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How to please a man? Advice from psychologists on how to quickly win over a man or guy. What to do to make a guy like you

Do you agree that the eternal female problem lies in attracting male attention? Of course, there are a number of other problems, be it “a closet is full, but nothing to wear”, “I bought shoes, but the bag doesn’t fit, so I urgently need new skirt", "lipstick is red, and my car is green" ...

But the most pressing women's question: how to please a guy? It would seem nothing complicated: a shorter skirt, a brighter manicure. However, modern girls, with all their rich arsenal usual means, are increasingly coming to the conclusion that external “highlights” alone are not quite enough.

Is it so? Today, together with the online magazine, we will look into this issue.

Is it worth taking the initiative yourself?

The traditional form of a woman’s behavior in the situation “I like him, but doesn’t notice me” has been established for almost centuries: a girl should not be the first to take the initiative.

Modern psychologists practically shout with one voice: a girl has the right to take the first step in order to please a guy, and sometimes she even has to be active. Otherwise, how can you let a guy know that you like him?

Experts in the field of psychology strongly recommend that you first carefully analyze the situation on the following points:

1) What type of men do you like? (to determine the appropriate type of men, we recommend going through:)

2) Does the object you choose match your type?

3) What do you want from a guy and from a relationship in general?

We agree that the questions addressed to one’s own “I” are quite extensive. The answer may not always be unambiguous, but it must be specific.

Down with abstractions and internal uncertainty! First of all, psychologists recommend understanding these points, because if your favorite object does not live up to your hopes, is it even worth spending time on it?

What if he really is “the one”?

If you understand that he is really “He”, and life without him appears in dim colors, then you can continue to analyze the situation.

Watch the guy, find out why he doesn't pay attention to you. Perhaps he has serious reasons for this? For example, a young man may well be married or already in a couple with someone.

Or perhaps he has a different sexual orientation.

If you are sure of the opposite, then psychologists recommend taking control of the situation and helping the guy fall in love with you.

So, 20 tips to help a guy like you:

Oddly enough, but experts still advise turning the primary attention to appearance . Well-groomed hair, beautiful manicure and neat clothes are the standards for a memorable female image.

Perhaps you should buy a couple of dresses that fit your figure perfectly? It's a rare guy who won't pay attention to the seductive silhouette.

Here we can confidently add that well-tailored dresses will undoubtedly improve your mood.

If you are just about to have a first date, then use useful tips our article: .

This leads to the second piece of advice from psychologists: smile and enjoy life! A smiling girl arouses interest, you want to approach her, you want to talk to her, you want to smile back at her, finally.

Who doesn't like a friendly, smiling girl in a pleasant mood? Only here there is important nuance: you really have to stay in good mood, and not play the game “you’re here - I laugh, you’re not there - I’m angry.”

The third tip concerns identifying common interests. Perhaps this is one of the most effective ways.

Find out where the young man goes, what he is interested in, what kind of music he listens to, is he interested in football? Maybe he is an avid fisherman, or a passionate car enthusiast, or even a climber.

If you really want to capture his imagination, try living his life: learn the names of football teams, follow the latest in the auto industry, or buy equipment and conquer mountains with him.

Try talking to your friends young man, collect any information about him , since the popular wisdom “who owns the information owns the world” is full of truth.

While collecting information, do not forget about yourself: develop ! Read political news, keep abreast of currency events, study foreign languages, pick up a hobby.

A versatile and enthusiastic girl arouses genuine interest.

Be yourself : remember, guys sense the trick and the game. Don’t try to adapt someone else’s behavior to yourself and try on someone else’s image.

The farce becomes obvious quite quickly, and the feeling of deception will spoil the impression for a long time.

A healthy sense of humor indicates your easy-going nature and ability to defuse situations. Any male person enjoys an easy and relaxed conversation, flavored with an understandable joke.

At the same time, you, in turn, listen carefully young man. No, you don’t need to literally “look into his mouth,” it’s enough to show interest in his person.

Try to make him understand every time the importance of the information you receive from him. People tend to love themselves, and guys are no exception.

X knock down the young man and know: it is simply impossible to over-praise a guy, just like a child. Of course, we are not talking about overt obvious flattery: the guy will immediately understand that you are not entirely sincere.

Tell him what he has beautiful hands, or excellent abs (in this case, you can even ask if he is involved in any kind of sport, especially if you are sure that this is not the case).

Compliment his erudition and resourcefulness, or his ability to expertly fry potatoes.

If something goes wrong in communication, then be more tolerant , show feminine wisdom.

Tolerance, kindness and simplicity are the very feminine virtues that so attract modern men, who are already accustomed to negativity, if not cruelty, from the female sex.

Avoid intrusiveness . Do not confuse obsession with initiative and activity. The latter really inspire men and give, to some extent, confidence and courage.

It's about about a woman’s desire to control everything, everywhere, to claim personal space. It is important to understand that a young person may have his own hobbies, friends, traditions associated with them, or even a desire to read a book alone.

People are extremely different in temperament and character, and if you want a guy to like you, then you should give him more freedom.

Psychology experts advise women not to reveal all their strengths and weaknesses at once.

This must be done carefully, carefully and in doses. Try to warm up the guy's interest in you, remaining a mystery to him, and each time reveal more and more new facets of your personality.

Of course, it sounds quite banal, but guys love extraordinary girls . If you are quiet and modest, make this your “trick”.

Show him that calmness and prudence are your main trump cards in this crazy world.

If you are a temperamental person, you can safely express your passion and rely on your courage and ambition in achieving your goals.

If you are chubby, it will be useful to study the article:.

This should not be underestimated meaning of sport in your life : the fashion for a healthy lifestyle is back. Even if you don't have model parameters, but attend yoga at the same time, you will noticeably lose a couple of extra pounds in the eyes of the desired object.

Ladies who are interested in sports show not only their knowledge of modern trends, but also an interest in their health.

On a subconscious level, the guy will conclude that the girl can potentially give him a healthy baby, and therefore, according to their logic, she is physically attractive.

Tip #15: The way to a man's heart is through his stomach *wink*

Ask a young man about his gastronomic preferences. If you are a skilled cook, it will not be difficult for you special difficulties please him homemade delicacies .

If you are just starting this path, then you can easily master a couple of his favorite recipes and turn them into your crown “masterpieces”. For truly, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach!

Experiment! This is the advice of experts to girls who want to please a young man.

Experts have noticed a trend according to which modern guys increasingly like brave girls. The kind you won't get bored with. Experiment with planning a meeting: dating is a whole field for activity.

You can meet in an unusual place or under unusual circumstances. Or you might want to surprise him and invite him to go skydiving.

I wonder which of you two will be more scared?

When meeting with “Him” avoid excessive talkativeness . You don’t want to be known as a “talker,” do you?

Of course, smart and creative ideas regarding the development of the conversation in one direction or another, our bright female heads do not always attend. Therefore, in order to avoid awkward pauses in conversation, we start talking about everything: about the weather, about fashion, or about sunbeams on the asphalt.

Also not worth it compare young man with other male representatives. Especially out loud. Especially with him.

You must understand that every man has individuality and uniqueness. Better tell him about his unsurpassed charisma.

Take care of “Him” . Of course, it is not necessary to knit him a wool scarf. But it is possible.

Show concern for his problems, but do not turn into a “vest”. Listening to a guy say that he is tired of whitewashing the ceiling at his dacha today is one thing, but hearing about his constant complaints about his work is another.

Perhaps he will be interested in listening to your advice on some issue. Or you can help him take his mind off the routine.

Unfortunately, with all the above advice, you are unlikely to be able to please a guy if you criticize his parents. Especially the mother.

Remember, the mother of your potential chosen one is a holy woman. Moreover, in every sense. Any comments regarding her person or actions will most likely be perceived negatively.

If you are planning a long-term relationship with a guy, avoid any disputes regarding parents . And if a young man asks you to make him a pie according to an old family recipe kept by his mother, then maybe you should listen?

At a minimum, in this way you will please the guy, and at the maximum, and perhaps even a wise like-minded person and comrade-in-arms in the difficult struggle to win a man’s heart.

If your relationship begins with virtual acquaintance, then you will probably find the advice from our article useful: .

Remember, every man is an individual who needs an individual approach. Be confident in yourself and you will succeed!

The first date is usually very important for potential couples. A man makes his first impression about you, which then significantly influences his attitude towards you.

How to behave to keep his interest

Be open, but not intrusive. You shouldn’t flirt all the way with a man you barely know yet. If you like a young man, then give him compliments, react to his jokes and try to joke yourself. Many girls, coming back from a date, realize that they have learned practically nothing about their interlocutor because... They mostly talked about themselves. Try to avoid this mistake.

What's the best thing to wear?

Choose a time for your date so that you can get dressed before the meeting. It is undesirable to appear in front of a man immediately after training or a busy day at work. You should have some time to get ready before your date. You should not choose outfits that are too revealing or vulgar. Feminine clothing in “non-flashy” colors that maximally emphasizes your strengths and does not focus attention on possible shortcomings would be quite appropriate. Please note that it is better not to wear things that you have not worn before or that you recently bought. That is, if you last years If you didn’t wear miniskirts at all, then you shouldn’t experiment on a date. The same can be said about the trousers that you bought the other day and decided to wear for the first time on a date. When going to a meeting, you should wear what you feel completely confident in. You should not be distracted by thoughts about how your clothes fit on you; this uncertainty will be noticeable - you will involuntarily begin to examine yourself, adjust some wardrobe items and periodically get distracted.

What to talk about so that a guy will definitely like you

As already mentioned, try to talk not only about yourself, but also be interested in the life and general hobbies of the interlocutor. It is also important to note that on the first date you should not exaggerate the details of past relationships – both yours and your interlocutor’s. If necessary, you can mention in general outline, why the breakup happened, but it’s better to remain silent about complaints and colorful descriptions of what you experienced. Try not to raise topics at all that can cause negative emotions in you. When you ask a guy questions, be interested not in his living conditions and the amount of earnings, but in his hobbies and plans. Find out what places in your city he likes, where he would like to visit, and the like.

How they will appeal to an adult and married man

If a man is happily married, then it is unlikely that you will be able to arouse too serious interest in him. However, a married man who is dissatisfied with his family life, may well pay attention to another woman.
    To please a man, you should carefully monitor your appearance. Choose a hairstyle that suits you best, watch your figure, choose beautiful clothes. Don't forget about good perfumes - but choose subtle scents rather than suffocating ones. Many men suffer from a lack of attention from their wives, and this happens especially often when children appear in the family. If you begin to show an active interest in such a man, consult with him, give compliments, then, undoubtedly, this will attract him. married men It is often not possible to openly court a woman. Usually they begin to show signs of attention to those persons whose sympathy they are already sure of. The easiest way to demonstrate your interest to a man is through unobtrusive flirting. You must make it clear to the man that you are not claiming him as a potential spouse (even if this is not the case). With a girl who is already married, no questions arise, but a single person may raise doubts. If you are not yet single, casually mention that for some reason you are not striving for marriage, and you definitely do not need marriage in the coming years.

I liked a man at work, what to do?

1) Your sympathy should not be so obvious that it is obvious to other colleagues. Subsequently, this can put both the employee you like and yourself in an awkward position. A man must understand for himself what you like. 2) If you like a colleague and want reciprocity, then you will have to work hard. Make sure that he does not have time to form a negative opinion about you from the words of other employees. Be polite and friendly with your colleagues, don't spread gossip, don't make a scene, etc. 3) Show small signs of attention to a man, show concern. If you think he looks unhealthy, ask if he is doing well. Perhaps he is unable to cope with some work task - offer your help if appropriate. When you go to lunch and know that your colleague can’t tear himself away from his work, invite him to grab something for him (coffee, a pack of cookies, etc.). Take an interest in his work activities and unobtrusively praise him. 4) Flirting should be barely noticeable - only when you are alone with the object of your sympathy. He should assume that you like him, but not know for sure. At work, sometimes catch his eye (not too often). In general, behave friendly with a man - joke, smile more often, ask for advice.

How to please a man in bed

If you don’t yet know what sexual preferences your lover has, then you’ll have to act according to the situation. Respond to his caresses, show that you enjoy his kisses and caresses. A man should see that you feel good with him. At the same time, it is important not only to accept the attention of your lover, but also to take the initiative yourself, kiss and hug him. The best option would be if you talk frankly with the man and find out what he likes in sex. It shouldn't look like an interrogation. Have a romantic dinner with wine and a relaxing atmosphere. Ask him if he would like any experiments, what kind of ideal lover he sees. Also, do not forget that many men are visual people, so your lover will probably like it if he sees beautiful and erotic underwear under your clothes. Pay attention Special attention care not only for the skin of the face, but also for the body - use scrubs, oils.

Some girls are very skeptical about their appearance, considering themselves ugly. What to do if you are also one of them? Correct deficiencies. If you clearly know what exactly, in your opinion, makes you unattractive, then think about whether these shortcomings can be eliminated. An ugly smile can be corrected with a visit to the dentist, skin problems can be solved by a dermatologist, excess weight will leave with help proper nutrition and sports. Perhaps you believe that you have shortcomings that cannot be eliminated - too short or too tall, a big nose, small eyes, bow legs or something like that. In this case, you should choose clothes or makeup that will not draw attention to flaws. Maximum charm. Many public figures, despite any shortcomings in appearance, are the idols of millions of people - their charisma and charm are so great that everyone possible defects appearances seem simply insignificant. Usually, fans may not even realize that their idol is far from handsome. Charm can be developed. Read books, visit interesting places, play sports, expand your horizons. To avoid any problems with pronunciation, practice your diction (you can also work with a teacher). Don’t withdraw into yourself, be a cheerful, sympathetic and enthusiastic girl, and fans will not keep you waiting. Grooming is always in fashion. Don't forget about this too. Healthy teeth, hair, nails, a good figure - this is already the lion’s part female beauty, and with a certain amount of persistence, you can achieve it. Visit beauty salons, choose the most flattering outfits for yourself, and experiment with your looks. If you feel that your husband has begun to move away or is no longer as attentive to you as before, then try to make him fall in love with you again. To do this, you need to remember where it all began. When your spouse started having feelings for you, things weren't like they are now. Surely, you spent more time together, intimacy happened more often, and you yourself were not concerned with many everyday issues. After being married for some time, many husbands stop paying attention to their spouses because they consider them practically “read books.” You can change this. 1. New hobbies. Your husband needs to see a new side of you. Do something you've dreamed of doing before, but thought you didn't have time for. If you wish, you can find a few hours a week for dance classes, painting lessons or something like that. Even if you have never aspired to any hobbies, it's time to expand your horizons and learn something new. Your husband will see in you not just a woman who is busy with work, home and family, but also a person who strives for some kind of development. 2. Appearance. If you haven't already, throw away your stretchy lounge pants and worn-out T-shirt. Now there is a huge selection of comfortable and beautiful home clothes and underwear in which you will look attractive. 3. Pastime. If on weekends you preferred to do household chores, just sit at the computer or visit relatives, then try to change the established tradition. How did you like to spend time with your chosen one? Where did you go on dates? 4. Intimacy. Do not deny your husband sex and take the initiative yourself. If you are too tired for this, then it makes sense to discuss the problem with your husband. You may need to change jobs or share some household responsibilities. If you have chronic fatigue, consult a doctor - it is possible that you have health problems.

How to understand that a man likes you

    He tries to communicate with you as often as possible, even if there is no special reason for this. He regularly writes to you, calls you, or simply starts conversations with you if you see each other at work or at school. You periodically catch his studying and attentive gaze on you. If a guy notices that he has been “caught,” he often hesitates and abruptly looks away. If your communication takes place mainly online, he is trying to please you and make a positive impression. Perhaps he is simply bragging about something, joking a lot, talking in detail about himself. By the way, similar behavior can be observed during “live” communication. By the way, it is worth noting that when meeting a young man often behaves differently - on the contrary, he withdraws into himself and is embarrassed, worried or afraid of saying too much and thereby spoiling his impression of himself. The most obvious sign is that he wants real communication in private. If a guy invites you to see you - invites you on a date or a friendly meeting, then this clearly indicates that he is interested in you.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

How to keep a guy interested from a distance

If a young man is temporarily away or simply lives in another city, and you have yet to meet, then this will not prevent you from maintaining his interest. Despite the distance, you should be present in his life every day. He needs to get used to the fact that you are an integral part of his regular day. Of course, you shouldn't be intrusive, but it's perfectly acceptable to wish him good morning, ask how his day was and the like. Periodically send him a photo where you turned out well. To make this as appropriate as possible, you can write: “We have snow today!” and send a photo of you against the backdrop of a snow-covered street. Or: “I was at the cinema today, it’s a pity that you weren’t there,” and your photo next to the poster.

How to take the first step towards your crush

Do you suspect that a guy who also likes you likes him? He may be hesitant to explicitly show his interest, so it would be appropriate to take the first step in this direction - just invite him somewhere. Don't make it sound like you're asking him out if you're afraid of rejection. Come up with another reason. If he works out at the gym, ask him to take you with him one day and show you how to use the equipment because... you are still embarrassed by the coach. You can find many reasons to meet in which you will not look intrusive, but will also understand how the guy treats you.

In a relationship, a woman should take the passive side. Actions are not required from a woman, only reciprocity is enough from her. But this is all very easy when a man himself pays attention to you and takes the first steps himself.

At the same time, a woman often likes a man whom she does not know at all. In this case, you need to take steps yourself, but in such a way that the man does not even guess who first planned the acquaintance.

How a man will like you at first sight

To please a man at first sight is not talent, but a certain behavior that requires skills, knowledge and naturalness. Getting a man to like you without saying a word is the most competent solution to such a delicate issue.

You must look beautiful. A stunning image is the easiest way to attract attention. In women, men are attracted to sophistication, lightness, restraint and style. Moreover, style means not only harmonious clothing, but also character traits: light makeup that emphasizes your facial features, mannerisms, looks, movements. Men are interested in those women who are capable of bewitching and arousing deep interest.

Create a suitable image in advance, and then the man himself will pay attention to you. Then the matter stands correct behavior after the first impression.

How to meet a man you like

A man should be the first to meet someone - this is a stereotype that for many was broken in the last century with the beginning of the wave of feminism. Of course, the situation when a man comes up and gets to know you is the best. You don't need to take any action independent steps, you just have to reciprocate and not look like you were just waiting for him to talk to you.

If you want to meet a man, you can choose any way to do this: be at a party next to him, accidentally involve him in a general conversation, write a message to social network. A man will not consider this as intrusiveness if you maintain the appearance of restraint in all your actions.

If you are near a man, then it is best to start a conversation with a direct look at him and simple phrases. Next, watch the man’s reaction: if he likes you, he will definitely support the conversation. There are modest men who are really lost in such a situation, but even by his looks and movements you can understand whether he is disposed towards you or not. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Always leave yourself the chance to say goodbye to a man as easily as you started talking to him.

How to behave to please a man

Men will like the girl's natural behavior and ease. Don't be afraid to show off your artistic abilities, but in moderation.

Conduct a conversation with a man as with an old acquaintance, do not be afraid to ask the man leading questions. They like it when people are interested in them, when people want to know about them.

The entire male nature is built on the desire for power and influence. Submit to the man. This can be done even in dialogue: develop the topics that the man touches on. If he changes topics, then do not be afraid to act in the same way, so to speak, to play along with the man, without deviating from your usual phrases.

Psychologists advise first establishing visual contact with a man. If a man is already looking at you, then look him straight in the eyes, but literally for a split second. After some time, you can repeat this technique and add a slight smile. Men can be very perceptive, and such gestures will show him your interest.

How to please a man on the first date

If a man asks you out on a date, it means he is already interested in you. Therefore, you should not worry or be nervous. Be his friend and girlfriend at the same time. Don't be afraid to joke, express your emotions, and speak out about the topics covered. After all, on a date, a man wants to get to know you, hear you, and understand you a little more. If you show up on a date looking beautiful and irresistible, but have nothing to talk about, you will arouse vague feelings towards yourself: a man may think that you are interesting only for your beauty.

Avoid criticizing things around you. You can express your views, but you should not show dissatisfaction with the chosen restaurant, service or contingent. On the first date, this doesn't matter at all unless you highlight your dissatisfaction.

What to talk about with the man you like

You can discuss many neutral topics with the man you like, but at the same time you will get to know each other. You should avoid trivial questions. You don't even have to ask something to have a dialogue. It is enough to select interesting topics, and the man himself will tell you everything.

Maintain a middle ground between “talking” and “listening.” If a man asked you about your life, about your work, about your activities, do not hesitate to tell him, but only the most interesting things. Don’t list the names of your colleagues; it’s better to remember one funny story. At the same time, you shouldn’t laugh after your own jokes, especially since you don’t know a man’s sense of humor that well.

SMS to the man you like

You should not write SMS to the man you like immediately after the first date. It's best to wait for the man to call you. If you are sure of his sympathy, but have not received a call, you can write an SMS, but one that does not oblige the man to respond and, especially, to meet. If a man reacts to a message that does not require a response (without an explicit question), it means that he is really interested in continuing the conversation.

How to dress to please a man

In fact, men have different tastes, but everyone likes restraint and elegance. Men are, of course, attracted to dresses, skirts, low-cut blouses, and tight-fitting clothes that highlight your silhouette.

Makeup should be (and it must be!) light, not flashy. Be sure to blend your foundation, eye shadow, and powder well. Men are very repulsed by untidiness, and even more so on the face: there should be no lumps of mascara in the corners of the eyes, and foundation should not be visible on the nasolabial folds.

If you wear jewelry, it should be of high quality. Otherwise, it is better to abandon jewelry altogether.

The manicure should also be chip-free, hands should be moisturized, and perfume should not be intrusive.

Make sure that all buttons that need to be fastened are fastened. If you are wearing jeans or a low-waisted skirt, you should always make sure that your underwear is not visible on your lower back.

Hair should be clean and well styled, and all gadgets and accessories should be free from scratches and cracks.

If you do not know the tastes of men, then it is better to avoid bright accents in clothes or leave only 1-2 bright details of your image. For example, instead of a green skirt, it is better to wear a gray or black one, but add an interesting bracelet or belt.

You should be comfortable in the clothes you choose. Feminine overalls made of light fabrics and pencil skirts in combination with blouses or shirts always look very beautiful.

Elegance requires the absence of multiple prints. If you are wearing a checkered shirt, then the rest of your wardrobe should be basic. monochrome flowers. A checked shirt, for example, does not go well with a colored scarf or fishnet tights.

In pursuit of femininity and elegance, beware of vulgarity. On first dates, it is better not to wear tights with patterns, turtlenecks with cutouts, short dresses. If a man is interested in a long-term and serious relationship, he will not approve of your behavior like this.

What kind of gift will a man like?

It is important to choose according to the circumstances. If you are not yet close enough, then you should not give your man gifts with a clear hint of a relationship: shirts, underwear, household items. In this case, you can choose a men's accessory as a gift. For example, a business card holder, a wallet, a tie clip, car paraphernalia.

It is important that the thing is High Quality, but not expensive. Expensive gifts are generally considered bad manners.

If you know a man’s tastes well, then a book or collector’s edition would be an excellent gift. You can also choose a quality notepad. A successful man must be able to plan his time, so a notebook is a necessary thing.

If you want to give a man invitations to some interesting event, then you need to assess the situation. The fact is that invitations are always given in duplicate, since the man must go to the event with someone. But a man should not feel your obsessive behavior. Perhaps the man did not plan to attend an event with you at this stage of the relationship, so it is best to give invitations when the relationship with the man is closer.

Phrases for a man to please him

Men love to feel important, but many of them are also quite discerning. Therefore, do not flatter a man.

For him to like your words, they must first be sincere.

For example, you can say that the sweater he wore to a meeting suits a man. You didn't tell the man that he was handsome, but you emphasized that he looked good.

It's best to notice details, but not to give direct compliments. A man will not only enjoy your words, but will also notice your insight.

You can also use phrases in conversation that emphasize your positive emotions next to this person. “I feel good with you” are simple and sincere words that will please a man. After all, he understands that your sense of harmony depends on his presence.

Feel free to tell your man how you feel, but don't use strong words. “I like the way you look after me” - with these words you not only convey to the man his importance, but also emphasize your own. After all, you notice his signs of attention towards you, and the man will know about it.

How to please a man - the main female trick

Women's tricks are the main tool girls use to conquer a man.

Women's tricks include smell, charm, naturalness, look, intelligence, voice, clothing and femininity.

Work on yourself, on each of the listed points, emphasize your best sides and correct shortcomings.

How to please a man video

The video below talks about behavior in women that men like. Men's views on the opposite sex and their tastes are described.

In this article, you will learn 7 signs by which you can determine whether a girl likes you or not. The material also briefly describes the specific steps and sacrifices that a man will have to make in order to become more popular with women. The article is aimed at a wide target audience.

“Oh times, oh morals...”

In our modern times, morals and manners have changed significantly. Today, assertiveness, initiative, courage and slight swagger are in fashion.

When asked how to please handsome guy, every girl has her own recipe for what to say, how to behave and how to look in order to please a guy.

You should attract a person’s attention gradually, especially if the girl plans to have a long-term and close relationship.

Speaking about how to get a guy to like you the first time, this feature should be noted. According to statistics, love may arise at the first meeting, but how long it will live in a man’s heart is a question.

On the other hand, the ability to fall in love literally from the first date indicates that the young man is excessively amorous. This is especially true when the question arises of how to please a Caucasian guy.

This means that don’t be surprised that after some time a random acquaintance may become the object of his adoration, which means betrayal will follow.

It is impossible to change such a person, but it is quite possible to direct him only to yourself, so that he falls in love only with you every time.

Strategy “The Path to Love”

Here are a few steps to make a guy like you very much:

  1. Always be part of his constant company: all kinds of holidays, meetings, relaxation.
  2. During communication, you should clearly know what to say in order to please the guy. In other words, you should not try to touch on topics of sympathy and relationships. If the young man himself took the initiative to talk, do not try to immediately show your attitude towards him, but strive to become a friend.
  3. Mentally collect information about him: observe which girls he singles out, which ones he simply communicates with, what he is interested in and hobbies. This is important, but not everything you need to get a guy to like you.
  4. When collecting information about him, suppress your feelings of jealousy, take his current flirting with girls calmly, otherwise the operation, as a serious guy will like, is doomed to failure.
  5. You should not try to evoke a reciprocal feeling of jealousy in him by demonstrating sympathy for another young man or hinting at the existence of a relationship in principle, this will work against you.
  6. How to make a guy like you more? Stop noticing him! This attitude is fundamentally wrong; it can cause a response in him, and he will do the same.
  7. In an effort to quickly please a guy, we don’t let him out of sight and we ourselves are in constant visibility. This simple psychological technique will make the young man get used to your presence. And in your absence, he will feel slight discomfort.
  8. Carefully plan the topic of conversation; if you feel that he is eager to communicate, it is very important to know how to answer humorously in order to please the guy.
  9. During the conversation, try to be loyal to his statements and share his thoughts, get into an argument on minor issues and give in easily, allow yourself to be convinced, let him feel like a winner.

These rules are simple, but only at first glance. Their difficulty is that they work only with real sympathy on the part of the girl.

They are the ability to:

  • feel the adored object;
  • notice the slightest changes in his behavior;
  • predict their root cause and, if necessary, provide support.

But we try not to express our “I want to please the guy” attitude - this will be perceived as insincerity.

Camouflage methods

I'm afraid the guy won't like me - this phrase shouldn't be said out loud, even to yourself in front of the mirror. But it won’t hurt to really look at yourself. An ordinary appearance and a couple of extra centimeters are fixable things, but will it change internal state?

The question arises, how to change in order to please a guy: externally or internally?

It is believed that by changing outwardly, you can change your outlook on life to a certain extent: from a pessimist, you can be reborn into a cheerful person.

What you need to do to make a guy like you:

  • change your attitude towards him, if sympathy is on the verge of obsession, then girls risk scaring off their adored object with their assertiveness;
  • if we talk about appearance, then replace flashy outfits with calmer clothes, and diversify the gray tones with bright accessories;
  • If we're talking about about how to please a guy younger than you, you should at least outwardly approach his surroundings.

Features of the Bad Guys

How to please a bad boy? Men - negative heroes - are objects of sympathy and adoration for the right girls. Of course, they are rarely included in their social circle, which complicates the girl’s position.

But, often, behind external barbs addressed to the girl, bad boy and feels sympathy himself. A video on how to get a guy to like you will be useful.

Everyone remembers being a teenager, their first interest in opposite sex and the first thought on how to please a boy. Years go by and nothing changes. Youthful love is being replaced by deeper, mature feelings, but, like several years ago, for older girls the question of how to please a guy also remains an exciting question. What girl doesn’t want the attention of a guy or boy she really likes? So that he could single out and notice her from the crowd of equally charming representatives of the fair sex.

Therefore, I suggest not to delay and figure out together how to please a guy. I don’t see any point in hiding the fact that in my friendly environment there is a place for both boys and girls. Based on observing them, I want to give not just template advice to girls, but real, life-like, effective advice that will lead to positive results. An important role in conquering a guy is played by understanding who exactly he sees as his girlfriend: her type, her characteristic behavior. You can find the answer to this question in the article.

Ten effective ways to make a guy like you

The first way: do not forget about your appearance.

Even if you are shy by nature and a bright image confuses you, this does not mean that gray and dark, nondescript tones make you beautiful. There is a huge difference between looking flamboyant and looking provocative. To give a bright look to gray clothes, just resort to beautiful modern accessories: bracelets, beads, clips, jewelry. Also, do not forget that the predominance of natural tones in makeup is relevant at all times. You should not follow the example of brightly made-up female peers or acquaintances, because vulgar makeup, like provocative clothing, will attract a completely different guy than you dream of. And on serious relationship such an individual is simply not ready. If you want and want everyone to respect you, you shouldn’t go too far with the choice of revealing outfits, it’s better to stick to the golden mean. I’ll give you one piece of advice: guys are interested not in what is open for everyone to see, but in what is hidden and fraught with intrigue. A dress that does not have a deep neckline will attract more attention than a revealing outfit with a low neckline. Stick to the criterion: not to be too accessible. You should always value yourself. If you don’t know what clothes are beneficial and will highlight your shape, then the article will help you decide on the choice of look for you.

Second way: Self-respect is your path to conquering a guy.

The huge mistake most girls make in winning over their beloved is constantly calling the guy, trying to be in his sight. But most guys don't like it at all when a girl stalks him in in public places, arranging random meetings, follows him everywhere, constantly sends SMS, offering to meet, even imposes his company when they directly, and sometimes in a rude form, make it clear to her that she is not at all interesting. It's just sad to see this. It’s disgusting when a guy, humiliating a girl, wipes his feet on her, and she, cherishing some of her own pink dreams, continues to run after him humiliatingly, forgiving all his disgusting actions towards her. Self-respect is something that no one can or has the right to take away or trample on you. If you don't respect yourself, then the people around you won't respect you either. Therefore, you need to understand that love is wonderful, but self-respect is the most valuable thing a girl has. Since one love will definitely be replaced by another, and you are the only one, so you need to love and value yourself.

But what can you do then, how can you please a guy when importunity and the desire to constantly be in front of everyone are forbidden? In fact, everything is simple, these methods can be used, but in moderation. Try to visit the places that the guy you like visits, but don’t run to meet him when you see him. Wait until he notices you first and smile back at him, or just nod. In general, let him know that you noticed him and if nothing further follows from his side, move on, pretending to be busy with something. If you run into each other somewhere and you manage to talk, intrigue him by saying a couple of insignificant phrases, and then, even if you are very interested in his attention, go to your friends. Men are hunters by nature. If you can hook the guy you like, he will definitely take the initiative and find a reason to continue acquaintance.

Third way: Common interests are another reason for rapprochement

If your desire to get a guy to like you has not disappeared, but only increased, then it will not hurt to find out what hobby your chosen one is interested in. It may happen that your interests may well coincide. And if it happens that your interests are different, then this is another reason to try something new for yourself. Be bolder. You want to be with the guy of your dreams, right?

Fourth way: smile

You want to be around a happy, smiling girl all the time to bask in the rays of her happiness. Tender smile works wonders for girls and guys.

Fifth method: mystery girl

With a guy you need to be cunning. You shouldn’t tell him everything about yourself on the first day of meeting him. It is enough to briefly tell a few interesting episodes from your life. And let him figure out the rest himself. Don't talk about poor relatives, problems at work, or angry parents. Agree, who needs a girl with a lot of problems when she has enough of her own. In a nascent relationship, you want ease.

Sixth method: show sincerity

You shouldn't start your acquaintance or relationship with the guy you like by lying. Falsity is easily recognized and lies are unlikely to be worth depriving yourself of the opportunity to build a relationship. Give him the opportunity to get to know you as you are, and not the image you have chosen.

Seventh method: down with monotony

You need to constantly change and not be boring. Let your boyfriend see different traits of your character every day (only good ones, of course). But you need to get rid of the bad ones. It’s the same with your image – constantly add fresh notes to your style. Guys may not care whether his girlfriend's purse is new or not, but being dull is simply unacceptable, since what your boyfriend doesn't pay attention to may be noticed by others. But you should be better than others, right?

Eighth method: know how to not only speak, but also listen

Many girls talk about themselves all the time and when a guy tries to tell them something, sometimes they ignore it. Remember - the best interlocutor is not the one who talks a lot, but the one who knows how and can listen carefully. Agree, if you preferred this guy, then that means he is the one you are interested in? And if not, then why are you dating?

Ninth method: knowledge is power!

The golden rule is that guys get bored with fools and stupid girls pretty quickly, since they want to communicate all the time. If a girl has only “sawdust” in her head and her horizons are small, then there is nothing to talk to her about. Accordingly, the guy will not be interested in her and after a while he will still find someone with whom he will be interested in communicating. Nowadays you can get information anywhere, there are a lot of sources - the Internet, books, magazines, exhibitions, etc., if you wish. Constantly develop yourself, gain knowledge, so that it will always be interesting to communicate with you.

Tenth way: don’t forget to praise

If you are dating him, it means that he is better than others and, at a minimum, he has a lot of advantages. Therefore, tell him more often that he is your most beautiful, smart, courageous, kind, gentle, athletic, etc. Believe me, he will be pleased with this, since he will always feel that he is appreciated. It is even possible that he will try to change something in himself in order to please you, for example, he will begin to “swing” in order to be truly athletic.

And as a bonus, one more practical piece of advice. Don't be a schemer and a gossip

Yes, just imagine, guys don’t like girls who spend hours talking on the phone, grinding bones with their acquaintances, and gossiping with their girlfriends. At such moments, he thinks that one day, perhaps, he himself may be the object of this gossip. Why does he need to communicate with such a girl?

I hope that the above tips will help you, and you will never return to the question of how to please a guy. Or maybe you know some other “miracle cures”? Share them below in the comments - the girls will be grateful to you and, perhaps, will take something useful from your experience.