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Coconut tablets. Properties of coconut tablets for seedlings

Today, peat products are no longer popular; they are replaced by coconut tablets for seedlings. This product is a compressed coconut in tablet form that is impregnated with special fertilizers.

This product is 70% coir peat and fiber and 30% coconut flakes.

These tablets are used to germinate seeds. They promote rapid rooting of cuttings, as well as planting. Thanks to the use of coconut tablets for seedlings, the planted plants have a developed root system. The first harvest begins, as a rule, one to two weeks earlier than those plants to which peat and mineral wool were applied.

Reviews of coconut tablets for seedlings indicate an improvement in the physiological and biochemical properties of the soil.

In addition, coconut product for gardening has the following characteristics:

  • aeration properties;
  • heat-conducting properties;
  • structural properties;
  • moisture retention;
  • absence of pathogens and weeds;
  • resistance to degradation due to long-term use.

To prepare the soil you will need 40 ml warm water, which should be used to fill the tablet. After this, you need to wait a while until the water is completely absorbed.

It is not uncommon for the results obtained from coconut tablets and coconut briquettes to be obtained by purchasing mineral wool for seedlings. However, it is impossible to compare them in terms of effectiveness, since only the coconut seedling product can be recycled.

Since the tablets have a porous structure and, therefore, are saturated with air, unlike peat, they do not settle and absorb moisture in a short period without forming a crust on the surface.

High oxygen levels are important factor for the soil, because the vitality of plants depends on it. If there is not enough oxygen, toxic compounds arise, which not only worsen physical properties soil, but also negatively affect the level nutrients. Ultimately, with a lack of oxygen, plant development slows down significantly.

By using coconut briquettes for seedlings and tablets, an optimal oxygen balance is ensured - 20%.

In other words, coconut products allow you to grow various plants without flooding their root system, providing an ideal balance useful substances and oxygen in the soil.

Coconut briquettes for seedlings and the effect of the substrate

Since reviews of coconut tablets for seedlings are positive, coconut substrate is also in demand. All plants that are suitable for hydroponics can be grown on such a substrate, because it is actually a universal material.

Judge whether there is any benefit from coconut substrate for seedlings, depending on its composition, where the main component is crushed coconut fibers.

It has a number of advantages over products that are purchased for similar purposes:

  • Content of elements beneficial to the plant;
  • Possessing an antibacterial effect, which protects the root system from pests and pathogens;
  • Coconut substrate is a self-healing product;
  • Provides free saturation with oxygen and the necessary amount of moisture.

An important parameter of the substrate is the acidity level, which ranges between pH = 5 - 6.5. In addition, this substrate contributes to the cultivation of environmentally friendly products.

Benefits of coconut fiber for seedlings

Often, gardeners choose coconut fiber for seedlings, which is made from short fibers and coconut dust. Since it contains a large number of lignin, the decomposition of this structure proceeds extremely slowly.

Coconut fiber remains constantly loose, which means it does not settle after certain period, which cannot be said about peat.

This gardening material eliminates the need for drainage. Capillary system promotes moderate and uniform distribution of moisture in the soil.

It is recommended to use coconut fibers for seedlings of plants such as anthurium, azalea and fuchsia. They can be used as a ready-made soil substrate, or as one of the soil components.

The acidity level of the coir product is pH 6 and is static. It does not contain pathogenic fungi, so the substrate, tablets and coconut fibers are suitable for berries, flowers, fruits, vegetable crops, which are grown both indoors and outdoors.

Properties this tool for seedlings they last from 3 to 5 years. Undoubted proof of the benefits of coconut substrate for seedlings is the absence of the need for disposal when growing crops in open ground, since it becomes an excellent fertilizer and loosening agent for the soil.

Video: sowing seeds for seedlings in coconut substrate

Etc.) in last years is becoming more and more popular. Although this convenient way sowing seeds is economically less profitable compared to the usual mass sowing in boxes, bowls and pots, but it has many clear advantages. These advantages become especially clearly visible when plants are sown simultaneously (from the same seeds) both in swollen tablets and in pots with a nutrient substrate.

The use of tablets is all the more important when, for some reason, we are late in carrying out the crops within the recommended time frame. But at the same time, of course, we dream of getting flowering seedlings of our favorite plants as early as possible! In such cases, peat and coconut tablets come to our aid, and the cost of purchasing them becomes justified.

Of course, you can germinate seeds in peat and coconut tablets different sizes successfully growing plant seedlings all kinds of. But in this article I will focus specifically on seedlings from very small seeds, because it is with them that gardeners most often have problems - rare unfriendly seedlings, their defeat, and difficulties with picking tiny seedlings. The use of tablets allows gardeners to avoid these problems and get more short time healthy quality seedlings.

About the speed of germination of small seeds in tablets

This year (2017) when growing seedlings, I used coconut tablets for sowing small seeds, and.
On the same days, I sowed some varieties of the same plants in pots. Therefore, now I can compare the germination rate of the same seeds - both in pots and in peat tablets.

As a result of this comparison, clear conclusions emerge.
Small seeds sown in swollen tablets germinate faster and more quickly, and seedlings develop much more actively than similar crops in pots with substrate. This difference in germination and development of seedlings is so obvious that, in my opinion, the advantage of using tablets for accelerated cultivation seedlings fully justifies the cost of purchasing them. Moreover, it is quite possible to reuse the released tablets!

Last week, in mid-March, I already from coconut tablets into pots grown seedlings of petunias, lobelias and snapdragon. And the same plants, which are significantly behind them in development, sown in pots, will continue to grow there until picking for some time. I believe that the difference in pick dates between them will be approximately 10 days or a little more.

About buying small flower seeds: regular and granules

At the same time, I want to touch on another important nuance here related to growing seedlings from small seeds.

Seeds of particularly valuable petunia hybrids are now usually sold enclosed in granules. Undoubtedly, sowing sparsely coated small seeds (and also picking up seedlings later) is much easier than ordinary non-granular ones.
However, if we take as a basis that the germination rate of both seeds is approximately the same, granulated seeds germinate much more slowly (important: granules must be destroyed immediately after sowing so that there are no obstacles to seed germination). This fact must be taken into account when choosing seeds in the store and when developing a planting schedule.

Lobelia seeds are now also found granulated. They are much more expensive than regular ones, and they also sprout much more slowly. It is assumed that from one granule several lobelia seedlings should grow at once, which should then be picked like this - “”.
But experience shows that the number of seedlings in the “heaps” obtained from the granules varies greatly, which then inevitably affects the heterogeneity of the grown seedlings. Therefore, I believe that the high cost of granulated lobelia seeds is not justified. It’s better to sow cheaper, non-granulated seeds in tablets and quickly get friendly shoots, and then cut the seedlings into “bundles” of the same size.

Sowing small seeds in coconut tablets

I fill the tablets placed in a low bowl with warm boiled water.
If desired, you can add to the water to speed up seed germination.
After the tablets swell, I drain the excess water and prepare them for sowing.

I used coconut tablets for sowing small seeds. The diameter of the swollen tablets is about 3 cm and the height is about 4 cm.

Before sowing small seeds into a swollen tablet, I first trim the mesh-shell in its upper part. The top of the mesh should be trimmed enough so that the contents of the tablet, after leveling the surface, are well fixed and do not fall out over the edge of the shell.

In the photo: coconut tablets are trimmed before sowing; lobelia shoots

On the leveled, damp surface of the tablet substrate, placed on a white saucer, I evenly sow small seeds from a hard paper bag with an evenly cut edge.
As a rule, small seeds of plants of many species are light-viable, i.e. They need light to germinate, so there is no need to sprinkle the crops. For better contact With the substrate, I lightly press the seeds into it with the pad of my finger.

Seeds that accidentally fall past the tablet are clearly visible on the saucer - they are easy to collect and place on the substrate.
Some small seeds may fall on the side of the tablet shell, stick and then germinate there - it’s okay; when picking, these seedlings will be pulled out and planted in pots.

After sowing, I place the tablets with seeds in transparent plastic boxes from pre-packaged foods with lockable lids. Ventilation holes can be pre-drilled in the lids of the boxes; Or you can do without them - just close the lids loosely, leaving a gap for constant ventilation of the seedlings.

I use suitable (corresponding to the dimensions of the swollen coconut tablets) square boxes with sides 13.5x13.5 cm, height 8 cm. In each such box 3 rows of 4 tablets are installed quite tightly, and in last row 3 tablets per checkerboard pattern– a total of 15 varieties are compactly placed.

To take into account the varieties of sown plants, you need to number the boxes with tablets, and draw a diagram for each of them. And then, in accordance with the arrangement of the tablets during the sowing process, mark the names of the varieties on the diagram.

Caring for seedlings in tablets and picking them

Caring for seedlings developing in swollen tablets placed in plastic boxes is very simple. It consists:
- to protect seedlings from direct hot rays (on sunny days I curtain window glass at the crop level with thin covering material);
- in seedlings in the morning, in the evening and on cloudy days, so that the small plants are green and strong and do not stretch;
- in regular ventilation by opening the lid, so that the seedlings are accustomed to fresh air (during the ventilation process, the condensation accumulated on the lid is shaken off - its drops flow back into the box);
- in rare moistening of tablets as moisture evaporates through the ventilation holes in the lid or through a crack from a loose closed lid(I add water directly to the bottom of the box, which the drying tablets absorb).

Seedlings from small seeds develop rather slowly at first, but every day they grow faster. Therefore, you need to prepare in advance boxes or pots with a light substrate for picking. So that by the time the seedlings have grown enough (do not let them grow and their tops rest against the lid of the box), they can be planted in a timely manner.

To pick seedlings from small seeds, I prepare cups and other containers, filling them with a slightly moist, light, air- and water-permeable substrate (for example, you can add washed perlite to the finished substrate coarse sand, finely chopped dried moss).
I make holes in the substrate into which the seedlings extracted from the tablets will be promptly planted.

If seedlings from small seeds have grown with sufficient lighting and regular access to fresh air, then they turn out to be quite strong and hardy - despite their apparent fragility.

Seedlings from small seeds grown in tablets are very convenient to pick. I take out a tablet with seedlings of each variety from the box very carefully - trying to ensure that the seedlings do not get intertwined and pull out from the tablet being removed and from neighboring tablets.

In the photo: lobelia seedlings in a coconut tablet and after picking into a plastic cup

With my right hand, using a suitable thin tool with smooth edges (for example, one from a manicure set will do), I separate from total mass one or more seedlings located on the edge of the tablet.
With my left hand I carefully grab and pull out the selected group of seedlings from the tablet. Wherein right hand I make sure to hold the neighboring seedlings so that they remain in their place.
I immediately place the pulled out seedlings in the prepared hole (I deepen them almost to the cotyledon leaves) and, raking the substrate to them from the edges of the hole, lightly squeeze it around the planted plants so that they are well fixed. Then I immediately lightly moisten the substrate around the plantings.

Important: picked in this way small plants I don’t water them, but just lightly spray the substrate around them with a spray bottle. For the first time, i.e. During the period of rooting of seedlings, such moisture is quite enough for them.

I place the cups with seedlings planted in them in transparent cake lids, and place the lids in large transparent plastic bags. I inflate the bags in the shape of a ball, tie them at the top and place them on the kitchen floor, where the light from the window penetrates.
I regularly ventilate these “mini-greenhouses” so that rooted plants can breathe fresh air. As they take root, you can make them in a bag vent for constant ventilation.

As soon as the development of pruned and rooted seedlings becomes noticeable, you can remove the cups with plants from the greenhouse and place them in a bright place (but keep them away from hot rays).

About pulling out and digging up seedlings when picking

Despite the apparent “brutality” of such a crude method of extracting seedlings from a wet tablet, the unoutgrown strong plants, when carefully pulled out and very quickly subsequently planted, do not receive any dangerous damage at all. Their small roots, on which particles of coconut substrate often remain, then take root without problems within a few days.

With careful work and acquiring the appropriate skills, such picking is easy and successful. Soon the seeded seedlings begin to grow.

By the way, I often pull out seedlings when picking from cups with a light substrate if the crops are dense. This is especially true if very heterogeneous and unfriendly seedlings have occurred (i.e., some plants have already grown and are ready for picking, and there are still small undergrown seedlings located very close to them). So, with such a forced step-by-step picking of seedlings, pulling out grown seedlings gives both these plants and their little neighbors much less trouble than digging up the roots.
Although when picking seedlings of plants of some species (, (lobularia),

In recent years peat tablets are becoming less and less popular, as coconut analogues are increasingly being used instead. The latter are compressed coconut fibers, made in the form of tablets and enriched with special fertilizers. It's convenient and enough modern method growing flowers or most agricultural plants at home, which allows you to achieve 100% germination and excellent quality of sprouts for replanting.

What are coconut tablets made of?

Such tablets are cylindrical containers, which consist of 70% coconut peat, 30% coconut shavings and fibers. The tablets are impregnated with a special nutrient solution containing all necessary for plants microelements and nutrients. This is the best substrate for those crops that require large volumes of oxygen.

To make the product, crushed coconut peel is used, which has undergone fermentation (this takes from 14 to 18 months), dried and compacted under high pressure. When wet, the “coco soil” (also called tablets) becomes dark brown, while when dry it appears lighter. In addition, the fibers used in production are pure natural substances that do not contain chemical additives. Due to the specific nature of their growth, coconuts (and they are located at a fairly large distance from the ground) are not susceptible to pathogenic bacteria and pests that live on the ground.

Basic properties

The described tablets are used for growing seeds, primarily because they ensure faster rooting and planting of crops. Moreover, it is thanks to coconut tablets that the planted plants have more developed roots. The first harvest of fruits can begin somewhere 7-14 days earlier, when compared with those plants for which mineral wool or peat was used.

Note! Also, many gardeners in their reviews say that chemical and biological properties soil.

In addition, coconut substrate is an excellent conductor of heat, it is resistant to decomposition, retains moisture well, and prevents the appearance of pathogenic bacteria and weeds. To prepare fertile soil you will need about 40 ml of warm water, which must be poured onto the tablet. Then you need to wait a little for the moisture to be absorbed.

Sometimes people buy for the same purposes mineral wool, but it is impossible to compare its effectiveness with coconut tablets, because only the latter can be recycled. Moreover, having a porous structure, they are also saturated with air, therefore, unlike peat, they do not sag, absorb moisture much faster, and a crust does not form on the surface.

An increased oxygen content is extremely important for the soil, since the vitality of the crops depends on this. With oxygen deficiency, toxic compounds may appear that worsen physical characteristics soil and negatively affect the amount of nutrients. Simply put, all this leads to a significant slowdown in plant development. Thanks to the use of coconut substrate, the required oxygen content is maintained - about 20%.

Benefits of Coconut Tablets

Let us briefly consider the main advantages of the product.

  1. The tablets have fairly high breathability and excellent thermal conductivity characteristics.
  2. The composition contains a special antibacterial substance that protects seedlings from fungal and infectious diseases during development.
  3. Coconut fiber retains moisture well; it can absorb ten times its own volume. Typically, the liquid, enriched with useful substances and minerals, is securely stored inside the container and supplied to the root system as needed. In other words, it is simply impossible to “flood” a plant that is grown in a substrate.
  4. Finally, the pills for a long time do not decompose, so they can be used several times. At the end of its service life, the remaining substrate is used as a leavening agent for seedling mixtures.

Product varieties

The diameter of coconut-based tablets can be different; for greater convenience, they are placed in special fine-mesh meshes that prevent the substrate from scattering. Thus, small containers with a diameter of 2.5 cm are suitable for germinating flowers (for example, petunias), strawberries and other crops with small seeds. Larger tablets (3.5 cm and 5 cm) can be used for planting eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, etc. This allows you to avoid replanting the sprouts in larger containers in the future.

The substrate is also produced in the form of dry mats (for example, with dimensions of 3x100x15 cm - the height of such products after contact with water increases to 12 cm).

How does coconut fiber affect seedling growth?

The tablets have several beneficial properties, let's take a closer look at each of them.

Table. Effect of coconut tablets

Name Short description
Support optimal level acidity (from 5 to 6.5 units) Thanks to this, any plants can be grown in tablets, including the most “capricious” of crops, characterized by poor germination (this includes conifers and some flowers).
Security favorable conditions for the growth and establishment of crops Application this method significantly increases germination and allows you to obtain high-quality seedlings with healthy and strong roots.
Ensuring sufficient oxygen This creates optimal air exchange, as well as free access of nutrients and liquid to the roots. It is worth noting that the air capacity of the substrate is 15% higher than that of soil. In this regard, optimal proportions of moisture and oxygen are ensured, which means that the seedlings develop much faster.

We also add that coconut containers are very easy to use. They do not become limp if over-watered, like peat containers, and do not crust over after drying. Transplantation is quite easy: the seedling does not need to be removed from the substrate - it is replanted along with the container. This ensures 100% survival rate of seedlings.

Coconut tablets for seedlings: how to use

To get optimal results, you must strictly follow the instructions below. The algorithm of actions should look like this.

Step 1. First, the tablet is placed in a special cassette, which is intended for germinating seedlings, a pot or any other suitable container. In this case, the height of the container should exceed the thickness of the tablet (taking into account swelling after moistening) by approximately 15 cm.

Step 2. The tablet is washed clean water to remove leftovers sea ​​salt, used in the manufacture of pressed coconut fiber.

Step 3. Then the container is watered with a small amount of warm water (it is important that it is not hot) in accordance with its dimensions. On average, each tablet requires approximately 35-40 ml of water.

Video - Swelling of coconut tablets

Step 4. When the container swells, a small depression is made in its upper part, where the seeds (one or several) are carefully placed. Next, the recess is covered with coconut fiber or peat - this will serve as a kind of additional source of nutrition for the plants.

Step 5. At the end, the container is covered with a piece polyethylene film in order to maintain favorable conditions for future seedlings.

Step 6. Stronger plants that have reached the required size are transplanted into pre-made holes (there is no need to remove the packaging net), watered and covered with a small amount of soil. This way the root system will be subject to less stress and will tolerate replanting more easily.

Note! Tablets can also be used to root cuttings of violets, roses or geraniums. For this purpose, the container is slightly soaked, a recess is made in the center into which the cutting is placed. Then the soil around the plant is compacted and covered with cut plastic bottle or polyethylene to maintain moisture.

Application of products in mini-greenhouses

The described tablets can be sold not only individually, but also together with miniature greenhouses. The greenhouses are designed in such a way that they provide ideal humidity and ventilation. The devices are compact in size and easy to use.

The use of such greenhouses is not complicated and consists of only a few steps.

Step 1. The tray, which is part of the greenhouse structure, is filled with water.

Step 2. Then you need to wait a while for the tablets to swell.

Step 3. Cuttings or seeds are planted in the tablets, after which the tray is covered with a lid.

These mini-greenhouses are ideal for seedlings of vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) and flower crops. The number of uses is unlimited, you just need to periodically buy a new substrate for filling.

Note! This growing method allows the use various kinds mineral fertilizers, which will provide even greater effect from coconut tablets.

As a conclusion. Features of choice

On modern market There are several types of tablets, which come in either a mesh or without a mesh coating. A product without a shell can hardly be considered successful, since after swelling the substrate becomes a viscous, shapeless mixture that is inconvenient to use.

Also when choosing Special attention You should pay attention to the manufacturer and the quality of the product, since a low-quality substrate may contain quarantine pests (or, alternatively, the product may be intended for other purposes). Be that as it may, healthy seedlings most likely will not turn out.

As a result, we add that coconut tablets are a true godsend for every owner suburban area, independently engaged in seedlings.

Video - Comparison of peat and coconut tablets

Tablets for seedlings are a relatively new solution for domestic gardeners. Their use will simplify the work of those who germinate seeds.

If every winter and spring you spend time preparing containers, soil and fertilizers, you should definitely learn more about such products.

1 Description and purpose

H The reader may think that seedling tablets are some kind of fertilizer that is added to the soil. In fact - it is a substitute for regular soil.

E it is a small and low cylinder container without a bottom. Because of its shape, it received its name - a tablet.The cylinder itself is made of peat with various additives. Right into it and the seed is planted and grows in it.For landing, there are landing recesses at the upper end of the cylinder. After planting, the tablet is placed in a container for seedlings (for example, a glass).

As the root system grows, the size of the cylinder also increases - they can swell 2-3 times. The outside of the tablet may have a mesh that holds the cylinder shape as it swells.

AND Such products can be used for:

    seed germination;

    to root cuttings;

    obtaining seedlings.

Cylinder size table:

    diameter: 27, 36, 70 mm;

    height: 1.5-2 cm when dry, when swollen - up to 8 cm.

Since the dimensions of the cylinder small, planting crops with large root systems in them is impossible. They can be used with the following categories of plants:

    vegetable crops;

    ornamental crops (flowers).

The composition of the tablet, in addition to peat, includes additional elements:

    V mossy peat (there are also coconut tablets, in which, in addition to peat, coconut shavings are used);


    growth stimulator;

    antibacterial substances (protecting the sprout from microbes, mold, mildew);

    mineral fertilizers.

1.1 Types and differences of tablets

IN It was mentioned above that in addition to peat tablets, there are also coconut tablets. The differences between them are in the main component, as is clear from the name (peat ones consist of peat, coconut ones - from coconut shavings).

The second option is differentacidity - it is consistently 6 (almost neutral). For peat soils, it ranges from 5.4 to 6.2.This does not play a special role, since both options have normal acidity and are favorable for the growth of any crops. ButIf the plant you are planting is particularly sensitive to acidity, you should choose coconut tablets.

1.2 Description and advantages of the technique (video)

1.3 About manufacturers and prices

P Such products are produced both abroad and in Russian Federation. Specific brands include:

  1. Jiffy the first manufacturer of such products. Makes pills High Quality, with a loose structure. The products can be used to germinate the most demanding crops.
  2. Ellepress. The outer mesh of such tablets is reinforced. TherebyAdditional containers (in which tablets are placed after planting the seeds) are not necessary.
  3. Ecogarden (Moscow region). Vermicompost is added to the peat composition of products.

    Ecopeat (Nizhny Novgorod). Pure peat (naturally - in tablet form), without additives or impurities.

According to prices: the cost for cylinders varies from 3 (simple peat products) to 10 rubles (products with additives, durable outer mesh).

1.4 Pros and cons of application

TO positive aspects The use of tablets includes the following points:

    even and uniform shape of the cylinders (thanks to this, the structure of the sown areas is clear and even);

    balanced soil composition: the user does not have to worry about additional feeding plants;

    easy and convenient adjustment of humidity level (the tablet does not absorb excess moisture, but passes it down through itself);

    maintaining the shape of the tablet (using an external mesh) even when the root system grows;

    high percentage of seed germination;

    no need to tinker with soil and containers;

    possibility of transfer to open ground directly together with the peat tablet (that is, the root system of the seedling is not injured, and the transplanted plant takes root faster);

    reduced weight of the seedling container (for comparison: 1000 tablets weigh about 7.5-10 kg, whereas about 150-200 kg of soil would have to be poured into pots for the same number of seeds);

The only downside is the significant price. Buying tablets for germinating 1000 seeds will cost several thousand rubles. That is for growing some “simple” crops in large quantities - their use is unprofitable. But on the other hand, this germination option allows you to plant a large number of seedlings at once in a small area.

The ideal use of cylinders would be for capricious and demanding expensive crops (flowers, for example). They are also relevant for amateur gardeners who grow plants for themselves in small quantities. It is convenient to use cylinders for limited area(window sill, small boxes that are placed on the balcony).

1.5 Selection of tablets

IN When choosing washers for germinating seedlings, consider the following nuances:

    Soil acidity. Most crops need an acidity of about 5.5. Coniferous plants- will grow better in more acidic soil. For this reason, it is imperative to read the requirements for germination of each type of seed.

    Washer diameter. For growing large plants- you need to take the largest washers, and vice versa. A correctly selected diameter will allow you to avoid transplanting a seedling that has not yet fully matured too early (this may be necessary if the washer is too small). For small seeds, cylinders of 2-3 cm in diameter are suitable, for large ones - 7 cm. A diameter of 4 cm is considered the most popular.

    Presence of mesh. A mandatory nuance that significantly increases ease of use. Cylinders without a mesh easily fall apart when wet, turning into just a pile of damp peat/shavings. This is not scary if the tablet sits in the ground, but it is very inconvenient if several pieces are placed in a container.

    Soil structure. The larger the peat fraction (coconut shavings), the slower the root system develops, the worse the air penetration and the greater the likelihood that the plant will get sick due to waterlogging. Therefore, you need to take only products with the finest fraction.

  1. There are special containers for tablets on sale. Their use will greatly simplify the process of growing seedlings.

2 Rules of application

T Orff and coconut cylinders are used in the same way:

    A container/box/pallet is prepared (made of plastic or wood with a plastic bottom) in which the tablets will be placed.

    The washers are placed in a containerrecesses up.

    The tablets are poured with water at room temperature. TO take a lot of water or “by eye” ( the excess will simply go to the bottom of the container),or (if in doubt) - 2-3 tablespoons.

    After 15-30 minutes, the cylinders will swell and increase in height several times,up to approximately 6-8 cm.

    Excess liquid (if there is a lot of it accumulated in the container) is carefully drained.

    Seeds (1-2 each) are placed in the recesses.If the seeds are very small, you can use a match or toothpick when planting.

    If the seeds do not germinate in open form- sprinkle them on top with peat (coconut shavings), taken from the same washer. The layer will be quite small - literally 1-2 mm.

    The container is covered with plastic film on top or glass . This will create a greenhouse effect.If the box has a lid, it must be transparent.

    The container is placed in a warm, bright place (window sill, balcony, if growing indoors - under a fluorescent lamp).Please note: the place is next to heating device(battery or any other) - will not work, since plants need not only heat, but also light.

For the location of the drawer ideally, the western or eastern side is suitable. In the north - there is usually not enough light for rapid growth plants. In the south it’s the other way around: there may be too much of it.

2.1 Rules for using seedling tablets (video)

2.2 Caring for seedlings

P After planting, seedlings need to be properly cared for:

    Ventilation must be regular. Until the seedlings sprout, it will be enough to open the container for half an hour to an hour a day. When they sprout, they need to be ventilated more often/for longer.

    It is impossible to water seedlings before the seeds sprout (or until the sprouts have grown stronger) directly onto the tablets. To water, you need to either use a spray bottle, spraying moisture above them, or pour water directly into the tray: the tablet will absorb it from below.

    You cannot leave excess liquid in the pan - it must be drained.

    2-3 weeks after the sprouts appear, you can additionally feed them with fertilizers (not necessary). To apply replenishment, it must be dissolved in water for irrigation.

Coconut tablets for seedlings are a modern and convenient way to grow most crops and flowers at home, allowing you to achieve 100% seed germination and high quality plants for replanting.

healthy, strong seedlings- the key to success and guarantee good harvest in the fall. Therefore, most gardeners approach its cultivation with great responsibility. Moreover, today a lot of tools have appeared in specialized stores that allow you to achieve excellent results at lower costs. For example, peat and coconut tablets for seedlings.

Description of coconut tablets for seedlings

Composition of tablets for seedlings

“Coconut tablets” are small, bottomless, cylindrical containers filled with 70% coco peat, fiber and 30% coconut flakes. Impregnated with a special nutritional composition with microelements and minerals. Represent ideal substrate for crops experiencing an increased need for oxygen.

The substrate is made from crushed coconut husks after fermentation for 14-18 months, dried and pressed under high blood pressure. When wet, the “coco soil” acquires a characteristic dark brown color, and when dry, its color changes to a lighter side. The coconut fiber from which it is produced is the purest organic substance, without chemical impurities. Due to the peculiarities of the growth of the nut, the fruits of which are located high above the ground, it is not affected by either pest larvae or pathogens living on the ground.

Advantages of coconut tablets

The composition of coconut tablets includes an antibacterial component that protects plants from the penetration of infections and fungi during development. Moreover, to their positive qualities relate:

  • High breathability;
  • Good thermal conductivity properties;
  • The ability to retain and retain moisture. Coconut fiber is different amazing ability absorb water 8-10 times its own volume. In this case, the liquid, along with the minerals and nutrients dissolved in it, is securely retained inside the coconut substrate and, as necessary, is supplied to the roots of the plants. It turns out that it is simply impossible to “fill” seedlings grown in coconut tablets;
  • Resistant to decomposition and long service life. Thanks to this, mini “nursery plants” made of coconut are used for several cycles. In addition, after application they are used as an additional loosening material in seedling mixtures.

Purpose of coconut tablets

Coconut-based seedling tablets have different diameter and for convenience they are placed in a fine-mesh mesh that prevents the substrate from scattering. They are also available in the form of mats, with dimensions of 15x100x3 cm in dry form, and when filled with water they increase in height to 12 cm.

Small containers with a diameter of 25 mm are well suited for rooting and germination flower plants, for example, petunias, as well as strawberries and other crops with small seeds.

In containers more large size(35 and 50 mm) you can plant eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and other plants. Thanks to this, you will not subsequently need to additionally transplant the seedlings into large containers. (Yulia Petrichenko, expert)

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The beneficial effect of coconut fiber on the growth and development of seedlings

The best confirmation of how useful coconut tablets are for seedlings is the reviews of people who “tried them in action.” Their advantages:

  • The optimal acidity level is 5-6.5 units. For this reason, coconut-based soil is well suited for growing any plants, including rather “capricious” crops that have poor germination, for example, conifers and many flowers;
  • High oxygen content, ensuring optimal air exchange and free penetration of moisture and nutrients to the roots of plants. The air capacity of coconut tablets is 15% higher than the volume of soil. Therefore, water and air are in an optimal ratio. As a result, seedlings grow and develop at a faster rate;
  • Favorable environment for germination and rooting of plants. Using this method allows you to significantly increase seed germination and grow high-quality seedlings with healthy, strong roots;
  • Ease of use. Unlike similar devices made from peat, coconut tablets do not become limp, do not turn into slurry when excessively waterlogged, and do not become crusty when dry. In addition, seedlings growing in coconut tablets are very easy to transplant. To do this, it does not need to be removed from the substrate - the seedling is simply transferred to a new “place of residence” along with the container in which it is rooted. This ensures 100% survival rate for plants.

In addition to germinating seeds, coconut tablets are suitable for rooting cuttings of geraniums, roses, fuchsias, begonia leaves and violets. To do this, they are slightly soaked. Make a hole in the center of the container and place the cuttings there. After this, the earth around the plant is lightly compacted and covered from above. plastic bag or a cut plastic bottle to keep the substrate moist.

How to use coconut tablets

Instructions for use

To obtain optimal results, it is important to follow the instructions for using coconut tablets for seedlings:

  1. Place the tablets in a pot or cassettes intended for growing seedlings. Other convenient containers are suitable for these purposes. Keep in mind that their height should be 10-15 centimeters higher than the height of the tablet itself, taking into account its swelling after soaking.
  2. Rinse them clean running water to remove residual sea salt, which is used in the process of producing compressed coconut fiber.
  3. Pour a small amount of warm water, but not hot water, proportional to the size of the tablet. It turns out approximately 30-40 ml for each piece.
  4. A small depression is made in the upper part of the coconut “cup”. Seeds (1-2 pieces) are carefully lowered into it and covered with coconut fiber, humus or peat, which are in this case will serve as an additional source of food for seedlings. After this, the containers are covered with a layer of film to maintain a favorable microclimate for future seedlings.
  5. When the plants have grown stronger and reached the desired size, they are transplanted into pre-prepared holes, without removing the packaging mesh, watered and lightly sprinkled with soil. As a result, the roots will be subject to less stress and will better survive the “painful procedure” of transplantation.

How to use coconut tablets in mini greenhouses

Coconut tablets for seedlings are sold separately and complete with mini-greenhouses, the design of which is thought out in such a way that they have ideal ventilation and humidity conditions. Have compact dimensions, are easy to use. To use them, you must:

  1. Fill the tray that goes up into the greenhouse structure with water.
  2. Wait until the tablets swell.
  3. Plant seeds or plant cuttings in them, cover the tray with a special transparent lid.

Such practical and functional devices are suitable for growing flower seedlings, as well as vegetable crops: peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. They can be used an unlimited number of times, from time to time purchasing a new portion to fill.

When growing agricultural and flower crops using this method, the use of mineral fertilizers is allowed various types. When using them, the effect of the coconut substrate will be even more pronounced and lasting.

How to choose quality material in a store

Today there are several varieties of coconut briquettes and tablets on sale, which can be in a mesh shell or without it. Last option is not very successful, since during the swelling process such a substrate turns into a shapeless mixture, very inconvenient to use.

When purchasing, pay attention to the quality of the product and the manufacturer, since low-quality substrate often contains larvae of quarantine pests, or is intended for completely different purposes. This means getting quality out of it, healthy seedlings It's unlikely to succeed.

It can be noted that coconut fiber tablets are a really successful and practical find for any gardener who works self-cultivation seedlings.