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How to properly grow marigolds from seeds. When is it time to plant marigold seedlings in open ground?

Tagetes (or simply marigolds) are completely unpretentious flowers. These joyful “suns” of warm yellow-orange and reddish-variegated shades are an indispensable attribute of any flower bed. Marigolds grow well in the ground, in balcony boxes. They are easy to decorate the area with. They are easy to care for.

Advantages of growing marigold seedlings

You can also grow tagetes without seedlings by sowing the seeds directly into the soil in the flower bed. But they will bloom much earlier (almost a month) if you sow the seeds for seedlings. And it’s more convenient for landscape design of the site. If you sow seeds in the ground of a flower bed, not only will beauty have to wait, but it is also unknown how the seeds will sprout. The flowerbed may turn out uneven with “bald spots”. Therefore, the vast majority of gardeners grow marigolds with seedlings, and they prefer to produce seedlings with their own hands.

What you need to grow marigold seedlings

In an apartment, growing marigold seedlings is not difficult. You will need:

  1. Seeds.
  2. Soil and drainage.
  3. Boxes or containers.
  4. Lamps for additional lighting.
  5. Glass or film for covering.
  6. Complex fertilizers for flower seedlings.

How to prepare seeds

When growing marigold seedlings, it is advisable to take seeds no older than two years (this is the germination period for this crop). You can sow dry seeds - it is more convenient to work with dry seed material. But to increase germination, it is preferable to soak the seeds in water room temperature or even germinate in a humid environment. Seeds, especially those collected from your own plot, must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. If you don't want to work with wet seeds, you can dust them with fungicide powder by placing them in a bag and adding a pinch of powder.

When to sow

  1. Weather in your region. Possibility of return frosts. Timing of onset of stable heat.
  2. Receipt times flowering plants– in what month do you want to have a flowering bed of marigolds.
  3. From sowing to flowering, marigolds, depending on growth conditions and variety, will need 1.5-2.5 months.

February - optimal month for sowing marigolds. If you haven’t had time to get your bearings or prepare for sowing, it can be done in March, but then flowering tagetes will appear in your flowerbed only in June.

Soil and seedling containers for tagetes

Tagetes need very light soil of average fertility. For sowing seeds, the medium must be neutral, or preferably slightly acidic. Hybrid varieties are more demanding on soil composition.

Seedling boxes or containers are prepared for sowing. Fill them 3/4 with moistened soil. The seeds are laid out in shallow grooves (about a centimeter) in increments of three centimeters. Sprinkling of crops is carried out with a mixture of peat or leaf soil with sand. From above, the soil is generously sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Be sure to cover the box with glass or film. The cover must be periodically removed and the crops ventilated.

How to care for marigold seedlings

Tagetes is very heat-loving and does not tolerate even light frosts, so there is another advantage in propagating seedlings - a guarantee against freezing of seeds and seedlings when early sowing into open ground.

Parameters and stages of care Description
Warm The temperature of keeping containers with crops before germination is not lower than +22°C, and optimally – +24...+25°C. The first shoots, if the seeds have passed pre-sowing treatment, will appear within 5-6 days. Dry, untreated seeds can take up to 10-12 days to germinate. Further temperature for good development seedlings should be reduced to +18…+20°С
Light Marigolds need large quantities sunlight. Therefore, they are planted in flower beds in open places, avoiding the shadows. Tagetes seedlings at all stages, starting from the emergence of seedlings, need additional lighting. Marigolds need to be illuminated 12-13 hours a day. This is done during the daytime - at night the plants should rest. Illumination should be carried out with fluorescent lamps, phytolights, LEDs or any lighting fixtures, intended for supplementary illumination of plants
Watering and fertilizing Marigolds do not like water. As adults, they are surprisingly resistant to drought, but during the growth period from seeds to seedlings they need constant, abundant moisture.

You can start feeding the plant 14 days after germination and do this every two weeks. Last feeding - 14 days before planting

Picks When two true leaves appear, the first picking is carried out. Tagetes do not need individual pots at this stage - you can plant them in large boxes, increasing the step to 7 cm.

The next picking can be done in a month in pots with a diameter of 12 cm. This will make it easier to plant plants in the flowerbed


Marigolds easily tolerate all procedures associated with their movement. They can not only be picked, but also replanted in the state of budding and even the appearance of flowers.

Planting seedlings in a flowerbed can (depending on the climate) begin at the end of April. Most often, May is chosen as the landing time. In particularly cold regions it is June.

Advice! It is always better to wait with marigold seedlings and not plant them until the last moment.

Plants are planted in shallow holes at a distance from each other of at least 15 cm (for low ones) and maximum 40 cm (for high grades).
Tagetes can be planted not only in flower beds. This plant is a real garden “doctor”. Planted around the perimeter of the beds, marigolds will protect garden plants from most diseases and numerous pests. Plants also heal the soil.

Flower garden care

Caring for flowers in a flower bed is simple. It includes standard floriculture activities:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • removing dried flowers.

To reduce the number of weeds and reduce watering, Tagetes plantings can be mulched.

These beautiful, long-lasting, lush flowers in bright, optimistic colors are sure to please. They will create positive mood and summer flower bed design. Tagetes will look great both in the greenery of the garden and on the vegetable bed or on the lawn. They go well with other colors and have no antagonists. Marigolds are excellent predecessors for all garden and vegetable crops.

Video - How to sow marigold seeds for seedlings

Marigolds, marigolds, tagetes, Chernobrivtsy - all these are names of one bright unpretentious flower, which grows beautifully in the garden and on the balcony. There are so many varieties that you can plant low-growing varieties in the form of a border to frame a green lawn, and tall species perfectly complement the compositions of mixed flower beds of multi-colored annuals. The color of the flowers varies from delicate shades of vanilla to scarlet and bright yellow tones. They often have a heterogeneous variegated color; the original varieties of TagetesBicolor, Tiger Eyes and KurtJester bloom especially beautifully.

The main feature of marigolds is their unpretentiousness; plants adapt to different conditions cultivation, giving unusually bright flowers from the beginning of summer about late autumn. Growing marigolds from seeds does not represent special labor, even novice flower growers can handle this. Let's talk about ways to grow this crop from seeds in more detail.

Marigolds: growing from seeds by self-sowing

To begin with, it is worth noting that marigolds sprout well by self-sowing, especially when the flower beds are covered in winter with a thick layer of snow, which prevents death seed material. Already in April in flower beds, paths, tree trunk circles under the trees you can see strong seedlings with characteristic leaves with a spicy aroma.

Ready-made marigold seedlings can be used to decorate flower beds, ridges, balcony boxes and other plantings; young plants are characterized by good health and can easily tolerate transplantation. Seedlings bloom in the first year. Blooming profusely bright plant has useful property- marigolds planted near potato beds, scare away the nematode from the area. Seedlings that appear by self-seeding can be used for planting vegetable beds for protection against pests. Decorative marigolds with charming bright colors will help to expel malicious garden pests from the site: wireworms, Colorado potato beetles, nematodes, cutworms, mole crickets, cabbage whites, weevils, ants, onion flies, aphids.

When to plant marigolds for seedlings: timing of sowing seeds

In order to achieve ultra-early flowering of Tagetes in garden beds, it is necessary to correctly calculate the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings. It should be borne in mind that the crop can be grown in two ways:

  1. Sowing seeds directly into open ground.
  2. Obtaining seedlings for transplanting into garden beds.

When sowing marigold seeds directly into open ground, it is worth considering that the plant is quite heat-loving, so seedlings appear only when it has passed.

Important! Seeds remain viable for up to 2 years; carefully check the collection date indicated on the packages.

In most regions, marigold seeds are sown in the ground in May, using dry or soaked seeds. From the moment of sowing to the appearance of buds, it takes about 2 months - when sowing is carried out on May 15, flowering occurs approximately in mid-July.

Seedlings are grown based on the need to obtain blooming flower beds. To ensure early flowering, Chernobrivtsev seeds. Around the end of April, the seedlings are ready to be transplanted into open ground, with buds already present on most plants. You should not be afraid of replanting Tagetes seedlings with buds and open flowers - the plants quickly take root in a new place, the presence of buds does not in any way affect the deterioration of flowering in the future.

When to plant marigold seeds to obtain seedlings in middle lane? Usually this operation is carried out from the second ten days of March to mid-April. The grown seedlings are planted at the stage of 2 true leaves into separate cups or seedling boxes. Plants usually tolerate picking well. Picked plants should be hardened by lowering the temperature in the room, or keeping the seedlings for several hours a day at open windows or outdoors (must be protected from the wind).

How to plant marigolds with seeds in open ground

To plant tagetes in open ground, choose a bright, quiet day, usually in May. The bed is first dug up and leveled, adding double superphosphate to the soil.

Seeds can be planted without preparation, but sometimes they are pre-soaked in epin or potassium permanganate to speed up the emergence of seedlings. To sow marigolds, longitudinal furrows are made in the garden bed; their depth should not exceed 1 cm. The seeds are placed at a distance from one another, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and watered well from a watering can. At this time, it is very important to carry out careful watering, because seed material is easily washed out of the soil.

Shoots usually appear within a week; to speed up seed germination, you can cover the bed with film. Dive seedlings into open ground when 2 true carved leaves appear, planting on permanent place according to the scheme:

  1. Tall varieties - 40x40.
  2. Dwarf and low-growing species - 20x20.

Marigolds in open ground: crop care

Chernobrivtsy are completely unpretentious, the plants grow well in the shade and in the sun, but full of beauty the plant achieves when grown in sunny areas with fertile soil. Plants practically do not get sick, but for successful cultivation culture, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Watering - it is necessary to water the plants regularly; young plants especially need moisture.
  2. Weeding - as necessary, weeds are removed from flower beds planted with tagetes.
  3. Loosening the soil - frequent watering causes a crust to form on the ground, which should be loosened periodically to improve root aeration.
  4. Removing faded inflorescences - marigolds bloom constantly, they do not have a dormant period, so the plants quickly lose their decorative effect from the abundance of dried flowers. Removing seed pods from the bush stimulates the formation of new buds, so the bushes must be periodically inspected and dried parts removed.
  5. Thinning - when planting tagetes seeds directly into the garden bed, the plantings may become dense, which affects flowering and interferes with the development of neighboring plants. Excess bushes should be carefully transplanted to another place.

How to grow marigolds of new colors? There is nothing simpler - plants growing nearby different varieties cross-pollinate, so it’s worth collecting the seeds, growing seedlings next year and planting them on the site. New flowers will amaze with their splendor and variety of colors.

These bright annuals are valued by amateur gardeners and specialists involved in landscape design, for the excellent combination of unpretentiousness and excellent decorative qualities. Knowing when to sow marigold seedlings, you can admire their flowering from spring until the first frost. A race in time will allow you to shift the flowering period of Tagetes (this is the botanical name of this plant).

Sowing time

You can sow marigolds both before winter and in spring. Sowing in central Russia is carried out when the threat of return frosts disappears - from late May to early June. Shelter non-woven material will allow us to push back these deadlines by another 2 weeks - to the beginning of May. In more southern regions Sowing in the ground can be done starting at the end of March.

Sowing seedlings depends on the following factors:

  • timing of frost-free weather for planting;
  • desired timing of flowering of marigolds.

Tagetes flowering occurs 1.5-2 months after emergence. Consequently, planting marigold seedlings occurs from March 15 to April 10. Additional illumination of annual crops during the winter months will allow the flowering time to be brought forward for a short time. To obtain flowering plants already in April-May, seeds are sown at home in January-February.

Soil preparation

A fungal disease, colloquially called “black leg,” can completely destroy young marigold seedlings. To prevent this from happening, the land for sowing should be carefully prepared. There are several ways to disinfect it.

  1. A container with an earthen mixture for sowing seeds is spilled with a fungicide solution - Fitosporin, Vitaros, Maxim or any other will do in accordance with the instructions.
  2. The soil is shed with a dark pink solution of manganese.
  3. The earth is steamed in a double boiler or in a water bath for 0.5-1 hour.
  4. The earth mixture is processed in microwave oven for 10 minutes in “Medium power” mode.

Place on the bottom of the seedling box drainage layer from expanded clay or crushed stone with a layer of at least 2-3 cm.

The composition of the mixture for sowing can be as follows:

  • humus – 1 part;
  • garden or garden soil - 2 parts;
  • peat – 1 part;
  • large river sand- 1 part.

There should be holes at the bottom of the container or box to allow water to drain. Before planting seeds, the soil must be watered in advance and left for a day at a temperature of +18 to +21⁰С.

Sowing seeds

On the surface of the prepared substrate, grooves with a depth of at least 1 cm are made every 3-4 cm, into which Tagetes seeds are sown at a distance of 1.5 cm from one another. The grooves are sprinkled with a mixture of soil and sifted sand in a 1:1 ratio. Sowing is carried out not only with dry, but also with swollen and pre-soaked seeds. They are kept in a damp cloth and plastic bag within 3 days.

You can add a little sifted furnace ash to the mixture for filling the furrows. This measure will be an additional prevention of the appearance of “black leg”.

If you plan to grow seedlings of several varieties, the crops must be labeled with the name of the variety. At home, it is convenient to use thick foil on which the name of the variety is squeezed out. This label does not get wet or fade from sunlight.

The seedling box is placed in a warm place (from +22 to +25⁰С), covered plastic cover, plastic film or a layer of plexiglass. Before emergence, this mini-greenhouse needs to be ventilated regularly. Shoots with this temperature conditions will appear after 4-6 days. The container with seedlings is transferred to a cooler place, reducing the temperature to +18⁰С.


This operation is carried out when the seedlings have at least 2 true leaves. The soil for placing picked plants has the same composition as for sowing seeds. Growing annuals will be more successful if you add 1 tbsp to the soil. l. complete mineral fertilizer and half a glass of ash for every 5 liters soil mixture. Place the picked plants 7 cm apart from each other. It’s even better to do picking using small or seedling cassettes.

When transplanting, you need to pinch off the central root of the seedling in half. If this technique is carried out correctly, then root system the tagetes will be fibrous, and the seedlings will be strong and stocky.

The prepared plants are planted in a recess in a pot or cassette up to the cotyledon leaves, the roots are straightened and carefully sprinkled with soil. Then the picked seedlings are carefully watered warm water, trying not to wash away the soil from the roots. When it settles, add fresh mixture. If mineral fertilizer was not applied before picking, after 10 days the plants need to be fed with any. It is convenient to do this by timing the fertilizing with the next watering.

Tagetes seedlings are grown with infrequent watering. It is correct to water it only after the top layer has dried.

If seedlings are cultivated in February or early March, they need to be illuminated for 2-3 hours a day, increasing daylight hours to normal. At home, it is convenient to use fluorescent fluorescent lamps.

Preparing the soil for transplanting into open ground

The brightest and most beautiful specimens of Tagetes can only be grown on sunny place. It is not necessary to select exclusively fertile soil for transplanting marigolds to a permanent location. For this unpretentious plant, it is enough to follow simple conditions:

  • loose, breathable soil;
  • permeable earthen substrate without stagnant water.

Before planting seedlings in the dug up soil, you need to add complete mineral fertilizer (30 g per 1 sq. m.) and seal it.

Improvement of severe clay soil contributes to the introduction of sand and peat.

Planting in open ground

You need to transfer seedlings to a flower garden in order to continue growing them there in a certain sequence.

  1. Prepare holes for seedlings in advance. They need to be done at a distance specified by the characteristics of the variety, from 15 to 35 cm from each other.
  2. The root system is placed in the hole; the plant should be planted so that the roots begin 1-2 cm deeper than the surface of the earth.
  3. The planting hole is sprinkled with earth, the soil is compacted.
  4. The plant is watered at the leaves or at the root.

Caring for marigolds

Further cultivation of this annual plant is not difficult even for inexperienced gardeners. This unpretentious plant Withers only in severe drought. Tagetes needs regular watering, weeding, one-time feeding for lush flowering. An excess of nitrogen can cause marigolds to increase vegetative mass to the detriment of flowering.

Mulch the soil around plants to retain moisture during the dry season.

Marigolds can very rarely be affected by pests, most often aphids. The pest is washed off with a stream of water when watering or the marigolds are treated with a systemic pesticide for ornamental plants.

Subject to all the subtleties of growing seedlings and systematic care Marigolds will delight you with their blooms and bright greenery throughout the season. This unpretentious plant recovers very quickly after transplanting and picking. By carefully selecting the timing of sowing seedlings, you can significantly extend the flowering season for this annual.

Knowledge of the schedule determining when to plant marigold seedlings in 2018 lunar calendar, will help to grow high-quality planting material for a flower bed, mixborder or alpine slide. These plants are loved by most gardeners and landscape designers for luxurious bright flowers and ease of care.

Optimal timing

Choice correct timing helps protect tender seedlings from ground frosts when planting marigolds in open ground:

  • V southern regions You can sow small black seeds in the first half of February;
  • in the Urals, in the Moscow region and in the central regions, such work should be carried out in March;
  • for the Northern regions, high-quality planting material should be sown in April.

At the same time, the lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners recommends using the days for planting that have the greatest impact on the growth and quality of flowering plants of this type. This:

  • in February - from the 19th to the 22nd;
  • in March - from 12 to 14 and from 21 to 24;
  • in April - from 7 to 10 and from 19 to 20 of the month.

Negative numbers for working with land in these months remain:

  • in February - 11,24,26;
  • in March – 1, 11, 28;
  • in April – 1-3,16,24,24,25.

Features of planting marigold seedlings in the Urals, Moscow region and Siberia

You should consult the lunar calendar and consider the advice of astrologers only after the gardener determines the periods spring frosts for a specific region. A small and short-term frost has a detrimental effect on young plant. Seedlings will not be able to survive frost. Sowing of marigolds is carried out taking into account the fact that transplantation into the ground is carried out at the end of May or the beginning of the first summer month.

If favorable periods of the lunar calendar do not allow sowing work. You can adjust plans for sowing and transplanting for a maximum of two weeks. In this case, sowing is carried out exactly according to the lunar calendar so that the seedlings can be transplanted under film cover in early May. As an alternative to film, spunbond can be used.

Advice! To regulate the timing of planting, it is necessary not to forget about good watering.

Upright marigolds should be given maximum attention, sowing them first. Sowing work is planned for late March or early April. After a few weeks, it’s worth looking at the lunar calendar and hurrying up to choose the perfect day for small-leaved species marigold or low growing type. Having managed to plant according to this principle, the appearance of flowers can be expected in mid-June.

Sowing according to the lunar calendar in May will lead to the appearance of flowers by mid-summer. It is important to consider the characteristics of marigolds. This plant does not tolerate cold well. Sowing work should be focused not only on the ideal dates for planting seedlings, but on the soil temperature. It should not fall below 15 degrees.

Important information for growing marigolds in seedlings

Knowing when to plant marigold seedlings for best result in 2018 according to the lunar calendar, it is worth considering other information. It is easier to purchase ready-made seedlings. But experienced flower growers know firsthand that best flowers obtained from our own seedlings. Moreover, it is much more economical.

To ensure that your marigolds are ready for planting, outdoors in the spring, the gardener needs to start growing them from seeds in indoors 50-60 days before the last frost.

It is worth starting with a tray or pot for sowing, filled with damp soil, fertilized mixture.

The seeds should be covered with a thin layer of vermiculite. Then you need to cover the pot or tray with film and place the container in a warm place. Marigold seeds do not need light to hatch, so the grower does not need to provide additional lighting.

The next step for growing from seeds is to check the seed daily for germination. Marigolds take three to four days to germinate. But the pecking process sometimes takes longer if the storage location of the container with the sown plant is cool.

As soon as the marigold shoots appear, you need to remove the film and move the tray to Fresh air. 5 hours daily is enough. The light can also come from an artificial source if it is difficult for the grower to find a place near the window.

How to care for marigolds at the seedling stage and after

Marigolds – universal flower. When the seedlings become strong, they need more sun rays. It is known that marigolds germinate well in hot, open ground. They will not be hindered by dry soil or overly moist soil. This hardiness is considered one of the reasons why plants are selected for sites by experienced gardeners.

The main thing is to understand that hardy adult plants are obtained from properly grown seedlings, sown plants according to the advice of astrologers and information about auspicious days. As the seedlings grow, it is worth keeping the soil moist. This will help prevent the seedlings from wilting. When the marigolds form two leaves, they can be transplanted into individual pots, where they are able to grow indoors under light until the last frost has passed.

After transplanting marigolds into the ground, the grower needs to water the plants when the weather becomes unfavorable (heat and prolonged drought, more than two weeks). Marigolds in pots need to be watered daily. The soil in pots dries out faster. Water-soluble fertilizers can be added once a month. But the plants will develop well without fertilizers.

Fact! You can significantly increase the number of flowers and the length of the flowering period by sparingly removing dried flowers from the stems.

Collecting seeds from marigold flowers

The plants do not form recognizable seed pods, making seeds difficult to find without knowing where to look. The first thing to do is wait for the flowers to dry.

It is worth choosing a dry flower. It should be brown, with a little green at the base. Green means the flower is not rotting.

Advice. It is necessary to cut the flower head from the plant a few centimeters from the stem so as not to damage the seeds.

Dried flowers can be stored in a cool, dry place, and the seeds inside these flower heads are used by gardeners to grow the plant the following year.

How to store seed

After collecting the seeds from the flowers, you should set them aside for a day or so to allow the material to dry. It is better to store seeds in a paper envelope to avoid additional moisture.

Important. Remember that when collecting marigold seeds, you should not expect that the seeds will produce an exact copy of the “parent” flowers.

If the plant from which the material was collected is an heirloom, its seeds will produce identical flowers. But in the case of hybrids (many available marigold seeds are modern market– seeds hybrid varieties), then the next generation will not look the same. There is nothing wrong with this - many gardeners like the opportunity to grow on the site different options marigolds.

Benefits of growing marigolds

Scientific research does not always support claims that planting marigolds near certain crops repel pests, but gardeners practical experience they say differently. The number of marigolds planted can vary, so it is worth experimenting with different combinations. Many claim that marigolds are capable of keeping a number of pests under control, including:

  • cabbage maggots;
  • potato beetles;
  • nematodes.

There are many plants that can benefit from neighbors in the form of marigolds. A number of common vegetables are loved by marigolds, in the form of companions. This:

  • cucumbers, melons;
  • eggplant;
  • potato;
  • lettuce, pumpkin;
  • tomatoes;
  • asparagus, beans, onions.

When planting flowers and as companions for crops, it is worth choosing those that have the same growing conditions. Marigolds are drought-tolerant plants that thrive in sunny weather. They are not picky when it comes to soil type, but well-drained soil is a necessity. Marigolds are easy to grow and do not require special care other than a reliable light source. Marigold seeds are inexpensive and will provide excellent result, if you know when to plant marigold seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar.

Marigolds, caps, lights, Chernobrivtsy - these are all names of Tagetes. This flower is a favorite of many; it grows quickly and is easy to care for. Among its species there are giants and dwarfs. And even a novice gardener can grow seedlings for marigolds.

Marigold inflorescences vary in size and shape, from small “carnations” to lush “chrysanthemums,” and in color from light yellow to reddish brown.

Tagetes are planted in containers or flower beds; they are convenient for covering areas exposed after flowering. bulbous plants. Marigolds are not only used to decorate the garden. All parts of the flower contain phytoncides, which repel pests and suppress pathogenic fungi, including those living in the ground. Marigolds are planted near strawberries to repel weevils, near cabbage against whiteweed, near asters against fusarium, near clematis and phlox to prevent nematodes. This plant is used as medicine and as a spice.

How to grow marigolds

The main method of propagation of Tagetes is using seeds. Hybrids are propagated stem cuttings, which take root well in water.

It is better to take fresh marigold seed for growing from seeds. The period during which Tagetes seeds retain excellent germination is is two years. For sowing, you can use dry, sprouted seeds, previously soaked in water at room temperature. Sowing germinated seeds makes it possible to obtain the best sowing density.

Marigolds can be grown either through direct sowing into the soil or using seedlings. Seeds are sown directly into the soil at the end of May, beginning of June.

When to sow marigolds for seedlings

The sooner you sow marigold seedlings, the faster they will produce color. If you are nurturing various varieties, then you should know that upright tagetes are sown first (in the second decade of March), small-leaved and low-growing marigolds are sown in early April, and then all three varieties will give color in June.

Growing marigolds from seedlings is not a difficult process, however, there are nuances that cannot be missed. Soil for sowing tagetes must be sufficiently loose and fertile. The following mixture is suitable: two parts peat, one part humus (or compost) and half a part washed sand. At the bottom of the container you need to lay drainage made of crushed stone, expanded clay or sand three centimeters high.

You need to make grooves at a distance of one or two centimeters from each other, place the seeds in them and sprinkle them with a layer of earth. Watering must be done carefully so that the water does not wash the seed out of the soil. Containers are kept in a warm place at a temperature of 22-25ºС and make sure that the earth does not dry out. The sprouts will appear no earlier than seven days later, then the container is transferred to light and the temperature is slightly reduced to 15-18ºC.

When 2-3 true leaves appear, the sprouts are transplanted into cassettes. This makes it possible to avoid stretching and shading of seedlings.

Transplanting marigolds into the ground

Caring for marigolds

Problems when growing marigolds

When growing tagetes, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • Poorly moistened soil limits plant growth and affects the size of inflorescences;
  • prolonged waterlogging of the soil leads to the death of plants due to damage to the roots by fungal diseases;
  • With the onset of the rainy season, the inflorescences, especially large ones, rot. It is necessary to remove them so that the entire plant does not rot;
  • when the temperature drops to plus ten degrees Celsius, the leaves become red-purple, the processes of development and growth are suspended;
  • thanks to high temperatures, high humidity and introducing organic fertilizers in spring, the vegetative mass of the plant increases to the detriment of flowering.

The technology for growing Tagetes is standard. It is no coincidence that they occupy an honorable first place among flowers, as they are easy to grow and unpretentious. Actually, this can explain their celebrity.