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Indoor plants in the preparatory group. Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic “Houseplants”

Target: to develop children’s cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants; on the rules for their collection, storage and use. Cognition: develop ecological thinking in the process of research activities, creative imagination, consolidate the skill of measurement using a conditional measure; Communication- form the correct dialogical and monologue forms of children’s speech; enrich natural history lexicon; promote free communication with adults and peers, teach independent judgment, and take initiative in order to gain new knowledge; Health— to form initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle through knowledge of medicinal plants in your area and how to use them. Music(musical accompaniment); Reading fiction (artistic word);

Developmental environment: posters "Plants", " Weeds"and illustrations depicting trees, shrubs and herbs found on the territory of our Motherland; illustrations depicting medicinal plants of our area and rare plants, listed in the Red Book, poisonous plants; herbarium of medicinal herbs of Siberia; equipment for exploration play: boxes with medicinal raw materials, marked with appropriate pictures, containers for water and mixing herbs, plastic measuring spoons and cups, packaging with pharmaceutical medicinal fees; computer presentation “Primroses of Siberia”;

Progress of the lesson. Together with the children we go into the hall (or from the reception room to the group)

Guys, I propose now to go to the plant kingdom.

her consolation will be

Please close your eyes and imagine for a moment that you are in the forest.

Among the many forest plants there are quite a few useful herbs. Listen to riddles about these

herbs, and try to guess their names.

1. Ecological game “Find out the healing herb”

1. Ah, don't touch me

I will burn without fire. (Nettle).

2. The ball grew white,

the wind blew -

The ball flew away. (Dandelion).



4. Every leaf loves me

Paths by the side of the roads.

He will once be kind to people

Helped heal the wounds. (Plantain).

Well done guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly.

2. Conversation “What do we know about medicinal plants”

- And nettle, and dandelion, chamomile and plantain can be combined into one group, which one?

(These are medicinal plants)

Let's talk about medicinal plants.

- Why do people need them? (In order not to get sick or get treatment if you are already sick)

— How did a person begin to seek help from different plants? ( People noticed that sick animals found some kind of grass; after eating it, they recovered.)

Go to the easel and look at the poster.

Examination of posters “Weeds”, “Plants”.

Here, guys, weeds are depicted herbaceous plants. And even among them there are medicinal herbs.

Look at this plant (shown on poster).

- What is it called? (Plantain)

Why was he called that? Where can he be found? (Because plantain grows along the roads)

— What else can you tell about plantain? What does he look like? Why is it not afraid of trampling, from which other plants suffer? (Because its leaves are elastic, hard with strong veins, and a thick bunch of roots is firmly held in the soil)

— Guys, plantain is often called a green bandage. Why? (Because its leaves are applied to fresh wounds and abrasions, which heal quickly)

— Which of the medicinal plants on the poster are familiar to you? (Children's answers - dandelion)

— Tell me what you know about dandelion. (Grows in meadows, fields, in the garden. Salad is made from its leaves, .....)

Go to the next poster.

What plant is said to burn? (This is what they say about nettles)

- Who will show us this plant on a poster? (children show)

- But why does the nettle still burn? How do you think? (children's answers) That's right, because of the special hairs located on the leaves and stems. There is a caustic liquid inside the hairs, which is what burns.

- What are the benefits of nettle? (Nettle is used to make cabbage soup; it kills germs and stops bleeding from cuts and wounds. It also strengthens hair).

— What other medicinal plant is used to stop bleeding and improve appetite? (This is yarrow).

- That's right, yarrow. Why is it called that? (Children's answers) Each leaf consists of many tiny leaves and each leaf has lacy edges.

There are many useful herbs

On the soil of my native country,

Can cope with illness

Chamomile, mint, nettle

Plantain, lily of the valley, St. John's wort.

— Tell me, are there any among the bushes and trees? medicinal plants?(Yes, they are dating)

- Look carefully at the poster, name which ones you know medicinal shrubs? (Children call them raspberries, rose hips, currants, sea buckthorn, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, etc.)

- How are they useful? (Their berries are rich in vitamins.)

— What is prepared from berries? (Fruits, drinks and vitamin cocktails are prepared from the berries)

— Name the trees whose parts are used in medicine? (birch, pine, oak, linden)

— What parts of trees are used? (Leaves, buds, bark and seeds)

— What medicines are made from leaves, buds, bark and seeds? (They make decoctions, infusions)

Guys, it turns out that there are many, many medicinal plants that grow on the territory of our Motherland.

And so that there are even more of them on earth, let's ask for rain to water them more often.

Physical education lesson “Rain, pour more cheerfully.”

Rain, pour more joyfully

top down;

Don’t regret the warm drops

For forests, for fields I.P. hands on the belt - perform

turns left, right, sideways

hands to the side;

And for little children , sit down and show your height with your hands

little children;

For both moms and dads . stand up - raise your hands up

(2 times);

Drip - drip - drip! I.P. hands on the belt - imitating

movement of drops with two hands

top down;

Drip - drip - drip!

3. Excursion to the meadow for collecting medicinal plants.

The rain has stopped, the sun has come out, now we will go to an imaginary meadow to collect medicinal plants. I suggest you sit down in a clearing (carpet), relax and remember the rules for collecting them. It is necessary not only to name the rules, but also to explain why you need to do it this way and not otherwise.

— Tell me, when are different parts of medicinal plants collected - leaves and stems? flowers? roots? (Children's answers) That's right, guys collect leaves and stems when the plant is blooming, flowers - at the very beginning of flowering, fruits and berries - when they are fully ripe, roots - in the fall.

Children tell and explain -

Rules for collecting medicinal plants:

1. It is good to know a medicinal plant and distinguish it from poisonous plants.(Why?)

Because if it gets collected poisonous grass, then you can get poisoned.
2. It is better to collect plants in dry weather, in the morning, after the dew has dried. (Why?)

Because plants dried from dew will not deteriorate during drying and storage.(What can happen to plants wet from dew during drying and storage?) Such plants will not dry out, but will rot and will not be suitable for treatment.
3. You cannot collect plants in the city or near the road.(Why do you think?)
(Children's answers). The plants there are poisoned by poisons from vehicle exhaust pipes.
4. Place the picked plants in a wide basket so as not to crush them, otherwise
juice will come out.

5. Plants should be dried in the shade, not in the sun.(Why?)

Because in the sun they will burn or dry out and useful substances there won't be any left in them.

How do we know that the plants have burned or dried out in the sun?

Such plants will change color, they will turn black and crumble.
6. When collecting, you cannot trample on neighboring plants, you cannot tear plants by the roots and tear every last one. Why? (Children's answers). It's right to save plants for

further reproduction.

7. Do not pick plants that are listed in the Red Book. Why? (Children's answers). Yes, guys, they are already on the verge of extinction.

Name the medicinal plants in our area that are listed in the Red Book (Dream – grass or open lumbago, peony, marin root) That's right, guys. Look - these are the most famous medicinal plants in our area (showing illustrations), and these are plants listed in the Red Book. Shown here poisonous plants. You have to be very careful, they can cause irreparable harm.

Tree, grass and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet!

Guys, if the plants are collected and dried correctly, they look like the plants of this herbarium. Display of several herbarium specimens.

— Tell me, how and where should dried medicinal herbs be stored? (Dried plants are stored in a cool, dry place, packaged in paper or cloth bags or hung tied in small bunches).

And now the medicinal plants have been collected and dried. And our journey ends in the laboratory.

3. Research game “We are pharmacists”

Guys, who are called pharmacists? (Children's answers) That's right, pharmacists prepare medications in special laboratories. For example, here are the collections of medicinal plants (showing packages of pharmaceutical herbs for chest, vitamin, stomach and sedative fees). Come on, you and I will be real pharmacists and try to prepare medicinal mixtures from the proposed plants. Put on white coats and caps and go to your workplaces - at this table. Children sit around large table, on which the equipment is prepared - brewing utensils, transparent boxes with herbs, disposable plastic spoons, measuring cups, etc.

These medicinal raw materials are dried and crushed herbs, dried berries and fruits. You will have to determine for yourself from the recipes which of them need to be mixed in order to get the desired mixture. And these are the instructions for the fees used to make up the prescriptions. Now I will give you the recipes, you will study them carefully, and you will prepare various preparations: Anya - chest (for cough), Sonya - vitamin, etc. I explain the purpose of the dishes: you will mix herbs in these glasses; These are measuring spoons and cups - with their help, you will measure the required amount of dry grass and water; You will take water, each from your own flask, and pour it into jugs. Get started. Children mix ingredients according to received recipes, measure required amount water. Now, what should you do with the prepared ingredients? (Children's answers) Yes, they need to be combined, that is, pour water into containers with grass, and first boil the water. Close the lids tightly and let steep for 15 - 20 minutes. Then cool, strain and the infusions are ready.

But we will not boil the water ourselves, but will ask our nanny to take the prepared mixtures to the kitchen to the cooks, they will brew and bring the ready-made drink. In the meantime, while the drink is steaming, I suggest watching a short film about primroses and medicinal plants that grow in our area.

View the multimedia presentation “Primroses of Siberia” (on the computer)

Lesson summary: Let’s now look and try what kind of drink our pharmacists made. Children drink the infusion, examine the color of the drink, discuss the smell and taste.

Nature generously gives all its treasures to man and for everything asks only one thing: to take care of it! Let's say thank you very much to our nature! And be healthy!

    Physical education minute

  • To make it beautiful and cozy;
  • Plants heal people;

In the fall, all plants that do not bloom need to be watered less—they run out rapid growth, they are preparing for winter. In winter, all plants require less watering. In spring and especially in summer, plants are watered more often and more abundantly.

That’s right, indoor plants need to be watered with settled water—chlorine evaporates from the water (if possible, pour tap water and show particles of chlorine), and with water room temperature-from cold water The roots of the plants rot, but you need to make sure that the soil in the pots is moist. Cacti are watered every 2-3 days in summer, and 1-2 times every two weeks in winter. They need to be watered from a watering can, from the side.

in Game


  1. (at ficus)
  2. (at geranium)
  3. (tradescantia)
  4. (begonia)
  5. On my window

A hedgehog has settled in.

Everyone is looking out the window,

But he can’t walk.

Where are his paws?

Where is his face?

Maybe he's not wearing a hat?

Are you shivering from the cold?


  1. (at coleus)
  2. (balsam)
  3. (pike tail)
  4. On the window this early



  1. I'm called a plant

I love it in the bright hall,

A green curtain

I'm going down the wall.



Which forest is cooler—deciduous or coniferous? Why?

View document contents
“Approximate outline of the GCD on ecology (senior group). Topic: “Indoor plants as companions of our lives” (school preparatory group) »

Approximate outline of GCD on ecology ( senior group)

Subject: " Houseplants-satellites our life"(school preparatory group)

Software tasks: continue to introduce children to indoor plants, teach them by description, and talk about them yourself using the diagram. To form in children an idea of ​​the differentiated moisture needs of indoor plants. Cultivate an interest in caring for plants and a love for them.

Material: varieties of indoor plants (ficus, violet, begonia, tradescantia, geranium, ivy, coleus, chlorophytum, sansevieria, balsam, etc.), a diagram for describing a houseplant, a “Flower Shop” sign, model diagrams for indoor plants, cards for the game “ Lover of indoor plants", badges for children "Lover of indoor plants", encyclopedia "Indoor plants".

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher reads a poem:

Green garden on the window

It grows here in the middle of winter.

Look, these are crumbs,

There's a big giant growing.

How delicate their flowers are.

The stems are wonderfully beautiful.

What is the poem about? (about indoor plants)

What plants are called indoor plants? (plants that grow in a person’s home)

What does every houseplant have? (root, stem, leaves)

How do plants differ from each other? (some have one stem, while others have many; whether they bloom or not, by the size and thickness of the leaves; by smell)

What kind of stems do indoor plants have?

Name and show plants with erect stems (geranium, ficus, etc.), with hanging (Tradescantia, etc.), with curly (ivy, etc.).

Which plants have no visible stem? (in violets, begonias, etc.)

What conditions do all plants need to grow well? (water, light, heat, nutritious soil)

Indoor plants have different needs for water: some need a lot of it, others need less, and others need very little. This is because all plants come from different places: some in their homeland grow in damp, swampy places, where the soil and air are always moist. Such plants are accustomed to the fact that there is always plenty of water; they cannot store it for future use. They most often have thin, soft leaves, and there are a lot of them. What do you think these plants are called?

Children, with the help of a teacher, identify these plants and name them.

There are other plants that in their homeland live in dry, sunny, sometimes very hot places on poor sandy or even rocky soils. In these places it rarely rains, so there is almost no moisture in the soil. Plants are accustomed to tolerating drought and have adapted to “storing” water—accumulating it in stems and leaves—and then using it up little by little. Such plants have thick stems, fleshy, juicy leaves covered with thin skin. thin leaves, which evaporate a lot of moisture, they do not. There are even plants that have no leaves at all: instead they have thorns. Find and name such plants.

And now I suggest you play the game “Flower Shop”. You will need to describe the indoor plant you want to buy according to the diagram:

    What parts does a plant consist of? (a houseplant has a root, stem, leaves, flowers)

    What does the stem look like? (erect, curly, hanging)

    What size and shape are the leaves?

    Flowering plant or not?

    What kind of care does it require?

First, the teacher describes the plant he wants to buy without naming it, and the seller must determine the name of the plant the buyer wants to buy. Children take turns becoming sellers and buyers.

Physical education minute

Guys, why do you think a person grows indoor plants at home?

    To make it beautiful and cozy;

    To keep the air cleaner, plants release oxygen, which we breathe;

    Plants maintain indoor air humidity;

    Plants heal people;

    Plants scare away harmful insects(for example, moth);

    To watch and care for them.

What does it take for plants to grow well?

Using models, children tell how to care for indoor plants; the teacher complements the children’s answers:

    Plants should be kept in warm rooms, because... most of them came to us from distant countries where there is no cold winter.

    Plants should be watered with water at room temperature, otherwise the plants may get sick and die.

In the fall, all plants that do not bloom need to be watered less; their vigorous growth ends and they prepare for winter. In winter, all plants require less watering. In spring and especially in summer, plants are watered more often and more abundantly.

That's right, indoor plants need to be watered with settled water - chlorine evaporates from the water (if possible, pour tap water and show the particles of chlorine), and with water at room temperature - cold water causes plant roots to rot, but you need to make sure that the soil in the pots is moist. Cacti are watered every 2-3 days in summer, and 1-2 times every two weeks in winter. They need to be watered from a watering can, from the side.

You can learn how to properly care for a houseplant so that it lives well in your home from the “Houseplants” encyclopedias. (teacher shows book) it tells about all the indoor plants that exist in the world.

    It is necessary to loosen the soil so that air can reach the roots.

    After a long winter, apply fertilizer.

    Protect plants from pests.

That's how many interesting things we remembered about indoor plants and what you learned new about them. I suggest you play in Game "Houseplant lover."

Children are divided into two teams “Ogonyok” and “Violet”. The teacher reads out assignments using cards.

    Which indoor plant has the most large leaves?(at ficus)

    Which indoor plant smells not only its flowers, but also its leaves? (at geranium)

    Which plant hangs like a green curtain on the window? (tradescantia)

    Which plant got its name in honor of Begon, a lover and collector of indoor plants? (begonia)

    On my window

A hedgehog has settled in.

Everyone is looking out the window,

But he can’t walk.

Where are his paws?

Where is his face?

Maybe he's not wearing a hat?

Are you shivering from the cold?


    Which plant's leaves turn red in the light? (at coleus)

    Which plant is also called “Spark”? (balsam)

    What is another name for sansevieria? (pike tail)

    On the window this early



    I'm called a plant

I love it in the bright hall,

A green curtain

I'm going down the wall.


In the block of joint activities between the teacher and children, you can conduct an experiment “The plant loses water through evaporation.”

Target: give an idea of ​​the way plants lose water.

You and I water the plants, but have you ever wondered where the water goes? It turns out that the plant loses moisture through evaporation. We will test how this happens through experience.

Place the bag on the leaf and securely attach it to the stem of the potted plant with adhesive tape. Place the plant in the sun for 2-3 hours.

Look how the package turned out from the inside? (wet)

The plant absorbs water through its roots. The water is coming along the stems, from where about 9/10 of the water evaporates through the stomata. Some trees evaporate up to 7 tons of water per day. When there are many of them, plants have a great influence on air temperature and humidity. The loss of moisture from plants through stomata is called transpiration. The air becomes cooler and more humid. Think and tell me why it is cool in the forest?

Which forest is cooler - deciduous, coniferous? Why?

Ecology lesson notes

V preparatory group

on the topic: “Plants are our friends.”

Compiled by:

Educator: Danko E.Yu

Systematize children's knowledge about plants.

To consolidate children's knowledge about plant propagation.

Ensure high mental and verbal activity of children using a variety of techniques (questions of a search nature, working with models, exercises in generalizations and proofs).

Arouse in children interest, an emotional response to the proposed topic, and the ability to express it in a drawing.

Develop creativity, imagination, imaginative thinking.

Cultivate a strong interest in nature.

Organizing time.

Are you guys in a good mood? (Yes). Let's hold hands, smile at each other and share good mood!

Main part.

Guys, Tim the mouse came to our lesson. He would like to talk to us, and about what, you will find out if you guess his riddles. (Presentation of riddles about plants).

1. It's fun in the spring, cool in the summer,

Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter.

2. The balloon grew white, the wind blew and flew away.


3. Red, juicy, fragrant,

Grows low, close to the ground.


4. In the forest under the Christmas tree there is a baby -

Just a hat and a leg.

5. It blooms from under the snow,

Welcomes spring before everyone else


What will not be sown?

Well done, you solved all the riddles, but how can you say in one word what these riddles are about? (About plants).

Right. Do you think the plants are alive or not? (Alive).

Explain why you think they are alive? (Children's answers).

Let's check the model and talk about each sign of life in more detail. (Model of living organisms).

How do plants respire? (On the bottom of the leaf there are stomata, invisible to the eye, through which plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen).

Tell us how plants eat? (With the help of roots, which are in the ground and, like a pump, deliver water and nutrients).

What methods of plant propagation do you know? (Children's answers:

1. Seeds (cloves, dandelion, calendula, etc.).

2. Leaves (violet, sansevieria).

3. Bulbs (lilies, amaryllis, tulips, daffodils).

4. Cuttings (balsam, chrysanthemum, tradescantia).

5. Children, shoots (chlorophytum, saxifrage).

6. dividing the bush (peonies, phlox, primrose, violet).)


Guys, now you and I will turn into scarlet flowers.

Our scarlet flowers release petals (Children squat, stand up slowly).

They reached out to the sun, they smiled at the sun (they stretched their arms up on their toes, wide to the sides).

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway (Hands are raised up, arms are shaken).

Our scarlet flowers close their petals, shake their heads, quietly fall asleep (Hands above their heads in the shape of a bud, squat, shaking their heads).

And now, we will watch a cartoon called “How the Little Mouse Went to School.” (View cartoon).

How did the plants help the mouse? (They helped him find out the time, since each plant wakes up at its own time. Plants are also like a compass, they can indicate where north and south are.)

What other plants help you navigate in the forest? (Trees. On the northern side of the trees there are more mosses and lichens, and on south side coniferous trees more resin is released on the trunk).

What other benefits do plants provide to people? (Children's answers:

1. Absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

2. Filter out dust particles in the air.

3. They increase air humidity and, due to evaporation, the air is cooler in summer.

4. Help relieve stress and improve well-being.

5. They create a joyful atmosphere and delight people with their beauty.)

Well done. What insect did you see in the cartoon? (Caterpillar).

Tell me, is the caterpillar a friend or an enemy of plants? (Enemy).

Select cards on the table that depict plant enemies and name them? (Children select cards with the image Colorado potato beetle, aphids, locusts, weevils).

Now name your friends of indoor plants ( Ladybug, bee, ant, ground beetle, lacewing).

Well done, you know a lot about plants. And now, I suggest you draw any plant that you like best (Trees, shrubs, berries, mushrooms. Flowers), as a gift to the mouse Tim.

Children draw and give explanations for their drawings.

Abstract directly educational activities for children of the preparatory school group on the topic "Looking at indoor plants"

Zemelkina Nadezhda Nikolaevna, teacher of the MB preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 203", Novokuznetsk.
Description of work: I offer a summary of educational activities on environmental education for children in the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old) on the topic “Looking at indoor plants.” this work will be useful for educators preschool institutions working in senior and pre-school groups kindergarten. The material will help educators clarify children's knowledge about famous indoor plants and how to care for them. It will help introduce children to a new flower - coleus.

Target: clarify knowledge about indoor plants known to children and how to care for them.
Educational: learn to establish the dependence of care on the differentiated needs of plants, external structure; introduce the new houseplant coleus and how to care for it.
Educational: develop the ability to describe plants, highlighting characteristics.
Educational: cultivate a conscious attitude towards plant care.
Demo material: 7 – 8 types of indoor plants familiar to children, items for caring for indoor plants, a pointer, a tape recorder, an audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, photographs depicting indoor plants.
Methodical techniques: listening to audio recordings, asking riddles, looking at plants, productive activity children, didactic game, artistic expression, display, repetition, summing up.

Children, nature surrounds us everywhere. We admire the white-trunked birches, slender rowan trees, bright colors. Poets describe the beauty and richness of nature in their poems.
(child reads S. Yesenin’s poem “Birch”)
Composers express their feelings through music. I suggest you listen to a fragment from the musical cycle “Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Nature is always close to man. There are many plants in our group room that we take care of.
Let's walk slowly in a circle
And say “hello” to every flower.
I have to bend over the flowers
Not for tearing or cutting,
And to see their kind faces
And show them a kind face.
To love nature you need to know a lot about it. Today we will talk about indoor plants. I have various plants on my table that you know well. Show and name them.
Guess riddles about indoor plants:
Big and furry
Slightly pinkish
The stems were lowered low
And they look at the guys.
The leaves here are wide,
Green and dark
As if gloomy
They are looking at the pool.
What kind of plant is this?
Which of the guys will say? (begonia)
There are no leaves - only needles,
The stem is thin and straight.
Guess who it is? (asparagus)
Surprisingly from a leaf
You can grow a plant.
I'll pick a flower, don't mind
There will be a new one... (violet).

Vanka wet flowers.
That's what the people called him -
He drinks a lot of water.
What is the correct name?
Try to name it yourself! (Balsam)
Up the steep wall,
On cast concrete
The centipede crawls
He takes the leaves with him. (Ivy)
- What kind of tail started to grow:
Not in a pond, not in a river -
On the window, by the stove. (Sansevieria/pike tail)
The kids wanted to get away from their mother,
But mom managed to hold them all.
That's how those little bunches hang.
On the threads are green baby plants. (Chlorophytum)
- What parts of plants do you know? (I suggest showing)
- Do all plants have stems?
- Which plants do not have them?
- Different plants have different stems: some are straight, some are curly, some are hanging. Show the stems and name their features.
- Are the leaves of plants the same in color, shape, size? (I suggest showing and talking about the leaves)
- Do all plants have leaves? For example, cactus and asparagus do not have leaves, but instead have small needles.
- In order for plants to grow and bloom well, they need to be looked after. Tell us how to care for plants? (I suggest showing 1-2 children how to water correctly)
- Do all plants need the same amount of moisture? Some plants go dormant in winter and need to be watered rarely. For example, amaryllis.
- What plants love moisture? (begonia, tradescantia)
- Why do you need to loosen the soil in pots? Right:
Loosening the soil is carried out in a wet state; loosening dry soil can damage the roots.
loose soil promotes better provision plants with water (water is better absorbed)
loose soil retains moisture longer than compacted soil (I suggest showing you how to loosen correctly)
It’s not for nothing that loosening is called dry watering.
- Why do you need to remove dust from leaves? What dust collection methods do you know? (wipe with a damp sponge or cloth, spray, shake off dust with a dry or wet brush)
(I propose to show the plants and explain why this or that method of care is used. I call several children to show how to clean the leaves from dust)
- Guys, today we will get acquainted with a new plant. It's called coleus popular name- "nettle". It itself comes from hot Africa and tropical forests of Asia. (I propose to note how it differs from other plants, I propose to describe it).
Let's think about how to properly care for coleus. (I call several children to show how to do it correctly)
Listen to the poem about coleus:
If I bloom -
So I'll die
Need to water more often
And, of course, fertilize.
How more light and warmth,
The redder I am, friends.
And if there is not enough light,
I'm starting to turn green.

Now, let's play the game "Find the same one."

Didactic game “Find the same one”
Didactic task. Find objects by similarity.
Game actions. Search for a similar item.
Rule. You can show a recognized plant only upon a signal from the teacher, after listening to its description.
Equipment. Identical plants, placed on two tables or photographs depicting plants.
Progress of the game. The teacher shows a plant on one of the tables (photo), describes its characteristic features, and then invites the child to find the same plant in the group.
The result of GCD is carried out with the help of children.

Teacher. What indoor plants do you know?

Children name plants.

Right. Begonia, balsam, ficus, tradescantia, amaryllis, aloe, clivia, chlorophytum, geranium, aspidistra.

All indoor plants have a home. For example, begonia, balsam, ficus, tradescantia grow where it is very warm and humid (in the tropics of Africa, South America). Room conditions They suit them very well. There are hardy inhabitants of distant deserts - cacti.

The world of indoor plants is diverse. Their life completely depends on the person. Why?

Children. If you leave indoor plants in the shade or forget to water them, they will die, and without feeding they may dry out.

Teacher. Are indoor plants living or inanimate?

Children. To the living.

Teacher. Why?

Children. They breathe, grow, drink, reproduce.

Teacher. And why?

Children. They need light, warmth, water, care.

Teacher. What is the care for indoor plants?

Children. In fertilizing, watering, washing, pruning, loosening the soil, collecting dry leaves, spraying, replanting.

Teacher. Why do you need to know where plants come from?

Children. To properly care for them: imagine how much water and light they need.

Teacher. Houseplants play a big role in human life. Which one?

Children. They give us beauty and purify the air.

Didactic game “Find out and describe”

The teacher gives a description of some indoor plants, and the children name them.

Didactic game “Where is whose homeland?”

The teacher names a houseplant, the children try to guess the country where it comes from, or in what climate it grows:

— aloe — South Africa (river banks, bushes);

- begonia - South America(Brazilian rainforests);

- common ivy - North America(subtropics), North Africa;

- cactus - South America (deserts of Mexico);

- geranium - Mediterranean;

- chlorophytum - Cape of Good Hope (Africa);

- cissus ( indoor grapes) - Australia.

Note. Children do not have to remember the complex names of flowers; it is enough to know a few, and also have an understanding of the purpose and rules of caring for them.