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How to care for a palm tree. Palm tree indoors

Palms are perennial trees, less often shrubs, most of which have a non-branching trunk, at the top of which there is a crown of leaves. big size. There are up to 1,500 species in tropical and subtropical areas. Many types of palm trees have been cultivated and are often grown at home to decorate rooms. But in order for this plant long time pleased with its beauty, it is necessary to properly care for it.

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    An indoor palm tree looks like small tree with a powerful trunk. The most spectacular part of the plant is its leaf blades, which have extremely unusual shape and beautiful appearance. The shape of the leaves depends on the type of palm tree. They can be straight, narrow, semicircular, etc. But you must remember that cutting them is prohibited, since removing even one leaf plate leads to the death of the entire plant.

    Many species are used for economic purposes. There is a group of plants that bear tasty fruits (dates, coconuts). Decorative palm trees decorate various rooms.


    For indoor growing fit the following types palm trees:

    View Description
    Date palm
    plant with long decorative leaves, which consist of linear-lanceolate leaves with a solid edge, pointed at the apex, arranged in a bunch or evenly. Short petioles are covered with strong spines. Small yellow flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences located in the leaf axils
    The leaves of the plant are fan-shaped, with dissected segments, large size. Bisexual flowers are collected in cobs. Spherical, fleshy fruits are located along the axis of the inflorescences. At home, a palm tree in a pot of this species blooms very rarely, and for the first time this happens in the 12th year of life.
    This graceful indoor palm tree thin trunks growing up to two meters. Light green, feathery, lanceolate-shaped leaves. The flowers are orange and yellowish in color and have a very pleasant aroma.
    At home it grows up to two meters. The trunk can be single or branched. The branches and trunk are covered with elongated, pointed leaves. It blooms very rarely at home. Large white flowers look like bells
    A plant with linear leaves arranged spirally on a woody trunk or in a tuft at the apex. The flowers are small, white or blue tint, collected in a panicle

    Lighting and temperature

    Decorative palm tree in a pot - very capricious plant. In order for the leaves to grow symmetrically, evenly and beautifully, good lighting is necessary.

    The duration of daylight should be at least 16 hours, otherwise the leaf blades will turn yellow. Thanks to prolonged lighting, the plant acquires a rich color and grows quickly.

    When growing palm trees at home, you need to periodically change the angle of the rays. If the plant is illuminated all the time only on one side, then the opposite side will remain practically without leaves. It is necessary to turn the pot with the other side towards the light every 2 weeks.

    The palm tree should be grown at a moderate temperature, which is +18...+24 degrees in summer, and +12...+16 degrees in winter. This exotic plant does not tolerate drafts. His root system it is very sensitive to cold, so it is recommended to place the pot with it away from doors and windows, and it is also prohibited to place it on a cold floor. To prevent the roots from getting too cold, place the container with the palm tree in a wider container, and fill the bottom with moss or expanded clay.

    Watering and air humidity

    When caring for an indoor palm tree, it must be watered regularly, and this must be done correctly. It reacts extremely negatively to excessive soil moisture and stagnation of water in it. To avoid this, you need to do drainage system. To do this, place a layer of expanded clay or coarse crushed stone on the bottom of the pot.

    In summer, the plant is watered abundantly, especially on hot days. In winter, moisten the soil moderately. Use soft water - rain or purified room temperature. If it comes from the tap, then it will definitely be defended.

    In order for a palm tree in a pot to grow and develop well, it is necessary to maintain high humidity air. To do this, you need to moisten the foliage with a sprayer or place an open container of water next to the plant. It is also recommended to regularly wipe the sheet plates with a damp sponge.

    Feeding and replanting

    Indoor palm trees should be fertilized in spring and summer once every 2 weeks with a comprehensive mineral fertilizer For deciduous plants. It is not recommended to do this during the dormant period (autumn, winter) and immediately after transplantation.

    Palm trees are replanted at home very rarely and only in cases of extreme necessity, since the slightest damage to the roots will cause the plant to die. Young trees are moved to a new pot annually, and adults - once every 4 years. The soil can be purchased at a flower shop or prepared with your own hands using the following ingredients:

    • turf, leaf soil - 2 parts each;
    • peat, humus, sand - 1 part each;
    • charcoal - 0.5 part.

    Expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the pot in a layer of 3 cm and poured soil mixture. The plant is moved to a new container and completely filled with soil. The first two weeks after planting, water the tree moderately. Pests

    Indoor palm trees can be affected by scale insects. This pest sucks the juices out of the plant, leading to its death. It's not easy to get rid of it. The leaf blades and the space around the palm tree are thoroughly wiped with a sponge dipped in soapy water, removing all insects. This procedure is carried out several times every other day.

    Mealybugs feed on the sap of the plant and cover it with a white coating. If the infection is severe, the leaves turn yellow and the palm tree dies. To get rid of insects, the tree is treated with insecticides - “Confidor”, “Aktara”, “Mospilan”.

    Another pest spider mite who settles on bottom side leaves and covers it with a thin cobweb. The plant must be regularly sprayed and treated with insecticides - Fitoverm, Apollo, Neoron.

    Problems in care

    When growing a palm tree in a pot, gardeners often encounter various problems. If the tips of its leaves dry out, you need to pay attention to watering and humidity. Dry soil and air often lead to this. Cold air also has a bad effect on the plant.

    If the leaves turn yellow, this indicates insufficient watering. When there is excess moisture, the palm tree becomes covered brown spots. If it begins to grow poorly, then the pot should be moved to another place, since it is possible that it does not have enough heat and light.

As you understand from the title of our article, it will talk about how to care for such exotic plant like a palm tree. Today there are a huge number of tree species, some of them are not suitable for cultivation, like ornamental plants, but there are also those that easily get along in the room.

Moreover, when we say “unsuitable,” it only means that at home you will not be able to provide normal conditions for growing them: light level, temperature, humidity, etc.

Care and basic subtleties of growing. Palm tree at home.

Let's look at some features that will simplify the care of this plant.


For such a plant you need to select soil that will constantly support good level water and breathability. To find out if the soil you have chosen is suitable, you need to do the following check: pour water into the pot and wait; if all the water does not drain into the drainage pan within a few minutes, feel free to change the soil. Water must pass through the soil easily, otherwise it will cause the roots to rot and the palm will die.

The next feature of the soil that needs to be taken into account when growing a tree is “transshipment”. “Transferring” is a replanting process in which the plant is transplanted into another pot along with a lump of earth.


Firstly, use only non-hard water to water the tree at home; failure to comply with this condition can lead to salinization of the top layer of soil in the pot. When watering, you need to constantly check the water temperature - it should be slightly higher than the air temperature in the room. If you use tap water, you need to let it sit for 20-24 hours and only then water the plant. Do not water the tree with water that contains chlorine. The amount of water you water the palm tree with should be such that some of the liquid flows into the drainage pan.

Humidity and care

The palm tree will grow well in conditions in which the air humidity is quite high. As you understand, it is almost impossible to meet such conditions at home, in an apartment. If you still have the opportunity to provide air humidity, you can use the following methods for this:

  • place a large tray filled with liquid next to it
  • use special devices for air humidification
  • in hot weather, spray the tree

For spraying, the same water that you water the plant is suitable. In autumn and winter, it is recommended not to humidify the air - fungus may appear.

Proper care of tree leaves

One of the most important parts of a palm tree is its leaves. Periodically they need to be trimmed and wiped with a cloth soaked in warm water. However, you should not use mixtures that contain chemical substances- castings may begin to turn yellow.

How to use fertilizers at home?

Palm is a plant that consumes a lot of substances through its roots and therefore you must fertilize very often. The most interesting thing is that even under normal conditions she can lose decorative look due to lack of minerals. Each type of palm tree has its own feeding characteristics, which you can learn about when purchasing a plant.

Diseases and pests

Not proper care, especially at home, can cause various diseases in this plant. Most often occur fungal diseases, which are very difficult to detect at the beginning of infection. Over time, they can develop, which will lead to the death of the palm tree and loss of its “decorative” appearance.

Many people want to create a pleasant atmosphere in their home. You can achieve it using green plants. Great decoration For any room there will be an indoor palm tree, which will surprise the most demanding gardeners with its variety of species. To grow a beautiful and healthy exotic, you need to properly care for it.

Indoor palm tree - bright decoration interior

Description and characteristics of indoor palm trees

The plant got its name due to its leaves, which resemble a human palm. This is how it is translated from Latin (palma). In nature, there are more than 3,400 species of palm trees that grow in tropical or subtropical conditions. If you create a similar microclimate at home, they will take root well. A palm tree is a tree that grows slowly. This feature makes it possible to grow it indoors.

When choosing a place for a plant, you should take into account its characteristics. Palm trees at home do not like drafts, which can cause them to die. Requires spacious premises. In a few years there will be little room for it even in large halls. When placed in a room or winter garden she must not touch anything. Loves warm soil, so pots should not be placed on a cold windowsill or floor.

Domestic palm trees should be protected from drafts

Varieties of indoor palm trees

There are two types: feathery and fan-shaped. The first ones have narrow, thin leaves, which are located along the stem. The latter are attached at one point on the petiole, forming a fan. The leaves are jagged and look impressive, but they are too large, so it is not always convenient to keep such a palm tree indoors.

There is a division of plants into single-stem and bush-like. Representatives of the latter family can form one trunk at maturity. This rarely happens at home. Some have beautiful flowers.

Indoor palm trees have another classification:

  • bamboo;
  • feathery;
  • sago;
  • "fish tail".

The bamboo family has a small number of varieties. They are distinguished by the fact that they form tall stems; adult individuals look like bamboo. Sago trees are similar to palm trees, but they are not true palm trees. The trees got their name “Fishtail” due to the special shape of their leaves.

Common types

There are more than 2,400 varieties of palm trees that can be grown at home. Among them there are popular ones.


In nature it is very large, but mini dates (dwarf dates) are planted at home. Its height reaches 3 m. It can form several trunks. You can meet him very often, because... it even grows from a seed. The Robelena date is more suitable for growing at home and can bear fruit.


In nature it grows in Mexican forests with high humidity. Adapted to growing in pots in drier conditions. Reaches 2-3 m in height. The most unusual of this genus is Hamedorea metallica.

Its leaves are solid and have a characteristic metallic sheen. It does not require special care. Even a novice gardener can grow it.


Species native to North America. fan leaves Over time, plants die and dry out, do not fall off, but cover the trunk. The palm tree grows quickly. Therefore, over time it requires a lot of space.

Washingtonia has beautiful fan-shaped leaves


Introduced from the Australian islands. It has beautiful feathery leaves, young leaves can be recognized by their vertical arrangement. Withstands dry air and lack of light, so it often decorates office rooms. It grows slowly and is almost not susceptible to disease.


Palm tree of Asian origin. Undemanding to watering, but loves a lot of light. The most famous representatives are Rapis excelsa and Rapis multifida. They differ in leaves (their number and size).

Several pieces are planted in pots to form beautiful bush. It grows slowly.


The leaves are triangular in shape, similar to a fish tail. Growing quickly. Lives for about 20 years. Grows well in a well-lit room. Popular species are Kariota soft (has several stems) and Kariota pungent (grows in one stem). Exquisite looking flowers and fruits.


Fan palm, which needs high humidity. The following varieties are most often planted: Livistona chinensis (Chinese) and Livistona saribus. The plants are not tall. The leaves are short and compact.

Livistona Saribus

Caring for indoor palm trees

Provide ideal conditions for the growth and development of a plant is possible by following some rules.

Maintain suitable temperature

For palm plants a comfortable temperature will be 16-22 °C. IN winter period you can keep it at 8-10 °C, only for heat-loving people it is worth increasing it to 14-16 °C.

Timely watering

It is done often, but in moderation, making sure that the soil is moist: every day in the summer, 2-3 times a week in the winter. Take filtered and settled water.

Increase in humidity

The plant can cope with drought, but lack of moisture will have bad consequences, so it is sprayed with distilled water 2-3 times a week. If the air is dry in winter due to central heating, then you can spray the leaves daily on both sides. Otherwise, it will be enough to wipe them with a wet cloth twice a month.

Good room illumination

Indoor palm trees need bright light, preferably diffused. They should not be exposed to direct Sun rays. When placed close to the windows, you can shade them with light curtains. With age, the plant becomes more shade-tolerant.


For young trees, you need to change the soil every year and increase the pot. The soil is light with the addition of sand, and the vessel is high. Adults are replanted every 2-4 years. Heavy turf soil with large shavings is added to the soil.

After transplantation, fertilizers are not applied for six months. In other cases, you can feed every week. For this they buy special means in shops.

Problems in care

When growing palm trees at home, gardeners often face various problems. If the tips of the leaves of a plant dry out, you should pay attention to humidity and watering. Dry air and soil may cause this reaction. Cold air has a bad effect.

Yellowing leaves indicate insufficient watering. If there is an excess of it, the plant becomes covered with brown spots. This phenomenon occurs with hard water or sudden temperature changes.

The lower leaves of the plant dry out and die with age. They need to be cut off with a knife. If the top ones begin to dry out, it is worth reducing watering and shading a little.

At poor growth The palm tree needs to be moved to another location. Most likely she lacks light and warmth. It's worth adding fertilizer.


The process of reproduction is complex and difficult to cope with. It’s easier to buy a tree at a flower shop, but if you follow the recommendations, you can achieve excellent results.

Palm trees are planted by sowing seeds. They must be bought in a specialized store, because they quickly lose their viability. Fresh seeds will sprout in 20-30 days. Those that are several years old will take 2-4 months to germinate. The seeds have a fairly hard shell, so before planting the small ones are poured warm water(30-35°C) for 3-4 days, and large ones are cut. Sowed in February or March. For this:

  1. Take small pots so that the roots do not grow too much.
  2. Holes are made at the bottom to allow excess liquid to flow out.
  3. Drainage is placed at the bottom; crushed brick can be used.
  4. Mix turf soil with river sand in a ratio of 1:3 and pour it into a vessel.
  5. The seeds are deepened by 2-3 cm. The distance between them should be 3-3.5 cm.

Subtropical palm species are germinated at a temperature of 20-22°C, tropical ones - 28-30°C. Replanting of sprouted seedlings is carried out when the leaf on them reaches a size of 8-10 cm. Drainage is again placed at the bottom of the pot. The soil mixture is prepared in this way: 3 parts turf soil, 2 parts humus, 2 parts leaf soil, 1 part sand. They compact well.

Young palm trees should be kept in small pots

Pest control: photo

If the plant loses its decorative appearance, it may be affected by a disease. Control measures must be applied, otherwise the plant will die.

If the air is too dry, an indoor palm tree can be affected by spider mites. This pest can be identified by the web that appears on the stems. To neutralize it, you need to wipe the plant with a soapy sponge. It is worth spraying it regularly and washing it under a warm shower.

If these methods are ineffective, the palm tree is treated with the following solution: 0.15% actellik in a dose of 1-2 ml per 1 liter of water.

When affected by mealyworms, leaves, shoots and flowers (if any) dry out and fall off. The palm tree is exposed to pests such as scale insects. They suck the juice out of its cells. The leaves dry out and fall off. For these diseases, control measures are the same as for spider mites.

Spider mites are destroyed soap solution or insecticides


A decorative palm tree will create your room beautiful view, will green and purify the air. Proper care will ensure her a long and healthy life. It's a pleasure to watch a plant grow into a spectacular tree over time.

Palm trees are the best representatives of decorative deciduous plants for growing in room conditions. The homeland of most palm trees is the tropics and subtropics. IN natural environment palm trees grow very large, leaves can reach up to 15 m in length and 2 m in width. Many palm trees are quite easy to care for, and their very slow growth makes it possible to successfully grow palm trees indoors.

Palm trees can be divided into groups according to leaf shape:

  • Fan-shaped: Chamerops, Trachycarlus Fortuna, Livistona chinensis, Washingtonia, Rapis;
  • Cirrus: Coconut, Howea Fostera, Howea Belmora, Neanta, Date;

How to care for palm trees

When buying palm trees, you need to remember: most of them grow wide and tall, and therefore palm trees require a fairly spacious place in the room.

Palm trees are unpretentious plants, they are easy to care for; it is enough to water them regularly, periodically fertilize and wash their leaves from dust.

Light brightness

Choose a place for the palm tree that is bright, but without direct sunlight. Although some palm trees will benefit from very bright light. Howea and Neanta are undemanding to light and grow well in lightly shaded areas. The palm tree reaches out to the light, once a year turn its other side towards the window so that the plant grows symmetrically.

Air temperature

The air temperature for palm trees should be moderate and slightly warmer (+18-+24° C). Palm trees come from subtropical forests and in winter they need more low temperature air (+12-+16° C). For Neanta and Hovea night temperature should not be higher than +16°C. All types of palm trees do not tolerate drafts. The roots of palm trees are very sensitive to cold, so place pots with palm trees away from windows and doors, and do not place them on cold floors, especially in the cold seasons. To prevent the root system from overcooling, the pot with the palm tree is placed in a wider pot, the bottom of which is filled with expanded clay and moss.

Depending on the temperature and air humidity palm trees like, they can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Palm trees that love warm rooms and high humidity: areca, coconut, caryota, chamedorea, phoenix
  • Palm trees that like moderate indoor temperatures: howea (Belmora, Forstera), coconut, chamerops, rapis
  • Palm trees that do well in cool rooms: chamerops, Washingtonia, trachycarlus, etc.

How to water palm trees

All palm trees love fairly moist soil, but do not tolerate stagnant water. Watering in summer should be plentiful (once every 2 days), and in winter – moderate. The next time you water, the top layer of the earthen ball should dry out. In a very cool room in winter, the plant is watered very rarely. Caring for palm trees also involves periodically loosening the top layer of soil after watering.

Air humidity for palm trees

Palm trees grow in tropical and subtropical forests, so palm trees need to be provided with sufficiently high air humidity. Spray palm trees twice a day, especially in the summer heat and heating season. Due to dry air, palm trees suffer greatly (the ends of the leaves dry out) and lose their decorative appearance. It should be noted that overwatering the roots will not provide higher humidity to the plant, but on the contrary, it will be detrimental to the plant.


It is necessary to fertilize the palm tree in the spring-summer period once every 16 days with complex mineral fertilizer for palm trees or deciduous plants. Do not feed palm trees during the dormant period (autumn, winter), or immediately after transplantation.


Palm trees are replanted very rarely, only if necessary, because palm trees do not like replanting, it is better to replace the top layer of soil with a new one, or add new soil. If you need to replant a palm tree, then you need to choose the right period for repotting. Palm trees need to be replanted in the spring, very carefully so as not to damage the root system. When choosing a pot, you need to take into account the direction in which the roots grow: wide or deep, and choose a wide or deep pot accordingly. Soil for palm trees should consist of turf, leaf soil, peat, humus, sand and charcoal (2: 2: 1: 1: 1: 0.5).

Before planting the plant in a new pot, be sure to do good drainage using a three-centimeter layer of expanded clay. After transplanting a palm tree, do not place it in a straight line sunlight. Watering for the first two weeks after transplantation is moderate.

Palm tree propagation

Palm trees can be propagated by seeds, but this is a rather difficult task and not everyone succeeds. Palm seeds lose their viability quite quickly. Palm seeds germinate on average after 20-30 days (Livistona, Washingtonia, sabal, trachycarpus); with soil heating, palm seeds stored for 3-4 years germinate in 2-4 months. Therefore, buy only fresh seeds, preferably in flower shops.

Before sowing, large seeds that have a hard shell must be carefully sawed off so as not to damage the seed itself. Small seeds, but also those that have a hard shell, are soaked for 3-4 days in warm water (30-35°C). Sowing seeds is best done in late winter or early spring. Before sowing, seeds are soaked in warm water for 2-3 days. Pots for planting seedlings should be no more than 15 cm in height, otherwise the roots of the seedlings will grow greatly in length. There must be one or more holes at the bottom of the pot for water drainage.

First, good drainage is placed in the pot from a shard and a mixture of river sand and expanded clay (broken red brick or small pieces of polystyrene foam can be used), then a soil mixture is poured, consisting of 1 part turf soil and 3 parts coarse sand. Place clean soil on top of the soil mixture. river sand a layer of 4 cm in which palm seeds are sown, no deeper than 2-3 cm. The sowing density is 3-3.5 cm between seeds. To keep the soil moist, cover it with a small layer of moss on top. Optimal temperature for seed germination - 20-22°C - for subtropical palm trees and 28-30°C. Seedlings are watered daily with water at a temperature not lower than room temperature.

When the sprouted seedlings grow their first leaf, 8-10 cm in size, they are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 9 cm in a soil mixture consisting of 3 parts turf, 2 parts humus, 2 parts leaf soil and 1 part sand. There is also good drainage at the bottom of the pot. If the seedling has a very long root, then it is rolled up in a spiral and covered with earth, while it is necessary to save the remainder of the seed, which will provide nutrition young plant. The soil is compacted and watered abundantly.

It is even more convenient to sow palm seeds in peat tablets. After the seed germinates and shoots appear, peat tablets are planted in pots without disturbing their integrity.

The pot is placed in a warm and bright place, but out of direct sunlight. For the first two weeks, the seeded seedlings are watered moderately, allowing the soil in the upper layers to dry slightly, and then more generously, keeping the soil constantly slightly moist. But remember that palm trees cannot tolerate excessive dampness.

Pests and diseases

To prevent attacks by thrips, aphids and other pests, it is necessary to periodically wipe the palm leaves with a damp cloth, or take a warm shower in the warm season. Diseases appear due to improper care.

  • Brown and dry tips of leaves - dry air, insufficient watering, hypothermia of the plant.
  • Brown spots on the leaves - overflow, sudden change in temperature.
  • The leaves turn yellow - insufficient watering; in summer the earthen ball should not dry out.

March madness is exactly how the first calendar month of spring is perceived by those who grow seedlings of their favorite vegetables themselves. In March, they sow their favorite tomatoes and peppers, carry out the first sowings in the greenhouse, and even sow vegetables in the beds. Growing seedlings require not only timely planting, but also a lot of care. But the troubles are not limited to her. It is worth continuing to sow in greenhouses and on window sills, because fresh greens from the beds will not appear so soon.

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For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chores, for some it is a difficult necessity, while others are thinking about whether it would be easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Be that as it may, even if you gave up growing vegetable crops, for sure, you will still have to sow something. These are flowers and perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you sow.

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