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Which wool is better, camel or sheep? How to choose a camel wool blanket

Our ancestors also used camel hair not only for warmth, but also to treat certain diseases. In modern industry, many manufacturers of blankets and various bedspreads have returned to this tradition. After all, camel wool has incredible properties.

What is a camel wool blanket?

This is a textile product filled with camel hair. It is intended for home use.

Camel wool has a light structure and retains heat well. In addition, such a filler does not electrify at all and repels dust. Practicality and lightness are the main advantages of a blanket made of camel hair. User reviews confirm positive traits this product.

Camel wool itself is considered a unique raw material due to its composition. All products with this filler are lightweight and durable. Wool quickly absorbs moisture, ensuring constant dryness and comfort. And the most important quality such a filler is the ability to retain heat for a long time. This is the reason why most people choose camel wool blankets. Customer reviews also concern the ease of care of such products. If you follow all the recommendations from the manufacturer, the blanket will last a very long time.

What are the benefits of camel wool blankets?

A blanket filled with camel hair has many advantages:

  • reliably retains heat;
  • provides comfortable sleep In any weather;
  • provides therapeutic effects on the human body;
  • excellent air permeability;
  • not electrified;
  • improves blood circulation and the general condition of a sleeping person;
  • relieves muscle tension well and helps with joint pain;
  • has a positive effect on the skin;
  • The natural wax present on the hairs has antiseptic properties.

The healing qualities of the blanket

Camel hair has exceptional properties and can treat many diseases. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors used these raw materials to make many medical supplies. The use of therapeutic corsets and belts made of camel hair has survived to this day.

First, camel hair contains a natural animal wax called lanolin. Thanks to its composition, it neutralizes toxins that accumulate over time in the human body. At normal temperatures, lanolin is able to be absorbed into the skin, improving overall health.

Secondly, camel hair has a beneficial effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Doctors often recommend products with such a filler for the treatment and prevention of rheumatism, arthritis, and osteochondrosis.

For people who often suffer from colds, it is also very useful to use blankets made of camel hair. User reviews also concern the possibility of treating certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system with products containing such a filler. The dry heat created by camel hair has a beneficial effect on problem areas and improves blood circulation.

Today there are many blankets on the textile market. different manufacturers. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Blanket with camel hair "Adamas"

Among all famous manufacturers bedspreads and blankets products are very popular Russian manufacturer"Adamas." The company produces a wide range of sleep products.

The main reason why people buy an Adamas blanket is camel hair. Reviews are mostly positive. Buyers are satisfied with the quality of this manufacturer’s products and the excellent properties of the filler. People who have been using the blanket for several years note its extraordinary lightness. At the same time, the manufacturer uses high-quality fabrics that are practical and do not lose their appearance after cleaning the product. As for thermal properties, Adamas blankets turned out to be simply irreplaceable during the cold season. According to buyers, they are no worse than warm duvets.

Blanket "Verossa"

Very high-quality blankets under the Verossa brand are produced Russian company"Norddex". The main advantages of products from this manufacturer are high-strength materials and affordable prices.

The developers spent a long time researching the needs of customers. After observations and analysis, the managers decided that the most practical raw material with which they filled the Verossa blanket was camel hair.

Choosing a truly safe, beautiful and comfortable blanket is not an easy task. Here it is important to simultaneously take into account a number of nuances, which is especially difficult in the variety of their varieties that exist today. To ensure that the choice does not disappoint later, when making a purchase, it is necessary to be guided not so much by subjective preferences, cost or design of the product, but, first of all, by its qualitative characteristics in conjunction with the purposes of the intended application.

The blanket must meet basic sanitary and hygienic requirements, namely:

  • Hygroscopic;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Does not interfere with natural ventilation;
  • Ensuring proper thermal conductivity;
  • Does not cause irritation upon contact with skin.

The most common mistake that many buyers make is purchasing a blanket of dubious quality due to an attractively low price. The consequences of such unreasonable savings are obvious in best case scenario, the purchase will simply quickly become unusable or lose marketable condition. To find out which blanket is better, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

An important detail that determines the durability and practicality of using the blanket.

  • Cassette assembly type- most practical option. It is a canvas that consists of separate sections (cassettes) filled with filler. This method of sewing prevents deformation of the blanket and its premature deterioration. This technology is usually used for duvets. The size of the sections can be 10x10 or 15x15 centimeters;

  • Quilted blanket - on special machines the product is stitched in one direction. This is the most inconvenient and impractical option, since the blanket will inevitably lose its shape due to insufficient fixation of the filler and its redistribution;

  • Karostep - the essence of this method is to decorate the product with a patterned stitch. Such blankets look very attractive, but quickly lose their appearance.


By size, blankets are divided into two main categories - one-and-a-half and double.

One and a half:

  • 140x205 cm;
  • 145x205 cm;
  • 150x210 cm;
  • 155x215 cm;
  • 160x220 cm..
  • The standard for the CIS countries is 140x205 cm and 145x205 cm.
  • European standard - 155x215 cm.


  • 172x205 cm;
  • 175x205 cm;
  • 180 x 210 cm;
  • 200 x 220 cm;
  • 240 x 220 cm.
  • The standard for the CIS countries is 172x205 cm.
  • European standard - 200x220 cm.

There is also a “king size” size - 240x220 cm. It is intended for large beds or folding sofas.

Before you buy a blanket of a non-standard size, ask if you can choose bedding to match it.

Warmth degree

Manufacturers must indicate this indicator with dots on the packaging. The number of points is from one to five. The more dots, the warmer the blanket. Three dots are usually placed on all-season products. But, unfortunately, not all manufacturers indicate this data. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with your choice, you should pay attention to the filler. For those who freeze in both winter and summer, preference should be given to woolen blankets. If you are cold only in winter - down. But if you belong to the category of people who feel hot all the time, opt for silk or plant fillers. For people with allergic diseases, synthetic products are more suitable.

Blankets also come in:

Double-sided is when there is wool on one side and cotton on the other.

4 seasons is when the blanket consists of two halves that are connected using buttons. One half is wool, the other is made of natural cotton. They can be used both together and separately.

To understand the range of blankets available for sale and choose perfect option, it is necessary to know exactly the properties and disadvantages of fillers. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to strive to choose a blanket from natural materials, since modern synthetic fillers are in no way inferior, and in some respects even superior to traditional ones.

Types of fillers:


The classic and most popular blankets are made from camel, sheep or goat wool, as well as merino and alpaca wool.


  • The main advantage of the filler is the indisputable healing properties and environmental friendliness of raw materials;
  • They absorb and evaporate liquid well, remaining dry to the touch;
  • Warm enough to keep you warm winter time and at the same time remain light and breathable;
  • Blankets made from camel hair, which not only do not accumulate dust, but also proper care save original appearance for 10 years;
  • Blankets made of goat wool have a massage effect without causing discomfort with thorniness during sleep;
  • The uniqueness of merino wool blankets lies in the fact that the fibers contain a special waxy substance called lanolin, which has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • In turn, alpaca wool, the only one of all, does not pill and is more durable with all the above-described advantages.


  • Cannot be washed, dry clean only;
  • Contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

When storing wool blankets, do not forget to use moth repellents.


Types of down used in blankets: goose, duck, swan, loon, goat (undercoat).


  • It is light and airy;
  • Down has the ability to warm even in the coldest winters;
  • Provides sufficient air circulation. Down creates a cozy microclimate for a restful sleep;
  • Down filling has an antistatic effect;
  • Down blankets are very durable and can last up to 30 years.


  • Down is contraindicated for allergic and asthmatic diseases;
  • Not recommended for children;
  • They are quite voluminous and take up a lot of space, so it is worth using vacuum bags for storage;
  • Down blankets are very difficult to care for.

When choosing duvet Pay attention to the % down and feather content. The composition of the feather in the filler should be no more than 40%.



  • They are rightfully considered one of the warmest, as they perfectly maintain the temperature. Even if the thermometer in the room where the sleeper is located drops to 0ºC, it is impossible to freeze under such a blanket;
  • The filler does not cause allergies;
  • Absorbs moisture well;
  • Affordable price.


  • Absorbs foreign odors;
  • Quite heavy;
  • Over time, the cotton wool becomes lumpy;
  • Cannot be washed - only possible way removal of contaminants consists of knocking out dust or professional cleaning ferry.

An alternative to cotton filler is synthetic padding, which weighs much less with the same heat retention properties.

Flannelette blankets

Flannelette blankets are considered universal for any season due to the fact that they vary in density. Thus, thin and weightless products made from natural cotton are ideal for hot days. summer nights, and thicker ones will provide comfort and coziness in the off-season.


  • They can be easily washed in ordinary car at a temperature of 40ºC, which greatly simplifies maintenance and allows you to save on professional cleaning services;
  • Can be used even for newborns, due to their hypoallergenicity and environmental friendliness;
  • Can simultaneously serve as a bedding for outdoor trips, an elegant bedspread or a cozy blanket for relaxation;
  • Its undeniable advantage is softness and compactness. When folded, it takes up minimal space;
  • Manufacturers often turn these blankets into works of art, paying attention to colors and decorative patterns;
  • Affordable price.


  • If washed incorrectly, it becomes hard and unpleasant to the touch.

Patchwork quilts


  • They look incredibly stylish and vintage;
  • Called upon to perform to a greater extent decorative function and are excellent for use as a bedspread.


  • Not recommended for intended use;
  • Being handcrafted works of art, they are quite expensive;
  • Very demanding of care.

The main quality characteristics depend entirely on what material is used as the basis for sewing, and may vary.



  • They are especially popular due to the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of the filler;
  • They do not harbor dust mites and do not accumulate dust well, so this is an ideal option for healthy sleep allergy sufferers;
  • The cleaning and maintenance process is simple and does not require the use of complex or expensive products;
  • Absorbs moisture well and allows air to pass through;
  • They combine lightness up to weightlessness and high thermal conductivity, which makes them ideal solution for use at any time of the year.


  • Fairly high cost;
  • Difficulty in purchasing quality products. Many dishonest sellers, under the guise of bamboo filling, offer blankets with a combined composition (bamboo and padding polyester, bamboo and feather).

Blankets with silk filling

Luxury blankets filled with resin-free protein produced by the silkworm caterpillar.


  • High price;
  • Requirement for care.

To ensure the longevity of silk blankets, only professional dry cleaning is required.


Gentle to the touch, light and warm, cashmere blankets can certainly decorate any home and provide comfort and warmth while you sleep.

  • Much warmer than regular wool blankets;
  • Resistance to damage;
  • Cashmere wool is hypoallergenic;
  • They look very expensive and impressive, but caring for them is not easy.


  • High price.

Synthetic blankets

Modern synthetic fillers include polyester fiber, polyester and acrylic fibers.


  • No risk of allergies;
  • Possibility of simple washing in an automatic machine;
  • They are relatively inexpensive and quality characteristics are not inferior to more expensive analogues made from natural materials;
  • Durable.


  • Insufficient breathability;
  • Low ability to absorb moisture.

Holofiber blankets

Today, the most optimal in terms of price and quality ratio are holofiber blankets, which combine all the advantages of natural and artificial fillers.

  • Retains heat well;
  • Absorbs excess moisture;
  • It does not cause any difficulties with care, as it is quite resistant to machine washing;
  • The antibacterial properties of the material and its hypoallergenic properties make it possible to recommend the use of such blankets even for small children.


  • It gets compressed and loses its original fluffiness.

Most often, manufacturers of camel wool blankets produce similar models with minor changes and modifications. This is a lightweight, lightweight blanket, all-season and a warm blanket.

What are the differences between them?

All blankets differ only in the density of the filler, which affects the thermal effect. Blankets with down filling differ in weight from blankets with wool filling, since down is much lighter. But on thermal effect blankets using camel down are superior to wool ones, and they are also much more expensive.

Types of camel wool blankets and how to choose the right one

In order to choose the right camel wool blanket, you must first understand what types they come in. Two types of blankets are made from camel wool: closed wool and open wool. An open blanket is made by weaving, a closed blanket is made by quilting. Previously, blankets were made only open, they enjoyed well-deserved popularity, but with the advent of new technologies, the preferences of buyers have changed.

Open models are thin, but heavy and rough, the pile comes off, however, they are very warm. That is why they are very comfortable and retain the body heat of a sleeping person well. Nowadays, closed blankets are made from camel wool; they are soft, light, and with a variety of patterns. In order to choose the highest quality blanket, you need to pay attention to the volume of wool and fluff in it.

You also need to find out about the density level of the wool filler, what fabric is used in the wool cover, and also find out which country is the manufacturer. Those made from the down of young camels are especially valued, since a blanket made from down is very soft and silky, unusually light, but retains heat well. Blankets made only from down are quite expensive. Much cheaper, but no less warm and durable, are blankets made from camel wool and down.

Wool and down are combined using the thermal bonding method, which produces a homogeneous material that replaces camel down. Synthetic fiber is usually used for fastening.

Review of the best camel blanket manufacturers

Mongolian blankets made from camel wool are the most popular. Because it is in Mongolia, according to traditional medicine, that blankets made from camel hair are recommended for treatment. Now there are many different companies on the market for manufacturers of this product, but high-quality products tend to be expensive. Therefore, if you decide to buy a camel wool blanket, pay attention to the product label, the company that produces it and the place where the raw materials are collected.

Wool blanket from Mongolia (Gobi)

A blanket made in Mongolia, made from camel wool, with a floral pattern, has long term use for more than 10 years, which has been verified by medical research. Since camel hair is used in folk medicine, then the blanket has medicinal properties. Reliably warms and relieves static tension in muscles and joints. Hygroscopic, since there is a constant influx fresh air A person sleeping under such a blanket does not sweat, and feels comfortable and comfortable.

Camel hair contains greatest number lanolin, which is beneficial for the skin, the slight tingling effect of the villi acts as a kind of therapeutic massage, due to which blood circulation improves and swelling disappears. Packaged in a transparent polymer bag with a zipper.

Filled with camel down "Sahara"

Blankets made from camel wool are deservedly very popular among customers. Because camel hair or down tends to relieve static tension from tired muscles and does not become electrified. Lightweight, durable and thermally conductive blankets, among other things, are also hygroscopic, which allows you to retain dry heat. With slight overheating, sweat evaporates easily.

The price of the blanket corresponds to the quality of the product, since the filling is made of natural camel down, which is qualitatively different from other models of camel wool blankets. Because down is more valuable than wool. Quality combined with comfort are the main advantage of this product. Manufacturer: Russia, cover fabric: 100% cotton.

Karakum Fleece Plaid from Dargez

The Karakum blanket, manufactured in Russia, is convenient and comfortable to use, made from natural ecological raw materials - 100% camel down. No dyes were used in the manufacturing process, it is made without dyeing and has a beautiful beige color. Blankets and rugs made from camel down perfectly retain body heat; the body relaxes and breathes during sleep. Irreplaceable and universal option for recreation, all-season, suitable for both summer and winter. It is pleasant to the touch, has a soft, silky structure, does not cause a caustic effect, is comfortable for the body, and does not itch.

The healing property of camel hair enhances metabolic processes, relieves inflammation and, by warming up the body, helps in the treatment of pain in joints and muscles. Noil hygroscopic and absorbs body moisture, leaving maximum dry heat, which is invaluable when colds. The edges of the blanket are treated with fabric trim, the product has good density. Packed in a bag made of polymers, the sizes of the blankets are different - 100x140, 170x200, 140x200.

Lightweight version (Verossa)

The filling in the Verossa blanket is natural camel hair, which is why the created effect of dry heat has an excellent effect on relaxing muscles and warming up joints during sleep. Static tension is relieved, the body completely relaxes and fully rests. The blanket maintains body temperature, which is beneficial for the skin and protective functions of a person.

The blanket size is standard: 200x220, made using 100% cotton, the cover is not removable, geometric patterns are used in the blanket. The model is all-season, the density and weight of the filler is 300g/m2. Washing and ironing is not recommended, dry is allowed. dry cleaning. The model is sold in a standard bag made of polymer materials.

Quilted baby blanket from Billerbeck

The Billerbeck Baby Camel Hair Quilt is made from combed camel hair. Billerbeck is a leading European manufacturer bedding, blankets, pillows. The blanket was developed through joint medical research with scientists who deal with the problems of orthopedics, healthy lifestyle, sleep and relaxation.

The unique property of wool - maintaining the sleeper's body temperature, the lightness and tenderness of the blanket - will protect your child's sleep. Camel wool has healing properties that normalize blood circulation, soothe joint pain, resulting in a sound and restful sleep. The product has passed the Ukrmetrteststandard test, has a certificate of quality and compliance with sanitary and hygienic safety standards for your health.

  • Manufacturer: Billerbeck company - Germany - Ukraine
  • Blanket size and weight: 110x140 - 400 g
  • Cover material: 100% super-soft micro modal satin
  • White color
  • Cover type: quilted

How to wash a camel blanket in a washing machine

If you purchased a camel wool blanket, be sure to carefully read about the rules for caring for it. Usually the manufacturer indicates on the tag whether it can be washed, at what temperature, with what means, or whether only dry washing is allowed. If your blanket is made of natural camel wool, then wash it in washing machine Not recommended. Most often, dry cleaning is allowed. You can hand wash the blanket at a water temperature of no more than 30 degrees; to do this, you need to soak it for 15 minutes, then gently wring it out, do not twist it, and dry it.

It is recommended to dry in horizontal view in a well-ventilated area. But now there are many washing machines with various modes, including a delicate mode. It is in this mode that you can wash the blanket. Water temperature 30 degrees in delicate mode and also with a delicate spin.

In our next article we will tell you how to choose the right filling for a blanket. After all, your well-being and health will depend on the correct choice.

Wool products (sheep, camel, cashmere) are in particular demand. When choosing a particular blanket, everyone is guided by considerations and preferences. Some are more concerned about cost, others - appearance. But the main thing is what sensations the sleeper experiences while being made of this or that material. In general, wool blankets are suitable for people who like dry warmth and the feeling of the weight of the blanket.

Camel wool blanket

A blanket made from itself is a unique product, as it has positive energy and affects the human body healing effect, treats sore joints. And lanolin, an animal fat contained in its fur, when in contact with human skin, absorbs toxins and rejuvenates the body. It’s all about the peculiarities of the conditions in which camels live - in the desert during the day it’s hot weather, and at night it is cold, and the camel’s fur has adapted to these conditions, it keeps cool and warm.

The hair of a camel from the desert has its own characteristics - it is hollow inside and has no scales, so camel wool is very light.

Camel is much lighter than sheep's, but at the same time warmer and more durable. The collection of camel hair does not occur as often as that of other animals, and therefore this material is quite expensive. A blanket made of wool cannot be cheap - this is perhaps the only disadvantage of such a product.

Sheep wool and blanket made from it

A blanket made from sheep wool also has many advantages and is also much cheaper than a blanket made from camel wool. This product is denser, has more weight, it can be used comfortably even in cool weather in the summer, and the medicinal properties of sheep blanket no less than that of a camel. For example, scientists from England have proven that a blanket helps improve human metabolic functions, and thanks to the lanolin with which it is impregnated sheep's wool, it traps air and retains heat.

In New Zealand, a sheepskin blanket is used to care for premature babies; this product helps the baby maintain body temperature, keep warm and keeps the baby dry. A sheep wool blanket is well suited for people suffering from osteochondrosis, rheumatism and ARVI.

People who are prone to allergies should be careful when using a sheepskin blanket. And of course, it is worth considering that caring for woolen products is quite complicated; it is recommended to use dry cleaning.

The biggest advantage of these blankets is that during sleep, they will not only warm you up, but will also have time to heal your body.

Most often, manufacturers of camel wool blankets produce similar models with minor changes and modifications. This is a lightweight, lightweight blanket that is all-season and warm. What are the differences between them?

All blankets differ only in the density of the filler, which affects the thermal effect. Blankets with down filling differ in weight from blankets with wool filling, since down is much lighter. But in terms of thermal effect, blankets made with camel down are superior to wool ones, and they are also much more expensive.

Types of camel wool blankets and how to choose the right one

In order to choose the right camel wool blanket, you must first understand what types they come in. Two types of blankets are made from camel wool: closed wool and open wool. An open blanket is made by weaving, a closed blanket is made by quilting. Previously, blankets were made only open, they enjoyed well-deserved popularity, but with the advent of new technologies, the preferences of buyers have changed.

Open models are thin, but heavy and rough, the pile comes off, however, they are very warm. That is why they are very comfortable and retain the body heat of a sleeping person well. Nowadays, closed blankets are made from camel wool; they are soft, light, and with a variety of patterns. In order to choose the highest quality blanket, you need to pay attention to the volume of wool and fluff in it.

You also need to find out about the density level of the wool filler, what fabric is used in the wool cover, and also find out which country is the manufacturer. Those made from the down of young camels are especially valued, since a blanket made from down is very soft and silky, unusually light, but retains heat well. Blankets made only from down are quite expensive. Much cheaper, but no less warm and durable, are blankets made from camel wool and down.

Wool and down are combined using the thermal bonding method, which produces a homogeneous material that replaces camel down. Synthetic fiber is usually used for fastening.

Review of the best camel blanket manufacturers

Mongolian blankets made from camel wool are the most popular. Because it is in Mongolia, according to traditional medicine, that blankets made from camel hair are recommended for treatment. Now there are many different companies on the market for manufacturers of this product, but high-quality products tend to be expensive. Therefore, if you decide to buy a camel wool blanket, pay attention to the product label, the company that produces it and the place where the raw materials are collected.

Wool blanket from Mongolia (Gobi)

A blanket made in Mongolia, made from camel wool, with a floral pattern, has a long service life of more than 10 years, which has been verified by medical research. Since camel hair is used in folk medicine, the blanket also has medicinal properties. Reliably warms and relieves static tension in muscles and joints. It is hygroscopic, since there is a constant flow of fresh air, a person sleeping under such a blanket does not sweat, and feels comfortable and comfortable.

Camel wool contains the largest amount of lanolin, which is beneficial for the skin; the slight tingling effect of the fibers acts as a kind of therapeutic massage, due to which blood circulation improves and swelling disappears. Packaged in a transparent polymer bag with a zipper.

Filled with camel down "Sahara"

Blankets made from camel wool are deservedly very popular among customers. Because camel hair or down tends to relieve static tension from tired muscles and does not become electrified. Lightweight, durable and thermally conductive blankets, among other things, are also hygroscopic, which allows you to retain dry heat. With slight overheating, sweat evaporates easily.

The price of the blanket corresponds to the quality of the product, since the filling is made of natural camel down, which is qualitatively different from other models of camel wool blankets. Because down is more valuable than wool. Quality combined with comfort are the main advantage of this product. Manufacturer: Russia, cover fabric: 100% cotton.

Karakum Fleece Plaid from Dargez

The Karakum blanket, manufactured in Russia, is convenient and comfortable to use, made from natural ecological raw materials - 100% camel down. No dyes were used in the manufacturing process, it is made without dyeing and has a beautiful beige color. Blankets and rugs made from camel down perfectly retain body heat; the body relaxes and breathes during sleep. An indispensable and universal option for relaxation, all-season, suitable for both summer and winter. It is pleasant to the touch, has a soft, silky structure, does not cause a caustic effect, is comfortable for the body, and does not itch.

The healing property of camel hair enhances metabolic processes, relieves inflammation and, by warming up the body, helps in the treatment of pain in joints and muscles. Camel down is hygroscopic and absorbs body moisture, leaving maximum dry warmth, which is invaluable for colds. The edges of the blanket are treated with fabric trim, the product has good density. Packed in a bag made of polymers, the sizes of the blankets are different - 100x140, 170x200, 140x200.

Lightweight version (Verossa)

The filling in the Verossa blanket is natural camel hair, which is why the created effect of dry heat has an excellent effect on relaxing muscles and warming up joints during sleep. Static tension is relieved, the body completely relaxes and fully rests. The blanket maintains body temperature, which is beneficial for the skin and protective functions of a person.

The blanket size is standard: 200x220, made using 100% cotton, the cover is not removable, geometric patterns are used in the blanket. The model is all-season, the density and weight of the filler is 300g/m2. Washing and ironing is not recommended; dry cleaning is permitted. The model is sold in a standard bag made of polymer materials.

Quilted baby blanket from Billerbeck

The Billerbeck Baby Camel Hair Quilt is made from combed camel hair. Billerbeck is a leading European manufacturer of bedding, blankets and pillows. The blanket was developed through joint medical research with scientists who deal with the problems of orthopedics, healthy lifestyle, sleep and relaxation.

The unique property of wool - maintaining the sleeper's body temperature, the lightness and tenderness of the blanket - will protect your child's sleep. Camel wool has healing properties that normalize blood circulation, soothe joint pain, resulting in a sound and restful sleep. The product has passed the Ukrmetrteststandard test, has a certificate of quality and compliance with sanitary and hygienic safety standards for your health.

  • Manufacturer: Billerbeck company - Germany - Ukraine
  • Blanket size and weight: 110x140 - 400 g
  • Cover material: 100% super-soft micro modal satin
  • White color
  • Cover type: quilted

How to wash a camel blanket in a washing machine

If you purchased a camel wool blanket, be sure to carefully read about the rules for caring for it. Usually the manufacturer indicates on the tag whether it can be washed, at what temperature, with what means, or whether only dry washing is allowed. If your blanket is made of natural camel wool, then washing it in a washing machine is not recommended. Most often, dry cleaning is allowed. You can hand wash the blanket at a water temperature of no more than 30 degrees; to do this, you need to soak it for 15 minutes, then gently wring it out, do not twist it, and dry it.

It is recommended to dry horizontally in a well-ventilated area. But now there are many washing machines with different modes, including a delicate mode. It is in this mode that you can wash the blanket. Water temperature 30 degrees in delicate mode and also with delicate spin.

In our next article we will tell. After all, your well-being and health will depend on the correct choice.