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Cottage with a usable roof. Development of flat roof house projects

Domestic consumers have long been familiar with the features of a flat roof, and believe that it is used for multi-story government buildings. But modern manufacturers decided to expand their market and found a new area of ​​application for it.

This is surprising, but they appeared with a flat roof, differing in the same set of functional features. It is suitable primarily for areas in which snowy winters and strong wind currents occur at a time concomitant with their manifestation.

Their power will quickly blow away large layers of snow, and the roof will always be clean. And powerful hurricanes will not be afraid of such a roof covering. The fact is that it actually won’t exist.

But this is only part of its capabilities. It will be possible to place a lot on it useful buildings for different times of the year. It might be a greenhouse or small garden, or maybe a dance floor. Other options are available based on the power of the owner's imagination.

But for everything to work out well, it is necessary to study the nuances of creating such structures. Now we will consider many issues related to this topic. To begin with, we advise you to familiarize yourself with photos of houses with a flat roof, which have already proven their suitability for various purposes.

What are the benefits of this roof design?

If we talk only about a private house, then they lie in the following points:

This roofing option will take up a smaller area compared to the most gently sloping modifications. This will help save on the amount of materials.

The process of its construction is noticeably faster than the installation of a gable or hip version. Due to this feature, creating modern houses with a flat roof is noticeably more profitable.

Ensures comfort and safety in performing the necessary rafter work processes. It is quite spacious and difficult to fall off.

Differs from gable design the fact that there is no need to carry out dismantling work from the outdated coating. It can be used as additional waterproofing or protection. This will help save energy and time.

Its surface is suitable for use as an additional area for organizing a flower garden, cozy terrace, greenhouses.

You can mount various transparent elements to help organize beautiful view on the open starry sky at night or clouds with the sun during the day. And a charming view opens up to admire the rain or a strong storm - there are fans of this state of nature.

Helps to adjust the house to the basics of the minimalist style. He has now gained significant popularity.

What are the disadvantages? - Unfortunately, they exist...

If not strong wind this option generously collects a lot of snow on its surface. You will need to clean it often in order to use the area for your purposes. Sometimes it can lead to noticeable leaks.

You will often have to clear snow using mechanical means. They can damage the roof.

The structure of the roof is particularly complex in comparison with other types of forms. For it you will have to organize a lot of drains. They, in turn, often become clogged.

From the pitched version of the roof covering, water drains on its own and this happens very quickly. She does not have time to cause noticeable damage.

On flat version Water usually stagnates and accumulates as rainfall continues. You will have to control the moisture content of the insulation and apply the coating at a small angle so that the water gradually finds the drains.

It will require less materials than for a pitched one. But the creation itself is much more complicated. There are many subtleties that not everyone knows about and therefore often this roof option does not turn out the way it was intended.

Because of this, many people believe that a flat roof in a private house is not the best option. But now domestic producers learned about positive Western experience and learned how to create the right materials.

And the specialists installation work adopted methods quality work in this direction, and the situation began to change in better side. This approach has already been able to take root in Russia.

Is it suitable for frame versions of houses?

Yes, today you can see a frame house with a flat roof, more and more often, and it is perceived as commonplace. This roof can be in two directions. For use and without it.

If the roof is to be used, then it is adapted to allow people to move comfortably across its surface. To do this, use a rigid version of the screed or another version of the rigid base. Due to pressure from the movement of people, the roof may leak. In this regard, it is necessary to consider creating reliable insulation from water.

But there is a version without human exploitation. Usually no one walks on it or rarely appears to clean its surface. The load on its area is distributed over the entire surface. But she has one significant problem. Its service life is too short. Although this version is often used due to possible features that satisfy the situation.

There is also a classic version of a flat roof. She is often called soft option roofs. It is formed by a load-bearing slab. Thermal insulation it is laid on top of the vapor barrier coating. And then the bitumen version of the waterproofing in the form of rolls is rolled out over the thermal insulation.

Due to its advantageous features, this option is used to form such a modification of the roof on a frame house more often than any other.

But experts also highlight an inversion version for forming a flat roof. Sometimes this modification can help create a flat roof house style with a creative touch. experienced designer. What makes it stand out is that the waterproofing will have to be applied to a waterproofing carpet.

This will help protect against changes in temperature and ultraviolet rays from the sun, which is important if it is located in an open area and under direct access. And this version also allows you to increase the service life - the force of influence on waterproofing from the processes of thawing or freezing of snow precipitation is noticeably reduced. It is quite suitable for installing furniture and assembling a greenhouse.

Important points

To ensure high-quality installation of a flat version of the roof, installation will be required in any case. correct option carpet It will help soften the base in case of temperature or mechanical stress. This will help ensure the durability of the coating.

Now, based on the influence of Western culture, Russians have increasingly begun to pay attention to this roof option. The domestic user realized that a cup of coffee at any time on such a roof is a wonderful option. Here open sky Anytime. And there is constant access to clean air. This is a great option, but a pitched roof cannot offer this.

Of course, not everyone can afford such a roof. Usually the maximum for a Russian is going out to the balcony. But over time it will become a reality for every resident of our country.

If you have the opportunity to create it today, there is no doubt that this is the best option. Today, houses in the Hi-Tech style are gaining great popularity and are mainly based on a flat roof. She has already become their full-fledged companion.

Photos of houses with a flat roof

How quickly time flies! 4 years have already passed since I built an unusual Vacation home. The house uses many non-standard technical solutions that were practically not used in the past. individual construction in Russia. Firstly, the house is heated using, and secondly, the house has a flat roof.

From the very beginning of construction in 2012, I was constantly told that a flat roof is not for our climate (what kind?), that it will definitely leak (why?), and in general, with such a roof, the house looks like a transformer booth (poor Europeans, they have to live in transformer booths).

But most often they tried to prove to me that snow needs to be constantly removed from a flat roof (I wonder why?). Of course, if anyone wants, you can clean it up, no one is stopping you. But on houses with flat roof there is no need to remove snow. For example, now I have a snow cover more than 80 centimeters thick on my roof! And somewhere there she hid under the snow.

2. Snow on the roof is an additional and completely free insulation.

By the way, as it turns out, many people do not know that a flat roof is not a plane in the direct sense, but a surface with a slope of approximately 2-4 degrees (in fact, a roof is considered flat if its slope angle is from 2 to 20 degrees). And any flat roof must have a drain. It is more correct to make an internal drain for a flat roof, but you can get by with a classic external one. At the time of construction, I did not have sufficient knowledge to design and implement an internal drain, so I made an external one. The advantage of internal drainage is the absence of pipes on the facade.

3. Summer 2013, just made. A flat roof is significantly cheaper than any pitched roof (at least because its area is on average 1.5 times smaller than that of a pitched roof). With it there is no loss of space and such useless space in the house as the attic. It is simpler and easier to insulate - everything is in the same plane.

Let me remind you of the design of my roof pie (from bottom to top):
1. Prefabricated monolithic floor with filling aerated concrete blocks- 250 mm;
2. Insulation using extruded polystyrene foam - 150 mm;
3. Insulation and creation of a slope using wedge-shaped slabs of extruded polystyrene foam - 0-150 mm;
4. Cement screed - 50 mm;
5. Two-layer built-up waterproofing (top layer with sprinkling).

4. Another huge plus of a flat roof is that it is not afraid of hurricanes. Look at the chronicles of hurricanes and how easy it is to tear off the covering and break the rafter system on classic pitched roofs.

5. In the summer of 2016, I finished all the other work on landscaping the surrounding area and decided to do it.

6. By the way, if anyone doesn’t know, then any concrete floor by default has a load-bearing capacity of at least 400 kg per square meter(usually 600-800 kg/m2). While snow load for the Moscow region is only 180 kg per square meter. This is the maximum calculated snow load, which in reality is rarely achieved, but it is obvious that any ceiling has a huge margin of load-bearing capacity.

7. One more thing important advantage flat roof is that it has completely sealed seams. While on a pitched roof the seams are not sealed and if the pitched roof is filled with snow and it begins to melt from below (due to insufficient insulation) - the pitched roof will leak (especially at the junction of two slopes - valleys). Look at the neighboring houses from pitched roofs- Surprisingly, there is snow on them too!

Why doesn’t a flat roof made using technology leak? Everything is very simple. Because it is insulated!

It is the insulation that determines the durability of the roof. It is known that the roof accounts for an average of 40% of the heat loss of the entire building. If the roof is not insulated, or is not insulated well enough, then the heat will rise, and the snow lying on the upper roofing carpet will melt. When frost sets in, the melted snow will freeze again, and when it freezes, as is known, water expands in volume. These multiple thaw-freeze cycles will eventually break the waterproofing (after 2-3 years) and the flat roof will begin to leak.

8. In the last century, when building houses, they did not think about energy efficiency and saving energy resources, so they usually did not insulate the roof. This led to the fact that the roof waterproofing was constantly being destroyed and the roof was leaking.

If the roof is well insulated, then it has only one “enemy” left - the sun and its ultraviolet radiation. But to protect against this, waterproofing is used with a package, or with special additives (in the case of using). And the most effective method protect the waterproofing from damaging ultraviolet radiation - make a lawn on the roof, fill it with pebbles or lay tiles. By the way, a more promising waterproofing solution today is a polymer membrane.

A flat roof is even easier to use than a pitched roof. From a flat roof, snow will never fall on your head or tear off your gutters. There is no need to clear the snow, and if you have a lawn, there is no need to keep the gutters clean (all water is filtered through geotextiles and they will not become clogged with fallen leaves).

Therefore, a flat roof is the most reasonable roofing option, especially for a house made of. The main thing is not to violate technology and not to skimp on insulation.

And cleaning snow from a flat roof is not only useless, but also harmful - you can accidentally tear the waterproofing with the sharp edge of a shovel and the roof will begin to leak.

With all reports dedicated to construction country house with your own hands in chronological order you can familiarize yourself.

Here you will find houses of various sizes, number of storeys, main construction materials and materials. exterior finishing, which will undoubtedly decorate your site. We can proudly say that we offer best projects flat roof houses!

Individual projects of cottages with a flat roof

If you haven’t found a flat-roof cottage project that satisfies your needs in the catalog, we will be very happy to design it for you from scratch. This is a very interesting, exciting and painstaking process in which you will plunge headlong. With your own eyes you will see all stages of design, starting with general concept, ending with a finished, complete image, thought out to the details. Here we will take into account all your dreams, wishes and landscape features.

Features of projects of houses and cottages with a flat roof

Various architectural techniques entail the use of certain technical solutions. When creating projects for houses and cottages with a flat roof, the following important points must be taken into account:

1. In what climatic zone is the designed facility located? This will affect the determination of the thickness of the insulation, or perhaps its complete absence. The rain intensity values ​​will determine the height of the parapet and the number of funnels.

2. The roof can be with or without a roof. Depending on this, the method of drainage is determined. It can be external or internal, adjustable or unregulated.

3. It is necessary to determine functional purpose terraces: will they be designed for the movement of people or cars, or will an additional soil layer be needed for planting? The nature of the use of the terrace will directly affect the choice of roof type. There are traditional roofs, where the waterproofing is located above the thermal insulation, and inversion roofs with the reverse arrangement of layers. If the roof is in use, then hydro- and thermal insulation materials additional requirements are imposed on the perception of loads from people, cars or other vehicles.

Flat roof cottages are a way to stand out!

Unfortunately, the average resident of Russia does not yet associate his a private house with a new one modern architecture. Moreover, many believe that a flat roof is not suitable for our climate, or that it is very difficult and expensive to maintain in the future. All these, of course, are myths! A cottage with a flat roof in our country is real. For some reason everyone forgets that most apartment buildings are built with a flat roof. If you follow all the technology for its construction, then no problems will ever arise during operation.

Everyone has a natural desire to stand out, to be different from the gray mass. This applies to the choice of clothes, car and, of course, your own home. A well-designed cottage with a flat roof will certainly show your impeccable taste, especially since this is still a rarity in domestic private development. The architectural bureau of Ilya Eliseev is happy to help you implement perhaps the most important project of your life!

It should not just be a living space, but also have high functionality, convenience and comfort. Frame house with a flat roof can fully meet these needs, and it is also the most quickly erected and economical project.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses with a flat roof

Despite the attractive cost, they have not gained much popularity in countries in the former Soviet Union. While more prudent Canadians and residents of northern European countries have long been using such houses to build budget projects.

This arrangement is due to the fact that modern houses with a flat roof are not perceived by our people, because they are accustomed to using various non-residential areas for household needs and storing any items there. Also appearance Such houses seem quite simple, and require a lot of effort on the part of the designer to somehow fix it.

Its advantages also include durability, lightness and reliability of the design. On average, its cost, compared to brick house, are 30% cheaper, and the presence of a second floor or attic makes their cost equal. But the construction technology itself frame houses does not allow the construction of buildings with more than two floors, because the weak point of frame houses is the strength of the frame and interfloor ceiling under heavy loads.


  • Smaller roof surface and, as a consequence, reduced installation costs rafter system and roof roofing;
  • Low windage of the building allows their use in regions with strong winds;
  • A pitched roof allows you to save money during installation drain system, and in winter time the layer of snow will not fall off and will serve as air cushion which retains heat;
  • Project one-story house It's always much easier with a flat roof and cheaper compared to conventional brick houses;


  • Flat roof requires a fairly complex sediment drainage system;
  • In winter, to drain snow and ice, heating of the roof surface is necessary;
  • It is necessary to regularly monitor the condition of the roof and carry out minor repairs of cracks;

Types of flat roofs

Flat roofs do not have any uniform design features. Therefore, they are divided according to type of use and design into:

  • Inversion;
  • Regular;
  • Exploited;
  • Unexploited;

Main stages and technologies of construction of frame houses


In the process of designing houses with a flat roof, the presence of a slope, that is, the difference between two opposite walls, is provided for. This is usually done by making a slope between the front and the back of the house, which is why most houses with a flat roof are rectangular in shape.

Two methods are used to arrange the roof.

  1. The first is when the ceiling and roof form one solid partition, but in this case, to ensure the slope, the ceiling will also be directed at an angle.
  2. In the second case, a small amount of space is added between the ceiling and the roof.

Laying the foundation

Since one-story frame houses have relatively no heavy weight, so you can do without a particularly powerful foundation. Regarding the roof, the main load will fall on the perimeter around the top edge of the building, and on the rafter system, if the roof has space underneath.

That's why Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the strength of the rafter system, especially if the roof has a slight slope, then the load will be greater than that of a roof with a large slope.

Construction of walls

The walls of frame houses are built quite simply. First install bottom trim, on which, like a constructor, the floor and load-bearing supports for the second floor or roof are installed. Afterwards, the internal and external cladding is mounted on the resulting structure, and the space between them is filled with special insulation.

If a pitched roof is provided, then the space under it is also filled with insulation and a special layer of waterproofing. Frame for pitched roof consists of a wooden lattice stuffed over the rafters. This provides sufficient rigidity for subsequent installation of decorative coating.

Exterior finishing

When building frame houses, you should especially carefully select materials for decorative cladding of the house. This is due to the fact that houses with a flat roof and poor decor have a rather simple and unpresentable appearance, and are sometimes associated with outbuildings.

But this can be avoided by choosing suitable decorative materials, the range of which, today, is quite large.

Construction of a flat roof

Almost anything can be used for roofing roofing materials, the only thing that needs to be taken into account is that they all must have the necessary characteristics and be organically combined with the design of the building.

Despite the fact that the roof looks completely smooth, it must still have minimum slope for precipitation runoff. In regions with no big amount precipitation, it is permissible to arrange a roof with minimum slope- from 5 degrees, and in regions with a large amount - from 10 degrees.

Moreover, it should be formed not only by the slope of the ceiling, but also by pouring bulk insulation materials. Even a relatively large angle of inclination will not cause additional difficulties during the process of insulation and roofing.

After all, almost all work has to be done under your feet, and not at height and in hazardous conditions, as with the roof of standard two pitched roofs.

Construction of a lightweight flat roof

  • After load-bearing walls Once erected and the top screed installed, the support beams can be laid and secured to cover the roof. Depending on the expected weight of the roof structure, and the maximum values ​​of precipitation, calculations are made regarding the pitch and dimensions of the required beams. Consequently, the greater the load on the floor, the denser and thicker the beams must be placed. Typically, the pitch of the beams is 0.5-1 m, and the cross-section used is from 100×100 mm to 150×150 mm.
  • On a layer of load-bearing beams Lay out a layer of boards, plywood, drywall. Then a film of hydro- and vapor barrier is covered on the resulting surface, and the resulting joints are overlapped with wide tape.
  • Next, a thermal insulation layer made of mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Gaps and holes need to be filled polyurethane foam. If the heat insulator is capable of absorbing moisture, it is necessary to provide vents to remove it. A layer of moisture-resistant plywood is laid on top of this.
  • At the end, this entire “pie” is covered with a layer soft tiles or euroroofing felt.

In the end, you end up with a fairly warm and reliable roof, the surface of which can be used for your needs.

Construction of a solid flat roof

A flat hard roof has a significant weight, but in turn it can withstand quite large loads. That is why the walls of the building must have enough large stock strength, and the overlap should be done using metal beams, because wooden beams are unable to withstand heavy weight.

To insulate the ceiling, use a fairly large, up to half a meter, layer of expanded clay, covered with a layer of plywood and waterproofing. On top of which it is laid concrete screed with reinforcing mesh inside. Such a roof can withstand quite a lot of weight and rarely needs repairs.

Solid roofing with concrete slabs

This roof is quite quickly erected, but it is heavy and requires the use of heavy equipment. Therefore, it requires a strong foundation and strong walls.

A layer of boards is laid on top of the floor slabs, on which expanded clay is placed, and a layer of reinforced concrete is poured on top. Such a ceiling is quite strong due to its solidity, but also requires additional insulation both above and below.

Insulation materials for roofing

Loose-fill insulation is considered the most accessible and cheapest, such as expanded clay or perlite sand. But in comparison with polymer or mineral insulation, they have less thermal insulation and with their help it is quite difficult to achieve a perfectly flat inclined surface.

Insulation based on mineral wool Although they have fairly high thermal insulation, they are quite soft. This fact forces us to take measures to strengthen the upper waterproofing layer.

Usually, sheets of plywood are laid on top of mineral wool and made cement screed, which distributes the load and gives additional rigidity. But cement has a lot of weight, and therefore the structure must be strong enough.

Foam glass is a new product on the insulation market. This material is distinguished by its unique qualities - it is resistant to high temperature, is not susceptible to biological corrosion, high strength, has a fairly long service life due to low expansion and contraction under temperature changes.

Extruded polystyrene foam It is also a high-quality new product on the insulation market and has unique characteristics, including: in terms of thermal insulation, it is the lowest heat-conducting substance, has high strength, is resistant to chemical and biological influences, and practically does not absorb moisture. Thanks to all these characteristics, it is the best insulation on this moment, but as a consequence - a high price.

How different is a house with a flat roof from traditional pitched roofs? External differences are not the main priority when choosing a project of this kind. The future owner is interested functional features and actual increase usable area Houses.

Distinctive features

Opponents of these projects argue that in conditions of snowy winters and heavy precipitation, the load on the entire building increases sharply. But a well-executed project modern house with a flat roof provides for these factors.

In fact, the roof surface has a slight slope of 2-3°. In conjunction with installed system Point drainage is enough for timely removal of water. The snow cap will need to be removed yourself. This is compensated by the possibility of organizing a recreation area or garden.

Additional advantages that a house with a flat exploitable roof has are:

  • Reduced load on the foundation, since the roof structure has less weight than a gable or gable roof.
  • Reduced construction costs and total time construction of a house.
  • Increased thermal insulation and moisture protection due to installation roofing pie from modern materials.

It is best to build a private house according to a ready-made project. It may be slightly changed due to special reasons: soil characteristics, climate zone or additional customer requirements.

One-story building

Despite all the positive factors, it is still too early to talk about the great popularity of houses with flat roofs in our country. This is due to the usual idea of ​​a building - it must have attic space. But if you analyze the finished project of a one-story country cottage a number of advantages can be found.

This building with total area 88.1 m², the walls of which are made of cellular concrete. Given the light weight of the roof, less stringent requirements for the foundation are initially imposed. It can be made shallow (see), but the composition of the soil and the groundwater level must be taken into account.

  • The standard documentation should include wiring of communications, power lines and sewerage.
  • The roof covering is made of reinforced concrete blocks. If desired, you can replace it with a log system, but then the maximum possible load on the surface will decrease.
  • The average cost of the project is 38 thousand rubles.

The one-story house with a flat roof has 3 bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. This will be enough for comfortable stay families of 4 people.

According to the finished project, the wall thickness is 375 mm, which may not be enough for normal thermal insulation. Therefore, additional insulation may be required. The estimated cost of construction is from 1.5 million rubles.

Two-storey house

If preference is given to cottages with large areas, it is recommended to order a project two-story house. Unlike the above, in it the roof slope is 3°, and the slope is made on two sides from the center.

The total area of ​​the building is 139 m², of which 63 m² is residential. Interesting solution is the organization of a recreation area directly on the roof attached garage. To protect from external weather factors, the project provides a canopy. It can be made of polycarbonate. Thus, the two-story house fully complies modern requirements: minimum land plot under construction (about 145 m²), maximum comfort from living.

The layout of the house includes one bedroom on the first floor and 3 on the second. The kitchen, living room and boiler room are on the ground floor. Each one has a bathroom, but only the second one has a bathroom. As an alternative, you can install a small shower stall on the first one.

The average cost of building such a cottage, taking into account all materials, is 2.5 million rubles. But you need to take into account the large area of ​​​​the flat roof on which you can organize summer garden, or a recreation area. But for this, special attention should be paid to waterproofing and the possibility of carrying out preventive and repair work.