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What does a muzhegon flower look like? What kind of flower is called muzhegon: what it looks like and can it be kept at home, a list of plants with names

For many women, decorating their home and creating a favorable atmosphere in it with the help of indoor plants is a priority task, which some cope with successfully, but for others it is a real headache. After all, for most girls it is important not only whether the future “green roommate” will fit into the interior or not, but also the signs associated with him. It turns out that there is a flower-husband that can significantly influence the personal life and even the entire fate of a woman.

Dangerous flowers

Few people know that some varieties of plants can harm the fair sex and, so to speak, ruin their whole life. As you know, there are a considerable number of legends, who have been talking about such “sinister” plants for several decades, and these flowers are called muzhegons.


It should be noted that, according to scientists, such a categorical division is completely unfounded. In fact, these cultures can negatively affect a person, but only from the physical side.

It turns out that the so-called “man-hater” flowers at certain times of the year begin to emit toxic fumes and at the same time absorb oxygen, which affects the health of people living in the house.

As for the mystical effects of these plants, it has not been proven.

A little history

Since ancient times, people have had some information about muzhigon flowers and signs associated with them began to exist precisely from that time.

One of the legends says that during the existence Ancient Greece ivy was considered a sacred flower because it saved the life of the god Dionysus. However, after Hera, the wife of the god Zeus, killed Somela, his beloved, and learned that her rival’s son was still alive, she hated him with all her heart. She also didn’t like everything connected with it, including the ivy. It follows that many people still associate this flower with anger and hatred, so they do not dare to grow it in their home.

According to legend, the main man-hater is considered climbing flower liana. You can only expect negative results from growing it and keeping it in the house, but this is an ideal option for a garden or yard.

Plant varieties

So, what indoor plants are not advisable to keep and grow in your home? Some muzhigon flowers, the list of which is quite large, are included in the category of the most “unsafe” and can disrupt a calm, measured life. This includes the following representatives:

What is muzhegon flower? Not all indoor plants are useful in the home. There are muzhegon flowers that can lead to female loneliness.

In order for the home to become even more comfortable for its inhabitants, green friends are sure to be made there. But not every plant can be grown indoors. And some of their species - the so-called muzhegon flowers - can lead to female loneliness, the breakdown of marriage and even the death of the head of the family. We present to you the top 10 of these scary plants. Whether you believe these signs or not is up to you to decide.

  1. Whatever properties are attributed to this tropical plant. “Terrible vampire” or muzhegon flower has a corresponding name, which is the same root word with monster, that is, “monster”. Terrible beliefs are associated with the property of monstera to evaporate before rain excess moisture.

    As a result, this may cause the owners of the apartment headache, therefore it is not recommended to place a tub with a plant in the bedroom. Lovers of these lush vines are thinking about how to neutralize it. harmful properties. And a solution was invented - to get a furry pet that neutralizes harmful energy.

    Cats don't care - many of them simply love to sleep in monstera pots.

  2. Scindapsus - the plant is also known by the names: “pothos” or golden vine

    This vine is grown mainly in women's groups, and representatives of the stronger sex cannot stand it.

    This plant especially irritates them during the flowering period, because flowers resemble manhood and can reduce sexual power. Scindapsus has a long stem (just imagine, as much as 5 m long), and the leaves do not grow in pairs, but at a distance from each other. Perhaps this was the reason why the harmless vine was declared dangerous.

  3. Cactus - muzhegon flower

    This is one of the most popular indoor plants. And it is not surprising that many signs are associated with it, including negative ones, such as the muzhegon flower.
    On the one hand, it is recommended to place a pot of cactus near the monitor to neutralize harmful radiation from the computer. On the other hand, these signs are called thorny plants almost like monsters. They say that a man will not marry even a very beautiful girl, if she breeds cacti. Maybe the sign is based on the unknown guy’s fear of being pricked with sharp needles?

  4. This home plant very beautiful, but, alas, poisonous. It is especially dangerous for young children who may want to taste it. Dieffenbachia is also capable of producing fumes that lead to headaches.

    But for the stronger sex, any disease can cause severe panic, after which potency decreases. So the curvaceous southern belle ends up in the trash bin. Who wants to risk their man?

  5. Cissus - the second name of this thin vine - indoor grape

    And the signs also awarded her the ability to drive away men. Perhaps the reason is again in the single structure of the leaves. Then there will be significant savings for the family budget.

  6. Hoya

    This ivy is especially scary because it can send a man straight to the cemetery. Such a bloodthirsty plant! Honestly, the forecast can come true only in one case - if your man has the temerity to eat leaves poisonous plant.

    And the roots of the sign can be found in wax flowers which are stored for a long time. They look like artificial ones, and therefore are associated with gravestones.

  7. Hibiscus (this is another name for the Chinese rose) also has a bad reputation. The muzhegon flower tends to grow to very significant sizes. But a man needs a lot of free space, so he goes into a house where there is much more of it.

    And if the spouse is capable of causing a scandal over a broken Chinese rose bud, then the husband’s departure is even more likely.

  8. Rowan

    There are options here, depending on geographical features. For example, in Belarus they warn about the danger not of mountain ash, but rather of viburnum. In short, both of these trees are not recommended to be planted near the house, otherwise men will avoid it.

You, of course, may think that house flowers surviving from men's houses are fiction. You, they say, are generally alien to any prejudices. And we don’t mind. But our task is to warn you. We can't let your love life be ruined by some unfortunate ivy.


Let's start with it. If you listen to popular rumors, this climbing plant confidently leads the hit parade of muzhigon plants. But it would seem: it looks so nice, the dark green leaves shine like varnish, beautifully entwines the walls... People whisper: the more luxuriantly the ivy grows, the faster a man runs away from such a house!

What the hell is not joking, what if it’s true? Get it better myrtle tree. It is believed that it strengthens family ties.

One more note about ivy: if the climate allows, it is better to plant it outside the house, then it will protect the home. An ivy-covered porch or gazebo is very beautiful!


Some cacti, even with their shape, seem to be trying to hint that they are ready to compete with men. They say that it is this arrogant self-confidence that unsettles some representatives of the stronger half of humanity. We see a hint of the Muzhegon essence of the cactus even in cinema: Raisa Zakharovna in the film “Love and Doves” had a huge spreading cactus on a revolving table, which often stuck its needles into the face of the main character Vasily. What's the result? The man packed his suitcase and left this house. What more proof do you need?

Of course, you are your own boss, but think twice. Maybe it's better to get bamboo? He is also exotic, and he knows how to turn bad energy into good. Feng Shui approves.


From time immemorial this plant has been associated in fairy tales and scary stories With evil spirits. People think so: the place of a fern is in a swamp, where a deadly quagmire champs and a bittern screams.

And in human habitation This is a spreading plant that absorbs oxygen and produces carbon dioxide, will pump energy out of people. And men are just people. Completing the chain of this logical reasoning, we come to the conclusion that a lethargic, sleepy, lacking energy man sooner or later realizes that he is sad at home, but in all other places he is happy.

Lemon tree is what will make you fresh and cheerful! This is a real helper flower. And you can pick lemons from it.


This evergreen inhabitant of the tropics with spreading variegated leaves got its name in honor of the Austrian gardener Joseph Dieffenbach. At one time this man served as the head gardener in the Imperial Gardens in Vienna, which means the man was far from a fool. It is not heard that Dieffenbach ended up in any bad way, so the plant’s accusations of rejecting men are not entirely clear. But it is known for sure that Dieffenbachia is poisonous; it is not recommended to eat its leaves from the bush, plan them into salad or wrap minced meat in them.

Instead of the jealous Dieffenbachia, pay attention to the no less decorative arrowroot - it also has exquisitely beautiful leaves and at the same time it helps its caring owner get rich.


Or in other words – wax ivy. Let's start with the fact that even decorative properties this plant raises questions. What kind of plasticine leaves are these? What are these poor wax-like flowers? It’s rare that a man will find in his hoya anything other than associations with a cemetery wreath. In addition, hoya is a creeping, climbing, climbing plant. And men are wary of any creeping behavior - what if it hisses and stings?!

“Mother-in-law’s tongue” and sansevieria - this is what can become your faithful comrade-in-arms in the struggle for personal happiness. Look at these life-affirming mottled green sabers! This upward-growing plant helps a man make a career. And in the homeland of Sansevieria, ropes are made from this plant. With such a rope you can forever tie your husband to you.


The gossip that Monstera is a real plant monster can be explained simply: not every person is able to accept and realize that a liana plant can be so huge. This spectacular plant not recommended to keep at home, but rather because it loves a hot and humid tropical climate, and in ordinary apartment It's difficult to create one like this. And men don’t want to live in apartments with a hot, humid climate. Therefore, either a monstera or a man in the house.

As an option, you can get a ficus instead and feed it until good sizes. Ficus is considered a symbol home comfort, besides, they say, lures children into the house.

Decorative cypress

Everything would be fine, but conifers It is generally not recommended to keep them at home. If you are not afraid to spoil the aura, then go ahead. But keep in mind, conifers have always been associated with cemeteries. Men themselves won’t even understand why they suddenly feel sad. They will think that it is the wife’s fault, but in fact the decorative cypress tree may be to blame.

Pay attention to aichrizon - this is a very cute plant, which is also called the tree of love.


Or Japanese rowan. Let's turn to folklore. “But it is impossible for a rowan tree to move to an oak tree, to know that it, an orphan, can sway alone for centuries,” the song says.

Ardisia looks good, the fruits look like coral beads, but people call it the “widow’s tree” because rowan trees are often planted on the graves of men who died young.

Even if you go to the rocking chair every day and squat to carve out a beautiful butt for yourself, if you have an ardisia in your bedroom, you, as in the song, will only rock forever.

Get a poinsettia - this plant will help you harmonize your life.

Despite the development of science and technical progress, people still believe in omens, many of which are associated with indoor plants. Muzhegon, a flower that is believed to carry negative energy and drives out men, is notorious among the people.

Muzhegon company

Although feng shui experts say that indoor plants can both help and harm their owners, whether to believe them or not is everyone’s business. There is no consensus on this matter. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing which plants are accused of sodomy. It's a whole group indoor flowers, which, according to legend, create an environment in the house that is unbearable for a man, and he eventually leaves.

First of all, vines and ivies are classified as notorious plants, among which the champion is wax ivy, which has amazingly beautiful and fragrant flowers. The unpretentious scindapsus is also a muzhegon. The flower, which requires virtually no care, is usually grown in offices, educational institutions and homes, where the owners are too busy and cannot pay much attention to the plants. The muzhegon group includes monstera, dieffenbachia, cissus and other quite attractive indoor flowers that are loved by many.


What sins are this plant accused of, which appeared in our homes about a hundred years ago! The culprit, apparently, is its long (up to 5 meters) stems, on which the leaves are arranged not in pairs, but separately and at a distance from each other, symbolizing loneliness. Also known as epipremnum, golden vine and pothos, this plant is often called muzhegon (the flower, the photo of which is posted below, is decorative).

Nevertheless, some bioenergy therapists consider it simply a necessary attribute for family happiness. In their opinion, these flowers have an extraordinary ability to neutralize negative energy, helping to smooth out conflicts and quarrels.

Leathery heart-shaped leaves scindapsus up to 10 cm long have a beautiful olive-green color with many spots and streaks of various shapes. There are no flowers on this plant.


Just like scindapsus, common ivy has an effect on men, according to some experts. It is believed that the darker its leaves and longer its stems, the sooner the husband will run away from home. IN hanging form This is a particularly dangerous muzhegon.

The flower, whose name is also known as hedera, is a climbing stem covered with alternate shiny dark green leaves with light veins appearing on them. This is a shade-tolerant plant that can quickly fill everything around with its shoots. The many sucker roots on the stem allow it to climb up any vertical surface. Ivy blooms at home extremely rarely.

Hoya carnosa (wax ivy) is considered the leader in creating negative energy for men. Its long (up to 6 meters) lashes are covered with oppositely planted fleshy leathery leaves of a dark green color and oval shape. There are several varieties wax ivy, which differ from each other mainly only in the color of the leaves. This muzhegon is a rather unusual flower; it can grow equally well in both warm and cool rooms. It requires a support to which the lashes will be attached using the combs located on them.

There is also a completely opposite opinion regarding the energetic abilities of ivy. Many psychics consider him magnificent plant for family happiness, which tends to neutralize negative areas, helping to avoid quarrels.


This is a typical native of the tropical forest, which belongs to the genus of lianas and is also called “muzhegon” (the flower, the photo of which is presented in this article, is quite beautiful). It's very common today indoor plant, which, due to its unpretentiousness, often decorates foyers, halls and spacious offices.

Large dark green leaves can reach up to half a meter in diameter. Whole in young plants, they become more and more cut with age. Thick ones usually serve as auxiliary support. aerial roots. Monstera grows quite quickly and can fill half a room in just 3 years. At good care Small white flowers may appear on the plant. The purple fruits, which form in place of the flowers only after a year, are edible and taste like pineapple. Only consuming them unripe is dangerous.

A feature of Monstera is the presence on the leaves of special organs (hydathodes), which secrete when high humidity air droplets of water. It is believed that Monstera causes headaches, so it is not recommended to place this flower in the bedroom.


This is another one of the representatives called “mozhegon”. The flower is nevertheless quite popular and represents evergreen shrub, the ovoid leaves of which have an amazingly beautiful pattern, consisting of spots, specks and stripes of a yellowish tint.

When mature, the plant can reach two meters in height. It's quite capricious and can't stand low temperatures and drafts. Not well cared for lower leaves fall off, exposing part of the stem.

It is worth considering that Dieffenbachia juice is poisonous and can cause serious burns if it comes into contact with the mucous membrane. Therefore, it is not recommended to post this indoor flower in children's institutions, and when transplanting, you should be careful and use gloves.

Whatever characteristics people have endowed Dieffenbachia with! She is credited with the ability to deprive men of potency, as well as make living in the house of the stronger sex uncomfortable. But, despite such statements, this muzhegon (flower) has been growing for years in homes where complete family well-being reigns.


Other flower names - indoor grapes, birch. The most popular among gardeners is the Antarctic cissus, which is native to Australia. Its leaves are serrate-toothed along the edges, oval in shape and up to 10 cm long. On the leathery surface leaf blade The veins are very clearly visible. Suitable for vertical gardening or as hanging plant. It can bloom from spring to late autumn. Cissus shoots have thin tendrils, thanks to which the plant climbs upward.

The flower is very unpretentious and can grow in both good and low light. This muzhegon (flower) develops quite quickly. Its propagation is carried out using layering, placing them directly in the pot with the mother plant.

Should you believe in omens?

Almost everything creeping species indoor flowers that belong to the genus of vines can be considered muzhegons. Of course, any sign has some justification. But more often they arise as an explanation for some failures in your personal life, when it is easier to blame the plant for them than to look for the reasons in yourself. This is how the muzhegon flower appears. Signs have existed in the world for thousands of years; everyone decides for themselves to believe in them or not. But it’s still better to choose flowers based on how they fit into the interior and how attractive they are to the owners of the house.

Caring for indoor vines and ivy

The main advantage of these plants is their unpretentiousness. They feel great in the back of the room, where there is not enough light. Ivy is undemanding to frequent watering, being more tolerant of dry soil than waterlogging. In summer, on hot days, the plant responds gratefully to spraying the leaves. From March to August, it is recommended to fertilize twice a month. The main thing is not to overdo it, since an excess of fertilizers can lead to a loss of decorativeness, making the leaves too large.


There are several ways to grow muzhegon flower. Probably everyone who is interested in growing indoor flowers knows how this plant, which is a liana, reproduces. To do this, you can use layering, shoots and apical cuttings.

The last one is used most often. A shoot about 10 cm long is cut from the plant and planted in a pot with leafy soil. The top of the stalk is covered glass jar and, keeping the soil moist, put it in a cool place. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in pots with soil mixture.

Signs are very firmly rooted in our lives. And often even very enlightened people with higher, or even several, educations willingly believe in various grandmother’s statements. For example, that spilled salt means a quarrel, and if you whistle, there will be no money. There are also beliefs that not every flower can be grown in the house - some vampirize energy, others make a couple infertile, and also that there are muzhegon flowers, the presence of which leads to separation from a man and loneliness.

Where did the signs come from?

How such signs arose is a fairly simple explanation. Something didn't work out for someone personal life, and this or that flower grew in the house, and also, if her husband didn’t love it, that’s a reason to blame the plant for everything. One woman shared her guess with another, and she remembered that her friend’s husband had also left, and the same plant was growing in the house - and the notoriety began to spread. There you have it, your belief is ready. And it doesn’t matter that the same plant is thriving in thousands of other houses, and everyone lives there happily.

Signs that have already become sayings are passed on from mouth to mouth:

  • Cactus on the window - daughters without husbands.
  • If you grow ivy, your husband will leave you.
  • The longer the vine, the further away the man is.
  • Lush fern - the husband will drink himself to death.
  • Holding ivy means losing your husband.
  • Chinese rose - a husband from the doorstep and many others.

They also say that Feng Shui prohibits keeping blooming violets single women, otherwise they will never find a partner. This is generally funny, since the teaching of Feng Shui was invented back in ancient China, and Saintpaulias were first presented at the exhibition in 1893, that is, the Chinese did not even suspect their existence.

TOP 10 muzhegon flowers

To believe or not to believe in such signs is a personal matter for everyone. But, if you are already interested in this topic, we present what the list of these “terrible” creatures of nature looks like, the presence of which in the house leads to catastrophic family consequences.

As is clear from the proverbs, husbands are most “afraid” of ivy, and the more magnificent it is and the longer the stems, the sooner and further the husband will run away. And muzhegon ivy is especially harmful hanging cultivation, they say, even sucks out male energy. And the darker the leaves of the plant, the more dangerous it is. On the other hand, in Ancient Rome ivy, on the contrary, was considered the flower of love, since with its shoots it attracts men into the house and holds it tightly. And ivy was grown in every house - in old paintings there are even images of them at the head of family beds. Now – what to believe?

This plant, also known as pothos, epipremnum, golden vine, is often also called muzhegon flower. It is especially dangerous during flowering - its color is similar to manhood and seems to take away sexual power. Men cannot stand this plant - this is most likely because this vine is grown mainly in women's groups. Signs associated with this plant arose not so long ago and have nothing to do with popular beliefs. After all, scindapsus appeared in our homes less than a hundred years ago. Apparently, long (up to 5 m) twisting stems and single leaves, growing not in pairs, but at a distance from each other, became the reason for the recognition of this beautiful and completely harmless vine male enemy №2.

This evergreen representative of the tropical forests is also unlucky. Not only is the monstera known as the most terrible vampire, but it is also credited with the ability to drive men away. They even came up with a terrible name for this lush vine - from the word monster. And all these horrors are connected with the fact that before rainy weather the monstera begins to actively evaporate excess moisture, and these evaporations can cause headaches. For this reason, it is not recommended to grow the plant in bedrooms - after all, a man will simply go to sleep in another room, without even understanding why he wanted to do this.

Among the signs associated with the monstera, there is also one positive one - pair her with a cat, and all the negativity will be removed. By the way, cats love to sleep in tubs with monstera.

It occupies 4th place in the list of house plants that are so disliked by the stronger sex. The reason may also be due to the fumes from the plant, which can cause headaches. And all parts of Dieffenbachia are poisonous, the juice causes severe irritation. She is also credited with the terrible power to take away potency from men, so many simply throw the curvaceous southern beauty out of their homes.

Wax ivy has a very bad reputation - after all, it not only kills men, but does it in a very bloodthirsty way - right in the cemetery. The proverb goes like this: “A wax plant with flowers means the husband is feet first.” Of course, if the husband eats the leaves of a plant, which are very poisonous, then the consequences can be exactly the same. Otherwise, such qualities may be due to the fact that waxy and long-lasting flowers are similar to artificial ones, which are usually brought to graves.


This is probably the most controversial home flower muzhegon. On the one hand, it is credited with the properties of cleansing the aura of a home from negative energy and absorbing harmful radiation, and on the other hand, real men are very afraid of these prickly monsters! So much so that they don’t even want to marry the most beautiful daughters, in whose house cacti grow. But the truth, probably, is that men are gentle and weak creatures and are simply afraid of pricking themselves on sharp needles.

This fragile vine, which we better know as indoor grapes, is also credited with the properties of driving men away. Probably because this vine also has single leaves. We can only advise you to grow larger and more bushy cissus in the kitchen - near the refrigerator. Maybe the husband will look into it less often - and this will be a tangible saving for the family budget.

Hibiscus plants have also gained a nasty reputation. Most likely, there are two reasons - their fumes also do not have a very good effect on the well-being of both men and women. And secondly, Chinese rose grows so quickly large sizes, that a man becomes cramped in the house, and he runs away to live where there is more space. Moreover, the wife swears for every accidentally broken bud.

Cypress trees

According to legend, these plants have very bad energy, and that's why men try to stay away from them. Most likely, this sign arose due to the fact that in southern countries it is customary to plant cypress trees in cemeteries.

Our list of plants ends with this beautiful tree muzhegon. Popular beliefs They say that rowan (and in Ukraine and Belarus they call viburnum) cannot be planted near the house, as men will avoid it. We believe that this sad reputation is due to the fact that it has long been customary in Rus' to plant rowan or viburnum on the graves of dead young men. This causes men to subconsciously reject these bushes.

The list of muzhegon plants also includes plants such as violets, which we have already mentioned. The large-leaved philodendron also enjoys a bad reputation, like its relative Monstera.

Cyperus or swamp papyrus is credited with such strong energy that the man cannot stand such proximity - he simply runs away.


In conclusion, we want to say about wisdom, which applies not only to religion, but also to life in general: everyone will be rewarded according to their faith. If you believe that some kind of cactus is husband-hunting and will scare away suitors, and ivy will take your husband to another woman - just don’t have them in your house. If you don’t believe me, grow healthy “husbands” and let there be beauty, harmony and happiness in your home.