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Mounting the TV on the wall. TV wall mount: overview of brackets and installation methods

The advent of LCD and plasma TVs made it possible to install them not only on traditional bedside tables or stands, but also to attach them to walls. The flat screen of such models does not interfere with general interior rooms, and placing the TV on the wall saves a lot of space.

This advantage of flat-panel TVs is especially often used in kitchens, where family members, especially housewives, spend quite a lot of time. Conventional devices can also be attached to walls. small sizes. But here’s how to properly mount a TV on the wall—that’s what we’ll talk about today.

Choosing a TV bracket

Currently, quite a few models of various brackets have appeared on sale, for any type of TV placement: on the wall, in a corner, with different lifting and turning radii. The selection of such a bracket is made for a specific TV, since the mounting holes of the bracket and the device may not match. Although manufacturers adhere to general standards, it doesn't hurt to make sure that you buy exactly the bracket that will fit your TV. And you also need to consider whether this bracket will support the weight of your device. If the TV is ordinary, not flat, then such a bracket looks like a shelf.

We fix the TV using a bracket

The work of mounting the TV should be carried out by two people, even if it is small. It should be noted that if the wall material is , then it is better not to risk it and choose another place. And if you mount it on such a wall, then the weight of the TV with the bracket should not be more than 20 kg. For a regular small-sized TV, choosing a mounting location for the stand is easy. With flat ones it is somewhat more difficult. Here you need to take into account the limits of rotation of the TV itself horizontally and vertically. This is especially important if the mounting location is selected or close to it.

It’s better to start by lightly screwing the bracket to the TV (attach it). After this, you need to select the position of the device both in height and horizontally. When you have chosen a location, place the TV against the wall so that the bracket rests against it. Let one person hold the bracket, and the other try to rotate the device itself. In this way it is selected best option fastening the bracket, all that remains is to mark a place for it on the wall. After this, you need to remove the fasteners from the TV, attach them to the wall according to the markings and mark the locations

Flat panels, which replaced bulky TVs with kinescopes, are technically advanced - three-dimensional picture images with natural shades, excellent sound and maximum functionality. An undoubted advantage is aesthetic appeal. Laconic glossy panels will decorate modern interior houses or apartments. How to hang a TV: on the wall with a bracket, on the ceiling, or in a niche? Or maybe hide the equipment in the closet? There are a lot of placement options, ways to disguise or display a technical novelty for everyone to see!

Choosing a TV for different rooms, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the equipment will have to work, the intensity and duration of daily viewing, and the distance from the installation point to the viewer’s eyes.

Mounting a TV on the wall in the kitchen-dining room

Correct choice of height and distance

In spacious living rooms and bedrooms you can save money by installing LCD panels. Such TVs are able to withstand many hours of viewing without “burning out” of individual sections of the screen, and consume less electricity compared to plasma models. The disadvantage is a limited viewing angle without distortion of quality and color rendition. The advantage is an affordable price. But with a reasonable choice of installation location, all disadvantages are leveled out: if you hang the panel opposite the sofa and choose the optimal height, then there will be no complaints about the quality of the picture.

Definition scheme optimal distance from screen to viewing area

It is advisable to install expensive LED panels in rooms where there is no fixed place for viewing. Viewing angle – from 120 o. Image quality does not suffer from too much light in the room. Energy consumption is at a minimum.

Plasma panels are considered the standard for natural color reproduction. Disadvantages - uneconomical energy consumption, limited period service, strong heating of the rear surface during operation, heavy weight.

Basic rules for choosing a place to place the TV:

  1. The distance from the screen to the eyes should not be less than 2 diagonals in centimeters. A comfortable distance is from 2.5 to 4 diagonal sizes.
  1. The height of mounting the TV on the wall should not be too high. Ideally, the center of the screen will be in line with the eye line of the person sitting opposite the panel.
  1. If distance and height rules cannot be met, choose an adjustable mount to make viewing comfortable.
  1. Do not install equipment near heating radiators.

Poor choice of location: light from the window will interfere with viewing

  1. The screen should not be under straight lines sun rays, across from the window. The darker it is in the area where the equipment is located, the better picture: You don't have to set the brightness to maximum.

TV for the kitchen: selection parameters and installation options

If for the living room and bedroom you only have to choose technology and diagonal size, then in the kitchen another option is added to the list of possible options - special panels for embedding. Options for TVs for the kitchen are standard models and moisture- and heat-resistant panels.

Size: what diagonal is enough for comfortable viewing

There is no long-term viewing area in the kitchen. You should not calculate the diagonal based on the distance from the sofa. It is enough to select a point where the panel will be visible to all family members gathered at the table.

Small TV on the wall in the dining area

Practice proves that the diagonal size is sufficient for kitchens not connected to the living room:

  • In compact rooms with an area of ​​9 - 12 sq. m, a TV with a diagonal of up to 20 inches (50 - 51 cm) is enough.

For the housewife: hanging above the work area

  • For kitchens measuring 12 - 16 sq. m. pick up a 25 - 27 inch TV. A diagonal of 71 cm is more than enough.

Large screen TV in the kitchen

  • In spacious kitchen-dining rooms, a panel with a diagonal of 81 cm will not seem too bulky.

Built-in models for kitchens: non-standard solutions

Manufacturers offer special models created specifically for installation in “difficult” kitchen conditions. The TV housing is sealed, with a protective moisture-proof coating. The peculiarity of the panels is that they can be installed on any kitchen surface without restrictions: you can hang the appliances above the hob, above the sink, or build them into a decorative hood box. The housing will protect internal parts from overheating.

Special model for installation in the kitchen

If you plan to hide your equipment in a closet, instead of hanging the TV on the wall, choose special panels for embedding. Why can’t standard equipment be installed in a niche? It's simple - to constantly cool the case, you need an air flow.

In a niche on a bracket: the equipment extends when turned on

When installed in a narrow, cramped niche, the equipment will overheat during prolonged operation and fail. The case is not under warranty.

Built-in models are 50–100% more expensive than standard ones, depending on the type and size of the diagonal. TVs for hidden installation do not require external cooling. The set includes a niche and clamps, a frame. The diagonal size is limited only by the dimensions of the furniture or plasterboard construction, where installation is planned.

Installation methods: where to install and at what height to hang the panel

If you decide to install a classic TV in the kitchen, you will have to choose a safe place:

  • At a distance of 50 cm from the source of water - the sink.

Near the sink: only special kitchen appliances with a waterproof casing

  • Ignore the traditional location on the refrigerator: vibration when the compressor is on will not extend the life of the plasma panel.

A rigid jumper is required between the top wall of the refrigerator and the TV

Among those available for self-installation points:

  1. The wall opposite the dining group or seating area.

Corner cabinet with deep niche: perfect choice

  1. Any free corner.

There are several options for placing a built-in TV in the kitchen. The panel can be hidden in one of the cabinets upper tier. If the panel is firmly fixed, you will have to watch TV with the cabinet doors open.

Panel built into the cabinet door

Eat Alternative option for a door that opens 180°. When the cabinet is opened, the panel unfolds.

New to the market is a TV built into the factory exhaust duct. At the same time, the issue of installation location is resolved and there is no need to order decorative camouflage for exhaust pipe.

Are there any free walls? Create a niche for the TV from plasterboard sheets.

Extraordinary solutions:

  • Retractable and rotating built-in panels extending from under the bottom of the upper tier.

  • TVs hidden inside the island are mounted on a motorized bracket.

Mounting a TV on a bracket: types of mounts

To hang the TV on the wall, select the appropriate bracket. Most panels on the market are prepared for mounting according to the international VESA standard.

Rigid fixation on wall panel

Depending on the size and weight of the panel, select a system with a suitable distance between the centers of the mounting holes. In models with a small diagonal, only 2 holes may be provided for the mounting strip. Most panels have 4 square-shaped holes. The standard distance between fastening points is 75, 100, 200, 300, 400 mm. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to find information about the standard in the instructions or simply measure the distance between the holes on the back panel.

Installation in a niche

Brackets are classified according to the number of rotation planes:

  • Rigid fixation.
  • Inclined.
  • Rotary.

Rigid frame fastenings

It is preferable to choose a rigid mount for large diagonal TVs. The weight of the panel can reach 40 kg, and the extra swivel arm of the bracket will only increase the load at the fastening points in the wall and back cover.

They also use fixed non-rotating brackets to install the TV on the wall when there is a long viewing area and there is no need to change the position of the panel.


  • Reliability and ease of installation.
  • Low cost.

Disadvantage: if you make a mistake with the installation location, you will have to remove the frame fixed in the wall and install new installation. The panel position cannot be adjusted.

Tilt Brackets for Flat Panels

Inclined or semi-rigid type of fastening - a bracket with a tilt adjustment mechanism. The fasteners are distinguished by their affordable price and the ability to minimally adjust the installed position of the panel.

The frame mounted on the wall and the part of the bracket attached to the back cover are connected using a mechanism with free movement in the vertical plane. The panel hung on the wall can be tilted downwards. The maximum angle of inclination does not exceed 20 o.

It is preferable to use such fastenings for medium-sized panels that are mounted above the viewer's eye level. Slightly tilting the TV increases the viewing angle.

Swivel brackets for large spaces

Swivel brackets are used to movably fix the TV on a wall, in a niche, or on the ceiling.

There are mounts with different numbers of rotating mechanisms:

  1. Rotation in 2 planes. The TV can be rotated horizontally and tilted or raised vertically.

  1. Change of position in 3 planes. In addition to horizontal and vertical changes in position, the function of changing the distance from the fixation point is added. Such systems are designed for mounting in niches, when during viewing it is necessary to increase the distance between the panel wall and the niche to ensure air access. Brackets are also used to fix equipment in corners, under the ceiling - at a considerable height.

Mechanical fastening with multi-plane adjustment

  1. 4 directions of rotation. In addition to the 3 standard rotation directions, rotation around its own axis is added.

Mount for installation in a niche or under the ceiling

Mechanical fastenings are manually adjusted. Complex systems with an electric motor are controlled from a remote control.

Instructions for installing the mount and mounting the TV

Before hanging your TV on the wall, be sure to inspect the back panel and read the instructions. Expensive panels can be protected from unprofessional installation. The screws covering the holes for mounting the bracket can be filled with plastic, and the factory hardware is equipped with a special head shape for which it is intended special tool. You should not install such panels yourself: in the event of a breakdown in free repair The warranty will be denied.

Professional installation

Important! The need for certified installation must be clearly stated in the installation instructions or warranty terms.

Tools and Preparation: What to Buy

Mounting hardware for the back cover of the TV must be included in the kit. Only original factory parts should be used. Additionally, choose silicone or soft rubber gaskets to protect plastic from scratches. For what? It’s simple: when you contact the service in the event of a breakdown, you may be denied warranty repairs, if mechanical defects are noticeable on the case: scratches and abrasions.

To hang a TV on the wall, prepare:

  1. Hammer or drill. A hammer drill is for concrete walls, a drill is for brick and block partitions.
  1. Bracket.
  1. Hardware with dowels. Use steel dowels if the wall is porous. Plastic products may not be able to handle the load.
  1. Ruler level. In addition to the spirit level, you will need a pencil.

To securely fasten the panel, choose self-tapping screws and dowels of the correct size: for small TVs with a diagonal of up to 25 inches, hardware with a diameter of 4 mm is sufficient. Recess into the wall:

  • Up to 4 cm in concrete base.
  • Up to 6 cm in a brick wall.
  • Up to 10 cm in PHB construction.

For panels with an average screen size (diagonal up to 82 cm), you will have to buy screws with a diameter of up to 7 mm. Recess into the wall (hardware length) – from 80 mm for concrete foundations, up to 100 – 155 mm for brick and block partitions.

Installation of frames on walls made of different materials

Before starting work, you should make sure that after installation there are no hanging wires left in sight. The issue can be resolved in two ways. Complete with a bracket, it is advisable to buy a box with decorative coating And hanging shelves. Install a tuner and modem on the shelves. Hide the cables in a box.

GKL niche: wires hidden under sheets

If the wall is made of plasterboard sheets, then a niche for cables can be made behind it. With a fixed installation, craftsmen install sockets and connectors directly near the mounting point of the bracket. The disadvantage is that you will have to make a channel for cables in the wall, and then putty and paint the wall. In addition, this method is not suitable for fixed mounts due to the fact that the distance from the back of the TV to the wall is too close - the socket and plug simply will not fit.

Marking the wall and choosing a location for sockets

To avoid mistakes, you should correctly determine the mounting location. Some manufacturers complete the brackets with special cardboard templates. You can cut out the paper template yourself by drawing outlines on the sheet and marking the centers of the holes.

The main thing is to check the line of the upper fasteners with a level. Horizontal deviation is unacceptable, especially if a non-swivel bracket is mounted.

Drill holes according to the markings. To avoid having to clean up, you can use a special funnel attachment or a vacuum cleaner that will collect dust from the wall.

When installing on a plasterboard wall, it is better not to attach the frame to the sheets. Mounting options:

Special dowel for gypsum boards: only for light equipment

  • On the sheathing under the sheathing.
  • Into a main wall using long hardware.

The frame is attached to the wall. The part of the bracket that is mounted on the rear wall is installed separately. Place soft spacers under the screws, tighten the connections without excessive force, so as not to damage the plastic socket.

Installing a TV and masking the cable

Attaching the bracket part to the back cover

After checking the fastening, you can hang the panel on the frame. TVs with a large diagonal are best mounted to the suspension by two people. It is advisable to lay a soft blanket on the floor under the installation site.

Only after installation is complete can you connect the cables. First, the connectors and power cord are fixed on the rear panel.

Important! When installing the TV immediately after purchase, especially in the cold season, delay the connection for several hours. Condensation can cause a short circuit.

The excess length of the cords can be rolled up into an incomplete ring and secured with a clamp. The cables are laid in a special box.

How to choose a TV bracket:

Correct installation of the inclined mount:

Mounting a TV on the wall step by step:

A rigid frame and a small diagonal are conditions under which you can begin independent installation. When installing heavy panels, it is worth ordering professional installation. Our experts will advise you which bracket to choose and help you find perfect place for fastening. Be sure to check whether the bracket can support the weight of the panel: information about the permissible load should be on the packaging.

If you are planning a kitchen renovation, consider installing appliances before ordering furniture. The TV will have to be selected before work begins so that furniture makers can implement mounting for a specific panel in a suitable location.

Do you remember the old Soviet TVs, which looked more like a bulky box than a miracle of technology? As a rule, they were installed on special niches or niches in the sideboard, and there was no talk of attaching the TV to the wall. However, modern technologies make it possible to place flat LCD TVs parallel to the wall, which looks more impressive in a design sense, and takes its place of honor. How to properly hang a TV on the wall and what is required? More on this below.

A little theory

Before practice, let's go over the theory. To hang a 24" LCD panel, you can use a standard mounting kit. In this case, special grooves are attached to the TV, which are attached directly to the wall. Main disadvantage This option means that it is impossible to adjust the angle of the panel.

Option two: mounting on brackets. This method is more reliable and can be used for TVs of any size.

The brackets are:

  • adjustable (with tilt/swivel function)
  • fixed (allow you to attach the panel parallel to the wall with a margin of 2-6 cm)

Many people are interested in how best to hang a TV on the wall and hide the wires. A cable channel comes in handy here, and if the wall is plasterboard, then the wiring can be hidden in the holes. This begs a logical question: is it possible to hang a TV on a plasterboard wall? If the TV panel is heavy, then it is advisable to attach the suspension to the metal frame of the sheathing. Lightweight panels can be hung directly on drywall.

How to hang a TV on the wall with your own hands

We will demonstrate how to hang the panel on standard holders.

Almost every home has a TV, and sometimes even several. Most often we associate it with a pleasant time with family or friends. Our eyes are directed towards this electronic device quite often and it doesn’t matter whether it broadcasts television channels or is simply a monitor for watching movies or videos on the Internet.

Let's see how to properly place a TV monitor in a room so that it is as comfortable, safe and convenient for all household members as possible. Read all clauses carefully, constantly looking back at your terms and conditions. All the tips here are closely interrelated, and technical inconsistencies of one of them in the selected room can affect the features of the layout, which would seem to have already been precisely defined.

1. In which part of the room should the TV be placed?

The placement of the TV is dictated by the arrangement of furniture in the room. First of all, decide from which point in the room (or several) you will watch it. It could be a sofa dinner table, work zone kitchens - but other options are possible.

A way out of this situation can be window roller blinds or tightly closing curtains with a blackout effect.

Consider how willing you are to close them tightly every time you turn on the TV. For those who have this arrangement, we advise you to take a closer look at curtains on an electric curtain rod, which can be controlled from a remote control or tablet. It’s not that expensive, and this option will add comfort and preserve the neat appearance of the curtains themselves, which can get dirty faster from too frequent mechanical impact and lose their original appearance.


2. At what height should you hang the TV?

If you are going to watch TV in the kitchen, say, standing at the stove, stand next to an imaginary one (if you are currently renovating) or an existing one work surface, and then quickly move your gaze to the section of the wall where you plan to mount the TV. The place where you looked (this will most likely be at the level of your eyes or a little lower/above) needs to be remembered and immediately carefully recorded, say, with chalk on the wall. This is supposed to be the center of the monitor.

Using exactly the same principle, you can determine a comfortable height for yourself to place the TV on the wall in any room where it is supposed to be located.


3. How to properly mount the TV on the wall

If, in your layout, the location of the TV involves mounting it on a wall, you must first check the technical feasibility of performing this operation. Remember - you cannot hang a heavy monitor on a plasterboard wall. It will not withstand more than 30-35 kg and risks simply collapsing.

The monitor can be mounted on a wall made of bricks or blocks using brackets. In this case, make sure in advance that there is no wiring in the places where the dowels are supposed to be located.


4. Where to hide wires and cables

If your apartment is currently under renovation, design and properly prepare in advance the location of the TV and the corresponding terminals for it. What you will definitely need is 3 regular sockets behind the monitor and 1 television socket. In them you will connect the plasma monitor itself, a tuner and/or a Wi-Fi adapter. All these outputs can be safely hidden behind the plasma monitor itself, placing the sockets at a distance of 8-10 cm from the top or bottom edge of the monitor (whichever is more convenient in your situation).

If there is a TV stand under the TV, on which other media equipment will presumably be placed, the sockets behind it will also not hurt you.

If the repair has already been done, all the wires can be hidden in a cable box and carefully brought to the TV. Later, this box can be designed to match the style of the wall on which it is located - in order to disguise it as much as possible.

If the TV is located opposite the window and you decide to take advice about curtains on an electric curtain rod, plan another outlet under the ceiling in the place where such a curtain will hang (curtain specialists and an electrician will tell you more about this).

TV wall mount

With the advent of plasma and liquid crystal TV panels, it became possible to play up the presence of a TV in the room in an interesting way through wall mounting. Firstly, a flat-screen TV becomes one of the decorations of the wall, especially if this section of it is highlighted using color or texture. Secondly, wall mounting of a TV allows you to veil the presence of modern technology in a classic or retro interior- flat TV looks like a painting. To enhance this effect, designers frame the TV with a frame - this can be wooden frame or a frame made of polyurethane moldings. This, of course, is already a hackneyed technique, but very effective. You can support the theme of frames and place flowerpots, sconces or Wall Clock in the same frames, but smaller. Plasma and LCD TVs make space easier, but they are anything but light, especially if we're talking about about a large diagonal TV. Which means hang flat tv on the wall much more complex than the same picture or mirror.

Mounting a TV on a wall: basic rules from TV manufacturers

Wall mounting of a TV weighing more than 25 kg is strongly recommended to be carried out by two people. TV manufacturers constantly remind in their operating instructions that only a qualified person should hang a TV (this applies to both plasma and LCD). Technical Specialist, since illiterate wall mounting of a TV can be dangerous. But if you have the skills to work with a drill and have golden hands, you should not be afraid of self-installation, unless, of course, we are talking about very heavy TV. Before hanging a flat-screen TV on the wall, you need to make sure that it can support its weight. Cable connections are made after the TV is hung on the wall. Do not install the TV in a confined space - air must circulate freely through ventilation holes TV. When hanging the TV on a movable bracket, you need to make sure that when turning the TV there is no tension on the power cord, otherwise sparking and fire may occur.

How to hang a TV on the wall

TV space on the wall . First of all, you need to decide on the location of the TV. We will talk about height and distance separately, but now I would like to draw attention to the fifth rule from TV manufacturers: “You cannot install the TV in a confined space - air must circulate freely through the ventilation holes of the TV.” Tight niches are not suitable for a TV.

You can often see flat-screen TVs mounted in niches - wall or furniture. This can lead to rapid failure of the TV due to constant overheating. LCD TVs are more tolerant of the shortcomings of natural ventilation, but plasma panels emit much more heat.

Thus, LCD TV wall mounting in a niche is permissible, but the niche must be free - at least 20 cm of free space must remain above and below the panel. It is also advisable to leave gaps on the sides of the TV. In any case, before installing the niche, you need to carefully read the instruction manual that comes with the TV. If you really want to mount a TV in a tight niche, buy special built-in LCD panels.

The quality of the wall itself is also of great importance. A thin drywall wall may not support the weight of a large TV. In particular, experts do not recommend hanging a TV weighing more than 30-35 kg on a weak plasterboard wall. When installing the bracket on such a wall, you need to use special dowels. If the TV is heavier than 30-35 kg, you should think again about the advisability of wall mounting it, and if the decision is made, you can strengthen the TV wall by hemming it with a thick plywood sheet.

But what should you do if you really want to hang a TV on the wall, but there are no plans for renovation in the near future, and the plasterboard walls do not inspire confidence? It will be easier to build a small plasterboard ledge with a reinforced wall. This is, of course, relatively dirty work, but quite fast. In addition, you won’t have to break down existing walls.

Brackets for hanging TVs. TVs are mounted on the wall using hinged brackets. Brackets are sold in the same stores where TVs are sold. If you plan to hang it on the wall, buy a bracket along with the TV.

There are different brackets: they differ in the type of TVs installed on them (plasma or LCD) and in the weight of the equipment. The heavier the TV, the more durable the bracket should be. As a rule, the accompanying documents for the brackets indicate the type of equipment, the diagonal of the TV, and its weight. Be sure to follow this information! And, of course, consult with the seller. Most likely, the store where you will buy the TV will select the best suitable bracket for you.

The brackets also differ in the degree of mobility: There are brackets with rigid fixation (fixed), brackets with the ability to adjust tilt/rotation only vertically or only horizontally, and brackets with several possibilities for adjusting tilt and rotation. It must be borne in mind that movable brackets are intended, as a rule, for small TVs. Brackets for heavy TV panels are usually fixed, but more reliable.

If you recently purchased a flat-screen TV, you're probably looking forward to watching a football game or the latest romantic comedy on it. Although some people prefer to place flat-screen TVs on special stands, you can hang it on the wall. It is recommended that you follow the advice of the TV manufacturer (as sometimes people get injured when TVs are dropped incorrectly), and this article gives general idea about the process along with some helpful tips.


Part 1

Preliminary steps

    Check the contents of the box against the list in the TV manual and carefully examine each component for defects. Some brackets may be bent, holes may not be punched (or partially punched), or there may be other defects that you will only discover when you hold the component in your hands.

    • Sometimes the wall mount comes with the wrong size bolts/screws. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will have to replace some parts with parts of larger/smaller diameter or larger/shorter length.
  1. Assemble the bracket before drilling holes for it. Screw the fasteners to the back surface of the TV. Follow the instructions during assembly and make changes if necessary.

    Consider a TV wall placement that best suits your needs. Don't limit your imagination to the current situation in the room - you may want to change it. Consult your family members.

    Think about the cables you need - power and video. You can also connect other devices to the TV, such as a computer, game console, DVD player. Also, think about the devices you'll want to connect to your TV in the future. Your family will be delighted if you connect it to your TV sound system surround sound.

    • You can hide the cables directly in the wall or use special plastic boxes.
    • Sketch out a plan for your home theater on paper and think through what you will do in case something goes wrong. You will need stands, or shelving, or cabinets for plug-in devices, and perhaps a place to store CDs/DVDs. Share the plan with your family members.
  2. Determine the wall structure. Although the walls may look the same, they are actually made from various materials(And different methods). It's possible that your wall includes wood framing (a lattice of vertical wood bars and horizontal studs). You need to check what your wall is made of in order to hang your TV on it correctly. If the wall includes wood framing, continue to the next section. If in the wall wooden frame no, go to the third section.

Part 2

Timber frame wall

    Find a wooden frame in the wall using a discontinuity detector. Some detectors find the edges of the frame, others - its middle. It is important to know what type of detector you have.

    • Some walls include metal framing. To check which frame your wall includes (metal or wood), drill a small hole in an inconspicuous area of ​​the wall.
  1. Use a discontinuity detector to ensure that the frame is level so that you can attach the TV bracket to it. You need to find two vertical posts or two horizontal bars that are located close enough to each other.

    • Once you find these bars/posts, check them again (are they wood?) using a hammer and a small nail.
    • Mark the bars/studs by drawing lines corresponding to them directly on the wall.
  2. Select appropriate place and mark it at the corners of the TV (at the same time, ask someone to hold the TV against the wall, and you yourself move away from it and check whether the TV is positioned correctly). Next, mark the mounting locations of the bracket on the wall, using a tape measure to measure the distance from the edge of the TV to its fasteners.

    • Make sure that the bracket mounting locations (holes) line up with the lines that mark the location of the bars/posts.
  3. Now drill the top holes in the wall to mount the bracket on it. After you have drilled the first hole, use building level to make sure that the second hole will be located on the same horizontal line as the first hole. Mark the second hole, and then double-check that the mark is correct using a spirit level.

    • If you don't want your TV to hang crooked, be sure to use a building level.
  4. Drill the bottom holes in the wall to mount the bracket on it. The bottom holes should be located directly below the two top holes (on the corresponding vertical lines). Mark the bottom holes, and then check the marks are correct using a building level (the bottom holes should also be located on the same horizontal line).

    Attach the bracket to the wall using the drilled holes. The TV will be hanging on a bracket, so make sure it is firmly (and not crooked) attached to the wall.

    • If you apply force when screwing screws into the wall, then everything is in order - you have hit a wooden frame. If the screw screws in very easily, then you have not hit the wooden stud/block; in this case, drill a hole in a different location. It is very important that the bracket is securely attached as it must support the significant weight of the TV.
  5. Place the TV on the bracket. The top parts of the fasteners that you attach to the TV are hooks. Using these hooks, secure the TV to the bracket.

    • There are two bolts at the bottom of the fasteners; tighten them to secure the TV to the bracket.
  6. Double check your work. Step away from the wall and make sure the TV is hanging level, then check that all screws and bolts are tight. If the TV seems to be hanging crookedly, check its horizontal alignment using a building level. If the building level shows that the TV is hanging straight, find out which horizontal line in the room makes you feel like the TV is hanging crookedly. You can re-weight the TV by adjusting for what you see and what the building level shows. Remember that it doesn't really matter what the building level shows, but what matters is how your eyes perceive it.

Part 3

Wall without timber frame

    Screw the fasteners to the back surface of the TV. Before drilling holes in the wall, make sure the mounting hardware on your TV fits the bracket (all wall mounts come with mounting hardware for your TV).

    • To begin, place the TV face down on a soft surface, such as a blanket or pillow.
    • You will see three or four threaded holes on the back of the TV.
    • Place the fasteners on the holes found and screw the bolts into them (the fasteners should be parallel to each other).
    • Secure the bolts with a screwdriver.
  1. Measure the wall and determine where you want to hang the TV. Choose a suitable location and mark it at the corners of the TV. Next, mark the mounting locations of the bracket on the wall, using a tape measure to measure the distance from the edge of the TV to its fasteners.

    Attach the mount (bracket) to the wall. Using a pencil, make marks for future holes. Remove the fastening - there should be marks on the wall for future holes.

After purchasing a TV, the problem of placing it arises. How to hang a TV on the wall? Thanks to this, its position becomes stable, and the large diagonal is easier to reconcile with other objects in the room.

Tools and materials

A small set of tools and auxiliary materials will help you mount the TV on the wall:

  • perforator;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • hammer;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • open-end or spanner wrench;
  • TV bracket with complete mounting hardware;
  • additional screws or butterfly dowels for non-standard base material.

Mounting method

Installing a TV mount

Installation of any modern TV on the wall is carried out according to the same principle. It is based on the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) system. The Flat Display Mounting Interface standard establishes a range of permissible distances between the four threaded sockets on the back of the monitor or TV horizontally and vertically from 75*75 mm to 800*400 mm. Each of them corresponds specific size thread: M4, M6 or M8.

The TV is mounted through an adapter bracket. In the simplest case, it is a curved metal plate with holes for attaching to the back of the device and the wall. But more often, composite brackets with one or several degrees of freedom are used. They allow you to change the tilt of the screen to the vertical, rotate it relative to the wall, and move the device away from it.

When purchasing such a bracket, you need to carefully study the location of the interface connectors on the back of the device. They must not overlap with bracket parts. The mounting system must provide the necessary clearance behind the TV for connection and free placement of wiring plugs.

Most important parameter the fastening device is permissible weight TV. It is possible that among the brackets allowed for a given model there is a VESA hole arrangement required for your TV, but it does not meet the weight requirements. You'll have to choose another one.

There are TV models with holes located not according to the VESA system. The instructions for the device may suggest installing the TV using the original device. But they are noticeably more expensive than universal ones. Finding them on the open market is problematic; you have to order from photos in catalogs.

It is more profitable to choose universal model, Where right size is set by stepless displacement of parts and fixation through oval holes. The location of the threaded sockets not in the same plane is compensated by additional bushings and the selection of longer screws.

Execution of work

The procedure for installing a TV on the wall is extremely simple and can be easily done with your own hands. The support frame of the bracket is placed in the desired location on the wall and is leveled horizontally. Marks are made through holes on the wall. The frame is temporarily set aside.

According to the marks, drilling is carried out with a hammer drill for the complete dowels. The drilling depth is set along the length of the dowels with a small margin. The dowel plugs are driven into the holes with a hammer. The frame is screwed using a key or screwdriver.

For a wall on a wooden base, the frame is attached with self-tapping screws. They must enter the tree at least 30 mm.

To mount a TV on a wall with plasterboard sheathing, you have to use butterfly dowels, which open behind the sheathing when tightened. For reliability, you can increase the number of attachment points.

When the installation location is known even at the stage of repair work, it is worth laying a mortgage made of panel materials behind the plasterboard sheathing.

The arms of the bracket are fixed to the holes with reverse side TV. Next, the bracket parts are assembled, fixed to the wall and the device. Manufacturers try to make this procedure as comfortable as possible. In the general case, the parts are simply hung on top of each other, secured against jumping off by spring-loaded elements or 2 bolts.

Conclusion on the topic

The picture takes on the most harmonious appearance if there are no wires hanging from under the TV. This is achieved by placing the necessary power sockets and interface connections behind it. It is better to lay out sockets with a reserve. This will make it easier to connect additional tuners or any other devices in the future.

It is more convenient when the sockets are located slightly above the mounting bracket. With the usual placement of the TV on the wall, with a slight tilt forward, the sockets provide easy access, and they themselves are out of sight.

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(led TV, 3D HD TV) - these are convenient and modern, but their operation has revealed new problem– how, in addition to installing it on a shelf and bedside table, to install the device, at what height to hang the TV, and what design of fasteners can be used for this. Therefore, the question automatically arose - how to calculate the height that will be comfortable and safe for viewing, and how to calculate the safest distance to the screen. Mathematical calculations are not very appropriate here, but practical tips and advice from professionals will come in handy.

At what height to hang the TV - position calculation

For the sake of comfortable rest and watching TV shows, in fact, a TV is bought, but for each room the height of its placement will be different. Why and at what height is it better to hang the monitor? Watching programs in the kitchen rather turns into listening, so the height of the screen is not very critical, and in the kitchen the television panel is hung above the design height so that it does not interfere with work. This type of mount does not cause discomfort when watching programs.

To decide at what height to hang the TV in the living room, they start from maximum viewing comfort. Medical studies have proven that the most optimal way is to mount the TV so that the distance from the bottom edge of the screen to the floor is 0.75-1 m.

Doctors also give practical advice on how to intuitively calculate the distance from the viewer to the TV screen. To do this, sit in the place from which you plan to watch TV, close your eyes, and after a minute open them. Where your gaze immediately falls is the middle of the screen.

At what height should I hang the TV on the wall in the bedroom? The recommended installation height of the panel will be slightly higher than in the hall or living room, and you can determine the placement point of the device in the same way as with previous version solutions only while lying on the bed. The main rule when calculating the mounting height of a television panel is your viewing comfort.

IN modern models TVs, the picture does not flicker and the screen does not emit electromagnetic waves, that is, it does not pose a danger to the eyes. Therefore, watch LCD or plasma TV possible at any convenient distance, and installing the TV on the wall is possible in any case. But the optimal ratio of the TV diagonal (diagonal is the distance between the corners of the screen) and the distance from it to the viewers’ eyes still exists. The distance that doctors recommend setting when watching TV is 3-4 times the diagonal size of the device. Therefore, when purchasing, proceed from the size of the room in which the TV will be located.

Nowadays television receivers have different screen resolutions. HDTV receivers are televisions with a resolution of 1080p, which transmit images much clearer and brighter than devices with a resolution of 720p. Therefore, when choosing and purchasing an LED or 3D panel, take into account the screen resolution.

  1. When calculating at what height to hang a TV in the living room, the distance to the TV receiver with a resolution of 720p should be equal to the screen diagonal size multiplied by a factor of 2.3.
  2. The distance from a 1080p TV to the viewer should be equal to the screen diagonal size multiplied by a factor of 1.56.

The distance comfortable for the eyes from the plasma panel is from three to four screen diagonals, for a liquid crystal monitor - from two to three diagonals.

Example: It is recommended to watch a 42-inch TV at a distance of 84-126 (for LCD model) or 126-168 inches (for plasma model), or 210-320 cm and 320-430 cm.

At what height should you hang the TV in the living room?

When placing a TV in a living room or living room, take into account how many people will be watching it. To figure out the best place for the TV, consult everyone, but do not forget about scientific approach. If you intend to install the TV on the wall in the living room and watch it from a chair or on the sofa, then it is best to hang the panel at a height of about a meter (0.7-1.4 m), based on the arithmetic average height of all family members.

If you have not yet purchased a TV, then you have good opportunity for an experiment: take a poster the size of your future TV, and using the “scientific poke” method, find the optimal panel height that is suitable for all family members.

If the living room is large, then install the TV low from the floor level - this will make it more convenient for everyone to watch the screen - both children on the floor and adults on the sofa or in armchairs. From height upholstered furniture in the living room, the recommended height for mounting a shelf or bracket under the TV panel is calculated. That is, the higher the sofa or armchairs, the higher the TV should be installed.

At what height should you hang the TV in the bedroom?

In any room, the height of the TV mount depends on the size of the furniture on which you will watch the TV. Therefore, at what height to hang a TV in the bedroom depends on the size (height) of the bed. How to calculate height? Just as in the previous case, the installation height of the TV in the bedroom is determined as follows: lie on the bed in a position that is comfortable for you (as if you are looking at the TV screen) and close your eyes, and after a minute open them. Where your gaze immediately falls is where the center of the screen should be.

Practice shows that in the bedroom the TV must be hung higher than in the living room, so apply one more rule here: the angle of deviation from the center of the screen to the viewer’s eyes should not be more than 30 0. This rule is recommended to prevent curvature of the spine.

Special fasteners for brackets, which come complete with hanging shelves or brackets, are very helpful for adjusting the deflection angle. These mounts change the angle of the screen plane. It is recommended to use brackets that adjust the TV body in two planes.

What height is needed to install a TV in the kitchen?

In the kitchen, maintaining a comfortable TV installation height (the middle part of the screen should be at eye level) is difficult due to the usually small area of ​​the room. In addition, cooking leaves almost no time for watching, and usually people listen to TV. Hence the question: at what height from the floor should I hang the TV in the kitchen?

An LCD TV with a TFT matrix in the kitchen is great, since it has a wide viewing angle horizontally with an almost imperceptible decrease in contrast. But changing the viewing angle vertically will lead to darkness (rotate down) or brighten the screen (rotate up). Therefore, at what distance it is optimal to place the monitor in the kitchen is obvious: at the height from which TV is most often watched, and this can be structurally solved by rotating the bracket for each case. Adjusting the angle of rotation with the bracket will allow you to adjust the angle of inclination and viewing, which means you can watch the TV from any position.

How and at what height to hang a TV in a brick house. The video shows how to securely mount a Vogels wall mount with detailed instructions for assembly and installation of brackets. Place of installation: old building, brick walls, a decrepit layer of plaster. The wall is crumbling, so for strength, a couple of additional holes were made for attaching the bracket.

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