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How to make from Lego step by step. What can be made from Lego

In the popular understanding, LEGO toys are a way to keep kids busy for a while with exciting and educational games. They assemble buildings, roads, cars, robots and other forms from plastic bricks. Inexpensive. Interesting. Children develop their thinking better.

And children in many countries even submit letters to manufacturers with ideas about what can be made from LEGO, and they respond by releasing new construction sets. It only added to the worries of parents: collecting the scattered parts of the construction set.

Brief history

But few parents think about where the game came from. Little is known that in 2000 beautiful crafts from LEGO even amazed its British competitor, the Toy Association: it recognized LEGO as the Toy of the 20th century.

A carpenter foreman from a small Danish town formed the LEGO group in the early 1930s and began the production of children's toys made of wood. 17 years later, the company, having barely recovered from the hardships of World War II, switched to the production of plastic components for construction. All kinds of photos of LEGO crafts convince adults that play can be a serious activity for children.

Lego in Danish means “play well,” and in Latin and Italian it means “collect.” Until now, the first plastic bricks are compatible with all those released in different years children's constructors. And they allow you to make crafts from LEGO of varying complexity.

At the same time, from the very beginning, the developers maintain three tasks that children have to solve mentally and practically: modular assembly, assembly and disassembly skills, and bring kids closer to the concept of repairing equipment.

There are also more complex assemblies for teenagers with the inclusion of microcontrollers and electric motors in the construction kits. Below we will conduct a master class on crafts from LEGO, we will tell you what can be assembled from plastic bricks. For example, a case for a flash drive.

Flash drive

Children simply adore various gadgets (in English they mean “device”, “trinket”, “stray”). Today we will offer a project easy creation original LEGO packaging block for the flash drive.

These electronic devices are produced without bells and whistles, and also in the form of anything externally - a lighter, a key chain and even a bullet. But even in the form of a LEGO block, the flash drive will look very unusual and quite original.

To work you must have on hand:

  • Flash drive
  • Plastic parts-bricks
  • Instant glue
  • Light silicone
  • Sandpaper
  • Paint (but not watercolor or artistic oil)

Start of production - installation of the USB flash drive housing. Select two 6x3 rectangles (can be replaced with 4x3 and 2x3 pieces). Carefully cut off with a sharp knife (plastic cuts well) the walls of all the bricks that will come into contact with each other. Glue them together. Next, install the flash drive inside the created block in the cut hole.

Main stage skillful work– strengthening the USB drive inside the case. For fixation, use transparent silicone. Through it you will need to observe the blinking of the diode “light bulb” - an indicator of the gadget’s operation. Fill the entire void with silicone.

The final part is polishing and painting. Glue the back of the block. Carefully sand the gluing areas and joints with fine-grained sandpaper M63 or M50, or more simply five or four, so that the entire surface becomes smooth.

Paint the entire unit without touching the protruding USB connector using a brush or spray. Cover the connector with paper. The can should be held firmly in your hand and the nozzle should be directed only at the product. It is advisable to wear any glasses to protect your eyes from accidental contact with the spray jet.


A toy for adults and children to relieve stress. Factory layout made of metal, plastic, paper. We provide instructions on how to make a small craft from LEGO. Designers are made of metal, plastic, paper.

For creativity according to our instructions, select from the designer an axle, a pair of round disks with holes 6x6 and 4x4 (2 pieces), as well as with a hole for the axle and another flat one. Set aside 8 3x2 and 4 2x2 blocks. Rotak plates: a large one between two smaller ones; install flat on the axle.


Place the assembled part on top of it, secure it with a flat washer, and fasten it with a 2x2 piece with a cross-shaped hole. Attach 2x2 and 2x3 block weights to the center. Use your fingers to grasp the axle at the top and bottom. The spinner is ready to spin.


You can create something from any constructors by mixing blocks from different boxes. For example, a luxury house is our proposal on how to come up with a DIY craft from LEGO.

A few tips on "architecture". Choose several platforms - one for the floor, the other green one will become the yard. If the house is large, then allocate space for the kitchen, living room and bedroom, and, of course, the nursery. If it’s on two floors, take it away flights of stairs. We wish you success!

Photos of Lego crafts



The Lego company has been producing children's construction sets with the same name for many years. For the first time this company patented its plastic products back in 1958. Set includes plastic parts of different sizes, each of which can be quite easily attached to another part using pins located in its upper part. Over the years, the models of these sets have been improved, and many have become interested in the question - what can be made from Lego?

Today, the range of these designers is very wide: on store shelves you can often find a variety of additional details for such a constructor: figures of people, birds, animals, as well as coins, trees and other attributes. In addition, the designers themselves may belong to a specific theme, for example: wizards, pirates, etc. characters and everything that accompanies them. But the most popular model is a city or Lego city.

Before you start making anything from this construction set, you, of course, need to purchase it. A standard set will do. In order to assemble a machine gun, pistol or other weapon, you need to start with small parts. By the way, another advantage of this construction set is that even a one-year-old baby can play with it, because its parts are not so small as to penetrate the child’s respiratory organs. But for the most part, the vast majority of sets are recommended for children aged 5 years and older.

Any Lego comes with instructions for making a particular element (robot, machine, etc.). After reading it carefully, you can special effort and labor to assemble the constructor. The main difference between such instructions is the most clear description of the assembly stages, and the color pictures will make the assembly process clear even to a small child.

With Lego City, the situation is somewhat different: to build it, most likely, you will need more than 1 set, because here you will have to construct buildings and structures, as well as other elements of urban or rural use. This toy will captivate not only children, but also adults!

By the way, for the details of this designer there is 1 more little unusual application, namely, household. For example, such products can become excellent ice cube trays! To do this, simply fill them with water and place them in the freezer, and then use a knife to remove the contents from them. In addition, you can use Lego to make refrigerator magnets, candles, soap molds, or other useful household items.

Now the company is actively releasing new sets with which you can create figures not only from simple details, but also from gears, chains, various connecting elements and even a programming unit.

The company does not forget about its many fans. In this regard, she opened a number of amusement parks, which are somewhat similar to Disneyland, located in Paris. These parks are called Legoland and Legosity. In them, kids and adults can look at unusual buildings, ride on attractions and even create structures and entire cities on their own!

DIY Lego crafts: options

Lego constructors are an exciting educational game that children especially like because of their bright colors and colorful design. But its main advantage is the many different variations in the assembly of parts. Anyone can collect what they like best: from weapons like a pistol or machine gun, to cars, robots and even buildings!

But before you start assembling the construction set, you need to unpack it and look at the manual - instructions, where the work options will be indicated. This guide is step-by-step, so you won’t have to think long about how to properly assemble this or that structure.

If you have already tried all the assembly options suggested in the instructions, then you can create a special model or design using, for example, video tutorials.

But a situation may arise when you do not have any the required part, then it will be necessary to purchase 1 more set of the designer. But you can immediately buy Lego “Freestyle”, thereby complementing the original constructor big amount various parts.

The Lego Technic set is very useful for children's development, but first, the baby should be taught how to fasten the main parts together, and then you can give free rein to his imagination. By the way, this Lego set includes, in addition to the main parts, quite specific ones, for example: motors, gears and chains. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your small child while he is busy constructing so that he cannot swallow small parts.

Work on complex structures sometimes it takes quite a long time, so if your son or daughter is under 7 years old, it can get boring very quickly. To search necessary scheme took the shortest possible time, you can search on the Internet.

But you need to know that different sets have, respectively, different sizes. For example, when purchasing Lego Duplo, next time it is better to purchase a construction set from the same series if your plans include expanding the parts. There are also sets for older children, and also for those who like to rack their brains, such as Lego Mindstorms. Here you will find software modules, many small and connecting parts and even electronic sensors with which you can special labor assemble a robot or a car!

How to make a Lego transformer: video

Many children, especially boys, love transforming robots. After all, a toy can simultaneously be a robot itself, a car, and even an airplane.

Lego crafts: video

The Lego company recommends taking design ideas from the world around you. Sounds tempting, but not always easy to implement. To make something interesting, you need instructions - otherwise it won’t turn out beautifully. And small crafts are not inspiring - they are too simple. But this doesn't always happen!

7-year-old Lego fan Semyon hunts for ideas every day. Here simple crafts, which he found so interesting that he decided to make them based on the picture. And if you're interested in more advanced ideas with instructions, check out this post.

Lego homemade products can be made easily and quickly using the picture, without instructions. The ideas below will be of interest to children from 5 to 99 years old.

And if you want to get more ideas, what can be made from Lego bricks, click or on the picture below.

Small safe

Can open and close. All parts, including the door mechanism, are commonly found and easily accessible.

Very similar to a cow because it has horns and 4 legs. It will look even more similar if you make it white and its face pink (that’s how it was in the original picture).

It turned out colorful. Consists of simple details, which are many in any collection.

Little robots Eva and Wally from Lego

One of the few crafts in which we managed to choose the right colors. So simple and great!

Robots - little Eva and Valli
Lego Eve and Wally - front view

Bigger robot Valli

Robot Valli can be made different ways. This one is a little larger, but still quite simple and easy to assemble without instructions.

Lego robot Wally without instructions - front view
Bigger Lego Wallie Robot

Lego underwater torpedo

Something unusual among the usual cars and robots. At the same time, it is very small and simple. Such things are very interesting to boys and some girls.

Lego underwater torpedo

Small plane from Lego

This plane seems too simple to me. But Semyon liked it - that means there’s something in it. Children see the world differently, and it is sometimes interesting to watch their creativity.

My kids (like most children I know) are Lego fans. Of course, loving parents cannot refuse their children to buy another set, although most often the available parts are 90% sufficient to reproduce new models.

And here one of the tricks of Legov’s marketers is revealed. Almost all Lego sets contain one or more unique pieces. And to pay, frankly, a rather high price for a small piece of plastic - no toad can stand that.
But we have a 3D printer and the only question is the model.
So, how can we make a printable model without knowledge of Sketchup/Solidworks etc.?
First, download LeoCAD - handy tool for virtual Lego simulation:

Next, go to and download the latest version of the parts library. We feed this library to LeoKad and look for the desired part in the list. IN in this case we'll try to make a rack 64448, very convenient thing for the construction of new structures:

Next File->Export->Wavefront-> *.obj and save this part to your directory.
Open Autodesk Netfabb (I don’t give a link; you understand why, but everyone knows where to get it and import the model. Right button on the model, Extras->Repair. After LeoCAD, the model turns out to be “dirty,” Netfabb perfectly corrects all problems automatically.

The next step is purely empirical, I don’t know why they converted millimeters into inches in the models, but this model must be reduced by 2.54 times: Part->Scale-> 39.4%
Well, the final step: Project->Export to STL
And start printing:

Of course, children are interested not only in bricks, but also in all sorts of artifacts such as buckets, wheels, etc.
Only with thin rings the printer is not very good, so I set the extrusion to 120% and after printing I go through all the holes with a 4.8mm drill. They don’t snap perfectly, of course, but children don’t pay attention to that.

What can you make from Lego?

The colorful Lego construction set, which has been produced for over 60 years, has captured the hearts of millions of children around the world. He did not leave adults indifferent either. The construction set includes not only bricks, but also figures of people, animals, wheels, etc., and some even include electric motors, sensors and microcontrollers. Therefore, you can make a million things out of Legos!

Lego figures

From Lego you can create a model of a car, plane, helicopter, ship, structure, train, robot and more. Thanks to numerous models and series, you can make from Lego with your own hands not only what is indicated on the box and in the instructions, but also bring your fantasies to life. However, this painstaking work, therefore, before you begin, you need to study the instructions and be patient and time.

We are building a house

Most series of the designer contain various buildings. And, accordingly, you need to decide how to make a Lego house so that it turns out beautiful and natural. The following basic steps in constructing a building can be distinguished:

  1. First you need to build a platform, laying out different lines until the desired size is reached.
  2. Then you should lay out the blank walls of the house. It is necessary to first consider the location of windows, doors, balconies and other openings.
  3. Next comes the construction of walls with windows and exits.
  4. Then we make the roof. For this you can use finished model roof, if it is present in the structure, or lay it out of ordinary bricks, gradually building one step after another on all sides of the structure.

Creating a safe

So, what else can you build from Legos? Safe! To do this you need to buy a special kit with necessary details, because in addition to the usual bricks from which the walls of the safe are made, you will need curved parts for the opening mechanism, latches for the doors and a wheel with numbering. To assemble the opening mechanism, you need round bricks that will act as a lock. Curved parts are installed around each of them so that there is a gap between them for the groove. Above assembled structure a slab is placed, then a spherical part again, a slab again, and at the end a small round brick is installed for the safe's latch. The code of the combination lock depends on the location of its installation.

The following conclusion suggests itself: almost anything can be made from a Lego constructor, from entire cities with many buildings to a launch facility spaceships. It all depends on your imagination.