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How a pineapple grows: growing the fruit at home. How does a pineapple grow? Growing pineapples at home

Pineapple is a perennial herbaceous plant with hard, fleshy, leathery leaves that are capable of storing moisture, which allows the plant to withstand drought quite comfortably. Depending on the variety and age, pineapple can reach 1.5 m in height, but usually the bush is small, about 70 cm.

Take a small pot. Add drainage to the bottom, then soil, moisten everything and plant the rooted cuttings. The plant will take root for quite some time, about two months, then new healthy leaves should appear.

Often when growing pineapple in room conditions, you may not be able to wait for flowering and fruiting, but if your plant is already old enough and developing well, then you can try to force it to bear fruit.

Pour a teaspoon of calcium carbide into half a liter of water, cover the jar with a lid and leave the mixture for a day. Then pour the solution into another container, being careful not to let any sediment get into it. For a week, pour 50 g of solution into the base of the leaves once a day. After such a procedure, the plant should bloom in a month and a half. Having produced fruit, the plant will die, but it will produce many side shoots from which new pineapple bushes can be grown.

Pineapple is very tasty and healthy exotic fruit. There is a stereotype that pineapples grow on a pineapple tree or palm tree, like bananas, but in reality this is not the case at all.

Pineapple is native to the hot and arid regions of South America. It was from there that the spread of pineapple to other countries began.

He has a large number of varieties not only in South America, but throughout tropical countries around the world. Countries where pineapples grow are Brazil, Thailand, Philippines, Australia, India and others . Every year the world is increasing number of pineapple plantations, which indicates its growing popularity.

Pineapples don't actually grow on trees. This is a herbaceous fruit perennial, which belongs to the bromeliad family. In science, the debate about the classification of pineapple continues to this day, since it is similar to cabbage in the way it bears fruit. Like cabbage, pineapples grow on the ground. This plant most often grows in height up to sixty centimeters and has a rosette of sharp and long serrated leaves along the edge. The fruits of this plant grow on a stalk from the central part.

The root system of this plant is rather poorly developed. Most often, its roots are buried in the soil no more than thirty centimeters maximum, and at the same time cover a very small volume of soil.

The fruit of this plant looks like a large golden-brown cone, decorated with a tuft of short green leaves. Average weight the fetus is about two kilograms V. The fruit has its own unique sweet and slightly tart taste. These fruits are harvested up to three times a year from one plantation.

How does a pineapple grow?

The plantations where they grow look like an ordinary, unremarkable field with small bushes. Only if you look closely can you see the fruit on each plant. On plantations, these plants are planted in two rows with a distance of one and a half meters between each plant. Pineapple presented great variety varieties.

Due to the fact that pineapple is a perennial plant, it needs the first months after planting to create a leaf rosette. During this time, the trunk grows and becomes thicker, from which curved, pointed leaves closely adjacent to each other extend, forming a rosette. An adult plant has up to eighty leaves, which have many fibers to provide strength. It accumulates in the socket, necessary for the plant moisture.

Then, after the completion of the formation of the rosette, on an elongated extension of the stem without leaves, they open small flowers, united into a spike-shaped inflorescence e, having a purple color. First, the bisexual flowers open at the bottom, then flowering begins on the upper buds. The ovaries turn into berries, which later begin to merge with each other, forming a fruit under a single peel. It will take up to six months to ripen, then the fruit is cut off. This is how pineapple grows.

It reproduces in several ways:

  • 1.Seeds that are located immediately under the skin.
  • 2. Lateral basal shoots, which are cut off as soon as roots grow from them.
  • 3. Vegetative method. Growing from the top of a pineapple.

How to make pineapple grow at home

First of all, you need to choose the right fruit. For planting, only a ripe fruit is needed, the top of which should be bright green without any spots, and the fruit itself should be yellow or brownish in color.

From the selected fruit, first of all, you need to have a green tuft and dry it in the air for several days. Then it needs to be placed in a container with water, which must be changed daily until the roots appear. . For fifteen days many roots appear. You can plant pineapple after the roots reach two centimeters in length.

These plants naturally have a superficial root system, for this reason, for planting you will need a wide, low container; drainage should be placed at its bottom. Best used as a primer flower mixture for an orchid. But a universal primer will also work.

The first flowering of this plant occurs after about three years.

Indians Latin America Even in ancient times, they discovered that pineapple leaves contain a large amount of strong fibers, so they began to use it as a spinning crop.

In Europe, the fashion for fabric made from pineapple leaf fibers gained enormous popularity in the nineteenth century. The fabric made from pineapple fibers was light, transparent, breathable, and also had a wonderful cooling effect. Interestingly, this plant is still used as a spinning crop. Rope is made from its fibers, twine and paper. Nowadays, there are some clothing designers who specialize in creating exclusive clothing exclusively from pineapple fabrics.

This fruit is very healthy, as it has a lot beneficial properties. Regular consumption of this fruit is a good prevention of diseases such as hypertension, varicose veins veins, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, arthritis. It is also recommended to be used for the prevention of stroke and heart attack. It helps reduce swelling, cleanses blood vessels well of cholesterol and helps thin the blood.

It has been scientifically proven that this delicious fruit helps fight against overweight, as it has the property of accelerating metabolism.. The nature of this fruit is as follows: that it contains a unique enzyme– bromelain, which breaks down fats. This fruit dulls the feeling of hunger well and removes excess fluid from the body.

Pineapple juice improves digestion, and also helps in the fight against seasickness and nausea from air travel.

Pineapple also helps get rid of calluses. To do this, you need to apply a compress from the pulp of this fruit to the calluses at night. In the morning you need to keep your skin in hot water to steam. After this, the callus can be easily removed.

Pineapple contains the following vitamins:

Pineapple contains the following minerals:

Also in medicine and cosmetology, pineapple oil is widely used, which has a large amount useful qualities. It perfectly cleanses the skin and improves its tone, has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to moisturize, whiten the skin and relieve irritation. Also this oil helps stimulate the immune system and has a beneficial effect on blood circulation processes. This oil also has an antibacterial and antifungal effect.

The oil of this plant is a powerful remedy in the fight against infectious diseases; it is considered very effective against the herpes virus. The oil is also used for diseases of the digestive tract, and it also helps normalize blood sugar levels.

Contraindications and harms of pineapple

This fruit should be used with caution by people prone to allergies, nursing mothers and children under three years of age. Also be careful with these fruits should be consumed by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers, gastritis and high stomach acidity. It is also worth noting that pregnant women should not eat its unripe fruits, as this can cause uterine contractions.

How to store pineapple

It’s worth noting right away that this fruit cannot be stored in a plastic bag. It is better to store it in a paper bag or just in thick paper, having previously made holes in it for ventilation. The packaged fruit should be stored in the refrigerator, turning it over periodically to ensure ventilation on all sides.

Pineapple is a very healthy exotic fruit that has a lot useful substances and has big amount useful properties. Its fruits in nature grow not on a tree, but on the ground. This fruit is eaten, used in medicine and cosmetology, and is also used to make clothes, rope and paper.


What do we know about pineapples? This is a fruit, it is delicious, it grows in the tropics on palm trees, and is sold in jars. If you cut off the top, a new pineapple will grow from it.

Here's how they grow:

When I saw this photo, I immediately thought about Photoshop :) Well, that’s how tightly the stereotype pineapple = palm tree is stuck in my brain!

Pineapples, like bananas in general, do not grow on palm trees. Moreover, pineapples do not even grow on a tree! The pineapple plant is herbaceous and does not grow above one and a half meters. Grass.

They grow on the ground, much like cabbage. Only unlike cabbage, pineapple is a perennial plant. He has sharp long leaves, and the fruits grow from the central part, on a stalk.

A pineapple fruit is a cluster of small fruits (infructescence), each of which is formed from its own flower, but which grow together to form a whole pineapple. That's why the outside of the pineapple is so cellular. Sometimes you can see small side shoots on the arrow. Pineapple flowers are pollinated mainly by hummingbirds. The flowers pollinated by them produce seeds, and the pineapple fruit comes out worthless. What we eat are the fruits of self-pollinated flowers that do not produce seeds.

The homeland of pineapple is Paraguay and southern Brazil, but O Most pineapples are now grown in Southeast Asia. Pineapples can grow in arid areas because, due to the specific method of CAM photosynthesis, the pineapple plant loses little moisture through evaporation from the surface of the leaves ( carbon dioxide At night it is stored in cell vacuoles, and during the day it is used for photosynthesis, so that its absorption during the day through open stomata is not required). In addition, pineapple absorbs rain moisture that accumulates in the axils of the leaves.

Pineapples reproduce in several ways:

- Seeds. They are located immediately under the peel, in segments that look like apple seeds, only smaller.

- Side shoots. They need to be cut off as soon as roots grow from them.

— The top of a pineapple, the so-called palm. The main thing is that it looks whole, especially its center. You need to stick it into the ground and wait until it takes root (about a month).

You can even grow pineapples at home. Now you have an idea of ​​how to grow pineapple, and you can try it at home. For example, in the third way.

Of course, the pineapple plantation itself is not attractive in any way. Regular field, with some small exotic herbaceous plants, no more than a meter high. And if you don’t look closely, you can simply pass by without noticing anything. Growing a pineapple takes a lot of work. Thailand, for example, is the world leader in the export of pineapples; this is actually the economic sector of production of this state.

By the way, did anyone else besides me think that pineapples grow on trees? 🙂

This exotic fruit can be grown here, right in your room. To do this, you need to cut off a rosette of leaves from the top of the fruit. They cut it off at the very base of the fruit - without pulp. Then the rosette is washed in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, the cut is sprinkled with ash and allowed to dry for 5 - 6 hours. This cutting is planted in a pot with a capacity of no more than 0.6 liters. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, and a loose earthen mixture is poured, consisting of turf soil, leaf humus, sand and peat in a ratio of 1:2:1:1. A mixture of leaf humus and sand in a 1:1 ratio is added on top with a 3 cm layer. In the center of the pot, make a hole 2 - 2.5 cm deep, with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the rosette. Place a little crushed charcoal so that the tip of the socket does not rot. 2-4 sticks are placed along the edges of the pot, and a rosette is attached to them with ropes.

The soil must be moistened, and a transparent one must be placed on the pot. plastic bag and put it in a bright place. The rosette takes root at a temperature of 25 - 27 ° C. IN winter time A board is placed on the radiator and a pot with a cutting is placed on it. After 1.5 - 2 months, roots will form and new leaves will begin to grow.

The plastic bag is removed only 2 months after the plant takes root. In an adult pineapple, lateral shoots may appear from the base of the stem. They are rooted in the same way as a rosette.

Pineapples are usually replanted annually, slightly increasing the capacity of the pot. The root collar is buried 0.5 cm. Replanted only by transshipment, without destroying the clod of earth. The composition of the substrate is the same as during rooting.

When growing pineapple it is important temperature regime. In summer, the temperature should be 28 - 30°C, although pineapple grows well at 25°C. In winter it is kept at 22 - 24 ° C. The plant is placed not on the windowsill, but by the window on a table or a special flower stand. You can place the pot on the radiator by placing a board under it. In winter, the plant must be illuminated with a fluorescent lamp.

Water the pineapple with settled rain or melt water. You can use simple settled or boiled water, acidifying it with lemon or oxalic acid to pH 5 - 6. The acidity of the water is checked with universal indicator litmus paper. Water for irrigation is heated to 30°C. Water is also poured into the outlet, but the soil is not excessively waterlogged. Pineapple also needs frequent spraying with warm water.

Every 10 - 15 days the plant is fed with liquid complex mineral fertilizers, as well as carefully strained infusion of horse or cow dung. Be sure to spray and water the pineapple with an acidified solution 1-2 times a month. iron sulfate at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of water. The solution is poured into the outlet. Alkaline fertilizers such as wood ash and lime, the plant does not tolerate.
At proper care already in 3 - 4 years the pineapple will begin to bear fruit. Usually at this age the length of its leaves reaches 80 - 90 cm. Mature fruits weigh from 300 g to 1 kg.

An adult pineapple can be made to bloom and bear fruit by fumigating it with smoke. To do this, place a thick plastic bag on the plant next to the pot for 10 minutes. put in a few smoking coals. The procedure is repeated 2 - 3 times with an interval of 7 - 10 days.

Pineapple has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas, it will help with thrombosis and edema - just eat half a pineapple daily or drink 250 milliliters of pineapple juice to soon get rid of these problems.

In addition, pineapple is an excellent remedy for combating calluses. At night, you need to apply pineapple pulp to the callus, and in the morning, steam the skin in hot water, and the callus will be easily removed. Pineapple can also help those who constantly feel sick at sea and in the air - before a flight or trip on a ship, you should drink a glass of pineapple juice.
Pineapple is also good for the skin. Eg, oily skin You can wipe it with pulp every evening. And, of course, you shouldn’t forget about pineapples if you want to stay slim for a long time. As for calories, there are only forty-six in one hundred grams of pineapple. So you can eat pineapple at least three times a day without worrying about your figure. It is useful to have a weekly fasting “pineapple” day.

And if you treat yourself to a few slices of pineapple for dessert every day, your metabolism in the body will significantly improve. In addition, in this case, pineapples will also cleanse the blood and serve as a stimulant for the immune system.
In addition to all of the above, consumption of pineapple as food, according to some scientists, is also a prevention of cancer.


A pineapple?! So what? Yes, there is plenty of it on the shelves of our hyper- (what can I say) and non-hypermarkets...

There is plenty of it, dear friends, in overseas countries. Pineapple can be found everywhere:

  • – on the highways (hard-working Thais sell it right on the roads, just like our enterprising peasants sell strawberries);
  • - in fruit markets, where they lie in bulk on some folding beds, in best case scenario(by the way, they cost pennies (< 1$) и продаются поштучно);
  • – at breakfast at the hotel (in two different countries, Thailand and Sri Lanka, where we were lucky enough to visit, this same pineapple was raw, pickled and even fried).
  • - in all sorts of cafes, where pineapple was served with everything possible (a dish containing pineapple itself was especially in demand).
  • – in addition to everything, one cannot help but remember juices, fresh juices, and pineapple cocktails.

And why all? Yes because. In all these warm exotic countries, that same familiar pineapple is simply AMAZINGLY TASTY. Yes, yes... If you think that you know the taste of a yellow cone thoroughly, then I will have to disappoint you: you absolutely do not know what PINEAPPLE is.

The Thais say: “Add a little salt and you will maximize the taste of pineapple.”

To be honest, I haven’t tried it, but I will definitely try it, which I advise you to do.

Delicious bright yellow pulp, juicy and very sweet. So delicious that you close your eyes with pleasure and imagine the warmest Andaman Sea (okay, maybe not the Andaman Sea).

What do we know about this fruit? Yes, I will honestly tell you that I am not strong in encyclopedic knowledge. Although I can still draw one big plus for myself: I saw him grow... Well, that’s probably all...

“Not a lot,” I thought and went to the Internet for knowledge, information from which flows like a cornucopia.

Where does pineapple grow? On the ground!

Pineapple is a herbaceous plant. And which of the Europeans do you think was the first to see it? Of course, the discoverer was Columbus! In 1493, while landing in Guadeloupe (America), he saw pineapple plantations.

However, a little later it turned out that the birthplace of this fruit is Guiana and Brazil. From there, local residents, who used pineapples not only for food, but also as a raw material for obtaining fiber, and also for medical purposes, distributed it everywhere.

A long time ago, pineapple fibers were used to make a fabric similar to jute! Pineapple fibers are very tough and durable.

How does a pineapple grow?

The pineapple trunk grows up to eighty centimeters, with hard, sharp leaves coming off it. Many varieties have spines that resemble a cactus. Pineapple leaves are juicy and concave, as they are designed to accumulate water in the arid regions where our hero grows. Water and dew flow along the concave leaves to the center of the rosette, nourishing the entire plant when there is a lack of moisture. The leaves themselves also accumulate moisture to be able to give strength to the plant during drought.

Pineapple flower

A year and a half after planting, the pineapple may already be blooming. Pineapple flowers resemble a spikelet on a long, thick stem. The flowers are small (up to 2 cm), lilac or Pink colour, collected in inflorescence (up to 200 pcs.). First, they open at the bottom of the ear, then bloom closer to the top. Up to 15 small flowers can bloom per day.

After the faded ovaries are combined into one fruit, which we know as pineapple.

To make pineapple ears bloom on plantations, they are treated with a special gas, and previously fire smoke was used for this purpose.

To prevent the plant from producing seeds, it is carefully protected from pollination. They put special caps on the inflorescences so that hummingbirds cannot pollinate the pineapples.

The fruits are collected using special equipment.

History of the pineapple

Interestingly, pineapple appeared in Brazil, and especially spread to the Caribbean islands. Local residents even grew it to eat, make wine from it, and clothes from its leaves.

Europeans decorated their feasts with pineapple. If this fruit was on the table, it means that the owner was rich enough. One pineapple cost as much as a full-grown bull.

Ana-ana translated from the Indian language means a strong smell. Pineapple from English. - apple-cone.

In Russia, pineapples began to be cultivated in greenhouses under Catherine the Great. To Russians, pineapple looked like cabbage. Therefore, it was used in pickled, stewed form, and also sour borscht and sour soup were prepared from it.

Where do pineapples grow?

Pineapples were born on one of the high plateaus of South America. Today they are grown

  • in Brazil,
  • in Mexico,
  • in India,
  • and even in Africa and Australia.

Thailand, where we recently visited, exports pineapples all over the world. The most delicious varieties grow right here.

Pineapple flavor

The fruit has a sweet and sour taste. If you get an unripe pineapple, you risk burning your lips, it will be so pungent.

Benefits of pineapple

A ripe fruit can be called a mini-pharmacy in assortment:

  • – pineapple can slow down aging: antioxidants in its composition prevent free radicals from destroying body cells;
  • – vitamins A and beta-carotene have a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • – enzymes improve gastrointestinal function. The presence of this enzyme (bromelain) can be felt by the degree of “corrosion of the tongue.” Therefore, pineapple juice can be added to steak and it will quickly soften the meat.
  • – this miraculous enzyme breaks down protein cells, thereby minimizing the risk of cancer. After all, malignant cells are proteins.
  • – Vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis. Collagen is an essential protein that maintains the integrity of tissues, organs, and blood vessels;
  • – Vitamin C is essential for immunity. Pineapple pulp can relieve the symptoms of ARVI.
  • – pineapple can speed up wound healing;
  • – the delicious fruit is a powerful antidepressant;
  • – the fiber in its composition helps to reduce weight, dulling the feeling of hunger and improving digestion;
  • – due to its wateriness, the fruit helps in the prevention of thrombosis, as it thins the blood.


To feel the benefits of pineapple, it is enough to eat half the fruit a day.

Harm of pineapple

  • Excessive consumption of pineapple damages the mucous membranes of the mouth, tooth enamel, causes diarrhea;
  • You should not eat the fruit if you have gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • Pineapple is harmful for pregnant women, since the substances in its composition cause muscle contractions and increase tone;
  • in children under 6 years of age, irritation of the intestinal mucosa may occur,
  • Pineapple is contraindicated for allergy sufferers and those who cannot tolerate the components in the fruit.

How to choose a pineapple

  1. A tasty fruit consists of 90% water, so a very light fruit will definitely not taste good.
  2. When choosing, you should not pay attention to the color of the peel: green pineapples can be ripe.
  3. Pineapple leaves should be bright and fresh. They can be easily extracted from the fruit.
  4. When pressed lightly, the peel should not form dents.
  5. The most delicious and juicy pineapple should not have any stains.
  6. Too strong a smell indicates that the pineapple is overripe and should not be purchased.
  7. Most healthy pineapple- with yellow flesh.

In general, eating pineapples in moderation is more beneficial than vice versa. I can’t tell you where to find hazel grouse, but here’s what the most delicious pineapples you will find in the kingdom of Thailand - tested for yourself. Therefore, pack your bags if you want to be forever young and slim, and go on a trip. It may not be possible to get to Thailand, but any trip in good company will be a panacea in the fight against old age and bad mood.

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Many people think that these exotic fruits grow on a palm tree. In fact, they do not grow on a tree or a bush at all, but on the ground. It's about about an amazing tropical fruit whose taste is familiar to everyone. This is pineapple, which is one of the most common exotic fruits. Its taste is familiar to many.

The article presents a story about how pineapple grows in nature (see photo in the article), what conditions are necessary for its growth, and what features it has.

general information

Local residents of the tropics grew and used pineapples for food back in the pre-Columbian era. Except edible fruits Both stems and hard, prickly leaves of plants were used. From this raw material a fairly strong fiber was obtained, used for the production of ropes, clothing, mats and fishing nets.

The statement that pineapples grow on palm trees is not at all true. You can find out more about this later in the article. But first let's imagine a little story detection of this wonderful plant.

Short story

Ananas comosus - closest to modern look plant. It was discovered at the beginning of the last century in the valley ( South America).

Most likely, a long time ago it was from these regions that the inhabitants of local tribes who learned to eat these juicy fruits, spread them across the territories of the South American continent to Central America and the Caribbean.

A well-known fact is that this plant was cultivated by the Mayan and Aztec tribes. The discovery of an exotic tropical fruit by Europeans occurred in 1493, during the voyage of Columbus, who noticed it on the island of Guadeloupe. interesting plant. It is with light hand The great Spanish navigator gave this fruit its name - Pina de Indes.

After the discovery by the Spaniards in Hawaii, the Portuguese also found a similar, no less interesting plant in Brazil. And several decades later, the first plantings of pineapples began to appear in African and Indian colonies. The tropical fruit, which is quickly gaining popularity, has retained the name it received from the indigenous people of South America. "Nanas" translated from the Indian language means "magnificent fruit." And in 1555 the prefix comosus (translated as crested) appeared in the name.

Where does pineapple grow?

The countries that are the birthplace of pineapple are Paraguay and Brazil (South America). This plant prefers tropical climates. It can grow even during dry periods due to the ability of leaf cells to store moisture. Most pineapples are grown in Thailand, Brazil, the Philippines, Hawaii, Mexico, Australia, India and Guinea. It is quite possible to grow pineapple in Russia, but for this it is necessary to create conditions for this plant (in greenhouses) close to natural ones.

Pineapples are grown on extensive plantations, and only the most the best varieties. In nature, this plant grows solitarily; it can only be found in individual specimens. In addition, in natural conditions there are wild varieties with harder fruits even when ripe. They are small in size and not very sweet. Large varieties bred by man.

Where the pineapple grows (see photo below) in wild conditions, it is practically a weed, growing without any care. Therefore, its taste is far from human-grown pineapples.

Today this fruit is grown in almost all countries where a tropical climate prevails - Australia, Ghana, Mexico, India and others. The vast fields where pineapples are planted in long ridges look stunningly beautiful.


The idea that pineapple grows on a tree is wrong. It is a perennial herbaceous land plant, grows in the form of a small bush. It has hard and spiky leaves. The fruits are located on the trunk. The peculiarity of the leaves is not only that they are prickly, but also in the unusual properties that they possess. They, as noted above, have special cells, the tissue of which is capable of accumulating moisture during rains. This allows the plant to survive in the driest periods.

The height of a pineapple depends on the growing conditions and the variety. It can be 0.6-1.5 meters. The stem of the plant is quite short. It is densely covered with elongated, stiff foliage.

An adult plant has a rosette formed from 30 or more fleshy, pointed leaves that have a concave shape. Their length is 20-100 cm. One of the features of the plant is that on the stem, which thickens as it grows, the leaves are arranged in a spiral. Some varieties and subspecies of pineapple have spines along the edge of the leaves - curved and sharp.

There are pineapple subspecies with both monochromatic and variegated leaves. However, all representatives of this genus have foliage with a thick waxy coating, which makes it almost bluish or gray.

How do pineapples grow?

In appearance it is exotic plant looks more like a shrub with elongated and dense leaves. In the very first year, its stem thickens and a green mass grows, which consists of intertwining narrow and fleshy succulent leaves (up to 0.7 meters long) with sharp thorns at the edges.

After a year, the pineapple begins to develop an inflorescence shaped like a spike with a large number of flowers, and bisexual ones.

The way a pineapple grows (photo presented in the article) can be compared with the growth white cabbage. Both of them represent small bushes with dense leaves. In both, a fruit forms in the center of the rosette. There are people who mistakenly believe that pineapples and cabbage are related. In fact, pineapples belong to the bromeliad family, and they are the only edible species in this family.


The peduncle, reaching a height of up to 60 cm, sprouts from the growing point of the leaves. It is completely covered with flowers, as noted above, of both sexes. It is due to this that this plant is self-pollinating. Flowering duration is approximately 14 to 20 days.

The flowers are reddish and purple shades, which also depends on the type of plant. Each of them contains a berry filled with juice.


How do pineapples (fruits) grow? After the end of the flowering period, a very powerful infructescence is formed on the bush of the plant. From it the fruit develops in the future. Moreover, at the top of each fruit a tuft or palm appears, in the same shape as the bush itself, but smaller in size. To grow a new fruit, this top is cut off and planted. However, pineapples are not always self-pollinating. There are subspecies that have only male or only female flowers. In this case, the plant is pollinated by bees and other insects, and seeds are formed in the fruits.

Wild fruits are usually small in size, and almost all of them have many seeds, which various animals like to feast on.

After the first fruit ripens, the lateral shoots that form from the axils of the leaves begin to grow intensively. These shoots are subsequently used to propagate pineapples in cultivated form. When the side shoots are removed, the mother plant blooms again after some time and produces fruit again. The plants are completely torn out after the second harvest, and new ones are planted in their place.


Where does pineapple grow? On the ground, on a small trunk herbaceous plant. Its seeds are located immediately under the skin of the fruit, in places called “eyes,” which are analogous to potato “eyes.” Scientifically, they are called Seeds; their shape resembles apple seeds, only they are smaller in size. From such small seeds a new pineapple can grow. Propagation by seeds is the second method after propagation by shoots. It should be noted that self-pollinating varieties do not have seeds, so they can reproduce only in one way - with the help of a tuft.

Fruits grown by pollination are not very good taste qualities and the price of such fruits is lower. Therefore, when growing pineapples on an industrial scale, pollination of the plant is avoided in every possible way.

Growing at home

How do pineapples grow at home? In order to grow it, first of all, you need to purchase a well-ripened fruit (two, just in case). When purchasing, you should pay attention to the leaves. They should be firm and deep green in color. The skin of the fruit should be golden.

Preparation of material for planting: leaves collected in a bunch together with the stem are twisted. You can simply cut off the top, separating it from the pulp.

Growing pineapple is a long process and therefore requires patience.

  1. Slice lower leaves should be done so that 3 cm remains from the cutting.
  2. The trimmed workpiece is placed in a well-ventilated and dry room to dry (3-4 days).
  3. After the top has dried, the workpiece is lowered 4-5 cm into water in a transparent container for rooting. Be sure to protect the plant from drying out and drafts.
  4. The water in the container should be changed every two to three days.
  5. Maintain a constant temperature regime.
  6. After the first roots appear, the pineapple can be planted in the ground. Diameter planting pot should correspond to the size of the top of the seedling.
  7. The container must have holes. The bottom of the pot should be lined with a layer of expanded clay (about 2-3 cm). After planting, the pineapple should be watered generously and the pot with the plant should be placed in a well-lit place.
  8. The planted plant should be watered frequently (moistening every other day is ideal).
  9. To ensure natural growing conditions, the seedling should be covered with a transparent container.

So how do pineapples grow at home? It’s great if you follow all the care rules. After 3-4 years, tasty and aromatic fruits will appear.

  1. It is best to water with settled water room temperature, otherwise the development of the pineapple may slow down. You can add about 3 drops of lemon juice to the water.
  2. It is important to remember that pineapple grown indoors should be replanted annually, and the planting capacity should increase in size. Transplantation is carried out by transferring the plant with an earthen lump.
  3. The plant should be fed with mineral fertilizers.

Growing pineapples at home is a fun and easy process. The main thing in this matter is to be patient and do everything right.


It’s clear how pineapples grow in nature. But, as noted above, sweet fruits are quite difficult to find in the wild.

Over all the years since the discovery of the pineapple, not only the value and quality of this plant have changed, but also its appearance. For comparison, the following can be noted: wild pineapples in natural conditions form fruits weighing 200-700 grams, while cultivated varieties have fruits weighing up to 2-3 kg. With all this, the pulp of the fruit has become much sweeter.

Among the huge variety of tropical fruits, pineapples are in third place in terms of production volumes. In many countries, growing pineapples is the most important agricultural product.