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Paintings for the interior in a modern style. Custom paintings for interior - catalog

Decorating the interior of your own home with paintings is a common trend in our time. Previously, such home decoration could be afforded mainly by wealthy segments of society, and original copies of famous artists were used. The development of technology has given contemporaries the chance to widely use a variety of paintings in the interior of an apartment, without being the owner of an impressive fortune.

General principles of home decoration with paintings

The diverse range of products offered makes it possible to create harmonious interior in the apartment, emphasizing the advantages of the housing and skillfully masking the shortcomings. Consumers can choose from photographic art products, printing images on glass or canvas. Classic works painted in oil also do not lose their relevance. The key task remains the selection of paintings, appropriate general rules apartment interior design.

If you have a difficult decision on the design of a room made in classic style, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the works of artists in galleries, museums and exhibitions, and studying painting albums. New impressions will help you decide on your favorite technique, direction and genre that suits the interior of your apartment. In the future, if you wish, you can buy reproductions of classic paintings or order copies to be made.

When choosing paintings for the interior of an apartment, it is important to adhere to the principles of design art:

Advice ! It is preferable to place the paintings on a wall protected from direct sunlight.

Living room interior

The central place in any apartment is the living room. A room intended for meeting friends, communicating with family and receiving guests requires special design approach. Paintings in the living room will allow you to create original interior, filled with comfort and grace. The tasks assigned to the paintings differ in their focus, but are ultimately designed to create a harmonious environment and evoke positive emotions from being in the living room. In an effort to create a dynamic image, blue and light blue shades, which are responsible for activating life flows, will help. In addition to color, the plot and location of the painting are important in the interior of the living room.

When placing the canvas over the sofa, it is important to choose the right size. The optimal ratio in the interior of the width of the frame and the back of furniture is 1:2. If there are two or three paintings, the free space is 1/3 of the size of the sofa.

In the living room, images of animals and birds, city and rural landscapes are appropriate. Abstractions are suitable for a high-tech or minimalist interior. Classics welcomes traditional oil painting on canvas. Cherry and brown tones in the interior they are combined with Renaissance or Renaissance paintings. Seascapes are appropriate on light walls.

What other techniques will allow you to create a dynamic or restrained atmosphere in your apartment? Let's take a closer look at all the tricks of design art:

  • The effect of stability and fidelity to tradition will be created by symmetrically arranged canvases. The impression of the austerity of the interior will especially enhance black and white photos graphies or monochrome paintings. The same size will create a business environment that is more suitable for an office.
  • Paintings hung asymmetrically add a sense of dynamism to the interior of the apartment.
  • If there is free space, several large images are placed at a sufficient distance from each other in an asymmetrical position. This will allow you to perceive each work of art separately.
  • Regardless of the number and size of images, the same frames help create a holistic image.
  • The paintings do an excellent job of structuring the room. The central location will emphasize the symmetry of the design in the interior of the apartment, and, if necessary, indicate the zoning of the space.

The creative inclinations of the hostess will allow embroidered paintings to show off in the interior of the apartment. There are many options for ideas - it could be cross-stitch or satin stitch, Lately Paintings made with beads are especially popular. In this case, individuality and originality are 100% guaranteed.

Design solutions in the bedroom

For a corner in an apartment intended for night rest, it is preferable to choose paintings that can enhance the atmosphere of comfort, coziness and tranquility. Trust your inner feelings, let them materialize in painting. Love flowers - give preference to images of the landscape in the interior of your apartment, admire the majesty of water streams - a similar theme will fill the bedroom positive energy. However, the presence in the interior of paintings that focus attention on water requires special care when choosing:

  • To attract financial flows, images of calm rivers and streams are welcome. It is better to avoid seething waterfalls and powerful whirlpools in the bedroom.
  • A majestic sailboat against the backdrop of a clear sky and white clouds, swaying on the endless water surface, will evoke peace and tranquility. Contemplation of works of painting evokes pleasant dreams of travel and at the same time helps to visually increase the space of the apartment’s interior.
  • The storyline in the painting with raging waves, looming dark clouds and a ship battling the elements provokes tension negative emotions, feelings of anxiety and does not allow you to relax after a busy day in your own apartment.

A few more nuances that should be taken into account when choosing paintings for the interior of a bedroom in an apartment:

  • Canvases with pastoral motifs or images of a forest will help create a peaceful atmosphere;
  • comfort and coziness in the apartment are provided by soft pastel colors;
  • a transparent sky with exotic birds in the painting will add a romantic touch to the bedroom interior;
  • Paintings depicting couples in love and portraits, executed primarily in black and white, will help complement the art deco style.
  • The finished composition of the apartment's interior will be given by paintings where the predominant color is combined with other decorative elements - curtains, pillows or bedspreads.

If you are not a supporter of the classical approach to interior design, paintings made in different genres contribute to the realization fresh ideas in design. The desire to emphasize the individuality of the interior in the house will be helped by paintings in the kanzashi style. The essence of the creative direction lies in making flower arrangements using ribbons and decorating them with beads. Hand-made decor always remains at the peak of popularity, allowing the hostess to show off her talents and amaze the guests of the apartment with her exquisite taste.

Options for decorating the kitchen and hallway

Paintings selected for the kitchen interior should not have historical value and are extremely expensive. Still in household premises In apartments, decorative elements deteriorate faster, so it is better to replace them in a timely manner with a fresh sample than to admire a spoiled product. It is better to place copies made on canvas in oil under glass. Depending on the interior of the kitchen, paintings are selected taking into account the following rules:

  • the predominance of cold and metallic shades is combined with a black and white image;
  • If you have a Provence style kitchen in your apartment, give preference to paintings in yellow;
  • minimalism in the interior welcomes bright paintings that can become the leading accent in the room;
  • a combination of the color content of the image with the elements of the apartment’s furnishings (chairs, lampshade, curtains) will form a complete image.

Advice ! If the kitchen smoothly flows into the hallway, paintings for the interior in this part of the apartment are selected in the same theme.

The kitchen in the apartment is a great place to open up creative potential housewives. There are many directions for decorating paintings for the interior. with my own hands. The originality of the panels, for the production of which are used coffee beans, various grains, cinnamon, beans and pumpkin seeds. To create a masterpiece in your apartment, you will need to cut cardboard to the required frame size, cover it with fabric or treat it with wallpaper and form a picture. Having achieved a harmonious arrangement of the elements, you can begin to secure them with glue.

An apartment installation made from cutlery will allow you to show ingenuity. Cold metal will fit organically into a strict high-tech style interior. During the manufacturing process, care should be taken to securely secure the components of the picture. To do this, you will need to purchase a pistol with silicone glue. It is also useful for mosaic paintings. The main elements suitable for the kitchen interior are glass and broken tiles, eggshell and rhinestones. By tinting individual details, you can create a unique decoration for the interior of your apartment, filling it with warmth and comfort. Ideas may not come immediately, accumulate impressions, collect bit by bit the details you like. Over time, this will transform into a harmonious image for the apartment.

Having decided on the style, you can begin to select materials for the future work:

  1. Paint and canvas.
  2. Cardboard, designer paper, magazine clippings, old photos.
  3. Textiles, leather, ribbons, braid.
  4. Glass or crystals.
  5. Buttons.
  6. Dried flowers, shells.

Advice! Don't throw away old children's drawings, scraps of fabric, magazines, decorations– all this can become part of the picture. Store them in a separate box, periodically reviewing and arranging them together.

Painting with paints

The easiest way to create an original painting for your interior with your own hands is to paint it. The subject is limited only by the imagination of the creator. Even if you have no artistic skills, you can create a masterpiece: use abstract techniques, study master classes and photos of finished works.

Oil, watercolor, acrylic paints will become faithful assistants in creating paintings for the interior. You can use either professional canvas or regular canvas as a base. thick paper or a primed board.

Advice! You can draw inspiration from nature if there are picturesque places near your home. If you are unlucky with either the location or the weather, feel free to draw your household, pets, fruit compositions - whatever. The accuracy of the reproduction of reality does not play any role, the main thing is to approach the process with soul.

Modular paintings are suitable for almost any room: from kitchens before living room, but it is important to select appropriate images. If you don’t have the time to create a masterpiece with your own hands, then we have good news for you - today you can buy them in any specialized store!

Photo printing

The technical side of the issue is taken care of by a photo workshop, which can print a suitable image on almost any basis: canvas, paper, ceramics, etc. These can be ordinary posters with image interesting places, people, ornaments.

Advice! A poster is not just a picture, it must convey a certain idea, correspond to the interior, the theme of the room and the character of the owners of the house. Recently, pin-up and retro style posters have gained particular popularity.

If the poster is large-format, you can divide the image into several segments and, when combined into a single canvas, play with the joints, making it look like a modular picture.

If there is a child in the house, then you can scan his drawings and select the ones that match the color, shape, etc. Such a poster can be complemented by a photo of the artist himself. All that remains is to print the poster and place it in a frame that matches the color and style.

Collage of old and new family photos You can hang it as a picture in the bedroom or living room, and posters depicting the corresponding paraphernalia and fruits are suitable for the kitchen. Finally, it is worth noting that it is recommended to choose posters and panels for the kitchen in rich and bright colors, however, no one forbids you to go against the rules and create stylish ones.


From all kinds of scraps, fabric with beautiful patterns, ribbons, braid or lace, you can create real masterpieces in patchwork style with your own hands. Fabric paintings are most often made using the appliqué technique. The basis is taken of dense textiles with discreet and inconspicuous patterns (stripes, polka dots, etc.), and the main elements are cut out from bright shreds.

Most often, kitchens and children's rooms are decorated with textile works, since these rooms are characterized by a certain simplicity present in the appliqué.

Advice! From felt, flannel and other fabrics that hold their shape well, you can cut out fruits, animals, cars, and houses. You can safely combine different textures and patterns on fabrics, use braid for decoration, decorative cord, buttons. For the living room, you can make a textile picture from crinkled silk with abstract patterns.

From buttons

With their help, you can create original things by sewing or appliqué. Often this type of fittings is used to depict leaves on trees. Buttons can be glued in an original way inside any contour, for example, a silhouette butterflies or cats. IN sewing stores you can select parts of various shapes, colors and materials and lay them out, like a mosaic, according to a pre-prepared pattern. Such button creations will fit perfectly into the kitchen, however, they can also be used for the living room and bedroom.

Advice! Buttons can be glued around the perimeter of the picture frame, giving it individuality.

Wallpaper and panels

Often after repairs large pieces remain beautiful wallpaper, which are useful for making unusual interior paintings.

  1. Wallpaper in a frame is the easiest option to create something like this panel. A piece is cut from the roll the desired shape and is placed in the frame. Moreover, the ornament may coincide with the pattern on the walls or differ from it. Such elements can come in a row of 2-3 pieces.
  2. Golden paint and a stencil or small black and white photos, stylized in an antique style, will help to revive a boring canvas in a frame. Similar wallpaper pictures will fit perfectly into

Even animals strive to decorate their place of residence, and in terms of people creating comfort for modern residential and non-residential premises Today there are not only some recommendations, rules, books, but even a whole science. Various principles and formulas for the placement of furniture and all sorts of attributes, the secrets of Feng Shui, which, according to experts in the field of interior design, if fully implemented, will provide the best atmosphere in the house for its inhabitants, are constantly changing and supplemented. Someone follows exactly existing rules and adheres to all the recommendations of the specialist, hoping in this way to achieve harmony, someone arranges their home in accordance with personal taste and the existing needs of the family, but both of them clearly strive to ensure that the room looks the most attractive and very cozy.

The final result depends on the details

It is known that the overall final result depends on the most insignificant details at first glance. According to statistics, paintings in the interior are most often used to decorate a room and give it the finishing touches. Their plot primarily depends on the taste of the homeowner and the style in which the main interior is designed. Very often, it is the correctly selected images that can become the highlight of the room and attract the main attention of the guest. The influence has long been proven color range and semantic content of images on human life. It happens that, having gone to a cafe to drink a cup of coffee, a visitor suddenly feels such a feeling of hunger that he orders a full lunch or dinner. This result is achieved through the correct selection of colors and paintings on the walls.

Long-known effect

In many cities there are even special centers that have become a worthy replacement for visiting psychotherapists, which is so popular abroad. Each of them has rooms whose name is the dominant color in their design, for example, green, red, etc. By staying in each of them for a certain amount of time, you can achieve a variety of desired effects, from complete relaxation to a sharp increase in performance. The secret is simple - the effect achieved by the influence of colors on the human body is enhanced by paintings arranged in a certain order and carrying the semantic loads necessary in each individual case.

Pay attention to the size and appearance

In addition to the correct selection of colors and semantic content, the size of the canvas and its external frame are also important. Regardless of whether semantic, plot or abstract paintings are chosen for the interior, family photos or memorable dates, they should not oversaturate the environment and create visual pressure on the visitor and owner. For achievement best result It is very important to find that golden mean that satisfies the wishes of family members or the owner of the office and gives uniqueness and individuality to the room.

Paintings for the interior, photos, stylish abstractions are now available in modules

Recently, modular paintings for interiors have become popular and in great demand. This is a fairly large work, divided into segments (modules). Placed in a certain sequence, they not only do not clutter up the room, but even visually expand it. The 3D effect can make even a very small room very spacious and add uniqueness to it.

Modular paintings for the interior can not only create comfort, they reveal the secrets of the owners, talk about their innermost desires, cherished dreams and hidden character traits. Landscapes, still lifes, photos of a desired vacation spot, images of your favorite cartoon characters can help update your home even without cosmetic or complete renovations. However, when choosing them, you should not rely only on emotions. It is imperative to take into account which room the painting will be located in and what people will do in it. We can talk about work, play, receiving guests, relaxing, eating, etc. At correct selection plot, you can achieve ideal harmony of soul and body.

Each room has its own option

For example, calm scenes of flora and fauna can relax, so they are more suitable for a bedroom than for an office, and images in dark colors should never be hung in a nursery, even if they are characters from your favorite cartoons, because the baby will immediately become nervous and irritable . An image of animals or birds would be ideal in this regard.

If we're talking about about the kitchen, then in this room it is important not to overdo it with bright colors. Images of food are also not welcome. The most optimal will be flower arrangements and still lifes, as well as pastel, light yellow or light green tones.

Paintings in the interior of the living room can be very diverse. Countries, cities, cars, animals, fish, nature, plot images... Here you can give complete freedom to your imagination. However, it is worth paying attention to the number of modules, the order and shape of their arrangement. Paintings in the interior should be chosen based on the size of the room and the furniture in it. It is best to hang a photo of it on the wall for a couple of days before purchasing a piece. Then you can understand what your perception will be.

Use correctly

Correctly and tastefully selected paintings in the interior can visually expand or reduce the room, make the necessary accents or hide architectural errors. And, undoubtedly, such an acquisition will make any room individual and special, as well as very cozy. Paintings in the interior are much more important for human life than it might seem at first glance.

Fashion exists not only for clothes and accessories. In accordance with new trends, styles replace each other, and this also applies to the interior and exterior design of buildings and premises. Stylish paintings For the interior today, everyone has the opportunity to purchase them; you just need to navigate a little in their diversity in order to make the right choice for the house and its owner.

Interior style matters

The most common interior design styles today are:

  • avant-garde;
  • upmir;
  • antique;
  • African;
  • baroque;
  • Gothic;
  • Egyptian;
  • country;
  • Oriental;
  • kitsch;
  • constructivism;
  • loft;
  • classicism;
  • minimalism;
  • Renaissance;
  • Romanesque;
  • rococo;
  • techno;
  • high tech;
  • eclecticism;
  • Japanese.

In accordance with the design of the room, you need to select paintings for the interior, photos and various abstract images. For example, the daring avant-garde style will not tolerate cute dogs, and in a country-style bedroom a modular painting with a view of Paris will look a bit silly. In order to choose the most suitable paintings for the interior, photos, stylish ornaments, etc., use the tips of a professional, but first of all, focus on your inner feelings.

A well-chosen and original painting in a house emphasizes the individuality of its owners
A painting organically integrated into the interior allows you to make even the most modest furnishings of your home stylish and beautiful.

So that this picture can give your home charm and individuality, let's talk about how to take into account all the nuances and correctly choose from the whole variety the option that is ideal for your home. The topic of today's article is beautiful pictures for home interior.

It seems that the task is not difficult, but in order for you to be satisfied with the result, you need to:

  • Use not only the classics, but also the entire large composition of other original products;
  • Consider the height of the painting on the wall;
  • Harmoniously combine elements of similar colors, looking at the interior of the house;
  • Consider lighting.

Choosing the right one

Advice: when choosing paintings for one room, try to have something uniting them, this could be color, theme, details, size. This way the exhibition will look more harmonious.

There is a large selection of paintings on sale, and when choosing a painting from this variety, you must not forget that each of them carries its own energy - when it is in its place, it will create a certain atmosphere.

To choose the right painting, you need to know the secrets of the right choice:

  • If you like large paintings, or those with large flowers, keep in mind that such paintings require a large room. They are very beautiful from a distance. The design of such a room is perceived completely differently when there is a bright, interesting picture in the interior. Moreover, visual perception large space decreases. This painting is good to place in a spacious hall or living room.
  • When choosing, pay attention to whether the plot is made vertically or horizontally. Horizontal paintings visually lengthen the walls, while vertical paintings visually make the ceiling higher. Therefore, a vertical solution will win where narrow walls, and horizontal - looks great above a sofa or bed
  • To prevent the canvas from getting lost against the background of a bright wall or intricate wallpaper, choose a picture with a passe-partout. Moreover, the larger the picture, the wider the fields. To make the perception brighter, the lower part of the passport needs to be made wider.

How to hang a picture correctly

Tip: to beautifully arrange paintings on the wall, first create a composition on the floor. Trace and cut out the frames and try them on the wall. Review several options, whichever one suits you, feel free to transfer it to the wall.

There is no need to place paintings in order of increasing or decreasing size, it is tasteless. Options of the same size at different heights look organic.

Please note that the central part attracts the main attention. For photographs, a trellis hanging is chosen - this is when the entire wall is hung.

And now we present to your attention small instructions on this topic:

  • Large and medium canvases they look organic if they are located at the eye level of an adult, approximately 1.6 m from the floor;
  • Small paintings, photographs it should be placed slightly below eye level, about 1.5 m, so that they can be conveniently viewed at close range;
  • Painting with a large pattern requires distance, so we place the canvas so that it can be admired from a distance;
  • Canvas placed in a massive frame, looks impressive when there is no furniture or other paintings nearby;
  • If you have selected several small paintings, and the wall on which you plan to place them is large, then these paintings need to be grouped in an organized manner around the one that you want to place in the center. We group by color, by writing style, by plot;
  • When placing frames different sizes , no need to hang a big picture, a small one on top. This way the aesthetic effect will be lost.

The semantic meaning that some images carry

It is better to refuse paintings that:

  • Cause negative emotions;
  • Depict any aggression;
  • Photos of relatives who are no longer alive;
  • Depict broken dishes or mirrors, broken objects;
  • They depict cemeteries, natural disasters, gloomy landscapes;
  • Send aggressive energy ( sharp corners, pointed roofs, power lines).

Regardless of the price of the painting, when choosing it, pay serious attention to the theme. It should carry positive emotions, please the eye, and warm the soul.

Pay attention to the meaning of some feng shui symbols:

  • Orange- abundance and gold;
  • Bamboo or fan- longevity, strength, support, protection;
  • Butterflies- lightness and joy;
  • Geese- honesty and devotion in marriage;
  • Pomegranate- fertility and family happiness;
  • The Dragon- success, luck, creativity;
  • Umbrella, canopy or wheel— protection from ill-wishers and thieves. Place for such a painting in the hallway, in front of the door;
  • Cat- sophistication, grace;
  • Horse- efficiency, stamina, and if she rears up - career growth, rise;
  • Swallows- energy, abundance;
  • Leopard– fearlessness;
  • Deer– longevity;
  • Coins- wealth;
  • Bear— courage and perseverance;
  • sailboat- attracts profit;
  • Dog- protection from harm;
  • Tiger- courage, fearlessness;
  • Heron- loyalty and honesty;
  • Chrysanthemum- success and luck;
  • Turtle- calmness.

We invite you to look at the paintings on the wall in the interior according to Fen Shui in the photo below:

We decorate the walls of our house with paintings

Empty walls in the house are monotonous and boring. Using a little creative imagination, let's decorate the interior of our home, try to make it stylish, attractive, and fashionable. You can decorate the walls with different paintings in the living room, bedroom, and kitchen.

With the help of the video in this article, let's look at some options.

The hallway is the calling card of our home

The hallway in your home is the first room that welcomes you or your guests within the walls of the house. Furnishings and decoration, of course, are important, but decorative items are no less significant.

Today we will pay attention to paintings that are selected according to the taste of their owner, as well as by size, color, subject, style, and design.

A good choice for the hallway:

  • Still life;
  • Landscapes;
  • Images of people;
  • Family photos

Advice: You should not place abstraction in the hallway: it will be inappropriate here.

Comical, flirty images with small metal or plastic frames, or no frames at all, look good, which go nicely with entrance area. Works of art that can be viewed from different points of view fit organically into the interior design of the hallway.

Let's look at the options, in the photo:

Painting design in the living room interior

Tip: It is better to place paintings on walls with a calm, plain background. Brightness distracts attention and distracts from images. And one more thing - do not bring home paintings from the house where the accident occurred.

From the hallway we move into the living room. Of course, the paintings in the interior of this room play important role. With their help, we give our home a special charm, complement and emphasize the atmosphere of our home.

Periodically, you can change the paintings, or their location, and in this way we can at least daily change the appearance of our home.

In addition to the usual picturesque images, the living room can be decorated with:

  • Various posters;
  • Posters
  • Frescoes
  • Panel

The bedroom requires special attention

Tip: canvases and posters with views water element considered unfavorable images for the bedroom, it is better to avoid such images.

In the bedroom, canvases with beautiful frames. Works with cheerful subjects, with flowers, birds, and butterflies look beautiful. The painting, which is located at the head, carries a charge of emotions.

Let this be your desired future. Use your imagination and you will be provided with a unique decor that will reflect your personal preferences.

You can decorate the bedroom wall:

  • Two posters that make up the plot;
  • Several small paintings with a single theme;
  • A group of several paintings with a common theme;
  • Modular panels;

Kitchen interior design

Tip: above the bar counter or table, decor hanging just below eye level looks good, but don’t overdo it, the design can quickly get dirty.

We spend a lot of time in the kitchen: getting together family table, plan our affairs, relax. Interior design depends on the style of your kitchen. Usually, paintings with culinary themes look very good in the kitchen when they correspond to a certain style.

It can be:

  • Paintings in the style of a retro advertisement for a French bakery;
  • Appetizing still lifes;
  • Botanical prints;
  • Antique engravings;
  • Portraits;
  • Landscapes;
  • Abstraction;
  • Pop art style painting;
  • Black and white photographs.

Try to create your own painting

You can try to build various compositions from photographs that are dear to your heart; with lighting they will look very impressive. Or you can try to draw beautiful pictures for your home interior with your own hands.

We present to your attention step-by-step instruction performance of a masterpiece called “Moonlit Night on the Lake”.

Paint the entire sheet with paint of blue color. Place the strokes evenly and horizontally.
Then draw a line in the middle white and wash the paint with water to create a gradient from dark blue to blue.
We saturate the brush with white paint and blur the place for the moon. Again, using water, we blur the paint on the sides. The gradient should be exactly the same. On the left side, using a thin brush with black paint, we make long enough stems for the spikelets.
Using a large brush, mark with thin black strokes top part at the spikelets of reeds.
Let's add a little to the reeds purple, applying it in thin strokes with a thin brush. All that remains is to apply thin highlights with white paint on the grass, on the reeds, on the shore. And that’s all, the drawing is ready!

If you were able to draw this with your own hands, then you are guaranteed to get pleasure and an exclusive decor option. Such work will decorate your interior, and you will be proud to show your work of art to guests. We wish you the best!

Were and remain a popular element decor any room. Genuine works of famous artists or their less expensive copies, glossy posters or family photos, digital images, printed on paper or canvas can decorate faceless walls, make a boring interior original, and turn an inconspicuous room into a stylish apartment. However, buy a painting you like and hang it on free place- not really good decision. First you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for selecting and placing paintings depending on the style premises, its size, purpose, design features.

Geometry of space

With the help of correctly placed paintings you can change the visual perception of the room. Low ceilings will appear higher if you hang a vertically oriented picture or several images one below the other. You can expand the room by placing paintings horizontally in a row. If the room layout resembles corridor, it is better to hang a bright large picture on the end side - the room will become more comfortable and proportional.

Advice: If you are hanging pictures of different sizes in a row, you need to align them along the bottom edge.

Location height

The image will be best perceived by the human eye if its center is at a height of 150-152 cm from gender. This is the principle used to hang exhibits at exhibitions and museums. But in kitchens it is better to place paintings at the eye level of a sitting person - after all, it is in this position that you will most likely contemplate a work of art. If the painting is small and has small details, it is allowed to hang it lower (but not lower than 60 cm from the floor). Larger images, on the contrary, are recommended to be hung higher - up to 160 cm from the floor.