamps on the ceiling and lighting above the table. Paintings complement the interior, and decorative details are located on the shelves.

Kitchen design with integrated refrigerator

The interior of a small kitchen is decorated using three primary colors with bright accents - beige color goes well with white and gray motifs. The decoration includes natural (ceramics, wood), artificial (plastic) and modern (metal) materials. The coatings are mostly glossy, without decorative patterns.

The ceiling is made on two levels, white colors visually expand the space. The floor is made of ceramics with small beige patterns. Walls pastel color, against their background other interior shades look good. The apron is designed in the form of a light-colored brick wall, making a small kitchen of 6 sq. m with a refrigerator goes well with the furniture.

Closed facades - for installation of built-in equipment; The chimney is also located in them. A white table with chairs that have contrasting orange accents. There is a lot of light in the interior - compact lamps are installed everywhere. Plus - big window with an orange curtain. There is little decor in the kitchen: a few coasters, a vase of flowers.

Dim, light furniture- this is what you need for a small kitchen; it will not look bulky, especially when it almost merges with the background color of the walls

In the interior design of a small kitchen from 5 to 10 square meters. meters, proportions, properly selected furniture and a comfortable set are very important. And you can visually increase the space with the help of light finishes.
How to do it right?
– look at the examples!

At the core good repair lies a strictly thought-out (by you or your designer) scheme or design project. But the main thing is to choose the right furniture modules and arrange the furniture in the most practical way.

Small kitchen design ideas

In the interior of a small kitchen, it is very important to use smart, non-standard furniture - for example, narrow dishwashers, narrow countertops for a certain area, shallow cabinets, 2-burner (rather than 4-burner) hobs etc. In addition, pay attention to built-in household appliances - regular and mini-refrigerators, ovens and microwaves built into upper or tall cabinets, and so on.

Using real examples that we found in Russia, Poland, Sweden, the USA and other countries, we will consider different ideas for small kitchen design.

Kitchen-living room

A small kitchen can become more comfortable and spacious if you decide to combine it with the living room or simply place a dining room in the living room. Thanks to this, the kitchen will have a lot of free space. If you decide to remodel and open space, then you will need kitchen island or a peninsula to organize an ergonomic culinary area.

An open plan isn't just good for large spaces. country houses, but also in ordinary apartments. Combining a living room with an area of ​​20 square meters and a kitchen of 7 square meters, you get a luxurious space of 27 square meters, with two windows, a balcony, but now with one door, which by the way also saves space!

Despite the fact that the glass kitchen apron is universal solution for kitchen design, for a small room it is even more preferable, as it visually makes the space more spacious and bright. Such a kitchen apron can contain landscapes (natural and urban), photo prints from a personal family photo collection, ornaments and designer drawings.

Peninsula or kitchen island

In the interior of a small kitchen, many people are saved by a peninsula or a kitchen island, which is both a dining area and a worktop. With this approach, space is used twice as efficiently! Bar stools can be transparent, for example, acrylic. By the way, most often they are also narrower than usual, which also has a positive effect on the overall image of the kitchen.

A peninsula, like an island, can contain various elements on the countertop and in the cabinets. Stove, sink, dishwasher, range hood, wine or regular refrigerator.

For a small kitchen, the best design project is based on light color scheme, for example, pale cream, white, beige, pale gray. You can easily add bright, deep or pastel accents to this picture to make your interior more original and interesting.
has a positive effect not only on perception small space, but also on your lifestyle, accustoms you to order.

White tones are best combined with ornaments, mother-of-pearl, unusual accents, luxurious fabrics and other exquisite details. Let this be the backdrop for two or three luxurious items that will be the highlight of your design project.

Corner set for a small kitchen

A corner set is often the most practical solution for a small room from 5 to 10 square meters. After moving the radiator, you can place the unit along the window, which will save you space that otherwise would not be used at all.

A corner set is suitable for most kitchens and almost always saves owners of small apartments from inconvenience in cooking.

Interior design and kitchen layout 5-6 sq. meters

In the interior of a kitchen with an area of ​​5-6 square meters, minimalism is valued above all else. This does not mean that you should take this particular style as the basis for your project, just adhere to its basic principles for any design option. For example, do not buy too many bright items, and if you want multi-colored dishes, take pastel (pink, blue, yellow) colors.

Convenient layout for a 6 sq.m. kitchen. meters

One of the most standard kitchen layouts with an area of ​​6-7 square meters (or even 4-5 square meters) looks like this. Of course, standard size Not much can fit here, so it’s best to use everything (even dishes) in a smaller format.

And this is what the interior of such a kitchen will look like after the renovation is completed. IN in this case it is decorated with beige cabinetry, gray flooring and wooden countertops. It turned out very cozy!

This kitchen will be an ideal addition to a small apartment in panel house. In addition, if you make an entrance to the kitchen from the living room, then due to the passage in the corridor you can enlarge the bathroom and toilet if you want. Or you can move the dining group to the living room, and expand the bathroom and toilet by wet zone kitchens.

Kitchen layout 6 sq. meters along the wall with a window

Another option for arranging furniture in the kitchen is along the window opposite the door, where there is a dining group on the left, and a kitchen set in front on the right. This layout is very versatile and can also suit a kitchen where the window is on the left or right.

And this is how such a kitchen will look in real life, when the dining group is on the left, and the suite is in front and on the right. You can carefully place the upper cabinets so that they are located in different parts rooms without blocking the window.

Kitchen layout 6 sq. meters standard type

This option has a dining room for two people and an L-shaped set, which is quite suitable for small rooms. Carefully consider this and other layouts and try to try each of them on in your kitchen. This way you can figure out what suits you best.

Below we see what this layout would look like when decorating a kitchen in a Scandinavian style. Here it is used high table with bar stools, which can also be a worktop.

Layout and design of a narrow kitchen 6 sq. meters

A narrow kitchen with an area of ​​6 square meters is especially inconvenient. But you can arrange the furniture so that there is even enough space for a fashionable bar counter. Take a look at the layout and interior photos below.

And this is how it is in practice similar layout will look from the corridor. On the right there will be tall modules for built-in appliances and storage, and the countertop will be along the window and along the right wall.

Kitchen layout with countertop along the window

Below is an excellent layout of a 6 square meter kitchen with a refrigerator, dishwasher, sink and stove, as well as a bar counter with a worktop instead of a dining group. Please note that the door to the room in this case can be located on the lower wall on the right or on the right wall.

This is what a similar kitchen layout will look like if you place furniture modules on the right wall. This kitchen really has an area of ​​6 square meters, but is beautiful bright apron and the floor, white furniture and walls make it visually more voluminous.

Interior design and kitchen layout 7-8 sq. meters

In kitchen interior design bigger size you have more options. In this case, it will suit you more complex circuit layouts. Here the zones are divided into five colors: “Stocks” (food), “Storage” (dishes), “Washing”, “Preparation” (cutting, for example), “Cooking” (stove). Using the two pictures below (diagrams and table) you can see what your kitchen could look like.

So, the most standard arrangement is this: on the left is the stove, on the right is the sink, which makes the kitchen corner. Depending on the size of each wall, the refrigerator appears either to the left or to the right of such a set. In the remaining space there is a dining group.

If your kitchen is narrow and long, then you will need a different type of furniture, and best of all - in a minimalist style, in a Scandinavian style or in a neoclassical style. They are best suited for narrow rooms.

In the interior design of a small kitchen, the issue of a radiator and a door to a loggia or balcony is acute. We advise you to always remodel and attach this space to total area kitchens for more convenient placement of the set. The radiator should be moved to another location for many reasons - aesthetic, practical (place the countertop along the wall with a window). Agree, without it the wall with a window looks much more beautiful.

Example narrow kitchen(in neoclassical style) we found in one American home. Because the radiator was moved away from the window, there was room for a wine refrigerator. The stove is located opposite the sink, and the dining area is located in the living room.

Another luxurious design option for a small kitchen using space along the window and a Scandinavian-style bar counter. It looks simply amazingly elegant and stylish, a great option for a Moscow apartment.

In the interior of a kitchen of 8 square meters with a set along the window, you can even afford some excesses, for example, you can put a sink here near the window. It will look amazing!

IN non-standard projects(especially where a loggia or balcony has been added to the total area of ​​the kitchen), try to use the new space more effectively, for example, to place a dining group there or even the set itself!

Interior design and kitchen layout 9-10 sq. meters

If your kitchen is about 9-10 square meters, then you have a lot more room to maneuver. In such an area you can create an interior “like in the picture” by simply choosing good furniture And beautiful finish. These are the layouts available to you in various options.

In a kitchen design of 9 square meters, bright colors on a light background will look very good. You can opt for an accent wall in a bright shade, like in the photo below:

And in a kitchen design with an area of ​​10 square meters, especially with an attached loggia, you can easily install a bar counter like this for four, which looks very impressive:

In the Scandinavian style, a kitchen with an area of ​​9 square meters will have a miniature set with a small refrigerator, but the dining room will be full. Decide which layout will be more convenient for you and your family:

In the interior design of a kitchen of 10 square meters, a full-fledged dining group can fit right in the kitchen, and the set can accommodate various additional modules. True, if you want to get more modern look kitchens, it is best to place the set along the window anyway; It is worth choosing a set that is small in depth and especially the upper cabinets.

Fashionable styles for decorating a small kitchen

Below we look at the most popular small kitchens.

Modern style in kitchen design

Modern style, on this moment is the most budget solution in the design of a small kitchen. So, you can buy a set of laminated chipboard 2-2.4 meters wide for 10-16 thousand rubles from some local factory, with good choice colors. More reputable companies will provide you with additional glossy modules, unusual countertops and decorative details, but they are not at all necessary for a comfortable kitchen in a modern style.

Today, even manufacturers working in budget segment, offer a fairly high-quality imitation valuable species wood (for example, zebrawood or rosewood), so when careful choice For a person with taste, there is no point in overpaying for a fashionable brand name.

We advise you to buy beautiful household appliances for such a kitchen, for example, steel for wooden set kitchens, black gloss for a white kitchen, etc. These two elements (set and appliances) will be the basis of your budget design kitchen interior in modern style.

And also in such an interior you can add bright accents and ornaments (chevron, Moroccan mosaic, etc.).

Scandinavian style in kitchen design

The Scandinavian style in the design of a small kitchen is one of the most popular in Europe, as it very luxuriously (for example, Arabic mosaics, gloss, purple glass dishes or rose gold) emphasizes the light palette.

The design in this style is based on Scandinavian-style furniture and finishing materials. Usually it is tile or mosaic, refreshing bright accents the interior of an almost completely white room.

Here it could be like open plan, and the usual one. In the design of a Scandinavian-style kitchen, posters, open shelves, plants, as well as fashionable lamps in the loft style are relevant.
The dining group can be decorated either in the Scandinavian style or, while one of the walls is often decorated with decorative brickwork(for example, a wall near the group dining room). For reasons of economy, upper cabinets may be absent, then open shelves will appear in their place.

Minimalism style in kitchen design

Minimalist kitchen design is perhaps the most practical style of all, making it ideal for a small kitchen. True, unlike modern or Scandinavian style, sets in this style (as well as furniture, household appliances and dishes) are more expensive.

Nowadays, colors such as white, beige, latte, pale gray, dark gray, gloss black and matte black are popular in the design of a small kitchen in the minimalist style. For example, a set and some finishing materials may be in gloss black. Most often, these are ceramics, porcelain stoneware or marble on the countertop, apron and floor. In this case, the walls are usually simply painted white or pale gray.

Provence style in kitchen design

The Provence style in kitchen interior design is rustic, cozy and bright. For the set, white, pale gray, pale blue or blue tones are usually used, and light shades are used to decorate the room.

Accents in a Provence style kitchen are very elegant and cute, for example, porcelain dishes with Provence style ornaments (roses, birds, flowers, Gzhel). The textiles are impressive in quality and look very French (for example, pink, purple, pale blue and lilac are popular today kitchen towels, curtains and tablecloths, chair covers). In addition, a crystal chandelier will look more authentic in such a kitchen; although matte suspended ceiling with spotlights it also looks good in this style.

The design of the set necessarily uses glazing for buffet cabinets. It's good if she's on glass doors into the room and onto the balcony, as well as on the windows. Another important part of this interior is the kitchen apron. Traditionally, it is made of ceramic tiles, plain or with rustic motifs in the form of inserts.

Neoclassicism in kitchen interior design

Neoclassical style cannot always be beautifully integrated into the interior of a small kitchen, but with a professional designer it is quite possible. For example, look at the 5 square meter kitchen design in the photo below. It is made in the neoclassical style, has a peninsula, built-in household appliances, a white set located in a niche, and a beautiful suspended ceiling with lighting.

Neoclassicism as a style has French roots and is used in homes in France, the USA and Canada and many other countries. In Russia, this style is not yet as popular as, for example, traditional country or modern style, but is actively growing in the premium segment.

Due to the massive set, neoclassical furniture looks out of place in a small kitchen only if the finishing materials and accents are dark.
If everything is light, then even in a kitchen with an area of ​​5-6 square meters standard layout, you can create an oasis of beauty and elegance. It is best to complement such an interior with marble, silver, gold, crystal and mirror elements and decor.