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Karbofos, instructions for use in the garden. How to use karbofos in the garden? Dosage and reviews

The appearance of bedbugs in an apartment or private house is an infrequent and unacceptable occurrence in modern life, but sometimes this problem arises and requires decisive effective measures. Karbofos is a reliable, well-proven insecticide. Low cost and availability allow it to remain a leader in the market for bedbug medications.

Description of the drug

Karbofos is a modern insecticide - chemical preparation which destroys harmful insects. Main action poisonous substancemalathion, related to organophosphorus compounds. IN pure form It is an oily liquid, colorless, with a characteristic unpleasant odor. The technical preparation has a dark brown color and contains dimethyldithiophosphoric acid as an impurity, which does not have insecticidal properties, as well as xylene.

Main physical and chemical characteristics:

  • poorly soluble in water (145 mg per liter);
  • highly soluble in most organic solvents;
  • UV and temperature resistant;
  • has an average degree of volatility at 20 ºС, which increases with increasing temperature;
  • hydrolyzes when alkali is added, forming compounds that are low toxic to living organisms.

Due to the latter property, an alkaline solution (soap and soda) is used to neutralize the room after treatment with Karbofos.

Release form of the drug

You can buy Karbofos in any store household chemicals or in the online store, the product is available in the following forms:

  • bedbug powder,
  • Liquid karbofos,
  • concentrated drug in ampoules.

Bedbug powder is packaged in 30 or 60 mg packets. The malatonin content is 10% and requires dissolution in water according to the instructions. Karbofos in liquid form is a diluted solution, ready for use. Available in large volume canisters, which is inconvenient for treating small spaces.

Concentrated Karbofos ideal for home use. The contents of the ampoule (5 ml) are diluted in 1 liter of water and mixed. For application to surfaces use a spray bottle.

How does Karbofos act on bedbugs?

Malathion has a nerve-paralytic effect on bedbugs. Once in the insect's body, it turns into malaoxone, which is highly toxic. By disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses, the substance causes paralysis and then death of the insect.

In the body of warm-blooded animals (as well as humans), malathion quickly breaks down into safe compounds and is eliminated without causing harm. Poisoning is possible if the concentration of the drug is high or its exposure lasts for a long period of time.

Important! Residents and pets should not be in the room during treatment Karbofos, as well as within 24 hours after it.

Instructions for using Karbofos against bedbugs

Before treatment, it is necessary to determine the degree of infection of the apartment, carefully study the instructions for the drug in order to decide how to properly prepare the working solution.

How to prepare an apartment for processing

In order to prevent the negative effect of Karbofos on people and animals living in the apartment, the room must be prepared for treatment with an insecticide:

  • Personal belongings, dishes and food are taken out or carefully packed in sealed bags.
  • Furniture is moved away from the walls.
  • Upholstered furniture is dismantled to allow access to the wooden frame.
  • Mattresses are removed and pillows are dry cleaned.
  • Bed linen is sent for washing.
  • Carpets are removed from the walls, as are paintings and photographs.
  • Skirting boards are raised whenever possible.
  • Old unnecessary wooden items are thrown away.

Precautionary measures

The person doing the processing must wear a special protective suit or, which covers all areas of the skin. Necessary means of protection are also respirator or cotton-gauze bandage, safety glasses and gloves. After processing protective equipment are destroyed.

When spraying the product, it is important to avoid contact of the solution with the skin and mucous membranes. If Karbofos gets on the skin, it is necessary to wash off the drug with a soap solution.

If the person carrying out the disinfestation feels unwell, shortness of breath, tachycardia, diarrhea appears, he should consult a doctor immediately.

After handling, you must wash your hands with soap.

After the exposure time of Karbofos has expired (usually 4-5 hours), the apartment must be well ventilated. Those areas of the room that are usually touched by hand are washed with a soap and soda solution. The room should be sprayed again on the third day after the first treatment. General cleaning should be done after two months.

Advantages and disadvantages of Karbofos

This drug against bedbugs has a number of advantages over other insecticides:

The main disadvantage of this insecticide is its persistent bad smell, when hitting upholstered furniture Karbofos does not erode well. You should not use the drug in a room where allergy sufferers live.

Karbofos – inexpensive, but effective drug , allowing you to get rid of bed bugs, as well as other unwanted insects. Possessing selective toxicity, it occupies one of the leading positions among insecticides.

Despite the abundance modern means against insects, gardeners still prefer time-tested karbofos. The drug is used to combat numerous types of pests garden crops: vegetables, melons, fruit- berry bushes and trees, berries, grapes, flowers, ornamental plants.

Characteristics of the drug

Karbofos is used to control numerous pests.

Refers to organophosphorus compounds (OPCs). It is an insecticidal and acaricidal drug, half of which consists of malathion. In its pure form, malathion is a colorless liquid with a characteristic pungent odor and an oily consistency.

Karbofos easily dissolves in water, forming a stable emulsion. At negative temperatures thickens while maintaining toxicity.

Karbofos is produced by several manufacturers in different forms (liquid, granules, powder, tablets, emulsions), with various additives and in different concentrations (Alatar, Antiklesch, Atkellic, Inta-CM, Iskra-M, Karbofos, Fenaksin-plus, Fufanon-nova). Fragrances with a strong unpleasant odor are added to all preparations to increase the safety of animals and people. After use, the smell disappears quickly.

Belongs to drugs of the third group (medium degree) of danger, not very phytotoxic. The popularity of karbofos is due to its high efficiency.

Important. Specialists from the American Cyanamid Company are considered to be the creators of the first insecticidal preparations based on malathion. Introduced to the market in 1950 under the name TM4049, the drug was later renamed malatone and then malathion.

Research in this area was also conducted in the Soviet Union. In 1952, regardless of American developments, chemists K.D. Shevtsova-Shilovskaya and N.N. Melnikov received domestic malathion. The drug, which began to be produced for Agriculture and sanitary disinfection, called karbofos.

Effect of the drug Karbofos

Karbofos instantly rids plants of pests.

The drug karbofos:

  1. Insecticide and acaricide of contact action. Effective only upon direct contact with an insect. The “hidden” insect does not die and is capable of producing offspring.
  2. It has a protective effect only on those parts of the plant with which it comes into contact. The advantages of contact preparations include fast, almost instantaneous ridding of plants from pests.
  3. Short-acting drug. It quickly deteriorates under the influence of sun, air, and water. Complete disintegration when plants are treated in open ground occurs 7-10 days after application, and in greenhouses after a week. Karbofos is removed from plants within a week.
  4. Belongs to the group of continuous action products. Destroys several types of insects and larvae at the same time. Regular use can create resistance (addiction).

Important. The International Health Organization annually purchases and donates thousands of tons of the drug to combat Anophles mosquitoes, which transmit malaria.

Application area

Karbofos is widely used in many areas.

It is used in agriculture and forestry, household, sanitary and medical disinsection, to control pests of food and seed stocks.

In gardening and gardening it is used to combat gnawing, herbivorous and sucking insects, their larvae and caterpillars:

  • scale insects;
  • aphids;
  • red and spider mites;
  • bedbugs;
  • thrips;
  • gall midges;
  • whiteflies;
  • copperheads;
  • bud moth;
  • sawflies;
  • weevils;
  • codling moths;
  • mealybugs;
  • leafhoppers;
  • bean moth;
  • pea grain;
  • flies.

Important. Karbofos affects beneficial pollinating insects: bees, wasps, bumblebees. It cannot be used during active flowering and should not be sprayed within a radius of less than 5 kilometers from the hives.

Processing rules

The most common method of treating plants with karbofos is garden plot- spraying. The procedure is carried out in sunny, calm weather without wind or rain at a temperature not lower than + 15ºС, in the morning or evening hours. The spray solution must be freshly prepared.

Spray the leaves and stems of the plant until the solution is completely wetted.

The dosage is determined using the instructions for use in the garden, taking into account the area of ​​treatment, the degree of damage, the type of plants and pests.

It is advisable to treat the plants no more than twice during the season.

Raspberries and blackberries

Raspberries and blackberries are processed for the first time in early spring before flowering begins. Secondary after picking berries.

Karbofos saves shrubs from aphids, bud moths, ticks, weevils, and raspberry-strawberry beetles.

The consumption rate is 75 grams of product per bucket of water. For 10 bushes, up to 2 liters of working solution is required.


The insecticide eliminates currants from leaf beetles, scale insects, bud moths, gallicia, sawflies, aphids, and mites.

Treatment is carried out three times per season:

  • during swelling and opening of the kidneys;
  • during the formation of the flower brush;
  • last time 30 days before the berries ripen.

The working solution is prepared from 75 grams of product per bucket of water, at the rate of one and a half liters per currant bush.

In case of severe damage to the bushes by spider mites and red mites, in the fall, additionally, currant bushes and the soil under them are generously moistened with a 2% solution of karbofos.


Spring treatment of gooseberries with karbofos.

Gooseberry karbofos protects against leaf rollers, moths, moths, sawflies, spider mites and red mites.

A liter of working solution of 60 grams of karbofos and 8 liters of water is enough for one bush. Last treatment a month before harvest.

Flower and ornamental shrubs

Protect shrubs (roses, jasmine, barberry, spirea, cotoneaster, etc.) from spider mite, roseate sawflies, aphids will be helped by a solution of 60 grams of the product in 8 liters of water.

For 10 m² you will need 2 liters. Spraying is carried out before and after flowering.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is sprayed in the spring during budding. To prepare the solution, a larger volume of water is required than for other berry bushes - 3 liters per standard package of the drug of 60 grams. When processing 10 m², it takes about two liters.

In autumn in the garden, to receive good harvest in the future, sea buckthorn cuttings are dipped into a freshly prepared solution for a few minutes, placed in plastic bag, tie and leave for a day.

Fruit trees

These trees are often damaged by weevils, mites, leaf rollers, sawflies, codling moths, scale insects, and cherry flies. The trees are sprayed for the first time during the swelling of the buds and the beginning of budding, the second time - a month before the start of berry picking.

The first time it is necessary to treat with Karbofos, during the swelling of the buds.

Important. For citrus trees, 5 liters of solution is enough for one tree. The last treatment is carried out 50 days before collection.

Strawberry wild-strawberry)

Karbofos is effective in the fight against the main enemies of strawberries - strawberry weevils and ticks. The berry garden is treated until the spring mass emergence of weevils to the surface at a soil temperature of + 8°C during the formation of buds.

Each strawberry bush is watered against mites in August-September after the crop has been harvested and the plantation has been cleared of dry leaves. After treatment, the berry plant is covered for 6-12 hours.

The concentration of the working solution is 60 grams of karbofos per 8 liters.

Safety precautions for use and storage

When using karbofos in the garden and storing karbofos, you must follow the following mandatory rules:

  1. Store out of reach of children and pets at temperatures from -20°C to +35°C for no more than three years. Avoid heating. Keep away from fire.
  2. When spraying bushes and trees, nearby beds are covered with any covering material.
  3. During the procedure, protective equipment is worn: rubber gloves, a respirator, special clothing, and goggles. When preparing the solution or processing, do not drink, eat, or smoke.
  4. After work, clothes need to be changed, open areas rinse body under running water With big amount soap, rinse your mouth.
  5. Do not mix with other drugs.
  6. To avoid the insecticide getting into water bodies, do not carry out protective work in the garden during or just before rain.

When spraying with karbofos, use protective equipment.

The form of the drug is updated, safety for humans and animals is increased, and the specific odor characteristic of many poisons is removed. A popular home remedy is Karbofos. It has remained among the top sellers for many years.

Main active substance is malathion. Once in the insect's body, it turns into a stronger poison. Sold in powder and concentrated liquid form. It needs to be dissolved with water.

Karbofos has several advantages that persuade many to choose this particular chemical:

  • Since the production of the insecticide is located in Russia, the price of this drug does not exceed 60 rubles. You can buy it at any hardware store.
  • Despite the fact that Karbofos has been produced for many years, its effectiveness does not suffer from this. It is still one of the best insecticides.
  • Although it is not sold ready-made, the instructions tell you how to dilute the powder and concentrate in water - it’s not difficult. Anyone can use it in processing; there is no need to call specialists for help. You can simply pour the freshly prepared liquid into a spray bottle and spray all surfaces.
  • Toxicity is not high for warm-blooded animals. It is eliminated from the body quickly. The dangerous substance malaoxon is created only inside the body of insects, therefore it is safe for people, animals, and plants.

Also, the insecticide has its disadvantages:

Therefore, if you are not afraid of a strong odor, this product is recommended for use, since many customer reviews indicate its effectiveness.

How to use insecticide: processing steps?

Since Karbofos is sold in powder or emulsion form, it must be mixed with water before cleaning. The amount of concentrated substance depends on the degree of contamination of the room. If bedbugs have just appeared, use a weak solution, large quantities insects, cook the liquid a little stronger. Be sure to follow the instructions for using Karbofos.

This is what the finished liquid looks like, but it cannot be stored!

To properly treat bedbugs, you need to go through several steps.

  1. On the scheduled baiting day, the house must be cleaned to remove all obstructive debris.
  2. Before starting cleaning, remove any accumulations of bedbugs. Remember that there may be several nests, so inspection must be carried out carefully. Bedbugs live near the place where the victim sleeps. The bed is their hunting ground. Therefore, first inspect the bed, mattress, bed frame, sofa, ottoman, crib.

    After this, you can proceed to search in the rest of the furniture, household appliances, under the carpet, in curtains and curtains. Carefully look through all cabinets, bookshelves. Then you can move on to baseboards, cracks and crevices in the wall, ceiling, door frames, and surfaces where furniture touches the wall.

    Bedbugs also love ventilation pipes And electrical sockets. Before checking electrical cables, you must turn off the power. You can spray over heavily infected areas several times so that the poison is well absorbed by the surface.

After the process of cleaning the room from bedbugs is completed, it is better not to appear at home for one day. If there are no places to spend the night, then when you return to the apartment, you need to thoroughly ventilate it. Karbofos breaks down from alkali, so all places in contact with residents can be wiped with a rag soaked in an alkaline solution. It's better not to do it for a couple of weeks general cleaning to increase the period of activity of the chemical on insects.

We should not forget about some mandatory precautions when working with chemical insecticides.

Danger to warm-blooded animals.

This insecticide can be dangerous for humans and animals because it has some toxicity. But the advantage of the body is that harmful substances are quickly eliminated and with short contacts with the poison do not accumulate inside the body.

But when a person or animal for a long time is under the influence of Karbofos, toxic compounds accumulate in organs; over a long period, chemicals can cause disruption of their functioning.

Therefore, when using all chemicals, it is necessary to purchase personal protective equipment. Before you start diluting the concentrate with water, put on rubber gloves, special goggles, a gown, and a respirator. Follow the instructions for using Karbofos exactly and use the dosages indicated on the label.

What can replace Karbofos?

Although this drug has been available for a long time, it is now gradually being replaced. A huge variety of drugs have appeared, which are based on a substance such as pyrethroid. Although it is synthesized artificially, the same substance is present in some plants, for example, Dalmatian chamomile.

As soon as this compound was discovered, it was used to treat fields, but the cost of the drug was high and the duration of the effect was short. Therefore, experts have developed a new product based on pyrethroid, removing all the disadvantages of the past.

You can also use Karbofos in combination with Permethrin in one cleaning. It turned out that they complement and increase each other's effectiveness. But Karbofos will never leave the insecticide market, because most drugs are now created precisely on its basis. It is just slightly modified, the prices are also quite reasonable.

The drug has a pungent odor, so it is rarely used in apartments and houses. Karbofos is mainly used against ants in the garden and vegetable garden. The active substance destroys pests three to four hours after spraying the plants. The poisonous effect lasts for about two weeks, which allows the area to be completely cleared of “uninvited guests.”


The chemical has an intestinal contact effect. It causes death when it hits him Airways or comes into contact with the chitinous shell. For people and animals, the danger is medium.

Karbofos is available in various forms:

  • powder;
  • solution;
  • concentrated emulsion;
  • ampoules;
  • granules.

Manufacturers add fragrances with a strong aroma to the product. This feature complicates the use of the drug in indoors. But in the air the unpleasant smell quickly disappears.

On a note!

Karbofos is made on the basis of malathion. It is an oily liquid that exudes a pungent amber. The first insecticides containing this substance appeared on the market in 1950.

Toxins are also destroyed by their larvae, but do not affect the eggs. If the insect avoids contact with the substance, it will not die and will retain the ability to reproduce.


Instructions for use contain detailed information on how to prepare a solution for spraying. For Karbofos to help against ants, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. The liquid can be used in dry and windless weather.
  2. You cannot treat plants and trees more than twice in one season.
  3. You need to use a freshly prepared solution.

Before work, you should protect your hands with rubber gloves and put on a respirator.

On a note!

Pests are poisoned for the first time during the period when buds appear. The second treatment occurs before flowering.

If you need to get rid of ants, then take 60 grams of dry powder per 5 liters of water. For 100 m², use 5 liters of ready-made solution.


I used Karbofos from garden ants. The smell coming from him is terrible. But he quickly faded away. The pests disappeared on the first day. The drug instantly rid my seedlings of ant colonies and aphids.

Katerina, Moscow

I like Karbofos. I use it every year. I carry out two sprayings per season. I always prepare the solution as indicated in the instructions. I don’t plan to switch to other insecticides. This inexpensive and effective drug completely suits me.

Bedbugs are a real disaster in the home. They are very viable, multiply rapidly, bite people, causing a lot of inconvenience. At the first sign of bedbugs appearing in the house, you need to immediately take measures to destroy them. The drug Karbofos is one of the most popular means for getting rid of bedbugs and other insects.

Composition and general information about the drug Karbofos

Karbofos is sold in different forms:

  • concentrate in ampoules of 5 and 10 ml;
  • powder 30 and 60 grams;
  • concentrated emulsion in large volumes in canisters;
  • ready-to-use solution.

Indications for use

The drug is used indoors, in gardens and personal plots, V farming. Karbofos is used for the following purposes:

Advantages and disadvantages of Karbofos

  • Efficacy of the drug. Two treatments at intervals of 1–2 weeks are enough to completely get rid of unwanted insects and pests for a long time.
  • Easy to use. The concentrate or powder just needs to be diluted in water according to the proportion specified in the instructions. You can also purchase already ready solution and spray it with a regular sprayer.
  • Low toxicity. The drug is completely safe for humans and animals, subject to compliance with safety rules.
  • Availability of the product. The drug can be bought at garden centers, markets or household chemical stores. The price of Karbofos is very affordable.

The drug Karbofos is sold in different forms and volumes

There are also disadvantages of this drug, you need to familiarize yourself with them before deciding to purchase the product:

  • A persistent and unpleasant odor that is almost impossible to remove from upholstered furniture. In some cases, the only way to get rid of the smell is to throw away the treated furniture.
  • Toxicity. It is small, but still, in people prone to allergies, this drug can cause an allergic reaction or slight intoxication.
  • Resistance. The offspring of survivors of treatment are immune to malathion and malaoxon, so treatment may not produce the desired results.

Storage conditions

The product does not require special conditions for storage, you just need to follow a few rules:

  1. The product should be kept away from open sources of fire and heat-generating devices.
  2. The storage place should be dry and dark.
  3. Storage temperature from -20 to +25 o C.
  4. The drug must be isolated from food products, medicines and hygiene products.
  5. Karbofos should be stored in places inaccessible to children.
  6. The package must be tightly closed.

Instructions for treating premises against bedbugs

Preparing the premises

Bedbugs hide in the most hidden corners of the apartment and furniture, so before you begin treatment you need to be well prepared. To make the process as efficient and safe as possible, complete the following preparatory steps:

  • Remove all food, dishes, hygiene items and personal belongings from the house. If this is not possible, then pack everything in sealed bags.
  • Carry out wet cleaning.
  • Close the aquarium tightly during treatment (if any) and turn off the oxygen supply to it.
  • Remove blinds, tulle, and curtains from the windows.
  • Remove mattresses from beds.
  • Take all upholstered furniture outside if it is frosty. Long term exposure low temperatures bedbugs and their eggs die.
  • Clear all walls of paintings, photographs and other objects.
  • Take carpets and pillows to dry cleaning.
  • Move the furniture away from the walls so that during treatment you can spray the product into all hard-to-reach places.
  • Turn off the electricity.
  • Treat together with your neighbors if they have bedbugs.

To treat the room from bedbugs, you can use a spray bottle

The procedure should be carried out with the windows open to reduce the concentration of solution vapors in the air. Otherwise, poisoning may occur, allergic reaction, burn of mucous membranes.

Preparation of the mixture for processing

It is very simple to prepare the product for spraying at home:

  1. Take a plastic bucket and pour the required amount of water into it.
  2. Then add Karbofos at the rate of 5 ml per 1 liter of water, powder - 5 g per 1 liter of water.
  3. Move the liquid thoroughly for 5 minutes.

The best option for processing would be to use a special spraying device. But if there is none, then you can use a regular spray bottle. As a last resort, use a brush.

Rules for processing the premises

So, the drug is diluted, the room is prepared, protective clothing is put on. It's time to start the processing process itself. You should start with the obvious habitats of bedbugs. Special attention focus on areas such as:

  • upholstered furniture;
  • back of furniture;
  • bedroom set;
  • lower part of the mattress;
  • cracks on the floor, walls;
  • skirting boards;
  • windows and doors;
  • unpainted wooden surfaces;
  • floor under furniture;
  • ventilation holes;

Areas with large concentrations of bedbugs should be treated twice: at the very beginning of the process and at the end. After a day, all surfaces should be wiped, the room should be washed and ventilated.

Video: how exactly it is necessary to treat furniture and rooms

Security measures

The drug Karbofos, although small, is still toxic, so be sure to follow safety precautions:

  • Remove all animals, children and other persons not involved in processing.
  • Wear protective clothing, gloves, hat, shoes. Ensure safe breathing by wearing a respirator.
  • After completing all work, accept hygienic shower, wash used clothes, clean shoes.
  • Do not take food or water during treatment. No smoking.
  • Do not spray the drug near an open fire.
  • Do not heat the solution.
  • Use the product only for its intended purpose.
  • Do not use expired medication.