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When is the best time to plant grass? What is the best time to plant grass? Preparing seeds for sowing

Each of us is pleased not only to look, but also to sit on the soft green lawn. And children love to run around on the soft green roads.

But a situation often arises when you care for your lawn correctly, and you sow grass, following all the rules and instructions, but you cannot achieve the desired beauty and attractiveness of the lawn.

How to plant lawn grass video is what can help you.

If you want to have a beautiful one, you cannot do without using lawn grass.

In addition to what the lawn gives local area or an attractive site appearance, it is an excellent barrier to the spread of weeds, and also protects the soil from excessive drying out.

In order for the process of growing a lawn to give positive results, it is necessary to take full responsibility not only for the lawn itself, but also for the choice of a certain type of grass.

All types of grasses for lawns belong to the cereal type and are divided into perennials, annuals and transitional subspecies. Experts recommend grass replacement of all existing subspecies.

For beautiful lawns Several types of herbs are used:

  • Meadow bluegrass. The height of this perennial grass reaches 20 – 80 cm. Produces good seedlings on soils rich in humus and minerals. Distinctive feature meadow bluegrass is that it has a highly developed root system. Active growth of seedlings begins in early spring. The grass has a high resistance to trampling and drying out of the soil, low temperatures and waterlogging.
  • Common bluegrass. This type of lawn grass grows well in shady areas and waterlogged soils. Quite often this type of grass is used for sowing on golf courses.
  • Common ryegrass. Capable of forming a thick layer of grass. It responds well to watering, but does not tolerate wet soil. Heavy soils inhibit the active growth of grass. This type of grass reaches a height of 16–60 cm. Ryegrass tolerates low (up to 20 degrees) temperatures. Mown grass clumps have a unique ability to regrow quickly. It responds well to the application of mineral fertilizers and fertilizing. Thanks to this, grass is actively used on football or golf courses.
  • Fescue. The height of this perennial lawn grass does not exceed 50 cm. A distinctive feature of the grass is its rather slow growth, but it tolerates crushing well. It spreads by both rhizomes and seeds.
  • Polevitsa. Forms a thick and dense grass cover. Grows back quickly after mowing or trampling. It is resistant to low (up to 15 degrees) temperatures, soil drying out and heavy soils.
  • Creeping clover. This is a perennial lawn grass that does not tolerate shaded areas. Resistant to drying out and poor in presence minerals soils.
  • Festulolium. This type grass is a hybrid of ryegrass and fescue. The grass bush has well-branched shoots and a developed root system. After mowing it grows back quickly. Has the ability to grow well and quickly different types soils with different moisture content, acidity and density.
  • Hedgehog. Grows well in dry soils. Has the ability to grow quickly on fertilized, clay or dry soil clay soils. Does not tolerate swampy or heavily moist soils. The height of the bush reaches 20 - 80 cm. The Hedgehog grows in one place for 5 - 9 years. It is often used as a barrier during weathering in the steppe or forest-steppe.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to choose the right type of lawn grass, it is necessary to take into account the time of sowing. There are no strictly limited sowing limits. The choice of any specific time for sowing is directly dependent on climatic conditions its growth.

Most optimal time The time for sowing is at the end of summer. This is due to the following factors:

  • Warmed soil
  • Most optimal indicator soil moisture
  • Weed activity reaches a minimum
  • The sown seeds have time not only to germinate, but also to strengthen well
  • Such plants winter well

If you choose early autumn for sowing, the plants have enough time to germinate and strengthen, which contributes to their excellent wintering. This herb has the ability to carry diseases.

If the period of the first frost is chosen for sowing, the seeds are stratified (rest period). Thanks to this, young seedlings actively begin to grow with the onset of early spring. They are strong, strong and active.

The choice of the period when it is best to sow lawn grass depends not only on climatic conditions, but also on the type of plant, the purpose of the future lawn, and the possibility of watering.

Spring sowing of grass

If the grass is sown in early spring (late April - early May). Lawn grass, which is sown in the spring, has excellent germination rates and active growth. There are certain features of sowing grass in spring:

Seed sowing rate. This is one of important points. Experts recommend using 50–60 grams of seeds per 1 m2 of soil. To ensure uniformity of sowing, it is necessary to mix the seeds with sand (in equal quantities).

Seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 2 cm. In order to prevent the seeds from weathering from the surface of the soil, experts recommend sprinkling the crops with a layer of peat (1 cm), which is best rolled down a little.

Watering. In order for the seeds to germinate well and amicably, the soil must be well moistened. Do it better drip method or by sprinkling method. This requires caution (the stream should not be strong in order to prevent the seeds from being washed out of the soil). During the period when the first shoots appear, the crops should not be allowed to dry out. Otherwise, the grass cover will not be thick enough.

We must also not forget that when the young shoots of lawn grass sown in the spring sprout, the weeds(quinoa, shepherd's purse, etc.). But this in no way affects the growth activity of lawn grass.

This is due to the fact that weeds are predominantly annual plants that do not tolerate periodic mowing well. This is one of the reasons why lawn grass must be mowed from time to time.

Besides the fact that mowing will prevent the proliferation of weeds, this process can give your lawn an attractive appearance.

When mowing grass, make sure that the blades of the lawn mower blades are sharp. If the grass is mowed with dull knives, the top of the grass will have a disassembled surface, which will significantly prevent their active growth in the future. In addition, it is not recommended to mow the grass immediately after rain or when there is dew.

The height to which lawn grass seedlings are mowed is also of no small importance. The first shoots are mowed to a height of at least 6 - 7 cm. The second and third are cut to a height of 3 and 5 cm, respectively.

Reducing the mowing height may damage the plant's root system and, therefore, slow down its growth. In addition, as a result of low-cut grass, a rather small area will remain leaf blade, which will not contribute to the process of photosynthesis. And this will negatively affect plant growth.

As for the frequency of mowing, it is best done once every 7 days.

If the grass is sown in the spring, it is better to collect the mowed grass. This requires the use of special models of lawn mowers, the designs of which are equipped with a grass catcher.

Care. To ensure good germination and growth of lawn grass sown in spring, it must be fed with special mixtures of fertilizers (for example, Kemir) and mulched. In addition, the spraying process gives good positive results.

For this you can use WMD or Humate. Starting from mid-August, experts recommend more plants do not feed.

How to plant lawn grass in spring - the video will help you familiarize yourself with the process in all details:

Features of sowing lawn grass in spring with your own hands

If you have decided to plant a lawn, how to plant lawn grass with your own hands, the video will tell you in detail about this. In words, I would like to draw attention to some important aspects.

First of all, it’s worth taking the time to preliminary preparation soil for the future lawn. It is necessary to ensure that there are no large blocks of earth on the site. Then you can begin to directly prepare the soil.

If the soil is too heavy, it should be diluted with a small amount of sand. This will ensure good drainage soil. If the soil is sandy, you can add peat to it. Thanks to this, it will be possible to significantly improve the soil structure.

After this, it is necessary to thoroughly level the surface of the area. You can use a garden rake for this. This will prevent the removal of a large excessive amount of the top layer from the soil surface, which has the highest positive properties.

After these types preparatory work you need to leave the area alone and let it rest for approximately 5 - 7 days.

In order to get good, even shoots, the soil should be well fertilized. In this case, experts advise using mineral fertilizers or special mixtures fertilizers intended directly for growing lawn grass. The process of applying fertilizer ensures good nutrition of young grass seedlings.

Before sowing seeds, the soil must be well moistened. This is best done by sprinkling or mulching. The water should moisten the soil well and be absorbed into it.

Now you can start sowing the seeds. Several sowing technologies can be used. IN ideal special seeders are used. This ensures uniform seeding of seeds per unit area of ​​soil.

If you do not have such special equipment, you can make a specific seeder with your own hands.

For this, use a regular tin or plastic container (jar) with a volume of no more than 1.2 ml.

Holes with a diameter of approximately 2 - 3 mm are made in the bottom of the container.

The distance between the holes does not exceed 0.5 - 1 cm.

The container is filled with seeds of one of the types of lawn grass and sown using light hand movements. Pre-mix with dry sand in uniform quantities. Thanks to the use of such a homemade seeder, you will be able to distribute the seeds as evenly as possible on the soil surface.

It is almost impossible to achieve such a result without using such a device. The uniformity of seedlings and, as a result, the attractiveness of the lawn directly depends on how evenly the seeds are distributed.

When sowing, some gardeners use the technique of dividing the entire plot into small squares. Each of these squares is sown separately using an equal number of seeds.

The seeds on the surface of the soil can be sprinkled with an even layer of peat, no more than 2 - 3 mm thick. In addition, you can carefully plant the seeds reverse side regular garden rake.

Now we just have to wait for the first shoots. If the weather is dry and sunny during this period, experts advise artificially moistening the soil surface. To do this, use the method of mulching or sprinkling. By using one of these methods of soil moistening, it will be possible to prevent the seeds from washing away.

Young shoots will appear in approximately 6 - 8 days. It is during this period that the uniformity of sowing of lawn grass will appear. If young shoots appear unevenly, it is necessary to sow the seeds.

To do this, when purchasing seeds, it is better to do so with a reserve. If you don't reseed, your lawn will end up uneven with bald patches of empty soil.

As the seedlings grow, they should also be fed periodically. But at the same time, remember, if the air temperature is 30 degrees or more, it is better not to apply fertilizers. This may cause the grass roots to burn and all your efforts will be lost without a trace.

The lawn requires especially careful treatment in the first year.

During this period of time, it is better to try to walk on it as rarely and as carefully as possible.

This is necessary so that the roots of the grass are well established in the soil.

In addition to the fact that a young lawn needs periodic maintenance, it is necessary to carefully monitor its mowing.

With a properly organized mowing process, this process will contribute to more active grass growth.

There are several difficulties faced by anyone who decides to grow their own lawn. Among the most common are the following:

  • Earthworms. As a result of their life activity, they throw small piles of soil onto the ground surface. This soil not only spoils the attractiveness of the lawn, but also interferes with the mowing process. In order to prevent the occurrence unpleasant situations, before using a lawn mower, it is better to spend a little time and remove soil piles from the lawn.
  • Moles can cause a lot of trouble. By breaking through channels underground, they can lead to disruption of the integrity of the grass root system. In order to avoid such situations, it is necessary to fight moles. In addition to the use of chemicals and mechanical methods To combat them, they often also resort to their natural destruction. This can be achieved by reducing the number of earthworms, which act as the main type of food for moles.
  • In addition, lawn pests also include a variety of insects, their larvae, weeds, weeds, birds, etc.

Using the above-mentioned experienced specialists, you can grow a beautiful and well-kept lawn with your own hands. Your work and efforts will definitely be rewarded soon.

Proper planting of seeds will provide your lawn with an attractive appearance.

Household areas, plots within the city near administrative buildings, schools, hospitals, parks, squares - lawns are always part of their landscape design. A grass carpet is arranged to decorate the area. In addition, lawn grass helps protect the area from overgrowing with weeds.

Let's talk about how and when to sow lawn grass, consider two options: sowing in the spring and planting in the fall. Each of them has its own characteristics, pros and cons, therefore, based on the information below, you can easily make a choice in favor of a particular period for installing a lawn.

Setting up a lawn in the spring: what you need to know

If you decide to sow your lawn in the spring, then you need to start by determining its shape and location. The lawn looks most advantageous in the shape of a rectangle with clearly defined corners. The disadvantage of this form is the need for careful care to maintain it. Therefore, if you do not intend to spend time on regular lawn care, you can choose a more simple options shapes with slightly blurred boundaries.

It is best to sow lawns in well-lit areas with good drainage. When everything is clear with the choice of location, you can begin preparing the land for sowing plants. It is best to prepare the soil in the fall. In this case, by the time the grass is planted, it will be possible to additionally remove the weeds that formed with the onset of spring. As for preparing the land, the procedure consists of treating it with herbicides, digging it up and fertilizing it with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

You need to sow the seeds around the second ten days of April. As a rule, at this time the weather does not favor rain, so the area will need to be moistened before sowing. The surface of the earth is lightly loosened with a rake. Seeds prepared for sowing are divided into four parts, after which they are placed in the prepared soil. To prevent weathering or erosion of the seeds, the soil is compacted with a roller after sowing. If everything was done correctly, the first shoots will appear after a few weeks.

By summer, a full-fledged lawn will be green on the site, which will need to be looked after throughout the season: mowed, fed, watered. The first mowing is carried out after the grass reaches 15-18 cm in height, in dry weather. With each new mowing, the mower blades can be lowered lower, gradually achieving the desired lawn height.

Autumn lawn: what are the advantages?

An alternative to sowing lawn grass in the spring months is fall sowing. Experts assure that it is even better to sow grass in the fall, since the soil and air are sufficiently warmed up, and the air is moist, not dry and hot. In addition, in the fall, weeds do not grow as intensively as in the spring, which means you will have to spend less time fighting them.

IN autumn period The root system of the lawn is quickly formed, and high-quality thick turf is formed even before the first frosts appear. You can sow seeds both at the end of August and in September, the main thing is to do this before the first frost. By the time they appear, the lawn should be a thick green canvas with a height of at least 10 cm. The exception is dwarf lawns created from varieties of low-growing, slow-growing grasses.

What else is it convenient for? autumn planting lawn? For summer residents who did not have time to prepare the soil for spring, this option is convenient because without haste, during the summer you can prepare the soil for sowing: remove weeds, dig up, mix the soil with fertilizers, roll, moisten. By the time the seeds are sown in the fall, the soil, which has been prepared for several months, will be fully suitable for laying a lawn.

How to sow an autumn lawn?

Lawn planting should be carried out based on climatic conditions.

Typically, grass mixtures for sowing lawns include different varieties herbs However, most of them have the same requirements for climate conditions. Therefore, when planning the time of sowing, you can adhere to the general rule for all types of herbs: you need to sow the seeds no later than 40 days before frost. This is exactly how much they will need in order to ascend, strengthen and grow.

Owners of plots in middle lane In Russia, it is best to complete the work on laying the lawn before September 10. Otherwise, the plants may not cope with the first frosts due to the insufficiently strong root system.

The algorithm for sowing lawn grass in the autumn is described below. Follow it and you will definitely succeed.

You need to start by preparing the soil, as mentioned above when it came to planting a lawn in the spring. You can start preparing the soil in the summer. To do this, the area allocated for the lawn is thoroughly cleaned, weeds are removed (manually or using special preparations), and drainage layer, fertilize, and then roll it with a garden roller. It is better to use fertilizers in the fall with a high nitrogen content, which will be responsible for intensive plant growth in the initial stages.

It would be best to sow seeds along and across the site on a quiet, windless and dry day. It is better to scatter the seeds in a fan, making sure that they all fall evenly onto the soil. After sowing lawn seeds you need to sprinkle it a few centimeters with a rake, then cover it with a layer of peat and roll it with a roller. This must be done so that they are not blown away by the wind, washed away during watering, or taken away by birds. After planting the seeds, the finished lawn is thoroughly moistened.

Keep in mind that in autumn rains are a constant occurrence, so you will not need to water your new lawn often, only in dry weather.

When is the best time to plant a lawn?

There are no special restrictions regarding the choice of season for sowing lawn grass. The optimal period is considered to be from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. In some cases, sowing is carried out immediately after the snow has melted, after thin ice on the ground. When should you choose to lay your lawn?

It all depends on the following factors:

  • what is the climate in your region;
  • how prepared the soil is;
  • what plants do you plan to use to lay the lawn;
  • How regularly can you water your lawn?

If you decide to plant a lawn in the spring, then do not delay this matter by waiting for the heat. Young shoots will not withstand the test of the sun. This is especially important for those who live in southern regions countries where summer starts earlier.

The grass will grow best if the seeds are planted exactly in spring period, when the soil is moist enough and the sun is warm, but not hot. Plants grow more intensively at this time, especially if you use correct feeding. Minus spring plantingabundant growth weeds along with lawn development that will need to be weeded regularly. In autumn there is no such problem, but the intensity of grass growth is not so high.

By weighing the pros and cons and analyzing the factors mentioned above, you will be able to make right choice period for sowing the lawn on the site.

Do you want a beautiful green lawn at your summer cottage? But you don’t know which side to approach? Then read more carefully, and we will tell you all the subtleties and tricks of planting lawn grass, we will tell you about caring for it and much more interesting things. Grass is sown either in mid-spring, or for next year - in mid-autumn. With the second option, the main thing is to give the crops time to take root before the cold weather. In this article we will try to present a simple and understandable step-by-step instructions for seeding the lawn.

For work you will need:

  1. wooden rakes;
  2. metal rakes;
  3. garden ruler;
  4. wooden sticks(not shorter than a meter);
  5. garden scales;
  6. soil fertilizer (there are special fertilizers, but you can use any);
  7. grass seeds;
  8. watering can with water;
  9. fruity or mosquito net(to protect crops from the sun).

Master class on planting lawn grass in autumn

How to plant lawn grass

Well, let's figure out how to plant lawn grass with your own hands.

Choosing a place for the garden bed and determining its size

If you are sowing a lawn for the first time, it is advisable to give it a square shape - this will make it easier to determine the footage. And we need the size in order to measure the required amount of seeds and fertilizers.

We buy seeds and prepare everything we need

Here, of course, the choice is yours, because today there are no problems with buying grass seeds for the lawn. But, still, there are features that you should pay attention to when buying seeds for your lawn. Most often, cereal species such as oats or rye are sown. Oats are less demanding in terms of germination, but dwarf rye has more decorative look- it's greener.

In addition, we advise you to buy so-called grafted seeds, treated special solution(panning). Such grains are more resistant to weather conditions, mechanical stress and are completely unsightly for birds. But, in terms of price, they are much more expensive.

Preparing the soil for sowing

We carry out markings before landing

Divide your planting area into meter squares using a garden ruler and mark with wooden sticks. Here you already understand why we need a square-shaped lawn and meter-long sticks.

Using a ruler and wooden sticks, mark the area into square meters. This is necessary in order to evenly distribute grass seeds and fertilizers on the site

Fertilize the soil before sowing

On packages with ready-made fertilizer describes the instructions for the norm per 1 meter of fertilized area. But, if you do not find such instructions on the packaging, then, usually, it is 50 g. fertilizers for square meter land.

Canadian farmers advise using it as a fertilizer bone meal, especially if you decide to sow grass in winter. This is a slow-acting, phosphorus-rich fertilizer. Promotes the growth and strengthening of young plants.

We apply fertilizer to our site at the rate of 50 grams. fertilizers per 1 sq. m.

Thus, we measure out 50 grams. fertilizers per 1 sq. m. and scatter evenly onto the soil. Distribute with a wooden rake.

Sowing seeds

We protect seeds from harmful external influences

The first time after sowing (3-4 weeks), the seeds need protection from the wind, excess moisture and direct sun rays. To avoid this, cover the planted seeds with a mosquito or fruit net. Here again wooden sticks will serve. Stick them around the crops and stretch the mesh like an awning.

If you planted small area, then you can use a fruit net to protect the seeds; it will protect the seeds from the scorching sun and wind. If you have planted a large area, then it is not advisable to cover it, more money spend on the net

If the sun is too hot, you can leave the awning until the end of summer. After winter, the seeds will harden, and cover them next summer there will be no use anymore.

  1. Do not water the soil before sowing seeds. The seeds will stick together, it will be impossible to distribute them evenly, and the grass will sprout in bunches;
  2. Do not sow lawn grass in mid-summer or late autumn - the crops may either wither in the sun and die from high temperatures, or freeze in winter;
  3. Do not fertilize the lawn too often, otherwise the seedlings may turn yellow;
  4. Don't forget to water and mow the lawn every 3 weeks;
  5. Try not to walk on the lawn for the first 2-3 months, while the root system is still too weak.

Don't expect to have a fluffy lawn immediately in your first year. To achieve a real look “like in the picture”, the lawn needs to be looked after, watered, fertilized and mowed on time. This is the work of several years.

For those who want to have a beautiful and well-groomed area near country house, information on how to sow lawn grass with your own hands will be useful. A well-planted and beautiful lawn will be a wonderful place for the whole family to relax and an integral part of the landscape.

  • 1 Seed selection
  • 2 Landing
  • 3 Lawn care
  • 4 Useful tips
  • 5 Photo gallery

Seed selection

How to grow a beautiful green lawn? First you need to select the appropriate seed material. Manufacturers offer a wide range of already ready-made compositions for sowing lawns. For example, it could be a sports lawn or a lawn for family recreation.

When deciding how to plant a lawn with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the lawn mixture. The seeds must be adapted to the local climate, otherwise you may be in for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a frozen lawn after winter. Choose wisely frost-resistant varieties herbs, which are distinguished not only by their durability, but also by the thickness of their cover. These grasses include red fescue and meadow grass. The best option lawn mixture - combining 2 of these types of grass in equal proportions.

An important criterion for obtaining a dense planting is the exact amount of seeds to be sown. Once the choice is made, you should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for material consumption.

Another criterion is choosing the right time for planting. In any season, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for the number of seeds for planting lawn grass. If sowing is carried out in summer or spring, it is worth adding another half of the norm to the specified parameter. This is due to the fact that spring floods and autumn rains carry away some of the seeds with the flow of water.

IN summer time for planting grass, they also take slightly more seeds than indicated by the manufacturer. The hot sun is destructive for young shoots, so it is advisable to increase the number of seedlings so that some of them are guaranteed to remain growing further.

The most dense lawn at your dacha will grow on flat ground. Lawns that slope or have uneven surfaces should be seeded more densely than required by the grower.


After the landing time has been determined, the ideal variety seeds, you can start sowing lawn grass. The lawn planting technology is as follows:

  1. Weed removal is carried out personal plot. Those who want to know how to plant lawn grass correctly should remember that the area must be thoroughly cleared of weeds. To achieve this goal, you can use all known methods: cultivation, mulching, watering the area with herbicides, hand weeding. Watering with herbicides can be considered the most effective. These solutions remove even the smallest weeds of any kind. Already two weeks after treatment occurs complete destruction all weeds.
  2. It is imperative to cultivate the soil so that lawn planting is more successful. Before you sow your lawn, land plot it is necessary to dig up, remove stones and dried roots. Large clods of earth need to be broken up with a shovel. The prepared soil should be homogeneous, sufficiently loose and saturated with oxygen. Simultaneously with digging, the land plot is also leveled. The holes are filled with earth, and the soil is raked from the hillocks.
  3. Without fertilizer, a thick lawn will not grow. If the soil type is alkaline, then it is fertilized with peat, and if it is acidic, with lime. Before planting lawn grass on the site, the soil must be fertilized with mineral or organic additives. The best option would be compost or vermicompost. If the soil is very poor, replacing the topsoil will help improve its composition. To do this, the area where it is planned to plant lawn grass is dug up, the top layer of soil up to 40 cm deep is removed. The depleted soil is removed, and fertile soil is laid in its place.
  4. Leveling and compacting the site is an important stage of work. Before sowing lawn grass with your own hands, the soil must be leveled with a rake and compacted. High-quality compaction is carried out using a garden roller or a small barrel of water. The area prepared for planting must be compacted to such an extent that a person passing through it does not sink his feet into the ground.
  5. How to properly sow lawn grass on a plot? To begin with, you will have to make shallow grooves on the compacted surface of the earth. The depth of the sowing site should not exceed 1 cm, otherwise the small seeds will not sprout. Lawn planting lines are first made horizontally and then vertically across the area. You need to remember the seed consumption rates recommended by the manufacturer. After the seeds are planted, all grooves must be carefully covered with earth and rolled with a roller or barrel.

Lawn care

It is not enough to know how to sow a lawn with your own hands; you need to understand how to care for it after planting. To obtain healthy shoots, it is important to organize the first watering correctly. The best option is to use special sprayers with a fine irrigation function, then puddles will not form on the surface and seeds will not float to the surface. If the seeds are planted on rainy days, the first watering may not be necessary.

How to properly care for crops? If everything is done correctly, the first shoots can be seen within two weeks after planting. Grass emerges and develops unevenly, so don't panic if your lawn looks a little bald at first. The real picture of the future lawn can only be seen four weeks after planting the lawn grass.

During the hot season, the lawn should be watered every day.

It is necessary to mow overgrown blades of grass if their length has reached 10 cm. Mowing is necessary both for aesthetics and to stimulate the growth of new grass.

  1. The soil must remain prepared for at least 10-14 days before the seeds fall into the ground. During this time, the soil will be able to settle.
  2. In spring, grass sprouts within 20 days, and in summer this period is reduced to 7 days.
  3. To minimize the number of weeds that sprout along with the grass, it is better to sow in the fall.
  4. Fertile soil should not be dug deep, this way you can avoid excessive shrinkage of the site.
  5. To ensure that the area is sown evenly, it is distributed into squares in advance.
  6. For the first 7 days after sowing, water the lawn with a watering can or self-contained sprayer. This way you can maintain air access to the sprouts that have not yet broken through the thickness of the earth.
  7. They purchase seed material with a reserve, because if germination is poor, they will have to fill in the empty spaces later.
  8. If the weather outside is very hot (over +30°C), it is not recommended to fertilize the seedlings, otherwise their root system will burn.

Only if you follow all the rules will you be able to grow a beautiful lawn without weeds and bald spots.

Photo gallery

Here you can see in the photo how you can decorate landscape design any area using a lawn.

Mastering a new one country cottage area, many are planning to install a lawn. If the ground in the chosen place is flat and some kind of grass grows on it, you can simply start mowing it regularly - and you will have a green lawn. But if there was a forest on the site, or the ground needs to be dug up for other reasons, you will have to start planting a lawn according to all the rules. We'll tell you how to make a lawn at your dacha with your own hands, what kind of lawn grass to buy, how often your lawn needs watering and mowing.

What is a lawn? This is a specially constructed, leveled area, sown with various turf-forming or creeping low-growing plants. Lawns can be sports, decorative or special purpose.

Sports lawns are created at stadiums, hippodromes and other sports grounds. Special-purpose lawns are needed at airfields, highway slopes and railways, hydraulic and other structures. Decorative lawns decorate gardens, parks, city boulevards, garden plots and summer cottages. Depending on the location and composition of the growing herbs, they are divided into the following classes.

First class (highest) - parterre lawns. They are created in the main parts of the architectural composition of the garden, near fountains, sculptural groups, decorative ponds and so on. The main requirement when decorating parterres: the area of ​​the main background should prevail over the area of ​​the flower beds and other details in the composition. If the area of ​​the flower beds is equal to the area of ​​the grass base or prevails over it, the impression of fragmentation and diversity is created, there is no integrity in the perception of the whole picture.

The second class is garden lawns. They must be decorative, long-term, shade-tolerant, resistant to mechanical damage, and also drought-resistant in certain conditions. In this case, grasses must be selected with strong turf and various types tillering.

Third class - meadow lawns. They are created by improving the existing grass stand, superficially cultivating the turf and overseeding the appropriate grass mixtures.

Lawns were known more than 3 thousand years ago. We find the first mentions of grass sowing in the Bible - both in the old and in the new Testament. In Persia, so-called grass carpets were created in gardens even before new era. Hundreds of years before the new era, one of the first lawns was created in the Chinese Imperial Park of Chew.

Do-it-yourself lawn: site preparation

First of all, carefully remove debris from the site (stones, bricks, slabs, boards and chips, foil, plastic bottles, bags, film). Never bury waste in the ground. With this you will create unfavourable conditions for the growth and development of herbs. Plants in the areas of such burial grounds will be stunted, overwinter poorly, and get sick.

The soil for the lawn should be sufficiently moisture-absorbing so that the plants do not experience a lack of moisture. At the same time, water should not accumulate on it, as this leads to loss of plants. Drainage required in areas where water stagnates after snow melts, rains, or irrigation. It is arranged as follows.

Remove the fertile layer. A layer of gravel (10-15 cm) is laid on the infertile subsoil and compacted. Then pour a layer of sand (10 cm) and also compact it. They pour it on top fertile land(10-15 cm), rolling it with a roller weighing at least 100 kg. The skating rink can be replaced with a barrel by pouring water into it.

On heavy clay soils, before digging, add from 10 to 15 kg/m2 of sand and, while digging, mix it with the soil. On the lungs sandy soils add 4-5 kg/m2 of peat.

Digging the soil- one of the most necessary and difficult activities in preparation for sowing. The time for digging the site is dictated by the weather: the soil should be slightly moist, not dry. During digging, it is necessary to carefully select and remove stones, roots of trees and shrubs, perennial weeds from the site, and break up clods of earth.

The soil is compacted when it is slightly weathered and dries out after digging. Using a long (2-3 m) flat board, tying a rope along its edges and dragging it across the area, check whether its surface is sufficiently level. Stomp around the area, walk along it in small steps. While trampling, do not let go of the rake: level the ground, collect stones, roots, and debris. In addition, it is advisable to walk on the ground with a roller.

After digging, compacting and leveling, it is recommended to keep the area fallow and for several (4-6 or more) weeks to destroy weeds, dormant seeds or pieces of rhizomes that will gradually germinate. To stimulate weed germination, the area is watered immediately after leveling. These procedures take a lot of time, but are very effective in clearing the area of ​​weeds.

In Europe, lawns appeared after the Crusades. Since the 16th century, they began to arrange lawns for various games. First in the Netherlands - for golf. Then this game (and for it, the lawn!) spread widely in Scotland and England, and later in the USA.
At the end of the 19th century, sports lawns appeared in Russia. The first lawn mowing machine was invented by Edwin Budding in 1830 in Great Britain. English landowners can also be considered the pioneers of laying lawns: it was in the first half of the 19th century that types of grasses were selected that top scores when sowing.

Lawn grasses, lawn planting and watering

For sowing, as a rule, mixtures of herbs are used, rather than individual species. A mixture of several (3-5) types of grass adapts and survives on the site more easily under different weather conditions than lawn grass of one type.

The mixtures usually contain the following types grasses: fescue (red, sheep's, reed), bentgrass (thin, or shoot-bearing), meadow bluegrass, perennial ryegrass. They are unpretentious, have a low growth rate, high winter hardiness and drought resistance, and actively resist pathogens, pests and weeds.

How many seeds are needed for sowing? Sow 40-50 g/m2, or 4-5 kg ​​per 1 hectare. When purchasing seeds, keep in mind that in the spring of next year, for overseeding and repairing the lawn, you will need an additional approximately 0.5 to 1 kg of seeds per hundred square meters. When stored for a year, seed germination decreases, but only slightly (by 1-2%).

The best time to sow a lawn- spring (May) or late summer (second half of August), when the soil is warm and there is enough moisture. You can sow throughout the summer, even in the hottest weather, if you regularly water the plants and protect the crops with covering material (lutrasil, spunbond). Covering materials can protect the lawn from birds and wind.

Before sowing, the seeds are thoroughly mixed by adding sand or dry soil (1:1). The mixture is divided into two (or more) equal parts and one part is distributed over the surface of the soil, passing along the site, the other - across. Places along paths and along the edge of the lawn are sown somewhat denser. The sown seeds are lightly raked into the ground - this will protect them from drying out.

Water the crops in the evening, with gentle sprinkling so that the seeds are not washed away, abundantly, so that moisture penetrates into the ground to a depth of 10 cm, but do not allow the formation of puddles and prolonged stagnation of water. Dry hot weather Hopes for rain can turn into seed destruction if you leave your crops without water for several days. The seeds will swell and hatch, and then dry out before they have time to germinate.

Shoots appear on the 7-21st day after sowing, depending on weather conditions. On average, it takes 2 weeks for seeds to germinate.

In the middle of the twentieth century, a revolution took place in the science of lawns: special varieties of grass were bred, highly effective pesticides were created to combat pests and pathogens, complex mineral fertilizers began to be used for lawn grass stands, and the main processes in grass care were mechanized.

Lawn care: mowing

In the first year, do not put too much stress on the lawn; try to walk on it as little as possible. Try to protect him from pets, especially dogs.

Lawn mowing not only maintains its appearance, but is also an excellent weed control agent. Most of them cannot tolerate haircuts, and after two or three such procedures you will say goodbye to them forever. Mowing also helps plants to bush on the soil surface, forming additional shoots, creating dense turf, growing with rhizomes.

It should also be taken into account that every mowing is a great stress for the plants. It is easier for them to recover if no more than 1/3 of the stem is cut off at a time, no matter how tall it is.

The first mowing is usually carried out at a time when the soil and grass are dry and the latter have reached a height of 10 cm. For the first time, the very ends of the grass are cut off, no more than 1 cm. The lawn mower blades must be sharp. During subsequent haircuts, the knives are gradually lowered lower and lower.

The density of grass and its resistance to trampling largely depend on the root system of the plants. The more often we mow the lawn and the more we walk on it, the worse the grass takes root and the mass of roots decreases. To preserve and restore the root system, give the grass rest periods. This is possible if the ground part grows to a height of 12-15 cm.

Next time we will tell you how to protect your dacha lawn from diseases.

Daria Knyazeva
Evgeny Pisarev

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Comment on the article "Do-it-yourself lawn: what lawn grass to buy, how and when to sow"

Which lawn is best to sow? ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. To plant something like this and not take care of it? It turned out to be not a lawn in the full sense, but flowering meadow Please advise me on lawn grass. Now we have become the owners of a plot of several hundred square meters, which...


If in the Moscow region, they advised me to take bluegrass. Yesterday I went to OBI and didn’t find any bluegrass, but we bought 50% bluegrass and the rest was other grass. In general, the lawncity company, called MINIMUM, rarely mows and is unpretentious (as it is written). We'll sow tomorrow :-)

We planted our first lawn at our dacha in 2000, we bought very high quality seeds from We did some of the work roll lawn, some were sown, the soil was prepared very carefully. Do-it-yourself lawn: what lawn grass to buy, how and when to sow. I just mow it with a lawnmower...


I really like clover lawns. short white clover It quickly forms a very dense turf, very beautiful to look at, pleasant to walk on and difficult for weed seeds to penetrate.
this is just IMHO
Also, it’s better to lay a lawn in the fall, when the weeds have already bloomed

We just mow it with a lawn mower and after two years we have a great lawn.
Don't waste your money and energy.

Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchasing, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits How to prepare a plot, what grass to buy, what to do with it ( better seeds or roll)?) Need advice from experienced people on planting lawn grass.


If in a couple of weeks - then roll. Only next. year he will die (verified)
Preparation for any lawn - level, destroy ants, weed, sow grass, compact well, water generously. It is advisable to water more often. I planted a “children’s playground” (= sports lawn) on the May seed lawn, it has grown and is already green. I've already weeded it twice
I planted the rolled one in the cemetery - in the end they threw it away after a couple of weeks and planted it with seeds, so we just spent money + a lot of time

They sowed (the lawn was a sports lawn, a football lawn...). We get a haircut every week. there are also clovers and dandelions (dandelions We planted our first lawn at the dacha in 2000, we bought very high-quality seeds from Do-It-Yourself Lawn: what lawn grass to buy, how and when to sow.


we have a lawn instead before the beds there were, that is, the soil was well fertilized. They dug, leveled, leveled and compacted. They sowed (the lawn was a sports lawn, a football lawn...). We get a haircut every week. There are clovers and dandelions (I pick out dandelions by hand). After the haircut everything is so smooth))))
here, at the link: (in the photo the lawn is already 3-4 years old)

Lawn, as you want (and so do I!), happens on a golf course. This is not a threat to us. Or you will lie on the lawn with bones, including chemicals, weekly mowing, watering, fertilizing and combing out moss and “felt” from old blades of grass - and life will no longer be a joy on that lawn, or you will “kill it.” Buy not the cheapest seeds for a “football” lawn, sow according to the season. You can buy “mats” from ready-made grass, then your lawn will be ready in no time. Weed the dandelions, plantain, and clover and lime in the fall. There are solar-powered ultrasonic tweeters against moles. Our grandfather successfully dispersed his moles.

We planted our first lawn at the dacha in LAWNS. And is it possible to buy seeds for future use? Buy and sow in spring??? There is also information about the lawn. Small summer cottage: design. Fence, paths, flower beds at the dacha - how to fit everything in.