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Water lily: description of the plant, variety and cultivation. Appearance, habitat and reproduction of the white water lily or water lily

Water lilies, or nymphs, are aquatic plants from the genus of perennial herbaceous plants. They belong to the water lily or nymphaeaceae family. The genus of these plants is distributed in the temperate and tropical zones of the northern and southern hemispheres. Species that bloom especially beautifully are used for cultural purposes.

Features of water lily

In the family is about fifty species, which grow in places with running water, but a slow flow. Water lilies are very widespread, from tropical-equatorial latitudes to the forest-tundra belt. There are species that winter in freezing waters.

If you look at the water lilies in the photographs, you will see that their stems are powerful rhizomes that can be immersed horizontally in the ground or have the appearance of a tuber. They go down from the tuber or rhizome nodes a large number of anchor roots, which, in turn, hold the water lily in the substrate, and leaves and flower stalks grow towards the surface.

There are big differences between underwater leaves and those that float on the surface. The underwater leaves have a broadly lanceolate, filmy shape and look like a cap, which serves to hide the buds and developing above-water leaves. The above-water part of the plant appears on the surface only in summer. The emergent leaves are heart-shaped, rounded or elliptical in shape, with a pronounced basal notch and a dense, leathery surface. The size depends on the type and variety. The color is also varied - green, reddish-burgundy and even variegated, which is why the popularity of using them for decoration is growing.

Passes through all vegetative parts of the plant many air channels. This allows the water lily to both breathe and stay afloat. In addition, the canals contain many sclereid cells. It is still not known for certain what they are intended for. Some say that the plant should not be eaten by snails, others that they strengthen the tissues of the water lily to protect it from damage.

Flowering nymphs

Water lilies bloom in different time, depending on the place of growth. Pictures that are distributed on the Internet give an idea of ​​the beauty of blooming water lilies. Northern plants begin to bloom in early summer, and southern ones in late spring. All nymphs have an interesting feature: they close their flowers in the evening or morning and submerge them under water.

In inclement weather they may not appear on the surface at all. The flower of the water lily (as it is popularly called) has a regular symmetrical shape and grows singly. This is clearly visible in the pictures. It has a long flexible peduncle and a double perianth. The size ranges from three to thirty centimeters, depending on the species. The flower exudes strong aroma which attracts insects.

White water lily propagation

Flower propagation is unique and happens as follows:

  • The pollinated flower sinks to the bottom, where the berry-shaped multi-seeded leaflet fruit ripens.
  • It contains about one and a half thousand small, black seeds, which, after the berry collapses, rush to the surface, as they have a mucous membrane and special floats.
  • For some time they float on the surface of the water, where they are carried by the current or eaten by birds and fish because of their resemblance to caviar.
  • The surviving seeds germinate and sink to the bottom.

It is worth noting that propagation by seeds is not the only and far from the main method of propagating nymphs. They mainly reproduce by rhizomes.

  • White.
  • Yellow.
  • Red.
  • Golden.
  • Water lily "Victoria".

The white water lily (see photo in the gallery) is one of the few winter-hardy nymphs. IN natural conditions grows in open areas European, Asian and African reservoirs. leaves white flower large, up to thirty centimeters, dark green in color and milky white flowers, with a light aroma and up to fifteen centimeters in diameter.

Snow-white nymphea (pictures below) – grows in the area middle zone Russia, strongly resembles the species described above. The differences are in the shape of the leaf and the flower is slightly smaller but has a strong aroma.

Planting and fertilizing nymphs

The best time to plant water lilies is beginning of May, all summer and all September. It is permissible to plant the flower directly into the substrate at the bottom of the reservoir, and in small tanks it is very convenient to plant it in containers. With this planting, it is easier to replant or remove for the winter. It is better to plant in low, wide containers with drainage slits.

When planting water lilies sludge is used, taken at the bottom of any reservoir, although this does not play a big role. Old compost mixed with coarse sand and garden soil is more effective. Will serve as fertilizer bone flour, which is usually mixed with soil to prevent it from being washed away by water. Although in this case it quickly turns into minerals, dissolves in water and eventually leads to its flowering. Perfect option- This is to mix fertilizers with clay and place them under the rhizomes.

White water lily flower

Water lily is a genus of herbaceous aquatic plants from the water lily family. Their natural habitat is standing or slowly flowing fresh water in subtropical and temperate climates. The plant is found on Far East, Urals, Central Asia, Russia, Belarus and neighboring countries. In addition to the usual name, it is called “ water lily", "child of the sun" or "nymphea". The water lily is shrouded in various legends. According to one of them, the white nymph turned into a water flower because of her unrequited love for Hercules. According to other beliefs, every flower has an elf friend. You should definitely decorate your own small pond with this flower, because in addition to aesthetic pleasure, the owner receives a lot of health and household benefits.

Appearance of the plant

Water lily is an aquatic perennial with a long horizontal rhizome. It clings to the silt and grows deeper with shorter vertical shoots. The thickness of the cord-like horizontal roots is about 5 cm. Large petiolate leaves grow from the buds at the nodes of the stem. Some of them may be located in the water column, but most are located on the surface. The heart-shaped, almost rounded leaf plate is distinguished by its high density. Its size is 20-30 cm in diameter. The edges of the leaves are whole, and the surface can be one-color or two-color: green, brown, pinkish, light green.

In May-June the first flowers begin to appear. The flowering period can last until frost, although single flower lives only 3-4 days. In the evening, the petals close, the peduncle shortens and pulls the flower under water. In the morning the reverse process occurs. Usually the corolla consists of 4 sepals, which are similar to petals, but are more saturated in color. Behind them, in several rows, are large oval petals with a pointed edge. The color of the petals can be white, cream, pink or red. The latter develop into smaller flattened stamens. A pistil is visible at the very core. The diameter of a water lily flower is 6-15 cm. The flowers exude a pleasant aroma of varying intensity.

After pollination, the peduncle contracts and curls, carrying the ripening fruit underwater in the form of an oblong seed pod. After final ripening, the walls open, releasing small seeds covered with thick mucus. At first they are on the surface, and when the mucus is completely washed away, they sink to the bottom and germinate.

Due to the deterioration of the ecological situation, siltation and shallowing of water bodies, the number of water lilies has greatly decreased. The population decline was also influenced by the extermination of plants for medicinal purposes. Some species, for example, white water lily, are already included in the Red Book.

Types of water lilies

According to the latest data, the Water Lily genus includes more than 40 plant species.

Water lily snow-white (pure white). The inhabitant of Central Russian ponds is distinguished by a particularly powerful root system with tuberous growths on the rhizome. Fleshy petioles carry leaves and flowers to the surface of the water. Solid bright green leaves on the surface of the water are 20-25 cm wide. They have rounded shape with a dissection at the place of attachment of the petiole. The first buds open at the end of May or beginning of June, they replace each other until late autumn. Maximum amount flowers are observed in the second half of summer. Snow-white fragrant flowers with a diameter of 10-15 cm consist of several rows of pointed ovoid petals and a lush core with yellow stamens.

Plants live in Eurasia and North Africa. Quite large leaves reach a width of 30 cm, but have a disproportionate structure of the plate. At the beginning of summer, creamy-white flowers with a diameter of about 15 cm bloom. Larger petals are located in the outer circle, and towards the center they gradually become smaller and turn into several rows of stamens.

The inhabitant of northern Siberia has very modest dimensions. The diameter of its pinkish-white flowers does not exceed 5 cm.

A group of decorative water lilies bred specifically for use in the garden. The reason for this is poor survival wild plants in culture. The most popular varieties:

  • Alba is a plant 40-100 cm high with large snow-white flowers;
  • Rosea - large corollas with a pink cup and pale pink petals bloom on shoots 0.2-1 m long;
  • Gold Medal – golden flowers with many narrow petals located on a shoot up to 1 m long;
  • James Brydon – terry cherry whisks small size consist of wide and round petals, they grow on a stem up to 1 m long;
  • Blue Beauty - Large green leaves surround flowers with blue petals and a golden center.

The color of flowers of species water lilies is usually dominated by shades of white or Pink colour, however, some claim to have seen a yellow water lily. Such a plant does exist, but belongs to a different genus - Capsule. The genera are very similar in leaf structure and habitat. Both belong to the same family. At the same time, the flowers have a more modest size and do not exceed 4-6 cm in diameter. The petals themselves are wider and rounder.

Features of reproduction

Propagating water lilies is very difficult. Even for an experienced gardener, not every attempt will be crowned with success. Seed propagation is usually possible only in natural environment in the south of the country.

The best result is shown vegetative methods. To do this, you need to remove the rhizome and cut it into pieces so that each section has at least one bud. The cut areas need to be sprinkled charcoal. All manipulations must be carried out quickly enough, because the plant does not tolerate drying out the roots. It is placed in a container with water and sludge. If there are several leaves on a piece, some of them should be removed so as not to weaken the plant.

Secrets of care

The use of decorative water lilies is great solution For small bodies of water. They grow best in well-lit, open place, but can also develop in slight shade. In full shade the plant will not die, but you may not see flowers. To prevent the entire surface of the water from becoming covered with vegetation, 1-4 m² of reservoir must be allocated for each specimen. Water lilies grow best in still, calm water or with little current. Constant seething is contraindicated for them, so plants near the fountain will die.

Planting is carried out in May-June. Although you can place the root directly on the bottom of the reservoir, it is more convenient to plant the nymph in a bucket or large plastic container. For the winter, the plant can be removed so that it does not freeze in a shallow, completely frozen pond. Soil mixture consist of the following components:

  • peat;
  • garden soil;
  • river sand;
  • compost.

The growing point should remain on the surface when planting. To prevent the soil from floating up and the seedlings from being washed away, the surface is weighted with pebbles. The depth of immersion depends on the height of the particular variety. It can be only 20 cm or reach 1 m. First, the container with the plant is placed in a shallow part so that leaves appear faster. As they grow, the water lily is immersed deeper and deeper. Such movements are possible only during the growing season. With the appearance of buds, fluctuations in water level are contraindicated.

Nymphea needs feeding. Bone meal can serve as a fertilizer for it. It is mixed with clay and formed into balls. They are immersed in the soil near the roots.

When planting, it is necessary to take into account the degree of winter hardiness of the varieties. Some of them are preserved even in severe frosts. Most often this high grades in a spacious pond. Otherwise, the container with the water lily is removed and transferred to a fairly cold and dark room, and in early spring After the ice melts, it is returned to the pond. Rare night frosts will not harm the plant.

Water lilies are not afraid of diseases; they have a very strong immune system. In extreme heat, aphids can settle on a plant in a body of water that is too shallow. The harm it does to the entire water lily is small, but the flowers may fall off without opening. The succulent leaves also attract snails. The use of insecticides can lead to poisoning of the entire reservoir, so it is better to use mechanical methods pest removal. The snails are collected, and the aphids are washed off with a stream of water.

Medicinal properties

All parts of the plant contain a large amount of active substances, such as starch, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, fatty oils, proteins, tannins, alkaloids, and glycosides. The crushed raw material is brewed and taken orally to combat headaches, amenorrhea, insomnia, hepatitis, and spasms. Bladder, diarrhea, with tumors. External use of the decoction helps get rid of inflammation on the skin.

Many active substances in excess they do more harm to the body than they do good. They should not be abused; it is best to take the drugs under the supervision of a doctor. Also contraindications are allergies and a tendency to hypotension.

From the family of water lilies or nymphaeaceae, they are common in water bodies of the temperate and tropical zones of both hemispheres. Some beautiful flowering species used in culture.

  • Family: water lilies.
  • Homeland: grow all over the world.
  • Rhizome: powerful, with numerous long roots.
  • Stem: transformed into a rhizome or tuber.
  • Leaves: petiolate, of various shapes and sizes depending on the species.
  • Fetus: multileaf, ripening under water.
  • Reproductive capacity: propagates vegetatively by rhizomes, less often by seeds.
  • Illumination: photophilous.
  • Watering: no (aquatic plant).
  • Content temperature: There are winter-hardy and heat-loving species.
  • Flowering duration: from late spring until frost.

General description of the water lily flower

The genus includes about 50 species that grow in flowing bodies of water with slow flowing water. Their distribution area is extremely wide, covering regions from the tropics of the equator to the forest-tundra belt of Scandinavia, Russia, and Canada; some representatives can winter even in completely frozen water bodies.

Water lily flower in the photo

As can be seen in the photo, water lilies are aquatic plants whose stems have turned into powerful rhizomes, either horizontally immersed in the bottom soil, or having the appearance of a tuber. Numerous cord-like anchor roots extend down from the tubers or nodes of rhizomes, holding the nymph in the ground, and petiolate leaves and peduncles grow upward.

The underwater part of the water lily in the photo

Underwater leaves are very different in shape and structure from those floating on the surface; they are broadly lanceolate, membranous, rolled into a cap, under which flower buds and developing above-water leaves are hidden. The latter appear in the summer, emerging from the depths of the reservoir in the form of tubes on long petioles, only opening completely at the top. The leaf plates of winter-hardy water lilies are located directly on the water, while those of tropical water lilies are raised above its surface. Their shape is usually heart-shaped, round or elliptical, with a pronounced basal notch; the surface is dense, leathery, and has a waxy coating, which makes it not wetted by water. The sizes vary depending on the species and variety, the color can be green, reddish-burgundy or even variegated, which greatly contributes to the popularity of representatives of the genus as ornamental plants.

Elastic petioles allow the leaves to move freely under the influence of currents or wind. Their length depends on the depth of the reservoir and ensures the most rational placement of sheet plates on its surface. When the water level decreases, when the plant finds itself practically on dry land, the petioles become thick and short, no more than 20 cm long, and the leaves bend upward along the edge.

All vegetative parts are penetrated by air channels, which not only provide them with breathing, but also allow the water lily to stay on the surface. In addition, in the cavity of the canals there are clusters of stony cells (sclereids) of a branched-stellate shape, which, according to one version, protect plants from being eaten by snails; according to another, they serve to strengthen tissues, protecting them from mechanical damage.

Flowering of water lilies (nymphs) in the northern regions usually begins in June, in the south - in May. The lifespan of one flower is about 4 days. They have an interesting feature of closing in the evening or morning hours, plunging into water, and in cloudy weather they may not appear on the surface at all.

Water lily flower in the photo

The water lily flower is single, bisexual, of regular symmetrical shape, with a long flexible peduncle and a double perianth, in which there are 4-5 large green sepals and many smaller imbricated petals. Its diameter varies depending on the species, in the largest specimens it reaches 30 cm, in the miniature ones it does not exceed 3 cm. The coloring is also very diverse. Most water lilies growing in the middle zone are white, but in the tropics there are species with pink, yellow, cream, purple, blue and light blue petals. In the center of the flower cup there are several pistils and numerous large yellow or orange stamens, gradually turning into petals.

The popular name for the water lily is water lily, given to it not only for the shape and beauty of the flower, but also for its intense aroma that attracts numerous insects. Basically, the pollination function is performed by beetles, climbing into the flower bed, they eat pollen, leaving some of it on their legs and then transferring it to another plant. Beetles often spend the night inside a bowl, which closes in the evening and goes under water, and rises to the surface again in the morning.

Water lily propagation

After pollination, the flower sinks to the bottom, where a berry-shaped multi-seeded leaflet fruit ripens. It contains up to 1.5 thousand small black seeds, which, after the destruction of the berry, float to the surface, since they are equipped with a mucous membrane and special spongy floater appendages. They float on the water for some time, and during this time they are carried away by the current, or, since they resemble caviar in appearance, they are eaten by birds and fish. The remaining ones then sink to the bottom of the reservoir and germinate there.

Note that the seed method of reproduction is not the main one for water lilies; most of them reproduce through rhizomes, and some, such as the African small-flowered water lily (N.micrantha), are even considered viviparous; young plants grow from a bulb formed at the point of leaf attachment to the petiole.

All water lilies are amphibious plants and can grow both in water and on land, even when the reservoir dries out significantly.

Types: white, yellow, red, gold and Victoria water lily

Most water lilies are tropical and subtropical crops and can only exist where the water temperature in the reservoir is not lower than 25 °C.

White water lily

There are fewer winter-hardy species; for example, only three grow in Russia: white, pure white and small water lilies.

Despite the heat-loving nymphs, the beauty of these spectacular plants led to interest in them from flower growers around the world, and in the middle of the 19th century, work began on breeding varieties adapted to exist in open waters of the temperate zone. Over 30 years, more than 50 hybrids of water lilies were created, water lilies appeared in decorative ponds Versailles and the greenhouses of the English Queen. The main credit for this belongs to the French botanist Joseph Bory Latour-Marliac, who developed the first hybrid in 1877, and subsequently created a number of wonderful ornamental varieties, which are still widely grown throughout the world. After his death in 1911, work on the hybridization of nymphs practically ceased, and only recently new cultivars of American selection began to appear on the market.

Rhizome species and varieties of water lilies

In order to take into account the specific requirements of plants when ornamental breeding, all types of water lilies are usually divided into groups in accordance with the structure of the root system. According to this classification, rhizomatous, tuberous, conditionally stolon and conditionally rhizomatous water lilies are distinguished.

Rhizomatous species that produce shoots along the entire length of a powerfully developed rhizome include water lilies:

White (N. alba), naturally growing in open waters of Europe. Asia and North Africa, with large ones, up to 30 cm, dark- green leaves and milky white, up to 15 cm in diameter, slightly fragrant flowers. Natural (white) and garden forms: red N. Alba-rubra and soft pink N. Alba-rosea.

Snow white or pure white (N. candida), common in central Russia, very similar to the previous species, slightly different in the shape of the leaves and slightly smaller (up to 12 cm) size of the flowers, which have a more intense aroma.

Small or tetrahedral (N. tetragona), found in northern reservoirs of the middle zone and in Siberia. Smaller, with leaves up to 8 cm in size and flowers up to 5 cm in diameter.

Two North American water lilies belong to the same group:

tuberous (N. tuberosa), large, with white flowers and horizontal rhizomes on which tuberous growths form. In cultivation it is grown in reservoirs with a depth of at least 1 m; there is a pink form with red stamens N. Tuberose Rosea and a large snow-white N. Tuberose Richardsonii, both are suitable only for a large reservoir or lake.

Fragrant (N. odorata), with very fragrant white flowers up to 15 cm in diameter and bright green leaves. Exist dwarf varieties: yellow Sulphurea, white Minor, and medium-sized: pink Rosea, pure white Alba.

Rhizomatous species are cold-resistant and can overwinter in open waters. Based on them, numerous hybrids have been created, suitable for temperate climates, which are usually divided by size: small and large.

Popular among small ones:

White (Pygmaea alba), a profusely flowering dwarf water lily with flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter;

Orange (Sioux) with pointed petals, and the more compact Aurora, both have flowers that start out yellow, then become orange-pink, and finally red;

Yellow water lilies (Sunrise), one of the best varieties, with flowers up to 20 cm in diameter, and Australian Moorei with less abundant flowering;

Red water lily (Pygmaea rubra).

Pale pink (Marliacea Rosea) with fragrant bright flowers.

Large water lilies differ in the size of flowers (at least 15 cm) and leaves, which can occupy an area of ​​up to 2 m2. This:

White (Gladstoniana), a flower with a diameter of up to 30 cm, for a lake or large pond;

Yellow (Marliacea Chromatella), or "Golden Cup" water lily, as it is called in England, reliable and abundant flowering variety with bright large (up to 18 cm) flowers,

Red (Escarboucle), the most beautiful of the red water lilies, up to 30 cm in diameter, reliably blooming.

Tuberous ornamental species and hybrids of water lilies

Species belonging to the groups of tuberous, conditionally rhizomatous and conditionally stolonous water lilies, in temperate latitudes do not overwinter; during the cold period they must be removed from the ground.

Tuberous varieties form tubers at the points at which young plants form.

These are numerous heat-loving species of various colors:

Blue water lily (N. Caerulea)

Red water lily (N. rubra)

Cape water lily (N. capensis) with lilac-blue flowers

Tiger water lily or Egyptian lotus (N. lotus)

White water lily with spotted leaves.

A number of hybrids have been created on their basis:

White water lily (Tigroides)

Pink water lily (James Gurney)

Lilac water lily (Midnight)

A representative of the conditionally rhizomatous group is small-flowered water lily (N. micrantha), which, like all plants from the group, reproduces in nature only by seeds.

There are several heat-loving hybrids blue (Daubeniana Hort) And purple (King of the Blues) colors that reproduce vegetatively.

The last, conditionally stolon group includes tropical plants, the maternal rhizomes of which form descending shoots. New tubers form at their ends; in the spring they produce ascending stolons, from which new rhizomes are formed, and then leaves and buds.

Representative - Mexican water lily (N. Mexicana), its heat-loving hybrid Sulphurea is grown in greenhouses or heated ponds.

In conclusion, we note that the largest in the world flowering plant- exactly the water lily. Victoria amazonica or Victoria regia(Victoria amazonica or Victoria regia), a separate genus of the water lily family, a giant aquatic flower whose leaves reach 3 m in size, is found in the shallow waters of the Amazon, where the depth does not exceed 2 m. Its large water lilies, up to 35 cm in diameter, bloom once a year, emerging to the surface only at night. Flowering lasts two days, while the color of the petals constantly changes, they become white, then pink, and finally red or even crimson-violet. This is one of the most rare plants on the planet is currently widely cultivated in greenhouses.

Description of White Water Lily (Water Lily) .

  • Literary names of the plant: White water lily;
  • Latin (botanical) name of the plant: Nymphaea alba;
  • Generic name of the plant: Nymphaea;
  • Common names of the plant: White lily, White nymph, Water lily, Nymphea.

This is one of the most beautiful aquatic plants, a symbol of purity and mercy. With its appearance it made people think about themselves. Each place where the Water Lily grew had its own ideas about its origin.

Thanks to its features, it is used both in official and in folk medicine. The same in decorative purposes on various artificial and natural reservoirs. On various ones you can examine all the features of the structure and appreciate its beauty.

The water lily belongs to the water lily or nymphaeaceae family; it is a perennial aquatic herbaceous floating plant, located along the banks of fresh water bodies, reaching 3 m in height. Thanks to its useful medicinal properties, White water lily (Water lily) is a medicinal plant. The white water lily (Water lily) is a plant unique in its beauty, every person will find something of their own in it, warmth, cold, joy and disappointment, it has many faces and this is its charm.

Stem, erect (more precisely, directly floating), rounded in cross-section, dense in composition, which does not allow it to break loose when strong wind or flow (does not allow additional stems). The stem stretches from the underwater rhizome to the surface of the water; leaves do not form on the stem; it grows separately. The stem, depending on age, can have colors from burgundy-green to light green.

Leaves simple, floating on the surface of the reservoir, rich dark green in color (the lower part of the leaf can have a color from green to burgundy green), heart-shaped, can reach 35 cm in diameter. The petiole, as long as the water lily itself, connects the leaf and rhizome of the plant. The composition of the petiole is the same dense as that of the stem, only rhombic or rounded-rhombic in shape.

Flowers, lily flowers are large, bright white, rich in color, solitary, quite large, can reach 20 cm in diameter. The calyx of a flower with a rounded base often consists of 4-5 petals. The petals are numerous, located along the entire contour of the flower, and are matte white. The stamens of the flower are bright yellow. The White Lily flower has its own peculiarity: it opens only in clear sunny weather in the morning, and also, when the sun goes down, it closes in the evening at a certain time. The plant blooms from late June to early September. The white water lily flower itself has a delicate, weak aroma.

Fruit, the plant blooms almost all summer (from June half to early September), the fruits of the water lily are green, spherical, ripen under water by the end of August - beginning of September. Appearance is the shape of a jug, hence the Russian name of the plant, like Yellow Water Lilies.

Root system, the rhizome of the Water Lily takes root well in the silt of the reservoir. The rhizome is thick, white (dark brown), creeping with dark scars, covered with the remains of leaf petioles, takes roots well in the mud of a reservoir. Throughout the rhizome there is a system of air channels designed to allow the plant to breathe and gives strength to the plant tissues, making the plant less susceptible to rupture.

White water lily (Water lily) reproduces, seeds and rhizomes (the rhizomes of the plant persist).

Water lily is a light-loving, aquatic plant that grows only in aquatic environment fresh water bodies. When in water, it tolerates any weather during its growing season. Grows mainly on silty soils.

The water lily is a medicinal, cultivated plant, it is used in medicine, and also because of its bright and beautiful flowers it is used as ornamental plant. Like most nymphaeans, they are poisonous, which requires caution when collecting and consuming them. pure form only after consulting a doctor.

Places of distribution of White water lily (Water lily)

Medicinal plant found a very wide distribution in reservoirs of the forest and steppe zones. The white water lily grows in Europe (Western and Eastern), Southern, Western and Eastern Siberia, and Central Asia. Currently White lily also grown as an ornamental plant in ponds, small reservoirs on their land plots. In nature, the white water lily grows in fresh waters lakes, rivers, ponds. The water lily is a very hardy plant, and even with a strong drop in the water level in the reservoir, it will grow, bloom and bear fruit.

White water lily (Water lily) is listed in the red books.

The medicinal plant was brought into their:
- Republic of Adygea;
- Republic of Armenia;
- Republic of Belarus;
- Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vologda region, Ivanovo region, Leningrad region, Lipetsk region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Novgorod region, Rostov region, Samara Region, Saratov region, Tver region, Yaroslavl region;
- The Republic of Dagestan;
- The Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Krasnodar region;
- Republic of Lithuania;
- The Republic of Moldova;
- Stavropol region;
- Republic of Tatarstan;
- Ukraine: Donetsk region, Transcarpathian region, Lviv region, Nikolaev region, Poltava region, Sumy region, Ternopil region, Kharkov region, Chernivtsi region;
- Chuvash Republic.

In many regions, the Water Lily is listed in the Red Books and for this reason the plant should be treated very carefully so that this beauty does not disappear due to human carelessness.

The beautiful white lilies that appear on the surface of the pond have inspired artists and poets throughout the centuries. The subtle beauty of water lilies surprises and amazes the imagination. It's hard to believe that these flowers can be grown in...

Water lily, or Nymphaea (Nymphaea) is a genus of perennial aquatic plants of the water lily family (Nymphaeaceae). Includes about 50 species. White water lilies are called water lilies. Nymphs are ubiquitous and can be found in wildlife both hemispheres. Nymphs live in bodies of water temperate zone, in the cold lakes of Scandinavia and Siberia, they are also found in the tropics.

Some beautifully flowering types of water lilies are used in culture.

The rhizome of nymphea is powerful, with numerous long roots. In adult water lilies, tubers form in the roots. The rhizome is located horizontally in the silt at the bottom of the reservoir, thin roots go into the bottom soil, securely holding the plant.

Nymphea leaves on long petioles rise vertically. Some of them remain underwater, but there are also surface ones. Leaves appear above water in summer and are round, elliptical or rounded-heart-shaped in shape. The surface is dense, leathery, and not wetted by water. The color is green, reddish-green, brown-green or even variegated. The leaf blades of temperate water lilies lie on the surface of the water, while the leaves of heat-loving tropical nymphs rise above the water. The size of the leaves depends on the type of plant.

Nymphaea "Escarboucle"

Nymphaea "Paul Hariot"

Water lily flowers on long stalks form under water. When the time for flowering comes, they appear on the surface, striking with their perfect beauty. The length of peduncles, as well as leaf petioles, depends on the depth of the reservoir. They are elastic and flexible, leaves and flowers can move along the surface under the influence of current and wind. Another interesting feature is that the flowers can close in the morning or evening and submerge in water. On some days, when it rains, for example, they do not appear on the surface at all.

Nymphaea "Bama Bound"

Nymphaea "White Sultan"

The nymphea flower is single, the diameter depends on the species, from 3 to 30 cm. The petals form a cup, in the center of which there are several pistils and numerous large yellow or orange stamens. The coloring is very varied. In the wild in temperate climates, most water lilies are white or pinkish-lilac in color. In the warm waters of the tropics there are species with cream, pink, yellow, lilac, blue and violet petals. Decorative garden nymphs can delight you with a very rich palette of colors.

Nymphaea Nymphaea "Midnight"

Nymphaea "Pink Sensation"

In northern reservoirs, water lilies bloom in June, in the south - at the end of spring. The lifespan of one flower is about 4 days. They are pollinated by insects, the seeds ripen under water, after ripening they float and are carried by the current. After some time, they settle to the bottom and germinate there.

Using nymphs in landscape design

Decorative ponds have long ceased to be exotic; it is not difficult to arrange a small artificial pond in the garden of your home or dacha. Among aquatic plants, the water lily is undoubtedly in first place. This is not only a beautiful plant, but also a very useful one for ponds. Nymphea absorb a lot of organic matter, helping to reduce algae growth in ponds and lakes. It purifies the water, preventing it from blooming.

For planting in a pond, varieties are selected taking into account the depth of the reservoir:

  • dwarf and small – flower diameter 5–15 cm, planting depth from 10–15 to 50 cm;
  • medium – flower diameter 15–18 cm, water depth – 30–60 cm;
  • large - flowers with a diameter of 18–25 cm, planting depth 50–100 cm.

To highlight the beauty of water lilies, experts recommend leaving at least half of the water surface free. You should not plant many nymphs in one pond at once. They grow quickly, become smaller, and flowering becomes more and more rare. The entire surface of the pond will be covered with leaves, which is not particularly beautiful.

It is better not to mix water lilies of different colors in one group. If nymphs are planted in the pond different sizes and shade, then be sure to separate them with a section of water surface.

Lighting. Nympheas light-loving plants, the pond should be illuminated by the sun at least several hours a day.

Landing. The water lily can be planted in bottom soil, and if the pond is small, then it is most convenient to place it in ordinary flower pot, lattice basket or other container and lower it to the bottom of the reservoir. small pond They clean it more often; it’s much easier to get the pot out when changing the water. The soil in the container with the nymph rhizome must be sprinkled on top with a layer of pebbles or crushed stone so that the soil does not float up and pollute the water in the pond.

The soil. Water lilies love good nutritious soil, their active growth and regular lush flowering. It is desirable that the soil is sufficiently viscous. For example: garden soil and clay in proportion (3:1). It is useful to add humus.

Fertilizer. Typically, aquatic plants are not fertilized. Decomposed organic matter is enough for them. But there are also special fertilizers on sale for pond plants that slowly dissolve in water. They are recommended to be placed in clay balls and placed under plants when transplanting.

Trimming. In summer, only yellowed leaves and faded flowers are pruned. It is also advisable to cut
pedicels, and leaf petioles at the base of the bush so that they do not rot in water.

Reproduction. Garden nymphs are propagated by dividing the rhizomes. Best time for this it is spring. It is better to remove the bushes from the water and divide them on a cloudy day so that the sun does not burn the plants. Perform all work with gloves.

The roots of nymphs are very long and fragile. They are easily damaged, but in general they take root well after transplantation. An old water lily may have a large tuber with several rosettes of leaves. They divide it with a knife so that all the sockets contain part of the tuber.

After transplantation, young nymphs are immersed in a pond for different depths. The immersion depth must be such that upper leaves reached the surface of the water. You can place a stone or an inverted empty pot under a container with a water lily, and as soon as it begins to grow and produce new leaves, it is gradually lowered to a greater depth.

Wintering. Wintering water lilies is not a simple matter. Common wild water lilies overwinter well in mud under ice. If a hybrid nymph, whose ancestors were heat-loving species, lives in a garden pond, then it may not survive the winter. In addition, a garden pond is often shallow and completely frozen. And even more often it is plastic container, from which all the water is drained for the winter.
Therefore, in the fall, gardeners are concerned with an important question: what is the best way to overwinter the rhizomes of nymphs growing in a small frozen pond?

If the depth of the pond is 60 cm or more, the water is not drained for the winter, then cold-resistant water lilies can overwinter in the pond. It is important that the pond is completely filled with water before frost. In severe winters, the water can freeze to the very bottom, but plants of winter-hardy native species can survive the winter in such conditions. Helpful advice: when the pond mirror is completely frozen, you can throw snow on it from the paths. Such a “coat” will protect the pond from complete freezing and fill it with water with the onset of spring.

Perhaps the easiest way to store nymphs is to overwinter the rhizomes in the basement. In the fall, containers with water lilies are removed from the pond, old leaves are removed, placed in thick plastic bags and transferred to the basement or cellar. The bags are not closed; there must be air access from above. They are needed for ease of movement and retention of moisture at the roots.

With the onset of spring, you will notice that plants begin to grow even in the basement. If it is still too cold outside, you can place the plants in a bucket of water and move them to a cool room (porch, barn) to slow down their development until favorable times arrive. To speed up growth and achieve early flowering in the spring, they are transferred to light and warmth.

There is also an interesting way of wintering. If you have absolutely nowhere to store the water lily, you can use the old way preserving vegetables in a hole under the snow. A plastic bucket with rhizomes is lowered into a narrow deep hole (about 80 cm) dug in the ground. It is better to take the water lily rhizome along with the silt, fill it with water, but there should be air above it. A ceiling is made over the pit from old boards and everything is covered with excavated earth. For ventilation, insert a bunch of dry stems or an old broom under the ceiling at an angle. Surprisingly, such wintering often turns out to be quite successful. This is better than keeping a nymph in a warm apartment in winter.

Decorate your ponds with beautiful water lilies!