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How to make a two-story garage with your own hands? Two-story garage: design, construction, gates.

Simple garage in the country with a canopy

Somehow I deprived men of my attention! But they also want to have their own shelter, a cave in the country, and I don’t see a better option than building a garage or workshop.

Garages on summer cottages are usually built separately from the house, as space allows. Look what a beautiful stylish garage project I found! This is a real man's nook, with living quarters on the second floor. The garage itself is for two cars.

Garage for two cars with attic

All dimensions are given in feet and inches. Convert to centimeters using special online services - it’s not difficult.

A neat project for a 3 by 8 meter garage with living space on the second floor. A special feature of this option is the balcony.

The staircase to the second floor of the garage is located on the street, on the side. There is a utility block in the garage itself. On the second floor there is a living space with a kitchen, as well as a bedroom and a bathroom with a bath. In fact, this is a complete home for a bachelor! or a secluded place for a man who wants to relax.

Well, a few views of the second floor:

Disadvantages of a warm garage in winter

By the way, there is an opinion that a car rots in a warm garage. This is true, so it is better not to heat the lower room. A warm home garage can cause car aging in winter, since it is in winter that roads are sprinkled everywhere with salt and other chemical elements.

This happens because the car begins to thaw in a closed and heated room. Splashes and salt residues thaw and the body quickly becomes corroded.

A car protected from the weather by only one roof or the walls of a detached cold garage will last much longer. Not worth building warm garage only because the car will start faster when warm.

In this case, it is easier to install an electric heating system in the car. This will save both nerves and finances. If you already have a built-in garage, then it is better to turn it into a guest room or gym.

Scheme of a simple garage made of foam blocks

If you need a simple garage made of foam blocks, then here are the standard sizes. There is nothing special to describe here, the plan is extremely simple.

More nice option foam block garage

A worthy project for a garage made of foam blocks for one car. Practical roof design, two windows, a small sitting room also with a window.

Video from a masonry master - a garage made of cinder blocks in 2 days

In addition to the plan for a garage made of foam blocks, I recommend watching a video in which a masonry master shows and tells how they built a garage for a friend in two days. The video is lively and interesting, showing the construction process with humor and language.

Construction of a cold garage

When building a cold garage, special attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of the room. Indeed, if warm air hits the cold surface of the garage walls, moisture will begin to condense and flow onto the floor.

The gate will also become covered with droplets of water, which will get into the locks or thresholds, and in winter conditions this can lead to the garage simply not opening in the morning. Constantly wet metal elements They will quickly begin to rust.

Project of a two-story garage 8 by 8 for 2 cars

This option is more strict, unlike the first, which, in my female opinion, is more beautiful. Men, I know, don’t need all these decorations, however, since we're talking about about a garage at home, then women’s opinions should also be taken into account. This project is a garage for 2 cars with a residential second floor.

How to improve the thermal insulation properties of a garage

The walls of the box are made of foam blocks. The roof should also be insulated. Garage doors should also be insulated with sheet foam, the thickness of which is 4 - 6 cm, then covered with plywood or wooden clapboard. It will be easier to completely insulate the garage from the inside OSB sheathing slabs with a thickness of 16 - 22 mm.

Project of a two-story garage 4 by 8 meters for 1 car

Here's a simpler design for a two-story, one-car garage. I’m even envious - such nice, functional houses - on the second floor there is a shower where you can wash off the dirt, a kitchenette and a relaxation room where you can sit with friends and cheer for your favorite sports team.

Video - workshop garage with attic

An interesting video from Forumhouse about how a man built himself a garage - a workshop with an attic. Not finding anything suitable in the search, he decided to build according to an individual plan. See the story and description of the construction of this structure from the author.


Using supply and exhaust openings, we create natural ventilation for the garage. The main structures of the garage must also have openings - floors, walls, partitions, doors.

It is better to place these holes diagonally from each other. The supply openings should be located 20 - 25 cm above the floor, and the exhaust openings 10 - 15 cm below the ceiling. All holes should not exceed 0.3% of the entire garage area, otherwise the pull will be poor.

Budget two-story garage project

This project is designed for one car, as well as an open floor plan on the second floor. With a budget design, a single space for a closet or a full-fledged recreation area for a man can be organized on the second floor.

Shed instead of garage

If you decide to limit yourself to only a canopy for your car, then you should remember that you must ensure proper strength support posts. This is especially important during winter snowfalls, when the roof must withstand significant loads.

Project of a one-story garage 8 by 8 meters for 2 cars

And this is a project of one floor, but for two cars, or for one, but with more space for a workshop. I repeat that all dimensions are in feet and inches; you can convert them to centimeters yourself.

Video review of the garage

If you are interested in how to optimize the space of your garage, I advise you to watch a video from Evgeniy, who built himself a garage with an attic with his own hands. The author talks and shows his garage for diagnosing and working on clients’ cars. that is, this is a truly professional car repair shop.

By the way, I was interested in the project of a garage with a bathhouse. I don’t know about you men, but this already seems like overkill to me. A shower cabin is enough for you, but make a bathhouse for the whole family :)

Before building a garage for 2 cars, it is necessary to competently design the structure taking into account the purpose, operating features and dimensions of the vehicles themselves. From the article you will learn which projects and layout options are popular, what a building can be constructed from and how to decorate it. In addition, you will understand how to choose a location and prepare it, determine the dimensions of the future object so that it complies with current regulations and is convenient for use.

Classic garage for two cars

Choosing a site for construction

Before you start designing a two-car garage, you need to decide on its location. suburban area. The following factors will need to be taken into account:

    Driveways. They must be arranged so that the car does not interfere with parking, including when two cars enter at the same time or alternately.

    Place for opening the doors. If the gates to the garage building are swinging, it is necessary to ensure that they do not touch other structures and do not take up much space.

    Relief, soil slope. These points are important when choosing a foundation system and calculating material costs.

    Groundwater depth. This factor must be known in order to avoid the risk of flooding of the building during spring floods.

    Availability of communications underground. If under the selected location lie, for example, sewer pipes, you will have to strengthen the foundation, but it will not be possible to equip a repair pit if necessary, so it is better to choose another site for construction.

    Remoteness of other objects– houses, gardens, outbuildings, water supply.

After choosing a location, you can mark the future building on the site plan.

The exit from the garage must be free for both cars

Size calculation

The next stage after selecting a location is calculating the dimensions of the building; In this case, it is important not only to allocate space for direct parking of vehicles, but also to take into account a small space for maintenance and storage of tools. The parking spaces themselves can be located in the same room or separated by a partition: it depends on the preferences of the owner. When calculating the size of a garage for 2 cars, you can pay attention to SNiP 02.21.99, which indicates the minimum dimensions of a parking space in open areas and indoors:

    Length– 5.3 m.

    Width– 2.5 m.

The exact size depends on the dimensions of the machines themselves. Accordingly, for a garage for two vehicles, you need to multiply the indicators by 2, and then add the distance between parking spaces (minimum 50 cm). It is necessary to provide space for shelving, as well as a gap between cars and the walls of the building: according to building codes, it should be 0.5 m.

Naturally, if the garage will be used not only for vehicles, but also for storing tools, firewood, outdoor benches and other equipment, this must be taken into account when calculating the dimensions. The ceiling height must be at least 220 cm.

Dimensions are marked on the plan of the future building

On our website you can get acquainted with the most and others, from construction companies represented at the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Design Features

The garage project must contain not only the dimensions and features of the layout: it is necessary to indicate the type of foundation, materials of manufacture, the thickness of the walls and partitions, indicate the type and dimensions of the gate, roof, communication points, location of windows. There are many options finished projects, differing in size, layout and purpose.

Economy option

If the construction budget is limited and the site area is small, it makes sense to equip a small garage. As a rule, in this case, the space between parking spaces for cars is not fenced off; the entrance is most often combined and equipped with one gate. If there is a need to save space, sliding or lifting doors are installed, but if there is enough space, swing doors can also be installed. Racks for tools and supplies are placed around the perimeter in the upper part of the garage; for repairs, you can make a pit with a concrete floor and walls. Often, in order to save money, it is arranged under only one parking space.

Standard garage for 2 cars

Option with utility room

Set up a garage for 2 cars with a utility room - popular idea, allowing you to combine a garage with a barn under one roof. In this case, the room will need to be expanded by at least 200 cm; the exact size depends on the amount of equipment that will be stored in the extension. For example, in the utility room you can keep gardening tools, hand tools and machines, building materials, and agricultural machinery.

Most often, such a garage is placed at the entrance so that you can not only drive in conveniently, but also, if necessary, remove the tools stored in the room. The partition between the utility room and parking spaces is often made of half-block or brick; lighting can be installed separately in each part.

Classic garage layout with utility room

Project of a garage for 2 cars with an attic

A very popular option is to build a garage for two cars with an attic floor: the superstructure can be used for storing things, temporary or seasonal living, and you can also arrange a recreation room there. Mandatory requirements for such a project:

    Strengthening the foundation and walls. They must support the weight of the attic; the superstructure itself can be made of the same material as the supporting structures, or lighter varieties (for example, frame-panel materials).

    Competent finishing. It will be necessary to properly insulate both floors, install a boiler room that will heat the attic and the lower part of the building, and also take care of communications and proper wiring inside.

    Arrangement ventilation system . This is especially important if the attic will be used for seasonal living.

Such a garage for 2 cars, the design of which includes a boiler room, a bathroom and a spacious room above, will allow for optimal placement of cars and tools, saving space on the site.

The attic floor can be equipped for any purpose

Garage with living floor

It is possible to equip a building with an upper floor intended for permanent residence: it can be used both by the owner himself, for example, during the construction of the main house, and by guests. A room for permanent residence requires high-quality insulation and waterproofing; all amenities must be placed inside, therefore, as a rule, the size of such a building is rather large. In such a garage, parking spaces, a repair area, and a boiler room are located below, and one or more rooms are arranged on top.

Depending on the purpose, the residential floor can be equipped with one large hall or 2-4 small rooms. The first option is optimal if it is planned to create, for example, a recreation area or a games room with billiards upstairs, and the second solution is relevant if the owner plans to move guest rooms from the house.

Garage with a floor for permanent residence

Workshop project

If the owner not only maintains two vehicles, but also personally carries out repairs or provides such services on a private basis, a 2-car garage with a workshop project would be the optimal choice. As a rule, this room is adjacent to the parking area and borders the boiler room, the optimal size is 20-25 square meters. Points to consider:

    Workshop size. It must be such that, if necessary, the vehicle itself can fit there. If one of two cars is larger than the other, you should take into account the dimensions of the larger car.

    Login different rooms . It is better to arrange them separately: one leads to the parking area, the other to the workshop, another one can lead to the boiler room or utility part, if provided.

    Location of machines and tools. The equipment must be placed so that it can be used with maximum convenience.

Standard garage layout with workshop

Construction materials

The choice of materials is determined not only by the budget, but also by what part of the structure we are talking about:

    Foundation. Most often it is made slab, since such a base will support the weight of two vehicles and other loads. Foundation calculations must be done with reserve when designing a two-car garage; The dimensions of the slab should be 20-40 cm larger than the perimeter along the walls. For pouring, a concrete mixture based on cement of a grade not lower than M-400 is used, reinforcement is carried out using reinforcement.

    Walls and partitions. The load-bearing parts of the structure can be made of aerated concrete blocks, expanded clay blocks, bricks, and the internal walls can be made of semi-blocks or wall panels.

    Floors. If the garage has an attic or full-fledged residential floor, reinforced concrete slabs can be used for this purpose.

    Roof. The rafter system is made of timber and boards, a layer of hydro- and thermal insulation is laid on top of the lathing, and an external covering is installed on top. Depending on your budget and preferences, this could be metal tiles, corrugated sheets, soft roofing or other material. The form is most often single-pitched, but if a second floor is built on top, a gable roof is usually made.

    Exterior finishing . For this purpose it can be used facade plaster, siding, facing brick etc.

Video description

You can see an example of using a classic garage for two cars by watching the video at the link:


Designing a 2-car garage is a procedure that needs to be carried out taking into account the dimensions of the vehicles, the purpose of the building and the budget. A competently created project will allow you to accurately calculate the materials, determine the location of the building on the site and equip it taking into account all the requirements and nuances.

TWO-STORY GARAGE WITH YOUR OWN HANDS! Today, car owners have increasingly begun to build garages on 2 floors or with an attic, which plays the role of an additional upper room. The second floor in many cases is not a luxury, but an urgent necessity. In this article we will tell you how to build a two-story garage with an attic.

If the garage is small overall dimensions and is designed to park one car, it will be difficult to turn around in such a room. As a rule, any garage structure is designed not only to ensure the safety of the car and protect the vehicle from the effects of precipitation, but also to carry out repair work. Even if it is still possible to produce them, there is often no place to store a full set of tools. In this regard, the attic floor can be very useful. The garage option with an attic that plays the role of the 2nd floor is interesting because it is not a classic two-story building, which is much heavier and more expensive. At the same time, the attic efficiently performs the functions of a full-fledged room above. If the garage area is large, then a voluminous attic can be widely used.

Currently, many garages are being designed with an attic, which defines the function of a living space with many amenities. This option is especially relevant when the size of the garage itself allows you to equip the attic with many of the benefits of civilization. In such projects Special attention pay attention to two things: ventilation and insulation. The quality of ventilation in the garage room should ensure that there is no smell from fuel fumes, which significantly reduces the owner’s desire to stay in the attic room for a long time. A two-story garage is insulated at such a level that the temperature below does not affect the microclimate in the upper room.

The foam blocks from which a garage with an attic will be built are lighter than many other building materials, so there is no need to strengthen the foundation. If there are moving soils on the construction site, the foundation will need to be made monolithic, and the device inspection hole better to exclude. Stages of foundation construction: Having decided on the size of the building for the car, markings are made on the selected area. A ditch 1.0 m deep is dug along its contours. If the depth of soil freezing is below this mark, the trench must be deepened. To create a substrate, the bottom is covered with sand. Then wooden or other formwork is installed to a height determined by the project and the concrete mixture is poured. The foundation is pre-strengthened with reinforcing bars. This foundation construction technology is used in the case of a large area of ​​the future garage. After this, you need to wait several weeks for the concrete to reliably harden. Next necessary step The work is waterproofing, which is performed with roofing felt laid on the surface of the base in 2 layers. After installing the foundation, you can begin the following work.

The minimum dimensions of foam blocks for load-bearing walls of a structure should be 60x30x20 cm. If partitions are provided in the garage, the dimensions of the building material can be taken in smaller sizes. Stages of work on the construction of walls: After applying waterproofing to the foundation and building the walls to a height of 0.5 m, garage doors are installed. Special attention is paid to the foam block masonry of the first row. It must be laid out evenly, taking into account the correction of flaws in the surface of the foundation base. The cracks are sealed cement mortar, and unevenness is eliminated with a board with a grinding surface. The first row is reinforced with reinforcement. To do this, grooves are knocked out in the foam blocks, in which steel rods are walled up. The masonry is tied with a solution of cement with plasticizers. Additionally, every 4th row of the wall being built, window and gate openings are reinforced with reinforcement. In order for the garage to have an acceptable height, the ceiling is installed at 2.5 m. After the walls are erected to a certain height, a reinforced concrete belt is installed. Formwork is made again, tied with reinforcing bars, and filled with a mixture of concrete.

A gable roof with a rafter base is well suited for installing an attic. Stages of work: A reinforced concrete slab or beam floor is laid on a concrete belt. Then a ceiling is installed, over which waterproofing and insulation work is carried out. To enter the attic, a hatch is made. The attic rafters are installed at one end on load-bearing wall, and the second, depending on the size of the garage, on a column or middle wall. Boards are mounted end-to-end on the beams and then covered with roofing felt. For the roof, you can use metal tiles or corrugated sheets. The walls of the attic are stretched to a certain height using the same method as masonry is installed on the first floor - using cement mortar and reinforcement. Windows are installed either in the front wall or on the slope roofing attics. At the final stage, the attic is insulated in accordance with certain requirements.

Among car enthusiasts, a “motorhome” for a personal car is called an object of round-the-clock and year-round operation. A garage is a reliable location for storing and parking a vehicle. And not only. A kind of storage room:

  • for spare parts;
  • bicycles;
  • tools;
  • inventory.

The variety of stored things and objects requires excellent ergonomics, saving money on organizing a comfortable place in the “home” for work and rest. For a large number of car enthusiasts, a two-story garage is a creative place for hard work and luxurious relaxation on the second floor.

Birth of a plan

With their own hands, they draw the project in width, height, and length on whatman paper. Choose a type of gate that opens conveniently and cannot damage the car as a result of spontaneous closing when strong wind.

Carefully draw a sketch of the location of the car, calculating simple functional accessibility to components and systems, electrical power points for tools, machines, and devices. The layout takes into account the free space around the vehicle, passages near the car and other stationary objects located in the “motorhome”. They will be shelves, workbenches, sinks, tool cabinets, and so on. Third party items are also within walking distance. This is the main thing.

The layout of the first floor takes into account the materials used for finishing and contains specific parameters for the inspection pit and other additional structures. Getting a 2-story garage with your own hands is expensive, despite the fact that 70% of the work is carried out by the owner of the “motorhome”. The price is increased by building materials, equipment, electrical cables or wires. There are a lot of expenses. Like inflationary processes.

Second floor plan

Let us clarify that we are talking about a building separate from the residential building. Building a two-story garage structure with your own hands is like building a new house. The layout of the superstructure meets specific criteria. We clearly imagine how we will fill the floor space:

  1. A comfortable place to relax. There is enough space. Along the perimeter, the area of ​​the floor is equal to the lower analogue.
  2. Not prevent modern bathroom.
  3. Let's find a place for billiards.
  4. We will allocate an area to equip a place for drawing, embossing, etc. That is, for complete leisure.
  5. A small kitchen where you can warm up cold food, wash dishes, and have a cup of coffee with friends.

The minimum set of locations that suits the garage owner. Don't forget the bathroom. The room is needed. We will provide a relaxation room with a TV, computer, and telephone. You will get a floor office. We will insulate the roof and provide functional ventilation. Do-it-yourself work is endless.

Let us assume that the proposed layout becomes the basic element. The developer has the right to adjust the proposed option by adding or removing premises. The garage owner's sovereign right comes first.

After construction, the two-story facility will be subject to “invasion” of various inspection and control state commissions. In the context of warning, it is important to follow the recommendations of the State Supervision Authority and the Environmental Service.

It is recommended that the gap between a residential building and a two-story “motorhome” be maintained within a range of at least six meters. The presence of flammable materials in it moves it away from the residential area by another 4 meters.

Violation of the requirement automatically entails sanctions: the fire department will not sign operational documents for a two-story garage. The developer will receive the worst case scenario. Today, the State Fire Inspectorate does not stand on ceremony with violators:

  1. Verbal warning.
  2. If there is no response - an official letter.
  3. The third measure will turn out disastrously for the garage owner.
  4. Bulldozer. And with such difficulty, a 2-story garage built with your own hands will turn into a heap of construction waste in a nearby ravine.

How to get to the top floor?

The layout of the structure must provide an entrance to the second floor of the garage. The main obstacle for a developer who decides to build a house for a car is where to install the stairs. There are two options, one of which may not be considered a priori. This is to place the entrance from the first floor.

There are fundamental reasons for its rejection. The two-story garage has its original counterpart below. A place to locate a car, spare parts, and components for it. And a lot of foreign material, such as bicycles, motorcycles, ATVs and so on.

Everything is coated with oil and has a specific smell of different paint, fuel, rubber. Harmful air impurities rise and penetrate to the second floor with any door insulation. Portions of foul-smelling air enter through the doors during opening to enter the upper half of the garage. Powerful ones won't help ventilation devices.

We use rational decision question. If it is harmful to enter a two-story garage from the first, then logically it can be bypassed. It is not difficult to install an entrance upstairs from the outside of a two-story building with your own hands. When you start building it, provide for this possibility. An easy process. The task is completed with your own hands.

To enter a two-story garage, wooden or metal stairs of a simple design are used. At the bottom, the ends are fixed into concrete foundations, and the upper and lower guides of the stairs are fixed to the pre-prepared balcony. Entrance to the two-story garage is through a door mounted on the gable. Or through the attic. That is, what a car enthusiast wants to build. Of course, with your own hands.

The proposed option contains a healthy grain that promises always clean air without the admixture of the smell of diesel fuel, motor gasoline and other oils. Then a two-story “car cottage” will create comfort for the driver and frequent guests.

Setting up an external entrance to the top with your own hands at a height of 3 meters is not difficult for a car enthusiast who has learned how to work with machines and electric welding. Entering the stairs to the top of the “motorhome” means preserving your health. The body will isolate itself from toxic fumes, mood will improve, and performance will increase.

Why should we build a two-story garage?

It is quite possible for a healthy male car enthusiast to raise the floors himself. To do this you need:

  1. Have a plot of land near a residential building.
  2. Develop a layout of premises for different levels.
  3. Purchase blocks, bricks, and other materials.
  4. It is necessary to dig a pit for an object with inspection hole at the lower level.
  5. Buy a portable concrete mixer, sand, granite crushed stone, Portland cement, finishing material, rafter system kit, roofing materials, sockets, lamps, cables, wires.
  6. Prepare construction tools, stock up on small-scale mechanization.
  7. Order plastic windows for the upper level. Possible for the bottom one too.

As soon as warm days arrive, actively begin construction and installation work. A drop wears away a stone. A man's efforts move mountains. By autumn, the garage owner will examine how cleverly he built the two-story garage. Myself. Without much outside help.