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What humidity should be in the apartment? Indicators of comfortable humidity in the apartment.

The norm of humidity in the apartment is important condition comfortable stay. Few of us think about it, however, this indicator is no less important than lighting and noise level. Not only the condition of the premises, but also furniture, household appliances, and most importantly, the health of the residents themselves depends on its compliance.

Negative aspects of increased dryness

So, what does the level of humidity in an apartment affect? First of all, it is its decrease, or rather dry air, that is dangerous. It provokes the accumulation of large amounts of dust, and, therefore, the following health problems:

Negative aspects of high humidity

It should be noted that high humidity also very dangerous. It often leads to the development of asthma, allergies or runny nose. However, such conditions are extremely rare in city apartments; the main problem was and remains central heating, which ungodly dries the air. In addition to this, workers can also influence this indicator. Appliances, processes in which a person participates (cooking, ironing, washing, etc.). Play a significant role weather and, of course, the time of year.

It should also be noted that if the humidity level in the apartment is exceeded, this can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the surfaces of the walls and ceiling. A significant excess of moisture in the air over a long period of time provokes the formation of fungus and mold on the walls. If their spores enter the human body, infections and unpleasant consequences guaranteed.

Existing standards

What is the normal humidity level in an apartment? To answer this question, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room. Thus, experts call acceptable indicators that fall within the following ranges:

  • Non-residential premises (dining room or living room) - from 40 to 60 percent;
  • Bedroom (for living adults) – from 40 to 50 percent;
  • Bedroom (for living children) – from 45 to 60 percent;
  • Non-residential premises (office, dark rooms) – 30–40 percent;
  • Kitchen – 0t 40 to 60 percent.

The permissible humidity level in an apartment for a person, animal or thing is significantly different. For example, Appliances, books, wooden furniture are better preserved at a humidity level of 45 to 55 percent, and houseplants– from 60 to 70. Based on this information, we can conclude that the condition of the air is extremely important not only for humans, but also for living beings and even objects around them.

The indicators are the same for each time of year. Thus, the humidity level in an apartment in winter should be within the range of 50 to 60 percent; similar figures are relevant for summer and the off-season.

Determining the state of the air

How is air humidity in an apartment determined (normal or deviation)? For these purposes, a special device called a hygrometer has been developed. Externally, such a device can be made in several variations (for example, an electronic scoreboard or a clock). Install it in the back of the room, where there are no drafts or distractions. external factors. This is done in order to reduce possible errors to a minimum.

Traditional methods

There are a few more simple ones, but enough effective methods, which determines the air humidity in the apartment. The norm or non-compliance with it can be calculated even using an ordinary glass of water. So, a cooled glass container is placed in the center of the room and the evaporation of condensate is observed. If dryness was achieved in less than 10 minutes, you need to take urgent measures to humidify the air; if over the same period of time, condensation has transformed into large droplets, then the situation can be characterized as exactly the opposite.

Improving the current situation

How can the humidity level in an apartment be achieved if special devices are not used? There are several simple ways, which you can also use to combat increased dryness:

  • Ventilation. Regularly open the window (not the window) at any time of the year for 5–10 minutes.
  • Diversify the indoor flora by planting more green plants.
  • If there are no contraindications (asthma), purchase an aquarium.
  • Don't forget to spend wet cleaning, preferably at least 1-2 times a day;
  • Water containers installed near heating appliances will help neutralize the heat from the battery.

The level of humidity in an apartment in winter is very difficult to achieve. Often the simplest measures are not enough for this, because frosty air contains a minimum of moisture.

Special means

How can you raise the level of humidity in an apartment, the level of which was previously considered almost unattainable? The simplest way out of the situation may be a special device - a humidifier. Today there are several types of them on sale:

Modern devices make it possible not only to achieve the required indicators, but also to maintain them at the proper level. Such properties make it possible to protect the health of residents and ensure the safety of furniture and belongings in the apartment.

Each device has a certain range of action (suitable for the area of ​​the room), which, as a rule, is indicated on the product packaging or in the attached instructions.

The article discusses in detail such a concept as air humidity in an apartment: the norm of this indicator for residential premises for various purposes, prescribed by GOST, the consequences for a person that arise as a result of deviation from the norm in one direction or the other. The text describes alternative ways moisture level measurements and those intended for this, as well as recommendations for maintaining optimal climatic conditions.

Air humidity in the apartment: normalwater content for comfortable living conditions

The optimal level of air humidity is one of the components that ensure comfortable climatic conditions for human habitation. Moreover, each room, depending on its purpose, has its own microclimate. Most often, people worry about the temperature and quality of air masses in the house, forgetting about this indicator. But it is the number of water (steam) molecules in the air that affects the perception of temperature by the human body, the safety of the indoor environment and the condition of plants.

Note! Generally accepted average normal humidity air in the apartment should be at 45%. It may vary depending on the type of room and its operating conditions.

Deviation from the norm is possible, as in winter time year and during the warm period. In both cases, a lack or excess of humidity entails deterioration in human health, the condition of plants and damage to furniture, decoration, etc.

What should the humidity be in the apartment (average values ​​for the main rooms):

Room typeHumidity level, %
Dining room40-60
Bathroom, kitchen40-60
Library and work area30-40

Rooms such as the kitchen, bathroom and toilet will always have a high level of moisture, so the standard for these rooms is higher than for other rooms.

What are the consequences of deviation?from humidity standards in the apartment: dry air

When the radiators are turned on, the indoor air becomes dry. As a result, the mucous membranes of the throat and nasal cavity become irritated in residents. Drying of hair and skin is observed. When the humidity level in a living room is violated, static electricity is generated, which raises dust particles into the air. This process can become the basis for the spread of germs and dust mites.

Excessive dryness of the room entails many negative consequences:

  • decreased elasticity of the skin, nails and hair - as a result, dermatitis, peeling, microcracks and premature wrinkles appear;
  • drying out of the mucous membrane of the eyes - redness, unpleasant itching and a sensation of foreign bodies (“sand”);
  • the blood thickens - because of this, blood circulation slows down, a person develops weakness and headaches. There is a decrease in performance, the heart is subjected to increased stress and wears out faster;
  • the viscosity of intestinal and gastric juice increases - work digestive system slows down significantly;

  • dryness respiratory tract– as a result of this, local immunity is weakened, and the likelihood of colds and infectious diseases increases;
  • air quality decreases – air masses concentrate a large number of allergens that, at normal air humidity in the room, are bound by water particles.

Note! Plants and animals living near the apartment suffer from lack of moisture. Service life is reduced wooden furniture and finishes, they fade and become cracked.

What are the consequences of exceeding the norm for indoor humidity?

An excess of water can also be dangerous for humans, so many people wonder what air humidity is considered normal in an apartment and how to maintain climatic conditions within this indicator. An increased content of water vapor in a room becomes an excellent breeding ground for fungi, mold and harmful bacteria.

In such conditions, many problems arise:

  1. The frequency and severity of respiratory diseases is increasing - diseases such as bronchitis, runny nose, allergies and asthma become chronic and difficult to treat.
  2. The microclimate in the rooms becomes unacceptable for life - people feel damp or stuffy in the rooms.
  3. The feeling of freshness is lost - the secretions of multiplying pathogenic organisms cause the appearance of unpleasant odors.
  4. The drying time for washed clothes increases.

Increased air humidity in the apartment is also harmful to the environment. Plants begin to rot, mold appears on the ceiling and walls, wooden surfaces undergo deformation changes. Books and other paper products change their structure.

What should be the air humidity in the apartment?: standards according to GOST

Air humidity can be relative or absolute. To create comfortable climatic conditions in the house, the optimal value is calculated. GOST 30494-95 regulates an indicator indicating what the normal air humidity in an apartment should be.

Relative humidity is indicated as a percentage in the form of two values:

An acceptable value is a limit that does not harm human health, but can negatively affect general well-being, mood and reduce performance.

Note! If certain rules are provided for bedrooms, children's rooms and other areas where a person stays for a long time, then it is not necessary to strictly adhere to normal humidity in the kitchen, bathroom, corridor and toilet. These rooms are considered auxiliary.

The unit of measurement for absolute humidity is the actual vapor content in 1 m³ of air. For example, one cubic meter of air can contain 13 g of water. In this case, the absolute humidity will be 13 g/m³.

To obtain relative humidity, you will need to perform some calculations. For this you need two indicators:

  • the maximum possible water content in 1 m³ of air;
  • the actual amount of water in 1 m³ of air.

The percentage of real data to the maximum possible value will be the relative humidity. For example, 1 m³ of air at a temperature of 24°C can hold a maximum of 21.8 g of liquid. If in fact it contains 13 g of water, then relative humidity will be equal to 60%. For convenience, you can use a special table of absolute air humidity, which contains auxiliary data.

Indicators of indoor air humidity standards according to GOST

The indicator prescribed by GOST depends not only on the purpose of the room, but also on the time of year. For the warm period, 30-60% is provided. In this case, the relative humidity in the room is 60 percent, and the maximum permissible will be 65%. For some regions where summer months accompanied by high humidity, the standard value can be increased to 75%.

For the cold season, the standards for relative air humidity in the room are 40-45%. In this case, the maximum permissible value is 60%.

The most popular manufacturers and best models, Comparative characteristics structures, their advantages and disadvantages.

Normal air humidity in an apartment for a child

The child's immune system does not cope as effectively with negative influence factors environment like the body of an adult. Children overheat or freeze much faster, catch colds easily, suffer from infectious diseases and suffer more severely from them.

For this reason, it is important to maintain optimal air humidity in the apartment for the child, especially in his room, where it is necessary to create conditions to maintain the baby’s immune strength.

In no case should the air in the children's room be dry. This atmosphere provokes intense loss of moisture from the baby’s body. Drying of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx leads to their inability to resist viruses and infections. Your child may experience itchy eyes and flaky skin. For a child, the optimal air humidity in an apartment is considered to be between 50-60%.

According to Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky, the value of normal air humidity in an apartment can be increased to 60% for a healthy baby and 70% for a child suffering from an infectious disease. The higher the humidity level, the less intensively the mucous membranes dry out.

Indicators of normal humidity in an apartment for child's body in winter the same as for the warm season. However, there is one caveat here: Maximum temperature air in the room should not exceed 24°C. If the room is hotter, then a humidity of 60% will make it tropical. In practice, in hot weather it is more difficult to tolerate high humidity in an apartment than in the cold season.

Important! Exceeding 24°C in a children's room can lead to overheating of the baby's body. As a result, drying of the mucous membranes and loss of fluid will accelerate.

How to achieve optimal humidity in an apartment

The main factor that has the greatest influence on humidity is temperature. The warmer the room, the more water capable of absorbing air. However, when calculating relative humidity, it is worth remembering that when high temperatures the volume of liquid in the same amount of air will be less. This nuance can be advantageously used to maintain humidity levels; the air outside in winter is very fresh and optimal parameters are ensured by ventilation.

Moisture is absorbed:

  • appliances intended for heating;
  • such interior items as toys, cushioned furniture, carpets;
  • air conditioners.

Small sources of moisture can include plants and an aquarium, containers filled with water, wet laundry, a leaking roof or pipes.

How to determine air humidity in an apartment without device

To determine how much the air humidity level in the house has deviated, you can do without a special device and use:

  • a glass of water;
  • Assmann table;
  • fir cone.

To determine the relative humidity of the air using a glass of water, it is necessary to cool the filled container in the refrigerator to 5°C. It will take about 3 hours for the water and the vessel to reach the specified temperature. After this, the glass is placed on the table away from the radiator. Within 5 minutes, condensation will form on the walls of the container.

Further results will depend on the behavior of this condensate:

  1. After a few minutes, the glass has dried - the humidity level has decreased.
  2. The condensation on the walls has not disappeared - the room has a normal microclimate.
  3. Drops flowed down the vessel in streams - there was an excess of moisture in the air.

A fir cone can serve as a measuring device. It should be placed away from heating devices and after a few hours the condition of the scales should be checked. If the air is too dry, the cone will open; if there is too much moisture, the scales will shrink tightly.

All of these devices only indirectly indicate the presence of a problem. To accurately determine the microclimate in a room, it is better to buy an air humidity sensor.

Helpful advice! The primary sign of dry air is dry tips of plants. Also, insufficient moisture levels can be determined by synthetic clothing, which in such conditions emits electrical charges.

Features of using a temperature and humidity sensor

To measure humidity, you can use special instruments called sensors or hygrometers. The device independently converts the received data and displays the result as a percentage.

Many people are looking for a solution, wondering how to remove humidity in an apartment. To control the microclimate in the bathroom and other rooms with excess moisture, they are used exhaust fans. They prevent condensation from forming on the walls and floor.

For residential premises, it is recommended to purchase a humidifier if there is a lack of moisture on an ongoing basis. You will also need to additionally purchase air humidity sensors for the fan and humidifier, if these are not provided for in the designs of the devices themselves.

The operation of a hygrostat or sensor is based on the principle of a thermostat. The device opens and closes contacts in response to the amount of water vapor in the air. Thus, the operation of the fan or humidifier becomes automated. The device turns on only when it is needed.

Controlling humidity in an apartment: how to reduce/increase the amount of steam in the air

To control the amount of steam in the air, various methods are used, including improvised means. Their combination allows you to achieve a certain result.

How to get rid of humidity in an apartment:

  1. Ventilate the premises on a regular basis.
  2. Install exhaust fans where they are needed.
  3. Purchase a climate system or.
  4. Make timely repairs in the house (maintenance of plumbing and water supply).
  5. Use heating devices and air conditioners.
  6. Avoid drying clothes indoors.
  7. Install a powerful hood in the kitchen.

Helpful advice! In order for the hygrometer readings to be reliable, it is recommended to install this device deep in the room to eliminate the influence of drafts and other factors. or.

How to increase the humidity in a room:

  1. Buy a table fountain or aquarium (if no one in the household has asthma).
  2. Minimize the use of air conditioning and heating devices.
  3. Hang wet towels on radiators.
  4. From time to time, spray water with a spray bottle, thereby saturating the air with moisture.
  5. Do wet cleaning in the house regularly.
  6. Plant as many indoor plants as possible.

There are many devices that will allow you to achieve one or another result depending on your needs. They are selected taking into account the microclimate in the house. Before purchasing them, it is recommended to accurately set the humidity parameters. To do this, measurements are taken over several days.

Fits perfectly into the interior

You can maintain optimal humidity in your home using special devices - humidifiers. This category climate control technology includes many modifications: traditional, steam, ultrasonic devices. "Washing" of air and climatic complexes- more complex versions of these devices, equipped with a hygrometer, timer and other useful additions. An ultraviolet lamp will help in the fight against mold.

What do you know about the humidity level in your home? Surely, too dry air spoils hair and skin, and too humid air leads to mold. We'll tell you how to avoid this!

Let's start with a horror story: in one very, very scary house there was very, very high humidity. Because of this, mold has grown in the house, as well as other microorganisms that cause allergies and asthmatic conditions in their inhabitants. In another, no less terrible house, on the contrary, the humidity was unusually low. Residents suffered from dry skin, breathing heavily and constantly rubbing their eyes. All because they didn’t read our advice.

What humidity level should be in the apartment?

The optimal humidity level in the apartment is from 30% to 50%. Ideal – exactly 45%. Anything lower will irritate your eyes, nose and throat, anything higher will stimulate the growth of harmful bacteria.

What is the optimal humidity level in winter?

In winter, the humidity level is especially reduced, as cold air retains less moisture than warm. The problem is exacerbated by the presence of heating, since radiators burn off most of the water vapor in the air.

The comfortable perception of moisture also changes - if it is a little more than 20 degrees in the apartment, and less than minus 7 outside, then the optimal humidity in the house drops to 40 percent, and with every 15-degree drop in temperature outside the window, it decreases by another 5%.

How to measure the humidity level in a room?

On the left is a thermohygrometer. Shows temperature and humidity level. On the right is an electronic weather station, with big amount options (for example, some models measure levels carbon dioxide and dust in the air).

The most accurate way is to have a hygrometer or electronic weather station. There are different devices, but the simplest is an electronic hygrometer, which automatically shows the humidity level. Sold in online stores and electronics stores. Some devices can connect a humidifier: as soon as the humidity level decreases/increases, the weather station will automatically connect humidification/dehumidification. If you are now at the planning stage for a new home, think about installing a weather station in advance.

How to increase humidity that is too low?

1) Natural hydration.Depending on the degree of dryness of the apartment, use the following methods:

    Dry things in the bedroom;

    Spray water around the apartment;

    Pour water into all vases and bowls, place bowls of water on all radiators;

    If you are taking a bath, do not drain the water immediately, but leave the bathroom door open (NB! This method is not suitable if you have small children);

    Wash with the door open;

    Cook on the stove rather than in the oven;

    Get more indoor plants; they continuously release moisture from their leaves and stems in the form of steam. The main thing is not to forget to water on time.

2) Room humidifiers

The most common type of humidifier is a portable device that can be placed on the floor or table.

There are two types of room humidifiers: traditional cold mist humidifiers and warm mist humidifiers. The first ones work like this: water is poured into a reservoir, from where it hits the evaporator element (cartridge, disk or filter), and then the built-in fan drives air through the evaporator, humidifying and cleaning it. Warm steam humidifiers heat water, causing it to boil, causing the water to turn into steam and add moisture to the air.

Advantages steam systems the fact that they are easy to use, affordable, and can fit perfectly into the interior. There are also disadvantages - the water tank must be refilled regularly, and control and measurement of relative humidity is limited.

3) Humidification system for home

The most expensive and most controlled system humidity. Most often it is connected to the heating system and distributes steam throughout the house. Humidifier requires connection cold water, which undergoes several degrees of purification before entering the air, this provides additional safety and humidity control with an accuracy of a percentage.

How to reduce too high humidity?

    Use a hood when cooking;

    Install ventilation in the bathroom;

    Open windows if the air outside is drier;

    Dry shoes and clothes outside;

    Reduce the number of plants;

    Increase the amount of daylight entering the apartment - remove the curtains, wash the windows, remove everything from the windowsill;

    Wash in colder water;

    Place a carpet on the floor, it will catch moisture.

2) Use your home air conditioner more often

3) Install humidity sensors and dehumidifier

Install a dehumidifier directly into your heating and cooling system, or purchase separate units for each room. Dehumidifier natural gas, for example, can remove up to 40 liters per day. And then humidity sensors will help you. As we discussed in the section above, the sensors send signals to the dehumidifier or air conditioning system.

For a comfortable stay, it is not necessary to know the exact humidity level in the apartment. It is enough to understand for yourself how easy it is to breathe in the house, whether the skin is drying out, and whether moisture is collecting on the walls and ceiling. Be attentive to your feelings in the house, pay attention to every little detail, discuss with designers and builders at the stage of preparation for renovation everything that makes your life less or more comfortable. If anything, come to us - you needchoose interior preferences , it’s up to us to take care of the rest.

Today there is a lot of talk about indoor air humidity. More often about the fact that it needs to be raised. Sometimes about what needs to be lowered. Let's find out! What should the humidity be? How to regulate it? And what role in in this case does the ventilation work?

How to measure?

First of all, when thinking about the humidity in an apartment or house, it is advisable to acquire a hygrometer. This device shows how humid the air is as a percentage.

Recommended humidity levels for a private house or apartment - 35-60% (depending on the time of year, the purpose of the room - for example, in the bathroom or in the children's room the humidity may be slightly higher than in other rooms, and in the office or library, on the contrary, it is desirable for the air to be drier).

Hygrometers can be mechanical or electronic. Often produced in the same housing with other measuring instruments (thermometers, barometers, etc.) or built into climate control devices(for example, in humidifiers). The most reliable information is provided by sensors located at a remote distance from heating sources and climate control equipment.

What and how affects indoor air humidity?

- Most of all, the air humidity in an apartment or house is affected by ventilation. She
removes moisture accumulated in the room and supplies Fresh air from the street.

At the same time, the weather outside the window can also have a small impact. If it is winter and cold outside, then the air will be dry (ventilation will reduce the humidity in the house), and if it rains, for example in the fall, then the air will enter the room with moisture.

No less important role heating is on- batteries, radiators, heaters raise the air temperature, and also increase natural ventilation(more about this effect in the article), and therefore make the air drier. That is why in the off-season or in the summer, when the heating is turned off, the humidity in houses and apartments becomes higher.

- Air conditioners(and not only in the “heating” mode, but also in the “cooling” mode), oddly enough, they dry the air, while excess moisture collects into condensate, which is drained through special drainage tubes.

But doing laundry, mopping floors, all kinds of water procedures , cooking food- increase the level of humidity in the house. The same effect is caused by indoor plants, aquariums, home fountains.

Insulation of walls and the presence of sealed structures, for example, plastic windows impairs ventilation, which also leads to increased humidity and often causes condensation.

What to do if the air in the apartment is too dry?

hygrometer readings: up to 25-30%. External signs: leaves of houseplants dry out, laundry dries quickly after washing, you feel dry mouth and thirst.

Consequences: nasal congestion, dry cough, ineffectiveness of skin moisturizer, exacerbation of allergies to dust (circulating throughout the room at low humidity levels), drying out of the mucous membranes and, as a result, increased vulnerability of the body to pathogens, deterioration of vision. Furniture, building materials, and even musical instruments made from wood.

Solution: The fastest way to raise the humidity level in an apartment or house is with special devices - humidifiers or air wash. The cost of such devices: from 1.5 thousand rubles. up to 30 thousand rubles

You can also get rid of “drought” in the house by lowering the air temperature in the room (for example, installing thermostats on radiators).

Another way is to replace normal ventilation to a supply and exhaust system with recovery (capable of partially returning moisture).

What should we not forget when humidifying dry air? Applying special devices to increase the humidity in the room, it is also necessary to monitor ventilation (it must be of high quality and regular) so that the air in the house does not stagnate and, on the contrary, does not become too humid. Otherwise, another problem may arise - high humidity, which can lead to no less problems.

What to do if there is high humidity in a house or apartment?

Diagnostics: hygrometer readings are above 50-60%. External manifestations: laundry takes a long time to dry, condensation appears on plastic windows (in winter, frosty “patterns” and ice form.

Consequences of excess moisture:
negative impact on building materials, furniture, wooden floors, doors, Decoration Materials, books. The appearance of mold spores, which has negative impact on human health (may cause asthma or allergies). In addition, high indoor humidity is a favorable environment for the habitat and development of microorganisms, including pathogens.

Solution: First of all, you need to establish ventilation in the house (if natural ventilation fails, install forced ventilation devices)! Secondly, it is necessary to increase the heating: install heated floors (electric in an apartment or water in a private house), replace heated towel rails in the bathroom, add radiators. And in the summer and off-season, turn on the air conditioner more often.

How do different ventilation devices affect humidity levels?

Ventilation valves, breathers, installations, recuperators can influence air humidity in different ways.

Ventilation devices without recuperators and heaters
(For example, supply valves ) – provide air exchange (with proper ventilation), remove stagnant humid air from the room and supply fresh air. As a result, the relative humidity in the house or apartment becomes lower.

Heated appliances(breathers or air handling units with electric heater ) - reduces humidity in a house or apartment the fastest. Most suitable for cool rooms with increased level humidity. If such a device is installed in an apartment where the air is already dry and hot, then a productive humidifier may simply become a necessity. It is also important that the hood works properly.

Often, most people often measure the air in an apartment, pursuing the main goal of finding out the temperature in the room. At the same time, there are a number of microclimate indicators at the local level that require regular and desirable measurement. One of these is humidity. The most important component - the feeling of increased temperature or cold in the room, the health of the flowers on the windowsill and the condition of a certain list of property largely depends on it.

Therefore, it is advisable to figure out what the air humidity in the apartment should be. In the article we will highlight the spheres of its influence, the probable danger to human health and how humidity is measured.

Definition of air humidity

Air humidity is determined by the degree of concentration of water vapor in the air. The result is measured in absolute and relative terms:

Using the definition of “normal air humidity”, they mean a relative value. An indicator that determines the comfort of a room’s microclimate can have a serious impact on the health of the body. This influence can be both negative and positive. “Humidity must be correct,” doctors say.

Possible health problems if optimal air humidity is not maintained

Due to dry air, which provokes an increase in sweating, you may develop negative states organism, accompanied by:

Drying of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which often occurs in dry climates, can lead to problems with weak immunity and the frequent development of ARVI.

High humidity air in an apartment is dangerous - such a microclimate is an excellent environment for the development of a wide variety of microorganisms and fungi. Increased moisture can negatively affect your health:

It has been proven in practice: unfavorable humidity in an apartment has a bad effect not only on the health of residents, but also on objects furniture fittings, interior (paintings dry out and fade, paper turns yellow, furniture becomes deformed and destroyed), plants (flowers rot and dry out).

The air humidity in the apartment can be adjusted various methods. The most modern, practical and convenient is to use a special device - a humidifier, designed to increase the humidity level in rooms.

With its help you can determine the humidity in the apartment in a matter of seconds. The most popular hygrometer is a device whose operation is based on the evaporation of water - a special tank is filled with water, after which a fan operates, evaporating the liquid.

Too much or too little humidity can cause poor health. It is strongly recommended to monitor the air vapor saturation indicators. But what should the air humidity in the apartment be? Let's find out below.

What should be the air humidity in a living space?

What is the humidity standard for apartments? What air temperature should be in the apartment? These questions are often asked by caring housewives. It is not possible to find definitively accurate indicators for the first question, because the values ​​may fluctuate depending on the time of year. In addition, normalized humidity indicators are often not determined for auxiliary rooms (bathroom, toilet).

In apartments the humidity should be:

What humidity should be in an apartment with small children?

It is known: small children require not only careful treatment and proper upbringing, but also the right environment in which the process of growth and maturation takes place. Babies are characterized by increased heat exchange processes, so they are very sensitive to fluctuations in temperature and moisture.

The optimal air humidity for children is 50-70%. If the child is sick, then the indicator of the parameter in question should not fall below 60%.

What should be the humidity in an apartment: rules and methods of measurement

Having decided what humidity should be in the apartment, you should understand the methods and rules for measuring it.

What humidity will be determined by a special device - a hygrometer. There are several types, but for household use an ordinary hygrometer with minimum set functions (error 3-5%).

There are other measurement methods using:

These methods can measure humidity with a certain accuracy, be it in a residential or warehouse space.

Remember: the apartment should have humidity that does not cause discomfort to any family member. What temperature should be in the apartment is up to you to decide. It is best that optimal humidity and acceptable temperature are always present in your home - then many problems can be avoided. Be healthy!