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How to combine wallpaper correctly. Accent wall in the interior: a win-win technique in room design

Wallpaper is an affordable and simple tool that helps you create interiors that are impeccable in style. Combination different wallpapers in the interior (in particular, two or several colors), today even those who have never noticed the talents of architectural designers can afford themselves.

Enough to know simple rules– what color of wallpaper goes with this or that shade.

Manufacturers specially develop their collections in such a way that among wide range decorative wallpaper, you could choose two or three types ideally suitable friend to friend. You can combine not only colors, but also textures, for example, with tiles or wall panels, and also with .

Experimenting with wallpaper of different colors allows you to achieve an optimal balance of sensations, making the interior contrasting and individual.

The combination of wallpaper colors in the interior

Wallpaper combination different colors(gray, green, black, brown, blue, yellow and others) can be:

  • simple, where two colors harmoniously complement each other;
  • complex, with a combination of different colors and their shades;
  • and extraordinary, with three completely different shades.

To independently select the right combination of wallpaper, you should refer to the so-called “color wheel”.

To create a calm and soft interior It is enough to combine adjacent colors of the wheel (for example, green, light green and pastel). Such a solution is impossible would be better suited for combining wallpaper in the bedroom interior.

Do you dream of a bright and active interior for your home? Feel free to combine opposite colors of the circle (purple and yellow, orange and blue, etc.).

How to correctly combine wallpaper colors in a room

In order to learn how to masterfully combine wallpaper, you need to remember one of the main rules - different types wallpaper (vinyl, textile, non-woven and others) should not only provide optical contrast, but also have some common features.

When choosing wallpapers identical in color, but different in shade (chocolate and powdery brown), make sure that they have an ornament made in the same style (small flowers and large flowers) and the same structure.

When deciding on a more daring experiment - combining wallpaper in the interior with different patterns (monograms and stripes, small specks and flowers), try to harmonize the wall decoration through color and texture. If you are afraid of making a mistake, protect yourself by seeking advice from an interior designer or a wallpaper consultant in a store.

Examples of wallpaper combinations: visual techniques

  • The combination of wallpaper in the interior of a large living room

To prevent an overly spacious room (this happens) from seeming uncomfortable and empty, choose wallpaper in dark tones (gray, purple, black) with large patterns as wall decoration. Images can be quite saturated if the interior design does not include active decor and furniture in intense colors. IN in this case, the walls near which the furniture is planned to be placed are best decorated with plain wallpaper, which perfectly matches the patterned wallpaper on the accent wall.

  • Wallpaper combination for a small room

In a cramped room, thick colors, dark and contrasting combinations will be inappropriate. Save large patterns and intricate geometries for rooms with plenty of square meters. To make a small room feel freer, you can cover one of the walls with light wallpaper with an inconspicuous but textured pattern (for example, a small rhombus - unlike other geometric images, it does not narrow, but, on the contrary, expands the space). The remaining walls in the room can be covered with plain wallpaper with silk-screen printing or glossy coating.

  • Combination of wallpaper on uneven walls

Wall finishing, in particular wallpapering, is recommended to be done after preliminary preparation its surface – leveling. But even on walls with minor defects, experts do not recommend gluing light wallpaper - everything, even minor defects, will become visible. In a room with uneven walls, it is better to give preference to special leveling wallpaper with a thick base (for example, non-woven), with a discreet pattern or a spotted background.

  • The combination of wallpaper in the interior of a kitchen with high ceilings

Kitchen with high ceilings(and, for sure, large windows) is the dream of any housewife. But to keep the room from looking like a school gym, but to be cozy and welcoming, try breaking down kitchen space horizontally at two levels of different heights, covering the walls with wallpaper from the same design collection: light on top (possibly with horizontal stripes) and dark on the bottom. Emphasize the boundaries between the wallpaper with a contrasting border - this will visually make the ceiling a little lower.

  • The combination of wallpaper in a room with a lack of sunlight

Warm-colored wallpaper will help maintain harmony between light and color in a dark room. In this case, one of the walls should be much brighter than the others. To make the room “play,” designers recommend using a monochrome combination of colors (for example, rich coral and pale pink, or gold and sand).

  • Combination of wallpaper in a long room

One type of wallpaper in a disproportionate room can only enhance the effect of an endless tunnel. To prevent this from happening, try visually stretching out a short wall with wallpaper with a horizontal pattern, and compressing a long wall with wallpaper with a large, textured image. It is better to look for interesting combinations in one collection - this way the chances of choosing wallpaper with taste increase a hundredfold.


With the help of a skillful combination and numerous contrasts, you can easily play up the shortcomings of the room: geometry, low (high) ceilings, small space etc., and also divide it into functional zones. Thanks to the incredible selection that many wallpaper manufacturers offer us, create interesting images for your home is really very easy and pleasant.

If you are interested in the meaning of a particular color in the interior, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Wallpaper combination - photos with examples

Type of wallpaper combination in a small room Interior

Arranging the apartment, Special attention First of all, you need to pay attention to the walls. After all, they will create the basis of the interior and set the color scheme. Furniture and additional elements decor is installed later and must be combined with the walls to make the rooms look cohesive.

Here we will not be scattered throughout the apartment, but will focus on its largest room - the living room or hall. It is in this room that you bring guests; here you can relax after work, arrange a home theater or have a tea party.

You can go straight to the store and look various options wallpaper and choose the best one. But this option has several disadvantages:

  • your eyes will run wide from the abundance, and since you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, it will be quite difficult to make a choice;
  • wallpaper chosen in this way can completely not meeting your expectations after gluing, since the color on a roll and on the entire wall can look completely different.

Therefore, it is better to first understand a little about the combination of colors, correlate this with your preferences and choose suitable option, and only then go choose something suitable in a hardware store.

If you haven’t found the ornament you need in the store, here’s a master class!

How to choose wallpaper by color, contrast, pattern

First of all, you need to decide on the color scheme, and only then think about the presence of a pattern. Think about what shades you prefer: warm or cool.

  • Warm will make the room more lively and bright.
  • Cold– will help visually expand the room (which is especially important for Khrushchev-era apartments or other small spaces).

But in any case, you need to maintain a balance between warm and cold tones, otherwise the room may look too stuffy or very inhospitable.

  1. If you have well lit, If the room is sunny, tone it down a little with cool tones; if it’s cloudy, add some warmth to it.
  2. Also, when choosing a color, keep in mind that you will see him every day. You can choose this blouse, either light or bright, and put it on according to your mood, and store it in the closet the rest of the time. This won’t work with wallpaper, so choose not just a color that you like, but one that you won’t get tired of until the next renovation.

If you decide that one color is not enough, then you can choose several, compatible with each other.

You can combine related colors (from one or adjacent sectors of the color wheel), or contrasting ones (from diametrically opposite sectors).

TIP: If you decide to use wallpaper with a pattern - don’t overdo it, the walls shouldn’t hurt your eyes. Particular care must be taken when drawing in a small apartment x (for example, Khrushchev-era buildings), as it can visually make the room smaller, especially for large, bright designs (large contrasting flowers and the like).

Related colors

If you are not confident in your design abilities, combining related colors (solid or similar) is the easiest way! You definitely can’t go wrong and this solution will always look stylish.

Contrasting colors

On this photo good example combinations of contrasting colors. There is not a very noticeable pattern here, but plain wallpaper in such a combination would look harmonious.

Ways to combine wallpaper

After becoming familiar with the basic aspects of color combinations, you need to move from theory to practice and proceed directly to choosing wallpaper. There are several ways to combine them:

  1. Pattern + solid color
  2. 2 drawings
  3. Geometry + one color or pattern

Whichever one you choose, the main thing is to create a harmoniously combined, pleasant interior that will satisfy your preferences and make the home truly cozy. To understand possible options, let's look at them in more detail.

Pattern +solid color

With this combination, most often wallpaper with a pattern is applied only on one wall, and the rest are simply plain. This will help to create a certain emphasis, but will not look too colorful.

  • The drawing can be from related colors to plain wallpaper, and from contrasting ones.
  • A wall with a strong contrasting pattern will look similar to huge picture.

Selected below interesting options such a combination, you can choose one of them as a basis when creating a living room design.

A clearly visible floral print was used here. Please note that the furniture, rugs and cushions are selected from exactly the colors that make up the pattern.

The pattern can be either small or large, abstract or concrete.

Also note that walls with bright patterns are not loaded with decorative elements (paintings or photos); at most, a mirror should be very carefully selected. Maintain simplicity and harmony. An overloaded interior will be very tiring.

A good example of a combination of contrasting colors, since in the absence of blue tulle brown wallpaper would look too dark.

With geometric patterns

Floral prints, patterns and abstract patterns can compete with geometric elements. But you must be sure that strict lines will not oppress you and will allow you to relax.

Zigzags, diamonds, lines, ovals, circles, etc. - a wonderful choice for lovers of clarity and order. In this case, you can also try interesting color combinations.

2 drawings

Combinations of two patterns look original and unusual. For a bedroom it would be too flashy, but for a living room... correct selection very good.

This photo shows both the contrast of colors and the combination of floral and geometric prints. Cool black on the lines and warm red on the petals.

Here, too, there are combinations of floral patterns with geometric ones, but in one color scheme– related colors were used.

One of the patterns can be expressed much brighter than the other, in which case it turns out similar to the pattern + plain wallpaper option. Similar ornaments made in different colors, also complement each other well.

Combination methods

One wall

The easiest way to combine wallpaper. How to choose a wall? Of course, the one you most want to attract attention. Usually this is a wall near or behind the sofas in the room.

Picture or frame

If in the case of a wall completely covered with wallpaper with a pattern, it looks like a painting, then the wallpaper here is the painting. It's like a huge canvas with a printed design.

You can just paste wallpaper certain size, or make a frame around the edges.

In the form of stripes

An interesting way of combining is in the form of separate stripes. For this case, it is better to choose wallpapers that are contrasting with an active pattern, as this will be the main accent!

Focus on niche

For apartments that have a niche in the living room, it’s a great option to play with contrasting wallpaper and color. It’s also a good idea to illuminate a niche with an additional source. This is especially important if the niche is far from the window.

Brief summary

To summarize, let’s remember the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing wallpaper:

  • Consider the size and lighting of the room
  • A color scheme
  • Personal preferences.

We hope that the process of choosing wallpaper will be calm and quick for you, and the result will look amazing and delight you every day, creating real home comfort.

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The correct combination of wallpaper of two or more colors in the interior is good idea diversify the space, change the design of the room, the main advantages of combining wallpaper of two colors: it’s cheap, original, fashionable.

Interesting design ideas and tips will help you make any room, even the smallest and darkest, ideal, by combining wallpaper of two colors.

The main point in combining wallpaper of several colors is the correct combination of wallpaper in color; the usual range of colors and shades will help with this.

Combining wallpaper in the interior is a fairly new trend in the world of renovation and design, but very successful. By combining wallpapers with each other, it turns out interesting view room, it becomes possible to emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages of the walls and room. dark room You can visually lighten it, and if it’s too light, on the contrary, you can darken it. Combining wallpaper is not such an easy task; you need to take it seriously and do everything right.

There can be several wallpaper combination options:

  • Combining wallpaper by color and shade
  • Combining wallpaper according to material;
  • Combining wallpaper according to texture.

In all types of wallpaper combinations, you need to maintain the correct color scheme so that the wallpaper has something in common, such as a print, pattern, background or color.

In the first option, this is a combination of wallpaper according to its color and shade. Here it is recommended to use the spectrum of colors and shades and choose more suitable color transitions. The combination of wallpaper by material is no less complex; you can combine wallpaper of several materials, vinyl, paper, wallpaper for painting, non-woven wallpaper, but be sure to take into account the color of this wallpaper. A combination of wallpaper of two texture colors is when wallpaper of several textures and patterns is combined on one wall.

Even more information about choosing the color of wallpaper for decorating a room can be found in the following material:

We make combined wallpaper in rooms

You can combine wallpaper in any room, with any area and lighting. A combination of wallpaper looks much more profitable in large and spacious rooms, because the walls large area, allow you to “accelerate” your imagination and bring your wildest fantasies to life.

But even in small rooms, combined wallpapers of several colors also look good if you maintain the general color scheme and texture of the wallpaper. Combined wallpaper Perfect for covering children's rooms, living rooms, and halls.

In the bedroom, hallway and kitchen, you can also glue combined wallpaper.

Combined wallpapers can be sold ready-made, with combination ideas, but you can make a combination yourself, select the wallpaper:

  • By type of materials;
  • By color and shade;
  • According to the invoice.

The combination of wallpaper colors can have several variations:

  • A simple combination, two colors adjacent in the spectrum;
  • Complex combination, several colors;
  • A bold combination, a combination of opposite colors along the spectrum.

For a room with a small area, it is better to choose light wallpapers and shades; in a large room, you can experiment with color.

Examples of combinations are very different; when combining wallpaper, the predominance of the main color in the interior implies a combination of it with the main shades.

If you create a room in light and calm colors and in one color scheme, you can choose the colors adjacent in the spectrum of yellow and green, for example, and their shades. Well, if the room is decorated with basic dark wallpaper, they need to be combined in opposite colors in the spectrum.

When choosing the idea of ​​combining wallpaper in the interior, you need to be guided by some rules that will help you decorate a room beautifully, correctly and tastefully with wallpaper.

To do this you need to know a few rules:

  • Choose the color of the wallpaper depending on the area and lighting in the room;
  • Do not mix two bright colors of wallpaper in one room;
  • Maintain one color scheme;
  • Dilute the room with small details of certain colors.

The color of the wallpaper should emphasize the advantages of the room, and focus attention on its shortcomings. Therefore, for a small room we choose light wallpaper, and for a large room, dark wallpaper. Two richly vibrant colors even in big room will not find harmony, so combining only two bright colors with each other will not work. If you combine wallpaper of two rich colors, then be sure to make transitions using light or even tone wallpaper. In addition, in a room with combined wallpaper, you need to maintain one color scheme, diluting the interior with small interior details.

In one room you can combine up to five colors and shades, otherwise there will be no harmony in the room.

How to glue combined wallpaper

Having decided on the color scheme, you can start gluing combined wallpaper, taking into account all the tips and recommendations. Installing combined wallpaper begins with preparing the walls of the room; it is important that the walls are smooth and free of defects. The calculation of wallpaper for a room must be accurate so that you don’t have to search all the stores for a similar color. Next important stage, this is preparing a roll of wallpaper for gluing. If the wallpaper has an ornament or a pattern that requires selection, you need to correctly adjust the cut to the height and width of the room, corners and joints. Mark paired stripes in advance so as not to confuse them with the rest of the wallpaper. This is difficult to do for wallpaper that is combined independently, in separate stripes; here you need to use a construction tape and a level.

Hanging combined wallpaper is also not easy:

  • It is necessary to maintain the level of the lines when gluing horizontal, vertical and patchwork wallpaper;
  • It is good to glue the joints of the wallpaper;
  • Carefully trim the edges of the wallpaper.

Having carefully prepared the materials for work and work surfaces, wallpapering will take a little time and the work will be done.

It is better not to glue combined wallpapers overlapping; you should avoid overlapping one sheet of paper over another and glue the wallpaper end to end.

What role do combined wallpapers play in the interior?

Combined wallpapers are suitable for the most different interiors, as a self-sufficient decoration of a room.

The abundance of wallpaper choices provides a unique opportunity:

  • Using wallpaper as an independent decorative element;
  • Combination of several styles in one room;
  • Distribution of rooms into zones.

When dividing a room into zones using wallpaper, you need to choose correct colors wallpaper for a comfortable stay in these areas.

Options for combining wallpaper for walls (video)

Using wallpaper you can perfectly decorate one-room apartment or huge Vacation home beyond recognition. Combined wallpaper will help highlight the positive features of the room, hide the shortcomings of the room and surfaces, create a cozy room and bring your wildest fantasies to life.

Combining wallpaper (photo)

Many designers like to use such a feature as an “Accent Wall” in their work. Even without explaining the meaning of this term, on an intuitive level, it still becomes clear what we're talking about. An accent wall is a wall that is significantly different from the rest of the walls in the room and attracts attention due to its unusual texture, bright color or pattern.

This trick is designed for the “wow” effect and almost all designers love to use it in order to attract additional attention. It has been scientifically proven that a person’s impression of his location is formed in a quarter of a minute, and everything he sees after this time is perceived by the brain under the yoke of the first impression.

A reception with an emphasis on one of the walls of the room not only serves to attract the guest’s first glance, it can serve as an original decoration design solution. Its function depends on the type of accent. In this way you can visually change the room to increase space, narrow it, highlight bright elements decor or architectural features rooms.

Let's figure out in what cases it is appropriate to make an accent wall and consider some rules. Let's see in which rooms it is most appropriate to use this technique, and what are the rules for correct location accent.

Conditions for using this effect:

  1. Typically, the accent wall is the one that first comes into the guest’s field of vision when entering the room;
  2. The emphasis is placed only on one wall, not on two, and especially not on all four;
  3. You can not place emphasis on the entire wall, but only highlight certain fragments or protrusions (optional);
  4. The wall is decorated not only unusual wallpaper. The accent can be made with paint, brick or decorative ceramic tiles, wooden panels, etc.;
  5. You can play with visual effects. By using warm accent colors (orange, red and yellow tones) you can bring the wall closer. If you paint one of the small walls in an elongated room with this color, you can bring it closer to a square. But don't do a similar procedure with long wall, otherwise you will narrow your room even more;
  6. Using cool accent colors (blues, greens and purple tones) on the contrary, visually remove the wall. Therefore, if you still want to focus on long wall rooms, then use a cool color for this. It will help move the wall away and thereby expand the space;
  7. To provide calm atmosphere in the room it is better to do without the use of saturated and bright colors in the interior, but focus on a shade close to the base color of the walls, the emphasis can be placed on the pattern or different texture of materials;
  8. And, conversely, for bright accent use the exact opposite color, which, due to the contrast, will provide a “wow” effect;
  9. If the room design is made in neutral colors, then you can use any color you like for an accent without worrying that it won’t suit;

An accent wall can be decorated in any room in your apartment and is completely different ways, but most often designers prefer to place the accent on the wall in the living room or bedroom. In both the first and second options, the accent wall is most often highlighted with wallpaper.

Living room

In this room, an accent in the TV viewing area, where you can place or hang a plasma, will look beautiful. They also often draw attention to the affected area by completely changing the color of the wall behind the sofa or by sticking a wide strip of contrasting wallpaper in the middle of the wall.

If the living room area is quite impressive, then in this case you shouldn’t highlight the entire wall, it will be enough to focus on small space. It may serve them workplace, section of wall near bookcase etc. An impeccable look is created by the accent in the fireplace area.


There is not much choice here; basically, the wall or part of it at the head of the bed is used as an accent wall. The wall paneling also looks very nice in the bedroom. wood panels. Take a look for yourself and appreciate the uniqueness and unusualness of this design.

And a few examples of how an accent wall looks in a hallway, a nursery, and how it can zone a spacious room. Notice how attractive it is when the pattern on it matches some decorative elements.

One of critical roles at design of any room playing compilation wallpaper . This technique makes it possible to significantly transform interior . If necessary, correct planning deficiencies are carried out wallpapering of two types . For example, with different textures, color, pattern. Options there can be a lot, but it is always necessary to take into account a whole list conditions.

Creating practical, functional and beautiful interior- the issue is a priority.

Combining and gluing two types of wallpaper cannot be done without observing a number of rules, which are given in the table.

The design of the walls of a room largely shapes the entire image of the room, its character, and mood.

Rule Description Advice
Taking ceiling heights into account The height of the ceiling largely determines the requirements for the pattern on the wallpaper and its texture. Vertical stripes increase height. Stripes can only be distributed over one or two walls.

If the height of the walls less than 2.5 meters, it is recommended to choose light wallpaper . They can be either plain or with small drawings.

Interior with ceilings over 3 meters require a different approach to design . Great solution will wallpaper with large patterns , stretched horizontally. Horizontal zoning is acceptable walls

Room area The dimensions of the space also play an important role in the selection. For spacious rooms you can choose bright, saturated colors. This way will visually reduce the area, make a room more cozy. It will look good combination of two types of wallpaper : plain and with ornaments. Not recommended horizontal lines or other patterns.

For small rooms on the contrary, light ones will be required walls . Small discreet is allowed drawing.

Geometry Wall ratio should also be taken into account. Fix long narrow room can fix it wallpapering of two types . For example, for smaller walls glue light, plain ones wallpaper . At the same time, they should go long in the corners. The rest of the space is filled wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern.
Texture When gluing two types of wallpaper It is imperative to maintain the integrity of the texture. When combining, it is necessary to use wallpaper of different thicknesses. If you use different type of wall covering, you should select the adhesive especially carefully.
sunlight To choose from color combinations influences the number of people entering room sun rays. Wallpaper in a very bright room should not be monotonously light. They can be diluted with coverings with an ornament or some image on a long light wall.

Combination methods

There are also several ways to combine such material as wallpaper . The most important thing in choosing is to clearly imagine the end result. design.

Selection of modern finishing materials incredibly wide, the range in cost is also great - in a modern store you can get confused.

So, let's look at effective methods.

  • Stripes placed relatively rarely, but on all walls of the room at the same interval;
  • Various stripes in color and pattern also permitted, but care must be taken to avoid absurdity design (you should take everything from the same collection);
  • It is possible to combine three types of wallpaper from one series at once;
  • If the wallpaper has stripes go to the ceiling, then this will also help do it is visually higher;
  • Wallpapering two types from one collection - it's a win-win option, such an interior will always look good.

You can select one or the other functional area, decorate the walls.

A homeowner with any wallet size can find a suitable option.

  • Horizontal stripe along the entire perimeter, located at the window sill level;
  • In a corridor, the line can be placed at adult eye level, and the separated areas can vary in color;
  • The lower third of the wall can cover striped wallpaper , and the remaining area - plain or with small drawing.

The decoration should create a single, harmonious image of the room.

Decorating walls by combining plain wallpaper - current method registration

  • If possible, the different area can be highlighted with a frame;
  • You can highlight a niche with a pattern;
  • The niche can be covered with contrasting color.

Where else if not in the living room can you indulge in a touch of luxury.

Even in laconic modern interiors This accent wall design can create a special mood.

  1. Designers often use creation method color accents. In this case, there are two methods:
  • Distracting attention from a part premises with unsightly elements;
  • Drawing attention to some subject interior

This design can increase the degree of originality and elegance of the image of the room.

If you are unsure, it is better to entrust the combination to a professional.

He will definitely be able to choose the most suitable room design options . But a beginner in this business can choose ridiculous combinations.

Pairing Basics

It is important to consider that when combined, the coating with the pattern in the base must contain the same shades , same as plain wallpaper. Drawing there may be several species : based on geometric elements, classic patterns or floral motifs.

Any of these options will look good with plain surfaces.

Textured ones are also worthy of special attention. wallpaper , which are becoming increasingly known in modern design . This is a good alternative to liquid wallpaper.

The texture can manifest itself in the following elements: stripes , curls, abstractions, plant elements. This type of wallpaper They are easy to stick and can be painted. They are also great for decorating ceilings.

A significant advantage of this choice is durability and the ability to repaint surfaces.

Correct lighting

Indoor light always plays a major role. It must be taken into account when selecting wall coverings. If the light is in room little, then about the dark colors like these situations can be forgotten.

You will have to choose from beige, cream, light gray shades.

Light can be distributed zonally. For example, where wallpaper lighter it will be less saturated, in dark areas it will be brighter.When split horizontally walls additional light can be placed around the perimeter of the dark part: along the floor or ceiling.

Wallpaper selection

A guarantee of quality interior – this is a competent choice of finishing materials materials.

For complete or partial decoration of walls, all types of wallpaper can be used in terms of classification according to technological characteristics.

Manufacturers offer several types of wallpaper , each of which has a number of its own characteristics.

  1. Paper excellent match with wallpaper all types due to its flexibility. They lie flat even in the most difficult and hard-to-reach places.
  2. Vinyls are different high density and strength. This perfect choice For walls , prone to mechanical damage. For example, for a corridor. It is better to combine them with paper wallpaper.
  3. Non-woven wallpaper All designers appreciate its texture. They are the ones who can hide any imperfections on surfaces. walls . At the same time they are great match with wallpaper any quality. The main thing is to carefully apply the pasting.
  4. Textile ones are quite expensive. This a good choice for a bedroom or living room. It is worth noting that they can only be combined with non-woven or paper coverings.
  5. At first glance, liquid ones resemble decorative plaster. This solution suitable for premises for any purpose. Can be combined with non-woven fabrics wallpaper.

For living rooms, this type of finish can be used for accent surfaces.

Textile wallpaper looks luxurious, has high environmental properties, and is able to “breathe”.

To wallpaper were glued efficiently, it is necessary to perform the following steps during the repair process:

  • Make preparations walls which consists of cleaning off old coatings, puttying and priming;
  • Prepare glue purchased specifically for the selected type wallpaper;
  • Apply glue to wallpaper or walls (do as indicated in the instructions);
  • Glue the main ones wallpaper (those that occupy a large area);
  • When measuring, be sure to leave seam allowances, since when drying wallpaper capable of shrinking slightly in size, which threatens the appearance of a void between stripes;
  • You should start gluing from the ceiling, leveling the surface special roller;
  • Glue wallpaper to combine;
  • Trim unnecessary areas of the covering, stick on borders and tapes if necessary.

Following simple rules will provide excellent results.

Designers are always guided by several principles when combining wall coverings. Following the tips below will help you choose a win-win wallpapering options for this or that premises.

Tastefully selected wallpaper will add beauty and comfort to your home.

  • Stylish harmonious design can be obtained with combination light wallpapercoverings of the same collection, but with a bright, saturated drawing.
  • Make a room you can make it brighter by highlighting it with wallpaper only one wall.
  • When horizontal zoning is necessary, it is necessary to select borders or dividing tapes. Without them design will be unfinished.
  • Patchwork is acceptable for children combination . It’s good if the baby chooses for himself wallpaper.
  • It is better to combine rich shades with pastel colors.
  • Plant elements in some cases overload room.
  • Upholstery upholstered furniture, curtains, carpets should be selected taking into account the finishing walls This will allow the interior look stylish and complete.
  • Wallpaper , decorating elements and glue are best purchased in one store.
  • Pasting corners rooms with contrasting colors allows you to visually equalize proportions rooms.
  • When designing, it is unacceptable to use more than 5 colors.
  • For small rooms you can't choose wallpaper with large patterns.

To design You should always approach your home with maximum responsibility, no matter what part of the house or apartment it is. Before starting any work, you need to clearly define the goals that you want to achieve with the help of combining wallpaper.

You need to imagine the final result.

Wall coverings must be chosen carefully; attention, as a rule, is paid not only to blossom , but also quality. The accuracy of implementation depends on this ideas . When selecting contrasting combinations It is recommended to think carefully colors , they should fit together and not be heavy to look at. Contrasting solutions are not recommended for the bedroom.

Anyway, this is interesting, exciting activity, which, if taken seriously, will provide excellent results.

VIDEO: Options for combining wallpaper for walls.