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How to make a bridge into an aquarium with your own hands. Island for the red-eared turtle

Setting up an aquarium for a red-eared turtle

The red-eared turtle spends most of its life (25-30 years) in an aquatic environment. It is a heat-loving, capricious representative of tropical reservoirs, so you will have to create a high-quality aquarium with your own hands that will serve it for many years. Keeping a turtle involves installing an aquarium (aquaterrarium) with a volume of 150 liters per adult. In the tank, the water should be 40 cm deep, but proportional to the size of the pet - small turtles swim poorly, so less water can be used. It is important that it rests freely in the water and that the liquid completely covers the shell. The aquarium should have a lid with holes for air access, so that after swimming, the reptile comes to land to take a breath of air and warm up.

In an aquatic environment, you need to monitor water parameters: water temperature is 22-28 degrees - at low temperatures, the turtle will become inactive, lethargic, refuse food and may get sick. River representatives of this species fall asleep in the water for the winter, but there is no need to force the pet into hibernation. The acidity and hardness of the water are recommended to be medium; the animal can live in infused tap water. To house several turtles, you need a spacious aquarium, at least 200 liters, with water surface and coastal embankment.

Watch a video about the peculiarities of keeping red-eared turtles.

You can keep your red-eared turtle aquarium clean either with your own hands or with the help of an internal filter, which is often used in fish aquariums. It is recommended to update the water 1-2 times a week depending on the degree of water contamination. Turtles eat underwater, so cloudiness, foam and sludge are possible. Harmful organic compounds are harmful to their health. When nitrates and ammonia accumulate in water, it begins to emit bad smell. New water should have the same parameters as the previous one, but in no case fresh from the tap (only infused). To illuminate the pond, you can install an ultraviolet lamp.

What else can you install in an aquarium with your own hands?

Red-eared turtles should not be kept with aquarium fish, because those will be eaten. Sometimes aquarists make compromises by enclosing the aquarium with vertical glass with holes for water. There should be no large cracks to prevent turtles from crawling into another part of the tank. It turns out that ½ part of the nursery is in the domain of reptiles, and the second is “fish”. This is where you can personally plant plants for fish, special soil and decorations.

Turtles grow quickly, in the first year of life they reach sizes of 22-25 cm, so take care of a large living container in advance. The interior of the “house” should contain safe decorations: medium-sized pebbles (so that the animal does not swallow them), gravel is not safe to place. Pre-treated driftwood, houses, grottoes, and caves should be installed in the reservoir. It is not advisable to plant plants - turtles are not averse to eating them, although some species are suitable for food.

Check out this DIY aquarium for red-eared turtles.

How to heat dry land in an aquaterrarium

Arranging a terrarium for a red-eared turtle with your own hands requires taking into account some of the features of these amphibians.

Requirements for a do-it-yourself turtle terrarium

Firstly, a water section of the terrarium is required (that’s why such containers are also called aquaterrariums). Moreover, recent research suggests that turtles feel much better in a fairly deep aquarium, where they can swim freely. Second required area- an island of land where a turtle can bask. Usually the rays of a lighting and UV lamp are directed at it. Such an island should be no higher than 20 cm from the surface of the aquarium so that the turtle cannot escape from it. So, let's look at how to decorate a terrarium with your own hands.

Making a terrarium with your own hands

Turtles need vital not only water environment, but also land. These animals need, although small, only 4 times the size of the pet, a heated island. Without a place to rest, a pet may drown, and various defects and diseases of the shell will develop. The island should be rough and easily accessible, preferably a flat ladder. Optimal distance from the edge of the aquarium to the land - at least 20 cm - the animal will not crawl out, ultraviolet lamps will not harm. The use of polystyrene foam should be avoided. It crumbles, which means parts of it can be eaten. The material must be durable and securely attached to the walls of the aquarium. Select glue for fasteners carefully; silicone-based sealant should not be used, as an animal may eat it. Drying the structure takes at least two days. During this period, the chemical effect of the glue used on the occupant of the container will be minimal. The ladder must be of sufficient height so that it does not get stuck between it and the bottom.

What to make an island for a red-eared slider from?

There are many ways to arrange land in an aquarium. Glass covered with stones is popular. Work is carried out only in dry containers.

An interesting option is tile. It is advisable to make the surface rough: these can be notches, or “apply” pebbles.

“Wooden” land suits turtles well. You can buy it or make it yourself. It is better to pre-treat the base with water-repellent compounds.

It's hard to imagine more natural base than stones. Use large stones, you will need glue for fastening. The material is pre-washed with soap and doused with boiling water.

The island can be suspended.

Ordinary rubber bath mats are often used as finishing.

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time fiddling around, buy a turtle aquarium island with suction cups at any pet store, but it cannot be called 100% reliable in use.

How to make an island for a turtle with your own hands?

It is very easy to make a shelter on land using bricks. You will need to drill a hole and insert a support there.

The structure will serve as a ladder. The rest can be made on your own. The result is a porous surface that does not require additional processing.

Building an island for a turtle is not at all difficult: the design is extremely simple, you will spend a minimum of time and money.

Keeping a red-eared slider is one of the most popular activities among reptile breeders. To create a cozy living environment for her at home, you need to understand what it should be like. proper arrangement aquarium In nature, this turtle can be found in freshwater bodies of temperate and subtropical zones with low, swampy shores. In captivity, it is kept in aquaterrariums. They are purchased in specialized stores or created independently. This article will tell you how to make a cozy home for a red-eared turtle.

Choosing an aquarium

When choosing the size and type of aquarium, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of an adult animal and the characteristics of its body. Red-eared turtles spend a lot of time underwater or at the bottom of an artificial reservoir, where they feel safe.

The volume of the aquarium is selected depending on the size and number of turtles. For one turtle 13 cm long or a pair of young individuals 10 cm long, a 100-liter aquarium will be enough. As the container grows, it is replaced with a larger one. So, for a pair of turtles 20-30 cm long, you will already need a two-hundred-liter aquarium. If the volume is too small, the water becomes contaminated faster, which leads to red ear disease. The distance from the water level to the top edge of the aquarium should be at least 15-20 cm.

The red-eared turtle is a swimming reptile. In addition to water, it vitally needs land on which it basks and receives an ultraviolet tan. Recommended land area size is at least 25% of total area aquarium It is advisable to firmly attach the island to the base of the container.

The container should be equipped with a lid so that pets cannot move it and get out, but at the same time it allows air to pass through well.

How to equip an island?





Aquarium decoration


There are aquariums in which red-eared sliders cannot be kept:

  1. Small turtle tanks with a volume of up to 50-70 liters. They can only be used for temporary housing of animals. If a turtle lives in such a container for a long time, then it develops skin infectious diseases, degeneration and softening of the shell.
  2. Aquariums in which the land is made of plastic.
  3. Aquariums in which it is impossible to install desired temperature, as well as ultraviolet and filtration. The absence of all these conditions leads to illness and death of turtles.

Thus, caring for a red-eared slider, like any other pet, requires some effort. But a terrarium in which the water is clean, the bottom is picturesque, and the animals are healthy is a fascinating sight that is worth the time and effort.

The presenters of the Karusel TV channel will tell you how to properly equip a terrarium for a red-eared turtle:

And others need a small, well-heated island of land, since from time to time turtles need air to breathe and also need a place to rest. Without this, turtles may drown. Also, resting on land is good for the turtle's health; it does not develop some shell diseases. The island should be illuminated with heating conventional and ultraviolet light bulbs.

The size of the resting place should be 3-4 times larger than the size of the turtle itself or 2 times larger than the sum of the sizes of all available turtles.

Some species of turtles most like shelters that are under water. If you can make a similar shelter on the island, the turtle will prefer it. Aquatic turtles do not require shelter directly on land.

Features of the island for aquatic turtle species

  1. The turtle should easily climb onto the island, that is, it should be easily accessible.
  2. To prevent the turtle from sliding, the island, as well as the ladder, must be made rough, not smooth.
  3. The island should not turn over under the weight of the turtle, that is, it should be strong and sufficiently stable.
  4. The turtle will be able to warm up and dry on the island only if it rises above the water.
  5. The dry land should be 20 cm below the top of the aquarium so that the turtle cannot escape and you can safely install the lamps.
  6. The island should be heated, that is, illuminated with regular and ultraviolet lamps, since ultraviolet rays almost do not penetrate through the water and it is preferable that the temperature on land be higher than the temperature in the water. The temperature should be 30°C.
  7. The island must be made of a safe and durable material; under no circumstances should you use polystyrene foam or cover the island with small pebbles, otherwise the turtle will swallow them. Can not use silicone sealant, since the turtle might eat it.
  8. The ladder to the island should be slightly higher than the bottom of the aquarium so that the turtle does not get stuck between the ladder and the bottom of the glass aquarium and drown.
  9. A piece of glass with large stones glued to it is best suited for an island.

You can do it yourself different variants islands, order from an aquarium workshop or buy from a pet store:

Glass islands covered with pebbles

A piece of glass is cut out the right size(under 1.5-2 turtle sizes), stones are glued onto it, and then it is glued into the aquarium using aquarium sealant (glue). The aquarium must be empty and dry. The turtle can be stocked 2-3 days after the aquarium has been ventilated.

Tile island

Island made of wood

You can buy it ready-made or glue it yourself.

Island of stones

Large stones must first be washed with soap and doused with boiling water.

Hanging island

Glass islands covered with rugs

Such islands are covered with rubber mats “like grass” or for a bath.

Island with suction cups

Such a shore can be purchased at a pet store with a department of goods for reptiles.

Trionics and other turtles that lead a completely aquatic lifestyle do not need land.

Rafts and islands for turtles

Turtles are unique creatures. They feel equally at home both underwater and on land. The only thing that distinguishes a turtle on land and a turtle in the water is the speed of its movement and the way it breathes. However, in order for these animals to feel comfortable, they need to be provided ideal conditions for existence. And for this it is important to maintain important proportions of land and water.

What are rafts for turtles used for?

Mainly in special devices for turtles there is a need for red-eared turtles. This type turtles love to move on land, and therefore your aquarium must have a raft or island. Often these turtles grow to significant sizes, and therefore they will need not just a large, but a huge raft. Today it is not a problem to find the necessary islets or rafts for turtles, buy You can also find them in our store, where they are presented in a wide range, and therefore you can choose an option of any size and design.

What kind of raft does your turtle need?

Turtles, despite the ability to breathe in two ways at once, still prefer to breathe with atmospheric air, so they simply need rafts for turtles. In addition, the presence of such artificial land will help the turtle avoid many shell diseases. It is advisable that there be an incandescent lamp and an ultraviolet lamp near the place where the raft will be installed. According to experts, the size of the raft should be 3-4 times larger than the size of the turtle, so that it is comfortable for it to be on it.

How to choose a raft for a turtle

By purchasing raft or island for your turtle, make sure they meet the following requirements:

  • Easy accessible for the pet;
  • Non-smooth surface (so that the turtle does not slip and can move freely);
  • Strength (the land must support the weight of the turtle);
  • Secured land (water should not flood the raft, so it should be above the water level);
  • Be no higher than 20 cm from the top of the aquarium, so that the lamps can illuminate the turtle and the pet itself cannot escape from there;
  • Be made of non-toxic materials (neither foam nor material with pebbles are suitable, as turtles like to gnaw on unknown materials).

When purchasing, it will be very important for you to pay attention to the weight of the raft. So, the turtle “houseboat” you choose must be able to support the weight of the turtle. In addition, it is very important that the raft can be easily climbed on. Since turtles are not always known for their gracefulness and speed of movement, this aspect will be very important for all types of turtles. By purchasing turtle raft In our store, you can get high-quality products that will help diversify the life of your pet.

There are two types of pet turtles: land and aquatic. When arranging a home for your pet, you need to take into account all the points regarding the care and maintenance of these reptiles, although the turtle is considered a rather unpretentious pet.

Do-it-yourself islands for turtles

Aquatic turtles, despite the fact that their main habitat is water, need an island of land in their living space. If you do not provide the animal with a place where it can get out of the water and rest, the turtle will simply drown. In addition, it needs dry land to prevent certain shell diseases.

Video on how to make an island for turtles with your own hands

When starting out, some owners of these reptiles make islands for turtles with their own hands, while others buy everything they need at a pet store. If you decide to equip the terrarium yourself, then you should consider that optimal size The area of ​​land should be such that about three turtles of the same size as yours can easily fit on it. If there are several of them in the terrarium, then the island should be made so that the animals do not feel cramped on it. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that turtles often fight among themselves for territory, so it is best to equip two or more islands.

Basic requirements for islands for aquatic turtles

  • Structural strength, stability and safety.
  • It should be convenient for the turtle to climb onto the island, so it should be equipped with a ladder.
  • Rough surface of the island and the ladder to it so that the turtle does not slip.
  • Absolutely dry surface.
  • Environmentally friendly materials.
  • The walls of the aquarium must be at least 20 cm higher than the level of the island, otherwise the animal will escape from its home.
  • The island must be heated with heating and ultraviolet lamps.
  • The ladder should not be placed too close to the bottom, as the animal may get stuck between the ladder and the bottom and drown.

Glass islands

Made from pieces of glass with processed edges. On the surface of the glass you need to stick smooth pebbles, a special grass covering or a piece of soft polypropylene runner for the bathroom. Do-it-yourself islands for young red-eared turtles are best made “for growth,” since these penny-sized babies quickly turn into adults the size of a large man’s palm.

The island is glued to a dry and clean aquarium wall using aquarium sealant. When the turtle's housing is ready, it is necessary to leave it for several days until the glue has completely dried and weathered, and only then move the animal in.

Islands of stones

To equip the island, you can stack large stones. To make the structure strong and safe, the stones are first glued together with glue-sealant, well weathered and dried, and then placed in the aquarium.

Also, a large, stable stone is perfect for arranging an island.

Tile island

To make such an island, you need to choose tiles with a rough surface. To secure the ladder, you can drill two or three holes in it, or simply glue it with special glue.

DIY bridges for turtles

Many people have probably seen bridges for turtles in stores. These are environmentally friendly and safe products that are usually held on the walls of the aquarium using suction cups.

You can make such bridges for turtles with your own hands. The main condition for this is not to use untreated tree branches or driftwood. The fact is that pet stores sell bridges treated with a special impregnation that prevents wood from rotting. If you put an ordinary branch into the aquarium, the water in it will soon deteriorate and can even harm the health of the turtle in the same way as the wrong one.

DIY houses for land turtles

One turtle measuring 6 to 15 cm requires at least 0.5 m² of living space. As a terrarium for a turtle, you can use a low, long, wide and closed box with holes for ventilation.

The box can be made of wood, non-toxic impact-resistant plastic, glass or plexiglass. It should be borne in mind that these animals love privacy, so when choosing a glass house for them, only one wall should be left transparent. In addition, turtles often do not see transparent glass walls and can hit their shells against the glass, trying to pass through it.

However, most often turtles are kept in glass aquariums equipped with a shelter-house. Half of a clay house is perfect for such a house. flower pot, cut vertically or half a coconut. Houses for land turtles You can do it yourself, or you can purchase it in specialized stores.

DIY plywood house

To work you will need:

  • 4 identical plywood rectangles for the walls of the future house.
  • One square piece of plywood for the roof.
  • Glue for working with wood.
  • Tools for woodworking.

  1. In two wall parts, wide arches should be cut into which the turtle will fit freely. If your animal is still small, it is recommended that when cutting out the entrance holes, make them the size of an adult animal. Otherwise, after a few months you will have to increase the size of the arches.
  2. Then the wall parts are connected using glue, and the roof of the house is glued on top. After treating with glue, the new home should dry and weather well.
  3. After about two days, you can move a new tenant into it.

Straw basket house

To arrange such a house you will need a rectangular basket, which can be purchased at any interior design store. Lay the basket on its side and make a bedding. Install heating and ultraviolet lamps above the house.

It is necessary to ensure that there is no draft in the terrarium and that the air temperature is maintained within 22˚C. Turtles are very sensitive to cold and can get pneumonia.

Have you made an island, a bridge, a house for your turtle? From what materials? Tell us about it in

Red-eared turtles are aquatic species these animals. To maintain them requires a large and convenient aquarium. It is correct to call it an aquaterrarium, because such a reservoir contains water and has access to land.

This animal is demanding about its place of residence. Therefore, you need to know how to arrange it in such a way as to create a natural habitat for it. Only in this case will this animal survive long life free from disease.

How to choose an aquarium for a red-eared slider

When choosing an aquaterrarium for a red-eared turtle, be sure to take into account the size of the animal and the characteristics of his body. These aquatic turtles spend a lot of time underwater, feeling safe there.

The aquaterrarium should be of such a size that the turtles can have plenty of space for swimming with the obligatory access to land. Terrariums can be low with large area, and with the help of stones you can lay out a natural exit to the shore.

  • Such aquaterrariums are ideal for small turtles that swim a lot and often crawl out to bask.
  • Larger animals can escape through the low sides.

Thus, if a turtle is 10-13 cm long, then a 100-liter aquarium will be enough for it. As it begins to grow, it acquires capacity bigger size. When this animal reaches a length of 20-30 cm, it will already need a 200-liter aquarium.

Too small a volume of the aquaterrarium contributes to rapid water pollution, which can cause red-eared turtles to get sick.

For the normal functioning of an animal it is necessary observe following conditions contents:


In order for the turtle to swim freely and easily perform various maneuvers, the water level in the terrarium must be at least 40 cm. It should be changed once a week, but not completely, but only 30-40% of the total volume. Newly added water must first be left standing for 5 days.


Pond slider considered a swimming reptile. In addition to water, it can also be on land, crawling out to warm itself. This area should occupy 25% of the total area of ​​the terrarium. The island should be attached to the base of the tank.

The top of the aquarium should be covered with glass with small holes to allow air to pass through. This is necessary to prevent animals from getting out.

The red-eared turtle is quite sedentary and spends a lot of time on land. You can arrange several islands for it. One may be in a shaded area, and the other in a brightly lit area.

There are some points to consider when arrangement of an island of land in a terrarium:

A piece of land is made 30 cm below the edge of the terrarium so that the animal cannot get out.


Aquarium water temperature should be 23−28 degrees. If there are two islands of land, then one should be in a shaded place, and the temperature there should be 23-25 ​​degrees. And on a warm island the temperature is usually 28-32 degrees. Such temperature changes are considered ideal for these animals.

To create this temperature, use a special aquarium lamp. A drop in temperature below 20 degrees has a negative impact on the health of this pet.

Lighting and UV lamps

In their natural habitat, red-eared turtles often crawl onto land to bask in the sun rays. Aquaterrariums also need lighting, so they use incandescent lamps 40−75 W. The lamp must be hung above the sushi island. The distance from it to the lamp should be such that the air warms up to 28-32 degrees. At night the lights are turned off.

Many owners of red-eared turtles do not even realize that these pets urgently need ultraviolet light, which helps the body absorb calcium and synthesize vitamin D 3. Their lack contributes to the development of rickets and even the death of the animal.

You should purchase a UV lamp that emits UVB and UVA rays. It is strictly forbidden to use a lamp with UVC rays, because they burn the retina, making the turtle blind.

The UV lamp is turned on every day for 12 hours. It must be installed from above at a distance of at least 30 cm from the ground. Replace the lamp once a year.

Water filtration

Aquarium water must always be clean, then the turtles won’t get sick. External ones are suitable for terrariums aquarium filters any types.

It is better not to use internal filters, because they quickly become clogged with suspended matter, losing their effectiveness.

The better the filter, the less often you will need to change the water in the aquarium. To ensure that the water is always clean, it is changed every week by 30-40% of its volume.

How to decorate an aquarium

Whatever the design items, the most important thing is that they are safe. It is prohibited to use items made from materials that may emit harmful substances, have sharp corners and edges.

The soil used to cover the bottom should not be very fine, otherwise turtles will begin to swallow it. In addition, it gets dirty quickly and is difficult to clean. The best option counts using small pebbles.

An aquarium with turtles can be decorated artificial plants made of silk or plastic. They are secured to the bottom using weights. Islands look good with artificial vines.

The terrarium is also decorated with a variety of driftwood, unusual stones and other elements. You should use driftwood that has been in the water for a long time. Fresh driftwood may begin to release harmful substances.

The following aquariums cannot be used for aquatic turtles:

Thus, caring for a red-eared turtle is still not very easy. Only compliance with all conditions of proper maintenance makes the life of turtles long and happy.