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How to open a lock if it is broken. How to open a door if the lock is jammed

An unpleasant surprise can await a person at the most inopportune moment. Inserting into keyhole key and waiting for the usual characteristic click of the door opening, you may encounter a persistent reluctance of the mechanism to perform the usual action and urgently let the owner into the apartment.

What to do if and how to deal with the problem on your own, without waiting for the arrival of a specialist, who, even with an urgent call, can be slow? There are ways to resolve this situation, each of which depends on the specific reason for the malfunction of the lock.

How to deal with a broken door lock?

The door lock may be completely broken, and then the only option will be to dismantle and replace it, but most often the breakdown can be repaired on your own. The malfunction can manifest itself in two ways: the device does not open when closed door and doesn't want to close when it's open. In this case (when the door does not close), you need to make sure that the whole problem is in the lock, and not in the door leaf that has sagged on the old hinges or debris that has gotten into the hole for the tongue to enter. To do this, turn the lock handle several times open door, and if it is still confirmed that the lock is broken, then you will have to start disassembling the case and prepare the materials and tools necessary for the work:

  • screwdriver;
  • tweezers;
  • a small brush with hard bristles (can be replaced with an old toothbrush);
  • soft fabric;
  • kerosene;
  • machine oil.

First of all, unscrew the mounting screws and remove door lock and lay him on flat surface. Then they begin to disassemble the case itself; to do this, remove the screws holding the cover. Having opened it, inspect the inside of the device to identify broken or deformed parts. Immediately you need to use tweezers to clean all possible places from dirt and dust. The reason may be in the bolt lever or springs, one of which serves to return the lever to its proper place, and the second holds the latch. If you find that the bolt bar is bent, you can straighten it by holding it in a vice. Broken springs will have to be replaced, and those that have jumped out of the fastenings will have to be installed in their proper place.

Before removing parts, you should remember the diagram of their location, so as not to later encounter a misunderstanding of where they were installed.

All removed elements must be washed with kerosene and wiped dry with a soft cloth. Assembled structure lubricate with machine oil, then install the cover and return the lock to its original place.

How to open a door with a broken lock?

A more difficult situation arises when the door lock breaks while the door is closed. In these cases, even the most confident people fall into complete confusion and feel helpless. It becomes especially offensive when the key in the keyhole does not want to not only turn, but also to be pulled out of it. What to do if the key itself is broken and there are no available tools to remove it from the lock slot? The fact that to repair a device you need to at least open the door is clear even to a layman. There are several clever ways to do this.

You can try to press the door. You will need a screwdriver, a metal ruler or a regular plastic card. Any of these items is inserted into the gap between the door leaf and the frame exactly in the place where the tongue is located lock system. The tool is tilted towards the handle and they try to push it as deeply as possible along the tongue with a sliding movement. Then they try to move the latch with one hand, and with the other they pull the door in their direction.

If the design allows you to unscrew the visible bolts, then this can be done with a penknife or a nail file, and then squeeze out the locking mechanism. In particularly serious cases, knocking out the cylinder or drilling it out is applicable. The last way to deal with a jammed lock is to cut the door off its hinges using a grinder.

Concerned about the inaccessibility of their homes to intruders, people are increasingly replacing standard wooden entrance doors with metal ones and acquiring the latest types of locks. But one not-so-wonderful day a situation arises, generally standard, but still unexpected: the key is lost or the lock is broken. And the question: how to open a metal door if the lock is broken - has to be solved not theoretically, but in practice and urgently.

There is a very simple solution - call a locksmith, he will open the door, and everything will be fine. HOWEVER, if you cannot prove that this iron door closes the entrance to your apartment, neither the locksmith nor the employees of a specialized company will do anything. If you do not have a passport with registration with you, you have only one option left: to get into your apartment by stealth, that is, to break into your own door. After all, if the lock on your iron door is broken, how can you open it otherwise?

If the door is iron and truly made to last, then it is certainly not possible to break it. It is also impossible for the same reason to drill out the lock. Therefore, you will have to open it using the method used by burglars. In order to do this, you need to have at least the most general idea of ​​what modern models are.

There are quite a significant number of types of locks. In our country, three of them are most widespread:

  • level;
  • cylinder;
  • disk.

Disc ones are not used very often, but cylinder and lever ones are extremely popular in our country. The point is not that they have some kind of super-reliability (in fairness, it must be said that opening them is not difficult for a professional burglar). It’s just that in our country the production of models of exactly these types has been established.

For a person who suddenly faces a burning problem, how to open iron door, if the lock is broken, some optimism is inspired by the thought that if a professional thief, who ate the dog at this, would open this door in two minutes, then the owner of the apartment will be able to cope with this task in just two or three hours. And he is not far from the truth, if, of course, he has at least the most general idea about the device.

As we have already written, you don’t have to suffer yourself, but call specialists either from the housing and communal services, or from private company— learn in detail about opening locks metal doors http://opening locks36.rf/2/metal-doors.html. But in any case, it will take time and you will have to spend some money. Therefore, you can at least try to open the door yourself.

Level locks

It is known that each lock and each key are individual. The key must fit its lock absolutely. That is, the configuration of the key inserted into the keyhole must exactly match the configuration of the pins, or levers.

The design of such a lock is quite complex, it is designed to complicate the hacking process. Levers, of which there can be up to six pieces in such a lock, block the movement of the bolt. The deadbolt is the part of the locking mechanism that holds the door closed.

The essence of the operation of a lever lock is that the key, turning in the keyhole, alternately lowers the pins and moves the bolt forward. If the grooves of the key correspond to the configuration of the levers, they move down, releasing the blocked bolt. Each turn of the key contributes to the free movement of the bolt in one direction or another.

If the key head does not match the lock, the levers do not lower and the locked bolt remains motionless. The more levers in the lock mechanism, the more difficult it is to open without a key.

How to open a lever lock without a key

Even such a complex constipation can be opened with the help of the most simple devices. A paper clip and a thin screwdriver will help solve the problem in no time. Well, if not in a jiffy, then you still have nowhere to rush, after all, this is your apartment.

To open lever lock With these simple devices, one end of the paper clip must be bent and inserted into the hole along with a screwdriver. Using a screwdriver, you need to push the bolt back until it stops, and holding it in this position, with the bent end of a paper clip, lower all the levers one by one until they click, after which the bolt will move back, also until it clicks, which will correspond to one turn of the key. This operation should be repeated several times until the lock opens completely.


Approximately the same principle of operation is incorporated into cylinder locks, only the role of levers in it is played by pins. The pins consist of upper and lower pins, each pair of pins (upper and lower) is connected to each other by a spring. The configuration of the upper surface of the pins must match the configuration of the lower surface of the key.

How to open a cylinder lock without a key

If a match occurs, the key unlocks the pins from the bolt and the mechanism can rotate freely. In order to open such a lock without a key, you need to insert a paper clip bent at the end and another straight paper clip into the keyhole. A straight paperclip is needed in order to one by one lift all the pins inside the lock, and a bent one so that when the pins are lifted, rotate the mechanism in the direction of opening.

If you succeed in this operation, then consider yourself lucky, since you are not a professional and do not perform such actions every day. Well, if your efforts were not crowned with success, that is, the lock broke, you don’t know how to open an iron door? The only thing that remains for you is to surrender to the mercy of the local inspector and a company specializing in opening broken locks; in principle, this can be done right away without unnecessary pain.

A lock on an entrance door is such a familiar device for everyone that people stopped paying attention to it long ago. Every day, when we come home, we mechanically insert the key into the keyhole, without thinking that we also need to take care of the locking mechanism. And, unfortunately, after a while, when we once again enter the door and discover that the lock cannot be opened with the key, there is no one to blame. Let's discuss what to do in such a situation.

Why won't the key turn in the lock?

If the key does not turn in the lock, this is a sure sign of problems either with the secret mechanism or with the key. It is much easier to figure out the reasons for a key failure than a mechanism failure, if only because access to the inside of the lock is very limited. Before you begin to deal with lock malfunctions, you should determine the type of its secret mechanism. According to the type of secret, locks are divided into:

  • level;
  • cylinder;
  • rack and pinion;
  • magnetic.

Important! To determine the type of lock you don’t need to be an expert, just look at the key. Leveler keys are very different from cylinder lock keys.

Typical causes of lock faults

To open magnetic and rack locks, you do not need to turn the key, so we will not consider them. As for lever and cylinder locking devices, this problem is more than relevant for them. If the key in the lever and cylinder lock does not turn, then there may be reasons for this.

  1. Key malfunction. Quite often, “flimsy” keys from cylinder locks They break if they are not used for their intended purpose: they open bottles with them, use them as a tool, or cause damage by accident. It is highly not recommended to push a key whose tip has broken off or whose tooth has come off.
  2. Hitting secret mechanism garbage and dirt. The cylinder lock is sensitive to dirt because its mechanism is miniature. Grains of sand, falling between the pins, stop them and prevent them from working. Dirt gets into the lock in different ways: it can be pushed in by an intruder, it can penetrate into the secret along with a smeared key, or it can accumulate in the form of compressed lumps of dust over time.
  3. Attempt to break the lock. If an attempt to break into a cylinder lock is unsuccessful, the mechanism may “refuse to accept the original key.” In this case, you can freely insert it into the keyhole, but you may not be able to turn it or pull it back out.
  4. Factory defect or incorrect installation. If you have just started using the lock, the inability to turn the key in it may be due to a defect that was caused by jamming of the mechanism. Or the locking device was not installed correctly.
  5. Wear. It is not surprising that a heavily worn lock will fail at one not-so-wonderful moment. But such a refusal is usually preceded by numerous cases of biting the key. IN in this case the malfunction is entirely on the conscience of the owner, because it was he who allowed such wear and tear and did not take any measures.

What to do if a lever or cylinder lock is stuck?

If you have the misfortune of inserting cylinder lock key with defects, then be prepared for the fact that it will not only not turn, but will also become firmly stuck in the keyhole. The first thing to do in such a situation is not to panic and not to try to make great efforts while trying to turn the key in the keyhole. A weak key may break in half, making the problem worse.

Take WD-40 fluid or, as a last resort, machine oil and lubricate as much as possible better key and the interior of the castle. Then, using a rocking motion, try to remove the key from the keyhole. Once this is done, inspect it for damage. If any are found, go to a key specialist and ask them to make a working duplicate. If parts of the old key are not stuck in the lock mechanism, then a duplicate will open it.

If the key in the lock does not turn due to dirt, then the cylinder lock, as well as the lever lock, must first be lubricated with WD-40. Plus, before trying to open it again, you need to try pressing or pressing the door leaf to facilitate the movement of the crossbars. Such a lubricant can help loosen the dirt in the mechanism and make it difficult for you to open it.

Important! After the lock opens, you will have to open its body and thoroughly clean the mechanism from dirt, foreign objects and thickened lubricant.

If they tried to open your lock with a master key and damaged the mechanism, then it will be impossible to open it with a key. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to immediately understand that they tried to open the lock. The only way out is to try to perform all the above actions, and only then resort to a rough opening.

A rough opening will help with any damage to the lock mechanism, when to open it manipulative methods is no longer possible. In case the above problem occurs with cylinder lock, you can resort to drilling out its larva. Take a drill and a thin blade screwdriver. Bend the tip of the screwdriver to create a tool called a roller. Insert a metal drill bit into the drill.

You need to drill out the cylinder very carefully at low speeds. The fact is that the lock cylinder can be protected with carbide inclusions, so high speed the drill can be easily broken. Having drilled out the cylinder, you can insert a screwdriver into it and remove it. After this, using a roll, you can move the bolt in the direction of opening the lock.

The lever lock can also be opened using a drill. To do this you need to damage fastener holding the bolt. The problem is that this mount is quite small and its location is not easy. It is best to find on the Internet a drawing of the lock model that you have installed and determine the location of the element you are looking for exactly according to the drawing, so there is less chance of making a mistake. Once the place has been found, you can drill through the door leaf and fasten the bolt through; as soon as this succeeds, consider the door to be open.

When faced with the problem of being unable to open a lock with a key, do not panic. Remember, there are no hopeless situations. As a last resort, you can always call a door opening specialist. Fortunately, there are plenty of companies that sell the services of such specialists.

It often happens that when returning home and dreaming of relaxation, you suddenly discover that the front door cannot be opened because the lock is jammed. What to do in such a situation? It is better not to rush to break down the door or call specialists, because you can open the lock yourself without damaging the door. The nature and causes of the breakdown will tell you how to act in this situation.

Why can a door lock jam?

Exists a large number of reasons due to which this mechanism may jam. It doesn’t matter what quality and cost it is. They have not yet created a lock with a perfect design that would work perfectly and not break.

Before it breaks down, any mechanism begins to show certain signs. If he starts to eat, then after a while the key will stop turning altogether. In this case, you need to think about changing the lock, otherwise one fine day you may simply not close or open the locking mechanism that is jammed. Only specialists can save the situation, whose call is quite expensive.

To avoid jamming the lock, you need to familiarize yourself with with the most common reasons for its failure:

Thus, there are a large number of reasons due to which the mechanism begins to be damaged. If you do not take preventive measures, you will not be able to avoid its breakdown.

What to do if the lock is jammed

If such a nuisance does occur, then you can try to find a way out of this situation. For this purpose, a large number of the most in a variety of ways, simple and quite complex. You can use available tools, for example, wires or pins, or special tools, such as a screwdriver, grinder, pliers, drill, crowbar, etc. Some even use special mechanical master keys.

If you cannot cope with the current situation on your own, then it is better to use the services of a mechanic from a utility service or call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. There are also special companies, providing emergency door opening services.

How to open a door if the cylinder lock is broken

The following problems arise if the door with the cylinder mechanism is jammed:

  • the key cannot be pulled out in any way;
  • difficult to turn the mechanism;
  • The mechanism creaks during revolutions.

Very often during opening front door jams the lock cylinder or the key gets stuck. What can be done in these cases?

First, using a wire brush, you need to clean the door and lock slots, because the cause of damage may be dust or peeling paint. Then the door lock should be lubricated with kerosene or machine oil, and then turn the key. If the mechanism still jams, you can try to pull out the key with pliers. If this does not help, then you will have to drill out the lock cylinder and replace it with a new one.

Also one of the reasons for jamming may be skew door leaf . In this case, you will need a wedge, screwdriver or chisel. The tool needs to be driven into the place where the door overlaps the frame, after which it is necessary to put the structure in place, using the wedge as a lever. At the same time, pull the handle to open the iron door.

How to open an entrance door with a lever lock

If a problem arises with a lever lock, when the key is jammed after three turns, and it is completely impossible to make a fourth, then you should grind off the longitudinal projections, which prevent the key from positioning incorrectly. After this, you need to insert the key on the other side and try to open the door. However, if there is nothing to grind off such protrusions, then you should press out the keyhole a little and insert the key upside down.

What to do if a key is stuck in the lock

To troubleshoot, you need to find out the reason why it might get stuck. If the lock works great when the door is open, but when closing it starts to get stuck at one of the turns, then you should bore door frame. For this purpose they are used the following tools:

  • drill;
  • file;
  • Bulgarian.

It is also necessary to treat the mechanism with silicone spray and carefully remove the key. To prevent this from happening again, it is best to change the lock.

What to do if the key in the door lock is broken

It is quite difficult to open a lock in which the key has broken. If its tip sticks out, you can try pull it out with pliers. If it is located deep in the mechanism itself, then in this case it will be necessary to use a jigsaw. The thin blade of the tool should be inserted with the teeth up into the keyhole with bottom side, then turn to pick up the key and carefully remove the blade along with the fragment. If the fragment cannot be pulled out, then the lock should be unscrewed and removed.


You should handle the front door lock carefully, because the use of brute force, as well as improper operation, often leads to it jamming, and then it completely breaks. Because of this, you can suffer certain financial losses if you cannot open the door yourself and you have to call a technician.